How to document gang stalking by the CIA/DHS/FBI and its NGO funded community assets*, using “wireless internet screen captures”

Look at this.

Electronic harassment, “electronic implants,” no touch torture and more, as a computer comes under attack from a gang of stalkers. Follow along, ok?

Its from a gang stalking in Pasadena California, where various NGO’s used their “fundies” and police agencies to stalk a guy. Of the documented participants in that area are: the local police from various departments, paramedics, firefighters, and NGO groups ranging from various “its for the women and children” NGO’s like CASA, to various “women’s shelter” advocates, and state aid or welfare recipients from the surrounding areas.

This claim is notable, because a large part of gang stalking is tied to the family courts, and the religion infused narratives that emanate from within them, notably the hyperbolic claims of child abuse, Satanism, and gendered narratives of domestic violence.

Related: Read as a Hollywood writer is gang stalked and slandered online by absolutely toxic people, as he attempts to save his children from a crazed, liar and incestuous woman who cannot fathom “scientific evidence” that her claims are total b.s. A lot of gang stalking takes place because religious fanatics make false claims in family courts–and even as we watch the charade of “Targeted Justice” we must keep in mind that they are also utilizing far-right gendered narrative.

So: what is active versus passive reconnaissance, and wireless SSID captures. Here, below, is how to track, and trace, and later, use these types of “screen captures” in subpoena’s, and “evidence discovery.”

Lets sit down for a slice of pizza together, and examine how these agents and agencies actively stalk people, and hack their internet at “open wifi” locations. They have been doing this type of stuff since 2003, and myself and others have been documenting it for decades.

Related: As an American, I was and still am appalled at how lawless my country has become–how the two tiered justice system is a cancer upon our society. SO, I began to document it in various ways, such as this article that you are reading, but also by studying what others were doing. Read this about how the FBI and its “conspicuous surveillance” was foiled by Russian spies. The oddity is that while Russian spies indeed should be monitored, the FBIetAlphabet, and sheriffs departments, local police, military contractors are in fact using “targeted individuals” for “target practice” as they train their goon squads–and all of that against due process, civil rights and the “spirit of the law,” in general; and against the constitution in every way, hence the claim that they/DHS/etalphabet are a modern “Stasi.”

Watch below how the wireless internet signals “devolve” over a short period of time, resulting in the internet being crashed, forcing the target to log in again, and again, each time exposing data that can be exploited by “gang stalkers” who seek that data for further “exploitation”. Extra points for that one journalist out there who can connect the dots to the “Asian FBI” and their associates in the San Gabriel Valley whose sloppy, illegal tactics result in a lot of bad convictions, many of which are reversed or tossed on their face. The Brandeis Institute asks “Catching, or Creating Terrorists?” in these cases:




Let me know when we see the “gotcha” moment in these screen captures, as a “gang” of “stalkers” war drives an internet connection.

But most importantly, notice the AP’s and SSID’s in these screen captures–those are the actual “internet addresses” of the stalkers electronic devices. Very valuable information, if you are armed with an evidence discovery subpoena, or other legal tool. Because internet addresses, and computer “chip” identification data is what modern gag stalking lawsuits do, and must seek.

Especially note “huangfu” and “FBI ZONE,” appearing, just before the “freewifi router” is hacked and crashed. All over the USA, and the west in general, secret police agencies are waging war against activists and dissidents. Arm yourself with the right weapons to fight back–and sue them for discovery evidence–invade their own electronic devices with “implants” if you can.

The tool is a simple, freeware tool called “Channelyzer,” and you can read about it here at Metageek. If you are being gang stalked, there are thousands of free tools online to document these types of events, and collect evidence against your stalkers.

Best tool of all? The 100% free Kali Linux, which can give these scumbags–and their relatives, children, wives and others which you can also trace and track using free internet tools, a few well earned headaches. Nine times out of ten, they are using that tool and others against you–so learn it, use it, and especially, target it at those who target you.

Lastly, I make note that the various “profiles” of targeted individuals all sprang from illegal activity of various agencies post-911, and these profiles include many false claims by the authorities. So, for an example, these agencies and their profiles are merely “ritual defamations” of their actual victims, some of whom form “reaction formations” to the abuse.

A couple of my favorite profiles are:

  • “the profile of the mental rapist” which is an FBI profile of a “mind fucker,” probably breathed to life by uber-lesbian Agent Starling. The irony of that cannot be missed as we see that agency and other shitbags in the “threat assessment industry” stalking and harassing men all over the world, deploying military grade “psychological operations” on unsuspecting victims, and attempting to incite violence, and even infiltrating family courts, and manipulating men’s lives behind the scenes. Mind fuckers indeed
  • the “hurt collector” goes by various names online and off and behavioral psychology trips all over itself to deny the reality of the pain caused by gang stalkers at all levels of society, and generally lumps this onto mass shooters who respond to being gang stalked, notoriously any and every mass shooter who has been demonstrably bullied by “gangs” of stalkers, such as Eliot Roger, or Seung Ho Choi.

I note these profiles, because they fit the profile of the types of bullying and harassment that the agencies themselves are performing all across America, as evidenced by how nearly every single mass shooter EVER was “on the FBI/other police radar” before, during and after their mass casualty events.

*CIA-etalphabet hides their domestic presence behind various “non governmental organizations,” and these are weaponized social change agents that actively stalk and target people in order to “create the change you want to see in the world” not least of which is the religious organizations that target antifa/Black Lives Matter, or the alt-Right Blue Lives Matter, and the crackpot “No Notoriety” groups that target them.

And, as usual, I only provide my readers with the tip of the iceberg–never the whole altered climate of “democratic subversion by US agencies.” Indeed–the CIA’s war on democracy never ends. You should ask me for the video’s that accompany this piece……

RIP John McAfee: we have loved you, hated your namesake software; and noticed you indeed had a “gang stalking ” problem. I will write more about it, see you in hell, bro–keep a cool one on tap for me, ok?!

The guy who invented anti-virus for computers is dead, at the ripe old age of 75.

John McAfee, a man who described himself as a “gang stalking target” was a true a folk hero who was harassed by multiple bankster entities and their various secret police agencies and their anti-democratic tactics (gang stalking), The agents and agencies ‘be-a-hatin on those of us who are–in the words of one of my own gang stalers “ahead of the curve.”

John has apparently committed suicide in Spain after being stalked by “the fed” and maybe the Belize intelligence services (all of whom are on the CIA payroll anyways.)

John McAfee, the eccentric founder of the antivirus software company bearing his name, was found dead inside a jail cell Wednesday shortly after Spain’s National Court approved his extradition to the U.S., according to Spanish government officials.

The 75-year-old cybersecurity pioneer, who faced federal charges of tax evasion and cryptocurrency-related crimes, appears to have died by suicide while being held at a penitentiary near Barcelona, Madrid-based newspaper El País reported. The regional Catalan government confirmed to The Associated Press that a U.S. citizen died at the facility, but it did not mention his name or a possible cause of death.

The shocking development came just hours after Spanish authorities ruled in favor of sending him back to the U.S.

I am very proud to note that my blog(s) were visited from Spain, just before his death, seeking information about “forced suicide” and other topics. And as the US agencies and their allies in “black operations” from Belize gang stalked him previously, my blogs were also visited from the locations in which he resided.

‘Nuff said about gang stalking.

Like Julian Assange an others, McAfee was a target for may years, a target of the FVEYs and their spy operations, and also George Soros and his deviant, murderous, Jewish-globalist anti-libertarian outreach, all documented in the press.

He himself noted that, as he ran for president as a libertarian. Soros murders libertarians, and has infiltrated the Libertarian party.

Thank you John McAfee, for your efforts fighting the global syndicates, and local mafias that spy on us, using “malware”!

And I will have a beer with you in hell, with Shatan himself when I get there. Keep a cool IPA on the bar for me, ok?

How to catch a gang of stalkers: start with this story about a prisoner who died in a 109 degree cell, and add “coincidence in gang stalking” and its a ROGS Bingo

No one likes bad guys, who do bad things, but you know what? When those bad guys are some fundie prison guards who murder a guy? Yup. They are worse than any bad guy walking the streets, because what the bad guys do is bad. What fundie rison guards who murder people do is evil. See the difference?

And most gang stalkers are fundies of one kind or another–people on the payroll of NGOs, or other entities who enlist them to do illegal things.

So: who wants to trace a gang of stalkers, and possibly push for a prosecution? Let’s start by first, naming the bad, dead guy.

Man serving life for 1993 Jefferson County double murder dies in prison

A 44-year-old state inmate serving a life sentence for the deaths of two people in Jefferson County has died in prison.

Tommy Lee Rutledge, 44, was found unresponsive inside his private cell at William Donaldson Correctional Facility. The discovery was made at 8 p.m. Tuesday, and Rutledge was pronounced dead at 9:13 p.m., according to the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office.

Chief Deputy Coroner Bill Yates said an autopsy was performed Wednesday but the cause of death has not yet been determined. There is no evidence of foul play.

Meh. Another bad guy that we the taxpayers don’t have to feed, right? I mean-just look at this guy!

Tommy Lee Rutledge was roasted alive by prison guards.Look at this guy! And…look at the inhumane conditions of his prison cell. See any books in there? Anything at all that resembles life sustaining matter? Image from the Freethought Project


What causes a man to live the life that man lived? We will never know, right? Black, male, in the shithole state of Alabama….meh.

But what is significant is the sheriffs statement: No evidence of fould [sic] play….until….coincidence which is much discussed between gang stalkers online. Mr. Rutledge died in a fire, so to speak. And…so did his two victims.:

It was about 5 a.m. when another man there said he was awakened by the sound of gunshots. He testified he saw Rutledge standing over Edwards and Whitman with a gun in his hand. That man testified that Rutledge put the gun to his head and ordered him to search Edwards’s body. Rutledge also forced him to help him drag the bodies into the kitchen, where Rutledge shot them each again in the head and dumped trash over them.

Rutledge then set fire to the trash on the bodies and to the couch. Several Christmas presents from inside the home were stolen. The witness was then tied to a chair with his mouth taped shut, but he managed to escape after several hours and call police.

Let’s move past that county sheriffs statement that ‘there was no foul play,’ and read forwards a few months later:

Alabama Man Dies in Overheated Prison Cell


An Alabama prison cell Tommy Lee Rutledge, 44, died of hyperthermia on December 7 when his core body temperature rose to 109 degrees after his cell at Donaldson Prison in Bessemer, Alabama, overheated to more than 100 degrees.

Yup. Gangs of stalkers can be tracked and traced, using simple SOCMINT and OSINT. Who wants to go hunting with me? Let’s start with the guards on duty that night, and work upwards to that sheriff. Regardless, note the following:

  • coincidence in the gang stalking dialectic
  • electronic weapons in the form of a heating controller
  • claims that “they are roasting me alive!” in the gang stalking dialectic
  • no touch torture in the gang stalking dialectic

Like the cases of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others, these new police/security firm/prison guard tactics are indeed “no touch torture,” and there are thousands of ways to enact them. While none of them do anything at all to make our societies safer, or better, or more crime free, they do allow sick, demented sadists on the state’s dollar to enact torture, and pop their rocks while on some power trip based in “morality.”

Because this is what gag stalking is, and these are the people who stalk gangs. And like most claims, there is a dual meaning, as noted above.

Religion, sexual dysfunction, pedophile slander in family courts (and elsewhere); costly, brutal custody disputes: the case of the Hollywood writer, a lying, Borderline Personality type of Mother, and online character assassination, courtesy of the DVIC

Gang Stalking Fast Fact: parental alienation is a major part of the online dialectic of “child kidnapping and human trafficking,” and sociopaths who work in the family court system are often “who the gang stalkers are.”Forensic psychologists, behavioral analysts, court mandated reporters, guardian’s ad litem, etc.

I have noted that I have been stalked by members of the Internet Movie Database Gang, and extraordinary claims do indeed require extraordinary evidence, which I have done for many years, including photo’s of many of them, and even their home addresses(if anyone is interested). I have traced their “gangs” using simple OSINT and SOCMINT research.

So, it helps to provide some background: everywhere you find a writer, you will also find hidden gangs of people who seek to control or influence the writer’s narrative. In my case, I wrote what might well have been the nations first story about a manufactured terrorist in 2003, long before others started writing about that topic; and had long fought the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) in words, and in the press.

A writer by the name of Christopher Ambrose (his extensive writing credits here at the IMDB) was brutally targeted by his ex-wife, and an online army of semi-anonymous trolls who waged a “pedophile” smear campaign against him. I was ready to hate the guy for various reasons–our online hate-fixing is, like, a real thing.

But Ambrose was/is targeted by rabid occultists, all of whom used lies and fabrications to smear him as a homosexual, a pedophile, a child porn distributor, a child abuser, and so on. All of that because he wasn’t having sex with his wife–or as one of the crackpot psychopaths put it “he never consummated his marriage” to his incestuous wife. After seeing what these people are capable of, I would bet my last dollar that no sane man will ever have sex with her again, except maybe her cousin (true story.)

When I first encountered his narrative, it was at a hate site called FamilyCourt Circus, which interested me because family courts are where a lot of gang stalking begins as states and predatory state-policing practices reach ever deeper into families to bleed them dry of funds, as we saw in the Publix shooting, the gendered narrative of helpless women needing “support” simply drives men to drink or the brink. These are indeed child kidnapping rings of a sort.

These courts are also where we see the confluence of organized religion’s and particularly Catholic’s and Jew-others battling it out for real estate, dialectic space, media sound bytes and so on. The case started in Connecticut, in a highly Catholic area.

The story started thus:

Another story of a madman, his lawyer and too much money. Meet Christopher Ambrose, a demented narcissist, self-denying homosexual, with less than high school level of maturity, masquerading as a father of three, special needs, adopted children, whom he enjoys torturing with the aid of his expensive lawyer, and doting GAL, in the perverted family court of Connecticut, before Judge Jane Grossman.

That writer–who writes anonymously because otherwise they would be sued into hell for libel– writes about Connecticut family courts. They had me interested immediately, because family courts are indeed anti-democratic, due process free shitholes, generally, and worse in some sectors of the different states.

But then “Oi vey, the jews are so obvious at being jewish” caused me to stumble, because family courts across the land are ALSO full of other religious trolls hiding behind court authority depending on the location, and concentration of religious affiliates in that area. And “God Knows” that the Catholics–and others– have run orphanages for profit since forever, waging wars on the heathens, and stealing teir children, most famously the “Indian schools” across the US and Canada, many of which did not even record the deaths of the children who died in their “care.”

So, that authors points about the courts are quite valid, but hard to read because of the hyperbole. While correct on substance, many religious fanatics and actual anti-semites seem to gloss over how other religions/ethnicities and their are involved in this form of “child trafficking.”

To whit:

Of course the drama was initiated by the $400/hr GAL, Jocelyn Hurwitz, who claimed to the court there was an urgent matter regarding the ‘safety’ of the children. See how the jew game is played? If children are ‘unsafe’, the matter is for the executive branch of government under state police powers, which is handled by Child Protective Services.

I have highlighted the part where we see how states exploit the many due process loopholes in the law, and against the constitution, which is what the DVIC is–family courts, domestic violence courts, drug courts, etc., all are just extensions of the slavery system and baseline peonage; the two tiered justice system where people are viewed as chattel property of the states they reside in.

Unsurprisingly, the case takes place not far from the famous Guilford police war on gang stalking fliers (the Guilford police actually warned residents of the dangers of raising awareness about gang stalking. No shit.); and eerily close to the former Sandy Hook Elementary where members of the the Manfredonia family popped up at the site of the shooting.

Chris Manfredonia, the man seen ‘running through the woods as Adam Lanza was allegedly inside Sandy Hook shooting the school psychologist and others, and former US Marine William Manfredonia who ran the Newtown High School, and also, unsurprisingly one of the clan, Peter Manfredonia became a mass killer less than a decade later. His mother teaches at those schools too. The Connecticut state police presence in that event before during and after the shooting is stunning.

I won’t go too deep down that rabbit hole of family connections in that area yet, but its all connected with facts and evidence. You can connect the dots yourself by following the Manfredonia’s of that area, over at, where I documented this linkage, or at Rebeccah Carnes wonderful blog that also documents these plainly “weird” associations. Sadly, Ms. Carnes has informed me that she was not writing anymore, and did not know when she will write again. And this, shortly after some strange intelligence agency stalker started cyber-stalking her.

SO: lots of pedofication, slanders, court room libel, phony police calls, and a shitload of money spent on forensic sychologists, and other court ordered tomfoolery that caused the family to sell of all of its assets later, a Hollywood writer is vindicated by–of all things–a psychological assessment that validated his wife’s sociopathic tendencies.

I started down that rabbit hole because I wanted to feed my family court hate boner some hate-Viagra. But I was also eager and willing to despise the “Hollywood mafia” and so on, but the deeper the rabbit hole went, the more I found myself siding with the man who was being pedofied I did a total 180, and found that Christoper Ambrose is likely a good man, who was put through “hell” by some sociopaths and a few actual psychopaths from the Catholic folds.

And, I reached out to one particularly vile woman, Jill Jones-Soderman a social worker from the Satanic Panic era, who runs something called the Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Court Systems (FCVFCS) and she had spread lies about Mr. Ambrose being a “homosexual pedophile” and she repeats those lies to this day, despite he having taken all applicable psychological tests available in such situations indicating otherwise. She has yet to comment, and Mr. Ambrose has yet to sue her for libel and defamation, likely because he is a good parent who does not want his kids to suffer anymore than they have already.

Christopher Ambrose-Karen Riordan psychological evaluations

But without surprise, the internet has Jones-Soderman listed variously as a fraud, misrepresenting herself in various matters, or having lost her license to practice social work, and more. And, like Targeted Justice, she is a fake whistleblower, and speaks in the same hyperbolic tones, and repeats lies that have been proven to be lies. Here she is as a fake whistle blower. These people deserve jail time, IMHO.

Its a long read if you are interested in these things, and especially informative if you are thinking about filing a gang stalking lawsuit; or if you are a journalist, writer, or psychologist who wants an eye opening parental alienation case to follow. Here is the final custody assessment, including the psychological profiles of each individual. Especially not how the woman is a proven liar, according to her own hired guns.

The DVIC began in the 1980’s era of the Moral Majority, and during the “war on families” and the “war on pornography” and of course the “Equal Rights Era” of women’s empowerment. As with most genuine movements, all of those had good cause, but all causes were lost, due to co-option by the deep state, and hidden religion. Famously, the far-right Jerry Falwell was quoted by the Associated Press saying “We want to infiltrate the culture with men and women of God who are skilled in the legal profession. We’ll be as far to the right as Harvard is to the left.”

Whether Harvard is actually on the left has yet to be seen, but the point that Falwell made became the policy of nearly all right wing religious organizations, most famously echoed by the former head of the FBI, James Comey using the Twitter handle “Rienhold Niehbuhr” who advocated the exact theology of Falwell by “hiding Christ in culture,”; but also the fact that America’s press, academic institutions, agencies and certainly the family courts have these sociopaths within them too, backed by the spying of Fusion Centers share this practice of infliltration–the Jesus people are everywhere, and especially so in gang stalking.

So, the DVIC and its hidden agenda of religious proselytizating is a brutal throwback to the Inquistition of the Catholic church (which unsurprisingly was led by a converted Jew), but here we are, in modern times, and gang stalking is modern witch hunting that primarily targets men.

Family Court Circus is just one of the many blogs online that despise the family courts (with good reason) but that blogger mistakenly blames the Jews for all of the mayhem in those lawless court rooms that do in fact serve as “child trafficking” facilities, the tip of the iceberg of America’s actual child trafficking networks. Blaming Jews exclusively for the travesty of the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex misses the point of how deeply involved Catholics and other religion tainted people are in this enterprise, as we saw in the Kids for Ca$h scandal, where one or two judges were trafficking children, some 3000 or more in fact.

If you have the time, you can research this case:

But without any doubt, these courts are a new form of the Inquisition, and reading through the lies and slanders and libels of thee people–who hide behind the children–are indeed a form of torture.

Image:“The Inquisition in Spain” Tortures of the Inquisition including “waterboarding” at right. Vintage Woodcut Illustration from: “Book of Martyrs; or a History of the Lives Sufferings and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive as well as Protestant Martyrs from the Commencement Of Christianity to the Latest Periods of Pagan an Popish Persecution” by Rev. John Fox pub 1832. aquired 2001 Tortures carried out in the name of religion. Image courtesy of David M. Doody

While De Torquemada’s lash/wheel/penile plethismograph* is not as evident in these cases, gang stalking, and the related “silent eugenics,” accompanied by “poison squad whisper campaigns” waged by churches, “community policing” groups, police departments and women’s groups is everywhere you look.

A man in the dock, undergoing penile plethysmography. Image courtesy of

And another favorite topic of gang stalkers is Rape! which crisis PR agents have made into a hot topic in the western hemisphere, because western “crisis public relations” industries have crafted a narrative that rape is EVERYWHERE!!! you look. Of particular note is above as the narrative of “human trafficking” falsely inserts a mans sexuality into systems and equates sexual experience with sexual exploitation–its as if western religion tainted women cannot figure out how to perpetuate their line, and so, must resort to getting a guy in the dock because he grabbed her ass or something. Oh no! The scars! The TRAUMA!!!

And even worse for men like Ambrose, whose documented medical condition prevents him from sexual activity, being heinously smeared as a homosexual, child grooming pedophile.

All sex is rape, according to the last generations “fourth wave” of (religion tainted) feminists, and it is reflected in these bizarre DVIC court room battles, and policies, few of which abide by due process of law, or court trials, but rather, bloody, brutal he said/she said “whisper campaigns” that carefully skirt the law and constitutional protections. I can just see The Jesus running around and stalking people at their jobs, or at their child’s school, whispering in peoples ears “that guy is a bad guy!” But hidden religion is what is behind these cases.

And of the cases I have studied recently, few stand out more vividly that the case of yet another Karen–Karen Riordan, to be specific, stalking her husband with a whisper campaign that he is a pedophile, making and distributing child porn–that his computer, which she stole and had forensically analyzed–had ZERO evidence of any porn use whatsoever on it. If ever there was a good case for a woman who could use a good kick in the cunt, this would be it. BUt don’t stop at just one.

*The penile plethysmograph is yet another “junk science” related tool in the arsenal of America’s deviant law enforcement personnel, a tool that is used primarily by prison psychiatric personnel to gauge male sexual responses. It is used on child molesters, and rapists. In order to understand how deeply flawed, but carefully crafted the western narrative is, note that Wikipedia uses a photo of a female using such a device, rather than a male. Females being subjected to such humiliating procedures are an anomaly–it nearly never happens, yet men are subjected to this all over the west.

#SayHisName movement analysis, with commentary on gangs of white police stalkers (trust me, they are not all white)

SO, the #SayHisName and #SayEveryName movement was inevitable in the face of CIA/FBI/ADL-organized religion informed cult practices of “unnaming” men, and particularly heterosexual males, like #DarrenSeals of the Ferguson MO protests, who was found murdered, and burned to death in a car with one bullet in his head. Most strikingly, many, many Ferguson activists were murdered after that, and still no arrests, because this is what gang stalking IS. The police and their “black ops” allies are doing it.

Darren Seals and many other black activists also protested the co-option of their movement by international corporations and non-governmental organizations, all of which are run by white females and others similarly privileged, most notably, the Ford Foundation, run by a gay black billionaire, Darren Walker*. The linkage between the hatred of heterosexual black and white males is most clear in that case.

It was Seals who put forward the idea that “Black Death is a Business Model,” and he couldn’t have been more correct. Sarah Kendzior wrote about it thus:

Seals excoriated what he saw as the hijacking of Ferguson, and the complicity that lies in silence. “BLACK DEATH IS A BUSINESS,” he wrote.

View Darren’s full Twitter post from May 24, 2015 here.

“Millions and millions flowing through the hands of these organizations in the name of Mike Brown yet we don’t see any of it coming into our community or being used to help our youth. I’ve been calling out this shit for months […]

People see this as an opportunity to not only build a name but make bank at the expense of the lives of people like me.”

This is why you should know Darren Seals, if you didn’t. He was among few writers to clearly call out the division between the activists of the St. Louis region and the broader Black Lives Matter movement. In St. Louis, this division is talked about on the ground but rarely publicly. In the white-dominated mainstream media, where Ferguson is primarily spoken of as a symbol rather than a place where actual people live and suffer and fight, the fractiousness between local and national black movements has gone largely uncovered.

Having abandoned Ferguson as a place while embracing it as a brand, the national media largely focuses on the camera-friendly Black Lives Matter movement, which is how Seals ended up falsely being labeled Read more about the disgraceful coverage of Darren’s murder in this article at Contemptor a member of Black Lives Matter after he was killed.

White pseudo-feminists worked very hard over the last several decades to infiltrate the agencies with pro-white memetics, such as “men this and men that,” or “misogyny!!!”and then, the co-option of black male voices by the LGBT movement is also notable(except for perhaps, Ru Paul, lol); but the reality is still the same today as it ever was: men, and “othered” men are the primary targets of these kinds of women, the political alliances they forge, and the violence they stir up–against men.

And such violence should indeed be met with a violent response, which is why carefully crafted social engineering legislation like the VAWA and the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex(DVIC) was created–to protect the privilege of primarily white women and their sexist allies who believe that their forms of violence are “socially acceptable,” and for the greater good–which they are not. Hidden religion and it’s “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” memetic and social programming winswith covert infiltration such as this, one generation after the next.

It has been this way since the early days of white women’s organizing efforts, as we see the rise of women in politics backed by the Ku Klux Klan itself, and the Women’s Auxilliary of the KKK waging “poison squad” campaigns against their targets. The #MeToo movement also has deep roots in this exact form of organizing–around white female privilege. And indeed, the public relations are all run by them, or for them; and the “medical mafia” has essentially herded these women as cows since the very beginning of time.

Related Story: A ring of child abusers operated in plain sight for many years, literally cutting a young boy wide open, and sewing him up again and again, as if he were a human zombie doll. By the time they were caught, only one person went to jail: the boy’s mother. How did the others elude capture? Read to find out.

Keeping in mind that this author is well aware of how others have been affected historically, also note that I am well aware of how others allow themselves to be used historically by corporate, religious, and tribal-sectarian interests, and non-governmental organizations. And so, no surprise that some resent the fact that black people, and particularly black men–this historically targeted group has had to build their own “media presence” amidst an actual onslaught of police violence directed at them.

The original shiftless do-nothing was the Irish Immigrant, demonized by the British aristocracy as “monkey’s of a lower race,” who were prone to mob violence (against that same aristocracy).Frederick Douglass compared their condition to slavery, and noted that perhaps it was worse than slavery.
You can see who the monkey’s are in the crowd above, without much effort. You can also see that the “good-white” police force is eternally under threats of some kind or other
The narrative of police under constant threat is curiously allied with police in unions and in other “deep state” positions creating threats, as we see with the mass shooters, and manufactured terrorists.

So, into the subject at hand:

#SayHisName Trends After Media Refuse To Report On Murder Of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant

To the mainstream media figures who jump through hoops daily to defend and heroize thugs, rioters, looters, armed robbers and even mass-murdering terrorists, it’s as if deceased 5-year-old North Carolina boy Cannon Hinnant never even existed.

Hinnant, who was white, died Sunday after a black neighbor known to his family shot him at point-blank range in front of his two sisters, ages 8 and 7.

The suspected gunman, 25-year-old Darius Nathaniel Sessoms, was taken into custody the following day and charged with first-degree murder.

As of Thursday, it’d been four days since Hinnant’s murder, yet not a word about him had been written by anyone in the mainstream press, save for those at Fox News.

Ahhh, a white kid gets shot by a black neighbor, and suddenly there should be a national movement to say that one kids name! I see–honor the random death caused by a black person, who had never had half the social opportunity that a five-year-old white child has, and ignore the social structure that makes it that way. The preschool to prison pipeline for example, where slavery was replaced by a Jewish-christian corporatocracy that exploits children as resources, right down to their bone marrow.

Related Story: How the Pasco County Sheriff and his dystopian social control model, aka “intelligence led predictive policing” secretly AND openly stalked and harassed children in school.

Brilliant! Ignore the systems in place, while complaining about systems that are being built–possibly every bit as racist and brutal as the last system, for the reasons stated above.

Then this, from the Daily Wire, and note the highlighted part:

“Say his name. 5 year old Cannon Hinnant was executed in cold blood while riding his bike,” posted Walsh. “The accused killer is Darius Sessoms. He allegedly walked up to the boy and shot him dead in front of his sisters.”

Reverse the races and this is the only thing anyone talks about for a month,” he argued.

Um, no. Because that kid was not killed by a cop, or other institutionally connected person with power. One random murder (no matter how despicable and heinous) does not a movement make, and in fact, white establishment power exists already as a social force–it is it’s own movement, as demonstrated by the white women who head it.

That poor kid was killed by a neighbor, for some reason or other. Try to guess what that might be….I will not speculate.

*I am not saying that this Darren Walker is directly stalking heterosexual male activists, but that with his clout, and massive billion dollar budget, he, like all NGO’s is doing the bidding of international banksters, the majority of which seek to eradicate any potential for “patriarchal dynasties” such as their own.

This is what is called the “silent holocaust,” and other terms in the online dialectic of gang stalking. Especially note how this one “holocaust scholar”Ramajana Hidic Demirovic targeted three pubescent boys with gang stalking for many years, seeking to destroy their lives.I think the feds are just hungry for an informant, because f they looked deeper, they will find an actual “gang” behind that stalking, not just Demirovic and her daughter.

Take a look at the front page of that organizations wesbsite–co-opted, public relations manipulated, and highly “organized” “blackness” is a real thing. ANd hence the curious burning and shooting rampage of Everton Brown–he was caught up in a “corporate war” waged by NGO’s like the Ford Foundation (assisted by the anti-black male venom of Oprah Winfrey, no doubt.)

….post in progress, check back later

“Fame-seeking mass shooters are differentiated from other mass shooters by their explicit desire for infamy,” is a claim that arises from occult practices

We see that the narrative of ” mass shooters seek fame,” is not at all a realistic assessment, but rather, academic level complicity with ” deep narratives,” and the massive “war on terror” crisis public relations schemes across various institutions that are WOT beneficiaries.

There is very little truth, and lots of “ritual defamation” in such claims, because the so-called fame shooter only makes comment AFTER being stalked on social media by WOT operatives and others. Then, Big-Tech, in full complicity with the FBI and other agencies, deletes their postings. So in this sense, Big Tech is not only compliant, but complicit, because ALL of these guys are being monitored online at all times.

And we see that most strikingly in cases like Jared Loughner, who shot one of the darlings of gun control Gabriel Gifford’s, who he likely equated (and perhaps correctly) that she was a Stalinist type of gun grabber.

Loughner didn’t seek the limelight per se, but rather, sought to question the WOT propaganda system, and its “grammar” saying ‘What is government if words have no meaning?’ And of course, Psychology Today asked “What Kind of Psychosis” would cause a young man to question the WOTs war on words, and in a piece titled “The Language and Literature of Jared Loughner” the New Yorker correctly noted that his reading lists of favorite books rightly questioned the CIA/other agency affiliated authors that wrote them, including Joseph Heller of “Catch-22” fame, and others.

Loughner correctly stated at one point that the propaganda system in the US-FVEYs alliance was twisting and contorting “the meaning of words such as “terrorist,”

and that:

“The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar [sic].”

To any rational person, that is clearly just a young scholar taking on “the narrative” with the limited tools that young scholars have. He wasn’t seeking “fame” but rather, seeking affirmation that the incredibly bizarre, anti-democracy WOT is indeed a war on words themselves, for which ample evidence exists. But to those who secretly hide behind our internet switches-aka gang stalkers–these words contradict their “mission”of chronic surveillance, and indict fre-thinking individuals as “terrorists,” at which point entire teams of internet trolls begin following and harassing internet speakers, online and off.

Further, no one has demonstrated that Loughner is either crazy for doing that, nor was he “seeking fame.” And certainly, Loughner is now locked away, far, far away from the insight of journalists, so that we can never ask him about such things. So, the pattern of “attacking the messenger” repeats in case after case of “fame seeking” mass shooters. Its a complete inversion of a persons narrative.

Related Story: A survivor of the Soviet era Russian Gulag system, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, wrote the most banned book in the history of the World, Two Hundred Years Together, and chronicled the incredibly high percentage of Jews who were responsible for soulless atrocities during that era, saying” … given the overwhelmingly Jewish composition of the top leadership during much of (the revolutionary) period, it is hardly surprising that “anti-Semitism” was deemed a capital offense (in Russia)” Yet he is also on record emphatically denying that it was exclusively a “Jewish conspiracy.”

And this is because history tends to erase the complicity of the various churches, and oligarchs. corporations and private interests–and especially their deviant “NGOs”– that work secretly to further their own agendas. Think of it this way: the Bank of England, the Anglican and the Catholic churches and their members definitely had a stake in destroying the Russian monarchy, because that’s simply what royalty does, as a basic business model.The same goes with mass shootings and gun control in the US today.

It is in the interests of these hidden powers to take away guns today, just as it was under Lenin/Stalin/Hitler, etc.

So, in cases like Robert Louis Dear, an abortion clinic shooter and self-styled “Warrior for the Babies” lived in the boonies, in a camper, with clear sight lines surrounding it. No doubt, he had been gang stalked, and no doubt because his anti-abortion message was intolerable. But he didn’t “seek fame.”

He sought privacy, and the right to first amendment protected speech. But the media narrative–highly informed by actual gangs of stalkers–seeks to “un-name” these men and boys, as we see with Rebbecah Traister at The Cut, seeking to “dehumanize” them. Keep in mind that her salary over there depends upon sticking with “the narrative” too, while managing to slip in a bit of racism in her narrative too–completely un-called for. And, she is a huge “gang stalking denialist,” too part of the DVIC narrative of a falsely correlated link between domestic violence and mass shootings.

Or in the case of DeWayne Craddock, the Virginia Beach shooter, who shot up a dozen gang stalking colleagues one of whom had called him a racial slur several years before his “rampage.” In all media, and narratives, he was a clean living man, who was clearly stalked by someone, or something at work, and at home. You can read the final report from the Virginia Beach P.D. here.

By all and every account, Mr. Craddock simply sought privacy. He wanted to be “left lone.” And, as a black male who worked at the level of city narrative, we see that he never sought the limelight, unless it was for city business.He had no web presence, or social media.And, he had camera’s pointed outside his home, because people were messing with his car.

And case after case of these incidents where the media is sought, it is to get help not for “mental illness,” but rather, to get attention to the fact that these individuals are indeed being spied on, stalked and harassed, as we saw with the recent Baltimore shooting by Everton Brown, who–oddly–had been smeared in the press several years before his event, and smeared because he protested as an individual.

Andrew Engledinger, the Accent Sign shooter in Minneapolis also apparently lived like a mouse, in a little house, before members of the media–a public relations magazine–showed up at his workplace at the direct request of his boss Reuven Rahamim, who was in fact a “media whore,” who constantly sought the limelight, doing anything he could for publicity. The photographers blasted camera’s in Engledingers face, and distributed those images across the world. Engledinger later killed his Israeli boss, while deliberately sparing others–his was a case of a “workplace harasser targeting mass shooter.”

Frequently, in these cases where the agency/academic smear runs in the pres that mass shooters are seeking fame or publicity, it is almost an upside down “Bizarro world” narrative where these murderers not only target those who have targeted them, but also, that whatever their “beliefs” are, bigger corporate interests manage to steal free publicity after these events.

And especially, keep an eye open in ALL mass shooting cases where the numbers 12 and 13 pop up in odd places. In Engledingers case, his parents were under the sway of the mental health industry–and their many, many “12 step” or “12 week” programs–he “cut off contact with his family soon after he learned that his parents enrolled in the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s 12-week Family to Family course,”and so, then begins the mental health smear–that he was “paranoid.”

To sane people, familiar with the western dialectic, its plain that dysfunctional families scapegoat a member, and even more plain that when others seek “help” for you, its usually them who need it most–a well known patttern in the “family mental health” field. to any non-christian what these symbolic numbers mean, and they are recurring themes in “medical mafia” related advertising, especially all of the 12-Step programs that are a hundreds of billions of dollars industry, and the source of a few blogs about that exact topic: AA styled 12 step programs and gang stalking.( the woman who wrote that blog is learning disabled, so click her avatar for the more interesting stuff)

Whether its the “mental health” lobbyists, or the “domestic violence industrial complex,” or some “security company with security products” to sell, we see what a major publicity opportunity the press allows in these cases because in fact, crisis PR agents are managing the entire narrative.

This is clearly the case in the Ten Thousand Oaks shooter Ian Long, we see people who had bullied the guy turning up as “narrators” long after the initial bullying incident–and some calling him “quiet, not a bad guy,” which is frequently repeated in nearly ALL of these cases.

In Long’s case, his former track coach Dominique Colell showed up in interviews, post-mortem, telling a story about how she had stolen his cell phone, and forced him to “run 13 miles.” In that story, she turned it around and said that he had “attempted to rape her” as he grasped for his stolen phone, which she had hidden behind her back. Those 13’s are EVERYWHERE in these cases too. She herself is affiliated with the Lutheran sects and colleges.

Talk about Fame Whores! Indeed, Ms. Colell was a beauty queen pageant poser, and has her own side business as a “Chainsaw Chick.” Female bullies are also high on the narcissism scales, and the associated sociopathy that goes along with that. Female bullies and their enablers are indeed a real thing. So–who exactly hunted her down for such an interview–how did they know to get that “special quote?” Yup….and again, these are some “tough chicks,” and their “partners in crime” too.

Long by contrast, was said to be a loner, who avoided the limelight; and then, among his victims–a stunning amount of undercover or off-duty cops and security personnel too. ROGS Analysis predicts as much, because gangs of stalkers are 100% police and security persons, working in the “community policing” scam. And indeed–there is a war on America’s doors and gates, as we see in the Doorman Wars of Minneapolis.

So: who exactly is seeking the limelight in mass shooting cases? Say THEIR Names!

In the Ten Thousand Oaks shooting, it was clearly Ms. Colell with a special message about sexual harassment, and the number 13, for some reason. And that is a constant in these cases too, as one after another, ranging from the Portapique mass shooting by Gabriel Wortman, to the narrative of the Pulse Nightclub shooter Omar Mateen–the billion dollar domestic violence industry (DVIC) and its nefarious “advocates” can’t get their message into the news quick enough.

So much for the FBI/academic narrative that mass shooters “seek fame,” as most of the time, they just want gang stalking colleagues to leave them alone, and many of them have gone to great lengths to gain privacy, anonymity, and peace. But that’s not what they found, because even in solitude, gang stalkers indeed “will move in next door to you,” and wage harassment campaigns of all kinds. And Fusion Center’s will spy on you too, once your name is handed to them by any of the agencies, or their thousands of “security contractors” across America.

The entire narrative of the “fame seeking mass shooter” is an occult concoction with its roots in the middle east, long before the “war on terror,” and FBI/CIA/DIA influence operations in media and elsewhere–notably those roots are in earlier era Satanic Panic, and counter-terrorism related fake news; and the practice

It stems directly from “unnaming of evil” cultic practices in various Jewish-christian religions, and its practice viw No Notoriety, and other similar groups is directly related to that. Let me demonstrate that the “narrative of notoriety or fame-seeking” and its related topic of ritual unnaming comes from religion, junk science, and far right cultic presence in the US Intelligence counter-terrorism funding chain.

Related: American and other universities research is funded by the CIA and other “deep state” interests. We get a glimpse of the battle for the dialectic on this issue as two academics debate another academic, who is a fraud and a liar. So, Adam Lankford, a professor of criminology at the University of Alabama is one of many who have made these false claims that the US has more mass shooters than any other country, and that study–like so many of those studies, by many professors, ignores root causes, and also deliberatly obscures sources.

Lankford’s work–similar to David V. James and Lorraine Sheridan’s work–is pure poppycock, and his entire academic trails begs us to ask “who exactly is funding this guy’s research?”Regardless, Lohn R. Lott, Jr., from the Crime Prevention Research Center and Carlsile E. Moody from the College of William and Mary took on Lankford’s claims, and dragged a pro-police, dubiously funded cockroach into the open, in a paper from 2020 titled

Brought Into the Open: How the U.S. Compares to Other Countries in the Rate of Public Mass Shooters

“Adam Lankford (2016) asserted that the United States accounted for 31percent of the world’s public mass shooters over the 47 years from 1966 to 2012 “Click that link for insight into how the narrative of the mass shooter is itself a cash cow, bringing research grants to many professors who peddle junk science.

Here is the previous paper from Lankford that Lott and Moody were replying to “Confirmation That the United States Has Six Times Its Global Share of Public Mass Shooters, Courtesy of Lott and Moody’s Data” smugly gloating that he is right “nah, nah nah, nah booboo.”Conformation bias indeed.

The FBI-academic paper factory that continuously cranks out such junk science hinges on thin threads, outright lies confabulations, and cultic belief’s, because these men and boys who do these things only reach out to the media AFTER the fact of intensive activity directed at them in the community.And none of their outreach is polished, very few leave “manifesto’s” per se, and most were demonstrably bullied in the weeks/years/decades leading up to their rampages.

And, these false narratives hinge on journalists suspending their training in journalism ethics, and other Americans never discussing the big, fat, huge elephant in the room behind many mass shootings: a domestic spying apparatus the likes of which the world has never seen before, and that which is run out of Fusion Centers, utilizing the bizarre, unconstitutional and extremely opaque methods of “counterintelligence led predictive policing” which was designed by the CIA to fight a foreign war, against so-called “terrorists.”

This anti-journalism, anti-democratic, and anti-constitutional narrative was crafted by these exact agencies, and is being pushed by the FBI. See here for a news article where an FBI guy advises media to not name shooters–which is unprecedented in the history of the US, and evidence of a “religious, cultic un-naming practice” and an influence operation afoot in these agencies.

There are 77 Fusion Centers, and they all go by different names. What does that have to do with mass shooters?

For starters, they are entirely occulted, they all go by different names, and their is no unified mission–their goals shift from one center to the next across states, though they do “share information,” as they target individuals. They are hidden from view, and their purpose and mission seems is unclear to ANYONE who has researched them. Even in “liberal” media, they are described as “pools of ineptitude” and elsewhere in the mainstream press.Work your way out from there.

But biased narratives, occulted practices, and religious crackpots and zealots litter the narrative of mass shooting events. Here is more about the practice of “un-naming” as relates to rabbinical teachings, and that bleedover from Jewish teaching into christian sects and cults. The neocon, Jewish-christian narrative of the war on terror is in fact, a religious war, and a narrative power grab–including “ritual defamation,” as another cult practice. My readers can investogate that topic themselves, search terms “ritual defamation,” and “unnaming of evil.”

And of those who not-coincidentally waged the entire “war on terror” narrative, the number 77 also has religious meaning. Its an “Angel Number,” and whether it is a Jewish or christian, the number is significant. Rabbi Ismael rambles on about “Metatron,” some giant superhero from the Torah, and christian’s of various lashes stripes shades denominations ramble on about the magic properties of “the 12th perfect number” which is 77.

In fact/ its a true rabbit hole, but feel free to research it yourself–time sucking religious and occulted gibberish, but it gives us a clue about who is behind these narratives.Read about what I noted above and the mystical properties of 77 from one of those typically named religious sites, “Riding the Beast!!!!

Related Story: “77 minutes” is a film about a mass shooting. However, as the title itself suggests, “77” is a numerlogical cult symbol, and other numbers could have been used Why did they choose that number?

And, we saw how former (fired/canned/let go) FBI Director James Comey was himself involved with the occult. Here, he “occulted” his identity as he Tweeted, using the name “Reinhold Niehbur,” who was a theologian whose cultic goal and practice was to infiltrate culture with religion.

And here, when Comey virtue-signaled to the Anti Defamation League (please, dear G-d forgive me for my sources, but the web has been scrubbed of the original citations!! on the eve of his firing by Trump. The ADL is the US face of the Israeli Mossad, and Comey claimed that he–and his cult infiltrated FBI– was in a love affair of some kind or another. Indeed–the Mossad doesn’t miss a beat when it seeks to blackmail political targets like Comey. About that love affair….lol.

So, despite all of the occult activity in law enforcement and other agencies tasked with “national security” one might ask: “exactly WHAT the F*** is security, if it means our own government, using influence operations, cult beliefs and practices, hidden religious agenda’s, and targeting citizens?

In summary, there is very little by way of evidence that mass shooters seek fame, or notoriety, but masssive evidence that the practice of “unnaming evil,” is actually cover for how these guys social media is scrutinized before and during mass shootings–but is entirely scrubbed from the web AFTER mass shootings, as the FBI et al ask that we as journalists “Dont Name Them,” and worse.

Among mass shooters who explicitly DID NOT seek fame, DeWayne Craddock is perhaps the best example to deflate the false narrative of the fame seeking mass shooter: that guy just wanted people to leave him the f*** alone, according to nearly all sources.

And Myron May stands out as a prime case of a man who was indeed stalked; who was indeed trying to get help; and who explicitly requested help from several police departments across the country BEFORE he shot anyone. He simply wanted the police to investigate who it was that was stalking him. His outreach–like so many others–was carefully “handled” by these exact agents and their community of gang stalkers, who are involved in controlling the narrative of mass shootings to conceal the cult practices discussed above.

….post in progress, check back later

Is Schweda’s Tavern Still there?

This is not Schweda’s, but it is reminiscent of that era.

If I had one day to live again, I would start it at Schweda’s, just off of the lake.

But people like you (that one reader, and you know who you are and so do i)–who will find painful endings to your lives–stopped that memory before it formed.

See you in Valhalla, or–under a speedboat, with my arms around your neck, as a propeller grinds–such as accidents happen, right?

And of course, Sebastian–feel free to ask questions!

Say Their Names! Contrasting the junk science of “notoriety seeking mass contagion shooters” with reality: most mass shooters have no desire for fame.

Everton Brown, one of the most recent mass shooters, wasn’t seeking fame–he was seeking an end to what he perceived as “gang stalking,” that had a real estate conflict at its center. He thought the FBI was harassing him, sued for information, and was rejected in his claims, when in fact it could have been any number of organizations and especially “community policing” elements of his local jurisdiction.

Related: The Cult of Intelligence: Fame seeking mass shooters are nearly a complete fabrication–the furhtest outliers in a handful of extreme outliers on the Bell Curve of mass shootings.Yet the strange science behind false claims that mass shooters “seek notoriety/fame” are easily debunked, and many acadmic’s who profit from writing such provably false claims are also participating in religious, cultic activity as demonstrated in the linked post.

Brown specifically indicted “the FBI, the military, and the community,” as stalkers, and indeed, in many cases we see that narrative validated, especially with black men. We saw that exact group of stalkers, plus the ADL, stalking Dr. Martin Luther King. I mean–the US Army Intelligence stalked the entire King family for over four generations, according to court testimony, and other sources.

The same is true of the Malcolm X family, too.

SO, while Mr. Brown’s claim that the FBI was stalking him is “likely true,” he did not have evidence, nor did he try to get any, because he was doing what many “lay persons” do when they are under threats that are complex, and hard to investigate: he blamed those who he had been indoctrinated to blame, the FBI. So, his claim was merely a naming error, but stands on the latter part of its face: he was indeed being “framed” as a crazy person for PROTESTING. And, he was framed by political operatives in the press, too

So, the pattern repeats: DeWayne Craddock was definitely NOT seeking fame–he was seeking two things: one, to be left-the -f*** alone, and two, he tried to document who it was that was messing with his car, and later, on his shooting spree at work that targeted specific people, we saw “survivors” discussing how his workplace was full of “pranksters” who coincidentally used Masonic symbolism in their “pranking” (search Dewayne Craddock masonic pranks).

He was also framed by some members of that gang as “violent” which is a claim that is open to factual interpretation of “who did what first, and to whom” but that is never a question when individuals are targeted with “high policing” that frames them as the “bad guy” long before any ballistics start popping. Like other bullshit profiles emanating from the last generations “empowered” white women’s FBI–among them one of my favorite’s “The Profile of the Mental Rapist“–its all junk science and ritualized defamation, no different than early COINTELPRO era stuff, but with more “diverse” faces attached. .

And, we see one or another bullshit FBI profile blast out in the press too after these events. In Craddocks case, he was, according to the FBI a “fixated shooter,” much like their other bogus profile of the comically named “hurt collector,” and other such junk science, which acts as cover for their organizations cultic, deep state operatives using “ritual defamation” as they target people. And as usual, keep your eyes out for the magic numbers 12 and 13 in these stories, as these shooters often target those who targeted them with psychobabble about “bad luck.” Craddock shot 12 people.

Andrew Engledinger, who went on a workplace mass shooting, was not by ANY accounts in media or otherwise, seeking fame. In fact, he lived by himself, like a mouse in a small house, until one day, a public relations company showed up at his workplace and blasted camera’s in his face, splashing him all over their “PR blasts as an employee of Accent Signage in Minneapolis. One must ask: who was seeking to “frame” Mr. Engledinger as a fame seeker indeed.

Later, media ran stories about his Israeli-intelligence agency affilliated boss, and noted that Reuven Rahamim did indeed SEEK SHITLOADS OF FAME, which Engledinger provided eventually. In fact, Rahamim was, like, a media whore, seeking fame constantly for his products, which “helped the disabled.” What a laugh. Google His Name! and see how often that guy SOUGHT NOTORIETY. But Engledinger? Not on record ANYWHERE, EVER seeking fame.

Cases like that sort of turns that ultra-orthodox-Mossad-FBI-zionazi-policing narrative of terrorism on its head, huh? Here is a “timeline” of events(.pdf) from the local news station KSTP, Tell me if you can spot a place on that timeline where Engledinger “seeks notoriety,” ok, kids?

And who could discuss mass shootings without mentioning the Molson Coors Milwaukee shooting, where a black man had a noose hung on his locker, long before he went “ballistic,” and shot up a few of his stalkers.

Clearly, few of these men are seeking notoriety–and yet, Molson Coors for example got tens of millions of dollars of “free advertising” after the fact, because in public relations campaigns “free placement”is EVERYTHING to corporations that use gang stalking to gain free placements online.

Well, as we see time and time again, people like Tom Teves and his occulted, FBI affiliated “brand agents” are total liars–totally full of shit. Mass shooters largely just seek to be left alone, in case after case after case.

No Notoriety, Don’t Name Them, and the junk science behind the “un-naming” movement: at first glance just crackpot junk science. At second glance, actual FBI narrative manipulation

When I first encountered the “No Notoriety” and ” Don’t Name Them” movements online, whose claim is that mass shooters seek “fame” in order to “inspire” or create “contagion effects,” I thought, gee, it is antithetical to democratic discourse to disguise, obscure, or deny insight into ” facts” in “democratic” media–directly against the very core of reporting, which asks the reporter to identify the sacred 6″Ws” of journalism when telling a story:

Who. What. When. Where. Why. And because journalists humor is often quite dry, we are instructed in J-school to include the word How, in “the Six W’s of Journalism,” probably just to confuse our editors. BUt anyone who is tasked with telling a story–such as PR persons and SEO marketers– and all investigators also use this method, though the name may differ.

My clever readers might have noticed that “Who” is the most important detail in that lineup–the very first question that gets asked or answered. So, I thought “what malignant bad actors, democratic posers, or fascist/Stalinist elements are behind such a dialogue?” And “how could any American believe that hiding facts from the public be in the interests of democratic discourse?” Much less the very first, most important detail of ANY and EVERY narrative.

I posited that maybe it was some interest group or political PAC type of public relations scumbag, targeting easy targets like the sad and angry parents of children who had died in mass shootings, and them, putting them under the sway of some evil public relations firm for easy clickbait or something. But who could have such a huge budget for that kind of “influence operation”–what kind of soulless, sociopathic, anti-democratic monsters would target the parents of dead children with an “influence operation?”

I began to hatch an admittedly cockamamie “theory” that it was far right religious fanatics, or maybe “the Russian’s” or “the Chinese”–even possibly “ISIS” or “ISIL” or any of those ever changing evil geniuses in the middle east who were seeking to undermine American freedom and democracy, by influencing journalists to forego their training in ethics, and reportage in the public interests to obscure important “facts,” like the names of mass shooters!

Then, I thought “maybe it’s just some mad scientists, and others whose claims were based on biased data, and junk science,” who were trying to make a name for themselves in academia by writing papers filled with bad evidence, and false claims, maybe because they needed attention, or some grant money or something; and then I decided to research the topic in earnest. I began my hypotheses thus:

Research questions:

  1. what kind of anti-democratic, anti-free press, shady operators would try to influence both academics, and the free press, to conceal/obscure/ hide important facts, against the public’s “right to know?”
  2. do mass shooters actually seek notoriety?
  3. In the history of journalism, what other types of governments/societies/cultures advocated for hiding facts from the public?

These three questions above guide my work below, which is just beginning. But I am happy to report that of the most surprising findings, answering the question “what kind of anti-democratic, shady operators….” the answer can be found in this story below about a guy from the FBI, working an “influence operation” aka a “mind control” PSYOP, on a few rubes in the American Southwest in 2014:

FBI to media: Don’t name mass shooters

‘Don’t Name Them’ campaign aims to diminish ‘contagion effect

Well, there you go for an answer to the question “what kind of shady, anti-democratic, fascist/Stalinist, scumbag,”, etc. would try to erase the most important detail of all journalism, ever, in stories about mass shootings. I mean–if you have nothing to hide, right guys?

But that wasn’t how the official story began by a long shot. No–that story arguably began much earlier, and in other era’s–a topic too big for this blog post.

Arguably, we see the beginnings of it in the school shootings of Kip Kinkle–who has remained silent, and definitely HAS NOT sought notoriety of any kind until recently, where he made a full apology for his heinous crime. THe narrative then was that he was insane.

And we see this theatrical influence operation aspect emerge in the case of the Columbine massacre–that same Columbine event where the son of an FBI agent* participated in filming a mock-up of the shooting itself, a year or two before the actual shooting happened; and that exact FBI agent participating in that exact investigation, much as we see with the curious positioning of the Manfredonia crime dynasty to the Newtown Ct, “Sandy Hook” shooting too.In the latter case, Manfredonia family members were present at the crime scene, and later, one of their own became a mass killer too.

Then, if anything began to be conatgious, aka “create social contagion and copycat” events, it was this exact fraudulent narrative. Let’s take a look at one analyses of the junk science that is used to cover the tracks of these dirty gang stalkers in various US military/intelligence/policing web of “mass shooting creators;” as the following study notes:

How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average

34 Pages Posted: 28 Sep 2018

John R. Lott

Crime Prevention Research Center

Date Written: August 25, 2018


A paper on mass public shootings by Adam Lankford (2016) has received massive national and international media attention, getting coverage in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, plus hundreds of other news outlets spanning at least 35 different countries. Lankford’s claim was that over the 47 years from 1966 to 2012, an enormous amount of the world’s mass public shooters — 31% — occurred in the United States. Lankford attributed this to America’s gun ownership.

Lankford claims to have “complete” data on such shooters in 171 countries. However, because he has neither identified the cases nor their location nor even a complete description on how he put the cases together, it is impossible to replicate his findings.

It is particularly important that Lankford share his data because of the extreme difficulty in finding mass shooting cases in remote parts of the world going back to 1966. Lack of media coverage could easily lead to under-counting of foreign mass shootings, which would falsely lead to the conclusion that the U.S. has such a large share.

Lankford’s study reported that from 1966 to 2012, there were 90 public mass shooters in the United States and 202 in the rest of world. We find that Lankford’s data represent a gross undercount of foreign attacks. Our list contains 1,448 attacks and at least 3,081 shooters outside the United States over just the last 15 years of the period that Lankford examined.  We find at least fifteen times more mass public shooters than Lankford in less than a third the number of years.

Even when we use coding choices that are most charitable to Lankford, his 31 percent estimate of the US’s share of world mass public shooters is cut by over 95 percent.  By our count, the US makes up less than 1.43% of the mass public shooters, 2.11% of their murders, and 2.88% of their attacks. All these are much less than the US’s 4.6% share of the world population. Attacks in the US are not only less frequent than in other countries, they are also much less deadly on average.

Given the massive U.S. and international media attention Lankford’s work has received, and given the considerable impact his research has had on the debate, it is critical that this issue be resolved. His unwillingness to provide even the most basic information to other researchers raises real concerns about Lankford’s motives.

Keywords: mass public shootings, cross-country data, mass murder, terrorism,

JEL Classification: K14

Suggested Citation: Lott, John R., How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average (August 25, 2018). Available at SSRN: or

When I realized that it was the FBI creating the false narrative, all bets were off that America is anything other than a secret police state, ruled by an opaque group of religious zealots who work from within intellegence and security apparatus.

Then I looked a little deeper, and guess what?

Yup: some people in America truly do want to have an eastern block styled press, rather than a free press. So SAY THEIR NAMES! And follow the leads where they take you, which WILL BE directly to these agencies, who are indeed part of an actual “plot,” as they say in any writing class.

….post in progress, check back later