Famed civil Rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore used a camera to document gangs of stalkers–and you can too

UPDATE: This blog you are reading now has a mirror site at http://www.gangstalkingresearch.Wordpress.com , where you can follow Mr. Richard Moore’s lawsuit, and new posts about gang stalking more closely

The civil rights era was the heyday of gang stalking by white supremacists in the Dirty South and elsewhere, and as targeted individuals are beginning to take up camera’s to document the absurd and insane behavior of gang stalkers, we tip our hats to the past–and photographers like Charles Lee Moore.

From CNN:

‘Unparalleled’: Charles Moore’s photos of the civil rights movement

The Stephen Kasher Gallery in New York labelled Moore “the single greatest civil rights photographer” of the civil rights era during its 2015 exhibition “Selma March 1965.”

Here is a photo from that exhibition–and notice the slouching, smirking cowardice of the slobs in the picture–while Moore was most famous for photos like Dr. King being booked into jail, or the incredible shot of a police dog tearing the pants off a non-violent, compliant black marcher as another dog leaps into the photographers face–it is this iconic photo of the slovenly, stupid, violent white men who do these violent things that is perhaps his finest.


And, Moore was kind of a badass as it were, allowing thugs to pummel him, pull his hair and even shove him to the ground as he struggled to get the right shot. Predictably, these thugs were the same thugs then as they are today–as nearly 100% of all gang stalking groups are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents working with their friends, relatives, “community assets, and others. These are who gag stalkers ARE.

The title “intelligence agents,” of course, only implies that they worked at an agency staffed by thousands of people–one big brain to compensate for their combined low-IQ’s-that these human beasts as individuals are not necessarily all that intelligent. Just look at those guys in the picture–that’s what gang stalkers look like; slack jawed low IQ morons for the most part–and that old guy with the stooped in shoulders! A Viagra IV couldn’t jolt life into that old coward with the club in his hand. Imagine their wives now–they all look like #fakeTI Midge Mathis no doubt–yikes.

Here’s a snapshot of Moore with a gas mask, taken by another civil rights era photographer

Moore believed that his photos would cause people to take political action. He was correct. And he wasn’t alone. His photo’s appearing on the front pages of newspapers and on television helped create the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to US Senator Jacob Javitz (source) Image of Moore from Middleweb.com

For those who do not understand the violence, and riot like atmosphere of the Black Lives Matter movement of the last decade, it is only through looking back into this era where we realize that non-violence was largely a failure–and that gang stalking has existed for many millennia. Martin Luther King was himself an inter-generational target of the US military, the CIA, the FBI, and NGO’s like the Jewish Anti Defamation League all spied on him together.

And the Jewish-christian white supremacy of that era did not go away–it merely took off its white robes, and dispersing itself into various forms of gang stalking programs, such as the Clinton COPS program, and today’s unconstitutional “intelligence led predictive policing“,and the equally fraudulent countering violent extremism programs”” (CVE) and its many spawn around the globe. Like the devil itself, these demons people keep shape-shifting into new terminology, phrasing themselves as a “new tactic, technique or technology, when it is just more of the same–from the same group of confabulists that has done this in one form or another since around 70 A.D.

Indeed–their spawn are everywhere now, and both the left and the right–Jews and christians, and Blacks, Asians and Latino’s all utilize gang stalking tactics. Perhaps one could argue that this is an improvement but its only another shape-shifting by well known hegemonic tribalists and other religious frauds(no, its not just “the Jews” doing this). Its alarming how many black cops, for example, are there on the scene shooting other black men these days, using the tactics of Israelification in daily, ordinary policing.

All of that said, there is a modern context to the story of Charles Lee Moore, and inter-generational targeting, and you can read more about it from photographer Moore’s own cousin, Richard Moore of Mississippi, writing here, and view a few gang stalking lawsuits currently working their way through the federal courts in Mississippi.Indeed–Richard Moore is likely an inter-generational target himself.

To be absolutely clear, I have stated often that many targeted individuals are not always the most well spoken; not always the best looking, or easily endearing of people–real targeted individuals are not polished authors or candidates for prom king, nor do they run slick internet search results clogging advertising campaigns as Targeted Justice is doing–indeed, real targets range from those who police are trying to turn as informants, to people with low education, or even lower opportunities to better themselves–people who have been marginalized–and they are easy targets of bullying of all kinds, and ready made scapegoats for institutional bullies.

Mr. Moore has started his path forward, and he writes:.

It’s been nearly 20 years of dealing with Corrupt law enforcement in North Mississippi. Organized community policing aka Gang Stalking is all the rage. This law enforcement ran Criminal organization is done under the guise of simply a neighborhood watch.

As I have said frequently–and in direct contradiction of the well know #fakeTI’s who populate most internet forums about gang stalking, rambling on about being zapped by satellites and worse (Targeted Justice, Ramola D, the United States Air Force’s own AF-OSI “OSI Informers” operation, TargetedOne, and many more.)

For the record, I too have some history with relatives who organized those 1960’s garbage strikes, and participated in some marches, and who organized a few unions too– so I know what gang stalking is from before I was born. Its in my genetic makeup–“my genetic memory” to call it out when I see it. And, I don know a thing or two about how to target them back too.

Related Story: The Tampa Bay Times wins its “13th Pulitzer Prize” for reporting on the Pasco County “targeted individual program. The series was titled “Targeted.”–but even that isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be is it? More about the 13’s here.

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: “Faces of Genocide” star Ramajana Hidic Demirovic’s federal indictment, and the claim that “the gang stalkers will make you move away.”

UPDATE:Ms. Demirovic’s popularity is impressive, as this posts and others about her case are increasingly the most popular posts on this blog. I have put her into the category of “Internet Movie Database Stalkers,” having encountered many stalkers who have an IMDB listing. More on that here, here, here, here, here, and especially this post, where we see a Hollywood writer slandered mercilessly by his psychotic ex-wife, and her Catholic-other religious fanatics. THe “IMDB gang” is a real thing.

Indeed, very little “theory” other than common “case theory,” and lots of “actual conspiracy” in these cases. You can download the indictment .pdf here:



INDICTMENT18 U.S.C. § 2261A(2) – Cyberstalking 18 U.S.C. § 371 – Conspiracy to Commit Cyberstalking

Beginning in 2016, and continuing until at least October 2019, Defendant RAMAJANAHIDIC DEMIROVIC, an adult resident of San Francisco during the period relevant to this indictment, and her co-conspirator (a minor during part of this period), and others known and unknown to the grand jury, engaged in acts of cyberstalking against multiple minor victims and those victims’ family members. The principal targets of the scheme were persons with whom the co-conspirator had or attempted to have romantic relationships. The cyberstalking and related conduct escalated with each victim and involved hundreds of malicious, deceptive, and abusive communications


DEMIROVIC became a member of the conspiracy knowing of at least one of its objects and intending to help accomplish it. One of the members of the conspiracy performed at least one overt act, beginning at a date unknown to the Grand Jury but no later than May 2016, for the purpose of carrying out the conspiracy, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2261A(2)(A) and (2)(B), 18 U.S.C. § 2, and 18 U.S.C. §

Ooooh! Wheeeehoooo!

Jewish NGO affiliated gang stalkers taste good in court, because the usual are of #fake white supremacists, and manufactured “white rampagers” is just so….milquetoast. Justice requires balance, and while white supremacy is a “thing,” so too is the Doctrine of the Chosen Superior People,enacted through racists and Zionism everywhere . You can read more about Jewish racism and “beliefs” about superiority and supremacy here

But they ALWAYS turn into RATS and informants.after the indictments. I predict as much in this case, as non-Jewish prosecutors target a Jewish-affiliated IMDB gang stalker.She will “cop a plea,” and then become an informant, as will her daughter. This is how the left operates, and collaborates with the anti-constitutional FBI. (Gee, I hope I don’t get targeted for saying that, out loud:….lol….Researchorganizedgangstalking.org.)

IMHO, since the fed’s became involved in a “women’s empowerment” narrative, and many prosecutors and their informants are now women, it’s easy to see how corrupt the judiciary is, as tribal sectarian elements fight it out in court. They are sort of amateur, but starting to get to the point. Feel free to contact me if you need advice tracing these shitbag gang stalkers, ladies.

These case dockets have become rather boring soap opera’s, channeling the worst elements of stereotypes about hystrionic and menopausal women trying to uphold white female privilege; and helpless damsels in distress from theirs and other ethnic/racial categories stopping real cases coming frwards because they are stuck like tampons in a deep blackhole of awareness about “high policing” and the FBI/DHS/DEA/etAlphabets’s own role as “secret police” agencies, those at every point, defying civil liberty.

.And the “empowered women’s FBI” is on record in many cases interfering in family courts, from behind the scenes, and using these petty venues and even moire niggling tactics silence and to wage war on American activists. We want our child support! Fuck the constitution! Fuck abortion “rights!!!” Give me some money, honey!!!

Read the story of Professor Julio Pino for one example, but there are many more, like Guerilla Mainframe’s Rakem Balogun and most of these white female/Jewish-christian conceived prosecutions are targeted at critics of zionism, banksterism, or the “due process free administrative law-based kangaroo court system” in the USA; and especially targeted at black men who simply want to “keep and bear arms,” or who want to speak online.

While the Women’s Auxilliary of the Ku Klux Klan and their poison squads in and outside of government may go by many different names now, they are every bit as powerful as they were in their last incarnation.We see their presence in nearly every mass shooting, as “white women” are allied with the Anti Defamation League EXACTLY as they were allied with that Jewish organization in the hey-day of the KKK against black heterosexual male activists like Martin Luther King; or during the Holodmor, described here by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn**which targeted primarily white,lower class christians.

Images of strong, handsome black men like Rakem Balogun have terrified white Jewish-christian women for centuries, as images of Shaka Zulu dance in their beds heads.

And now we see the war on men, and especially black men taking new turns, every time yet another black man is targeted because he upholds his rights. This is where we most keenly observe see the Hegelian Materialism emerge, in the split gap chasm dark space divide between America’s global-focused fascists and it’s global-focused socialists where these drama’s play out in courts of law, as family courts, domestic violence courts, etc. primarily serve as a way for both fascists and socialists to diminish male power.

But its not just black men who are dying as the IMDB gang and their associates in transnational gang stalking syndicates maraud through their lives, at all times virtually protected by the FBI itself. Indeed, DUNCAN LEMP was murdered in his own bedroom after extensive gang stalking by beanie wearing storm troopers who are trained in online PSYOPs stalked him online and off.

So: Who Is the IMDB Gang? A question for the prosecution.

Demirovic’s is affiliated with gang stalkers from the “IMDB gang” and on several occasions I was gang stalked in the USA by that exact group, ranging from retired Playboy Bunnies to Filipina single mothers, as bizarre as that sounds.

In one case, the young single mother was being exploited at many levels of the system, on one hand getting state aid for popping out pups, and on the other being used as part of the “narrative” of the downtrodden. And all of that while she had failed on three occasions to exercise her right to an abortion.Why is it that women have the abortion right, but don’t exercise that right? Its a pattern that has repeated itself across America since the Hegelian Dialectic came to roost on our shores.I suspect that money might be involved, lol.

Then, there was the “retired” Playboy bunny, a looker even at 60 plus years old who had a comfy piece of real estate in the Marina. These reformed/converted/covert Playboy Bunnies are documented over at this blog, Project Monarch by a college professor who is a “reformed fan of porn,” who is now also an anti-pornography crusader. He is unsurprisingly a “personal friend” of Dr. Katherine Horton; who believes that porn is a plot by the CIA (and the Jews!!The Illuminati!!!) to destabilize our society.

The facts on the ground are more simple: all government have weaponized pornography at different levels of operations. The CIA’s own “Wild Bill” Donovan* was among the first in modern times to seek to widely weaponize porn to demoralize German soldiers. He wanted to spread porn EVERYWHERE. Indeed, have a look at the CIA’s “demoralizing” pornography operations today (that little glimpse that journalists get in limited hangouts) and see here for more analysis.

And, so when you hear the hard-right Catholic’s, Jewish-christians and others decrying Walt Disney, it’s because Disney hired Donovan to help design Disney World. Read more about that from the fabulous science and practical mechanics site How Stuff Works: “Disney World and Its Tangled Web With CIA Ops.” And yeah, these people are indeed all Mason’s and Pilgrims Society members, as was Donovan and Disney–but there are many other secret societies involved too.

Read More: If you want to jump into the huge time sucking rabbit hole of current and former CIA/NSA/FBI/European/FVEYs intelligence agents and “psychobabblers” read Ramola D’s blog “Every Day Concerned Citizen” to watch the bizarre infighting of “fake targeted individuals.” The vast majority of online material about gang stalking is EXACTLY these same types of time sucking psychological operations.

And of these IMDB affiliated stalkers I suspect them to be part of what is colloquially called the “Hollywood mafia,” a second string bench warmer version of Hollywood. I mean–a simple look at the credits in the film mentioned above and we see total second stringer Peter Coyote in the film.

Despite the pettiness of their operations, they can have a powerful and destructive effect on their targets, and as such, we see in this indictment that entire families were forced to move away because of the harassment by her and her associates. Gang stalkers are powerful groups,wielding that power against others who challenge their ideological or financial narratives and social engineering schemes. I suspect that this case at hand is just the tip of the iceberg of IMDB prosecutions, and I urge the prosecutor to look a bit deeper into this link.

The irony cannot be overstated: a victim of genocide becomes a gang stalker in the USA, after her extensive training with well known political bullies and actual gangs. Ask the question “exactly who is it that is pushing the “victim narratives” in our culture,” and then note how it has backfired on that extremely wealthy beneficiaries of these narratives.

And, I urge the federal prosecutor to look into this case, and discover as I have that their network is quite extensive. These networks can be investigated, uncovered, and prosecuted much more efficiently if you adopt ROGS Analysis from the start. Contact me if you want further information. You have my email, right?


*Donovan actually formed the OSS, the precursor to the CIA

** I cited David Duke, a former KKK “Grand WIzard” because his scholarship is bullet proof. And, because constantly citing Jewish sources biases the narrative of how some Hegelian Jews are often implicated as sociopathic, homicidal maniacs. The case at hand demonstrates how Jews used this woman to tell their story, and how they weaponize others with “dindunuffin” ideology, which harms human lives.

Las explicaciones simplistas del racismo en el caso de Everton Brown no hacen justicia a los problemas más amplios del racismo sistémico, o el problema de las “pandillas de policía” de Estados Unidos

El caso del Everton Brown: ¿Fue el racismo la motivación detrás del triple asesinato de tres personas en Baltimore? No es tan simple

Los medios de comunicación peruanos informan que el asesinato de dos latinos de Perú, y otra víctima de Nepal fueron motivados por el racismo. Pero nunca es tan simple en Estados Unidos, porque el racismo es mucho más complejo para algunos que para otros, y pocos han experimentado racismo tan profundamente como los hombres negros en Estados Unidos.

Como tal, es imperativo para la comunidad latina, pensadores e intelectuales críticos comprender cómo la policía en los Estados Unidos y sus esquemas asociados de control social e ingeniería social prácticamente son autores de estos homicidios masivos, con el fin de controlar las narrativas de la cultura, y seguir manteniendo el dominio racial y religioso.

En el caso del Everton Brown, había mucho más en juego en el campo de lo que la narrativa oficial te hará creer. Y aunque enviamos nuestras condolencias a las víctimas, también debemos rememecuerar que todas las partes involucradas fueron víctimas ANTES de que ocurriera este evento: fueron víctimas de un sistema policial roto,

Antes de que pueda entender lo que salió mal en este caso, primero debe investigar el tema conocido en todo el mundo como “acoso de pandillas organizadas”.Este sitio de noticias que está leyendo ha cambiado la narrativa en todo el mundo y ha aportado una visión de esta práctica, que es muy real.El acecho de las pandillas es la forma en que los gobiernos occidentales y sus élites mantienen el orden social, enfrentando las razas entre sí y explotando cada tema.

Así que, mientras leías este caso de tu país, ten en cuenta que antes de que el Sr. Brown se encontrara con sus vecinos, había vivido durante muchos años en un sistema disfuncional que prospera en el odio, y que trató a su manera de llamar la atención sobre la práctica del acoso de pandillas.

Por ejemplo, la historia del racismo en los Estados Unidos casi siempre estaba dirigida a los hombres negros, y la cultura blanca judío-cristiana del capitalismo alienta la opresión sistémica de las historias que estos hombres tratan de contar.

Ver aquí:

El racismo en Estados Unidos a través de la historia: de los esclavos del algodón a los ataques del Ku Klux Klan

Estas situaciones son manipuladas por muchas fuerzas políticas en los Estados, y muchos grupos racistas explotan las percepciones de “racismo” de los nuevos inmigrantes, de varias maneras. Por un lado están los europeos blancos, utilizando a otros para tratar de decir “bueno, mira, ese tipo negro es un racista” ciertamente no “nosotros” los blancos, judeo-cristianos! Y por otro lado, vemos grupos judíos despotricando constantemente sobre Hitler y el Ku Klux Klan.

Ambos lados de este debate político utilizan el acoso de pandillas para mantener su narrativa social, y tristemente, estas fuerzas a menudo están aliadas con supremacistas raciales judíos, o sus socios en el crimen, los racistas europeos blancos, católicos y protestantes que han sido presentados a través de la historia como opresores.El caso anterior es solo un ejemplo de cómo funciona el acoso de pandillas en Estados Unidos, pero hay miles más.

El Sr. Brown tenía conflictos con los vecinos, un hecho muy real de la situación en los EE.UU., donde muchas culturas se unen. Pero también trató de usar el sistema para dar a conocer sus quejas, habiendo llamado a la policía más de 120 veces por quejas de ruido y por vecinos que perturbaban la paz. Incluso trató de demandar al gobierno por espiarlo, lo cual es un hecho muy real de la América moderna, como vimos revelado por Edward Snowden.

Luego, la policía “enmarcó” el problema como una enfermedad mental, que es lo que le hacen a todas y cada una de las personas que se resisten a esta forma de opresión. Recuerde: los inmigrantes vienen a Estados Unidos para ser libres not no para que el gobierno los espíe y los hostigue por su protesta.Trágicamente, en estos casos, personas como el Sr. Brown y los vecinos que asesinó son víctimas de un sistema corrupto, donde la policía y las fuerzas políticas usan a los inmigrantes en un tira y afloja contra la gente local que está en un estado de resistencia a la opresión.

Y, mientras que el Sr. Brown demandó al “FBI”, que de hecho tiene un interés en el asunto debido a que sus agentes locales conocidos como” Infragard”, de hecho están espiando teléfonos y computadoras de la gente, es mucho más probable que otras agencias que dirigen inmigrantes y desarrollan” informantes comunitarios ” de los recién llegados a Estados Unidos estuvieran detrás de su caso. En particular, la Agencia de Control de Drogas (DEA) y el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) y sus “activos en la comunidad”relacionados estaban detrás de lo que Brown estaba experimentando. Esto es lo que hacen estas agencias.

Utilizan el racismo como una herramienta de control de la población, y llevan a cabo operaciones ocultas para agitar el sentimiento racista entre la población. Es un arma poderosa en el arsenal del control social, y es antidemocrática en todos los sentidos. Pero tiene un nombre, y ese nombre es ” acoso de pandillas.”Así que mientras lloramos a las víctimas de esta práctica, Sara Alacote y Ismael Quintanilla, también debemos ver que todos los fallecidos son víctimas de un mal mayor y mucho mayor.

El racismo dirigido a los estadounidenses negros es claramente diferente del racismo que brutaliza a otros en los ESTADOS UNIDOS.

Más aquí, y aqui, y aqui

Say His Name: Everton Brown, garbage man, was denied unemployment insurance six years before his rampage, and he was smeared in MD court records

Community policing, aka “intelligence led predictive policing,” aka “colliding parallel investigations,” aka “gang stalking” is a sham upon the civil rights of any targeted citizen.The evidence indicates that Everton Brown was also a victim, before he went on a shooting and burning rampage. Police were indeed following him around and stopped him many times over a thirty year period, never charging him with anything. Odd, right?

Read It: Everton Brown had 30 year history of “rhttps://www.wmar2news.com/news/crime-checker/baltimore-county-crime/police-woodlawn-shooter-had-30-year-history-of-run-ins-with-law-enforcementun-ins with the law.” WTF is that exactly–and why were no criminal charges ever brought in that 30 year period of “police harassment?”

Community policing, aka “organized gang stalking” by its very nature is a beyond a refusal by the state to address core problems of culture, a deliberate “skirting of the law” by those beholden to enforce laws, and is instead a “narrative driven” lie that state, and provincial governments local police agents and their affiliated community resources (assets) tell as they target an individual with “high policing” which is in fact, unconstitutional political policing.

What is “high policing?”High policing .pdf here

And that lie is intended to assist the narratives that drive our cultural myths; but also, as Hitler and his Jewish mentors like Sigmund Freud’s nephew the public relations Svengali Edward Bernay’s once said–“a lie will travel the world 1000 times before the truth wakes up and gets its pants on” or something similar. Lots of similar in these cases.

Look! A crazy black man murdered people! Social contagion! Mayhem! or….just more slander of black men who simply expect respect, for the same civil rights that whites have lauded over them for centuries.

White, Jewish-christian society is terrified of images like this above, for several reasons. One, it is a black man teaching a woman, two it is black people with weapons to defend themselves against the Jewish-christian murders and slavers, and three, it shows a man and a woman united in a cause. Both fascist christians and Bolshevik Jewish groups worked to destroy the black family, and family unity. Rob WIlliam’s wrote the book “Negroes With Guns” after being gang stalked by the fed’s and the Klan and the ADL Image from LibTV

SO, in this case, the stereotype story of the “hard working LatinX married couple, meets the “other stereotype shiftless, crazy(gun owner) black man, that no one can figure out what is HIS problem.” The hard working Latino married couple meets the unhinged black man at the site of family unity–the black man’s family having been destroyed by Jewish-christian plotting long before it was ever out of a womb.

See the case of the Moors Colson shooter, and the Virginia beach shooter for examples of this stereotype, and note who was stalking these men.

Yup: white people, lesbians, Jews, and Freemasons who were quoted in news articles stating that they liked to play “pranks” on people. One prank, such as putting nooses in their lockers at work, or breaking into their houses, aka “workplace harassment with a twist of freemasonry,” didn’t sit well with these two targeted men.

Craddock even kept camera’s looking out his window to catch people tampering with his cars, and there was an undercurrent of he-said/she-said “divorce slander” hinting at a domestic violence narrative too, as his former wife was said to strut in front of his house with a dog. In those cases, women’s “empowerment” groups stalk and harass these men endlessly.

Related Story: It is well known that the FBI spied on notable black activists throughout their lives, and that FBI provocateurs were implicated in their assassinations. Both Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King were spied on by US Army intelligence, the NSA, and many other “gangs” of “stalkers”including BOTH the Ku Klux Klan AND the Anti Defamation League–before they were even born. White Supremacy indeed! Read the story of the bizarre “gangs” who followed these men, and their families and forebears from cradle to grave. Link here to the Snopes analysis of the MLK lawsuit *which revealed these facts, and another to the MLK story here

US Army Intelligence Spied on King Family for 3 Generations. The FBI, the Ku Klux Klan, the Anti Defamation League, and several other groups of well known stalkers did too. That’s what “gang stalking” is.


In Brown’s case, the media was curiously positioned for several years before the rampage materialized, with the Baltimore Sun framing his protest against dpomestic spying as “crazy,” asking “Crazy, or Target,” Why on earth would an MSM outlet find time to wage an official smear of Everton Brown?

So no surprise is that journalist Peter Hermann, now with the Washington Post wrote that story. Its interesting that historic Baltimore has twice the percentage of Jews per capita than most US cities–which is a good thing, until we meet these types of racist Jews, who position black men as targets, and inferior, racially “impure” intellectually stupid, or “crazy.” Even more bizarre is that Washington Post is a Jeff Bezo’s product, and that Amazon’s Ring doorbells are spying on people all over the USA, as yet another black man who uses non-Amazon camera’s is called “creepy,” by some white lesbians.

Hermann covers topics like the Black Guerilla Family, a prison gang based in brotherhood of race, no different than the ADL, and he wrote other official source smears, and MSM oriented political hit jobs pre-emptive of Mr. Browns rampage.

Many of these types of journalists target black men who are political, and calling those men “gangs,” but also he targets white activists, labeling them all “white supremacists.” Herman is part of a well organized group of Jewish people in the USA who specifically target black men with defamation, and scaremongering language designed to impugn their character, long before those men go on homicidal rampages.

In order to understand how this works, we must look at other authors who also targets black men(and their efforts are not limited to black men), and LOOK! always another number 13 in the story! No surprise to regular ROGS readers, as we see this pattern of the use of the number 13 repeats frequently in cases of mass shootings. Use my search feature “number 13, mass shootings, number 12, etc.” It would be a “crazy claim” if I didn’t have solid evidence, which repeats itself in the narrative most every case. In Browns case, he went ballistic exactly 13 years after he encountered targeting by these sociopaths. I double dick-dog dare you to prove me wrong..

Related Story: Prominent American “Anti-Racist” Jews Are Funding Racist Gangs Attacking Arabs In Israel

These journalists and other pundits use this number 13 as a way to signal to each other across the internet, much as other journalists always manage to slip in “Thank G-D!–Hopes and prayers!!” at the end of every article about a mass shooting, quite notably the Portapique mass shooting by Gabriel Wortman where real estate was the target of international mafia’s, and so many other cases that its a separate novel.

That Baltimore Sun smear utilized well known stereotypes about black men, and later, positioned Mr. Brown against an ethnic stereotype of “hard working” LatinX community members,” furthering the racism of the ruling classes, which is not apparent at first glance in this case–I had to research it a bit. Read any story and it will describe the “crazy black man targeting hard working immigrants (who may, or may not be DEA informants; and who may or maybe not are legal immigrants….I haven’t researched that yet).

And in the story, it was Mr. Brown’s first amendment protected speech, his “signs” decrying harassment and posted on his car that were an issue–the journalist alluded to the fact that property values were dropping and people were moving away because of Mr. Browns acrivism.

SO, exactly as ROGS Analysis predicts, it was a real estate dispute, and a property management company dispute; and likely involved others harassing him tooch as private investigators hire by the “banksters”.

His signs said things like “The FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life—-Please no more!” and most nefariously : ” Black people are the tool that maintains racism.” Wow…what a bad guy! Speaking truth to the power of the FBI-ADL and its bankster mafia!

Speaking truth to the state/local police Fusion Centers that provably target black men!. What a bad guy, indeed–he tried and failed to prove that the FBI was flying planes over Baltimore Maryland, exactly as described by myself and others, before stories like Brown’smade waves. and targeting activists with airplanes loaded with Stingray cell phone capture devices, and through the wall thermal radiation driven technology, EXACTLY as described by the fake-left UK rag the Guardian UK! Bad, bad, bad……

Related Story:

So, what was offensive to the neighborhood was that Brown was “aware,” and that he used primitive media to describe it–signs written on his czar, and his house. He used words, and first amendment protected speech to try to explain in his limited way what was happening to him. He accused the wrong party, because most gang stalking at that level is usually the townhome association working with private investigators, or community policing elements, As we saw in the Pasco County FL cases, the stated goal of targeted individual programs is to force the target to “move away or sue.”

So Everton Brown was then later involved in an attempt to gain unemployment benefits, from a garbage colllection company, AES and a smear campaign was indeed waged in the court records, claiming he had a gross violation of company conduct when in fact it was a simple misconduct; and in the subtle way that all police and state court related matters function as little more than smear campaigns, one word goes a long way in the narrative. And that narrative says that gang stalkers will “ruin your life and follow behind you at jobs waging a smear campaign.”

Have a read through the short unpublished opinion issued in his case, and the appeal of that case, and note that it is an unreported opinion–ROGS Analysis predicts these kinds of official-unofficial smears in cases of state sponsored gang stalking, many of which start in administrative law courts, family courts, and domestic violence or probation related courts.

Indeed–states have a vested interest in these mass shootings, so while it is unlikely that the FBI was directly responsible, their policy of placing Infragard agents everywhere you look, including real estate firms could be partially in play here:




No. 0844September Term, 2015


In order to understand the remnants and scars of slavery that a black man might feel as he watches his neighbors from other countries succeeding in his own backyar–as he is being gang stalked by at least one journalists opinion, and the city and state where that opinion was written–we must examine the narrative of racism in this case. SO, we start by looking at the narrative itself: what created the man that Brown became that day?

With zero doubt, state level actions, and media narrators were part of that event too, and I provide my research for evidence of that. Here is the fat tub of lard named Peter Hermann at an art opening, associated with restaurants. Imagine this “privileged Jew” having anything legitimate to say about the case of Everton Brown, of Baltimore? Yeah, exactly–this fucker never once faced any actual drama or harassment from the state, or even “Nazi’s” yet he managed in 2008 to smear and harass a single black man who had a grudge with “community policing.”

Uber-fat journalist Peter Hermann at an event of some kind, with a future “narrator” of events, unnamed–for now. Doesn’t he lok like the kind of guy who would film underage porn in Moldova? I mean….yeah…Joe Biden and all that….

SO this is one major aspect of “gang stalking” for anyone who studies these topics. Gangs of journalist/spies/provocateurs. Its a “thing.”

In an unrelated case, in Canada, we see clearly the contrast of narratives–how media will indeed cover stories of abused black men named Everton Brown, but only if they are :victims: rather than “politically active constituents, aware of the forces that oppress them.”

Here’s one of the many Everton Browns I found while researching this case:


Again–narrative, and Jewish-christian subversives working within a white racist supremacist narrative, to defeat black men who try to simply enforce their civil rights. It seems media only covers these cases when black men are apolitical, and not aware of the deeper roots of the racist narrative directed against them. This is why reparations need to be considered: because Jews and whites and christians–and their multi-billion dollar propaganda machines, and NGO’s keep importing “new” model minorities” to replace discussions about how black men have been harmed, long before they harm anyone.

….post in progress, check back later!

*The website Snopes.com is purportedly a “fact checking”” site, but in reality is an establishment journalism outlet that seeds political “plastic words” into its discourse, and in every issue that implicates Jewish racism, inserts the word “conspiracy theory” into the dialogue. In fact, Snopes is in fact a Jewish-ADL affiliated mouthpiece, as Coffeeshop Rabbi alludes to here. These plastic words are themselves defamatory, and predictably target and demean black people of note, and particularly in this case, the use of “conspiracy theory” is introduced to diminish the stature of MLK, and the actual conspiracy that took place, and that conspiracy involving the Israeli intelligence affilliated ADL, resulting in KIng’s homicide.

Everton Brown Update: Say His Name, and the complexity of analyzing targeted black men is compounded by “othering” and typical racism in policing, augmented by “the other white people” from the Anti Defamation League.

When we as “the public” ask ourselves “why did Everton Brown go on a shooting rampage, after trying to use “normal channels of complaint”for 20 years–all of which failed him–we must also ask, then, who EXACTLY was Everton Brown?

As in all these cases, the media paints the picture of a “crazy person” on a rampage–and then they scrub these guys off of the internet, so that no one can ask important questions like: WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN, and why do some elements of media hang a white sheet over these guys heads after the event?

Related Story: The “Kamelia’s” of the Ku Klux Klan Women’s Auxilliary’ waged often fatal whisper campaigns to destroy peoples lives

We have a few other models of black men who were stalked and harassed until they went ballistic. Good examples to work from to gain insight into the “profile” of black men who were harassed in their workplace, for example, Anthony Ferrill the Molson Coors shooting, where a black man who was clearly “gang stalked” by that states workers comp investigators, and who had a noose hung in his locker shot up his toxic workplace, and stalkers within it, targeting those who had likely targeted him, including–unsurprisingly–a Ukrainian Jew, and also a military vet with a degree in –of all things–political science.

In fact, Mr. Ferrill mentioned to a neighbor how voracious state investigators were indeed stalking him and surveilling him at his home before he went ballistic. Read through his case for evidence. He had weird “Masonic” harassment in his workplace, which was described as “office pranks” by the perpetrator when interviewed in media.

So, its very important to “Say Their Names*,” in these cases, and view other evidence in order to understand why these events keep happening, and no one can seem to explain it. Its a no brainer for me–if organized groups of “community” members stalk, harass, and threaten people long enough, and THEN make their workplace toxic, wage a slander campaign, and mobilize the resources of a community against a person– well, yeah, the outliers might target their stalkers eventually.

I mean, a fact check: Molson-Coors has had a long history with racial tension, racially charges union disputes ( the majority of workplace shootings involve union harassment)and its brand is affiliated with many far right causes. Coors is in fact the beer of many far right wing extremists too.

Related Story: Is Molson-Coors a “Nazi owned company?”

And then, there was the case of DeWayne Antonio Craddock, who was watched closely by lesbian-like women who seemed to know everything about his personal life–including that he had camera’s watching his car; and they even “moved in next door” and gave interviews to the media after the shooting too. Yeah–gang stalking is really that bizarre.

Here is more about Mr. Craddocks case, from the New York Times, and notice the blurb at the end of the article. Here is the quote, with my emphasis added:

“news releases issued by the city this year about road closings because of utility work listed the suspect’s name as the contact person for further information. He was the man who took residents’ questions, whose name was a public point of reference.

But on Saturday, after identifying him once as the man who plunged the city into grief, officials said they would never again utter his name in public.

Not saying the name of a mass shooter has little to do with “social contagion” and everything to do with white supremacist, religious, or other fanatical groups who hide their presence in slick public relations campaigns. And we see that Mr. Craddock was an integral part of the narrative of a city.

These cases are eerily prescient and point us to an as yet named “war” on information, case after case. See the case of “No Notoriety” for evidence of that. This far right fringe movement seeks to influence media, and like so many “pseudo-science” or “police science” based claims, they use phony data that claim mass shooters seek notoriety, when in fact–and as we see in the Craddock case, and many others, he lived alone, and lived quietly as his life was infiltrated by these secret stalkers.

From Heavy, we see this: Craddock was “defined by what he didn’t have: No apparent criminal history, no obvious Facebook or other social media accounts, no manifesto or publicly stated ideology.

And this:Before the shooting, co-workers thought he was quiet, polite and a “nice guy” with no warning signs, according to the Associated Press. The creepiest detail to emerge about the suspect: Photos showing he’d erected cameras in the window of his condo.

Image below of the “creepy” camera’s in Craddock’s condo, from Heavy.com What kind of sane person could possibly find home security “creepy?” Yup–people who might get caught on film doing bad shit.

I dunno….

….one persons version of creepy is another persons multi-million dollar industry, as we see with Jeff Bezo’s Amazon Ring camera’s everywhere you look these days, and even those camera’s themselves hacking into peoples homes!

There is usually a reason people put camera’s up in their neighborhoods. I knew a Pakistani engineer who did that, and his camera’s were routinely destroyed by these neighborhood mobs in the early War on Terror era, as were my own when I tried to combat neighborhood gang stalkers/corporate spies/police/other agency shitbags, who I caught on film repeatedly..

Craddock wasn’t seeking anyone’s attentionhe wanted to be left alone, much like Andrew Engledinger, who instead, got camera’s pointed in his face and his mage blasted across PR newsletters before his rampage at Accent Signs in Minneapolis.

Indeed we see that this idea of people who are targeted and harassed are seeking notoriety is patently false in most of these cases, yet that their campaign works in some media outlets like the New York Times, long allied with racist causes.

And it cannot be missed that religious organizations ALWAYS manage to get “product placement” in these narratives after the fact. Here, below, we see white Lutherans put out in the press as “saviours” after the shooting. The “thank g-d” narrative is also a staple in these cases, in nearly every single news story.

Listen, people: the arguably mythical Jesus was NOT a stalker, and would not condone your stalking activity, even if he were real. In fact, your “savior’s” story is itself a story about stalking, as whacko religious fanatics–the Jewish sect called the Pharisees–had stalked him to death. In that light, your “Devil/Shatan/Satan” makes you “believers” look like bigger “demons,” or just frauds.

From the Milwaukee Molson-Coors case:

A group of Lutheran Church Charities comfort dogs visited the nearby Story Elementary School, where students went on lockdown during the shooting, and will remain in Milwaukee until next week, the charities said.

Comfort DOGS. Awwww, how cute. Has anyone except me noticed how these stalkers signal to each other at gang stalking blogs full of “#fakeTI’s?” Yup–many of them are heavily involved with animal rescue, and “comfort dogs.” That’s a separate essay entirely.

Apparently, the Germanic-Lutheran sects want to give murder victims families “dogs” for comfort. Imagine the irony, for “othered” peoples who find dogs repulsive (they walk in shit, eat shit, and lick these people, for example. How a=cute!)

THAT’s what is the topic here: how Germanic/Teutonic/Anglican/Lutheran/Baptist and Catholic/Orthodox societies form a narrative: in case none of them know, dogs are repulsive to most Islamic people, some Jews, and others–and one of the supreme insults to anyone from these cultures is to call them dogs, or to say that they sleep with dogs, as many western people actually DO.

Political PACs, NGO’s, church groups, and freemasonry styled organizations are all involved in stalking scenarios, like how the Knights of Columbus was spotted in the Sandy Hook/Newtown CT case: watch as one Manfredonia after another Manfredonia is arrested for some bizarre crime or another. Keep in mind that it was Chris Manfredonia who was arrested at Sandy Hook as Adam Lanza went inside and targeted his school psychologist, and that the grand-sire of this literal gang stalking clan, William Manfredonia, was the principal of Newtown’s High school too(read through that link for evidence of “who are the gang stalkers”). No theory there, but an actual conspiracy of some kind or other indeed.

Without any doubt,these religious groups, identifiable gang stalking families and their associates in government and policing, and the affilliated NGO’s and “community assets”–all of them are major gang stalkers in the mold of the “Whistling and Whittling Brigades of Nauvoo“, because they derive federal and private donations and other funds for gang stalking. This is what “community policing” is, and we can see it reflected in the tribal sectarianism of these events, with the debate about Democrat or Republican shooters online.

Related: Watch the tribal-sectarian narrative unfold in the recent shooting in Massachusetts, where a “normal guy” Nathan Allen,with zero mental health issues and zero criminal record suddenly flips a 180, and decides to steal a plumbing truck, and go on a shooting/crashing rampage, killing two people who fit the profile of gang stalkers: one retired state trooper, David Green, and one retired military IT person, Ramona Cooper. Anyone wanna guess why those two people–who fit the profile of gang stalkers were the ones targeted? And–hacking, anyone? I won’t hold my breath for an answer to my question: what were those two people doing at that spot, at that time–why were they there? Coincidence indeed.

Gang stalking, aka “community policing,” “targeted individual programs,” “colliding parallel investigations,” “intelligence led predictive policing,” that is now being litigated in court–call these programs whatever you like, but it’s an indisputable, and well documented fact that these hidden, obscured, and definitely occulted law “enfarcement” practices precede mass homicides and workplace shootings. Ask me for even more documentation, if you are a serious researcher that religion centered groups and their NGO’s derive federal funding for gang stalking programs.

Another case in point is the narrative of the newsroom influencer Anna Conkey, who was nearly herself framed as a mass shooter, after some weird online interactions between herself and her church:


And, we see the numbers 12 or 13 appearing too, in nearly every mass shooting, including Gabriel Wortman at Portapique, Nova Scotia, as in the cases described above.IN Wortman’s case, they ran that number very early in the press. Use your search engine to find the original articles that claimed he shot 13 people, such as this one at Scallywag and Vagabond, which was later changed to 18, and kept moving upwards.

If you want another eye opener, search Bing for the search result “Gail Watts 777.” She was one of the neighbors who said “Everton Brown was aggressive towards women.” Did you do the search? Intereting job title, um-hnhuh?

And you can see my recent fan-mail from some Nazi-other-insane-sociopathic person, which demonstrates the value of that number to these types of people. Note that persons opinion is that it is “me” ROGS who is a “psycho” because I document their activities, very publicly, and for the sake of others–not a trait of a psychopath in any sense. So, Freudian projection combined with constant attempts at “narcissistic injury” and PSYOP is ALL OVER THE PLACE in their narrative, and I ask researchers to investigate that link, which I have.

These are cultic, cloistered, and insane bullies–psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals by definition. Numerology and mysticism such as the cult practice of “un-naming” a man, for them is power, and they use it to abuse their victims–who sometimes bully them in return, which are what these mass homicides are. All over online are people called “fake TIs” talking about gang stalking, utilizing “gematria,” psychobabble, and other occulted gibberish–and targeting real individuals.

So, asking the important questions in these cases is in fact the type of journalism is “in the public’s interest” already, we are an educated public, meaning that we approach media narrative with healthy skepticism and an awareness that media is a political tool of the political elite, and those who do their bidding in secret. WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN ?!

First and foremost–regardless of how he was “framed” in media narratives–Everton Brown was an activist against “community policing.”

He sued (perhaps) the wrong party to his stalking and harassment, as nearly all other claimants to this sort of harassment sue their town home association, or at least spend the time to research their stalkers. As ROGS Analysis states, case after case of claims of gang stalking nearly ALWAYS involve current and former military, police, intelligence agents, and others in their sphere of influence, such as psychologists, social workers, behavioral analysts, cold case investigators AS gang stalkers, and so on.

And, Brown had signs on his car, which were well within first amendment rights and protections–not an indicator of mental illness in ANY SENSE, but rather a mere type 1 or two error. As he blew up his own house, and shot his noisy, politically aspirational neighbors, two of whom shared a wall with his townhouse– and blasted kaoraoke EVERY SATURDAY; and he died next to his car, which had signs stating:

Black People Are the Tool Used to Maintain Racism,”


“For 3 Years the FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life———–Please no more!”

In journalism, skepticism is the most basic, foundational premise, even though modern journalists mostly forego the practice of “second sourcing”in its true form, opting instead to run “opinions” from interested parties. Why is that? It’s because other outside agencies and interests have co opted journalism itself, which is well documented. It’s not likely the FBI at all, but if you scratch that fools gold of a narrative, you WILL find state police and workers from the state system, and likely a slobbering real estate agent too, as we saw with Tom Taggart’s role in the Nova Scotia mass shooting.

Have a look at the story of Michael Hastings, too, whose car was blown up after his reporting on a powerful US Army general. Then have a look at the unrelated case of Martin Luther King being stalked by US Army intelligence agents who worked with the FBI, the Anti Defamation League, and the Ku Klux Klan too, who had also stalked his father, and HIS father before him.

This IS what gang stalking IS.

Its not a delusion in any way–it is what gang stalking IS. Talk about “strange bedfellows! The ADL and the Klan working together (!) and targeting a civil rights activist! It really doesn’t get more bizarre than that–two versions of racist haters, targeting a black family for three generations!! And not just one, but tens of thousands, including Malcolm X, and two generations of his lineage before him; one generation of his lineage after him, and one hundred percent in line with sociopathic Pharisees.

Surely, the definition of “white supremacy”takes on a new meaning when we see the Jews and the Protestants operating under an FBI framework to target a “black” man. These two groups, despite an apparent “race gap” are undoubtedly one and the same, as “horseshoe theory” predicts.When being confronted by a Jewish-christian narrative, every other narrative must necessarily utilize this theorem, becasue ATEoD, they really are the same. Jews are inseparable from christians, as they perpetuate Jewish-christian ideology across the world.A classic example of how their horseshoe works is the case of Howard Unruh, and America;s first “mass shooting”*

Comes now the case of Everton Brown, not the last case of a mass shooting by far, as just last night, yet another one in San Jose–predictably, that shooter targeted union members, who are well in the historical records acting as “organized crime.”.

*America had many mass shootings BEFORE Howard Unruh shot up his noisy neighbors, but because those mass shootings were state agents or mafia’s perpetrating genocide and homicide, we do not call them “mass shootings.” The Washita massacre, the Little Bighorn–and even the planned and calculated assault on a few sheep farmers by cowardly gunslingers at the O.K. Coral set a trend in the psychological makeup of gang stalkers in America.

Gang stalking case study: Everton Brown, WOODLAWN, Md mass shooting, neighborhood disputes: how police use the community, black ops, and racism to target activists

Everton Brown was first and foremost, an activist, regardless of how later news reports covered the story of his burning and shooting rampage. Even as he was shot by police, he was standing next to his own vehicle which had a sign on it, reading

“Black people are the tool used to maintain racism.

Everton Brown

That is an extremely profound insight, considering that it was likely a black cop who shot him to death, that cop completely aware of Mr. Browns history with that police department, because modern policing utilizes CIA derived technology and methodology to target people in the “domestic” theater, this technological assault called “predictive policing“when approaching events.

These cases do NOT happen randomly, or without prior police interactions, sometimes spanning decades, as we saw for Mr. Browns many “calls for help” alongside his activism about police brutality coincide with many police interactions where they followed him, stopped him, detained him, over e thirty year period. The question is: why did they stop Mr. Brown over a period of 30 years–but NEVER charged him with any crime? This is what “state stalking” is–endless “investigations” and stops, designed to cause the target to consider moving away, just as we saw stated in the Pasco County cases..

So, they turned Mr. Brown into a “permanent suspect” of some kind, despite having no criminal record. His calls to police for many years ABOUT his neighbors finally resulted in his neighbors obtaining “peace orders” against HIM, despite the fact that he had been very vocal about being targeted long before his neighbors complained–a complete inversion of one man’s personal narrative.

But the press surely didn’t miss a beat with the slander campaign, as they ran footage of him excercising his first amendment right in protest against state sponsored spying and stalking, for which he eventually sued. Here’s one video.

Update: This post is wildly popular. So maybe read the latest update, or these companion pieces, here, and here, and here, or use search feature “Everton Brown.”.

IN these cases, here is what happens: the police work with “community policing” assets, including their police cadets–who are frequently implicated as gang stalkers–and when they are called by the target, they consult an “intelligence dossier,”and basically decide of they like you or not; if your records at their department are “friendly” towards police; if you have any “run-ins” with them in the past, and especially if you have asserted your rights, or challenged any of the many unconstitutional policing methods in use today in all jurisdictions, and kangaroo courts ranging from any of the hydra of family court, child support court, drug court, etc that carefully eradicate due process and civil rights issues.

Then the responding officers take sides. It doesn’t matter if you have ever been found guilty of any crime, what matters in “intelligence led predictive policing” is whether or not you are on board with police agenda’s, many of which are anti-constitutional. Any challenge to those bankster funded police agendas that defy constitutional due process is noted in those records.

Then, they push the envelope, and wage a whisper campaign about your mental health, your “history” as it exists in endemically flawed and biased police databases, etc. They turn neighbors against neighbors.Then, they sit back ad munch popcorn as the fireworks begin.

“Oh this guy is bad news! He was accused of being a criminal/ prostitute/tax dodger/drug dealer/wife beater/pedophile,” etc.They spread that around the community until they have completely toxified an individuals life. And, they do indeed use their police cadets, and recruits to do things like break into peoples homes too.

Further, we see how the African American police officers are merely what was called “uncle Tom’s” in earlier rhetoric of black power, and in fact their methods merely mirror those used by white supremacist policing of earlier era’s. Even the case of George Floyd revealed this flaw in policing ideology–his murderers were two “white” guys, and two “ethnic” profiles, one Hmong, one sort of racially ambiguous black/brown man. All of whom acted as a gang and killed a guy, and their “ethnic” makeup cannot be missed as the entire thing was caught on film.

Indeed, we see this in case after case of mass shootings and other bizarre policing activity like the Houston No-Knock raid that saw two white people murdered in their home by a now indicted “gang” of police led by a black man, Gerald Goines, operating closely with Hispanics. Eventually six more “ethnic” cops were indicted in that case alone Racism as THE hot potato being tossed around between police and institutional forces, and the targeting of their victims.

SO, the Everton Brown case then, becomes a war on narrative–another “black operation” for who gets to tell the truth, and decide the facts, and explain the circumstances, and so far, we see in nearly 75% of these cases, the ADL running the media narratives. It is not a coincidence that a guy from Nepal–who coincidentally had mad computer skills, and who was a member of the “United Negro College Fund” was killed, because “fundies” are all over the place in mass shootings and other mayhem, because NGO’s are weaponized.Use my search feature and search “NGOs and gang stalking.”

This conflict of interest–a race supremacist group like the ADL running media narratives about mass shootings–is directly equivalent to how the FBI worked with the Ku Klux Klan to run narratives of lynchings–and how the women’s auxilliary of the KKK waged whisper campaigns. The faces and the races have changed, but the old masonic KKK order utilized in policing is still in place.

As a “buzzword,” the word racism has long legs, as we see Peruvians activating along those lines too, and the story was even featured in the Kabul Times. So what we see in fact, is an international effort to frame America’s race problem as a world problem–which it is–but also that it denies black males agency as agents of change. How many black men have died here so that other brown, yellow, and “othered” men can immigrate? That is the real issue behind this narrative.

Related Story: The “mysterious deaths” of Ferguson Activists, all of whom were heterosexual, black males get a “makeover” after “woke females” attached to media interact with the narrative.

And, much like the Portapique killings where Gabriel Wortman murdered a few folks after his common law wife was in contact with US agents and spies, and a hornets nest of “domestic violence advocates” while Wortman was suspiciously and likely working with the RCMP; or the first mass shooting in modern history, by a half Jewish man, Howard Unruh, who was also involved in a dispute with his noisy Jewish neighbors*, we see the police and their well known, toxic spies at all times central to these narratives, in covert roles.

We see this come to light in the famous 1998 lawsuit that proved Martin Luther King was the target of multiple agencies–oddly including Army intelligence which had spied domestically on his family for three generations(WTF!!!), and exactly as we saw with the Malcolm X story; and using race to exploit vulnerabilities in the communities that they “serve,”as they perpetuate a “good black people v bad black people” narrative. And certainly Sagar Ghimire, a victim of the shooting, affiliated with the United Negro College Fund too–was a “good negroe,” to be sure, as Brown played the role of the “bad negroe” to the music of that toxic organizations tune.

Keep in mind that since the so-called War on Terror is at its heart a western jihad or holy war, the goal of which is to “cleanse” the world–and the guiding narrative of the world–so that it is a Jewish-christian-zionist safe haven, and other narratives that contradict that version of reality are being trampled at furious rates, as we see in the murders/deaths/strange suicide of primarily heterosexual male activists, and especially black men.

Related Story: Who is the international “archaeological mafia” and why do they work so hard to suppress evidence that contradicts Torah teaching and biblical narratives? Read about the explosive facts of an “underground city” that made the news and then disappeared when the evidence found contradicted all of modern western religious teachings: the hidden chambers of the Annunaki underneath the Sphinx of Giza, meeting a “gatekeeper” named Zahi Hawass.

So, Brown’s case is a case of that–narrative control, and he definitely implicated the “FBI, the US military, and the community” in his gang stalking lawsuit, and only then after many years of exasperating isolation in his calls for help. That virtually describes “community policing” to the letter.

But who can possibly name all of the stalkers by name in a lawsuit where actual spies are actually spying on citizens? In the US, besides the 17 agencies that are tasked with illegal spying, there are thousands of “private contractors,” who target individuals, and few laws reign these groups in, or enforce prosecuting these spies either. Then, there is the most likely suspects: the townhome association that wanted him gone. Real estate and gang stalking are linked repeatedly all across the country.

Have a read through the post below to understand the “hidden forces”that were organized against one individual black man, who for all intents and purposes was indeed paranoid, and with good reason, as mobs of actual spies and harassers from many named organizations marauded through his life as he tried to simply campaign for his civil rights and the rights of others. Then, compare it to the case at hand.

In the earlier incarnation of the FBI’s COINTELPRO, we saw similar things, but today’s incarnation of that program uses tracking by cell phones, and internet too, a confusingly powerful weapon against individuals who do not conform to the “profiles” that are being imposed upon our Jewish-christian society by international powers.This, augmented with PSYOP run from Fusion Centers (all of which go by different names) makes suing gangs of institutionally sanctioned stalkers nearly impossible–by design.

Yes, sometimes, even “the paranoids” are right, and doubly so in the case of black men who do not back down while trying to enforce their simple civil liberties. Everton Brown was indeed a case of that, and his victims, were victims of illegal “community policing” programs where racist change agents manipulate one race against another to form a social narrative. And while they may have participated in the types of activities that Mr. Brown complained about, they did so with the complete and tacit encouragement of law enforcement in the “community policing” scheme.

The case below outlines the sordid business of “parallel colluding investigations” of Martin Luther King, for reference:

*There is an entire sub-story of non-conforming Jewish men being targeted in CIA operations stemming from the MKULTRA era. Most famously, the half-Jewish J.D. Salinger, and his book Catcher in the Rye, popped up in many assasinations ranging from John F. Kennedy to actress Rebecca Schaefer, to Ronald Reagan, to John Lennon’s murder, a calling card of some sort, much as we see the number 13 in these cases too. Also commedian Lenny Bruce quite famously was stalked relentlessly by the FBI and its flying monkey’s in the ADL and other “community assets”until he died.

…..post in progress, check back later.

What is “domestic spying” and “gang stalking” in the online dialectic? Meet Anti Defamation League sponsored Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a darling of the “disapora communities”–and the IMDB gang

Examining the gang stalking narratives online, and the cases that show up in court rooms ( here, here, here, here, here, and here too) we see patterns, clear as daylight. Racist gangs are just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s meet a few Internet Movie Database gangsters.

Here is a recurrent theme in gang stalking narratives: there is probably a good reason why some people meet bad fates, generation after generation. Online in social media, Twitter, Facebook groups, Youtube–there is an undercurrent in the gang stalking dialectic that frequently makes inferences that “gang stalking is a silent Holocaust,” or that “well, at least its not a holocaust,” or “gang stalking is slow kille eugenics!”

SO, let’s Meet “the silent genocide” and the “well at least its not the Holocaust” oriented stalkers of the left.

I have encountered many of them, ranging from former Playboy bunnies, to a strange little Filipina who stalked me through Hollywood one summer. Both of them had entries in the Internet Movie Database, the IMDB. THese are what are referred to in many cases as “the Hollywood mafia,” and they are political, and “cause stalking” based. And, the Hollywood mafia uses women to carry out many of their strange stalkings, as did the Ku Klux Klan women’s auxilliary. So now, that the federal authorities have indicted a stalker, and I will examine that case.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a recently indicted cyber stalker and offline actual stalker, was indicted because she targeted young boys, not just for stalking, cyber stalking, and harassment. In fact, in the USA some groups and their stalkers usually get a free pass for stalking and harassing people. For centuries, the Ku Klux Klan, and its female auxilliary, the Kamellias waged poison squad campaigns against others, as did various women’s groups allied with right wing feminism, most notoriously Nikki Craft’s call to arms.

And we see the echoes of this in today’s #MeToo movement, where every man’s actions are cast as malign, and every woman’s actions wholly unaccountable. Perhaps this is the last gasp of white female privilege, or something deeper, like ultra-conservative religious narrative hiding itself in cultural co-option.

This historical form of gang stalking has millions of new subscribers in the digital era, and the left has weaponized these tactics effectively since the early 1990’s, at the emergence of the modern police and surveillance state: and all of that was predicated on “rape!” Pedophiles!” and “domestic violence!” in the Violence Against Women Act of 1993–President Joe Biden’s crown jewel in an anti-constitutional, gendered narrative that benefits primarily white women.

That power grab, by neocon’s and other religionists who derive benefits from sex/gender divisions also had at its heart a famous spy scandal, which set the trend for the modern total surveillance and police state that AMerica has inarguably become. Familiarize yourself with the Anti Defamation League networks of spies and stalkers (also here, and here too) for a glimpse of what it is that has built the modern police state.

So, not surprisingly Demirovic is part of the “diaspora community,” which on one hand are sometimes actual victims. but also, actual perpetrators too. ROGS, the author you are reading now, has extensive experience with these types, as well as their enablers in domestic terrorism and spy rings that run rampant across America today. So let’s dive a bit deeper into her story, and addto the “holocaust and genocide” narratives that permeate the online gang stalking dialectic.

Demirovic’s basic story is this–a “diaspora community survivor, ” genocide film maker, and genocide theorist, she stalked and terrorized a few teenage boys. Then, her Hollywood connections could not or did not stop the federal government from prosecuting her for her insane bullying. Here is more about her film Faces of Genocide. In the dialectic online, many of those who cyber stalk and bully and harass use such terms to create a false equivalence, and rationalize that their actions are somehow better than genocide, or at least are not genocide, as they target and slander, and harass people into poverty and worse.

So, Demirovic no doubt feels that she has “righteous anger” and was enraged, She was “mad,” and also, she was enabled by a well known political machine. She was “empowered!” by them and:

was so angry at the boys — listed in court records as Victims A-C — she sent them death threats, made up false allegations accusing them of rape and other crimes, and cyberbullied them with insults like “pig” and “dwarf,” or by making light of their parents’ divorce. She is also accused of threatening or harassing some of the victims’ parents.

Her goal was “sabotaging their personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects,” the indictment alleges. And prosecutors say she succeeded; one of the victims, who was 14 at the time, became depressed and anxious after Demirovic allegedly arrived at his high school in 2016, asked where to find him, and screamed that she would “rip your f—ing heart out.”

So….patterns, yeah?

One of those patterns is that online, is that we see gang stalkers mentions of the “holocaust” or “silent genocide” fueling many gang stalking claims and narratives. But it is usually stated in passive aggressive, euphemistic terms, never directly or overtly. Lets take a look at that claim:

  • a search of the phrase “silent holocaust and gang stalking” in popular search engine returns 149,000 results
  • a search for the phrase “holocaust and gang stalking” returns almost 15.000 results

These results are significant for many reasons, not least of which is that they clearly provide evidence that there is a “false narrative” of genocide being built online, and that is clearly and definitively tied to the issue of gang stalking.

Here is one religion oriented* website/result for example, but there are thousands more that use such terminology, not surprisingly it includes right wing religionist’s like Ramola D and Targeted Justice.

The false equivalency as a narrative ploy allows those who spy on, or cyber-stalk, or offline stalk and harass people offline to cover their crimes with the idea that somehow, gang stalking is not worse than :”holocaust, and genocide”. As polarizing narratives go, it is pretty slim cover and rationalization for crimes, and a lie of great magnitude as well. And as we see in the outliers on the Bell curve, mass shooters are taking lives, so these are not harmless dialogues, and agents provocateurs proliferate in them, using military grade “influence operations,” tactics aka “mind control”.

So, let’s look at modern, ongoing genocides for clues about the subtlety of language expressed online. Lets search for the term “silent genocide,” for clues about who uses such terms, and why they do it:

  • The first hit in that search engine brings us to a post about genocide in West Papua, a silent genocide that “Australia doesn’t want you to know about.” It reads in part “

Estimations of over 500,000 indigenous West Papuans have been murdered over the last 54 years. This also includes reports of wide spread torture of women and children.

The United Nations, European Union, and associated governments have received ample evidence of atrocities, massacres, torture, and crimes against humanity and chose to remain silent and complicit.”

All of the above results are genuinely serious situations, and arguably are genocide. But then, a deeper dive into results starts to flesh out how easily this term is applied by political interests of both the right AND the left:

Right wing narrative:

Left wing narrative:

So, as we see above, “genocide scholars” and Hollywood affiliated film makers like Demirovic are highly active in the propaganda outlets waging battle over this term, but also, occasionally, we see them indicted as stalkers too.Sadly, the federal prosecutors have only taken an interest in cases where these conscienceless psychopaths target children, but other gang stalking lawsuits are starting to come forwards too, in local jurisdictions.

All of that, without irony, as one of my own followers at this blog is also part of the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) gang, which I briefly mentioned in other writing about Demirovic. So, yeah, the Hollywood mafia and all that is a real thing too.

*In case after case of these bloggers, we find either the christian or the Jewish narrative of “G-d” being frequently hinted at or outright exclaimed. Some are clearly Zionist fanatics and Mossad affilliated writers, and others are clearly and christians. Most are unashamed of that fact, and as I state repeatedly, and as ROGS Analysis of gang stalking proves, nearly 100% of all the people online in the community and also the “fake TI’s” are current and former police, military and intelligence agents and their relatives and associates.

Gang stalking lawsuits: The US Attorney AND the FBI are starting to take gang stalking seriously. Comes now the case of Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, indicted progressive political operative

As I have documented repeatedly for over five years, much gang stalking flies under law enforcement radar because it is organized gangs of female stalkers doing it, and we see evidence of that everywhere. There are “gangs” of women at all levels of institutions, and the story below gives us a glimpse of a refugee, cum disapora survivor, cum now -indicted felon. ROGS predicts that the “un-named associate” is Demirovic’s daughter.

“Writing about me may not be the best idea. People love happy and cheerful stories, and mine is sad.”

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, quoted in “OVAKAV KAKAV JE – DOBOJ VISE NIJE MOJ GRAD” a story about her life as a refugee from Madeline Albright’s “women’s war” in the former Yugoslavia

At all levels of narrative, we see the woman below used by media, and used by profiteers in the various “disapora community” narrative, and at ALL levels of the pseudo-feminism of “women’s empowerment.” But we also see her climbing the precarious ladder of the American political scene, carefully “handled” by political operatives.

UPDATE 6/”13″/2021: I have added to my thoughts about this case and you can read that here. Demirovics is part of what I call the Internet Movie Data Base Gang of Stalkers, and many of those that I encountered in my research are indeed listed in the IMDB, These bizarre stalkings included former Playboy bunnies, and Filipina “single mothers. Read the update for more information.

And now, Demirovic’s is probably going to jail because of that training by very wealthy, deep state affilliated political operatives, and the associated sense of entitlement, immunity, and impunity. Gang stalking is a predatory, multi-level marketing scheme, and women like Demirovic are both its products, and its services.

Related Story: Getting in on the booming industry of Diaspora! Now, thanks to Mother Courage and her Wagon, you can find a Diaspora APP on Google! Look in the “forever war” section, and ignore the spyware inherent in such a diabolical scheme, and ask yourself: who would be stupicd enough to use these APPs? Yup….immigrants who do not know any better….

That Pattern Repeats Itself In Nearly All Gang Stalking Cases: the politics of gang stalking, a primer

Quite famously in the Virginia Tech shooting, and in the Ten Thousand Oaks shooting, we saw both Democratic AND Republican political operatives on the scene or near it; the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting had this guy from Australia “move in next door” to the alleged shooter, or the Scott Bierele (R) and the Talahassee Hot yoga shooting where he blasted some caps in his stalkers (D), and in many more cases that this is so.

And, women abound in these cases and in the pre-and post-ballistics of mass shootings–see the DeWayne Craddock-Virginaia Beach case for one excellent example– and other odd events, but also, we only notice these events, because they are extreme outliers, when in fact, women’s violence rules our society, and men just don’t speak up about it–women like Demirovic barely know what hit her as she was used by political operatives, and probably didn’t think she hit anyone either, because she was merely “stalking, cyber-stalking, and trying to destroy some young boys lives.” No violence there, right ladies?.

But hit her they did, and hit her they should, across several continents, for several decades, whoever “they” are.

US Attorney’s are starting to take these cases seriously, because these stalkers are dangerous, organized, and fly under the radar-most of the time, and it is often women doing the online cyber-stalking and tasking other community resources to the offline real world stalking, led by one or another “intelligence led predictive policing” for profit scheme, most prevalent in the stories where a “the shooter was accused of domestic violence !!!!”narrative….accused, but NEVER CONVICTED….why is that exactly? Yup. Kangaroo courts and their counter-constitutional basis have a lot to do with it.

In the case below, note how the indicted female stalkers stated goal is to ruin a boy’s life, by lies, coercion, manipulation, and deception, because he had dated, and rejected someones daughter. Geez….I can’t imagine why anyone would reject such good fruit, from such good trees, lol.

Comes now the case of indicted stalker Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, soon to be convicted stalker, or plea-copper, and her “associate.” And look at the claims made in the indictment, as we see indeed that everything you read about in the claims of stalking victims are mirrored to the letter, which I will highlight in bold type below:

‘Permanently damaged’: 46-year-old San Francisco woman allegedly cyberbullied three boys for years

Joshua Bote, SFGATE

Documents filed in California federal court allege that Demirovic told the boy that she would “rip [his] f—ing heart out.”  The boy had dated a girl connected to Demirovic for a few days in February that year. 

Nearly five years later, Demirovic, who now lives in Brentwood, was charged in federal court Monday for two counts of conspiracy and cyberstalking in an effort to “sabotage the personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects of the teenage victims,” per the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California. She was arrested last Friday.

The charges were announced Monday in a statement from Acting United States Attorney Stephanie Hinds and FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig Fair.

Soon after the initial incident, court documents allege Demirovic began targeting another boy who her “co-conspirator” dated for about two months. In August 2016, she allegedly sent a barrage of text messages, calling him an “awful human being” and telling him that she would file a false restraining order against him in an effort to affect his college applications.Months later, Demirovic and the teen girl reportedly called the boy’s employer and school principal to falsely report claims of physical abuse, drug use and alcoholism. The principal prohibited Demirovic from entering the campus following the suspicious contact.

Women’s stalking in western societies traps boys in cycles of abuse that destroy their lives, and echo the worst practices of primitive societies, because this simply does not exist in more evolved societies where educational opportunity, and social equality are the norm, not the exception. Women in Jewish-christian-Islamic societies serve the purpose of being on one hand, gatekeepers of social narrative, and hence the highly gendered narratives of domestic violence; and on the other, operate AS gangs, exactly as we see above in every podunk town across America.

So, high numbers of females involved in prosecuted cases of “gangs of stalkers,” is the norm, not the exception, as saw in this recent case that received media attention.

In the past, white women’s groups ranging from the altRight neofeminist stalkers of the Nikki Craft crowd*, and Melissa Farley, to the poison squads of the Ku lux Klan Kamelias frequently worked their poisonous trade with the help and encouragement of law enforcement agents, retired police, military, and even deep state and actual intelligence agency assistance. Here’s more on these toxic, gangs of stalking women from Maggie McNeill.

But gangs of women now occupy multiple levels of society and its institutions, and indeed, form gangs. In the story above fr

Its as if the entirety of white female power and privilege have vested their resources in one thing, and one thing only: making sure that when a gang stalking case–or any other sordid crime– DOES make news, it is always brown, black, and other women whose names are attached to the headlines. But that’s a start.

What makes this indictment so tasty though, is the stalker herself, and her credentials. A short bio includes that she got her training at Jewish Community Centers, was educated in Indiana, University of Bloomington…. into “political science and international business, and spent a few years working for institutions like the World Affairs Council, where I was in the function of organizer of honorary and donor functions….I was in a position to organize meetings with many ambassadors, consuls, and businessmen from all over the world…..I started working at San Francisco State University as director of marketing….I was….employed in a large environmental campaign that was funded by the governor of California….” etc., including a Master’s degree in Modern European History…finishing a PhD. in Holocaust studies…”

Lots and lots of “etcetera” in these cases indeed. And, ROGS Analysis predicts that too. Gang stalkers think they are immune to prosecution, because of their political ties and other associations, but they are not.

Its about time that agencies started looking closer at these cases to notice patterns, and develop new profiles. While this indictment looks like a one-off, it’s not: the political history of this “diasporess”is riddled with missing links, and political alliances that for now, remain hidden, but complicit.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic indictment:


*I have admiration and a lot in common with many feminist icons, but for some reason I cannot identify with their hatred of men, and their gender biases, extreme narratives, and flaunting of their privilege–that they merely forego allegiance to one group of patriarchs in favor of another group of patriarchs, as Horseshoe Theory predicts. I think that is because they are all affiliated with the ADL, a toxic, racist group of very mean Jews, who act as shepherds to their various tribal/herds after these women have foresaken their own bloodlines, and male lineage,;and that most of them are merely golden cows, or something like that.

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: Richard Moore is suing Union County, Mississippi sheriffs department and a few associated gang stalking cowards named Blake Smith, Keith Roberts, and Jimmy Edwards.

I am following the case of a man in Mississippi who has been gang stalked by the usual suspects in policing, and its tentacles in the community.

Via Justia, filed in the Northern District of Mississippi, comes now Richard Moore, suing a few “gang stalkers.”

Moore v. Edwards et al

Plaintiff:Richard Moore
Defendant:Blake Smith, Keith Roberts, Union County Sheriff’s Department and Jimmy Edwards
Case Number:3:2021cv00080

Richard Moore has been stalked and harassed by people who think they are above the law. And as we see in these cases, often they are “the law,” at least in their own minds. But the reality is that they are criminals, doing criminal things, and their is no one to “police” the police.

As we see in nearly every case of gang stalking, these gangs are comprised of nearly 100% current and former police, firefighters, investigators and others who cover over each others stalking and harassment crimes; and none of them believe in the rights enshrined in the US constitution, or the rule of law.

The cases of Rick and Cindy Krlich, which details “Small Town Terrorism,” and the case of the eBay “cockroach cult” currently being prosecuted by the Department of Justice, the case of the cold blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery, and most recently the case of the Pasco County Sheriff targeting children are all examples of gang stalking lawsuits (more on the latter here, and here, where one of that departments k-9 officers is suing too.).

For many decades, an under current of conversations regarding western social structure discussed “police gangs” in somewhat hesitant manner for the obvious reason that critics of law enforcement become targets themselves. This threat FROM law enforcement is very real, and claims actual victims, including homicides.

Here below is one example of how actual police actually threatened people, after an actual gang of now-indicted police “gang members” murdered two people in cold blood after lying on a no-knock warrant, and planting evidence-an unimaginably anti-democratic practice:

Joe Gamaldi, he president of the Houston Police Officers’ Union said:

We are sick and tired of having targets on our back,” Gamaldi said. “We are sick and tired of having dirtbags trying to take our lives when all we’re trying to do is protect this community and protect our families.”

Gamaldi said while we live in the greatest city in the world, there are some who are fostering resentment against police in Houston.

“Enough is enough. If you’re the ones out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, well just know we’ve all got your number now,” Gamaldi said. “We’re going to be keeping track on all of y’all, and we’re going to make sure to hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers.”

Police as targets? Since when? Since never. And as we see in the case above, Gamaldi was not just protecting “the narrative” by threatening anyone who looked deeper into it, but also, protecting an actual gang of actual criminals whose charges include two murders, lying to the authorities with malice, theft, drug possession, clock milking, and other typical criminal behaviors.

Keep in mind that this was an actual threat, and it was indeed directed at me, and others who write about these issues. My old blog was hacked and de-platformed shortly after I named these people online. And I even traced the hack to Texas. So what we have is a bunch of actual indicted criminals covered for by other criminals who issue threats, no different than any other organized mafia. How did we get here?

It started with scapegoats, and the ever present threat narrative promulgated by these exact same people, as we see in the example above. It’s unthinkable that police should be threatening people, but threaten they do. So the threat is very real.

But since the egregious abuses of the War on Drugs brought us scapegoats, and then, the War on Terror brought actual CIA designed and funded programs into our every day lives, laundered through many various state and federal agencies, these conversations have become louder, angrier, and more informed.

For example, mainstream media has covered various privacy invading CIA domestic projects ranging from Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) which track people across cities and states, to the more well known examples of Fusion Centers monitoring people’s home computers, and collecting dossiers of our activities.

None of it is within the scope of democratic practices, and all of it is completely in line with totalitarianism as discussed in our most basic school textbooks. Indeed, America and the west in general have become the exact bogeyman they feared from Russia, or China, or any banana republic ever.

Related Reading: As the USA disintegrates into a banana republic police state that we see above, China is set to lead the economic recovery of Asia, and the Pacific Rim region

Richard Moore is a so-called sex offender, and last time I checked, he is on the sex offender registry. Indeed he himself has written about it quite openly. His case is one of those deals where a guy gets caught up in one of the many entrapment schemes run by police.

These schemes are disguised under “investigation privileged” tactics and methods, and include all kinds of illegal activity BY the police and investigative agencies that it shocks the conscience of ordinary people once exposed. This includes what are colloquially called “frame jobs” and unethical practices that range from undocumented wiretaps of peoples homes and computers, to . Here below are just a few:

-Muslims are targeted with pop-up advertisements cajoling them to join jihadist movements. I myself have observed these in the presence of Muslim friends and allies.

-suspected “white supremacists” are targeted with “speech baiting”by the Anti Defamation League and other race-based groups who monitor social media and the internet

-sex offenders are targeted in so many types of bizarrely crafted schemes as to defy the imagination. Here’s more about that from the Florida Action Committee

-people who seek to buy marijuana pipes or seeds online are targeted with enticements to buy heroin, cocaine, and other drugs

Beyond the insanity of these registries, which is well documented, we find that they perpetuate the most hypocritical and worst examples of Jewish0christian culture, specifically the practice of “scapegoating,” which you can read about here

I encountered Mr. Moore’s case in this article from the Fort Worth Weekly, where a journalist explored “gangs” of “stalkers” and nearly 100% of those stalkers were and are current and former police, investigators, county coroners, and others associated with the massive US policing and privatized prison industries. Indeed, if you dig deep enough, you will find real cases of gang stalking.

But perhaps most strikingly is that the author, Teri Webster, who also writes for the Dallas Morning News, had asked to interview a notorious (and well funded) group called “Targeted Justice” who claim to “help” actual targeted individuals, but who are in fact, actual stalkers. They refused to be interviewed, but then, showed up in the article claiming otherwise. This is fairly typical for these groups, because in media terminology, they are called a “misinformation” and “disinfrmation” operation–a cover for this illegal police activity.

The leader of the group in that area is one Richard Lighthouse, and these people are well known frauds, all of them with one form or another of military and spy agency credentials.The entire operation is designed to discredit targets, and spread bad information, such as “electronic brain zappers! !mind reading locusts!! and aliens!! and GHOSTS!!! and talking to the dead!!!,” etc.

But its not as often that either of the following things happen:

-an actual main stream media outlet discusses gang stalking, and

-an actual psychobabbling moron appears in the comments section rambling about debunked pseudo science from the 1980’s era CIA “Satanic Panic” catalogue

I advise any journalist, researcher, or psychologist to read that story, to better understand gang stalking, and especially to note how disinformation is spread. In this case, we see one “Tifffany Fontenot” actually attempting to discredit Mr. Moore, and in doing so, clearly attempts what is colloquially called “mind control,” by inserting psychobabble straight out of the CIA. Note in the following exchange that she has reversed the idea that victims are in fact perpetrators–a staple ploy in their dialectic bag of tricks:

Here is her attempt:

There is a particular man in your article who literally appears to be a perp. Moore is a registered sex offender complete with tattooed tear drop coming out of his eye. How did you find that guy? He ran a smear campaign on a leading member in the TI community using very common perping tactics such as name calling (one thing he called her was a whore among many others) and claiming others were doing to him what he, himself was actually perpetrating, and yet that same guy showed up in your article? Interesting coincidence isn’t it? There are many people claiming to be TI’s who actually are not in order to attempt to keep this global torture and trafficking network from being discovered by the public. They attack TI’s and try to make TI’s look delusional in order to keep the torture/trafficking network going.

Teri, Did you get benefit for writing this article in any way from the defense or law enforcement, or medical industry, or through anyone at FWW in ANY way via an EMF targeting business making money off of people you are doing a hit piece on? I’m just wondering because these smear pieces are a regular occurrence against TI’s being used as medical guinea pigs in the Global Ai Arms Race to weaponize the brain nonconsensually and being slowly slaughtered unto their deaths.

In this example, we see many things at play that to an ordinary observer just looks like another rabbit hole full of strangely shaped bunnies, but to the keen observer we see that Ms. Fontenot’s entire dialectic is hard right, religion based, full of actual and provable lies, and more, including that she has indeed targeted someone online, and likely offline too. She is a proponent of “reverse speech analysis,” which was concieved as a way for hard-right religious nuts to analyze rock and roll music to find hidden messages, a sort of offshoot of other junk science that seeks to find “the devil” or the Virgin Mary in slices of toast, and tree bark. Here’s more about that total time waster, from her (time wasting) website.

These groups are massive, well funded, and dangerous, with actual homicides to their credit. Its is time we do indeed “target targeted individuals,” but this time by first identifying their actual victims, and then, suing those responsible, because the threat they pose is very real.

America’s slip into the abyss of total police state started with sex offenders, and targeted individuals programs expanded after that. Now, gang stalking lawsuits have arrived!

The old adage “first they came for the ________” is the cautionary tale of how the deep state and its various ultra-right religious and secular elements began to covertly organize society around anti-democratic and para-judicial causes which have now exploded to target ever more groups of individuals.

Scapegoating has a long history in Jewish-christian societies, and the practice is religious in nature, always bizarre, ritualistic, and arguably primitive, and the targeting of sex offenders in the early 1990’s was just part of the larger “Satanic Panic” which used junk science, ever shifting goalposts and”plastic words” to define those who these elements wished to target.

In the narrative, a rabbi dressed as a medieval wizard casts all of human “sin” into a hapless goat named Azazel, and then chases it mercilessly over a cliff, and some other plainly bizarre stuff, and then remarks that he has liberated society from sin, because now, the goat is the sinner, and bears humanities sins. Purely bizarre reasoning, and plainly a bit cockamamie too. You can read more about it here.

Like the targeted individual programs across the USA that are starting to show up in court rooms, banning and shunning is weird and anti-social, against everything these fake christians claim , but right in line with racist and xenophobic rabbinical teachings, and the stated goal of these programs is to get them to move away, Or, in the words of the Pasco County, Fl program they seek to “harass you until you sue, or move away.”

And we also see the echoes of these cult practices in the No Notoriety campaign waged by public relations and “brand manager” Tom Teves too, where some seek to influence persons in media to actively “unname” people who go on mass shooting sprees, while overlooking the social dysfunction called gang stalking that led them to that place. So, first they came for the sex offenders, and now, finally these unconstitutional targeted individual programs have exploded ito many forms, ranging from the ever morphing term “terrorist,” to the nebulous other categories of “incel car crashers,” andany of the many ever expanding categories of domestic violence and family court related cases where individuals resist no-trial based kangaroo courts.

So, in the case studies of targeted individuals, we see that they fit a pattern too, and the recent lawsuit suing the Pasco County Sheriff Chis Nocco casts light upon how sex offenders have been treated for over forty years.

The Florida Action Committee fights against these abusive sex offender laws, and the anti-democratic targeted individual programs that they entail. Here is their take on that lawsuit, and here is more about the Florida Action Committee.

Florida Action Committee

Pasco Sheriff Sued for targeted harassment under “predictive policing program”.

Mar 11, 2021 | 23 comments

Several individuals filed a federal lawsuit yesterday against Paco County Sheriff, Chris Nocco for repeatedly harassing them, not because of what they did, but what they “predicted” a family member might do.

Essentially, what the Pasco Sheriff did was create a “list” and then send his deputies out to their homes to surveil them at all hours of the day and night looking for petty offenses to fine or arrest them for.

When you read through the lawsuit (which is linked below), you might get a tinge of PTSD from your own experience being monitored as a person required to register as a sex offender. No individual should be subjected to harassment like this.

Taylor v Nocco