Meet the “eBay gang” of organized gang stalkers, recently indicted by the US Federal government

What is organized gang stalking? It ALWAYS involves police, retired police, and/or private investigators who are “allied with “community policing,” and their “community assets” aka “snitches, bullies, and rats”.

Gangs of police, ex-police, military and intelligence agents; corporate CEOs, and their “assets” in the “community” stalking citizens is EXTREMELY BIZARRE and creepy. To whit:

Former eBay Execs Sent Bloody Pig Mask, Stalked Blogger, and Attempted Electronic Harassment After Former CEO Devin Wenig Ordered His Staff to “Take her down.””

Citizens MUST get good, solid evidence of this type of online/offline gang stalking by agents of the security state, or “good” police will not believe you. These campaigns of personalized terror are that bizarre.

But, eventually, these “good cops” DID listen to the evidence that the victims had collected, after initially trying to dismiss it outright (after talking to their supervisors), as happens in most gang stalking cases:

eBay’s Alleged Stalkers Exposed After Boston Couple’s Sleuthing

Feds throw book at eBay execs who deny they had anything to do with cyberstalking of site’s critics

What is organized gang stalking? It is ALWAYS “gangs” comprised of police, retired police, military and intelligence agents, in nearly EVERY CASE of gang stalking. And, they are some bizarre mother fuckers, if ever the word bastard was extrapolated.

The police personality is indeed, a modern sociological dilemma, and a cause for social concern.

Research Organized Gang Stalking is a blog that documents the modern surveillance state practice of gang stalking, which ALWAYS involves bad actors from police, state, military, and the “intelligence community.”

I studied and practiced the dark arts of investigative journalism, and a few other things, in the pre and post 9-11 era, and I wrote about the (then) emerging surveillance state, and its due process free practices.

Then, I became a target of its wrath, which is expressed as “counter intelligence stalking,”which targets activists, journalists, dissidents, critics of the police state, and others who do not simply regurgitate official narratives.