Pernicious and toxic: FVEYs-Israeli spying, Mossadi Jihadi’s, and Negev-billies. Gang Stalking is really “counterintelligence,” operations, with religious fanatics at the helm

In gang stalking dialogues, one frequently is cast into the Jewish-christian “horseshoe of semi-circularity.”

It is a dialogue that seeks to force the issue of religion upon those who opt out of such a bizarre and mystical dlaectic. I mean–who cares what some fucking rabbi said two thousand years ago? And who cares if the mystical and mythical Jesus was or wasn’t real?

Horseshoe Theory

Horseshoe Theory

In political science and popular discourse, the horseshoe theory asserts that the far-left and the far-right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, closely resemble one another, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together.

Sadly, lots of (crazy) people do “go nuts” over the Jesus and his Jewish stalkers–so many in fact that it is the very root of western civilization for over two thousand years, having stealthily coopted Pagan religions, Greek and Roman Pantheons, and many many other tribal belief systems.

And as we see in the Jesus fable, he was gang stalked too, by rabid Jewish scribes and Pharisees who didn’t like the words he said because it didn’t fit their somewhat incestuous, nepotistic and wholly tribal narrative. That incest and nepotism was then embroiled in a colonial Roman conquest, and the Jesus mythology sprang from that time, and much as we see how christian cultures are exploiting the narrative of prostitution-v- poverty and immigration today, or how the conflict created “manufactured terrorists” who were a threat to official narratives, we saw similar issues then.

So it goes then, that The Jesus was tossed around like a three cornered ping pong ball between mystical religious forces, Jews and Romans until they lynched him. I mean–if its possible to lynch a guy who maybe didn’t even exist in some interpretations, or as we see in others, was arguably not who modern people say he was..

The same is true in cases of gang stalking, as western intelligence agencies target speakers online, and toss that “information” around between them, targeting speakers. This is what gang stalking is.

Related Story: Mossadi Jihadi’s mask their hatred for others in dialogues about “counterterrorism” and then they mercilessly stalk, cyber stalk, and harass their targets. The case of the Pensacola shooter.

So, occasionally, I engage with those who “hate the Jews”–some of them with good reason, it turns out– and try to shine a light on how it isn’t just fanatical Jews doing this stuff, that in fact it is organized religions banded together in this lunacy.

Here is part of a recent response I gave to someone who has found what I have found: that Mossad operations run around the world have a human toll, and that this is what western narrative, and narrative control is (and as registered in my statistics, via my new reader from a tech company along the Hong Kong undersea cable).

My correspondent generally thinks that the Jews are “behind it all,” forgetting how both Jews and christians have constructed a careful narrative of self-preservational gibberish in order to continue bombing babies in the name of religion and the “prince of peace”(lol)/patriarchal religion/ Jewish nepotism/greed. I had questioned why they blame onluy Jews in that conflagration of a construct, they replied to my question, and I answered thus:

Interesting. Do you have evidence that the Mossad has actually affected/stalked/harassed you? I would be interested in it if it is solid evidence.

It is quite well known that they have ongoing operations in the US, targeting those of us who are critics of Israeli apartheid, Jewish racism, or friendly to Palestine; or who disagree with the AIPAC mafia. Civil rights lawyer Stanley Cohen, also a Jew, is himself a target of both FBI and Mossadi jihadists.

In my case, I was harassed by a former USAF liaison to the Mossad, and I documented it with screen captures, and other methods like SOCMINT and OSINT. That revealed that her work in the USAF in the 1960’s was MKULTRA era stuff, and even her Twitter bio brags that she belongs to a gang of “13 members.”

In one communique, she tried to tell me that I am a mass murderer (classic PSYOP b.s.) and in another, she was rambling on about how she “isn’t afraid to engage” with a man in combat. She reminds me of the rabid Rita Katz, who pops up after almost all of the mass shootings, and who herself is a well known cyber stalker disguised as a “counter-intelligence” firm.

So I am empathetic to the idea, but I would like to see proof if you have it. Is there a link here at your blog?

And. I agree that Mossadi jihadi’s are every bit as toxic as any other terrorists. I have frequently been attacked by the hasbara and Negev-billy Squad 8200 online, so its definitely a worthy topic.

AS for Protestants, etc., yeah, watching organized religions battle each other through the centuries is hilarious, like watching Tom and Jerry. It seems the cat changes into a mouse every few centuries, and vice versa.

But there are plenty of secular Jews out there who aren’t clinical sociopaths or genetic psychopaths (it seems inbreeding, which is common in the orthodox tribes can lead to such conditions). Maybe find them and make a few friends or something.

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