Famed civil Rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore used a camera to document gangs of stalkers–and you can too

UPDATE: This blog you are reading now has a mirror site at http://www.gangstalkingresearch.Wordpress.com , where you can follow Mr. Richard Moore’s lawsuit, and new posts about gang stalking more closely

The civil rights era was the heyday of gang stalking by white supremacists in the Dirty South and elsewhere, and as targeted individuals are beginning to take up camera’s to document the absurd and insane behavior of gang stalkers, we tip our hats to the past–and photographers like Charles Lee Moore.

From CNN:

‘Unparalleled’: Charles Moore’s photos of the civil rights movement

The Stephen Kasher Gallery in New York labelled Moore “the single greatest civil rights photographer” of the civil rights era during its 2015 exhibition “Selma March 1965.”

Here is a photo from that exhibition–and notice the slouching, smirking cowardice of the slobs in the picture–while Moore was most famous for photos like Dr. King being booked into jail, or the incredible shot of a police dog tearing the pants off a non-violent, compliant black marcher as another dog leaps into the photographers face–it is this iconic photo of the slovenly, stupid, violent white men who do these violent things that is perhaps his finest.


And, Moore was kind of a badass as it were, allowing thugs to pummel him, pull his hair and even shove him to the ground as he struggled to get the right shot. Predictably, these thugs were the same thugs then as they are today–as nearly 100% of all gang stalking groups are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents working with their friends, relatives, “community assets, and others. These are who gag stalkers ARE.

The title “intelligence agents,” of course, only implies that they worked at an agency staffed by thousands of people–one big brain to compensate for their combined low-IQ’s-that these human beasts as individuals are not necessarily all that intelligent. Just look at those guys in the picture–that’s what gang stalkers look like; slack jawed low IQ morons for the most part–and that old guy with the stooped in shoulders! A Viagra IV couldn’t jolt life into that old coward with the club in his hand. Imagine their wives now–they all look like #fakeTI Midge Mathis no doubt–yikes.

Here’s a snapshot of Moore with a gas mask, taken by another civil rights era photographer

Moore believed that his photos would cause people to take political action. He was correct. And he wasn’t alone. His photo’s appearing on the front pages of newspapers and on television helped create the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to US Senator Jacob Javitz (source) Image of Moore from Middleweb.com

For those who do not understand the violence, and riot like atmosphere of the Black Lives Matter movement of the last decade, it is only through looking back into this era where we realize that non-violence was largely a failure–and that gang stalking has existed for many millennia. Martin Luther King was himself an inter-generational target of the US military, the CIA, the FBI, and NGO’s like the Jewish Anti Defamation League all spied on him together.

And the Jewish-christian white supremacy of that era did not go away–it merely took off its white robes, and dispersing itself into various forms of gang stalking programs, such as the Clinton COPS program, and today’s unconstitutional “intelligence led predictive policing“,and the equally fraudulent countering violent extremism programs”” (CVE) and its many spawn around the globe. Like the devil itself, these demons people keep shape-shifting into new terminology, phrasing themselves as a “new tactic, technique or technology, when it is just more of the same–from the same group of confabulists that has done this in one form or another since around 70 A.D.

Indeed–their spawn are everywhere now, and both the left and the right–Jews and christians, and Blacks, Asians and Latino’s all utilize gang stalking tactics. Perhaps one could argue that this is an improvement but its only another shape-shifting by well known hegemonic tribalists and other religious frauds(no, its not just “the Jews” doing this). Its alarming how many black cops, for example, are there on the scene shooting other black men these days, using the tactics of Israelification in daily, ordinary policing.

All of that said, there is a modern context to the story of Charles Lee Moore, and inter-generational targeting, and you can read more about it from photographer Moore’s own cousin, Richard Moore of Mississippi, writing here, and view a few gang stalking lawsuits currently working their way through the federal courts in Mississippi.Indeed–Richard Moore is likely an inter-generational target himself.

To be absolutely clear, I have stated often that many targeted individuals are not always the most well spoken; not always the best looking, or easily endearing of people–real targeted individuals are not polished authors or candidates for prom king, nor do they run slick internet search results clogging advertising campaigns as Targeted Justice is doing–indeed, real targets range from those who police are trying to turn as informants, to people with low education, or even lower opportunities to better themselves–people who have been marginalized–and they are easy targets of bullying of all kinds, and ready made scapegoats for institutional bullies.

Mr. Moore has started his path forward, and he writes:.

It’s been nearly 20 years of dealing with Corrupt law enforcement in North Mississippi. Organized community policing aka Gang Stalking is all the rage. This law enforcement ran Criminal organization is done under the guise of simply a neighborhood watch.

As I have said frequently–and in direct contradiction of the well know #fakeTI’s who populate most internet forums about gang stalking, rambling on about being zapped by satellites and worse (Targeted Justice, Ramola D, the United States Air Force’s own AF-OSI “OSI Informers” operation, TargetedOne, and many more.)

For the record, I too have some history with relatives who organized those 1960’s garbage strikes, and participated in some marches, and who organized a few unions too– so I know what gang stalking is from before I was born. Its in my genetic makeup–“my genetic memory” to call it out when I see it. And, I don know a thing or two about how to target them back too.

Related Story: The Tampa Bay Times wins its “13th Pulitzer Prize” for reporting on the Pasco County “targeted individual program. The series was titled “Targeted.”–but even that isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be is it? More about the 13’s here.

How to document gang stalking by the CIA/DHS/FBI and its NGO funded community assets*, using “wireless internet screen captures”

Look at this.

Electronic harassment, “electronic implants,” no touch torture and more, as a computer comes under attack from a gang of stalkers. Follow along, ok?

Its from a gang stalking in Pasadena California, where various NGO’s used their “fundies” and police agencies to stalk a guy. Of the documented participants in that area are: the local police from various departments, paramedics, firefighters, and NGO groups ranging from various “its for the women and children” NGO’s like CASA, to various “women’s shelter” advocates, and state aid or welfare recipients from the surrounding areas.

This claim is notable, because a large part of gang stalking is tied to the family courts, and the religion infused narratives that emanate from within them, notably the hyperbolic claims of child abuse, Satanism, and gendered narratives of domestic violence.

Related: Read as a Hollywood writer is gang stalked and slandered online by absolutely toxic people, as he attempts to save his children from a crazed, liar and incestuous woman who cannot fathom “scientific evidence” that her claims are total b.s. A lot of gang stalking takes place because religious fanatics make false claims in family courts–and even as we watch the charade of “Targeted Justice” we must keep in mind that they are also utilizing far-right gendered narrative.

So: what is active versus passive reconnaissance, and wireless SSID captures. Here, below, is how to track, and trace, and later, use these types of “screen captures” in subpoena’s, and “evidence discovery.”

Lets sit down for a slice of pizza together, and examine how these agents and agencies actively stalk people, and hack their internet at “open wifi” locations. They have been doing this type of stuff since 2003, and myself and others have been documenting it for decades.

Related: As an American, I was and still am appalled at how lawless my country has become–how the two tiered justice system is a cancer upon our society. SO, I began to document it in various ways, such as this article that you are reading, but also by studying what others were doing. Read this about how the FBI and its “conspicuous surveillance” was foiled by Russian spies. The oddity is that while Russian spies indeed should be monitored, the FBIetAlphabet, and sheriffs departments, local police, military contractors are in fact using “targeted individuals” for “target practice” as they train their goon squads–and all of that against due process, civil rights and the “spirit of the law,” in general; and against the constitution in every way, hence the claim that they/DHS/etalphabet are a modern “Stasi.”

Watch below how the wireless internet signals “devolve” over a short period of time, resulting in the internet being crashed, forcing the target to log in again, and again, each time exposing data that can be exploited by “gang stalkers” who seek that data for further “exploitation”. Extra points for that one journalist out there who can connect the dots to the “Asian FBI” and their associates in the San Gabriel Valley whose sloppy, illegal tactics result in a lot of bad convictions, many of which are reversed or tossed on their face. The Brandeis Institute asks “Catching, or Creating Terrorists?” in these cases:




Let me know when we see the “gotcha” moment in these screen captures, as a “gang” of “stalkers” war drives an internet connection.

But most importantly, notice the AP’s and SSID’s in these screen captures–those are the actual “internet addresses” of the stalkers electronic devices. Very valuable information, if you are armed with an evidence discovery subpoena, or other legal tool. Because internet addresses, and computer “chip” identification data is what modern gag stalking lawsuits do, and must seek.

Especially note “huangfu” and “FBI ZONE,” appearing, just before the “freewifi router” is hacked and crashed. All over the USA, and the west in general, secret police agencies are waging war against activists and dissidents. Arm yourself with the right weapons to fight back–and sue them for discovery evidence–invade their own electronic devices with “implants” if you can.

The tool is a simple, freeware tool called “Channelyzer,” and you can read about it here at Metageek. If you are being gang stalked, there are thousands of free tools online to document these types of events, and collect evidence against your stalkers.

Best tool of all? The 100% free Kali Linux, which can give these scumbags–and their relatives, children, wives and others which you can also trace and track using free internet tools, a few well earned headaches. Nine times out of ten, they are using that tool and others against you–so learn it, use it, and especially, target it at those who target you.

Lastly, I make note that the various “profiles” of targeted individuals all sprang from illegal activity of various agencies post-911, and these profiles include many false claims by the authorities. So, for an example, these agencies and their profiles are merely “ritual defamations” of their actual victims, some of whom form “reaction formations” to the abuse.

A couple of my favorite profiles are:

  • “the profile of the mental rapist” which is an FBI profile of a “mind fucker,” probably breathed to life by uber-lesbian Agent Starling. The irony of that cannot be missed as we see that agency and other shitbags in the “threat assessment industry” stalking and harassing men all over the world, deploying military grade “psychological operations” on unsuspecting victims, and attempting to incite violence, and even infiltrating family courts, and manipulating men’s lives behind the scenes. Mind fuckers indeed
  • the “hurt collector” goes by various names online and off and behavioral psychology trips all over itself to deny the reality of the pain caused by gang stalkers at all levels of society, and generally lumps this onto mass shooters who respond to being gang stalked, notoriously any and every mass shooter who has been demonstrably bullied by “gangs” of stalkers, such as Eliot Roger, or Seung Ho Choi.

I note these profiles, because they fit the profile of the types of bullying and harassment that the agencies themselves are performing all across America, as evidenced by how nearly every single mass shooter EVER was “on the FBI/other police radar” before, during and after their mass casualty events.

*CIA-etalphabet hides their domestic presence behind various “non governmental organizations,” and these are weaponized social change agents that actively stalk and target people in order to “create the change you want to see in the world” not least of which is the religious organizations that target antifa/Black Lives Matter, or the alt-Right Blue Lives Matter, and the crackpot “No Notoriety” groups that target them.

And, as usual, I only provide my readers with the tip of the iceberg–never the whole altered climate of “democratic subversion by US agencies.” Indeed–the CIA’s war on democracy never ends. You should ask me for the video’s that accompany this piece……

How to catch a gang of stalkers: start with this story about a prisoner who died in a 109 degree cell, and add “coincidence in gang stalking” and its a ROGS Bingo

No one likes bad guys, who do bad things, but you know what? When those bad guys are some fundie prison guards who murder a guy? Yup. They are worse than any bad guy walking the streets, because what the bad guys do is bad. What fundie rison guards who murder people do is evil. See the difference?

And most gang stalkers are fundies of one kind or another–people on the payroll of NGOs, or other entities who enlist them to do illegal things.

So: who wants to trace a gang of stalkers, and possibly push for a prosecution? Let’s start by first, naming the bad, dead guy.

Man serving life for 1993 Jefferson County double murder dies in prison

A 44-year-old state inmate serving a life sentence for the deaths of two people in Jefferson County has died in prison.

Tommy Lee Rutledge, 44, was found unresponsive inside his private cell at William Donaldson Correctional Facility. The discovery was made at 8 p.m. Tuesday, and Rutledge was pronounced dead at 9:13 p.m., according to the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office.

Chief Deputy Coroner Bill Yates said an autopsy was performed Wednesday but the cause of death has not yet been determined. There is no evidence of foul play.

Meh. Another bad guy that we the taxpayers don’t have to feed, right? I mean-just look at this guy!

Tommy Lee Rutledge was roasted alive by prison guards.Look at this guy! And…look at the inhumane conditions of his prison cell. See any books in there? Anything at all that resembles life sustaining matter? Image from the Freethought Project


What causes a man to live the life that man lived? We will never know, right? Black, male, in the shithole state of Alabama….meh.

But what is significant is the sheriffs statement: No evidence of fould [sic] play….until….coincidence which is much discussed between gang stalkers online. Mr. Rutledge died in a fire, so to speak. And…so did his two victims.:

It was about 5 a.m. when another man there said he was awakened by the sound of gunshots. He testified he saw Rutledge standing over Edwards and Whitman with a gun in his hand. That man testified that Rutledge put the gun to his head and ordered him to search Edwards’s body. Rutledge also forced him to help him drag the bodies into the kitchen, where Rutledge shot them each again in the head and dumped trash over them.

Rutledge then set fire to the trash on the bodies and to the couch. Several Christmas presents from inside the home were stolen. The witness was then tied to a chair with his mouth taped shut, but he managed to escape after several hours and call police.

Let’s move past that county sheriffs statement that ‘there was no foul play,’ and read forwards a few months later:

Alabama Man Dies in Overheated Prison Cell


An Alabama prison cell Tommy Lee Rutledge, 44, died of hyperthermia on December 7 when his core body temperature rose to 109 degrees after his cell at Donaldson Prison in Bessemer, Alabama, overheated to more than 100 degrees.

Yup. Gangs of stalkers can be tracked and traced, using simple SOCMINT and OSINT. Who wants to go hunting with me? Let’s start with the guards on duty that night, and work upwards to that sheriff. Regardless, note the following:

  • coincidence in the gang stalking dialectic
  • electronic weapons in the form of a heating controller
  • claims that “they are roasting me alive!” in the gang stalking dialectic
  • no touch torture in the gang stalking dialectic

Like the cases of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others, these new police/security firm/prison guard tactics are indeed “no touch torture,” and there are thousands of ways to enact them. While none of them do anything at all to make our societies safer, or better, or more crime free, they do allow sick, demented sadists on the state’s dollar to enact torture, and pop their rocks while on some power trip based in “morality.”

Because this is what gag stalking is, and these are the people who stalk gangs. And like most claims, there is a dual meaning, as noted above.

“An Open Letter to Dr. Mike Wood:  gang stalking denialist, or…?

During the run-up to the election cycle in 2016, where President Donald Trump was elected, the media and its pundits were very active attempting to mask the practice of “political gang stalking, and trying to call it a delusion. Most famously, favorite CIA news outlets like the New York Times, and others ran garbage stories like this….

UPDATE: I have tried repeatedly to contact Mr. Wood, to no avail. No reply. He simply will not talk about his irresponsible blog posts at www.conspiracytheorypsychology.com, where he and others seek to sell books by exploiting the stories of victims of gang stalking. I will soon add him to my “Source-watching in the gang stalking dialectic” list as yet another gang stalking denialist. These people are contributing to mass shootings across the west, and they are dangerous.

Buthis blog has many victims and whistle blowers presenting their cases, many of which are affirmed by the replies. People stalked by church groups; people stalked by state unemployment bureaus, military whistle blowers, “community policing” victims and others still are commenting there, and describing the bizarre behaviors and other antics of their stalkers, despite Mike Woods abandonment of that thread–it makes one wonder, what is the responsibility of the PhDs when it comes to gang stalking cases that make headlines?. Dr. Mike Wood, from this day forward, is truly a shitbag, and a shill, having abandoned his own forum, and ethical responsibility on this topic.

Then, later, the author of that piece, Mike McPhate, went on record much later discussing “gangs of police” who are indeed stalkers–and he placed that at number 13 in his newsletter–by “coincidence,” no doubt! The meaning of the numbers 12 and 13 in the gang stalking dialectic online..

Related Story: many doctors, paramedics, and others in the “health industries” and “health journalism” are actual gang stalkers and gas lighters. Here is just one of many examples, as Tiffany Fontenot targets a low level sex offender. But, once we weed their kind of hard-right garbage out, we find good solid medicine that actually uses “brain implants” to help people. The linked story is about how scientists created a “brain chip” to help a paralyzed man write, a major breakthrough in technology that will benefit many. We must separate these types of stories from other stories about actual “medical mafia’s” in order to analyze gang stalking narratives, and separate the junk science from the facts and evidence.

Hi, I want to start by apologizing for being kind of an asshole during your tenure at Conspiracytheorypsychology,biz. I was posting as Joe, and Joseph Blowseph, etc., and I realize that perhaps you think I was being a jerk.

It was intentional, TBH, but not directed at you per se, but rather the rhetoric and its divisive nature, and especially that you denied the experience of many targets of agency brutality.

For that I apologize, if I offended you in my zeal to provide validation for actual targeted individuals, as opposed to the “fake TI’s” online who are nearly 100% current and former police, military, and intelligence agents and their flying monkeys . They are the shitbags who ramble on about “electronic weapons, aliens, flat earth, lizard people and microchips.”

That said, are you following the cases of Ahmaud Arbery, the Pasco County FL gang stalking lawsuits, where the sheriff and his “gang” “targeted” children, or the eBay case being prosecuted by the US federal government?

Classic gang stalking.

And, now, the Tampa Bay Times has won Harvard University’s Nieman Center Taylor Award for “fairness in journalism,” because of that reportage in a series of articles called “Targeted.”

And the Fort Worth Weekly journalist Teri Webster has now covered gang stalking too in articles titled “Gangstalking,” and “Targeting Targeted Individuals,” by Teri Webster. In each story, she carefully brings to light the fact that gang stalkers are in fact current anf former military, police, county coroners, and others in their flying monkey orbit.

In other words–journalists are starting to win awards for writing about gang stalking. Does that surprise you? I have pushed this narrative for over four years among journalists, and now I am seeing results.

Are you ready to join the good guys on this topic yet? My Id initially believed that you could help turn this dialectic mire around, but my ego says I might have offended your ego; so my superego urges me to this apology, in order so that I can (hopefully) get you to take a second look at this topic.

Regardless, I will continue to write about this topic, influence journalists, and discuss you as either a gang stalking denialist, or a gang stalking realist. Your choice. I really want you to choose the facts, supported by the evidence I mentioned above.

This email will be published as ” An Open Letter to Dr. Mike Wood:  gang stalking denialist, or…?”

Best regards–

El caso del Everton Brown: ¿Fue el racismo la motivación detrás del triple asesinato de tres personas en Baltimore? No es tan simple

Los medios de comunicación peruanos informan que el asesinato de dos latinos de Perú, y otra víctima de Nepal fueron motivados por el racismo. Pero nunca es tan simple en Estados Unidos, porque el racismo es mucho más complejo para algunos que para otros, y pocos han experimentado racismo tan profundamente como los hombres negros en Estados Unidos.

Como tal, es imperativo para la comunidad latina, pensadores e intelectuales críticos comprender cómo la policía en los Estados Unidos y sus esquemas asociados de control social e ingeniería social prácticamente son autores de estos homicidios masivos, con el fin de controlar las narrativas de la cultura, y seguir manteniendo el dominio racial y religioso.

En el caso del Everton Brown, había mucho más en juego en el campo de lo que la narrativa oficial te hará creer. Y aunque enviamos nuestras condolencias a las víctimas, también debemos rememecuerar que todas las partes involucradas fueron víctimas ANTES de que ocurriera este evento: fueron víctimas de un sistema policial roto,

Antes de que pueda entender lo que salió mal en este caso, primero debe investigar el tema conocido en todo el mundo como “acoso de pandillas organizadas”.Este sitio de noticias que está leyendo ha cambiado la narrativa en todo el mundo y ha aportado una visión de esta práctica, que es muy real.El acecho de las pandillas es la forma en que los gobiernos occidentales y sus élites mantienen el orden social, enfrentando las razas entre sí y explotando cada tema.

Así que, mientras leías este caso de tu país, ten en cuenta que antes de que el Sr. Brown se encontrara con sus vecinos, había vivido durante muchos años en un sistema disfuncional que prospera en el odio, y que trató a su manera de llamar la atención sobre la práctica del acoso de pandillas.

Por ejemplo, la historia del racismo en los Estados Unidos casi siempre estaba dirigida a los hombres negros, y la cultura blanca judío-cristiana del capitalismo alienta la opresión sistémica de las historias que estos hombres tratan de contar.

Ver aquí:

El racismo en Estados Unidos a través de la historia: de los esclavos del algodón a los ataques del Ku Klux Klan

Estas situaciones son manipuladas por muchas fuerzas políticas en los Estados, y muchos grupos racistas explotan las percepciones de “racismo” de los nuevos inmigrantes, de varias maneras. Por un lado están los europeos blancos, utilizando a otros para tratar de decir “bueno, mira, ese tipo negro es un racista” ciertamente no “nosotros” los blancos, judeo-cristianos! Y por otro lado, vemos grupos judíos despotricando constantemente sobre Hitler y el Ku Klux Klan.

Ambos lados de este debate político utilizan el acoso de pandillas para mantener su narrativa social, y tristemente, estas fuerzas a menudo están aliadas con supremacistas raciales judíos, o sus socios en el crimen, los racistas europeos blancos, católicos y protestantes que han sido presentados a través de la historia como opresores.El caso anterior es solo un ejemplo de cómo funciona el acoso de pandillas en Estados Unidos, pero hay miles más.

El Sr. Brown tenía conflictos con los vecinos, un hecho muy real de la situación en los EE.UU., donde muchas culturas se unen. Pero también trató de usar el sistema para dar a conocer sus quejas, habiendo llamado a la policía más de 120 veces por quejas de ruido y por vecinos que perturbaban la paz. Incluso trató de demandar al gobierno por espiarlo, lo cual es un hecho muy real de la América moderna, como vimos revelado por Edward Snowden.

Luego, la policía “enmarcó” el problema como una enfermedad mental, que es lo que le hacen a todas y cada una de las personas que se resisten a esta forma de opresión. Recuerde: los inmigrantes vienen a Estados Unidos para ser libres not no para que el gobierno los espíe y los hostigue por su protesta.Trágicamente, en estos casos, personas como el Sr. Brown y los vecinos que asesinó son víctimas de un sistema corrupto, donde la policía y las fuerzas políticas usan a los inmigrantes en un tira y afloja contra la gente local que está en un estado de resistencia a la opresión.

Y, mientras que el Sr. Brown demandó al “FBI”, que de hecho tiene un interés en el asunto debido a que sus agentes locales conocidos como” Infragard”, de hecho están espiando teléfonos y computadoras de la gente, es mucho más probable que otras agencias que dirigen inmigrantes y desarrollan” informantes comunitarios ” de los recién llegados a Estados Unidos estuvieran detrás de su caso. En particular, la Agencia de Control de Drogas (DEA) y el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) y sus “activos en la comunidad”relacionados estaban detrás de lo que Brown estaba experimentando. Esto es lo que hacen estas agencias.

Utilizan el racismo como una herramienta de control de la población, y llevan a cabo operaciones ocultas para agitar el sentimiento racista entre la población. Es un arma poderosa en el arsenal del control social, y es antidemocrática en todos los sentidos. Pero tiene un nombre, y ese nombre es ” acoso de pandillas.”Así que mientras lloramos a las víctimas de esta práctica, Sara Alacote y Ismael Quintanilla, también debemos ver que todos los fallecidos son víctimas de un mal mayor y mucho mayor.

What is “domestic spying” and “gang stalking” in the online dialectic? Meet Anti Defamation League sponsored Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a darling of the “disapora communities”–and the IMDB gang

Examining the gang stalking narratives online, and the cases that show up in court rooms ( here, here, here, here, here, and here too) we see patterns, clear as daylight. Racist gangs are just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s meet a few Internet Movie Database gangsters.

Here is a recurrent theme in gang stalking narratives: there is probably a good reason why some people meet bad fates, generation after generation. Online in social media, Twitter, Facebook groups, Youtube–there is an undercurrent in the gang stalking dialectic that frequently makes inferences that “gang stalking is a silent Holocaust,” or that “well, at least its not a holocaust,” or “gang stalking is slow kille eugenics!”

SO, let’s Meet “the silent genocide” and the “well at least its not the Holocaust” oriented stalkers of the left.

I have encountered many of them, ranging from former Playboy bunnies, to a strange little Filipina who stalked me through Hollywood one summer. Both of them had entries in the Internet Movie Database, the IMDB. THese are what are referred to in many cases as “the Hollywood mafia,” and they are political, and “cause stalking” based. And, the Hollywood mafia uses women to carry out many of their strange stalkings, as did the Ku Klux Klan women’s auxilliary. So now, that the federal authorities have indicted a stalker, and I will examine that case.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a recently indicted cyber stalker and offline actual stalker, was indicted because she targeted young boys, not just for stalking, cyber stalking, and harassment. In fact, in the USA some groups and their stalkers usually get a free pass for stalking and harassing people. For centuries, the Ku Klux Klan, and its female auxilliary, the Kamellias waged poison squad campaigns against others, as did various women’s groups allied with right wing feminism, most notoriously Nikki Craft’s call to arms.

And we see the echoes of this in today’s #MeToo movement, where every man’s actions are cast as malign, and every woman’s actions wholly unaccountable. Perhaps this is the last gasp of white female privilege, or something deeper, like ultra-conservative religious narrative hiding itself in cultural co-option.

This historical form of gang stalking has millions of new subscribers in the digital era, and the left has weaponized these tactics effectively since the early 1990’s, at the emergence of the modern police and surveillance state: and all of that was predicated on “rape!” Pedophiles!” and “domestic violence!” in the Violence Against Women Act of 1993–President Joe Biden’s crown jewel in an anti-constitutional, gendered narrative that benefits primarily white women.

That power grab, by neocon’s and other religionists who derive benefits from sex/gender divisions also had at its heart a famous spy scandal, which set the trend for the modern total surveillance and police state that AMerica has inarguably become. Familiarize yourself with the Anti Defamation League networks of spies and stalkers (also here, and here too) for a glimpse of what it is that has built the modern police state.

So, not surprisingly Demirovic is part of the “diaspora community,” which on one hand are sometimes actual victims. but also, actual perpetrators too. ROGS, the author you are reading now, has extensive experience with these types, as well as their enablers in domestic terrorism and spy rings that run rampant across America today. So let’s dive a bit deeper into her story, and addto the “holocaust and genocide” narratives that permeate the online gang stalking dialectic.

Demirovic’s basic story is this–a “diaspora community survivor, ” genocide film maker, and genocide theorist, she stalked and terrorized a few teenage boys. Then, her Hollywood connections could not or did not stop the federal government from prosecuting her for her insane bullying. Here is more about her film Faces of Genocide. In the dialectic online, many of those who cyber stalk and bully and harass use such terms to create a false equivalence, and rationalize that their actions are somehow better than genocide, or at least are not genocide, as they target and slander, and harass people into poverty and worse.

So, Demirovic no doubt feels that she has “righteous anger” and was enraged, She was “mad,” and also, she was enabled by a well known political machine. She was “empowered!” by them and:

was so angry at the boys — listed in court records as Victims A-C — she sent them death threats, made up false allegations accusing them of rape and other crimes, and cyberbullied them with insults like “pig” and “dwarf,” or by making light of their parents’ divorce. She is also accused of threatening or harassing some of the victims’ parents.

Her goal was “sabotaging their personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects,” the indictment alleges. And prosecutors say she succeeded; one of the victims, who was 14 at the time, became depressed and anxious after Demirovic allegedly arrived at his high school in 2016, asked where to find him, and screamed that she would “rip your f—ing heart out.”

So….patterns, yeah?

One of those patterns is that online, is that we see gang stalkers mentions of the “holocaust” or “silent genocide” fueling many gang stalking claims and narratives. But it is usually stated in passive aggressive, euphemistic terms, never directly or overtly. Lets take a look at that claim:

  • a search of the phrase “silent holocaust and gang stalking” in popular search engine returns 149,000 results
  • a search for the phrase “holocaust and gang stalking” returns almost 15.000 results

These results are significant for many reasons, not least of which is that they clearly provide evidence that there is a “false narrative” of genocide being built online, and that is clearly and definitively tied to the issue of gang stalking.

Here is one religion oriented* website/result for example, but there are thousands more that use such terminology, not surprisingly it includes right wing religionist’s like Ramola D and Targeted Justice.

The false equivalency as a narrative ploy allows those who spy on, or cyber-stalk, or offline stalk and harass people offline to cover their crimes with the idea that somehow, gang stalking is not worse than :”holocaust, and genocide”. As polarizing narratives go, it is pretty slim cover and rationalization for crimes, and a lie of great magnitude as well. And as we see in the outliers on the Bell curve, mass shooters are taking lives, so these are not harmless dialogues, and agents provocateurs proliferate in them, using military grade “influence operations,” tactics aka “mind control”.

So, let’s look at modern, ongoing genocides for clues about the subtlety of language expressed online. Lets search for the term “silent genocide,” for clues about who uses such terms, and why they do it:

  • The first hit in that search engine brings us to a post about genocide in West Papua, a silent genocide that “Australia doesn’t want you to know about.” It reads in part “

Estimations of over 500,000 indigenous West Papuans have been murdered over the last 54 years. This also includes reports of wide spread torture of women and children.

The United Nations, European Union, and associated governments have received ample evidence of atrocities, massacres, torture, and crimes against humanity and chose to remain silent and complicit.”

All of the above results are genuinely serious situations, and arguably are genocide. But then, a deeper dive into results starts to flesh out how easily this term is applied by political interests of both the right AND the left:

Right wing narrative:

Left wing narrative:

So, as we see above, “genocide scholars” and Hollywood affiliated film makers like Demirovic are highly active in the propaganda outlets waging battle over this term, but also, occasionally, we see them indicted as stalkers too.Sadly, the federal prosecutors have only taken an interest in cases where these conscienceless psychopaths target children, but other gang stalking lawsuits are starting to come forwards too, in local jurisdictions.

All of that, without irony, as one of my own followers at this blog is also part of the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) gang, which I briefly mentioned in other writing about Demirovic. So, yeah, the Hollywood mafia and all that is a real thing too.

*In case after case of these bloggers, we find either the christian or the Jewish narrative of “G-d” being frequently hinted at or outright exclaimed. Some are clearly Zionist fanatics and Mossad affilliated writers, and others are clearly and christians. Most are unashamed of that fact, and as I state repeatedly, and as ROGS Analysis of gang stalking proves, nearly 100% of all the people online in the community and also the “fake TI’s” are current and former police, military and intelligence agents and their relatives and associates.

The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway? The Plot sickens

As any target of intelligence agencies knows, there are two sets of laws: one for ordinary citizens, and none for agency operatives. Regardless of whether it is the CIA, the FBI, DHS, or any of the THOUSANDS of secret police agencies in the western FVEYs alliance, western governments have completely foregone the rule of law, as any targeted individual knows.

So little surprise then, that ROGS has started a trend AGAIN in analyzing official bullshit narratives from these exact same agencies. Look! Chris Roberts over at WhoWhatWhy is asking the question that ROGS asked a few weeks ago:

The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway?

What’s going on? One explanation, offered by researchers from the National Academies as well as by anonymous, off-record spooks, is that foreign adversaries have a superweapon, still unnamed and unexplained, capable of beaming microwave or electromagnetic energy with pinpoint accuracy. Other, more prosaic explanations include anxiety disorder, mass hysteria, competing ultrasonic devices in the embassy offices, a neurotoxin originating in bug spray, and, believe it or not, very loud crickets.

For now, at least officially, nobody knows what’s going on, though both new CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines say they’re taking it seriously. After the State Department bungled an initial investigation, as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both the CIA (which also initially dismissed the phenomenon, former acting defense secretary Chris Miller told CNN) and the Pentagon formed task forces to suss out the problem. 

Which means at least one thing is confirmed: “Havana Syndrome” is definitely an op. 

But whose? 

As I suggested here several weeks ago, and here again, it could be anyone within the mess that is the USA-Britain-Canada-Australia-New Zealand FVEYs, or even our little pal Israel. Seeing that the State Department flubbed the initial investigation and as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both CIA and the Pentagon are now picking up the political football punted by the outgoing Trump administration, and opening an investigation of their own.

The debased morality on display since 9-11 in western nations, and particularly in their lawless black operations, is particularly odious in light of that they claim to be democracies, but few rational observers anywhere would call them that. Indeed, the factional and divided USA has devolved into an actual police state by the very definition of the term, and that, with a heavy dose of tribal sectarian warfare, expressed as “gang stalking.”

Related Story: Exactly WTH is happening in the Hong Kong-Cambodia-Australia-Peru-Canada-US undersea cable wiretap, who is enabling it, and why it matters for Asian Pacific security?

In “the narrative” the US sought to cast blame on other countries for the various electronic weapons assaults. Roberts writes that “Suspects include the Cubans, the Chinese, and the Russians, since symptoms have befallen victims posted in those three countries, all of whom are considered adversaries of the United States,”  and that “the timing of some of the attacks lines up with broader US interests

He then analyzes the three different blame narratives, but then, comes to the fourth suspect–the US and its lawless CIA, and then gets to the point:

At least one entity knows more than it’s letting on. The National Academies report that supported the directed energy weapon theory also admitted that it was denied access by American intelligence to classified material that might have provided more of an explanation. In this way, the real culprit may be a usual suspect: It’s a state secret.”

AS we see repeatedly, conventional law, conventional processes, and conventional thinking have been tossed out the window as the US, its FVEYs oligarchs, and their little pal plot the course of the next one thousand years, deploying invisible and unnaccountable asymmetrical warfare against their own people.

RICO Act and gang stalking: prosecutors have the tools to prosecute gang stalkers already. Now, they are using them.

The RICO Act was written into law to prosecute “organized crime” and gang activity. Now lawsuits in Pasco County Florida are applying it to criminal conduct by the sheriffs department in Pasco County.

Here is the basic idea: from the Houston no-knock raid, to the actual conspiracy to murder Ahmaud Arbery, to the Pasco county FL cases of gang stalking lawsuits, police are now being sued by victims of “intelligence led predictive policing.” Gang stalking by police is ALWAYS a conspiracy, and never a theory.

Here is RICO, as applied to these cases, from NOLO, and some information about representing yourself in small claims courts ranging from small claims to bigger claims courts. Keep in mind that small claims courts can compel the people that you are suing to produce information of all kinds, and also evidence for larger lawsuits.

I have highlighted the relevant section, but also notice that RICO was used to prosecute well known stalkers from anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Many/most cases of gang stalking happen in conservative areas of the country, and church members and police are heavily involved.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)

Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law designed to combat organized crime in the United States. It allows prosecution and civil penalties for racketeering activity performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise. Such activity may include illegal gambling, bribery, kidnapping, murder, money laundering, counterfeiting, embezzlement, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other unsavory business practices. To convict a defendant under RICO, the government must prove that the defendant engaged in two or more instances of racketeering activity and that the defendant directly invested in, maintained an interest in, or participated in a criminal enterprise affecting interstate or foreign commerce. The law has been used to prosecute members of the mafia, the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, and Operation Rescue, an anti-abortion group, among many others.

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America’s slip into the abyss of total police state started with sex offenders, and targeted individuals programs expanded after that. Now, gang stalking lawsuits have arrived!

The old adage “first they came for the ________” is the cautionary tale of how the deep state and its various ultra-right religious and secular elements began to covertly organize society around anti-democratic and para-judicial causes which have now exploded to target ever more groups of individuals.

Scapegoating has a long history in Jewish-christian societies, and the practice is religious in nature, always bizarre, ritualistic, and arguably primitive, and the targeting of sex offenders in the early 1990’s was just part of the larger “Satanic Panic” which used junk science, ever shifting goalposts and”plastic words” to define those who these elements wished to target.

In the narrative, a rabbi dressed as a medieval wizard casts all of human “sin” into a hapless goat named Azazel, and then chases it mercilessly over a cliff, and some other plainly bizarre stuff, and then remarks that he has liberated society from sin, because now, the goat is the sinner, and bears humanities sins. Purely bizarre reasoning, and plainly a bit cockamamie too. You can read more about it here.

Like the targeted individual programs across the USA that are starting to show up in court rooms, banning and shunning is weird and anti-social, against everything these fake christians claim , but right in line with racist and xenophobic rabbinical teachings, and the stated goal of these programs is to get them to move away, Or, in the words of the Pasco County, Fl program they seek to “harass you until you sue, or move away.”

And we also see the echoes of these cult practices in the No Notoriety campaign waged by public relations and “brand manager” Tom Teves too, where some seek to influence persons in media to actively “unname” people who go on mass shooting sprees, while overlooking the social dysfunction called gang stalking that led them to that place. So, first they came for the sex offenders, and now, finally these unconstitutional targeted individual programs have exploded ito many forms, ranging from the ever morphing term “terrorist,” to the nebulous other categories of “incel car crashers,” andany of the many ever expanding categories of domestic violence and family court related cases where individuals resist no-trial based kangaroo courts.

So, in the case studies of targeted individuals, we see that they fit a pattern too, and the recent lawsuit suing the Pasco County Sheriff Chis Nocco casts light upon how sex offenders have been treated for over forty years.

The Florida Action Committee fights against these abusive sex offender laws, and the anti-democratic targeted individual programs that they entail. Here is their take on that lawsuit, and here is more about the Florida Action Committee.

Florida Action Committee

Pasco Sheriff Sued for targeted harassment under “predictive policing program”.

Mar 11, 2021 | 23 comments

Several individuals filed a federal lawsuit yesterday against Paco County Sheriff, Chris Nocco for repeatedly harassing them, not because of what they did, but what they “predicted” a family member might do.

Essentially, what the Pasco Sheriff did was create a “list” and then send his deputies out to their homes to surveil them at all hours of the day and night looking for petty offenses to fine or arrest them for.

When you read through the lawsuit (which is linked below), you might get a tinge of PTSD from your own experience being monitored as a person required to register as a sex offender. No individual should be subjected to harassment like this.

Taylor v Nocco