Christopher Sign: when white people first experience “gang stalking”by highly organized mobs of “cultural” stalkers and trolls–a WTF moment turns to “forced suicide,” and remembrance of the FBI’s target, Jean Seberg

When the white, Protestant/Mormon FBI and their helpers in the “Hollywood mafia* “stalked actress Jean Seberg to death, they did it across continents, and they did it with precise inter-agency, CIA informed malice.

A brief look at the case of Martin Luther King Jr. provides ample examples of what a “gang” of “stalkers” looks like, as we see that US Army intelligence stalked him–and his father, and his father before him. Imagine that: US Army intelligence, stalking activists outside of the scope of the legal due process and warranted “investigation.”

But the New York Times merely said that Seberg ” suffered a crack-up,” as if she had “lost her mind” when in fact she was targeted with the FBI-CIA derived COINTELPRO, because she ws a progressive, and backed the Black Panther Party..

Here is the NYT piece, “memorializing” her “crack-up,” and here below at All That’s Interesting, we see the other side of the coin, as the FBI hounding her to death is widely cited as the exact reason she killed herself:

How Iconic Movie Star And Activist Jean Seberg Was Driven To Suicide By A Covert FBI Program

The white, Mormon, Protestant (WASP) and Catholic FBI hounded Jean Seberg to death because she had “black friends.” The modern FBI is similar, but with different racial categories doing the “hounding.” So, the FBI–America’s political police– now has a dueling and bi-polar type of infighting going on, as we see with the case of Rakem Balogun.

From ATI:

After ascending to the heights of Hollywood, Seberg used her influence to promote progressive social reforms. Her support of the Black Panther Party, however, would be her undoing. The FBI smeared her legacy. Hollywood chewed her up. She was viciously harassed by her own government.

While large swaths of people likely do not know Seberg’s full story or even her name, they will soon be introduced to her by way of the upcoming film starring Kristen Stewart as the ill-fated actress.

So journalist Christopher Sign killed himself, after he was stalked by “trolls” according to the Sun. And he left behind a wife and three children too. I can’t imagine “whodunnit,” but I can indeed imagine the politics behind it.

Here, look at the case of Martin Luther King, or Malcolm X who were stalked by US Army intelligence agents for THREE GENERATIONS, under the ever watchful eyes of the FBI, and their racist enablers and assistants in the Anti Defamation League. IN order to understand how black/brown/other men were gang stalked, with FBI agents and their racist affiliates in the Ku Klux Klan, or ADL sending these guys hate mail, and telling them to kill themselves, stalking them across the country, and actually plotting to destroy them in many ways, compare that to what might have been going on behind the scenes in Mr. Sign’s life, in the days/weeks/months/years before he killed himself. And he was no Malcolm X, we know that with certainty.

It probably wasn’t a case where Hillary Clinton was sitting behind her crystal ball and sending flying monkey’s after Sign, but likely other political operatives working completely independently after Sign published his book. And many of those operatives exactly what are described as “gangs” of “stalkers,” comprised of current and former police, firefighters, intelligence agents, NGOs, community policing elements, Infragard agents, and others in their webs of influence, such as we see here, and here, and here.

You can also glimpse the mind of a cyber stalker here, as Ramajana Hidic Demirovic is indicted by the feds. She was a progressive-holocaust studies political operative who stalked young boys, threatening to “destroy their lives.” Gang stalkers are indeed politically motivated but ATEOTD are all merely useful idiots for the 1% (you can guess who “they” are.)

And I too have endured the kind of blackmail, harassment, and vicious trolling that he likely endured too. I mean–why would a guy just up and kill himself, only to be found at the hour his kids start school? What kind of pressure was he under? If you guessed ” the same kind as the rest of “us”,” you would be correct. He was likely stalked, blackmailed, harassed, and targeted by these psychopaths; and he was cornered into a Catch 22 situation, because otherwise, his life was pure roses–no indications that he had trouble until AFTER he began recieving death threats, and was forced to create code words so that his children knew what is real, and what isn’t–to identify the messengers of doom from the messengers of truth.

Because gang stalking is exactly that weird. WHile I do not often venture into “conspiracy theroy,” I will right here and now:

-he was being blackmailed due to porn/gay sex/or girlfriends

-he was being blackmailed via the internet and in real life

-he was being leveraged with information that could cast him in an ill light, or cause his wife to seek a divorce.

Because otherwise, his life–an Emmy Award winning journalist–was truly one that anyone would be proud of.

As they say, right? Only the “good” die young. And, it validates the oft-repeated phrase “the gang stalkers will try to get you to kill yourself,” and provides insight into the term of art expressed by these psychopaths in the gang stalking dialectic online “forced suicide.”

Because failing that? “They” will assassinate you.

Related Story: Former state legislator and college professor from MI, Ashley Henley brutally murdered, while trimming her lawn this week after police interactions that focused on taking away her guns. Who is murdering Republican’s in the USA?

*I encountered the “Hollywood Mafia” many times, in many ways over the last several decades, and they are a “real thing.” Search my posts about the IMDB gang of stalkers or “IMDB Gang” and note the Ramajana Demirovic case being prosecuted by the feds as I write this. Most notoriously, I encountered these CIA affiliated “stalkers” and their actual victims through a friend who was integral in opening the case of the “Wonderland Murders,” which involved a porn star. No small surprise that the IMDB has that listed, lol.

A world of police informants, rats and snitches: a peek at the sordid practice of entrapment, harassment, and police/agency informants in the gang stalking dialectic

“Judas and the Black Messiah,” a story of rats, snitches, and FBI black ops tells the story of Fred Hampton, a black activists who was not only stalked, by “gangs of police” but murdered in outrageous circumstances. My own father saw the actual door where official narratives said Hampton was firing rounds out of that door, when in fact, my fathers testimony, and that of many others confirmed over the years that not a single bullet was being fired out of that door, and every bullet was going in to that door.

Talk about a great and actual “gang stalking” story, and this is it. Literally, we see the gangs of notoriously racist, corrupt Chicago cops, “bizarre” directed conversations, lots of stalking, and the FBI pulling strings and orchestrating actual assassinations( yeah, I know, tell me again how ‘my time is up’…).

Watching this film wouldn’t be complete without reading the incredible story “The Last Hours of William O’Neal,” from the Chicago Reader. Its the counter-narrative to many gang stalking stories, that of Bill O’Neal, who ratted out Black Panthers Fred Hampton’s and Mark Clark; a snitch on a “police string,” who spent his final hours in my hometown, the first integrated suburb of Chicago, contemplating his own suicide in a bathroom.

From that excellent piece, we can also trace the phony claims of mental illness in a “targeted individual” who had become entrapped between corrupt police on one hand, and a social movement on the other. And we see how the “bizzarre and constant Catch-22s of a targeted individuals life are often misconstrued as “mental illness” or “suicidal ideation,” and so on. We see also, the state patrol of that jurisdiction “coincidentally” right there on the scene as the snitch kills himself. They are never there when you need them, right?

Another Catch-22-by-design, or as CIA financed brain scrubber and doper Gregory Bateson would have us contemplate, maybe “targeted individuals” of “gang stalking” are just in a double bind, like a stupid dolphin. Learned helplessness, and despair, the combined impotence of a two tiered society; the ever-replicating lizard people-like victory of the corruption of American policing meeting CIA ideology at the starting gate of “justice” where everyone is an intelligence “asset” or worse, a disposable like Bill O’Neal.

This is how they do it, generation after generation.

Very few people in truly democratic societies are likely to say that cooperating with law enforcement is a bad thing. The problem is though, that western democracies bear little resemblance to democracies in any way whatsoever, and the “laws” that are “enforced” are not based in anything resembling constitutional due process, or civil rights. There’s lots of enforcing, and what is called “high policing,” and lots of “law,” but little of those rights are enforceable to or for the average person, which some scholars note has created a two tiered justice system in the “democratic” USA.

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute noted this curious modern paradox in 2013, but it has been going on longer than that:

We now live in a two-tiered system of justice and governance. There are two sets of laws: one set for the government and the corporations, and another set for you and me.

The laws which apply to the majority of the population allow the government to do things like rectally probe you during a roadside stop, or listen in on your phone calls and read all of your email messages, or indefinitely detain you in a military holding cell. These are the laws which are executed every single day against a population which has up until now been blissfully ignorant of the radical shift taking place in American government.”

Calling modern western democracies either “liberal,” or “democratic” is a total misnomer in every way, which is all established fact, getting worse by the hour, and as such, there cannot be democracy in such a situation. Regardless of whether we decide to call the current system a Plutocracy, Oligarchy, a surveillance capitalist sytem, or a police state, regardless, it is a system designed solely to obstruct those who insist upon equality before the law, and constitutional democracy, yet who do not have social power or connection to enforce such a system.

Must Read on Background: Freemasonry and Black Nationalism, by Fred Milliken is a stunningly well documented examination of the roots of Black Nationalism, and the intellectual base of the earliest black freemasons who eventually established in modern Liberia “The United States is a dizzying kaleidoscope of religious belief and practice, a situation rooted in the country’s originsin part, anywayas a haven for religious dissidentsBut not all of these strangers arrived by choice. African slaves first arrived in Jamestown in 1607, the same year the colony was founded.”

In fact, western democracies appear to the outsider to be little more than localized gangs of police, working within a secret surveillance capitalist system, whose main tools of social engineering are exploiting religion, race, gender and privilege; who work at the behest of wealthy, privileged persons who are primarily of white, European and Jewish descent*; and whose funding derives from institutional and corporate power with the sole goal of vigorously policing the mutual protection societies of the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, and the immigrant.

This is such a “truism” that entire portions of our national narrative now regularly highlight these facts, and the re-establishment of one or another form of peonage, debt bondage, or slavery, regardless of what our constitution grants us, and as you yourself can watch in the PBS documentary “Slavery by Another Name.”

I recall learning firsthand that modern policing of the individual (which historically derives from the wealthy classes containing and policing peons and slaves, throughout all of history) begins when those individuals attempt to aid their communities outside the structures and purview of the “higher powers” such as state and local governments that have failed their people (which American blacks notoriously suffered from), and the various “charities” and related NGOs that do the bidding of eugenicists and other mayhem; that community aid given freely and deliberately without certificate or approval of the local community authorities is itself a threat to such societies.

That is what a “threat narrative” is in such societies-organized or self sufficient communities that do not take top down orders from the echelons of local power that takes its orders from hidden “high police” who have other agendas. And, that community organizing and self-policing is somehow a threat to institutional policing, because it subverts the anti-democratic nature of policing itself. The case of the missing and murdered Ferguson activists, and that some point the finger to the Ford Foundation (not-ironically founded by Henry Ford, a Nazi sympathizer; even less ironically headed by a gay black man who will never procreate) clearly demonstrates that this problem has not disappeared.

Image result for Black Panthers Food Drive. Size: 313 x 160. Source:

For example, the Black Panthers started policing their communities exactly as ghetto dwellers had done for centuries, because in fact, it was the police from outside their communities, coming into their communities who were waging racially charged cultural war on them, and targeting the little resources they had, starting the most basic civil rights, like freedom of association, and even the right to maintain basic family units. Then, extending to issues much larger, like food security.

Infamously, while the mainstream media fed my generation image after image of the BPP holding weapons as they policed their neighborhoods, and highlighted only the imagery of black people who had been gang stalked by the police and the Klan–it was something far more innocuous that the Panthers did, and became highly targeted for: they tried to feed people in those communities, highlighting the link between food security and self-sustenance as a “threat” to those who did not reside in those communities, but who policed them relentlessly.

But the BPP weren’t the first to be declared enemies of the state for trying to feed people in the US, which is now and has always been a bastion of anti-democratic forces that hide their pseudo-religion in leveraging food against freedom. The Great Depression revealed that America was under the influence of the forever war, which came to that shore in 1913, and by 1929 had busted its banking system wide open. At that time, the rally cry of “the communists are feeding people!” was deployed at every soup kitchen and work camp supper table. Indeed, communism was filling a need that capitalism was not in that era.

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Pure capitalism has always failed at feeding the masses, much less allowing them to create their own food gardens in "public" spaces. And it is a failure– if for no other reason– than that its multi headed hydra of racialized, genderized peonage, oriented to guiding or coercing the masses towards one or another <em>mystery religion</em>, upheld by <em>mystery policing</em>, all of which stem from Freemason origins. This form of society deliberately refuses to allow the poor to exist outside of their peonage systems, believing as they do that its their sacred duty to chisel away at "ruffians" and unhewn stone in order to use persons as tools and as sustenance to feed its own sense of order–to hammer each person until they become a building block to be cemented somewhere.Pure capitalism has always failed at feeding the masses, much less allowing them to create their own food gardens in “public” spaces. And it is a failure– if for no other reason– than that its multi headed hydra of racialized, genderized peonage, oriented to guiding or coercing the masses towards one or another mystery religion, upheld by mystery policing, all of which stem from Freemason origins. This form of society deliberately refuses to allow the poor to exist outside of their peonage systems, believing as they do that its their sacred duty to chisel away at “ruffians” and unhewn stone in order to use persons as tools and as sustenance to feed its own sense of order–to hammer each person until they become a building block to be cemented somewhere.

While discussing Fremasonry in terms of gang stalking often invokes charges of “conspiracy theory” from the heathens and the ignorant (and unsurprisingly, lots of Freemasons), it is well established fact that this is what western social structures are built upon, though its difficult to explain to the uninitiated. Far more easy to understand this then, is to observe the modern sense of order that has arisen in the years since slavery, and to observe Freemasonry in action within other societies. LIberia is a good example of that, but there are many more.

Further Reading: Mind Controlled Black Assassins is one of my favorite blogs on these topics

*no unbiased, rational person, or evidence based historical narrative disputes or denies this, though we now see wealthy Asian and Middle Eastern power establishing itself in the US too.