Gang stalking case study: Everton Brown, WOODLAWN, Md mass shooting, neighborhood disputes: how police use the community, black ops, and racism to target activists

Everton Brown was first and foremost, an activist, regardless of how later news reports covered the story of his burning and shooting rampage. Even as he was shot by police, he was standing next to his own vehicle which had a sign on it, reading

“Black people are the tool used to maintain racism.

Everton Brown

That is an extremely profound insight, considering that it was likely a black cop who shot him to death, that cop completely aware of Mr. Browns history with that police department, because modern policing utilizes CIA derived technology and methodology to target people in the “domestic” theater, this technological assault called “predictive policing“when approaching events.

These cases do NOT happen randomly, or without prior police interactions, sometimes spanning decades, as we saw for Mr. Browns many “calls for help” alongside his activism about police brutality coincide with many police interactions where they followed him, stopped him, detained him, over e thirty year period. The question is: why did they stop Mr. Brown over a period of 30 years–but NEVER charged him with any crime? This is what “state stalking” is–endless “investigations” and stops, designed to cause the target to consider moving away, just as we saw stated in the Pasco County cases..

So, they turned Mr. Brown into a “permanent suspect” of some kind, despite having no criminal record. His calls to police for many years ABOUT his neighbors finally resulted in his neighbors obtaining “peace orders” against HIM, despite the fact that he had been very vocal about being targeted long before his neighbors complained–a complete inversion of one man’s personal narrative.

But the press surely didn’t miss a beat with the slander campaign, as they ran footage of him excercising his first amendment right in protest against state sponsored spying and stalking, for which he eventually sued. Here’s one video.

Update: This post is wildly popular. So maybe read the latest update, or these companion pieces, here, and here, and here, or use search feature “Everton Brown.”.

IN these cases, here is what happens: the police work with “community policing” assets, including their police cadets–who are frequently implicated as gang stalkers–and when they are called by the target, they consult an “intelligence dossier,”and basically decide of they like you or not; if your records at their department are “friendly” towards police; if you have any “run-ins” with them in the past, and especially if you have asserted your rights, or challenged any of the many unconstitutional policing methods in use today in all jurisdictions, and kangaroo courts ranging from any of the hydra of family court, child support court, drug court, etc that carefully eradicate due process and civil rights issues.

Then the responding officers take sides. It doesn’t matter if you have ever been found guilty of any crime, what matters in “intelligence led predictive policing” is whether or not you are on board with police agenda’s, many of which are anti-constitutional. Any challenge to those bankster funded police agendas that defy constitutional due process is noted in those records.

Then, they push the envelope, and wage a whisper campaign about your mental health, your “history” as it exists in endemically flawed and biased police databases, etc. They turn neighbors against neighbors.Then, they sit back ad munch popcorn as the fireworks begin.

“Oh this guy is bad news! He was accused of being a criminal/ prostitute/tax dodger/drug dealer/wife beater/pedophile,” etc.They spread that around the community until they have completely toxified an individuals life. And, they do indeed use their police cadets, and recruits to do things like break into peoples homes too.

Further, we see how the African American police officers are merely what was called “uncle Tom’s” in earlier rhetoric of black power, and in fact their methods merely mirror those used by white supremacist policing of earlier era’s. Even the case of George Floyd revealed this flaw in policing ideology–his murderers were two “white” guys, and two “ethnic” profiles, one Hmong, one sort of racially ambiguous black/brown man. All of whom acted as a gang and killed a guy, and their “ethnic” makeup cannot be missed as the entire thing was caught on film.

Indeed, we see this in case after case of mass shootings and other bizarre policing activity like the Houston No-Knock raid that saw two white people murdered in their home by a now indicted “gang” of police led by a black man, Gerald Goines, operating closely with Hispanics. Eventually six more “ethnic” cops were indicted in that case alone Racism as THE hot potato being tossed around between police and institutional forces, and the targeting of their victims.

SO, the Everton Brown case then, becomes a war on narrative–another “black operation” for who gets to tell the truth, and decide the facts, and explain the circumstances, and so far, we see in nearly 75% of these cases, the ADL running the media narratives. It is not a coincidence that a guy from Nepal–who coincidentally had mad computer skills, and who was a member of the “United Negro College Fund” was killed, because “fundies” are all over the place in mass shootings and other mayhem, because NGO’s are weaponized.Use my search feature and search “NGOs and gang stalking.”

This conflict of interest–a race supremacist group like the ADL running media narratives about mass shootings–is directly equivalent to how the FBI worked with the Ku Klux Klan to run narratives of lynchings–and how the women’s auxilliary of the KKK waged whisper campaigns. The faces and the races have changed, but the old masonic KKK order utilized in policing is still in place.

As a “buzzword,” the word racism has long legs, as we see Peruvians activating along those lines too, and the story was even featured in the Kabul Times. So what we see in fact, is an international effort to frame America’s race problem as a world problem–which it is–but also that it denies black males agency as agents of change. How many black men have died here so that other brown, yellow, and “othered” men can immigrate? That is the real issue behind this narrative.

Related Story: The “mysterious deaths” of Ferguson Activists, all of whom were heterosexual, black males get a “makeover” after “woke females” attached to media interact with the narrative.

And, much like the Portapique killings where Gabriel Wortman murdered a few folks after his common law wife was in contact with US agents and spies, and a hornets nest of “domestic violence advocates” while Wortman was suspiciously and likely working with the RCMP; or the first mass shooting in modern history, by a half Jewish man, Howard Unruh, who was also involved in a dispute with his noisy Jewish neighbors*, we see the police and their well known, toxic spies at all times central to these narratives, in covert roles.

We see this come to light in the famous 1998 lawsuit that proved Martin Luther King was the target of multiple agencies–oddly including Army intelligence which had spied domestically on his family for three generations(WTF!!!), and exactly as we saw with the Malcolm X story; and using race to exploit vulnerabilities in the communities that they “serve,”as they perpetuate a “good black people v bad black people” narrative. And certainly Sagar Ghimire, a victim of the shooting, affiliated with the United Negro College Fund too–was a “good negroe,” to be sure, as Brown played the role of the “bad negroe” to the music of that toxic organizations tune.

Keep in mind that since the so-called War on Terror is at its heart a western jihad or holy war, the goal of which is to “cleanse” the world–and the guiding narrative of the world–so that it is a Jewish-christian-zionist safe haven, and other narratives that contradict that version of reality are being trampled at furious rates, as we see in the murders/deaths/strange suicide of primarily heterosexual male activists, and especially black men.

Related Story: Who is the international “archaeological mafia” and why do they work so hard to suppress evidence that contradicts Torah teaching and biblical narratives? Read about the explosive facts of an “underground city” that made the news and then disappeared when the evidence found contradicted all of modern western religious teachings: the hidden chambers of the Annunaki underneath the Sphinx of Giza, meeting a “gatekeeper” named Zahi Hawass.

So, Brown’s case is a case of that–narrative control, and he definitely implicated the “FBI, the US military, and the community” in his gang stalking lawsuit, and only then after many years of exasperating isolation in his calls for help. That virtually describes “community policing” to the letter.

But who can possibly name all of the stalkers by name in a lawsuit where actual spies are actually spying on citizens? In the US, besides the 17 agencies that are tasked with illegal spying, there are thousands of “private contractors,” who target individuals, and few laws reign these groups in, or enforce prosecuting these spies either. Then, there is the most likely suspects: the townhome association that wanted him gone. Real estate and gang stalking are linked repeatedly all across the country.

Have a read through the post below to understand the “hidden forces”that were organized against one individual black man, who for all intents and purposes was indeed paranoid, and with good reason, as mobs of actual spies and harassers from many named organizations marauded through his life as he tried to simply campaign for his civil rights and the rights of others. Then, compare it to the case at hand.

In the earlier incarnation of the FBI’s COINTELPRO, we saw similar things, but today’s incarnation of that program uses tracking by cell phones, and internet too, a confusingly powerful weapon against individuals who do not conform to the “profiles” that are being imposed upon our Jewish-christian society by international powers.This, augmented with PSYOP run from Fusion Centers (all of which go by different names) makes suing gangs of institutionally sanctioned stalkers nearly impossible–by design.

Yes, sometimes, even “the paranoids” are right, and doubly so in the case of black men who do not back down while trying to enforce their simple civil liberties. Everton Brown was indeed a case of that, and his victims, were victims of illegal “community policing” programs where racist change agents manipulate one race against another to form a social narrative. And while they may have participated in the types of activities that Mr. Brown complained about, they did so with the complete and tacit encouragement of law enforcement in the “community policing” scheme.

The case below outlines the sordid business of “parallel colluding investigations” of Martin Luther King, for reference:

*There is an entire sub-story of non-conforming Jewish men being targeted in CIA operations stemming from the MKULTRA era. Most famously, the half-Jewish J.D. Salinger, and his book Catcher in the Rye, popped up in many assasinations ranging from John F. Kennedy to actress Rebecca Schaefer, to Ronald Reagan, to John Lennon’s murder, a calling card of some sort, much as we see the number 13 in these cases too. Also commedian Lenny Bruce quite famously was stalked relentlessly by the FBI and its flying monkey’s in the ADL and other “community assets”until he died.

… in progress, check back later.

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