Say His Name: Everton Brown, garbage man, was denied unemployment insurance six years before his rampage, and he was smeared in MD court records

Community policing, aka “intelligence led predictive policing,” aka “colliding parallel investigations,” aka “gang stalking” is a sham upon the civil rights of any targeted citizen.The evidence indicates that Everton Brown was also a victim, before he went on a shooting and burning rampage. Police were indeed following him around and stopped him many times over a thirty year period, never charging him with anything. Odd, right?

Read It: Everton Brown had 30 year history of “r with the law.” WTF is that exactly–and why were no criminal charges ever brought in that 30 year period of “police harassment?”

Community policing, aka “organized gang stalking” by its very nature is a beyond a refusal by the state to address core problems of culture, a deliberate “skirting of the law” by those beholden to enforce laws, and is instead a “narrative driven” lie that state, and provincial governments local police agents and their affiliated community resources (assets) tell as they target an individual with “high policing” which is in fact, unconstitutional political policing.

What is “high policing?”High policing .pdf here

And that lie is intended to assist the narratives that drive our cultural myths; but also, as Hitler and his Jewish mentors like Sigmund Freud’s nephew the public relations Svengali Edward Bernay’s once said–“a lie will travel the world 1000 times before the truth wakes up and gets its pants on” or something similar. Lots of similar in these cases.

Look! A crazy black man murdered people! Social contagion! Mayhem! or….just more slander of black men who simply expect respect, for the same civil rights that whites have lauded over them for centuries.

White, Jewish-christian society is terrified of images like this above, for several reasons. One, it is a black man teaching a woman, two it is black people with weapons to defend themselves against the Jewish-christian murders and slavers, and three, it shows a man and a woman united in a cause. Both fascist christians and Bolshevik Jewish groups worked to destroy the black family, and family unity. Rob WIlliam’s wrote the book “Negroes With Guns” after being gang stalked by the fed’s and the Klan and the ADL Image from LibTV

SO, in this case, the stereotype story of the “hard working LatinX married couple, meets the “other stereotype shiftless, crazy(gun owner) black man, that no one can figure out what is HIS problem.” The hard working Latino married couple meets the unhinged black man at the site of family unity–the black man’s family having been destroyed by Jewish-christian plotting long before it was ever out of a womb.

See the case of the Moors Colson shooter, and the Virginia beach shooter for examples of this stereotype, and note who was stalking these men.

Yup: white people, lesbians, Jews, and Freemasons who were quoted in news articles stating that they liked to play “pranks” on people. One prank, such as putting nooses in their lockers at work, or breaking into their houses, aka “workplace harassment with a twist of freemasonry,” didn’t sit well with these two targeted men.

Craddock even kept camera’s looking out his window to catch people tampering with his cars, and there was an undercurrent of he-said/she-said “divorce slander” hinting at a domestic violence narrative too, as his former wife was said to strut in front of his house with a dog. In those cases, women’s “empowerment” groups stalk and harass these men endlessly.

Related Story: It is well known that the FBI spied on notable black activists throughout their lives, and that FBI provocateurs were implicated in their assassinations. Both Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King were spied on by US Army intelligence, the NSA, and many other “gangs” of “stalkers”including BOTH the Ku Klux Klan AND the Anti Defamation League–before they were even born. White Supremacy indeed! Read the story of the bizarre “gangs” who followed these men, and their families and forebears from cradle to grave. Link here to the Snopes analysis of the MLK lawsuit *which revealed these facts, and another to the MLK story here

US Army Intelligence Spied on King Family for 3 Generations. The FBI, the Ku Klux Klan, the Anti Defamation League, and several other groups of well known stalkers did too. That’s what “gang stalking” is.


In Brown’s case, the media was curiously positioned for several years before the rampage materialized, with the Baltimore Sun framing his protest against dpomestic spying as “crazy,” asking “Crazy, or Target,” Why on earth would an MSM outlet find time to wage an official smear of Everton Brown?

So no surprise is that journalist Peter Hermann, now with the Washington Post wrote that story. Its interesting that historic Baltimore has twice the percentage of Jews per capita than most US cities–which is a good thing, until we meet these types of racist Jews, who position black men as targets, and inferior, racially “impure” intellectually stupid, or “crazy.” Even more bizarre is that Washington Post is a Jeff Bezo’s product, and that Amazon’s Ring doorbells are spying on people all over the USA, as yet another black man who uses non-Amazon camera’s is called “creepy,” by some white lesbians.

Hermann covers topics like the Black Guerilla Family, a prison gang based in brotherhood of race, no different than the ADL, and he wrote other official source smears, and MSM oriented political hit jobs pre-emptive of Mr. Browns rampage.

Many of these types of journalists target black men who are political, and calling those men “gangs,” but also he targets white activists, labeling them all “white supremacists.” Herman is part of a well organized group of Jewish people in the USA who specifically target black men with defamation, and scaremongering language designed to impugn their character, long before those men go on homicidal rampages.

In order to understand how this works, we must look at other authors who also targets black men(and their efforts are not limited to black men), and LOOK! always another number 13 in the story! No surprise to regular ROGS readers, as we see this pattern of the use of the number 13 repeats frequently in cases of mass shootings. Use my search feature “number 13, mass shootings, number 12, etc.” It would be a “crazy claim” if I didn’t have solid evidence, which repeats itself in the narrative most every case. In Browns case, he went ballistic exactly 13 years after he encountered targeting by these sociopaths. I double dick-dog dare you to prove me wrong..

Related Story: Prominent American “Anti-Racist” Jews Are Funding Racist Gangs Attacking Arabs In Israel

These journalists and other pundits use this number 13 as a way to signal to each other across the internet, much as other journalists always manage to slip in “Thank G-D!–Hopes and prayers!!” at the end of every article about a mass shooting, quite notably the Portapique mass shooting by Gabriel Wortman where real estate was the target of international mafia’s, and so many other cases that its a separate novel.

That Baltimore Sun smear utilized well known stereotypes about black men, and later, positioned Mr. Brown against an ethnic stereotype of “hard working” LatinX community members,” furthering the racism of the ruling classes, which is not apparent at first glance in this case–I had to research it a bit. Read any story and it will describe the “crazy black man targeting hard working immigrants (who may, or may not be DEA informants; and who may or maybe not are legal immigrants….I haven’t researched that yet).

And in the story, it was Mr. Brown’s first amendment protected speech, his “signs” decrying harassment and posted on his car that were an issue–the journalist alluded to the fact that property values were dropping and people were moving away because of Mr. Browns acrivism.

SO, exactly as ROGS Analysis predicts, it was a real estate dispute, and a property management company dispute; and likely involved others harassing him tooch as private investigators hire by the “banksters”.

His signs said things like “The FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life—-Please no more!” and most nefariously : ” Black people are the tool that maintains racism.” Wow…what a bad guy! Speaking truth to the power of the FBI-ADL and its bankster mafia!

Speaking truth to the state/local police Fusion Centers that provably target black men!. What a bad guy, indeed–he tried and failed to prove that the FBI was flying planes over Baltimore Maryland, exactly as described by myself and others, before stories like Brown’smade waves. and targeting activists with airplanes loaded with Stingray cell phone capture devices, and through the wall thermal radiation driven technology, EXACTLY as described by the fake-left UK rag the Guardian UK! Bad, bad, bad……

Related Story:

So, what was offensive to the neighborhood was that Brown was “aware,” and that he used primitive media to describe it–signs written on his czar, and his house. He used words, and first amendment protected speech to try to explain in his limited way what was happening to him. He accused the wrong party, because most gang stalking at that level is usually the townhome association working with private investigators, or community policing elements, As we saw in the Pasco County FL cases, the stated goal of targeted individual programs is to force the target to “move away or sue.”

So Everton Brown was then later involved in an attempt to gain unemployment benefits, from a garbage colllection company, AES and a smear campaign was indeed waged in the court records, claiming he had a gross violation of company conduct when in fact it was a simple misconduct; and in the subtle way that all police and state court related matters function as little more than smear campaigns, one word goes a long way in the narrative. And that narrative says that gang stalkers will “ruin your life and follow behind you at jobs waging a smear campaign.”

Have a read through the short unpublished opinion issued in his case, and the appeal of that case, and note that it is an unreported opinion–ROGS Analysis predicts these kinds of official-unofficial smears in cases of state sponsored gang stalking, many of which start in administrative law courts, family courts, and domestic violence or probation related courts.

Indeed–states have a vested interest in these mass shootings, so while it is unlikely that the FBI was directly responsible, their policy of placing Infragard agents everywhere you look, including real estate firms could be partially in play here:




No. 0844September Term, 2015


In order to understand the remnants and scars of slavery that a black man might feel as he watches his neighbors from other countries succeeding in his own backyar–as he is being gang stalked by at least one journalists opinion, and the city and state where that opinion was written–we must examine the narrative of racism in this case. SO, we start by looking at the narrative itself: what created the man that Brown became that day?

With zero doubt, state level actions, and media narrators were part of that event too, and I provide my research for evidence of that. Here is the fat tub of lard named Peter Hermann at an art opening, associated with restaurants. Imagine this “privileged Jew” having anything legitimate to say about the case of Everton Brown, of Baltimore? Yeah, exactly–this fucker never once faced any actual drama or harassment from the state, or even “Nazi’s” yet he managed in 2008 to smear and harass a single black man who had a grudge with “community policing.”

Uber-fat journalist Peter Hermann at an event of some kind, with a future “narrator” of events, unnamed–for now. Doesn’t he lok like the kind of guy who would film underage porn in Moldova? I mean….yeah…Joe Biden and all that….

SO this is one major aspect of “gang stalking” for anyone who studies these topics. Gangs of journalist/spies/provocateurs. Its a “thing.”

In an unrelated case, in Canada, we see clearly the contrast of narratives–how media will indeed cover stories of abused black men named Everton Brown, but only if they are :victims: rather than “politically active constituents, aware of the forces that oppress them.”

Here’s one of the many Everton Browns I found while researching this case:

Again–narrative, and Jewish-christian subversives working within a white racist supremacist narrative, to defeat black men who try to simply enforce their civil rights. It seems media only covers these cases when black men are apolitical, and not aware of the deeper roots of the racist narrative directed against them. This is why reparations need to be considered: because Jews and whites and christians–and their multi-billion dollar propaganda machines, and NGO’s keep importing “new” model minorities” to replace discussions about how black men have been harmed, long before they harm anyone.

….post in progress, check back later!

*The website is purportedly a “fact checking”” site, but in reality is an establishment journalism outlet that seeds political “plastic words” into its discourse, and in every issue that implicates Jewish racism, inserts the word “conspiracy theory” into the dialogue. In fact, Snopes is in fact a Jewish-ADL affiliated mouthpiece, as Coffeeshop Rabbi alludes to here. These plastic words are themselves defamatory, and predictably target and demean black people of note, and particularly in this case, the use of “conspiracy theory” is introduced to diminish the stature of MLK, and the actual conspiracy that took place, and that conspiracy involving the Israeli intelligence affilliated ADL, resulting in KIng’s homicide.

Everton Brown Update: Say His Name, and the complexity of analyzing targeted black men is compounded by “othering” and typical racism in policing, augmented by “the other white people” from the Anti Defamation League.

When we as “the public” ask ourselves “why did Everton Brown go on a shooting rampage, after trying to use “normal channels of complaint”for 20 years–all of which failed him–we must also ask, then, who EXACTLY was Everton Brown?

As in all these cases, the media paints the picture of a “crazy person” on a rampage–and then they scrub these guys off of the internet, so that no one can ask important questions like: WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN, and why do some elements of media hang a white sheet over these guys heads after the event?

Related Story: The “Kamelia’s” of the Ku Klux Klan Women’s Auxilliary’ waged often fatal whisper campaigns to destroy peoples lives

We have a few other models of black men who were stalked and harassed until they went ballistic. Good examples to work from to gain insight into the “profile” of black men who were harassed in their workplace, for example, Anthony Ferrill the Molson Coors shooting, where a black man who was clearly “gang stalked” by that states workers comp investigators, and who had a noose hung in his locker shot up his toxic workplace, and stalkers within it, targeting those who had likely targeted him, including–unsurprisingly–a Ukrainian Jew, and also a military vet with a degree in –of all things–political science.

In fact, Mr. Ferrill mentioned to a neighbor how voracious state investigators were indeed stalking him and surveilling him at his home before he went ballistic. Read through his case for evidence. He had weird “Masonic” harassment in his workplace, which was described as “office pranks” by the perpetrator when interviewed in media.

So, its very important to “Say Their Names*,” in these cases, and view other evidence in order to understand why these events keep happening, and no one can seem to explain it. Its a no brainer for me–if organized groups of “community” members stalk, harass, and threaten people long enough, and THEN make their workplace toxic, wage a slander campaign, and mobilize the resources of a community against a person– well, yeah, the outliers might target their stalkers eventually.

I mean, a fact check: Molson-Coors has had a long history with racial tension, racially charges union disputes ( the majority of workplace shootings involve union harassment)and its brand is affiliated with many far right causes. Coors is in fact the beer of many far right wing extremists too.

Related Story: Is Molson-Coors a “Nazi owned company?”

And then, there was the case of DeWayne Antonio Craddock, who was watched closely by lesbian-like women who seemed to know everything about his personal life–including that he had camera’s watching his car; and they even “moved in next door” and gave interviews to the media after the shooting too. Yeah–gang stalking is really that bizarre.

Here is more about Mr. Craddocks case, from the New York Times, and notice the blurb at the end of the article. Here is the quote, with my emphasis added:

“news releases issued by the city this year about road closings because of utility work listed the suspect’s name as the contact person for further information. He was the man who took residents’ questions, whose name was a public point of reference.

But on Saturday, after identifying him once as the man who plunged the city into grief, officials said they would never again utter his name in public.

Not saying the name of a mass shooter has little to do with “social contagion” and everything to do with white supremacist, religious, or other fanatical groups who hide their presence in slick public relations campaigns. And we see that Mr. Craddock was an integral part of the narrative of a city.

These cases are eerily prescient and point us to an as yet named “war” on information, case after case. See the case of “No Notoriety” for evidence of that. This far right fringe movement seeks to influence media, and like so many “pseudo-science” or “police science” based claims, they use phony data that claim mass shooters seek notoriety, when in fact–and as we see in the Craddock case, and many others, he lived alone, and lived quietly as his life was infiltrated by these secret stalkers.

From Heavy, we see this: Craddock was “defined by what he didn’t have: No apparent criminal history, no obvious Facebook or other social media accounts, no manifesto or publicly stated ideology.

And this:Before the shooting, co-workers thought he was quiet, polite and a “nice guy” with no warning signs, according to the Associated Press. The creepiest detail to emerge about the suspect: Photos showing he’d erected cameras in the window of his condo.

Image below of the “creepy” camera’s in Craddock’s condo, from What kind of sane person could possibly find home security “creepy?” Yup–people who might get caught on film doing bad shit.

I dunno….

….one persons version of creepy is another persons multi-million dollar industry, as we see with Jeff Bezo’s Amazon Ring camera’s everywhere you look these days, and even those camera’s themselves hacking into peoples homes!

There is usually a reason people put camera’s up in their neighborhoods. I knew a Pakistani engineer who did that, and his camera’s were routinely destroyed by these neighborhood mobs in the early War on Terror era, as were my own when I tried to combat neighborhood gang stalkers/corporate spies/police/other agency shitbags, who I caught on film repeatedly..

Craddock wasn’t seeking anyone’s attentionhe wanted to be left alone, much like Andrew Engledinger, who instead, got camera’s pointed in his face and his mage blasted across PR newsletters before his rampage at Accent Signs in Minneapolis.

Indeed we see that this idea of people who are targeted and harassed are seeking notoriety is patently false in most of these cases, yet that their campaign works in some media outlets like the New York Times, long allied with racist causes.

And it cannot be missed that religious organizations ALWAYS manage to get “product placement” in these narratives after the fact. Here, below, we see white Lutherans put out in the press as “saviours” after the shooting. The “thank g-d” narrative is also a staple in these cases, in nearly every single news story.

Listen, people: the arguably mythical Jesus was NOT a stalker, and would not condone your stalking activity, even if he were real. In fact, your “savior’s” story is itself a story about stalking, as whacko religious fanatics–the Jewish sect called the Pharisees–had stalked him to death. In that light, your “Devil/Shatan/Satan” makes you “believers” look like bigger “demons,” or just frauds.

From the Milwaukee Molson-Coors case:

A group of Lutheran Church Charities comfort dogs visited the nearby Story Elementary School, where students went on lockdown during the shooting, and will remain in Milwaukee until next week, the charities said.

Comfort DOGS. Awwww, how cute. Has anyone except me noticed how these stalkers signal to each other at gang stalking blogs full of “#fakeTI’s?” Yup–many of them are heavily involved with animal rescue, and “comfort dogs.” That’s a separate essay entirely.

Apparently, the Germanic-Lutheran sects want to give murder victims families “dogs” for comfort. Imagine the irony, for “othered” peoples who find dogs repulsive (they walk in shit, eat shit, and lick these people, for example. How a=cute!)

THAT’s what is the topic here: how Germanic/Teutonic/Anglican/Lutheran/Baptist and Catholic/Orthodox societies form a narrative: in case none of them know, dogs are repulsive to most Islamic people, some Jews, and others–and one of the supreme insults to anyone from these cultures is to call them dogs, or to say that they sleep with dogs, as many western people actually DO.

Political PACs, NGO’s, church groups, and freemasonry styled organizations are all involved in stalking scenarios, like how the Knights of Columbus was spotted in the Sandy Hook/Newtown CT case: watch as one Manfredonia after another Manfredonia is arrested for some bizarre crime or another. Keep in mind that it was Chris Manfredonia who was arrested at Sandy Hook as Adam Lanza went inside and targeted his school psychologist, and that the grand-sire of this literal gang stalking clan, William Manfredonia, was the principal of Newtown’s High school too(read through that link for evidence of “who are the gang stalkers”). No theory there, but an actual conspiracy of some kind or other indeed.

Without any doubt,these religious groups, identifiable gang stalking families and their associates in government and policing, and the affilliated NGO’s and “community assets”–all of them are major gang stalkers in the mold of the “Whistling and Whittling Brigades of Nauvoo“, because they derive federal and private donations and other funds for gang stalking. This is what “community policing” is, and we can see it reflected in the tribal sectarianism of these events, with the debate about Democrat or Republican shooters online.

Related: Watch the tribal-sectarian narrative unfold in the recent shooting in Massachusetts, where a “normal guy” Nathan Allen,with zero mental health issues and zero criminal record suddenly flips a 180, and decides to steal a plumbing truck, and go on a shooting/crashing rampage, killing two people who fit the profile of gang stalkers: one retired state trooper, David Green, and one retired military IT person, Ramona Cooper. Anyone wanna guess why those two people–who fit the profile of gang stalkers were the ones targeted? And–hacking, anyone? I won’t hold my breath for an answer to my question: what were those two people doing at that spot, at that time–why were they there? Coincidence indeed.

Gang stalking, aka “community policing,” “targeted individual programs,” “colliding parallel investigations,” “intelligence led predictive policing,” that is now being litigated in court–call these programs whatever you like, but it’s an indisputable, and well documented fact that these hidden, obscured, and definitely occulted law “enfarcement” practices precede mass homicides and workplace shootings. Ask me for even more documentation, if you are a serious researcher that religion centered groups and their NGO’s derive federal funding for gang stalking programs.

Another case in point is the narrative of the newsroom influencer Anna Conkey, who was nearly herself framed as a mass shooter, after some weird online interactions between herself and her church:

And, we see the numbers 12 or 13 appearing too, in nearly every mass shooting, including Gabriel Wortman at Portapique, Nova Scotia, as in the cases described above.IN Wortman’s case, they ran that number very early in the press. Use your search engine to find the original articles that claimed he shot 13 people, such as this one at Scallywag and Vagabond, which was later changed to 18, and kept moving upwards.

If you want another eye opener, search Bing for the search result “Gail Watts 777.” She was one of the neighbors who said “Everton Brown was aggressive towards women.” Did you do the search? Intereting job title, um-hnhuh?

And you can see my recent fan-mail from some Nazi-other-insane-sociopathic person, which demonstrates the value of that number to these types of people. Note that persons opinion is that it is “me” ROGS who is a “psycho” because I document their activities, very publicly, and for the sake of others–not a trait of a psychopath in any sense. So, Freudian projection combined with constant attempts at “narcissistic injury” and PSYOP is ALL OVER THE PLACE in their narrative, and I ask researchers to investigate that link, which I have.

These are cultic, cloistered, and insane bullies–psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals by definition. Numerology and mysticism such as the cult practice of “un-naming” a man, for them is power, and they use it to abuse their victims–who sometimes bully them in return, which are what these mass homicides are. All over online are people called “fake TIs” talking about gang stalking, utilizing “gematria,” psychobabble, and other occulted gibberish–and targeting real individuals.

So, asking the important questions in these cases is in fact the type of journalism is “in the public’s interest” already, we are an educated public, meaning that we approach media narrative with healthy skepticism and an awareness that media is a political tool of the political elite, and those who do their bidding in secret. WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN ?!

First and foremost–regardless of how he was “framed” in media narratives–Everton Brown was an activist against “community policing.”

He sued (perhaps) the wrong party to his stalking and harassment, as nearly all other claimants to this sort of harassment sue their town home association, or at least spend the time to research their stalkers. As ROGS Analysis states, case after case of claims of gang stalking nearly ALWAYS involve current and former military, police, intelligence agents, and others in their sphere of influence, such as psychologists, social workers, behavioral analysts, cold case investigators AS gang stalkers, and so on.

And, Brown had signs on his car, which were well within first amendment rights and protections–not an indicator of mental illness in ANY SENSE, but rather a mere type 1 or two error. As he blew up his own house, and shot his noisy, politically aspirational neighbors, two of whom shared a wall with his townhouse– and blasted kaoraoke EVERY SATURDAY; and he died next to his car, which had signs stating:

Black People Are the Tool Used to Maintain Racism,”


“For 3 Years the FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life———–Please no more!”

In journalism, skepticism is the most basic, foundational premise, even though modern journalists mostly forego the practice of “second sourcing”in its true form, opting instead to run “opinions” from interested parties. Why is that? It’s because other outside agencies and interests have co opted journalism itself, which is well documented. It’s not likely the FBI at all, but if you scratch that fools gold of a narrative, you WILL find state police and workers from the state system, and likely a slobbering real estate agent too, as we saw with Tom Taggart’s role in the Nova Scotia mass shooting.

Have a look at the story of Michael Hastings, too, whose car was blown up after his reporting on a powerful US Army general. Then have a look at the unrelated case of Martin Luther King being stalked by US Army intelligence agents who worked with the FBI, the Anti Defamation League, and the Ku Klux Klan too, who had also stalked his father, and HIS father before him.

This IS what gang stalking IS.

Its not a delusion in any way–it is what gang stalking IS. Talk about “strange bedfellows! The ADL and the Klan working together (!) and targeting a civil rights activist! It really doesn’t get more bizarre than that–two versions of racist haters, targeting a black family for three generations!! And not just one, but tens of thousands, including Malcolm X, and two generations of his lineage before him; one generation of his lineage after him, and one hundred percent in line with sociopathic Pharisees.

Surely, the definition of “white supremacy”takes on a new meaning when we see the Jews and the Protestants operating under an FBI framework to target a “black” man. These two groups, despite an apparent “race gap” are undoubtedly one and the same, as “horseshoe theory” predicts.When being confronted by a Jewish-christian narrative, every other narrative must necessarily utilize this theorem, becasue ATEoD, they really are the same. Jews are inseparable from christians, as they perpetuate Jewish-christian ideology across the world.A classic example of how their horseshoe works is the case of Howard Unruh, and America;s first “mass shooting”*

Comes now the case of Everton Brown, not the last case of a mass shooting by far, as just last night, yet another one in San Jose–predictably, that shooter targeted union members, who are well in the historical records acting as “organized crime.”.

*America had many mass shootings BEFORE Howard Unruh shot up his noisy neighbors, but because those mass shootings were state agents or mafia’s perpetrating genocide and homicide, we do not call them “mass shootings.” The Washita massacre, the Little Bighorn–and even the planned and calculated assault on a few sheep farmers by cowardly gunslingers at the O.K. Coral set a trend in the psychological makeup of gang stalkers in America.

What is “domestic spying” and “gang stalking” in the online dialectic? Meet Anti Defamation League sponsored Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a darling of the “disapora communities”–and the IMDB gang

Examining the gang stalking narratives online, and the cases that show up in court rooms ( here, here, here, here, here, and here too) we see patterns, clear as daylight. Racist gangs are just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s meet a few Internet Movie Database gangsters.

Here is a recurrent theme in gang stalking narratives: there is probably a good reason why some people meet bad fates, generation after generation. Online in social media, Twitter, Facebook groups, Youtube–there is an undercurrent in the gang stalking dialectic that frequently makes inferences that “gang stalking is a silent Holocaust,” or that “well, at least its not a holocaust,” or “gang stalking is slow kille eugenics!”

SO, let’s Meet “the silent genocide” and the “well at least its not the Holocaust” oriented stalkers of the left.

I have encountered many of them, ranging from former Playboy bunnies, to a strange little Filipina who stalked me through Hollywood one summer. Both of them had entries in the Internet Movie Database, the IMDB. THese are what are referred to in many cases as “the Hollywood mafia,” and they are political, and “cause stalking” based. And, the Hollywood mafia uses women to carry out many of their strange stalkings, as did the Ku Klux Klan women’s auxilliary. So now, that the federal authorities have indicted a stalker, and I will examine that case.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a recently indicted cyber stalker and offline actual stalker, was indicted because she targeted young boys, not just for stalking, cyber stalking, and harassment. In fact, in the USA some groups and their stalkers usually get a free pass for stalking and harassing people. For centuries, the Ku Klux Klan, and its female auxilliary, the Kamellias waged poison squad campaigns against others, as did various women’s groups allied with right wing feminism, most notoriously Nikki Craft’s call to arms.

And we see the echoes of this in today’s #MeToo movement, where every man’s actions are cast as malign, and every woman’s actions wholly unaccountable. Perhaps this is the last gasp of white female privilege, or something deeper, like ultra-conservative religious narrative hiding itself in cultural co-option.

This historical form of gang stalking has millions of new subscribers in the digital era, and the left has weaponized these tactics effectively since the early 1990’s, at the emergence of the modern police and surveillance state: and all of that was predicated on “rape!” Pedophiles!” and “domestic violence!” in the Violence Against Women Act of 1993–President Joe Biden’s crown jewel in an anti-constitutional, gendered narrative that benefits primarily white women.

That power grab, by neocon’s and other religionists who derive benefits from sex/gender divisions also had at its heart a famous spy scandal, which set the trend for the modern total surveillance and police state that AMerica has inarguably become. Familiarize yourself with the Anti Defamation League networks of spies and stalkers (also here, and here too) for a glimpse of what it is that has built the modern police state.

So, not surprisingly Demirovic is part of the “diaspora community,” which on one hand are sometimes actual victims. but also, actual perpetrators too. ROGS, the author you are reading now, has extensive experience with these types, as well as their enablers in domestic terrorism and spy rings that run rampant across America today. So let’s dive a bit deeper into her story, and addto the “holocaust and genocide” narratives that permeate the online gang stalking dialectic.

Demirovic’s basic story is this–a “diaspora community survivor, ” genocide film maker, and genocide theorist, she stalked and terrorized a few teenage boys. Then, her Hollywood connections could not or did not stop the federal government from prosecuting her for her insane bullying. Here is more about her film Faces of Genocide. In the dialectic online, many of those who cyber stalk and bully and harass use such terms to create a false equivalence, and rationalize that their actions are somehow better than genocide, or at least are not genocide, as they target and slander, and harass people into poverty and worse.

So, Demirovic no doubt feels that she has “righteous anger” and was enraged, She was “mad,” and also, she was enabled by a well known political machine. She was “empowered!” by them and:

was so angry at the boys — listed in court records as Victims A-C — she sent them death threats, made up false allegations accusing them of rape and other crimes, and cyberbullied them with insults like “pig” and “dwarf,” or by making light of their parents’ divorce. She is also accused of threatening or harassing some of the victims’ parents.

Her goal was “sabotaging their personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects,” the indictment alleges. And prosecutors say she succeeded; one of the victims, who was 14 at the time, became depressed and anxious after Demirovic allegedly arrived at his high school in 2016, asked where to find him, and screamed that she would “rip your f—ing heart out.”

So….patterns, yeah?

One of those patterns is that online, is that we see gang stalkers mentions of the “holocaust” or “silent genocide” fueling many gang stalking claims and narratives. But it is usually stated in passive aggressive, euphemistic terms, never directly or overtly. Lets take a look at that claim:

  • a search of the phrase “silent holocaust and gang stalking” in popular search engine returns 149,000 results
  • a search for the phrase “holocaust and gang stalking” returns almost 15.000 results

These results are significant for many reasons, not least of which is that they clearly provide evidence that there is a “false narrative” of genocide being built online, and that is clearly and definitively tied to the issue of gang stalking.

Here is one religion oriented* website/result for example, but there are thousands more that use such terminology, not surprisingly it includes right wing religionist’s like Ramola D and Targeted Justice.

The false equivalency as a narrative ploy allows those who spy on, or cyber-stalk, or offline stalk and harass people offline to cover their crimes with the idea that somehow, gang stalking is not worse than :”holocaust, and genocide”. As polarizing narratives go, it is pretty slim cover and rationalization for crimes, and a lie of great magnitude as well. And as we see in the outliers on the Bell curve, mass shooters are taking lives, so these are not harmless dialogues, and agents provocateurs proliferate in them, using military grade “influence operations,” tactics aka “mind control”.

So, let’s look at modern, ongoing genocides for clues about the subtlety of language expressed online. Lets search for the term “silent genocide,” for clues about who uses such terms, and why they do it:

  • The first hit in that search engine brings us to a post about genocide in West Papua, a silent genocide that “Australia doesn’t want you to know about.” It reads in part “

Estimations of over 500,000 indigenous West Papuans have been murdered over the last 54 years. This also includes reports of wide spread torture of women and children.

The United Nations, European Union, and associated governments have received ample evidence of atrocities, massacres, torture, and crimes against humanity and chose to remain silent and complicit.”

All of the above results are genuinely serious situations, and arguably are genocide. But then, a deeper dive into results starts to flesh out how easily this term is applied by political interests of both the right AND the left:

Right wing narrative:

Left wing narrative:

So, as we see above, “genocide scholars” and Hollywood affiliated film makers like Demirovic are highly active in the propaganda outlets waging battle over this term, but also, occasionally, we see them indicted as stalkers too.Sadly, the federal prosecutors have only taken an interest in cases where these conscienceless psychopaths target children, but other gang stalking lawsuits are starting to come forwards too, in local jurisdictions.

All of that, without irony, as one of my own followers at this blog is also part of the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) gang, which I briefly mentioned in other writing about Demirovic. So, yeah, the Hollywood mafia and all that is a real thing too.

*In case after case of these bloggers, we find either the christian or the Jewish narrative of “G-d” being frequently hinted at or outright exclaimed. Some are clearly Zionist fanatics and Mossad affilliated writers, and others are clearly and christians. Most are unashamed of that fact, and as I state repeatedly, and as ROGS Analysis of gang stalking proves, nearly 100% of all the people online in the community and also the “fake TI’s” are current and former police, military and intelligence agents and their relatives and associates.

Tree of Life Synagogue “manufactured mass shooter” Robert Bowers: lawyer asks court to show how government monitored and harassed him online before the shooting

Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him

Apr 01, 2021 · Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him Robert Bowers is accused of killing 11 people and injuring many more at the synagogue in Squirrel Hill

Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because they come in a variety of legal challenges.

Recently the Pasco County Fl cases (here, and here, and here, and here)against the county sheriff Chris Nocco have taken the spotlight because they targeted children, and actually invoke the RICO Act, which has long been floated as a way to attack these illegal policing practices.

In those cases, it is “intelligence led predictive policing (ILPP)” that is at the heart of the issue, and to give you an idea of what that means, it means this: ILPP is a massive set of tools and algorithms and on the ground practices that ALL derive directly from CIA and Big Tech programs designed for the battlefields of the middle east. And to give you an idea what that meas, it means that these programs use data from the FVEYs nations to target citizens of their own nations, so that at any given time, these programs could have access to a targets phone and computer, and send data to a squad car outside that persons house.

Or, this:

In the photo above, these cops were actually destroying their targets security camera, which is against the law. Imagine, police as destroyers of personal property? Yeah, gang stalking gets even more weird after that.

So, the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting is no doubt one of these manufactured terrorism events, where the shooter, Bowers, was likely monitored online from a Fusion Center, which is arguably a good thing. But the problem is, monitoring is passive activity, and that is not what these stories are about. Instead, it is very active, intrusive, and constant blatant surveillance and harassment-these operatives want their targets to know they are being watched.

Related Story: Coincidence, or construct? Former New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss was asked to leave the newsroom after her militant, rabid proselytizing zionism became too much for her colleagues to bear. Remember, it was the NYT that tried to deny claims of gang stalking back in 2016, and called it a “delusion.” So, little wonder that Bari Weiss was ALSO a Tree of Life congregant. The seed, in this case, fell right next to the tree.Who knew!?

Then, establishing that, these Fusion operatives tried to radicalize him by using psychological operations (PSYOP) that were designed by the CIA and DoD, for use in military settings. Fusion Centers actively staff such operators*.

Then, they tap into your computer in real time, and watch your computer screen as you type, as was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013, and do a range of bizarre things that sound like “crazy” to most observers, Their tactics range from placing spyware implants on your computer and phone, to email hacking, to any of a number of other tricks, like stealing a Twitter posting, or cutting your internet connection repeatedly. It has the overall affect of inducing “learned helplessness,” as your attempts to use your own devices is stopped by anonymous asshole working from any of a number of Fusion Centers or private contractors whose activity has 0% accountability.

But wait! There’s more….much more.

In case after case of mass shooters, what we see are two constants:

  1. their online accounts ranging from Facebook, to Instagram, and Twitter–are webscrubbed and disappeared from the internet, which begs the question “if the feds and their FVEYs have nothing to hide, then why erase the evidence that led to the shooting?” And the answer to that is this: because agents provocateurs harass these guys mercilessly online, saying things every bit as bad or worse than the shooter himself, and bait them to say things that can be construed as violent. Then, the offline, real world gang stalking begins. It is really just an attack on free speech at its core.

2. In these cases, they almost never go to trial, because SWAT sweeps in and kills the guy, or because of the stiff and enhanced penalties for :”hate crimes” and “terrorism,” which precludes any lawyer from obtaining the evidence that I describe at point number one. If these guys live through it as Bowers did, they often cop a plea deal. This way, these brutal PSYOP programs of online provocateurs harassing people on social media, and gang stalking them in the real world never see the disinfecting light of a court room, and the brutal “mind war” tactics** used escape news stories of these events. Far beyond mere persuasive discourse, these programs bring psychological brutality and constant threat narratives that were designed for theaters of war, and some of these tactics are in use at Guantanamo Bay today.

Its a huge hide the ball scheme, and wholly unnaccountable to any outside monitor. Worse, it fails any and every test of the US constitution on first, fourth, fifth, 14th and more amendment grounds. The problem is though–how to get one of these cases in court and have the government produce the evidence above? The Bowers case just might do that.

*Download this .pdf from the 2018 Annual Threat Assessment conference and note the bio’s of the Fusion Center Operatives. They ALL have psychology credentials and military PSYOPs training

**WE got a glimpse of the types of absurd behavior that these police gangs are using in the case of the eBay Cockroach Cult, where eBay’s executives used their in-house intelligence units to stalk and harass a few critics, including waging PSYOPs.

We also see the absurdity of this form of policing in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, whose stalking lasted for several years, and included a failed attempt to electrocute him with a Taser two years before they murdered him. Hos “gang” of “stalkers” included two prosecutors, and current and retired police their relatives, and a neighbor.

Gang stalking lawsuits: Former K-9 officer joined lawsuit against Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, says supervisor threatened to kill his dog

Only sociopaths, cowards and psychopaths kill peoples pets. But when police do it, we call it “intelligence led predictive policing.”

Police routinely threaten dissenters and activists with child kidnapping and worse. In the Pasco County case, these cowards targeted children too

When psychologists study people who kill or torture animals, they label these people as sociopaths, and psychopaths, discussed here by Psychology Today. Jeffrey Dahmer is the notorious Wisconsin cannibal often held up as one such example, but there are many more. These cases give us a glimpse into what is known as “the police personality.”

But when “gang stalkers” like the Pasco County Florida’s Targeted Individual Program Chief Chris Nocco’s band of thugs threaten to torture a colleagues animal, the media is hesitant to call it what it is, as is the case with much of the police personality disorders that run rampant and amok, targeting citizens and even shamelessly targeting children.This story is from 2019, and now, more people are suing him and his thugs for gang stalking.

Related Story: Why are smear campaigns about “pedophiles” so popular with far right police and their flying monkeys? Targeting children is just one of the many things that gang stalkers do, but they do it from within state mechanisms. See here about how America’s child abuse rings are not exactly what you think they are.Also, see this case, where a purported sex offender was framed with child pornography is suing his stalkers, and here where we see a left wing stalker being prosecuted in the federal court for stalking teenage boys. And as always, revisit the case of a conservative judge literally selling children in the documentary “Kids for Cash”

Gradually, the narrative is changing, thanks to ROGS Analysis of gang stalking, and even major newspapers like the USA Today are starting to talk about “targeted individuals” using the correct terminology, and here below, we see some ADL darlings* finally taking on the issue, long after ROGS was spied on, targeted, and harassed by that hate group and their associates in policing:

A former Pasco County Sheriff’s Office K-9 deputy has joined the growing list of plaintiffs who filed a federal lawsuit against Sheriff Chris Nocco and several of his high-ranking commanders.

Former deputy Cliff Baltzer says his sergeant filed a false internal affairs complaint against him in 2018 and threatened to euthanize his canine partner and then go on social media and blame Baltzer for the dog’s death

The lawsuit was first filed against top Pasco sheriff’s officials on April 16 by three plaintiffs. They alleged that Nocco and agency leaders are “intoxicated with power and will physically abuse, intimidate, incarcerate, extort, and defame in order to ensure their absolute control.”

SLICE, and:

The civil lawsuit makes a claim under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, often called RICO. The suit accuses high-ranking members of the department of gender discrimination, falsifying internal affairs complaints and targeting people who spoke against the department.

WE also see many of the complaints of targeted individuals validated too, such as the following:

-gang stalkers will kill your pets

-gang stalkers will frame you for crimes or other indecent acts

-gang stalkers will isolate you

-gang stalkers cannot be stopped unless the RICO Act is applied

These are just a few of the examples that targeted individuals have long written about online, because as we see now, the narrative IS changing, and gang stalkers are being sued, and even prosecuted by the DoJ as we see in the case of the ebay Gang of stalkers.

So, some four years AFTER I wrote , we now see that one voice can truly change the dialectic online. And, we now see that psychologists who have gone on record denying police initiated “gang stalking,” like Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi are total frauds and liars too.

*I say “ADL darlings” because the Anti Defamation League is about as far right, and racist as any other organization that uses race as a discriminator; and they use it solely for political expediency and financial benefit. It is this powerful lobbying group of racists that do in fact have a disproportionate effect on media. As a journalist I was myself stalked and harassed by that group because I refused to publish their divisive, racist lies and propaganda, many years ago.

They are well known stalkers, and contrary to popular belief, they are as far right as any other far right group, but manage to straddle both sides of the political spectrum, on one side as a powerful right wing force in politics (the recent bombardment of Palestinians is a good example of what they support )and yet manage to convince the world that they are Jewish, and hence “victims.” WE we can see this explained by “horseshoe theory,” but also in exploring the narrative of some of their Jewish victims too.

Also see this, and this and this about various spying scandals, and racist acts by that group.

Plastic words and manufactured “terrorism,” “radicalization” and lots of incessant “hate!!!” from the usual suspects.

Like all garbage, toxic waste, and floating islands of plastic garbage, and other forms of pollution, we see that linguistic scientists demonstrate that even words can be litter.

Winter Watch has a great piece on the linguistics of plastic words, such as “terrorist” and “radical” and “hate” which are spewed incessantly online in a form of trance formation not seen since the Third Reich, and all of which are used by media–and its subscribers and corporate sponsors– as “product placements,” in a grand advertisement campaign for the Military Industrial Complex and related influence operators.

After 2001, language was developed to include “extremism” (both violent and non-violent). The concept of “radicalization” has been developed to facilitate internet censorship.

The German linguist Uwe Pörksen in his 1988 Plastikwörter: Die Sprache einer internationalen Diktatur (literal translation into English: Plastic words: The language of an international dictatorship)  describes the emergence and steady expansion during the latter half of the 20th century of selected words that are incredibly malleable yet empty when it comes to their actual meaning. Plastic words have surreptitiously seeped into our everyday language and dictate how we think….

“Counter-terrorism” is the modern element of justifying the military-industrial-surveillance terrorism-congressional (MISCC) complex. After September 11, 2001 governments and commercially-controlled media promoted the concept of the “war on terror”, causing a boom for the MISCC in general, in particular for manufacturers of weapons and mass surveillance equipment.

The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) was the name for this industry pre-2001, but because western democracies have now devolved into actual police and surveillance states the term above, MISCC is working towards a more appropriate acronym, and while the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex(DVIC), the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) are but a few of the subsidiary industries related to anti-democratic policing in the western FVEYs nations, and that, augmented by the radical zionism of race supremacists like these, and their partners in “Horseshoe Theory” collusions. Here’s more on Horseshoe Theory, and a bit from that article:

Horseshoe theory argues that the political spectrum isn’t a line. Instead, it’s a horseshoe shape. The rounded part of the horseshoe is the center. The ends of the horseshoe are the extreme left and right. This theory argues that rather than being opposites, the extremes actually closely resemble one another.

A common example used is that of communism and fascism….

….The extreme right demonizes nonwhite people. In their view, it’s hard for white people to succeed because affirmative action allows minorities to succeed at the expense of white people. The extreme left demonizes all white people. In their view, it’s hard for minorities to succeed because mediocre white people are given opportunities that only minorities who are the best of the best can get. On the surface, these may seem like diametrically opposed views, but both are in fact arguing the same thing. It’s harder for group X to succeed because group Y receives many ‘undeserved’ opportunities. Both the alt-right/white supremacists and Social Justice Warriors (SJWs)/woke activists are accused of inciting racial hatred. All that differs is the targets of their hate.

I find this description accurate, but lacking in direct examination of the main forces driving this conflict, which are tribal religionists on both–and either–side, much as the Rockefeller Foundation allied with Jewish Oligarchs et al. attacked Russia in 1917-ongoing, with Protestant and Jewish interests and their corporate and NGO allies benefiting either way. This is simplistic but in line with my thinking on that issue, but to the targeted individual, or the walk-on pundit, its a good starting point to understand the issue.

What–and who– are “diaper peelers,” pedophiles, and “silent holocaust” practitioners in the gang stalking dialectic? The CIA(and its little helpers) tried to peel Julian Assange’s child’s diaper off.

A Spanish firm was hired by the CIA to gang stalk Julian Assange, and part of their “operation” sought to get into his babies diapers. Link here, from Activist Post.

even more shocking and outrageous, biometric information was taken or sought even centered on family members and close acquaintances of Assange as they visited the embassy.

This even involved plans to lift a DNA sample from his baby’s dirty diaper, as The Guardian details

Gang stalking doesn’t get much weirder than this, most of the time. But yeah–seriously weird, an intelligence agency. stealing a babies diapers. The “global elite” and their intelligence agency puppets are indeed waging war, and planning a “silent holocaust”–a “culling” of those who resist war, by collecting the DNA of a child.

See the cowardly blackmailer website Canary Mission to understand how the ultra orthodox religious– Catholic, Protestant and Jewish sects including the ultra-wealthy B’Nai Brith, and its media arm, the ADL— are always and forever waging war against the poor, the dissenter, and the “non-Orthodox,” creating “lists” of people to target, with websites like Canary Mission, just like Adolph Hitler did. These people–this mixed bag of racist religious fanatics– are the exact same people who brought Hitler to power.

London Court Hears Details Of CIA Plot To Poison Julian Assange, Steal DNA From Family Members

Outrageously, the US used the Spanish front company to plant “intrusive and sophisticated” secret surveillance devices in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Assange had been living under asylum for seven years.

While officially the firm was in charge of protecting the Ecuadorian embassy, it was simultaneously acting on behalf of the US authorities, which was engaged in eavesdropping on Assange and his visitors who entered the diplomatic building to meet privately with him. Plotting by US intelligence even involved scenarios wherein a “kidnapping” or killing could be made to look like an “accident”.

Something really stinks in all that mess, and it isn’t Julian Assange.

Collecting DNA….it’s the new racist, blackmail and leverage operation of the NWO and its “race supremacists” who are quite likely planning the next great depopulation indeed, starting with those who opposed their baby bombing. depleted uranium seeding power grab in the middle east..

Noah Ricardo Green, Capitol car crasher: Yet another crazy “SITE Intelligence” related homicide

It has been said that the definition of “crazy” is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. But that is also, peculiarly, part of the scientific method too. The Capitol car crashing by Noah Green fits a pattern–he identified as a black Muslim.

Noah Green, above, killed by Capitol Police in yet another “mysterious counterintelligence related homicide,” which was preceded by cyber-stalking by anti-Muslim extremists. Rabid, racist zionist scum hate black men in ties.

RELATED STORIES: Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther Kings were targeted by the US Army intelligence, FBI, and “community policing” in the form of the Ku Klux Klan and the Jewish Anti Defamation League(ADL). But did you know that they were inter-generational targets of Army Intelligence? Read more about Malcolm X’s father and family targeted here, and here too, as these same targeted his only male heir(fair disclosure: I met Qubillah Shabazz when she was on the run from gang stalkers in Minneapolis, and my father met MLK). Then, read about how MLK’s own family were inter-generational targets of Army Intelligence services.

In case studies of gang stalking, we find repeatedly, that various hate groups and anti-Muslim Rita Katz and her SITE Intelligence agency* are actively cyber-stalking people who then eventually go on mass shooting spree’s, car crashing rampages, or create other mayhem. Katz is reported as a dubious source of intel at Sourcewatch, and other places, and according to the scientific method and solid sociological analyses, there is a scientific link between being “followed by” SITE Intelligence cyber-stalkers, and the creation of eventual mayhem. In other words, SITE Intelligence–and other so called “threat assessment” organizations are active causal agents in these cases.

Then, there is scientific evidence that an after-death smear and slander campaign of SITE Intelligence’s victims will occur. Look at this headline:

Suspect in Capitol attack suffered “Delusions,”source says

The man who rammed a car into two officers at a barricade outside the U.S. Capitol, killing one of them before he was shot to death by police, had been suffering from delusions, paranoia and suicidal thoughts, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday. Investigators believe it was an isolated incident from a disturbed young man.

Some of the messages were captured by the group SITE, which tracks online activity.

Then, here goes the smear engine:

“Green’s social media posts last month described searching for “a spiritual journey” within the Nation of Islam”


To rational people, this means that he was NOT a fan of the dominant Jewish-christianity in his country, and that he likely had figured out that the Horshoe Theory is in fact a correct analyses in assessing the situation in ALL American domestic politics–that all American issues have been perverted into radical zionist fanaticism, regardless of ones “beliefs.” For Noah Green, he was struggling with ideology-but because he clearly rejected Jewish-christianity, he was an easy target for “threat assessment” which is based in both religious and racial profiling

Then we get through a few more articles, and we see that his “delusions” mirror gang stalking EXACTLY, including:

-claims of being followed/stalked

-claims that he had been involuntarily drugged by football team mates

-claims that outside forces had ruined his life

-loss of work

-his “beliefs” are called into question by “threat assessment professionals” all of whom are tribal Jewish-christians

These are not random crazy people doing these things: these mass shooters, car crashers, etc. are nearly all actual gang stalking targets. Myron May, Aaron Alexis, Mohammed al-Shamrani (the Pensacola Navy base shooter), Scott Bierele (Hot Yoga shooter), Ian Long (Ten Thousand Oaks shooter)–all of these men were provably stalked, and provably targeted until they went ballistic. So, something just ain’t right about CVE programs and the crazed people who are stalking and harassing these men online.

From another random AP news article, a snippet below that includes the mental health smear, but ZERO discussion about “the mental health effects of being stalked by counterintelligence religious fanatics,” like Rita Katz and SITE Group Intelligence. Without a doubt, CVE stalking and harassment is brutal, and neverending, similar to what we see in a related story about a gang stalking lawsuit in Pasco County Florida, where the sheriffs department targets entire families for many years BEFORE they ever commit a crime:

In two lengthy March 17 posts on Green’s Facebook profile, which was taken down shortly after the incident, Green wrote about losing his job and being unwittingly drugged. He said it was a “major goal” to meet Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

There was no immediate indication that Friday’s attack was religiously motivated, and the Nation of Islam’s Virginia branch and D.C. headquarters did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Green wrote about suffering unspecified setbacks in his life recently.

“To be honest these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher,” he wrote in the March 17 post. “I have been tried with some of the biggest, unimaginable tests in my life. I am currently now unemployed after I left my job partly due to afflictions, but ultimately, in search of a spiritual journey.”

Despite the lack of a job, he posted an image of a certificate that said he’d donated $1,085 to the Nation of Islam as a “Saviours’ Day 2021” gift.

Green’s brother, Brendan, told the Post that Noah had become paranoid in 2019 and accused football teammates of drugging him with Xanax. He moved out to his own apartment and then abruptly moved to Indianapolis, where he believed there were intruders getting into his apartment. It was around that time that Brendan said he flew out to see his brother and realized his “mind didn’t seem right.”

More recently, his brother said, Green up and moved to Botswana and suggested he had tried to take his own life by jumping in front of a car.

After he returned home, Noah Green appeared to view the Nation of Islam as a way to keep himself anchored.

In his most recent social media posts, Green wrote that he had been faced with “fear, hunger, loss of wealth, and diminution of fruit” in recent months, and was being sustained by faith “centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah.”

He posted that he had graduated with distinction, landed a good job out of college, and pursued a graduate degree “despite not growing up in the best of circumstances.” He said he was on track to go into business, but his path was “thwarted.”

Green wrote that he partially blamed his setbacks on the “array of concerning symptoms” he suffered as “side effects of drugs I was intaking unknowingly”—perhaps alluding to the alleged incident in 2019.

So, we also see repeatedly, the webpages and Facebook postings of these mass shooters, car crashers, and butter knife wielding “manufactured terrorists” are web-scrubbed after the fact of their rampages, but what is less studied, and much evident, is that this web-scrubbing hides the presence of “whoever” is cyber-stalking the eventual “bad guy,”and that needs to change.

In case after case after case of these mass shootings, “incel” related car crashings, wild subway butter knife attackings, and other strange events, we see patterns. Here are just a few more:

-Anti-Muslim hate group Rita Katz and SITE Intelligence pop up in almost every media narrative that involves an Muslim, and the fact is that they were “monitoring” the suspect, sometimes for many years.

-the “suspect’s” Facebook profile is deleted immediately after the event, and Katz, et al. always have a copy of it to feed the media

-very frequently, police–especially undercover or plainclothes–are on the scene before, during, and after the shooters. This was most prominent in the Ten Thousand Oaks shooting where many officers were on scene as the shooter arrived.

-The ADL, or the Southern Poverty Law Center–a huge PAC established by Morris Dees, appears in the media narrative shortly after these events, talking about how anyone but them or their partners in these smear campaigns are a “hate group.” These two groups alone both operate clandestine spying operations, and the race supremacist B’Nai Brith’s media puppet, the ADL notoriously normalized domestic spying when it was caught spying on activist groups across America and beyond.

*Every single mass shooting can be traced directly to one or another of the many “threat assessment” industry profiteers, private contractors, and others with their dirty hands in the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) money pot. Katz’s however is unique in that hers is an actual hate group, much like the ADL, or other anti-Muslim organizations.

The core of “white supremacy” is in fact Jewish-christian lies, told about others: Dr. Martin Luther King was an “inter-generational target” of US military intelligence, and Jewish-christian spying

At the root of the gang stalking dialectic is the fact that white Jews and christian’s in western countries had long spied on (stalked, followed, wiretapped, harassed, and murdered; lynched, guillotined, Inquisitioned each other) each other for control of politics, real estate and other premium opportunities.

I can see the Jesus now, weeping, lol. The ancient to modern rabbi’s, not so much, as fear of the “black messiah”in the 1960s led them to rationalize the United States Gang Stalking Program, which goes by many names today as then, but at that time, the more famous wing of it was shrouded in “mystery,” and lots of double talk.

These days, gang stalking, and even murdering activists is the norm, rather than an aberration as we saw in the 1960’s programs.

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations.

From the Hidden History Center, and ( a longer better read, and the actual the archived news article) the case of Dr. Martin Luther King, we see how “gangs” of US military intelligence spooks and their FBI and community apparatus, as well as its tentacles of race gangs, the actual mafia, and other enablers in domestic spaces we see most of the claims of gang stalking validated, including:

  1. “electronic harassment” via wiretaps
  2. “mind reading” via wiretaps and spy planes
  3. “inter-generational targeting” as the US Army spies had followed Kings family for three generations
  4. defamation, slander, libel, as we see black people who sought equality labeled as communists and “radicals” (whatever that means) in official documents, newspapers, and other institutional sources
  5. actual “gangs” of citizen spies targeting individuals (and murdering us sometimes too)
  6. an entire hidden network that surrounded him at the Lorraine Motel, and multiple levels of “coincidence” surrounding those hidden networks of: police, intel agents, civilian spies, and FBI informants. This is a staple of ALL modern mass shootings, and mysterious unexplained deaths of activists, much as we saw with the Ferguson activists
  7. Really, write your own ROGS Bingo card, using ROGS Analysis–its all there, etc.

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations. Top secret, often illegal, intrusions into the lives of black Americans began more than 75 years ago and often focused on black churches in the South and their ministers.

The spying was born of a conviction by top Army intelligence officers that black Americans were ripe for subversion – first by agents of the German Kaiser, then by Communists, later by the Japanese and eventually by those opposed to the Vietnam War.

At first, the Army used a reporting network of private citizens that included church members, black businessmen such as Memphis’s Robert R. Church Jr., and black educators like the Hampton Institute’s Roscoe C. Simmons. It later employed cadres of infiltrators, wiretaps and aerial photography by U2 spy planes.