How to document gang stalking by the CIA/DHS/FBI and its NGO funded community assets*, using “wireless internet screen captures”

Look at this.

Electronic harassment, “electronic implants,” no touch torture and more, as a computer comes under attack from a gang of stalkers. Follow along, ok?

Its from a gang stalking in Pasadena California, where various NGO’s used their “fundies” and police agencies to stalk a guy. Of the documented participants in that area are: the local police from various departments, paramedics, firefighters, and NGO groups ranging from various “its for the women and children” NGO’s like CASA, to various “women’s shelter” advocates, and state aid or welfare recipients from the surrounding areas.

This claim is notable, because a large part of gang stalking is tied to the family courts, and the religion infused narratives that emanate from within them, notably the hyperbolic claims of child abuse, Satanism, and gendered narratives of domestic violence.

Related: Read as a Hollywood writer is gang stalked and slandered online by absolutely toxic people, as he attempts to save his children from a crazed, liar and incestuous woman who cannot fathom “scientific evidence” that her claims are total b.s. A lot of gang stalking takes place because religious fanatics make false claims in family courts–and even as we watch the charade of “Targeted Justice” we must keep in mind that they are also utilizing far-right gendered narrative.

So: what is active versus passive reconnaissance, and wireless SSID captures. Here, below, is how to track, and trace, and later, use these types of “screen captures” in subpoena’s, and “evidence discovery.”

Lets sit down for a slice of pizza together, and examine how these agents and agencies actively stalk people, and hack their internet at “open wifi” locations. They have been doing this type of stuff since 2003, and myself and others have been documenting it for decades.

Related: As an American, I was and still am appalled at how lawless my country has become–how the two tiered justice system is a cancer upon our society. SO, I began to document it in various ways, such as this article that you are reading, but also by studying what others were doing. Read this about how the FBI and its “conspicuous surveillance” was foiled by Russian spies. The oddity is that while Russian spies indeed should be monitored, the FBIetAlphabet, and sheriffs departments, local police, military contractors are in fact using “targeted individuals” for “target practice” as they train their goon squads–and all of that against due process, civil rights and the “spirit of the law,” in general; and against the constitution in every way, hence the claim that they/DHS/etalphabet are a modern “Stasi.”

Watch below how the wireless internet signals “devolve” over a short period of time, resulting in the internet being crashed, forcing the target to log in again, and again, each time exposing data that can be exploited by “gang stalkers” who seek that data for further “exploitation”. Extra points for that one journalist out there who can connect the dots to the “Asian FBI” and their associates in the San Gabriel Valley whose sloppy, illegal tactics result in a lot of bad convictions, many of which are reversed or tossed on their face. The Brandeis Institute asks “Catching, or Creating Terrorists?” in these cases:




Let me know when we see the “gotcha” moment in these screen captures, as a “gang” of “stalkers” war drives an internet connection.

But most importantly, notice the AP’s and SSID’s in these screen captures–those are the actual “internet addresses” of the stalkers electronic devices. Very valuable information, if you are armed with an evidence discovery subpoena, or other legal tool. Because internet addresses, and computer “chip” identification data is what modern gag stalking lawsuits do, and must seek.

Especially note “huangfu” and “FBI ZONE,” appearing, just before the “freewifi router” is hacked and crashed. All over the USA, and the west in general, secret police agencies are waging war against activists and dissidents. Arm yourself with the right weapons to fight back–and sue them for discovery evidence–invade their own electronic devices with “implants” if you can.

The tool is a simple, freeware tool called “Channelyzer,” and you can read about it here at Metageek. If you are being gang stalked, there are thousands of free tools online to document these types of events, and collect evidence against your stalkers.

Best tool of all? The 100% free Kali Linux, which can give these scumbags–and their relatives, children, wives and others which you can also trace and track using free internet tools, a few well earned headaches. Nine times out of ten, they are using that tool and others against you–so learn it, use it, and especially, target it at those who target you.

Lastly, I make note that the various “profiles” of targeted individuals all sprang from illegal activity of various agencies post-911, and these profiles include many false claims by the authorities. So, for an example, these agencies and their profiles are merely “ritual defamations” of their actual victims, some of whom form “reaction formations” to the abuse.

A couple of my favorite profiles are:

  • “the profile of the mental rapist” which is an FBI profile of a “mind fucker,” probably breathed to life by uber-lesbian Agent Starling. The irony of that cannot be missed as we see that agency and other shitbags in the “threat assessment industry” stalking and harassing men all over the world, deploying military grade “psychological operations” on unsuspecting victims, and attempting to incite violence, and even infiltrating family courts, and manipulating men’s lives behind the scenes. Mind fuckers indeed
  • the “hurt collector” goes by various names online and off and behavioral psychology trips all over itself to deny the reality of the pain caused by gang stalkers at all levels of society, and generally lumps this onto mass shooters who respond to being gang stalked, notoriously any and every mass shooter who has been demonstrably bullied by “gangs” of stalkers, such as Eliot Roger, or Seung Ho Choi.

I note these profiles, because they fit the profile of the types of bullying and harassment that the agencies themselves are performing all across America, as evidenced by how nearly every single mass shooter EVER was “on the FBI/other police radar” before, during and after their mass casualty events.

*CIA-etalphabet hides their domestic presence behind various “non governmental organizations,” and these are weaponized social change agents that actively stalk and target people in order to “create the change you want to see in the world” not least of which is the religious organizations that target antifa/Black Lives Matter, or the alt-Right Blue Lives Matter, and the crackpot “No Notoriety” groups that target them.

And, as usual, I only provide my readers with the tip of the iceberg–never the whole altered climate of “democratic subversion by US agencies.” Indeed–the CIA’s war on democracy never ends. You should ask me for the video’s that accompany this piece……

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