Kroger shooting: Can you spot the lucky 13 in the latest mass shooting in the USA?

Repeatedly, we see the number 13 appearing in press reports of mass shootings in the USA, and so I am holding a reader contest for readers who can spot the Lucky Thirteen in each story in the press where such occurs.

Examples are many, and the recent Kroger shooting is just one out of hundreds of examples:

Tennessee Kroger shooting leaves 13 injured, one dead

The likelihood of this number occurring randomly in these events is beyond chance, and so, it appears that some kind of social engineering is active in these events. You can use my search feature to read about cases where this is true, and verified, using keywords: thirteen, 13, twelve, 12, coincidence, the thirteens, and so on.

Search at, or at, or here at this blog you are now reading for the many examples where this occurs.

Feel free to submit stories where the number appears in the story of a mass shooting, incel car crashing, or other manufactured terrorism event.

Beyond the Grave ,’The Somerton Man’ Tamam Shud case is moving to conclusions

Signs of gang stalking in the case of the seventy year old mystery of the Somerton Man- a mystery “suicide,” clothing levels snipped off, atomic energy “zapping,” moving targets, and more: Forensic investigators close in on the identity of mystery man with “blue blood” using DNA and other clues!

Beyond the Grave | ‘The Somerton Man’

Introduced by ABC journalist Fiona-Ellis Jones

When the body of a well-dressed man was found on Adelaide’s Somerton Beach in 1948, police assumed that somebody would soon come forward to identify him. But nobody did.

More than 70 years later, the mysterious case of the “Somerton Man”, as he became known, regularly makes the lists of Australia’s most baffling unsolved cases.

Was he murdered? Was he a Russian spy? Was it suicide? Or was he the victim of a love triangle?

Now, in an update to our first program in 2019, Somerton Man’s remains have been exhumed from an Adelaide cemetery in the hope that the mysteries behind this enduring cold case might finally be revealed.

How the US-FVEYs targets citizens opinions, and targets the first amendment online

Targeted individuals seldom know who is targeting them, and disrupting their lives online, and off.

Here below, from the US Navy, we see how online speakers can be targeted if they voice opinions similar to those labeled as “the enemy” and their enemy troll farms. Indeed, your opinions are targeted by the US military at every online forum.

From The Navy Times:

Waging war against the troll farms

Joint Forces Quarterly also provides insight into how the US Cyber command operates.

Applying Irregular Warfare Principles to Cyber Warfare

As most Milne speakers who have provably been targeted by their own country have discovered, there is no true freedom of speech in the western FVEYs nations, and also, that these cyber wars waged on citizens are also frequently waged by Israeli spies.

Read more

Inside Israel’s million dollar troll army

So, stop kidding yourself about freedom of speech: our own military, and our little pal Israel are killing it, and targeting citizens.




Famed civil Rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore used a camera to document gangs of stalkers–and you can too

UPDATE: This blog you are reading now has a mirror site at , where you can follow Mr. Richard Moore’s lawsuit, and new posts about gang stalking more closely

The civil rights era was the heyday of gang stalking by white supremacists in the Dirty South and elsewhere, and as targeted individuals are beginning to take up camera’s to document the absurd and insane behavior of gang stalkers, we tip our hats to the past–and photographers like Charles Lee Moore.

From CNN:

‘Unparalleled’: Charles Moore’s photos of the civil rights movement

The Stephen Kasher Gallery in New York labelled Moore “the single greatest civil rights photographer” of the civil rights era during its 2015 exhibition “Selma March 1965.”

Here is a photo from that exhibition–and notice the slouching, smirking cowardice of the slobs in the picture–while Moore was most famous for photos like Dr. King being booked into jail, or the incredible shot of a police dog tearing the pants off a non-violent, compliant black marcher as another dog leaps into the photographers face–it is this iconic photo of the slovenly, stupid, violent white men who do these violent things that is perhaps his finest.

And, Moore was kind of a badass as it were, allowing thugs to pummel him, pull his hair and even shove him to the ground as he struggled to get the right shot. Predictably, these thugs were the same thugs then as they are today–as nearly 100% of all gang stalking groups are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents working with their friends, relatives, “community assets, and others. These are who gag stalkers ARE.

The title “intelligence agents,” of course, only implies that they worked at an agency staffed by thousands of people–one big brain to compensate for their combined low-IQ’s-that these human beasts as individuals are not necessarily all that intelligent. Just look at those guys in the picture–that’s what gang stalkers look like; slack jawed low IQ morons for the most part–and that old guy with the stooped in shoulders! A Viagra IV couldn’t jolt life into that old coward with the club in his hand. Imagine their wives now–they all look like #fakeTI Midge Mathis no doubt–yikes.

Here’s a snapshot of Moore with a gas mask, taken by another civil rights era photographer

Moore believed that his photos would cause people to take political action. He was correct. And he wasn’t alone. His photo’s appearing on the front pages of newspapers and on television helped create the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to US Senator Jacob Javitz (source) Image of Moore from

For those who do not understand the violence, and riot like atmosphere of the Black Lives Matter movement of the last decade, it is only through looking back into this era where we realize that non-violence was largely a failure–and that gang stalking has existed for many millennia. Martin Luther King was himself an inter-generational target of the US military, the CIA, the FBI, and NGO’s like the Jewish Anti Defamation League all spied on him together.

And the Jewish-christian white supremacy of that era did not go away–it merely took off its white robes, and dispersing itself into various forms of gang stalking programs, such as the Clinton COPS program, and today’s unconstitutional “intelligence led predictive policing“,and the equally fraudulent countering violent extremism programs”” (CVE) and its many spawn around the globe. Like the devil itself, these demons people keep shape-shifting into new terminology, phrasing themselves as a “new tactic, technique or technology, when it is just more of the same–from the same group of confabulists that has done this in one form or another since around 70 A.D.

Indeed–their spawn are everywhere now, and both the left and the right–Jews and christians, and Blacks, Asians and Latino’s all utilize gang stalking tactics. Perhaps one could argue that this is an improvement but its only another shape-shifting by well known hegemonic tribalists and other religious frauds(no, its not just “the Jews” doing this). Its alarming how many black cops, for example, are there on the scene shooting other black men these days, using the tactics of Israelification in daily, ordinary policing.

All of that said, there is a modern context to the story of Charles Lee Moore, and inter-generational targeting, and you can read more about it from photographer Moore’s own cousin, Richard Moore of Mississippi, writing here, and view a few gang stalking lawsuits currently working their way through the federal courts in Mississippi.Indeed–Richard Moore is likely an inter-generational target himself.

To be absolutely clear, I have stated often that many targeted individuals are not always the most well spoken; not always the best looking, or easily endearing of people–real targeted individuals are not polished authors or candidates for prom king, nor do they run slick internet search results clogging advertising campaigns as Targeted Justice is doing–indeed, real targets range from those who police are trying to turn as informants, to people with low education, or even lower opportunities to better themselves–people who have been marginalized–and they are easy targets of bullying of all kinds, and ready made scapegoats for institutional bullies.

Mr. Moore has started his path forward, and he writes:.

It’s been nearly 20 years of dealing with Corrupt law enforcement in North Mississippi. Organized community policing aka Gang Stalking is all the rage. This law enforcement ran Criminal organization is done under the guise of simply a neighborhood watch.

As I have said frequently–and in direct contradiction of the well know #fakeTI’s who populate most internet forums about gang stalking, rambling on about being zapped by satellites and worse (Targeted Justice, Ramola D, the United States Air Force’s own AF-OSI “OSI Informers” operation, TargetedOne, and many more.)

For the record, I too have some history with relatives who organized those 1960’s garbage strikes, and participated in some marches, and who organized a few unions too– so I know what gang stalking is from before I was born. Its in my genetic makeup–“my genetic memory” to call it out when I see it. And, I don know a thing or two about how to target them back too.

Related Story: The Tampa Bay Times wins its “13th Pulitzer Prize” for reporting on the Pasco County “targeted individual program. The series was titled “Targeted.”–but even that isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be is it? More about the 13’s here.

How to document gang stalking by the CIA/DHS/FBI and its NGO funded community assets*, using “wireless internet screen captures”

Look at this.

Electronic harassment, “electronic implants,” no touch torture and more, as a computer comes under attack from a gang of stalkers. Follow along, ok?

Its from a gang stalking in Pasadena California, where various NGO’s used their “fundies” and police agencies to stalk a guy. Of the documented participants in that area are: the local police from various departments, paramedics, firefighters, and NGO groups ranging from various “its for the women and children” NGO’s like CASA, to various “women’s shelter” advocates, and state aid or welfare recipients from the surrounding areas.

This claim is notable, because a large part of gang stalking is tied to the family courts, and the religion infused narratives that emanate from within them, notably the hyperbolic claims of child abuse, Satanism, and gendered narratives of domestic violence.

Related: Read as a Hollywood writer is gang stalked and slandered online by absolutely toxic people, as he attempts to save his children from a crazed, liar and incestuous woman who cannot fathom “scientific evidence” that her claims are total b.s. A lot of gang stalking takes place because religious fanatics make false claims in family courts–and even as we watch the charade of “Targeted Justice” we must keep in mind that they are also utilizing far-right gendered narrative.

So: what is active versus passive reconnaissance, and wireless SSID captures. Here, below, is how to track, and trace, and later, use these types of “screen captures” in subpoena’s, and “evidence discovery.”

Lets sit down for a slice of pizza together, and examine how these agents and agencies actively stalk people, and hack their internet at “open wifi” locations. They have been doing this type of stuff since 2003, and myself and others have been documenting it for decades.

Related: As an American, I was and still am appalled at how lawless my country has become–how the two tiered justice system is a cancer upon our society. SO, I began to document it in various ways, such as this article that you are reading, but also by studying what others were doing. Read this about how the FBI and its “conspicuous surveillance” was foiled by Russian spies. The oddity is that while Russian spies indeed should be monitored, the FBIetAlphabet, and sheriffs departments, local police, military contractors are in fact using “targeted individuals” for “target practice” as they train their goon squads–and all of that against due process, civil rights and the “spirit of the law,” in general; and against the constitution in every way, hence the claim that they/DHS/etalphabet are a modern “Stasi.”

Watch below how the wireless internet signals “devolve” over a short period of time, resulting in the internet being crashed, forcing the target to log in again, and again, each time exposing data that can be exploited by “gang stalkers” who seek that data for further “exploitation”. Extra points for that one journalist out there who can connect the dots to the “Asian FBI” and their associates in the San Gabriel Valley whose sloppy, illegal tactics result in a lot of bad convictions, many of which are reversed or tossed on their face. The Brandeis Institute asks “Catching, or Creating Terrorists?” in these cases:




Let me know when we see the “gotcha” moment in these screen captures, as a “gang” of “stalkers” war drives an internet connection.

But most importantly, notice the AP’s and SSID’s in these screen captures–those are the actual “internet addresses” of the stalkers electronic devices. Very valuable information, if you are armed with an evidence discovery subpoena, or other legal tool. Because internet addresses, and computer “chip” identification data is what modern gag stalking lawsuits do, and must seek.

Especially note “huangfu” and “FBI ZONE,” appearing, just before the “freewifi router” is hacked and crashed. All over the USA, and the west in general, secret police agencies are waging war against activists and dissidents. Arm yourself with the right weapons to fight back–and sue them for discovery evidence–invade their own electronic devices with “implants” if you can.

The tool is a simple, freeware tool called “Channelyzer,” and you can read about it here at Metageek. If you are being gang stalked, there are thousands of free tools online to document these types of events, and collect evidence against your stalkers.

Best tool of all? The 100% free Kali Linux, which can give these scumbags–and their relatives, children, wives and others which you can also trace and track using free internet tools, a few well earned headaches. Nine times out of ten, they are using that tool and others against you–so learn it, use it, and especially, target it at those who target you.

Lastly, I make note that the various “profiles” of targeted individuals all sprang from illegal activity of various agencies post-911, and these profiles include many false claims by the authorities. So, for an example, these agencies and their profiles are merely “ritual defamations” of their actual victims, some of whom form “reaction formations” to the abuse.

A couple of my favorite profiles are:

  • “the profile of the mental rapist” which is an FBI profile of a “mind fucker,” probably breathed to life by uber-lesbian Agent Starling. The irony of that cannot be missed as we see that agency and other shitbags in the “threat assessment industry” stalking and harassing men all over the world, deploying military grade “psychological operations” on unsuspecting victims, and attempting to incite violence, and even infiltrating family courts, and manipulating men’s lives behind the scenes. Mind fuckers indeed
  • the “hurt collector” goes by various names online and off and behavioral psychology trips all over itself to deny the reality of the pain caused by gang stalkers at all levels of society, and generally lumps this onto mass shooters who respond to being gang stalked, notoriously any and every mass shooter who has been demonstrably bullied by “gangs” of stalkers, such as Eliot Roger, or Seung Ho Choi.

I note these profiles, because they fit the profile of the types of bullying and harassment that the agencies themselves are performing all across America, as evidenced by how nearly every single mass shooter EVER was “on the FBI/other police radar” before, during and after their mass casualty events.

*CIA-etalphabet hides their domestic presence behind various “non governmental organizations,” and these are weaponized social change agents that actively stalk and target people in order to “create the change you want to see in the world” not least of which is the religious organizations that target antifa/Black Lives Matter, or the alt-Right Blue Lives Matter, and the crackpot “No Notoriety” groups that target them.

And, as usual, I only provide my readers with the tip of the iceberg–never the whole altered climate of “democratic subversion by US agencies.” Indeed–the CIA’s war on democracy never ends. You should ask me for the video’s that accompany this piece……

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: “Faces of Genocide” star Ramajana Hidic Demirovic’s federal indictment, and the claim that “the gang stalkers will make you move away.”

UPDATE:Ms. Demirovic’s popularity is impressive, as this posts and others about her case are increasingly the most popular posts on this blog. I have put her into the category of “Internet Movie Database Stalkers,” having encountered many stalkers who have an IMDB listing. More on that here, here, here, here, here, and especially this post, where we see a Hollywood writer slandered mercilessly by his psychotic ex-wife, and her Catholic-other religious fanatics. THe “IMDB gang” is a real thing.

Indeed, very little “theory” other than common “case theory,” and lots of “actual conspiracy” in these cases. You can download the indictment .pdf here:



INDICTMENT18 U.S.C. § 2261A(2) – Cyberstalking 18 U.S.C. § 371 – Conspiracy to Commit Cyberstalking

Beginning in 2016, and continuing until at least October 2019, Defendant RAMAJANAHIDIC DEMIROVIC, an adult resident of San Francisco during the period relevant to this indictment, and her co-conspirator (a minor during part of this period), and others known and unknown to the grand jury, engaged in acts of cyberstalking against multiple minor victims and those victims’ family members. The principal targets of the scheme were persons with whom the co-conspirator had or attempted to have romantic relationships. The cyberstalking and related conduct escalated with each victim and involved hundreds of malicious, deceptive, and abusive communications


DEMIROVIC became a member of the conspiracy knowing of at least one of its objects and intending to help accomplish it. One of the members of the conspiracy performed at least one overt act, beginning at a date unknown to the Grand Jury but no later than May 2016, for the purpose of carrying out the conspiracy, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2261A(2)(A) and (2)(B), 18 U.S.C. § 2, and 18 U.S.C. §

Ooooh! Wheeeehoooo!

Jewish NGO affiliated gang stalkers taste good in court, because the usual are of #fake white supremacists, and manufactured “white rampagers” is just so….milquetoast. Justice requires balance, and while white supremacy is a “thing,” so too is the Doctrine of the Chosen Superior People,enacted through racists and Zionism everywhere . You can read more about Jewish racism and “beliefs” about superiority and supremacy here

But they ALWAYS turn into RATS and informants.after the indictments. I predict as much in this case, as non-Jewish prosecutors target a Jewish-affiliated IMDB gang stalker.She will “cop a plea,” and then become an informant, as will her daughter. This is how the left operates, and collaborates with the anti-constitutional FBI. (Gee, I hope I don’t get targeted for saying that, out loud:….lol…

IMHO, since the fed’s became involved in a “women’s empowerment” narrative, and many prosecutors and their informants are now women, it’s easy to see how corrupt the judiciary is, as tribal sectarian elements fight it out in court. They are sort of amateur, but starting to get to the point. Feel free to contact me if you need advice tracing these shitbag gang stalkers, ladies.

These case dockets have become rather boring soap opera’s, channeling the worst elements of stereotypes about hystrionic and menopausal women trying to uphold white female privilege; and helpless damsels in distress from theirs and other ethnic/racial categories stopping real cases coming frwards because they are stuck like tampons in a deep blackhole of awareness about “high policing” and the FBI/DHS/DEA/etAlphabets’s own role as “secret police” agencies, those at every point, defying civil liberty.

.And the “empowered women’s FBI” is on record in many cases interfering in family courts, from behind the scenes, and using these petty venues and even moire niggling tactics silence and to wage war on American activists. We want our child support! Fuck the constitution! Fuck abortion “rights!!!” Give me some money, honey!!!

Read the story of Professor Julio Pino for one example, but there are many more, like Guerilla Mainframe’s Rakem Balogun and most of these white female/Jewish-christian conceived prosecutions are targeted at critics of zionism, banksterism, or the “due process free administrative law-based kangaroo court system” in the USA; and especially targeted at black men who simply want to “keep and bear arms,” or who want to speak online.

While the Women’s Auxilliary of the Ku Klux Klan and their poison squads in and outside of government may go by many different names now, they are every bit as powerful as they were in their last incarnation.We see their presence in nearly every mass shooting, as “white women” are allied with the Anti Defamation League EXACTLY as they were allied with that Jewish organization in the hey-day of the KKK against black heterosexual male activists like Martin Luther King; or during the Holodmor, described here by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn**which targeted primarily white,lower class christians.

Images of strong, handsome black men like Rakem Balogun have terrified white Jewish-christian women for centuries, as images of Shaka Zulu dance in their beds heads.

And now we see the war on men, and especially black men taking new turns, every time yet another black man is targeted because he upholds his rights. This is where we most keenly observe see the Hegelian Materialism emerge, in the split gap chasm dark space divide between America’s global-focused fascists and it’s global-focused socialists where these drama’s play out in courts of law, as family courts, domestic violence courts, etc. primarily serve as a way for both fascists and socialists to diminish male power.

But its not just black men who are dying as the IMDB gang and their associates in transnational gang stalking syndicates maraud through their lives, at all times virtually protected by the FBI itself. Indeed, DUNCAN LEMP was murdered in his own bedroom after extensive gang stalking by beanie wearing storm troopers who are trained in online PSYOPs stalked him online and off.

So: Who Is the IMDB Gang? A question for the prosecution.

Demirovic’s is affiliated with gang stalkers from the “IMDB gang” and on several occasions I was gang stalked in the USA by that exact group, ranging from retired Playboy Bunnies to Filipina single mothers, as bizarre as that sounds.

In one case, the young single mother was being exploited at many levels of the system, on one hand getting state aid for popping out pups, and on the other being used as part of the “narrative” of the downtrodden. And all of that while she had failed on three occasions to exercise her right to an abortion.Why is it that women have the abortion right, but don’t exercise that right? Its a pattern that has repeated itself across America since the Hegelian Dialectic came to roost on our shores.I suspect that money might be involved, lol.

Then, there was the “retired” Playboy bunny, a looker even at 60 plus years old who had a comfy piece of real estate in the Marina. These reformed/converted/covert Playboy Bunnies are documented over at this blog, Project Monarch by a college professor who is a “reformed fan of porn,” who is now also an anti-pornography crusader. He is unsurprisingly a “personal friend” of Dr. Katherine Horton; who believes that porn is a plot by the CIA (and the Jews!!The Illuminati!!!) to destabilize our society.

The facts on the ground are more simple: all government have weaponized pornography at different levels of operations. The CIA’s own “Wild Bill” Donovan* was among the first in modern times to seek to widely weaponize porn to demoralize German soldiers. He wanted to spread porn EVERYWHERE. Indeed, have a look at the CIA’s “demoralizing” pornography operations today (that little glimpse that journalists get in limited hangouts) and see here for more analysis.

And, so when you hear the hard-right Catholic’s, Jewish-christians and others decrying Walt Disney, it’s because Disney hired Donovan to help design Disney World. Read more about that from the fabulous science and practical mechanics site How Stuff Works: “Disney World and Its Tangled Web With CIA Ops.” And yeah, these people are indeed all Mason’s and Pilgrims Society members, as was Donovan and Disney–but there are many other secret societies involved too.

Read More: If you want to jump into the huge time sucking rabbit hole of current and former CIA/NSA/FBI/European/FVEYs intelligence agents and “psychobabblers” read Ramola D’s blog “Every Day Concerned Citizen” to watch the bizarre infighting of “fake targeted individuals.” The vast majority of online material about gang stalking is EXACTLY these same types of time sucking psychological operations.

And of these IMDB affiliated stalkers I suspect them to be part of what is colloquially called the “Hollywood mafia,” a second string bench warmer version of Hollywood. I mean–a simple look at the credits in the film mentioned above and we see total second stringer Peter Coyote in the film.

Despite the pettiness of their operations, they can have a powerful and destructive effect on their targets, and as such, we see in this indictment that entire families were forced to move away because of the harassment by her and her associates. Gang stalkers are powerful groups,wielding that power against others who challenge their ideological or financial narratives and social engineering schemes. I suspect that this case at hand is just the tip of the iceberg of IMDB prosecutions, and I urge the prosecutor to look a bit deeper into this link.

The irony cannot be overstated: a victim of genocide becomes a gang stalker in the USA, after her extensive training with well known political bullies and actual gangs. Ask the question “exactly who is it that is pushing the “victim narratives” in our culture,” and then note how it has backfired on that extremely wealthy beneficiaries of these narratives.

And, I urge the federal prosecutor to look into this case, and discover as I have that their network is quite extensive. These networks can be investigated, uncovered, and prosecuted much more efficiently if you adopt ROGS Analysis from the start. Contact me if you want further information. You have my email, right?


*Donovan actually formed the OSS, the precursor to the CIA

** I cited David Duke, a former KKK “Grand WIzard” because his scholarship is bullet proof. And, because constantly citing Jewish sources biases the narrative of how some Hegelian Jews are often implicated as sociopathic, homicidal maniacs. The case at hand demonstrates how Jews used this woman to tell their story, and how they weaponize others with “dindunuffin” ideology, which harms human lives.

Las explicaciones simplistas del racismo en el caso de Everton Brown no hacen justicia a los problemas más amplios del racismo sistémico, o el problema de las “pandillas de policía” de Estados Unidos

El caso del Everton Brown: ¿Fue el racismo la motivación detrás del triple asesinato de tres personas en Baltimore? No es tan simple

Los medios de comunicación peruanos informan que el asesinato de dos latinos de Perú, y otra víctima de Nepal fueron motivados por el racismo. Pero nunca es tan simple en Estados Unidos, porque el racismo es mucho más complejo para algunos que para otros, y pocos han experimentado racismo tan profundamente como los hombres negros en Estados Unidos.

Como tal, es imperativo para la comunidad latina, pensadores e intelectuales críticos comprender cómo la policía en los Estados Unidos y sus esquemas asociados de control social e ingeniería social prácticamente son autores de estos homicidios masivos, con el fin de controlar las narrativas de la cultura, y seguir manteniendo el dominio racial y religioso.

En el caso del Everton Brown, había mucho más en juego en el campo de lo que la narrativa oficial te hará creer. Y aunque enviamos nuestras condolencias a las víctimas, también debemos rememecuerar que todas las partes involucradas fueron víctimas ANTES de que ocurriera este evento: fueron víctimas de un sistema policial roto,

Antes de que pueda entender lo que salió mal en este caso, primero debe investigar el tema conocido en todo el mundo como “acoso de pandillas organizadas”.Este sitio de noticias que está leyendo ha cambiado la narrativa en todo el mundo y ha aportado una visión de esta práctica, que es muy real.El acecho de las pandillas es la forma en que los gobiernos occidentales y sus élites mantienen el orden social, enfrentando las razas entre sí y explotando cada tema.

Así que, mientras leías este caso de tu país, ten en cuenta que antes de que el Sr. Brown se encontrara con sus vecinos, había vivido durante muchos años en un sistema disfuncional que prospera en el odio, y que trató a su manera de llamar la atención sobre la práctica del acoso de pandillas.

Por ejemplo, la historia del racismo en los Estados Unidos casi siempre estaba dirigida a los hombres negros, y la cultura blanca judío-cristiana del capitalismo alienta la opresión sistémica de las historias que estos hombres tratan de contar.

Ver aquí:

El racismo en Estados Unidos a través de la historia: de los esclavos del algodón a los ataques del Ku Klux Klan

Estas situaciones son manipuladas por muchas fuerzas políticas en los Estados, y muchos grupos racistas explotan las percepciones de “racismo” de los nuevos inmigrantes, de varias maneras. Por un lado están los europeos blancos, utilizando a otros para tratar de decir “bueno, mira, ese tipo negro es un racista” ciertamente no “nosotros” los blancos, judeo-cristianos! Y por otro lado, vemos grupos judíos despotricando constantemente sobre Hitler y el Ku Klux Klan.

Ambos lados de este debate político utilizan el acoso de pandillas para mantener su narrativa social, y tristemente, estas fuerzas a menudo están aliadas con supremacistas raciales judíos, o sus socios en el crimen, los racistas europeos blancos, católicos y protestantes que han sido presentados a través de la historia como opresores.El caso anterior es solo un ejemplo de cómo funciona el acoso de pandillas en Estados Unidos, pero hay miles más.

El Sr. Brown tenía conflictos con los vecinos, un hecho muy real de la situación en los EE.UU., donde muchas culturas se unen. Pero también trató de usar el sistema para dar a conocer sus quejas, habiendo llamado a la policía más de 120 veces por quejas de ruido y por vecinos que perturbaban la paz. Incluso trató de demandar al gobierno por espiarlo, lo cual es un hecho muy real de la América moderna, como vimos revelado por Edward Snowden.

Luego, la policía “enmarcó” el problema como una enfermedad mental, que es lo que le hacen a todas y cada una de las personas que se resisten a esta forma de opresión. Recuerde: los inmigrantes vienen a Estados Unidos para ser libres not no para que el gobierno los espíe y los hostigue por su protesta.Trágicamente, en estos casos, personas como el Sr. Brown y los vecinos que asesinó son víctimas de un sistema corrupto, donde la policía y las fuerzas políticas usan a los inmigrantes en un tira y afloja contra la gente local que está en un estado de resistencia a la opresión.

Y, mientras que el Sr. Brown demandó al “FBI”, que de hecho tiene un interés en el asunto debido a que sus agentes locales conocidos como” Infragard”, de hecho están espiando teléfonos y computadoras de la gente, es mucho más probable que otras agencias que dirigen inmigrantes y desarrollan” informantes comunitarios ” de los recién llegados a Estados Unidos estuvieran detrás de su caso. En particular, la Agencia de Control de Drogas (DEA) y el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) y sus “activos en la comunidad”relacionados estaban detrás de lo que Brown estaba experimentando. Esto es lo que hacen estas agencias.

Utilizan el racismo como una herramienta de control de la población, y llevan a cabo operaciones ocultas para agitar el sentimiento racista entre la población. Es un arma poderosa en el arsenal del control social, y es antidemocrática en todos los sentidos. Pero tiene un nombre, y ese nombre es ” acoso de pandillas.”Así que mientras lloramos a las víctimas de esta práctica, Sara Alacote y Ismael Quintanilla, también debemos ver que todos los fallecidos son víctimas de un mal mayor y mucho mayor.

El racismo dirigido a los estadounidenses negros es claramente diferente del racismo que brutaliza a otros en los ESTADOS UNIDOS.

Más aquí, y aqui, y aqui

Gang stalking case study: Everton Brown, WOODLAWN, Md mass shooting, neighborhood disputes: how police use the community, black ops, and racism to target activists

Everton Brown was first and foremost, an activist, regardless of how later news reports covered the story of his burning and shooting rampage. Even as he was shot by police, he was standing next to his own vehicle which had a sign on it, reading

“Black people are the tool used to maintain racism.

Everton Brown

That is an extremely profound insight, considering that it was likely a black cop who shot him to death, that cop completely aware of Mr. Browns history with that police department, because modern policing utilizes CIA derived technology and methodology to target people in the “domestic” theater, this technological assault called “predictive policing“when approaching events.

These cases do NOT happen randomly, or without prior police interactions, sometimes spanning decades, as we saw for Mr. Browns many “calls for help” alongside his activism about police brutality coincide with many police interactions where they followed him, stopped him, detained him, over e thirty year period. The question is: why did they stop Mr. Brown over a period of 30 years–but NEVER charged him with any crime? This is what “state stalking” is–endless “investigations” and stops, designed to cause the target to consider moving away, just as we saw stated in the Pasco County cases..

So, they turned Mr. Brown into a “permanent suspect” of some kind, despite having no criminal record. His calls to police for many years ABOUT his neighbors finally resulted in his neighbors obtaining “peace orders” against HIM, despite the fact that he had been very vocal about being targeted long before his neighbors complained–a complete inversion of one man’s personal narrative.

But the press surely didn’t miss a beat with the slander campaign, as they ran footage of him excercising his first amendment right in protest against state sponsored spying and stalking, for which he eventually sued. Here’s one video.

Update: This post is wildly popular. So maybe read the latest update, or these companion pieces, here, and here, and here, or use search feature “Everton Brown.”.

IN these cases, here is what happens: the police work with “community policing” assets, including their police cadets–who are frequently implicated as gang stalkers–and when they are called by the target, they consult an “intelligence dossier,”and basically decide of they like you or not; if your records at their department are “friendly” towards police; if you have any “run-ins” with them in the past, and especially if you have asserted your rights, or challenged any of the many unconstitutional policing methods in use today in all jurisdictions, and kangaroo courts ranging from any of the hydra of family court, child support court, drug court, etc that carefully eradicate due process and civil rights issues.

Then the responding officers take sides. It doesn’t matter if you have ever been found guilty of any crime, what matters in “intelligence led predictive policing” is whether or not you are on board with police agenda’s, many of which are anti-constitutional. Any challenge to those bankster funded police agendas that defy constitutional due process is noted in those records.

Then, they push the envelope, and wage a whisper campaign about your mental health, your “history” as it exists in endemically flawed and biased police databases, etc. They turn neighbors against neighbors.Then, they sit back ad munch popcorn as the fireworks begin.

“Oh this guy is bad news! He was accused of being a criminal/ prostitute/tax dodger/drug dealer/wife beater/pedophile,” etc.They spread that around the community until they have completely toxified an individuals life. And, they do indeed use their police cadets, and recruits to do things like break into peoples homes too.

Further, we see how the African American police officers are merely what was called “uncle Tom’s” in earlier rhetoric of black power, and in fact their methods merely mirror those used by white supremacist policing of earlier era’s. Even the case of George Floyd revealed this flaw in policing ideology–his murderers were two “white” guys, and two “ethnic” profiles, one Hmong, one sort of racially ambiguous black/brown man. All of whom acted as a gang and killed a guy, and their “ethnic” makeup cannot be missed as the entire thing was caught on film.

Indeed, we see this in case after case of mass shootings and other bizarre policing activity like the Houston No-Knock raid that saw two white people murdered in their home by a now indicted “gang” of police led by a black man, Gerald Goines, operating closely with Hispanics. Eventually six more “ethnic” cops were indicted in that case alone Racism as THE hot potato being tossed around between police and institutional forces, and the targeting of their victims.

SO, the Everton Brown case then, becomes a war on narrative–another “black operation” for who gets to tell the truth, and decide the facts, and explain the circumstances, and so far, we see in nearly 75% of these cases, the ADL running the media narratives. It is not a coincidence that a guy from Nepal–who coincidentally had mad computer skills, and who was a member of the “United Negro College Fund” was killed, because “fundies” are all over the place in mass shootings and other mayhem, because NGO’s are weaponized.Use my search feature and search “NGOs and gang stalking.”

This conflict of interest–a race supremacist group like the ADL running media narratives about mass shootings–is directly equivalent to how the FBI worked with the Ku Klux Klan to run narratives of lynchings–and how the women’s auxilliary of the KKK waged whisper campaigns. The faces and the races have changed, but the old masonic KKK order utilized in policing is still in place.

As a “buzzword,” the word racism has long legs, as we see Peruvians activating along those lines too, and the story was even featured in the Kabul Times. So what we see in fact, is an international effort to frame America’s race problem as a world problem–which it is–but also that it denies black males agency as agents of change. How many black men have died here so that other brown, yellow, and “othered” men can immigrate? That is the real issue behind this narrative.

Related Story: The “mysterious deaths” of Ferguson Activists, all of whom were heterosexual, black males get a “makeover” after “woke females” attached to media interact with the narrative.

And, much like the Portapique killings where Gabriel Wortman murdered a few folks after his common law wife was in contact with US agents and spies, and a hornets nest of “domestic violence advocates” while Wortman was suspiciously and likely working with the RCMP; or the first mass shooting in modern history, by a half Jewish man, Howard Unruh, who was also involved in a dispute with his noisy Jewish neighbors*, we see the police and their well known, toxic spies at all times central to these narratives, in covert roles.

We see this come to light in the famous 1998 lawsuit that proved Martin Luther King was the target of multiple agencies–oddly including Army intelligence which had spied domestically on his family for three generations(WTF!!!), and exactly as we saw with the Malcolm X story; and using race to exploit vulnerabilities in the communities that they “serve,”as they perpetuate a “good black people v bad black people” narrative. And certainly Sagar Ghimire, a victim of the shooting, affiliated with the United Negro College Fund too–was a “good negroe,” to be sure, as Brown played the role of the “bad negroe” to the music of that toxic organizations tune.

Keep in mind that since the so-called War on Terror is at its heart a western jihad or holy war, the goal of which is to “cleanse” the world–and the guiding narrative of the world–so that it is a Jewish-christian-zionist safe haven, and other narratives that contradict that version of reality are being trampled at furious rates, as we see in the murders/deaths/strange suicide of primarily heterosexual male activists, and especially black men.

Related Story: Who is the international “archaeological mafia” and why do they work so hard to suppress evidence that contradicts Torah teaching and biblical narratives? Read about the explosive facts of an “underground city” that made the news and then disappeared when the evidence found contradicted all of modern western religious teachings: the hidden chambers of the Annunaki underneath the Sphinx of Giza, meeting a “gatekeeper” named Zahi Hawass.

So, Brown’s case is a case of that–narrative control, and he definitely implicated the “FBI, the US military, and the community” in his gang stalking lawsuit, and only then after many years of exasperating isolation in his calls for help. That virtually describes “community policing” to the letter.

But who can possibly name all of the stalkers by name in a lawsuit where actual spies are actually spying on citizens? In the US, besides the 17 agencies that are tasked with illegal spying, there are thousands of “private contractors,” who target individuals, and few laws reign these groups in, or enforce prosecuting these spies either. Then, there is the most likely suspects: the townhome association that wanted him gone. Real estate and gang stalking are linked repeatedly all across the country.

Have a read through the post below to understand the “hidden forces”that were organized against one individual black man, who for all intents and purposes was indeed paranoid, and with good reason, as mobs of actual spies and harassers from many named organizations marauded through his life as he tried to simply campaign for his civil rights and the rights of others. Then, compare it to the case at hand.

In the earlier incarnation of the FBI’s COINTELPRO, we saw similar things, but today’s incarnation of that program uses tracking by cell phones, and internet too, a confusingly powerful weapon against individuals who do not conform to the “profiles” that are being imposed upon our Jewish-christian society by international powers.This, augmented with PSYOP run from Fusion Centers (all of which go by different names) makes suing gangs of institutionally sanctioned stalkers nearly impossible–by design.

Yes, sometimes, even “the paranoids” are right, and doubly so in the case of black men who do not back down while trying to enforce their simple civil liberties. Everton Brown was indeed a case of that, and his victims, were victims of illegal “community policing” programs where racist change agents manipulate one race against another to form a social narrative. And while they may have participated in the types of activities that Mr. Brown complained about, they did so with the complete and tacit encouragement of law enforcement in the “community policing” scheme.

The case below outlines the sordid business of “parallel colluding investigations” of Martin Luther King, for reference:

*There is an entire sub-story of non-conforming Jewish men being targeted in CIA operations stemming from the MKULTRA era. Most famously, the half-Jewish J.D. Salinger, and his book Catcher in the Rye, popped up in many assasinations ranging from John F. Kennedy to actress Rebecca Schaefer, to Ronald Reagan, to John Lennon’s murder, a calling card of some sort, much as we see the number 13 in these cases too. Also commedian Lenny Bruce quite famously was stalked relentlessly by the FBI and its flying monkey’s in the ADL and other “community assets”until he died.

… in progress, check back later.

Tree of Life Synagogue “manufactured mass shooter” Robert Bowers: lawyer asks court to show how government monitored and harassed him online before the shooting

Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him

Apr 01, 2021 · Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him Robert Bowers is accused of killing 11 people and injuring many more at the synagogue in Squirrel Hill

Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because they come in a variety of legal challenges.

Recently the Pasco County Fl cases (here, and here, and here, and here)against the county sheriff Chris Nocco have taken the spotlight because they targeted children, and actually invoke the RICO Act, which has long been floated as a way to attack these illegal policing practices.

In those cases, it is “intelligence led predictive policing (ILPP)” that is at the heart of the issue, and to give you an idea of what that means, it means this: ILPP is a massive set of tools and algorithms and on the ground practices that ALL derive directly from CIA and Big Tech programs designed for the battlefields of the middle east. And to give you an idea what that meas, it means that these programs use data from the FVEYs nations to target citizens of their own nations, so that at any given time, these programs could have access to a targets phone and computer, and send data to a squad car outside that persons house.

Or, this:

In the photo above, these cops were actually destroying their targets security camera, which is against the law. Imagine, police as destroyers of personal property? Yeah, gang stalking gets even more weird after that.

So, the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting is no doubt one of these manufactured terrorism events, where the shooter, Bowers, was likely monitored online from a Fusion Center, which is arguably a good thing. But the problem is, monitoring is passive activity, and that is not what these stories are about. Instead, it is very active, intrusive, and constant blatant surveillance and harassment-these operatives want their targets to know they are being watched.

Related Story: Coincidence, or construct? Former New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss was asked to leave the newsroom after her militant, rabid proselytizing zionism became too much for her colleagues to bear. Remember, it was the NYT that tried to deny claims of gang stalking back in 2016, and called it a “delusion.” So, little wonder that Bari Weiss was ALSO a Tree of Life congregant. The seed, in this case, fell right next to the tree.Who knew!?

Then, establishing that, these Fusion operatives tried to radicalize him by using psychological operations (PSYOP) that were designed by the CIA and DoD, for use in military settings. Fusion Centers actively staff such operators*.

Then, they tap into your computer in real time, and watch your computer screen as you type, as was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013, and do a range of bizarre things that sound like “crazy” to most observers, Their tactics range from placing spyware implants on your computer and phone, to email hacking, to any of a number of other tricks, like stealing a Twitter posting, or cutting your internet connection repeatedly. It has the overall affect of inducing “learned helplessness,” as your attempts to use your own devices is stopped by anonymous asshole working from any of a number of Fusion Centers or private contractors whose activity has 0% accountability.

But wait! There’s more….much more.

In case after case of mass shooters, what we see are two constants:

  1. their online accounts ranging from Facebook, to Instagram, and Twitter–are webscrubbed and disappeared from the internet, which begs the question “if the feds and their FVEYs have nothing to hide, then why erase the evidence that led to the shooting?” And the answer to that is this: because agents provocateurs harass these guys mercilessly online, saying things every bit as bad or worse than the shooter himself, and bait them to say things that can be construed as violent. Then, the offline, real world gang stalking begins. It is really just an attack on free speech at its core.

2. In these cases, they almost never go to trial, because SWAT sweeps in and kills the guy, or because of the stiff and enhanced penalties for :”hate crimes” and “terrorism,” which precludes any lawyer from obtaining the evidence that I describe at point number one. If these guys live through it as Bowers did, they often cop a plea deal. This way, these brutal PSYOP programs of online provocateurs harassing people on social media, and gang stalking them in the real world never see the disinfecting light of a court room, and the brutal “mind war” tactics** used escape news stories of these events. Far beyond mere persuasive discourse, these programs bring psychological brutality and constant threat narratives that were designed for theaters of war, and some of these tactics are in use at Guantanamo Bay today.

Its a huge hide the ball scheme, and wholly unnaccountable to any outside monitor. Worse, it fails any and every test of the US constitution on first, fourth, fifth, 14th and more amendment grounds. The problem is though–how to get one of these cases in court and have the government produce the evidence above? The Bowers case just might do that.

*Download this .pdf from the 2018 Annual Threat Assessment conference and note the bio’s of the Fusion Center Operatives. They ALL have psychology credentials and military PSYOPs training

**WE got a glimpse of the types of absurd behavior that these police gangs are using in the case of the eBay Cockroach Cult, where eBay’s executives used their in-house intelligence units to stalk and harass a few critics, including waging PSYOPs.

We also see the absurdity of this form of policing in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, whose stalking lasted for several years, and included a failed attempt to electrocute him with a Taser two years before they murdered him. Hos “gang” of “stalkers” included two prosecutors, and current and retired police their relatives, and a neighbor.

Directed energy weapons investigated inside the USA: Big news as senate, CIA investigating, say attacks are not isolated to CIA personnel

Every week now, the news brings us stories that validate the claims of targeted individuals in various and exciton ways, especially the gang stalking lawsuits that we are seeing lately (more here, and here, and here, and here too.).

This week’s news has a story about directed energy weapons. From MSN:

Mysterious Havana syndrome attacks are now documented in the US

Gabby Birenbaum 13 hrs ago

Leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed cases of the mysterious “Havana syndrome” — instances of neurological harm to US personnel from direct energy attacks — are on the rise, in a Friday hearing. Over the past two years, two attacks have occurred in the US — including one in close proximity to the White House.

And this, from The Hill:

Senate Intel vows to ‘get to the bottom’ of ‘Havana syndrome’ attacks

The suspected attacks, which first occurred in Havana, Cuba, in 2016, have since surfaced in a number of countries, leaving a number of U.S. diplomats and analysts with neurological symptoms ranging from vertigo to insomnia.ADVERTISEMENT

“For nearly five years, we have been aware of reports of mysterious attacks on United States Government personnel in Havana, Cuba and around the world. This pattern of attacking our fellow citizens serving our government appears to be increasing. The Senate Intelligence Committee intends to get to the bottom of this. We have already held fact finding hearings on these debilitating attacks, many of which result in medically confirmed cases of Traumatic Brain Injury, and will do more,” Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a joint statement.

Some 40 government officials have been hit by the attacks, which a government-funded report by the National Academy of Sciences determined were most likely caused by microwave radiation. The bulk of known cases have been State Department or CIA employees.

The lawmakers said they would seek “to better understand the technology behind the weapon responsible for these attacks.”