Everton Brown Update: Say His Name, and the complexity of analyzing targeted black men is compounded by “othering” and typical racism in policing, augmented by “the other white people” from the Anti Defamation League.

When we as “the public” ask ourselves “why did Everton Brown go on a shooting rampage, after trying to use “normal channels of complaint”for 20 years–all of which failed him–we must also ask, then, who EXACTLY was Everton Brown?

As in all these cases, the media paints the picture of a “crazy person” on a rampage–and then they scrub these guys off of the internet, so that no one can ask important questions like: WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN, and why do some elements of media hang a white sheet over these guys heads after the event?

Related Story: The “Kamelia’s” of the Ku Klux Klan Women’s Auxilliary’ waged often fatal whisper campaigns to destroy peoples lives

We have a few other models of black men who were stalked and harassed until they went ballistic. Good examples to work from to gain insight into the “profile” of black men who were harassed in their workplace, for example, Anthony Ferrill the Molson Coors shooting, where a black man who was clearly “gang stalked” by that states workers comp investigators, and who had a noose hung in his locker shot up his toxic workplace, and stalkers within it, targeting those who had likely targeted him, including–unsurprisingly–a Ukrainian Jew, and also a military vet with a degree in –of all things–political science.

In fact, Mr. Ferrill mentioned to a neighbor how voracious state investigators were indeed stalking him and surveilling him at his home before he went ballistic. Read through his case for evidence. He had weird “Masonic” harassment in his workplace, which was described as “office pranks” by the perpetrator when interviewed in media.

So, its very important to “Say Their Names*,” in these cases, and view other evidence in order to understand why these events keep happening, and no one can seem to explain it. Its a no brainer for me–if organized groups of “community” members stalk, harass, and threaten people long enough, and THEN make their workplace toxic, wage a slander campaign, and mobilize the resources of a community against a person– well, yeah, the outliers might target their stalkers eventually.

I mean, a fact check: Molson-Coors has had a long history with racial tension, racially charges union disputes ( the majority of workplace shootings involve union harassment)and its brand is affiliated with many far right causes. Coors is in fact the beer of many far right wing extremists too.

Related Story: Is Molson-Coors a “Nazi owned company?”

And then, there was the case of DeWayne Antonio Craddock, who was watched closely by lesbian-like women who seemed to know everything about his personal life–including that he had camera’s watching his car; and they even “moved in next door” and gave interviews to the media after the shooting too. Yeah–gang stalking is really that bizarre.

Here is more about Mr. Craddocks case, from the New York Times, and notice the blurb at the end of the article. Here is the quote, with my emphasis added:

“news releases issued by the city this year about road closings because of utility work listed the suspect’s name as the contact person for further information. He was the man who took residents’ questions, whose name was a public point of reference.

But on Saturday, after identifying him once as the man who plunged the city into grief, officials said they would never again utter his name in public.

Not saying the name of a mass shooter has little to do with “social contagion” and everything to do with white supremacist, religious, or other fanatical groups who hide their presence in slick public relations campaigns. And we see that Mr. Craddock was an integral part of the narrative of a city.

These cases are eerily prescient and point us to an as yet named “war” on information, case after case. See the case of “No Notoriety” for evidence of that. This far right fringe movement seeks to influence media, and like so many “pseudo-science” or “police science” based claims, they use phony data that claim mass shooters seek notoriety, when in fact–and as we see in the Craddock case, and many others, he lived alone, and lived quietly as his life was infiltrated by these secret stalkers.

From Heavy, we see this: Craddock was “defined by what he didn’t have: No apparent criminal history, no obvious Facebook or other social media accounts, no manifesto or publicly stated ideology.

And this:Before the shooting, co-workers thought he was quiet, polite and a “nice guy” with no warning signs, according to the Associated Press. The creepiest detail to emerge about the suspect: Photos showing he’d erected cameras in the window of his condo.

Image below of the “creepy” camera’s in Craddock’s condo, from Heavy.com What kind of sane person could possibly find home security “creepy?” Yup–people who might get caught on film doing bad shit.

I dunno….

….one persons version of creepy is another persons multi-million dollar industry, as we see with Jeff Bezo’s Amazon Ring camera’s everywhere you look these days, and even those camera’s themselves hacking into peoples homes!

There is usually a reason people put camera’s up in their neighborhoods. I knew a Pakistani engineer who did that, and his camera’s were routinely destroyed by these neighborhood mobs in the early War on Terror era, as were my own when I tried to combat neighborhood gang stalkers/corporate spies/police/other agency shitbags, who I caught on film repeatedly..

Craddock wasn’t seeking anyone’s attentionhe wanted to be left alone, much like Andrew Engledinger, who instead, got camera’s pointed in his face and his mage blasted across PR newsletters before his rampage at Accent Signs in Minneapolis.

Indeed we see that this idea of people who are targeted and harassed are seeking notoriety is patently false in most of these cases, yet that their campaign works in some media outlets like the New York Times, long allied with racist causes.

And it cannot be missed that religious organizations ALWAYS manage to get “product placement” in these narratives after the fact. Here, below, we see white Lutherans put out in the press as “saviours” after the shooting. The “thank g-d” narrative is also a staple in these cases, in nearly every single news story.

Listen, people: the arguably mythical Jesus was NOT a stalker, and would not condone your stalking activity, even if he were real. In fact, your “savior’s” story is itself a story about stalking, as whacko religious fanatics–the Jewish sect called the Pharisees–had stalked him to death. In that light, your “Devil/Shatan/Satan” makes you “believers” look like bigger “demons,” or just frauds.

From the Milwaukee Molson-Coors case:

A group of Lutheran Church Charities comfort dogs visited the nearby Story Elementary School, where students went on lockdown during the shooting, and will remain in Milwaukee until next week, the charities said.

Comfort DOGS. Awwww, how cute. Has anyone except me noticed how these stalkers signal to each other at gang stalking blogs full of “#fakeTI’s?” Yup–many of them are heavily involved with animal rescue, and “comfort dogs.” That’s a separate essay entirely.

Apparently, the Germanic-Lutheran sects want to give murder victims families “dogs” for comfort. Imagine the irony, for “othered” peoples who find dogs repulsive (they walk in shit, eat shit, and lick these people, for example. How a=cute!)

THAT’s what is the topic here: how Germanic/Teutonic/Anglican/Lutheran/Baptist and Catholic/Orthodox societies form a narrative: in case none of them know, dogs are repulsive to most Islamic people, some Jews, and others–and one of the supreme insults to anyone from these cultures is to call them dogs, or to say that they sleep with dogs, as many western people actually DO.

Political PACs, NGO’s, church groups, and freemasonry styled organizations are all involved in stalking scenarios, like how the Knights of Columbus was spotted in the Sandy Hook/Newtown CT case: watch as one Manfredonia after another Manfredonia is arrested for some bizarre crime or another. Keep in mind that it was Chris Manfredonia who was arrested at Sandy Hook as Adam Lanza went inside and targeted his school psychologist, and that the grand-sire of this literal gang stalking clan, William Manfredonia, was the principal of Newtown’s High school too(read through that link for evidence of “who are the gang stalkers”). No theory there, but an actual conspiracy of some kind or other indeed.

Without any doubt,these religious groups, identifiable gang stalking families and their associates in government and policing, and the affilliated NGO’s and “community assets”–all of them are major gang stalkers in the mold of the “Whistling and Whittling Brigades of Nauvoo“, because they derive federal and private donations and other funds for gang stalking. This is what “community policing” is, and we can see it reflected in the tribal sectarianism of these events, with the debate about Democrat or Republican shooters online.

Related: Watch the tribal-sectarian narrative unfold in the recent shooting in Massachusetts, where a “normal guy” Nathan Allen,with zero mental health issues and zero criminal record suddenly flips a 180, and decides to steal a plumbing truck, and go on a shooting/crashing rampage, killing two people who fit the profile of gang stalkers: one retired state trooper, David Green, and one retired military IT person, Ramona Cooper. Anyone wanna guess why those two people–who fit the profile of gang stalkers were the ones targeted? And–hacking, anyone? I won’t hold my breath for an answer to my question: what were those two people doing at that spot, at that time–why were they there? Coincidence indeed.

Gang stalking, aka “community policing,” “targeted individual programs,” “colliding parallel investigations,” “intelligence led predictive policing,” that is now being litigated in court–call these programs whatever you like, but it’s an indisputable, and well documented fact that these hidden, obscured, and definitely occulted law “enfarcement” practices precede mass homicides and workplace shootings. Ask me for even more documentation, if you are a serious researcher that religion centered groups and their NGO’s derive federal funding for gang stalking programs.

Another case in point is the narrative of the newsroom influencer Anna Conkey, who was nearly herself framed as a mass shooter, after some weird online interactions between herself and her church:


And, we see the numbers 12 or 13 appearing too, in nearly every mass shooting, including Gabriel Wortman at Portapique, Nova Scotia, as in the cases described above.IN Wortman’s case, they ran that number very early in the press. Use your search engine to find the original articles that claimed he shot 13 people, such as this one at Scallywag and Vagabond, which was later changed to 18, and kept moving upwards.

If you want another eye opener, search Bing for the search result “Gail Watts 777.” She was one of the neighbors who said “Everton Brown was aggressive towards women.” Did you do the search? Intereting job title, um-hnhuh?

And you can see my recent fan-mail from some Nazi-other-insane-sociopathic person, which demonstrates the value of that number to these types of people. Note that persons opinion is that it is “me” ROGS who is a “psycho” because I document their activities, very publicly, and for the sake of others–not a trait of a psychopath in any sense. So, Freudian projection combined with constant attempts at “narcissistic injury” and PSYOP is ALL OVER THE PLACE in their narrative, and I ask researchers to investigate that link, which I have.

These are cultic, cloistered, and insane bullies–psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals by definition. Numerology and mysticism such as the cult practice of “un-naming” a man, for them is power, and they use it to abuse their victims–who sometimes bully them in return, which are what these mass homicides are. All over online are people called “fake TIs” talking about gang stalking, utilizing “gematria,” psychobabble, and other occulted gibberish–and targeting real individuals.

So, asking the important questions in these cases is in fact the type of journalism is “in the public’s interest” already, we are an educated public, meaning that we approach media narrative with healthy skepticism and an awareness that media is a political tool of the political elite, and those who do their bidding in secret. WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN ?!

First and foremost–regardless of how he was “framed” in media narratives–Everton Brown was an activist against “community policing.”

He sued (perhaps) the wrong party to his stalking and harassment, as nearly all other claimants to this sort of harassment sue their town home association, or at least spend the time to research their stalkers. As ROGS Analysis states, case after case of claims of gang stalking nearly ALWAYS involve current and former military, police, intelligence agents, and others in their sphere of influence, such as psychologists, social workers, behavioral analysts, cold case investigators AS gang stalkers, and so on.

And, Brown had signs on his car, which were well within first amendment rights and protections–not an indicator of mental illness in ANY SENSE, but rather a mere type 1 or two error. As he blew up his own house, and shot his noisy, politically aspirational neighbors, two of whom shared a wall with his townhouse– and blasted kaoraoke EVERY SATURDAY; and he died next to his car, which had signs stating:

Black People Are the Tool Used to Maintain Racism,”


“For 3 Years the FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life———–Please no more!”

In journalism, skepticism is the most basic, foundational premise, even though modern journalists mostly forego the practice of “second sourcing”in its true form, opting instead to run “opinions” from interested parties. Why is that? It’s because other outside agencies and interests have co opted journalism itself, which is well documented. It’s not likely the FBI at all, but if you scratch that fools gold of a narrative, you WILL find state police and workers from the state system, and likely a slobbering real estate agent too, as we saw with Tom Taggart’s role in the Nova Scotia mass shooting.

Have a look at the story of Michael Hastings, too, whose car was blown up after his reporting on a powerful US Army general. Then have a look at the unrelated case of Martin Luther King being stalked by US Army intelligence agents who worked with the FBI, the Anti Defamation League, and the Ku Klux Klan too, who had also stalked his father, and HIS father before him.

This IS what gang stalking IS.

Its not a delusion in any way–it is what gang stalking IS. Talk about “strange bedfellows! The ADL and the Klan working together (!) and targeting a civil rights activist! It really doesn’t get more bizarre than that–two versions of racist haters, targeting a black family for three generations!! And not just one, but tens of thousands, including Malcolm X, and two generations of his lineage before him; one generation of his lineage after him, and one hundred percent in line with sociopathic Pharisees.

Surely, the definition of “white supremacy”takes on a new meaning when we see the Jews and the Protestants operating under an FBI framework to target a “black” man. These two groups, despite an apparent “race gap” are undoubtedly one and the same, as “horseshoe theory” predicts.When being confronted by a Jewish-christian narrative, every other narrative must necessarily utilize this theorem, becasue ATEoD, they really are the same. Jews are inseparable from christians, as they perpetuate Jewish-christian ideology across the world.A classic example of how their horseshoe works is the case of Howard Unruh, and America;s first “mass shooting”*

Comes now the case of Everton Brown, not the last case of a mass shooting by far, as just last night, yet another one in San Jose–predictably, that shooter targeted union members, who are well in the historical records acting as “organized crime.”.

*America had many mass shootings BEFORE Howard Unruh shot up his noisy neighbors, but because those mass shootings were state agents or mafia’s perpetrating genocide and homicide, we do not call them “mass shootings.” The Washita massacre, the Little Bighorn–and even the planned and calculated assault on a few sheep farmers by cowardly gunslingers at the O.K. Coral set a trend in the psychological makeup of gang stalkers in America.

0 thoughts on “Everton Brown Update: Say His Name, and the complexity of analyzing targeted black men is compounded by “othering” and typical racism in policing, augmented by “the other white people” from the Anti Defamation League.

    1. Also, Dear America: Did you know–there is no actual “science” involved in “mental health” diagnoses? It’s all opinions, basd in Jewish-christian “good and evil” narratives.

      Bi-polar diagnoses, for example, is just a restatement of that basic “good and evil” narrative.

      Sociopathy are another classic example–anyone who rejects the false premises of the pseudo science of psychology is cast as “anti-social.”

      True sociopaths–IMHO, are people like Arthur Sackler, and his “anti-social” family at Purdue Pharma who unleashed the opioid crisis across the world.

      Honestly–just look at yourself–your meds obviously aren’t working, as you found the time to waste here, harassing a writer.

      But thanks for playing ROGS BIngo!

  1. no one is as cool as tankman.

    in colorado…he built a bulldozer tank

    missed the catholic church tho

    he got stuck

    it was one of the next targets

    i know i only care about myself and my money

    pretty easy for people to get in the way

    but im not a gangstalker to know if tankman was subjected to that

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