The core of “white supremacy” is in fact Jewish-christian lies, told about others: Dr. Martin Luther King was an “inter-generational target” of US military intelligence, and Jewish-christian spying

At the root of the gang stalking dialectic is the fact that white Jews and christian’s in western countries had long spied on (stalked, followed, wiretapped, harassed, and murdered; lynched, guillotined, Inquisitioned each other) each other for control of politics, real estate and other premium opportunities.

I can see the Jesus now, weeping, lol. The ancient to modern rabbi’s, not so much, as fear of the “black messiah”in the 1960s led them to rationalize the United States Gang Stalking Program, which goes by many names today as then, but at that time, the more famous wing of it was shrouded in “mystery,” and lots of double talk.

These days, gang stalking, and even murdering activists is the norm, rather than an aberration as we saw in the 1960’s programs.

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations.

From the Hidden History Center, and ( a longer better read, and the actual the archived news article) the case of Dr. Martin Luther King, we see how “gangs” of US military intelligence spooks and their FBI and community apparatus, as well as its tentacles of race gangs, the actual mafia, and other enablers in domestic spaces we see most of the claims of gang stalking validated, including:

  1. “electronic harassment” via wiretaps
  2. “mind reading” via wiretaps and spy planes
  3. “inter-generational targeting” as the US Army spies had followed Kings family for three generations
  4. defamation, slander, libel, as we see black people who sought equality labeled as communists and “radicals” (whatever that means) in official documents, newspapers, and other institutional sources
  5. actual “gangs” of citizen spies targeting individuals (and murdering us sometimes too)
  6. an entire hidden network that surrounded him at the Lorraine Motel, and multiple levels of “coincidence” surrounding those hidden networks of: police, intel agents, civilian spies, and FBI informants. This is a staple of ALL modern mass shootings, and mysterious unexplained deaths of activists, much as we saw with the Ferguson activists
  7. Really, write your own ROGS Bingo card, using ROGS Analysis–its all there, etc.

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations. Top secret, often illegal, intrusions into the lives of black Americans began more than 75 years ago and often focused on black churches in the South and their ministers.

The spying was born of a conviction by top Army intelligence officers that black Americans were ripe for subversion – first by agents of the German Kaiser, then by Communists, later by the Japanese and eventually by those opposed to the Vietnam War.

At first, the Army used a reporting network of private citizens that included church members, black businessmen such as Memphis’s Robert R. Church Jr., and black educators like the Hampton Institute’s Roscoe C. Simmons. It later employed cadres of infiltrators, wiretaps and aerial photography by U2 spy planes.

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