The core of “white supremacy” is in fact Jewish-christian lies, told about others: Dr. Martin Luther King was an “inter-generational target” of US military intelligence, and Jewish-christian spying

At the root of the gang stalking dialectic is the fact that white Jews and christian’s in western countries had long spied on (stalked, followed, wiretapped, harassed, and murdered; lynched, guillotined, Inquisitioned each other) each other for control of politics, real estate and other premium opportunities.

I can see the Jesus now, weeping, lol. The ancient to modern rabbi’s, not so much, as fear of the “black messiah”in the 1960s led them to rationalize the United States Gang Stalking Program, which goes by many names today as then, but at that time, the more famous wing of it was shrouded in “mystery,” and lots of double talk.

These days, gang stalking, and even murdering activists is the norm, rather than an aberration as we saw in the 1960’s programs.

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations.

From the Hidden History Center, and ( a longer better read, and the actual the archived news article) the case of Dr. Martin Luther King, we see how “gangs” of US military intelligence spooks and their FBI and community apparatus, as well as its tentacles of race gangs, the actual mafia, and other enablers in domestic spaces we see most of the claims of gang stalking validated, including:

  1. “electronic harassment” via wiretaps
  2. “mind reading” via wiretaps and spy planes
  3. “inter-generational targeting” as the US Army spies had followed Kings family for three generations
  4. defamation, slander, libel, as we see black people who sought equality labeled as communists and “radicals” (whatever that means) in official documents, newspapers, and other institutional sources
  5. actual “gangs” of citizen spies targeting individuals (and murdering us sometimes too)
  6. an entire hidden network that surrounded him at the Lorraine Motel, and multiple levels of “coincidence” surrounding those hidden networks of: police, intel agents, civilian spies, and FBI informants. This is a staple of ALL modern mass shootings, and mysterious unexplained deaths of activists, much as we saw with the Ferguson activists
  7. Really, write your own ROGS Bingo card, using ROGS Analysis–its all there, etc.

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations. Top secret, often illegal, intrusions into the lives of black Americans began more than 75 years ago and often focused on black churches in the South and their ministers.

The spying was born of a conviction by top Army intelligence officers that black Americans were ripe for subversion – first by agents of the German Kaiser, then by Communists, later by the Japanese and eventually by those opposed to the Vietnam War.

At first, the Army used a reporting network of private citizens that included church members, black businessmen such as Memphis’s Robert R. Church Jr., and black educators like the Hampton Institute’s Roscoe C. Simmons. It later employed cadres of infiltrators, wiretaps and aerial photography by U2 spy planes.

Domestic spying by the racist Anti Defamation League, the Ku Klux Klan, “diversity gangs,” NGOs and the US military is the “dirty little secret” of nearly ALL gang stalking events

Scratch the surface of any gang stalking complaint and this is the type of stuff you will find: Dr. Martin Luther King was spied on, stalked, and harassed by the Anti Defamation League, the FBI, US military intelligence, and yeah, the Klan too. But in main stream narratives, we are only told that “racist white people” were his arch enemies, and tormentors.

Why is that? It seems that the actual “racist white people” that hated King with what turned out to be a bloody vengeance weren’t just White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) mould, as the modern Pharisee sect of Jews in the Anti Defamation League, and the Jewish head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People hated him too:

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations. Top secret, often illegal, intrusions into the lives of black Americans began more than 75 years ago and often focused on black churches in the South and their ministers. The spying was born of a conviction by top Army intelligence officers that black Americans were ripe for subversion. …”

SO, as we stroll through the narrative of organized gang stalking, we see a new picture emerge, and it is one that paints an ugly picture of dueling Jewish-christian racism’s in America–but also of a very old hate that has tentacles outside of America, and around the world. Of these two great racist hatreds, one is less easy to spot than the other, because it is the very origin story of racist hate.

And, it sadly lends credence to many claims that (some extremely wealthy and influential)”Jews control the press,” and other media; or that some kind of globalist octopus actually DID come to squat on the shores of America in 1913.

Related Story: Was the famous “FBI Suicide Letter” to Martin Luther King actually written by members the Anti Defamation League, who are well known for their poison pen letters, and FBI-allied gangsterism and lawless targeting of civilian populations?

This is why its important as a centrist, a true liberal, or as a leftist to step outside of that media racketeering circus and read alternative sources to find information. I like to read the Final Call on occasion, because it is a bastion of factually correct alternative narrative. I also read the worlds most censored website in all of a history, Stormfront and even David Duke, and Sheldon Adelson’s Israel Hayom too, because the gang stalking dialectic is one of cloak and dagger information warfare, full of racist and tribal narratives. Racist narratives like these mentioned provide important background in every gang stalking story or event.

Related Story: Ex-felon and spy Jonathan Pollard gives interview with Israel Hayom, explaining his choices to spy on the US. He says America had “stabbed Israel in the back” by withholding intelligence from its ally.

From The Final Call, a story about the people and groups that spied on, blackmailed, and murdered Martin Luther King.

Like Farrakhan, Dr. King attracted Jewish opposition

By Demetric Muhammad, Guest Columnist – July 28, 2020

According to Jeffrey Steinberg in his ADL Caught In Spy Scandal, the organization had a fear and loathing of Dr. King.  Steinberg notes:
“Henry Schwartzschild waited a long time to go public with his personal horror story about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Today an employee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), he resigned from a high-ranking position in the ADL’s publicity office in the mid-1960s when he discovered, to his shock, that the ADL was spying on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on behalf of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. It was not until the spring of 1993—nearly 30 years after he quit the ADL—that Schwartzschild came forward and told about the League’s efforts against Dr. King. In an April 28, 1993 interview, Schwartzschild told San Francisco Weekly: “They [ADL] thought King was sort of a loose cannon. He was a Baptist preacher and nobody could be quite sure what he would do next. The ADL was very anxious about having an unguided missile out there.”

Targeted children, Pasco County Florida, gang stalking lawsuits

Gang Stalking lawsuits, 2021, 2022, 2023, targeted individuals, targeting children, Intelligence Led Policing philosophy, predictive policing

All over the western world, and in the USA, “predictive policing” is used to target, monitor, stalk, and harass people who have not committed crimes. But predictive policing utilizes CIA derived technology, junk science, and racial profiling disguised as “Intelligence Led Policing” all of it road tested in Silicon Valley spy rings and middle eastern apartheid states.

One former deputy described the directive like this: “Make their lives miserable until they move or sue.”…..and: “Criminal Justice experts “compared the tactics to child abuse, mafia harassment and surveillance that could be expected under an authoritarian regime.

Many people ask: “who are targeted individuals,” and “who targets targeted individuals?” And “What is gang stalking?” And “where are the gang stalking lawsuits?”

Suit Filed Against Pasco Sheriff For Use Of ‘Predictive Policing’: The Institute for Justice said Pasco County’s policing program is “as dystopian as it is unconstitutional.”

The answer is this: all targeting is police, military, and spy agency related, and it has real victims who are called “targets,”, some of whom are now suing police agencies and state institutions. Meet the journalists from the Tampa Bay Times who write about “targeted individuals”:–and the gang stalking lawsuits based in how police target and harass people have only just begun(click this link to follow these cases).


By KATHLEEN McGRORY and NEIL BEDI Photos by DOUGLAS R. CLIFFORD Times staffSept. 3, 2020

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco took office in 2011 with a bold plan: to create a cutting-edge intelligence program that could stop crime before it happened.

What he actually built was a system to continuously monitor and harass Pasco County residents, a Tampa Bay Times investigation has found.

First the Sheriff’s Office generates lists of people it considers likely to break the law, based on arrest histories, unspecified intelligence and arbitrary decisions by police analysts.

Then it sends deputies to find and interrogate anyone whose name appears, often without probable cause, a search warrant or evidence of a specific crime.

They swarm homes in the middle of the night, waking families and embarrassing people in front of their neighbors. They write tickets for missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass, saddling residents with court dates and fines. They come again and again, making arrests for any reason they can.

One former deputy described the directive like this: “Make their lives miserable until they move or sue.”

And this, which defies every core logic of any so-called “democracy” anywhere”

Criminal justice experts said they were stunned by the agency’s practices. They compared the tactics to child abuse, mafia harassment and surveillance that could be expected under an authoritarian regime.

“Morally repugnant,” said Matthew Barge, an expert in police practices and civil rights who oversaw court-ordered agreements to address police misconduct in Cleveland and Baltimore.

“One of the worst manifestations of the intersection of junk science and bad policing — and an absolute absence of common sense and humanity — that I have seen in my career,” said David Kennedy, a renowned criminologist at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, whose research on crime prevention is referenced in Pasco’s policies.

I first encountered gang stalking around the time a poison pen letter was slipped under my newsroom door.

Like all of such casual leafleting slipped under targeted news editors everywhere, it was the notorious spy ring called the Anti Defamation League (ADL) on one hand decrying “hate” and on the other, asking for boilerplate publishing rights at that newspaper. I knew what was soon to follow, because history repeats itself, and I had watched how that organization coopts dissent in examples like the 1993 “ADL SPying Scandal.” Like their compatriots in racist organized religion who were then waging the Satanic Panic, I was well aware that the ADL stages its own types of political hoaxes.

And like most political advertisements, buzzword laden advertisements, and other racist, religious, or sectarian screeds, I filed it in my curiosities cabinet along with Scientology, white power, and other radical and divisive type racist/sexist/religious pamphlets and appeals.

I didn’t publish it, because that would have been vainglorious, or self serving virtue signalling (self-protective is a better phrase, knowing what I now know about those types of organizations, and the ADL specifically.) At the time, I didn’t think much of it, because I frequently got fliers under the door, one of the ways that political groups, event sponsors, advertisers and the like tried to access column inches in the newspaper. But like all advertisements, I knew what that one was, due to its distinct racist and race baiting angle, which is the norm in so-called “liberal” journalism today.

Related Story: Read “The Kings of Garbage,” a story about ADL spying on activists, and the political blackmail, smear campaigns and other fun that followed. Also see “Faking Rights: Why anti-racists detest the Anti Defamation League

I view things through the lens of Horeshoe Theory, and I find little difference between ADL types and altNazi’s, and in fact, in most cases, their ideologies–and the group-think of their members–cannot be discerned one from the other except for the name of the group attached, because their levels of invective and bias–and yeah, actual hate are one and the same disease. And I treated it like the curiosity that it was, no different than any other racist political screed: I filed it in my curiosity cabinet with other divisive literature.

These types are as much a problem as they are the solution, pushing legislation that puts victims of “hate crimes” and “hate speech” alongside police, who are rightfully derided for their crimes, and abuses.But hey–I still have a copy of that original poison pen advertisement if anyone is interested, so that’s good. And, others are now writing about “targeted individuals,” too. Also good, I think.

Go over there and read that series–its an eye opening journey through the modern American police state, as seen through the eyes of this generations pre-vetted, young ADL sponges which can barely comprehend the enormity of how widespread these databases are, or how many actual targets. But it gives us a clue about how ADL types and their pet Nazi’s in policing use the term “silent genocide” in the gang stalking dialectic as a straw man argument to justify what they are doing to actual victims of these practices.

Pernicious and toxic: FVEYs-Israeli spying, Mossadi Jihadi’s, and Negev-billies. Gang Stalking is really “counterintelligence,” operations, with religious fanatics at the helm

In gang stalking dialogues, one frequently is cast into the Jewish-christian “horseshoe of semi-circularity.”

It is a dialogue that seeks to force the issue of religion upon those who opt out of such a bizarre and mystical dlaectic. I mean–who cares what some fucking rabbi said two thousand years ago? And who cares if the mystical and mythical Jesus was or wasn’t real?

Horseshoe Theory

Horseshoe Theory

In political science and popular discourse, the horseshoe theory asserts that the far-left and the far-right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, closely resemble one another, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together.

Sadly, lots of (crazy) people do “go nuts” over the Jesus and his Jewish stalkers–so many in fact that it is the very root of western civilization for over two thousand years, having stealthily coopted Pagan religions, Greek and Roman Pantheons, and many many other tribal belief systems.

And as we see in the Jesus fable, he was gang stalked too, by rabid Jewish scribes and Pharisees who didn’t like the words he said because it didn’t fit their somewhat incestuous, nepotistic and wholly tribal narrative. That incest and nepotism was then embroiled in a colonial Roman conquest, and the Jesus mythology sprang from that time, and much as we see how christian cultures are exploiting the narrative of prostitution-v- poverty and immigration today, or how the conflict created “manufactured terrorists” who were a threat to official narratives, we saw similar issues then.

So it goes then, that The Jesus was tossed around like a three cornered ping pong ball between mystical religious forces, Jews and Romans until they lynched him. I mean–if its possible to lynch a guy who maybe didn’t even exist in some interpretations, or as we see in others, was arguably not who modern people say he was..

The same is true in cases of gang stalking, as western intelligence agencies target speakers online, and toss that “information” around between them, targeting speakers. This is what gang stalking is.

Related Story: Mossadi Jihadi’s mask their hatred for others in dialogues about “counterterrorism” and then they mercilessly stalk, cyber stalk, and harass their targets. The case of the Pensacola shooter.

So, occasionally, I engage with those who “hate the Jews”–some of them with good reason, it turns out– and try to shine a light on how it isn’t just fanatical Jews doing this stuff, that in fact it is organized religions banded together in this lunacy.

Here is part of a recent response I gave to someone who has found what I have found: that Mossad operations run around the world have a human toll, and that this is what western narrative, and narrative control is (and as registered in my statistics, via my new reader from a tech company along the Hong Kong undersea cable).

My correspondent generally thinks that the Jews are “behind it all,” forgetting how both Jews and christians have constructed a careful narrative of self-preservational gibberish in order to continue bombing babies in the name of religion and the “prince of peace”(lol)/patriarchal religion/ Jewish nepotism/greed. I had questioned why they blame onluy Jews in that conflagration of a construct, they replied to my question, and I answered thus:

Interesting. Do you have evidence that the Mossad has actually affected/stalked/harassed you? I would be interested in it if it is solid evidence.

It is quite well known that they have ongoing operations in the US, targeting those of us who are critics of Israeli apartheid, Jewish racism, or friendly to Palestine; or who disagree with the AIPAC mafia. Civil rights lawyer Stanley Cohen, also a Jew, is himself a target of both FBI and Mossadi jihadists.

In my case, I was harassed by a former USAF liaison to the Mossad, and I documented it with screen captures, and other methods like SOCMINT and OSINT. That revealed that her work in the USAF in the 1960’s was MKULTRA era stuff, and even her Twitter bio brags that she belongs to a gang of “13 members.”

In one communique, she tried to tell me that I am a mass murderer (classic PSYOP b.s.) and in another, she was rambling on about how she “isn’t afraid to engage” with a man in combat. She reminds me of the rabid Rita Katz, who pops up after almost all of the mass shootings, and who herself is a well known cyber stalker disguised as a “counter-intelligence” firm.

So I am empathetic to the idea, but I would like to see proof if you have it. Is there a link here at your blog?

And. I agree that Mossadi jihadi’s are every bit as toxic as any other terrorists. I have frequently been attacked by the hasbara and Negev-billy Squad 8200 online, so its definitely a worthy topic.

AS for Protestants, etc., yeah, watching organized religions battle each other through the centuries is hilarious, like watching Tom and Jerry. It seems the cat changes into a mouse every few centuries, and vice versa.

But there are plenty of secular Jews out there who aren’t clinical sociopaths or genetic psychopaths (it seems inbreeding, which is common in the orthodox tribes can lead to such conditions). Maybe find them and make a few friends or something.

Police Gangs = “what is gang stalking?” and what happens to gang stalking targets?

The vast majority of cases of gang stalking are NOT the FBI/CIA/DHS/Mi5/JTRIG/FSB, etc. or whatever your local alphabet agencies are called. But gang stalkers frequently include, and ARE informed by people who once worked in those exact same agencies, and many work in NED funded “NGO’s”

Hiding the Ball: The ultra right wing National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is an octopus of international spying designed to hide western intelligence agency activity in foreign nations.

Domestic Fusion Centers, and Their Networks of Current and Former Police, Spies, and Military Trained PSYOPerators Enable Gang Stalking in similar capacities

UPDATE: Nine readers looked at this post today, which also happens to be a popular post at But who-and what–is looking at you!? This post is the most popular post at this blog, because NED and their affiliated, anti-democratic and anti-Constitutional organizations are looking in

Although the tactics of community gang stalking mirror the exact same surveillance and harassment of federal level cases like this one, they are usually just local scumbags affiliated across the spectrum of police, fire fighters, state workers and unionists, and others who suck the teats of federal funding, each one of them a beneficiary in “political narrative formation.”

And they include many variants of what are known as the Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs) , which are in fact, gangs of retired police and other intelligence agents; and many of them, like this example, are trained in psychological operations too. Have a look here as a psycho-babbling moron, Tiffany Fontenot, targets a a so called “sex offender” who himself had encountered the USA-FVEYs child pornography distribution networks, run out of state police and FBI-FVEYs offices. Child pornography IS the go to tool to silence dissent, and deissenter in western “Jeish-christian” nations, all of whom have foregone their own constitutions in order to engage in such criminal activity, while framing “suspects” instead of their black programs It’s what they are living off of today, having sacrificed civil liberty and due process of law, in favor of religion tainted narrative, cloaked in the fear of “bad guys.”

Like Fusion Centers, these off-the-radar organizations and their associated crackpots all have different names, which makes the organized aspect of them hard to trace out, which is by design. Targeted Justice is one such organization, but there are many more. The example of Fusion Centers alone reveals that even counting how many of them there are is difficult, as noted by the ACLU:

There were 40 fusion centers when the report was published. Six months later there were 58 fusion centers and a growing number of news reports illustrating the problems we identified, so in July 2008 we published a follow-up report. Today there are at least 77 fusion centers across the country receiving federal funding.

As I once wrote, the number 77 has mystical meaning to western neocons and religious fanatics, and it frequently pops up in their online nym’s (screen names) and other material. You can stumble over to the Department of Homeland Security web page for more information about that (if you dare, as these organizations actively track your IP addresses across the internet.)

Related Story: Threat Assessment is a fraud of an industry on a par with privatized prisons, and it is filled with people who trained in “military psychological operations” aka PSYOPs in CIA/DIA/DoD/NSA and even FBI settings. Take a look at this .pdf from the 2018 meeting of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) to see what kind of people run these entirely unnaccountable Fusion Centers. One might ask: exactly WHY do Fusion Centers actively recruit PSYOP trained personel?–but targeted individuals call it by its proper name.

Proving these links between non-active law enforcement and current deep state operations like Fusion Centers is difficult because they all hide behind “investigation privileged” confidentiality, aka “state secrets” privileges. And, so goes it with all of the federal and state level affiliated gangs of stalkers, and especially the various “threat assessment industry” groups and organizations. Beyond the fact that secrecy is repugnant to the Constitution, these organizations are actually anti-democracy in every way.

Below, the questions “what are police gangs,” and “what happens to targeted individals,” and “who are the gang stalkers,” are answered from the Fort Worth Weekly, as we see once again who the gang stalkers are, as people who lost children under suspicious circumstances suddenly come under attack once they question the “official narratives” and their narrators in media, government, and the coroners office. And yes–its full of the usual suspects too: gang stalkers ARE ALWAYS current and retired police, investigators, county coroners, political hacks, former state workers, and their associates with deep pockets. Again, I urge every targeted individual to read this piece called “Gangstalking,” by Teri Webster, where she answers those questions.

What Happens to Gang Stalking Targets?

Barton brought her story to light at this time because she continues to experience what she calls weird and frightening attacks. Documents show that her phone, Facebook account, and email have been hijacked. Phone calls were coming in with the “name” 666, screenshots show. At one point, Barton saw a man parked in a dark car in the cul-de-sac near her home. The man appeared to be working on a computer and had a camera and other equipment on the dashboard, Barton said.

“He pointed at me and started laughing,” she said.

She also showed me a message sent to her by a supporter of the true crime media personalities. The post has a smiling cartoon camera icon with the caption “the deadliest weapon.” When the icon is clicked, it opens her phone camera. Then a button appears that says “click here” to send a picture to the person who sent the video.

Barton further claims that all of the data from her phone was uploaded without her permission to an online cloud account that she cannot access. In August 2019, she began receiving a subscription to Outside magazine, which is addressed to Tanner, even though he never lived at the Barton’s current address. The company who sent the magazine could not tell her who bought it, only that it was paid through 2021. She believes this is also harassment.

“It doesn’t stop,” Barton said. Every week, she blocks dozens of sock puppet accounts that appear as followers or commenters on her social media pages, she said. Last week, she tried to order a pizza, and her credit card was rejected because the zip code on her account was changed without her knowledge. Now the harassers are “getting into my money,” she said.

Cook said her electronics have also been hacked. A document written by an AT&T technician told her in writing that a device attached to her cable could allow someone to tap into the cameras on her smart TV and computer.

So, this is a good case study of gang stalking, and the victim has collected solid evidence. I suggest she turn THAT over to the Department of Justice, as we see that in fact, they have started to prosecute gang stalkers, and call them by their proper names: criminals with law enforcement credentials

Never Forget: gang stalking is an Anglo-Saxon, Occidental, Jewish-christian past time. The Spring Equinox approaches!

Below is a collection of quotes about the Irish Famine, titled “Eyewitness Accounts of the Famine,” from Evergreen State College, in sparkling Washington State, USA. And, one great Abe Lincoln commentary on American religious and fascist tendencies, aka “mob rule,” aka “gang stalking.”

I have heard much of the misery and wretchedness of the Irish people…but I must confess, my experience has convinced me that the half has not been told. Here you have an Irish hut or cabin, such as millions of the people of Ireland live in, in much the same degradation as the American slaves. I see much here to remind me of my former condition, and I confess I should be ashamed to lift my voice against American slavery, but that I know the cause of humanity is one the world over. He who really and truly feels for the American slave, cannot steel his heart to the woes of others. (Frederick Douglass, August 1845)

“As a nation, we began by declaring that ‘all men are created equal.’ We now practically read it ‘all men are created equal, except negroes.When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read ‘all men are created equal, except negroes and foreigners and Catholics.’ When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty—to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.”

–Abraham Lincoln, in an era when white Scotch-Irish protestants formed secret organizations to harass Celtic Irish peoples in the USA

Today, western nations celebrate “St. Patricks Day,”which is a “bastardization” of traditional pagan Celtic practices–and those practices shared by many tribes and cultures around the world, long before the plague of Jewish-christianity arrived to wage their various genocides and economic starvation policies upon the “unwashed.” Nearly all gang stalking is based upon organized religions, and their banking policies, targeting those who challenge their narratives. The centuries tick by, but the policies and practices of this collusion remain.

In Abraham Lincoln’s comment above, we can easily replace any of those named groups with other groups that exist today, and have the same trouble that western nations have had for all of time. What hasn’t changed much though, is the basic formula of hidden banking interests and monarchic or church/corporate power doing the deeds: one centuries British Crown, the Protestant ethos and its allies in banking manipulating one race/class/religion against another, labeling one group as “apes” and another as “privileged,” becomes the next centuries incarnations of those same powers, expressed as corporations, trusts, and NGOs, using people for profits.

It is THAT which is at the root of all gang stalking in the west. Never Forget those who came before you as targets, sometimes become the hidden hand of targeting individuals who speak about these things.

Celtic Irish portrayed as marauding apes by Thomas Nast, following the British tradition of portraying Celts as monkeys.

From the Evergreen Archives:

Whoever travels this country and observes the face of nature, or the faces and habits and dwellings of the natives, will hardly think himself in a land where law, religion or common humanity is expressed. The miserable dress and diet and dwelling of the people, the general desolation of most parts of the kingdom; the families living in filth and nastiness upon buttermilk and potatoes, without a single shoe or stocking to their feet, or a house so convenient as an English hog-sty to receive them. (Jonathan Swift, 1727)

It must strike the most careless traveler to see whole strings of carts whipped into a ditch by a gentleman’s footman to make way for his carriage; if they are overturned or broken in pieces, no matter, it is taken in patience; were they to complain they would perhaps be horsewhipped. The execution of the laws lies very much in the hands of justices of the peace, many of whom are drawn from the most illiberal class in the kingdom. Where manners are in conspiracy against law, to whom are the oppressed people to have recourse? A better treatment of the poor in Ireland is a very material point to the welfare of the whole British Empire. Events may happen which may convince us fatally of this truth. By what policy the government of England can for so many years have permitted such an absurd system to be matured in Ireland, is beyond the power of plain sense to discover. (Arthur Young, English traveler in Ireland, 1776-1779)

The land in Ireland is infinitely more peopled than in England; and to give full effect to the natural resources of the country, a great part of the population should be swept from the soil. (Thomas Malthus)

The ‘hanging gale’ [the practice of allowing an incoming tennat to leave his rent in arrears until after at least one harvest] is one of the great levers on oppression…the lower classes are kept in a kind of perpetual bondange. This debt hangs over their heads, and keeps them in a continual state of anxiety and terror. (Edward Wakefield, economist, 1812)

In Ireland alone the whole agricultral population can be evicted by the mere whim of the landlord, either at the expiration of a lease or, in the far more common case of their having no lease, at six months’ notice. In Ireland alone, the bulk of a population wholly dependent on the land cannot look forward to a single years’ occupation of it. (John Stuart Mill)

If they have turf and potatoes enough, they reckon themselves provided for: if a few herrings, a little oatmeal, and, above all, the milk of a cow be added, they are rich, they can enjoy themselves and dance with a light heart, after their day’s work is over. (Martha Louise Blake of the Blake Family of Renvyle House, landlords in Connemara, County Galway, 1823-1824)

If there be a market to attend, a fair or a funeral, a horse race, a fight or a wedding, all else is neglected and forgotten. (George Nicholls, English Poor Law Commissioner, 1837)

The custom on such occasion as moving a cabin is for the person who has the work to be done to hire a fiddler, upon which all the neighbors joyously assemble and carry in an incredibly short time the stones and timber upon their backs to the new site, men, women, and children alternately dancing and working while daylight lasts, at the termination of which they adhjourn to some dwelling where they finish the night, often prolonging the dance to dawn of day. (Lord George Hill, landlord, Gweedore, County Donegal, 1835)

The neighbor or the stranger finds every man’s door open, and to walk in without ceremony at meal time and to partake of his bowl of potatoes, is always sure to give pleasure to everyone of the house. (Sir John Carr of Devonshire, visiting Ireland)

The hovels which the poor people were building as I passed, solely by their own efforts, were of the most abject description; their walls were formed, in several instances, by the backs of fences; the floors sunk in the ditches; the height scarcely enough for a man to stand upright; poles not thicker than a broomstick for couples; a few pieces of grass sods the only covering; and these extending only partially over the thing called a roof; the elderly people miserably clothed; the children all but naked. (Isaac Weld, 1832).

We are worked harder and worse treated than the slaves in the colonies. I understand that they are taken care of by their masters when they are sick or old. When we are sick, we must die on the road, if the neighbors do not help us. When we are old, we must go out to beg, if the young ones cannot help us, and that will soon happen with us all; we are getting worse and worse every day, and the landlords are kicking us out of every little holding we have. God knows what will happen to this country! (James McMahon, a labourer from County Clare, 1834).

Most of these people have not eaten since yesterday. Since this morning they are waiting there fasting. These men are small farmers paying a rent. The potato harvest partially failed last year, the scarcity since last March has begun to make itself felt. Those who had cows, sheep, and pigs have sold them in order to live. All those you see there have nothing more. There is a terrifying exactitude of memory among the Irish peasantry. The great persecutions are not forgotten. All the Irish Protestants whom I saw speak of the Catholics with extraordinary hatred and scorn. The latter, they say, are savages, and fanatics led into all sorts of disorders by their priests. (Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835)

Our impressions of the moral conduct of the Irish females are highly favorable. Their duties appear to be much more laborious than those of the same class of females in England. Their dress, too, is very inferior, and so likewise seems their general position in society; yet they universally appear modest, industrious and sober. I state this as a result of my own observations, and I do so here because, if the Irish females have preserved their moral character untainted, under the very trying circumstances in which they are placed, it affords a powerful argument for ‘letting well alone.’ (George Nicholls, 1836)

The cottier tenantry and labouring population are in the lowest and most abject condition in which it is possible for human being to exist, often bordering on the verge of famine, as a necessary consequence of the low and precarious diet on which, with little exception, their subsistence depends; equally ill housed and clad, and are altogether destitute of the comforts so essential, not only to their physical wants, but to that contentment of mind, the best security for loyalty in the throne, and obedience to the laws (Matthew Lewis Coneys, farmer and shopkeeper in Clifden, County Galway, 1844)

I have heard much of the misery and wretchedness of the Irish people…but I must confess, my experience has convinced me that the half has not been told. Here you have an Irish hut or cabin, such as millions of the people of Ireland live in, in much the same degradation as the American slaves. I see much here to remind me of my former condition, and I confess I should be ashamed to lift my voice against American slavery, but that I know the cause of humanity is one the world over. He who really and truly feels for the American slave, cannot steel his heart to the woes of others. (Frederick Douglass, August 1845)

The blight of the potato crop so much complained of in Belgium and several of the English counties has affected the crop and that to a considerable extent in our immediate locality and the surround districts. We are assured by a gentleman of vast experience that the injury sustained by potatoes from blight on his domain is very serious – that they are entirely unfit for use, and he suggests that the potatoes so injured should be immediately dug out for use of pigs as if they are allowed to remain in the ground they will become for the increase of blight not even suitable as food for swine. (Cork Examiner, Sept. 1845)

Nothing else is heard of, nothing else is spoken of… Famine must be looked forward to and there will follow, as a natural consequence, as in former years, typhus fever, or some other malignant pestilence. (Dr. Babington, County Antrim, October 1845).

The reports continue to be of a very alarming nature, and leave no doubt upon the mind but that the potato crops have failed almost everywhere. (Lord Heytesbury, October 1845).

There is such a tendency to exaggeration and inaccuracy in Irish reports that delay in acting on them is always desirable. (Sir Robert Peel, Prime Minister, October 1845).

Ireland is threatened with a thing that is read of in history and in distant countries, but scarecely in our own land and time – a famine. Whole fields of the root have rotted in the ground, and many a family sees its sole provision for the year destroyed. (The Spectator, October 1845)

We can come to no other conclusion that that one-half of the actual potato crop of Ireland is either destroyed, or remains in a state unfit for the food of man. We, moreover, feel it our duty to apprise you that we fear this to be a low estimate. (Professors Lindley and Playfair, in their report to the prime minister, November 1845)

From north to south, from east to west, of this famine-stricken land our people’s food is being whole-sale exported. (The Waterford Freeman, November 1845)

Rotten potatoes and sea-weed, or even grass, properly mixed, afforded a very wholesome and nutritious food. All knew that Irishmen could live upon anything and there was plenty grass in the field though the potato crop should fail. (The Duke Of Cambridge, January 1846)

The circumstances which appeard most aggravating was that the people were starving in the midst of plenty, and that every tide carried from the Irish ports corn sufficient for the maintenance of thousands of the Irish people. (William Smith O’Brien, County Limerick, 1846)

Where the landlords have never even seen their estates, you can hardly suppose that their sympathies are very strong for sufferings they have never witnessed. (Lt. Colonel Conolly, County Kildare, February 1846)

The actual fact is that hundreds of people here, are, what would be understood in England as ‘starved’ and what is understood in Ireland as ‘half-starved.’ Their cheeks are hollow and transparent, the mouth enlarged, the nose pinched in, the eyes glassy or else of a watery clearness. They scarcely utter any complaints; they do not beg from anyone walking about the village, but follow him silently in a crowd. (The Limerick Reporter, March 1846)

What the devil do we care about you or your black potatoes? It was not us that made them black. You will get two days to pay the rent, and if you don’t you know the consequences. (Bailiff’s reply to tenants, quoted in the Freeman’s Journal, April 1846)

The faces of these people were subdued with hunger; pale, or rather of a ghostly yellow, indicative of the utmost destitution. They are starving. We hurried with horror from these frightful visitations, which are permitted by Providence for his own wise ends, sick at heart. (Marquis of Waterford, April 1846)

I cannot describe the alarm which is felt in this town in consequence of the high price to which provisions have risen this day. The people wear a sullen aspect and are giving expression to their discontent in a very menacing tone. Nothing is heard in the market but threats and murmurs. Potatoes are four shillings per hundred-weight – oatmeal, 17 shillings. In this state of things there is not employment nor relief fund. So in the name of God do something for us. (Father Michael McDermott, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon, 30 June 1846)

Ireland must in return behold her best flour, her wheat, her bacon, her butter, her live cattle, all going to England day after day. She dare not ask the cause of this fatal discrepancy – the existence of famine in a country, whose staple commodity is food – food – food of the best – and of the most exquisite quality. (The Chronicle and Munster Advertiser, May 1846)

Famine – pale, gaunt, ghastly – is talking throughout Ireland, withering up men like the flowers of the field, consuming millions of human beings with the breath of his mouth; and pestilence is following fast behind him to devour what he leaves and yet there are men who have the hardihood to deny his presence. (The London Universe, May 1846)

The reports of the new potato crop are very unfavorable. All letters and sources of information declare disease to be more prevalent this year than last in the early crop. (Sir Randolph Routh to Charles Trevelyan, July 1847).

The only way to prevent the people from becoming habitually dependent on Government is to bring the food depots to a close. The uncertainty about the new crop only makes it more necessary. (Charles Trevelyan to Sir Randolph Routh, July 1847)

I shall never forget the change in one week in August. On the first occasion, on an official visit of inspection, I had passed over thirty-two miles thickly studded with potato fields in full bloom. The next time the face of the whole country had changed; the stalk remained bright green, but the leaves were all scorched black. It was the work of a single night. Distress and fear were pictured on every countenance and there was a great rush to dig and sell, or consume the crop by feeding pigs and cattle, fearing in a short time they would prove unfit for any use. (Captain Robert Mann, Coastguard officer in County Clare, 1846)

On August 1st of that calamitous year, 1846, I was startled by hearing a sudden and strange rumour that all the potato fields in the district were blighted; and that stench had arisen emanating from their decaying stalks. I immediately rode up to visit my crop, and test the truth of this report; but I found it as luxuriant as ever, in full blossom, the stalks matted across each other with richness, and promising a splended produce, without any unpleasant smell whatever. On coming down from the mountain, I rode into the lowland country, and there I found the report to be but too true. The leaves of the potatoes on many fields I passed were quite withered, and a strange stench, such as I had never smelt before, but which became a well-known feature in “the blight” for years after, filled the atmosphere adjoining each field of potatoes. The crop of all crops, on which they depended for food, had suddenly melted away, and no adequate arrangements had been made to meet this calamity, the extent of which was so sudden and so terrible that no one had appreciated it in time, and thus thousands perished almost without an effort to save themselves. (William Trench, land agent in County Kerry)

It was a very warm day. I was descending the mountain going towards the seaside about 3 o’clock on that day when I saw a thick white fog gradually creeping up the sides of the hills. When I entered it I was pained with the cold. I at once feared some great disaster. The next morning when I travelled about in discharge of my duty, I found the whole potato crop everywhere blighted. The leaves were blackened and hanging loosely on their stems, and a disagreeable odour filled the air. (The Rev. John McGowan, 1846)

If the people are forced to consume their oats and other grain, where is the rent to come from? (Captain Percival to Charles Trevelyan, Westport, County Mayo, August 1846)

On this very day a cry of Famine, wilder and more fearful than ever, is rising from every parish and county in the land. Where the new crop ought to be, there is a loathsome mass of putrefaction: the sole food on which millions of men, women and children are to be fed is stricken by a deadly blight before their eyes; and probably within one month those millions will be hungry and have nothing to eat. Last year government had to bethink themselves how to provide against a very general deficiency; this year they will have to consider how a starving nation is to be fed. (The Nation, 15 August 1846)

If the Government were to apply the resources of the Treasury for the purchase of food in foreign countries, and that food were afterwards to be sold by retail at a low rate, it is evident that all trade would be disturbed. (Lord John Russell in the House of Commons, August 1846)

As Popery is idolatrous any treaty with it must be opposed to God’s will, and call down his wrath upon those nations who have commerce with it: more particularly upon nations like Ireland wherein its hideous deformities are most signally manifested. (The Rev. Edward Nangle, in The Achill Missionary Herald, County Mayo, August 1846)

A want of food and employment is a calamity sent by providence; except through a purgatory of misery and starvation, I cannot see how Ireland is to emerge into a state of anything approaching to quiet and prosperity. (Charles Wood, August 1846)

The government does not propose to buy up provisions this year as was done by them last year, lest it would interfere with men in trade. The lives of the people are to be looked upon as things less sacred than the interests of the ‘men in trade.’ (The Waterford Freeman, August 1846)

The Act passed in March of 1846 “to make temporary provision for the Relief of destitute poor persons afflicted with fever in Ireland” is allowed to expire; the Central Board of Health is closed, and the extra medical officers who had been engaged are dismissed (31 August 1846)

Hundreds of peasantry from the neighbouring hills and surrounding country began to pour into the village. The Couthouse was crowded outside, and the excitement was alarming and menacing; whilst cries of “we are starving and we must get work or food – we cannot hold patient and famishing any longer” were exclaimed, in Irish both within and outside the Courthouse. (The Waterford Mail, August 1846)

Dear Father and Mother, Pen cannot dictate the poverty of this country at present. The potato crop is quite done away all over Ireland. There is nothing expected here, only an immediate famine. If you knew what danger we and our fellow countrymen are suffering, if you were ever so much distressed, you would take us out of this poverty isle. We can only say, the scourge of God fell down on Ireland, in taking away the potatoes, they being the only support of the people. So, dear father and mother, if you don’t endeavour to take us out of it, it will be the first news you will hear by some friend of me and my little family to be lost by hunger; and there thousands dread they will share the same fate. (Michael and Mary Rush, September 6, 1846)

Deaths, I regret to say, innumerable from starvation are occurring every day; the bonds of society are almost dissolved. The pampered officials, removed as they are from these scenes of heart-rending distress, can have no idea of them and don’t appear to give themselves much trouble about them. I ask them in the name of humanity, is this state of society to continue and who are responsible for these monstrous evils? (The parish priest of Hollymount, Co. Mayo, September 1846)

For our parts, we regard the potato blight as a blessing. When the Celts once cease to be potato eaters, they must become carnivorous. With the taste of meats will grow the appetite for them; with the appetite, the readiness to earn them. With this will come steadiness, regularity, and perseverance; unless, indeed, the growth of these qualities be impeded by the blindness of Irish patriotism, short-sighted indifference of petty landlords, or the random recklessness of Government benevolence. (The Times, September 1846)

The accounts of the state of Ireland grow darker and darker. Famine seems to be doing its worst and the extreme of want is producing revolt and riot. At Dungarvan it appears that the military have been obliged to fire on the people – with fatal effect. This is one of the horrors attending on scarcity; the rebellion it incites is of the worst kind; the aggressors find a certain amount of sympathy and excuse which, although against our judgment it is impossible to withhold…the mass makes a wild and desperate attempt to snatch a remedy at all risks with this sad and heart rendering result. (The Illustrated London News, October 1846)

When famine is spreading its pall over the land, and death is visiting the poor man’s cabin, it is not meet that the food of millions should be shipped from our shores. It is indispensably necessary that the grain should remain in the country while scarcity is apprehended. Will not a starving population become justly indignant when whole fleets, laden with the produce of our soil, are unfurling their sails and steering from our harbour, while the cry of hunger is singing in their ears? It is beyond human endurance to suffer it; and a wise government should at once issue an order prohibiting the exportation of provisions from this country, until the wants of the people have been sufficiently provided for. (The Waterford Freeman, October 1846)

We were literally stopped by carts laden with grain, butter, bacon, etc. being taken to the vessels loading from the quay. It was a strange anomaly, and well might be said, count not be matched but in this country. (Captain Robert Mann, coastguard officer, 1846)

Owing to the extraordinary wetness of the season, turf cannot be procured; coals are out of the question, and the porr have thus the double presssure of hunger and cold to bear up against; while the rich wrap themselves up oin their own importance and shun their dependents as a plague. (a correspondent to the Belfast Vindicator, October 1846)

The children were like skeletons, their features sharpened with hunger and their limbs wasted, so that there was little left but bones, their hands and arms, in particular, being much emaciated, and the happy expression of infancy gone from their faces, leaving the anxious look of premature old age. (William Forster, a Quaker, 1846)

The great evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the famine, but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people. (Charles Trevelyan, December 1846)

What has brought them, in great measure at least, to their present state of helplessness? Their habit of depending on government. What are we trying to do now? To force them upon their own resources. Of course they mismanage matters very much. (Sir Charles Wood, December 1846)

A man employed on the public works became sick. His wife had an infant at her breast. His son, who was fifteen years of age, was put in his place upon the works. The infant at the mother’s breast had to be removed, in order that this boy might receive sustenance from his mother, to enable him to remain at work. (The Rev. O’Connor, parish priest, Killarney, December 1846)

The workhouses are full and the people are turned away to perish. It is impossible to allow this state of things to continue without making some effectual effort to relieve it. The mortality in the workhouse is rapidly increasing, both from the crowded state of the unions and the exhausted state in which the applicants are received. (H. Labouchere to Lord John Russell, December 1846)

The alarming prospect cannot be exaggerated…unless great amounts reach us from other quarters, the prospect is appalling…I assure you that unless something is immediately done the people must die…pray do something for them. Let me beg you to attend to this. I cannot express their condition. (Nicholas Cummins, justice of the peace in Cork, to Charles Trevelyan, December 1846)

We attach the highest public importance to the strict oservance of our pledge not to send orders abroad, which would come into competition with our merchants and upset all their calculations; these principles must be kept inview in reference to what is now going on in Skibbereen. For a numerous people like the Irish to be fed from foreign countries is a thing unheard of. (Charles Trevelyan, December 1846)

The distress of the wretched people is heart-rending; something ought to be done for them; they can get nothing to purchase. The carters have stopped bringing supplies…the people in Arranmore Island are living on seaweed…there is absolutely nothing in the place for food. (Deputy-Assistant Commissary-General Gem in Donegal, December 1846)

[in Skibbereen] I entered some of the hovels…and the scenes that presented themselves were such as no tongue or pen can convey the slightest idea of. In the first, six famished and ghastly skeletons, to all appearance dead, were huddled in a corner on some filthy straw, their sole covering what seemed a ragged horse-cloth and their wretched legs hanging about, naked above the knees. I approached in horror, and found by a low moaning they were alive – they were in fever, four children, a woman, and what once had been a man. It is impossible to go through the detail. Suffice it to say, that in a few minutes I was surrounded by at least 200 of such phantoms, such frightful spectres as no words can describe. By far the greater number were delirious either from famine or from fever. Their demonic yells are still ringing in my ears, and their horrible images are fixed on my brain. (Nicholas Cummins, justic of the peace in Cork, December 1846)

A woman with a dead child in her arms was begging in the street yesterday and the Guard of the Mail told me he saw a man and three dead children lying by the roadside…nothing can exceed the deplorable state of this place…On Saturday, notwithstanding all this distress, there was a market plentifully supplied with meat, bread, fish, in short everything. (Major Parker, Relief Inspector of the Board of Works, December 1846)

…immense herds of cattle, sheep and hogs…floating off on every tide, out of every one of our thirteen seaports, bound for England; and the landlords were receiving their rents and going to England to spend them; and many hundreds of poor people had laid down and died on the roadsides for want of food. (John Mitchel)

Disease and death in every quarter – the once hardy population worn away to emaciated skeletons – fever, dropsy, diarrhea, and famine rioting in every filthy hovel, and sweeping away whole families…seventy-five tenants ejected here, and a whole village in the last stage of destitution there…dead bodies of children flung into holes hastily scratched in the earth without shroud or coffin…every field becoming a grave, and the land a wilderness. (The Cork Examiner, December 1846)

…the constant language of English ministers and members of Parliament created the impression abroad that Ireland was in need of alms, and nothing but alms; whereas Irishmen themselves uniformly protested that what they required was a repeal of the Union, so that the English might cease to devour their substance. (John Mitchel)

What is given to the Irish is so much filched from the English distress…the English labourer pays taxes from which the Irish one is free – nay, he pays taxes by which the Irishman is enriched. Before our merciful intervention, the Irish nation were a wretched, indolent, half-starved tribe of savages, ages before Julius Caesar landed on this isle, and that, notwithstanding a gradual improvement upon the naked savagery, they have never approached the standard of the civilized world. (The Times, January 1847)

We copy the evidence of Thomas Burroughs, M.D.: Examined the body of Thomas McManus; both of the legs, as far as the buttocks, appeared to have been eaten off by a pig; is of the opinion his death was caused by hunger and cold. There was not a particle of food found in the deceased stomach or intestines. Those who saw the body were of opinion, from the agonized expression of McManus’s countenance, that he was alive when the pig attacked him. (The Sligo Champion, January 1847)

However serious and painful it may be, it is indispensable that the prices at our depots should keep pace with the Cork prices…or else mercantile supplies will cease to sent to at least one half of Ireland. (Charles Trevelyan, January 1847)

Heaven knows we have had enough of artificial employment, of hill cutting, and hollow filling, and useless road making. Look at the hospital road at Abbeyside. Why the place is now in a worse state than it was before any road was there. (The Waterford Freeman, January 1847)

Roads were laid out which led from nowhere to nowhere; canals were dug into which no drop of water has ever flowed; piers were constructed which the Atlantic storms at once began to wash away. (F. French, in the House of Commons, January 1847)

Up to this morning I, like a large portion, I fear, of the community, looked on the diaries of Dr. Donovan, as published in The Cork Southern Reporter, to be highly coloured pictures, doubtless intended for a good and humane purpose; but I can now, with perfect confidence, say that neither pen nor pencil ever could portray the misery and horror, at this moment, to be witnessed in Skibbereen. (James Mahony, artist commissioned by the London Illustrated News, February 1847)

A few days ago I entered a miserable cabin, dug out of the bog; a poor woman sat, propped against the wall inside; the stench was intolerable, and on my complaining of it the Mother pointed to a sort of square bed in one corner; it contained the putrid – the absolutely melted away remains of her eldest son. On inquiry why she did not bury it, she assigned two reasons; first, she had not the strength to go out and acquaint the neighbors; next, she waited till her other child would die, and they might bury both together. (The Telegraph, Castlebar, County Mayo, February 1847)

Surely God is angry with this land. The potatoes would not have rotted unless He sent the rot into them…God is good, and because He is, He never sends a scourge upon His creatures unless they deserve it – but he is so good that He often punishes people in mercy, when he sees them going in a bad way He chastises them. (The Rev. Edward Nangle, in the Achill Missionary Herald, February 1847)

We have found everything but too true; the accounts are not exaggerated – they cannot be exaggerated – nothing more frightful can be conceived. The scenes we have witnessed during our short stay at Skibbereen equal anything that has been recorded by history, or could conceived by the imagination. (Lord Dufferin, March 1847)

They call it God’s famine! No! No! God’s famine is known by the general scarcity of food which is its consequence. There is no general scarcity…but political economy, finding Ireland too poor to buy the produce of its own labour, exported that harvest to a better market, and left the people to die of famine, or to live by alms. (Bishop Hughes speaking in New York, March 1847)

A favorable opportunity present itself to gentlemen…who wish to send out the overstocked tenantry belonging to their estates, as a moderate rate of passage will be taken and six months credit given for a lump sum to any gentleman requiring such accommodations. (The Londonderry Sentinel, March 1847)

The astounding apathy of the Irish themselves to the most horrible scenes under their eyes and capable of relief by the smallest exertion is something absolutely without a parallel in the history of civilized nations…the brutality of piratical tribes sinks to nothing compared with the absolute inertia of the Irish in the midst of the most horrifying scenes…could anything make it clearer that it is not money but men that Ireland wants – real men possessed of average hearts, heads, and hands. (The Times, March 1847)

Day after day our quays are crowded with people seeking for American ships, and no sooner is a ship’s departure for that prosperous land announced than she is filled. (The Chronicle and Munster Advertiser, March 1847)

Monsieur Soyer proposes to make soup of the following portions: leg of beef, four ounces; dripping fat, two ounces; flour, eight ounces; brown sugar, half an ounce, water, two gallons. These items are exclusive of the onions, a few turnip parings, celery tops and a little salt, which can hardly be considered under the head of food. Its inventor is reported have said to the Government “that a bellyful once a day, with a biscuit, will be more than sufficient to maintain the strength of a strong healthy man.” (The Lancet, April 1847)

Five shillings each to see paupers feed! Five shillings each! To watch the burning blush of shame chasing pallidness from poverty’s wan cheek! Five shillings each! When the animals in the Zoological Gardens can be inspected at feeding time for sixpence! (The Dublin Evening Packet, April 1847)

Into every seaport in Ireland are now thronging thousands of farmers, with their families, who have chosen to leave their lands untilled and undown, to sell horses and stock and turn all into money to go to America, carrying off both the money and the industry that created it, and leaving a more helpless mass of misery and despair behind them. (John Mitchel, The Nation, April 1847)

Six millions of the people of Ireland are chained to a system that excludes, and is found to exclude, them from the true knowledge of the true God…You must endeavour to bring the knowledge of God to every cabin in Ireland. To do this you must use your endeavours to have the word of God taught and preached in every village in Ireland; and when you thus honour God by honouring His word, you may expect redemption in Ireland. (The Protestant Watchman, May 1847)

Health, strength, youth, childhood and old age – all withering before the face of this frightful Famine. To its victims I broke “the bread of life”: the bread that perisheth I could not command; and frequently, indeed, I have wept bitterly in quitting the abode of misery, unable to aid its wretched inmates…Good heavens, can it be possible that man, created in the image of the living God, is forced to live on weeds. (Father White, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, 1847)

The time will come when we shall know what the amount of mortality has been; and though you may groan, and try to keep the truth down, it shall be known, and the time will come when the public and the world will be able to estimate, at its proper value, your management of the affairs of Ireland. (Lord Bentinck, in the House of Commons, 1847)

Two to three hundred sick might be found in one ship, attacked by typhoid fever and dysentery, most lying on the refuse that had accumulated under them during the voyage; beside the sick and the dying were spread out the corpses that had not yet been buried at sea. On the decks a layer of muck had formed so thick that foot prints were noticeable in it. To all this add the bad quality of the water, the scarcity of food and you will conceive but feebly of the sufferings that people endured during the long and hard trip. Sickness and death made terrible inroads on them. On some ships almost a third of the passengers died. The crew members themselves were often in such bad shape that they could hardly man the ship. (Priest’s report, Grosse Isle, Canada)

Six men crossed with me in an open boat, and we landed upon the once pretty island. The first that called my attention was the death-like stillness – nothing of life was seen or heard, excepting occasionally a dog. These looked so unlike all others I had seen among the poor – I unwittingly said – “How can the dogs look so fat and shining here, where there is no food for the people?” “Shall I tell her?” said the pilot to Mr. Griffith, not supposing that I heard him. This was enough: if anything were wanting to make the horrors of a famine complete, this supplied the deficiency. (Asenath Nicholson, County Donegal, 1847)

I have not taken off my surplice today; they are dying on the rocks and on the beach, where they have been cast by the sailors who simply could not carry them to the hospitals. We buried 28 yesterday, 28 today, and now (two hours past midnight) there are 30 dead whom we will burry tomorrow. I have not gone to bed for five nights. (Father Bernard McGauran at Grosse Isle, Canada, August 1847)

It is my opinion that too much has been done for the people. Under such treatment the people have grown worse instead of better, and we must now try what independent exertion can do. (Charles Trevelyan, 1847)

Enough (wheat, oats, barley, bere, rye, and beans) has been gathered in the past harvest to feed double the number of people actually existing in Ireland for a period of twelve months. But this is only a small fragment of the marvel; there were green crops enough to feed 4,000,000 of human beings; and all this is exclusive of the stock of cattle, sheep, pigs, and poultry. (The Evening Mail, 1847)

The real difficulty lies with the people themselves. They are always in the mud…their idleness and helplessness can hardly be believed. (Lord Clarendon, September 1847)

An Irishman looks on America as the refuge of his race, the home of his kindred, the heritage of his children and their children. The Atlantic is, to his mind, less a barrier between land and land than is St. George’s Channel. The shores of England are farther off in his heart’s geography than those of Massachusetts or New York. (Thomas Colley Grattan, 1847)

At length it was discovered that the best plan would be to get completely rid of those who were so heavy a burden upon them by shipping them to America; at the same time publishign it to the world as an act of brotherly love and kindness, a deed of crafty, calculating selfishness: for the expense of transporting each individual was less than the cost of one year’s support in a workhouse. (Robert Whyte, passenger on the Ajax, 1847)

…in the same vicinity was the bed of a little orphan girl, who had crept into a hole in the bank and died one night, with no one to spread her heath-bed, or to close her eyes, or wash and fit her for the grave. She died unheeded, the dogs lacerated the body, gnawed the bones and strewed them about the bog. When I stood in the burying ground in that parish, I saw the brown silken hair of a young girl waving faintly through a little cleft of stones that lay loosely upon her young breast. They had not room to put her beneath the surface but slightly, and a little green grass was pulled and spread over, and then covered with stones. I never shall forget it. (Asenath Nicholson, Co. Mayo, December 1847)

In Galway, a man having been sentenced for sheep-stealing in that city, it was stated to the bench by the resident magistrate that the prisoner and his family were starving; one of his children died and he was, he said credibly informed that the mother ate part of its legs and feet. after its death he had the body exhumed and found that nothing but the bones remained of the legs and feet. (The Freeman’s Journal, April 1848)

We were all in the greatest spirits at the approach of plenty, but blight has made its appearance. On the morning of the 13th, to the astonishment of everyone, the potato fields that had, on the previous evening, presented an appearance that was calculated to gladden the hearts of the most indifferent, appeared blasted, withered, blackened and, as it were, sprinkled with vitriol, and the whole country has in consequence been thrown into dismay and confusion. (Father John O’Sullivan, Kenmare, to Charles Trevelyan, July 1848)

The matter is awfully serious, but we are in the hands of Providence, without a possibility of averting the catastrophe, if it is to happen; we can only await the result (Charles Trevelyan, July 1848)

How are the next six months to be got through in the South and West? I am at my wits’ end to imagine. The reports of our own officers are bad enough, heaven knows, but the statements I have received from (credible) witnesses exceed all I have ever heard of horrible misery, expect perhaps that of shipwrecked mariners on a yacht or desert island. (Lord Clarendon to Charles Trevelyan, December 1848)

I have always felt a certain horror of political economists since I heard one of them say he feared the famine of 1848 in Ireland would not kill more than a million people, and that would scarcely be enough to do any good. (Benjamin Jowett, referring to Nassau Senior, economic adviser, 1848)

It is true that the potato has failed in Connaught and Munster; but it has failed just as much in Ulster; therefore, if the failure of the potato has produced all the distress in the South and West, why has it not caused the same misery here? It is because we are a painstaking, industrious, laborious people, who desire to work and pay our just debt, and the blessing of the Almighty is upon our labour. If the people of the South had been equally industrious with those of the North, they would not have so much misery among them. (Newry Telegraph, March 1849)

Great Britain cannot continue to throw her hard-won millions into the bottomless pit of Celtic pauperism. (The Illustrated London News, March 1849, 18 months after any significant expenditure by the British government had ended)

When they reached that terrible spot called the Stroppabue, on the very brow of the cliff, the tremdnous squalls swept them by the score into the lake, and those who were trying to climb the steep-slanting pass lost their hold and fell as they climbed. The corpses which fell into the lake were never recovered. On the next morning the trail from Glankeen to Houstan’s house was covered with corpses as numerous as the sheaves of corn in an autumn field… (James Berry, Bunowen, County Mayo, 1849)

I can assure your grace that a mile of the public road cannot be travelled without meeting a dead body, as the poor are houseless, and daily turned out of the poor house whenever they exhibit any symptom of sickness. There is not a hut without fever and dysentery, the sure precursors of cholera, which I fear is the next ordeal through which the poor Irish must pass. (William Flannery, curate, April 1849)

The streets are daily thronged with moving skeletons. The fields are strewn with dead…the curse of Russell, more terrible than the curse of Cromwell, is upon us. (Eyewitness in Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo, 1849)

All through the (United) States an intense interest and a noble generosity were shown. The railroads carried, free of charge, all packages marked “Ireland.” Public carriers undertook the gratuitous delivery of any package intended for the relief of the destitute Irish. Storage to any extent was offered on the same terms. Ships of war approached our shores, eagerly seeking not to destroy life but to preserve it, their guns being taken out in order to afford more room for stowage. (Transactions of the Society of Friends, 1849)

The great tide of Emigration flows steadily westward. The principal emigrants are Irish peasants and labourers. It is calculated that at least four of every five persons who leave the shores of the old country to try their fortunes in the new, are Irish. Since the fatal days of the potato famine and the cholera, the annual numbers of emigrants have gone on increasing, until they have become so great as to suggest the idea, and almost justify the belief, of a gradual depopulation of Ireland. (The Illustrated London News, July 1850)

…we feel it will be gratifying to your Excellency to find that although the population has been diminished in so remarkable a manner by famine, disease and emigration between 1841 and 1851, and has been since decreasing, the results of the Irish census of 1851 are, on the whole, satisfactory, demonstrating as they do the general advancement of the country. (The Census of Ireland for the Year 1851)

The greater the numbers who emigrate in any one year, the larger the amount of funds received in Ireland in the next, to enable friends and relatives to follow to the land of plenty and independence. The potato failure is thus working a mighty revolution. This mighty emigration pays for itself. It seeks no aid from the public purse, but it should be remembered that it establishes itself in regions that owe no fealty to the Crown of England. (The Illustrated London News, April 1852)

The “land of song” was no longer tuneful; or, if a human sound met the traveller’s ear, it was only that of the feeble and despairing wail for the dead. This awful, unwonted silence, which, during the famine and subsequent years, almost everywhere prevailed, struck more fearfully upon their imaginations, as many Irish gentlemen informed me, and gave them a deeper feeling of the desolation with which the country had been visited than any other circumstance which had forced itself upon their attention. (George Petrie, 1855)

If this [exodus] goes on, as it is likely to go on…the United States will become very Irish….So an Ireland there will still be, but on a colossal scale, and in a new world. We must gird our loins to encounter the Nemesis of seven centuries’ misgovernment. To the end of time a hundred million spread over the largest havitable area in the world, and, confronting us everywhere by sea and land, will remember that their forefathers paid tithe to the Protestant clergy, rent to absentee landlords, and a forced obedience to the laws which these had made. (The Times, quoted in The Nation, May 1860)

A million and half men, women and children were carefully, prudently and peacefully slain by the English Government. They died of hunger in the midst of abundance which their own hands created; and it is quite immaterial to distinguish those who perished in the agonies of famine itself from those who died of typhus fever, which in Ireland is always caused by famine….The Almighty indeed sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine. (John Mitchel in 1861)

From the late 1960s on, a historian could be seen as having sympathies with the IRA if he or she explored the negative effects of the Famine in too much detail. The fact that Anglo-Irish relations are now on a different footing means that historians feel less reluctant to get involved in this vexed period of our shared history. (Kevin Whelan, 1995)

We can feel again that it is an Irish strength to celebrate the people in our past, not for power, not for victory, but for the profound dignity of human survival. We can honor that survival best, it seems to me, by taking our folk-memory of this catastrophe into the present world with us, and allowing it to strengthen and deepen our identity with those who are still suffering. (Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland)

CIA and gang stalking: former senior level agent John Sipher talks about “sonic weapons” attacks in Cuba and around the world, misses the boat on “third party punishment.”

Gang stalking for journalists, psychologists, sociologists, and criminologists

The most common mistake that any agent–from any agency anywhere–can make about the perpetration of strange or bizarre or illegal events is to approach data from political perspective, or to blame the “common enemies,” because in spook word, sometimes its “our common allies and friends” that could be the cause agents of said events.

During my time overseas, I have had personal experience with several of these “attacks.” In the 1980s and 1990s, the Soviet and then Russian intelligence services deployed doses of nitrophenyl pentaden (NPPD) against American diplomats whom they suspected of managing espionage operations against Russian interests. This so-called “spy dust” was an invisible electromagnetic powder with a customized chemical identifier. It was smeared onto door handles, furniture and cars of suspected American spy handlers. It was a tagging agent used by Russian security elements to covertly monitor their own community by revealing unreported (and potentially espionage related) contacts between Russian and American officials. It was somewhat ingenious.

John Sipher, former senior level CIA agent

SO when analyzing the Cuba Sonic Attacks, aka “health attacks,” one former CIA agent advises that we remain skeptical of the common narrative, while also talking us through the variety of purely bizarre activities that one encounters in the covert life. And equally, that exact agent reveals his own shortsightedness, or deliberate bias by sticking with the narrative that “Russia did it,” while skipping over other third parties who had and have many tactical reasons for why they would want to do these things, regardless of the US politics.

So, have a good read through some stuff from spook world, and note how the activity herein mirrors the claims of “targeted individuals” in every way.

Then, we follow that trail, we find equally interesting commentary on Pastebin (follow the link below, as I am having an Iframe problem right now):

From that Pastebin:

John Sipher, former CIA leaderhsip guy, says cuba attacks probably just malfunctioning survelliance equipment   

…There has been no shortage of theories as to the reasons for the attacks, some speculating that it was payback against specific individuals, a possible operation by third parties (the Russians?) to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Cuba,  

…Why don’t I believe this was an attack intended to harm diplomats?   First, I don’t think the timing or diplomatic atmosphere accords with such hostile action by the Cuban government. U.S. and Canadian diplomats reported their symptoms in the fall of 2016. At that time, the Obama Administration had relaxed diplomatic relations with Cuba   

a lapse in reasoning for Sipher? says in same article could be third party stirring shit, then cites as reason to not believe intended to harm diplomats since “diplomatic atmosphere” between Cuba and U.S. friendly at that time.  In most of his other writings, Sipher disposed to blame Russia for everything: John Sipher ‏Verified account @john_sipher Mar 6  

So, for psychologists who wish to protect their reputations, and journalists who seek to report on “gang stalking” keep in mind that most of it is straight out of spook world, and that the activity that your parient/source/other describes will indeed be “bizarre” at times. Keep an open mind, and test the validity of their claims, and you will see that gang stalking is not all that mysterious, once you know where to look, and how to interpret narratives.

The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion

Electronic Weapons, aka “Directed Energy Weapons” are a staple in the Gang stalking dialectic, and news outlets ranging from Forbes, to GQ Magazine have begun to discuss it out loud.

He was a senior CIA official tasked with getting tough on Russia. Then, one night in Moscow, Marc Polymeropoulos’s life changed forever. He says he was hit with a mysterious weapon, joining dozens of American diplomats and spies who believe they’ve been targeted with this secret device all over the world—and even at home, on U.S. soil. Now, as a CIA investigation points the blame at Russia, the victims are left wondering why so little is being done by the Trump administration.

By Julia IoffeOctober 19, 2020

Journalists must learn to sourcewatch and gatekeep those who put themselves forwards as professional pundits in the gang stalking dialectic.

I do not write about any electronic weapons related material in the gang stalking dialectic UNLESS there is science, and news reporting on that topic, because there are just too many crackpots and conspiracy nutters writing gibberish like this, and this on that topic. Or, when people like Dr. Eric Karlstrom writing as he does about wiretaps and speculating about how our networks all run through various CIA/FVEYs funded switched routers.

So, that said, electronic weapons are real, and I have personally encountered them on three occasions. The question is: how to document it, and how to report on these cases? The example above is one such case, and another excellent example can be found here, in the story of targeted diplomats, those diplomats likely are Jewish- neocon-christians who, in my opinion probably should be targeted with investigation, because they “pop up ” in the background of so any mass shootings across America these days.

This background work is evidenced by the narrative that runs in the media, and then, the web scrubbing of the shooters Facebook and other SOCMED immediately following the event, which deliberately hides evidence of what provocateurs were cyber stalking and harassing them on their pages. Behind hiding evidence and moving goal posts, the “un- naming” of people who become radicalized mass shooters smacks of cultist belief systems, and dark ritualistic religion. Here is one such cultist pseudo-scientific tome’ by Mona Charen demanding that media not name mass shooters, and incel butter knife wielding car crashers.

There are currently two competing theories about the nature of the electronic weapons that are reported to have been encountered by US spies and diplomats around the world:

1-that its possible some of the symptoms reported by various persons ranging from diplomats and covert CIA spooks to tourists could be related to pesticides, and “organophosphate poisoning” is the cause (consider the source of this theory)

2-yup, its an electronic weapon–but only the “bad guys” like Russia and China, and of course “terrorists” of ever morphing and nebulous “threat levels” would use them. Certainly the morally pure, baby-bombing, depleted uranium salting, child porn distributing Jewish-christian confabulation of the Five Eye’s Nations would never do such a thing, right?

The thing is, in spy-world, what comes around goes around. Its impossible to call a spade a spade on a rigged roulette table full of hidden players who do really bad things. Regardless of the politics involved (and if you read through the highlighted piece about senior CIA intelligence agent Mark Polymeropoulos on a self guided tour to Moscow (his rank was equivalent to a four star general)–we see that politics is front and center in these cases of who gets targeted.

So what we see in actuality is that the right/left wings of the Jewish-christian western narrative, and their Hydra’s and Medusa’s of related affiliates compete for both theoretical superiority, but also valuable newspaper inches and web clicks.The centrist position is to consult all of the online gibberish written between 911 and today, and seek clues as to the origins and political, corporate, and intelligence affiliations of the writers, and then, consult the verified science for comparison.

What you will find is that many of the early 2003-2013 era reports are actually current and former military, police, and a hodgepodge of military contractors, cold case investigators, and many others in those circles talking to each other , and trying to sound as nutty as they can possibly sound. These claims range from the totally bizarre “they’re zapping my vagina with directed energy weapons, forcing me to have orgasms all day!!”

Related Story: Electronic vagina zapping and the zappers that can do it is like, a real thing, but not in context to gang stalking. Read “The Orgasmatron: Strange tale of a pleasure implantfrom the BBC

The Orgasmatron is an actual electronic implant that can actually zap your junk at the flick of a button

Amongst those that I documented using simple OSINT and SOCMINT, I have discovered:

-US Security industry contractors ranging from helicopter leasing agents, to bridge builders and oil reserve exploration corporations involved, and those as direct beneficiaries of the federal or US military contracting apparatus.

-actual spooks and spies as we see with so much of the Targeted Justice crew

-lots and lots of police from local departments who are hosting military contractors who are trying to sell their various toys that target civilian populations

-curiously, lots of women who work in “leadership development” and other HR related fields, stacking the deck in Human Resources departments at all major corporations

-lots and lots of “cold case investigators” and more from related fields. In fact, the notorious New York Times hit piece “They See Gangs of Stalkers...” where Dr. Lorraine Sheridan of Curtin University quoted “anonymous poll respondents” flush with all of the same people named above is one such “cold case investigator” herself. And, like many sadists and other institutional bullies, she also works in her states prison system too. Junk science, and biased research is a hallmark in these cases where actual stalkers claim they are victims; or where they assist this illegal practice and its practitioners, as noted in the Fort Worth Weekly piece “Gang Stalkers” by Teri Webster.

Here is more about Source Watching the disinformation, junk science, and psychobabble from sources in the gang stalking dialectic.

Military stack formations, gang stalking, “gangs of police” and Israel as training ground for “domestic terrorists.”

I know two of my readers will just love this post, because it doesn’t play dress up with facts, or evidence of the “gangs” of military and police, aka “gang stalkers” who stormed the US Capitol last month–and that group of persons configured n the exact ways that ROGS Analysis PREDICTED, many years ago. The deck is simply STACKED by occultists on all sides of the gang stalking dialectic.

Stack formations, privacy breaches and catching spies online: online activity mirrors offline tactical operations in every way. Evidence of gang stalking can be found by recognizing that the deck is “stacked,” as in this example, where we see how X and Y take on more meaning than chromosomes in a DVIC charged dialectic, or in the next example, from Police1, where we see a “stack formation in a breach operation,” with the famous flying V formation compared to the wedge attack (Bronco Nagursky would probably NOT be too proud of these testosterone charged militants who wage war in domestic spaces.)

You can read more about ROGS Analysis as a scientifically falsifiable and useful predictive tool of assessment of “gangs of police” and many other features of these gangs here, at

But among many things, ROGS Analysis predicted events, and configurations of persons that exactly mirror the group of people who stormed the US Capitol, as we see evidenced in this story about Kelly Meggs, and other tactical trained team members. We also see another key ROGS Analysis talking point too: many of these people are related to each other, as we see in this glad handing news story too.

Then, when we analyze these stories further, we also see the following ROGS points:

1- gang stalkers have an unusually high number of women in their contingents/cells

2- most gang stalking ring leaders (or cult leaders depending on how you view them)are military/police/intelligence agency trained, working with others

3-occulted intelligence numerology will be a feature of these gangs

4- you can track and trace these gangs of stalkers using simple online OSINT and SOCMINT,, but especially that “police and military jargon” is a key feature of identifying them

5- there will be references to “higher powers,” named secret societies, and other religion toned jargon, as we see in this example here. In that example, note the accusations of pedophilia, one of the worst slanders that the Jewish-christian society can use to target an individuals credibility. In the post-religion era, we see this as the last gasp of the devout to somehow distract away from the mass murder that they wage upon children all over the world, as if to say “sure, we killed some folks,” but you (hypothetical pedophile) are worse than us by very fuckin’ far!!!!! Cuz we said so! (without evidence, of course. OF COURSE! Because that’s what they do)

6- many of these stalkers will use terms like “silent holocaust” and/or false equivocations that somehow, today’s religion charged fanaticism is somehow “not as bad as” the Holocaust, or Holodmor (periods of history where we saw similar equivocating dialectics)

7- many gang stalkers use “counterterrorism terminology” mixed with “psychobabble” to mask their presence online

8-many/most are trained in counter-terrorism tactical assaults on civilian populations as we see in US police training in Gaza, and elsewhere in the world

9- both Hegelian materialism AND Horseshoe Theory create false and distracting dialectic divergences in those who themselves are “gang stalking denialists” and pseudo-rationalists*, as we see evident in the pseudo Rationalist “RationalWiki” discussion of Horseshoe Theory

I mean–I could go on, but prolly, just read through, using keywords “Thirteen, 13, training in Israel, SWAT, women’s empowerment, pseudo-feminism, etc.”

Then, have another look at what you were looking at earlier today, to whit.

So, ROGS Analysis predicts the use of the number 13 in gang stalking related events, whether it is mass shootings, workplace stalkings, or local “community policing initiatives” where atheists, dissidents, activists, and journalists are targeted by their radicalized narratives, and online/offline activity. Again, see my earlier research in that area.

Now, here is a scientific claim that I make about “gang stalkers”: they use the number 13 as both a sign, and a signifier of their activity, and also, others adopt that in their overt and covert operations. And here is the evidence of that (and I have provided that evidence elsewhere too.)

Moving forwards, a little bit more about this sign: even mainstream “theorists” like the Smiley Face Killers detectives have noted this number in their research, which I have covered previously. They, like myself, have found evidence of a “5/7” configuration of stalkers, which (unsurprisingly) was also found in the narratives that appeared online about the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock. All of that evidence can be reviewed at my other sites, and, unsurprisingly, many of these narratives also point to a covert child pornography operation/arms dealing racket run from Israel.

So, in totality, there is evidence of the number 13 used in these operations to signal across the internet, and I have documented that, and turned my research over to responsible authorities, while also allowing others to view my web presence in raw form. This is how you “fight” gang stalkers, but also, as we saw in the case study of the eBay gang of stalkers, collecting other evidence is useful to gain convictions of gang stalkers.

And remember: nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking complaints involves current and former military, police. intelligence agents and their associates, all of whom can be tracked and traced like scummy little weasels who steal chicken eggs in the dark of night–and even in broad daylight, unless you know how to trap them, skin them, and sell their pelts to those interested in weasel fur.

Related Story: NEVER FORGET! That Hamas is a creation of the Mossad. When analyzing gangs of stalkers, its important to note how intelligence agencies create, and incite both religions, and religious fanatics; and then “military industrialists”capitalize on the public’s stupidity on these issues in order to sell armaments.

*pseudo-rationalists are a “deep state” type of religious/corporate propaganda operation, conceived at the Standford Research Institute, Harvard University and other institutions in the Tavistock Institutes hydra of think tanks (and RAND corporation, et al.) in the gap between 1993-and the early aughts as a way to combat anti-vaccination proponents, Young Earth Creationists, and “woo” believers, etc. They use “skepticism” and “rational arguments” to argue for or against many causes and belief systems, but inevitably their entire argument is to claim that all evidence is not evidence, regardless of facts. This is because pseudo-rationalism IS merely a statement of dialogic and institutional power, meaning that they are all financed–more or less–by other institutions hat practice “mind control and perception management” activity, aka “mind control” in the gang stalking dialectic. Its a hundreds-of-billions dollar industry

Military “stack formations,” Oath Keepers, Jewish-christian extremism in the gang stalking dialectic-and MOLOCH!: the biblical meaning of the number 13/thirteen

gang stalking cases study, numerology and gang stalking, gang stalking and psychology, gang stalking and criminology

U.S. prosecutors are monitoring the various western extremist gangs of Jewish-christian domestic terrorists, most of which are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents.And some of those gangs use numerological signs and signifiers to recruit members, or stalk targets.

Related Story: From Business Insider, “Phrases Only People in the Military Know.”

As we see with headlines like the following, most “gangs” of “stalkers” are comprised of current, and former military trained personnel, with high levels of “intelligence” training; and that these gangs have high numbers of women in them, some 40-60% being female. ROGS Analysis (you can study the rough research here) predicts this exact configuration in all gang stalking cases too, whether its a standard “community policing” type of case, or a real estate related case, a church related stalking, workplace mobbing scenario, or any other form of this domestic terrorism called “gang stalking.” This configuration is the one true constant of ALL gang stalking.

9 Oath Keepers indicted for conspiracy, including 7 members of the tactical “stack” seen entering Capitol in combat gear

“As always, while conducting security operations, we will have some of our men out in ‘grey man’ mode, without identifiable Oath Keepers gear on. For every Oath Keeper you see, there are at least two you don’t see.”

As we sort through this story, we see that six out of nine of those indicted fit the ROGS Analysis framework completely, including this gem, North Carolina resident Laura Steele, 52, a female former SWAT team member who was working in private security before her indictment-and see if you can spot the number 13 in the article, as these intelligence cultists signal each other using non-coincidental numerology .

From CBS:

“Steele sent a five-page document that appeared to be an online application to the Oath Keepers of Florida on January 3, prosecutors said. In the document, she wrote, “I have 13 years of experience in Law Enforcement in North Carolina. I served as a K-9 Officer and a SWAT team member. I currently work Private Armed Security for [company name redacted]. I am a licensed PPS through the North Carolina Private Protective Services.”

I would like to point out that this blog you are reading has been “followed” by people who also use numerology in their online mayhem, cyber stalking, and then, in the offline stalking that frequently follows, as most recently, this person calling me a “pedo” amd “Mason,” while hiding behind a Knights Templar online presence. Beyond the blatant Freudian projection inherent in that commenters diatribe, this is exactly how strange these cases are.

Read that post, and note the update at the bottom of the page, where I screen capped their use of the number 13.

Strange talk about strange electronics is a staple of the gang stalking dialectic, as most “gang stalkers” are current and former military/intel/police and spies

Then, for comparison, the following day, that same person/group used that number AGAIN, as reflected by my statistics, but this time, sending the link to the US:

To the psychologist, journalist, or others interested in this topic, note the following three things so that you can understand why ROGS Analysis of gang stalking is a useful predictive model with which to analyze cases of gang stalking:

  1. this is a scientifically verifiable and falsifiable proof and evidence of gang stalking, seen across cases studies, which I have documented in cases of mass shootings, workplace mobbing, and “freemasonry” related violence, especially in the work place or military settings
  2. the number has multiple functions as a tool of intimidation, or terror in online PSYOPs, it validates the complaint that “people are following me” as well as validates the complaint that “occultists” are involved, as the numerology contains cultic meaning, specific to many occulted orders, and occult “gangs of police/intel/military” personnel
  3. the number 13-as well as 12–have certain, specific meanings to followers of Jewish-christian biblical narratives; and for the fanatics amongst them, even “deeper meaning” beyond bad luck/good luck.

So, from Chabad online, a primer in how the Moses myths and legends utilized “The 12 Spies” story to go surveying “the promised land,” in an early form of Jewish and white supremacist colonization in the middle east.

Then, have a look at the meaning of that number in biblical terms–it primarily means lawlessness, expressed in various ways that victims of gang stalking complain about, but has many other bible-specific meanings too. Here is just one “meaning” that rabid (lawless) Jewish-christians rally around:

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 13

The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. Nimrod, the mighty hunter who was ‘before the Lord’ (meaning he tried to take the place of God – Genesis 10:9), was the 13th in Ham’s line (Ham was one of Noah’s three sons who survived the flood). Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal.

The phrase ‘valley of Hinnom‘ (or variation thereof) occurs in 13 places in Scripture. The valley was the scene of the evil-inspired rites of the pagan god Moloch (or Molech). The practices related to this false deity received some credibility when they were knowingly allowed by King Solomon (1Kings 11:7) in order to please his non-Israelite wives.

One way Molech was appeased and worshipped was through the sacrifice of children who, placed on the red hot arms of the idol, were burned alive. The valley’s tie to fire made for an apt backdrop of the ultimate punishment unrepentant and rebellious sinners will receive in the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20, 20:9 – 10, 14 – 15).

Lastly, note its use in the story of Esther, where we see the propaganda and PSYOPs related value of that number explored in detail, as well as its meaning as “good luck,” as opposed to “bad luck” which is a classic and pivotal point between Jewish historical narrative and christian historical co-option of that narrative.

In fifteen years of studying this topic, I have found it three specific cults comprised of 13 members (and reported them to the proper authorities). I have also found this number linked to the MKULTRA era and US military social engineering, as well as these actual military intelligence cults whose work is now housed at the Brookings Institute, a Washington, D.C. think tank and a major contributor to the hidden, nefarious “Establishment” online influence operations.

With that in mind, many targeted individuals complain about being “mind controlled, and that claim has scientific validity here too, because “influence operations are that, by definition. But when we add threats, insults, and intimidation from people like my “followers,” we see that indeed,it is more than just an online buzzword campaign-that in fact, they do other things in meatspace too. In the case above, note that they literally operated from two continents, which is a significant “proof of gang stalking” to some degree.

Related Reading: The gang stalking dialectic online is full of talk about electronic weapons, and GQ magazine covers the curious case of a senior CIA official complaining of a “directed energy weapon,” while he had deployed himself to Moscow. Spies, and others related to military policing ad security industrial complex who have specific knowledge of specialized weapons are central to these discussions online. Most nefarious amongst them are the military contractors who appear in the dialectic advertising their wares, and using bizarre language. Related to this, we see America’s premier financial forecaster and Forbes Magazine how the “spin” about directed energy weapons has taken interesting turns when discussing the “health attacks” on US diplomats and especially CIA agents around the world.