Say their names! The recent Baltimore triple homicide by Everton Brown took a future Democrat operative named Sagar Ghimire. Does his uncle Kaptan Ghimire know?

While my heart goes out to the families of the deceased in the recent Baltimore mass shooting by Everton Brown, I also have doubt that the gang stalkers deserve anything less than what they got, for having harassed an American black man for so long. After all: what goes around certainly does in fact come around. Or, as Malcolm X once said ” the chickens do indeedy come home to roost.”

Racism in America is very complicated, and we watch new immigrants struggle with who to point the finger at, as they try to outbid each other crying “racist!” But this confusion has a well known precedent: Anti Defamation League spying, and manipulation of race as a political tool. That organization infiltrated and manipulated every activist group in the early 1990’s, and like a horsehair worm in a crickets head, those organizations thus infiltrated became ineffective in their wider outreach.

So, no small surprise that Ghimire was affiliated with one of those exact infiltrated organizations, the United Negro College Fund, and that he also had political aspirations.To give you an idea how paradoxical this is, there are NO non Jews who head the boards of the ADL and its spawn, yet they managed to stack the deck of every black organization with people like Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who masqueraded as a black woman as she headed black organizations.

Related Story: the complicated trail of racism in America is not easy to sort out. See this, and this, and this. Even Martin Luther King was stalked by the FBI, the CIA, and the Jewish lobbyist group the toxic Anti Defamation League,–and US Army intelligence agents. They were even present on the day he was assassinated, and in a lawsuit much later, it was revealed that his own family stood behind the alleged shooter who was a “patsy.” This is who gang stalkers ARE exactly as Everton Brown described, and your relative was a victim of THEIR charade of social justice.

I wonder: do recent immigrants to America know that the Democratic political machine is currently run by the ADL, or that it recruits these young people as gang stalkers? Because it’s no small coincidence that Sagar Ghimire was murdered by a man who claimed that he was being gang stalked.

Its not even a secret that the man who murdered Sagar was being stalked by various agents in his community, and that he was so appalled and shocked by that activity that he sued the FBI for “gang stalking.” SO my question to Sagar’s relatives is this: was your nephew/son/brother ALSO part of that stalking?

His bio fits a few categories of gang stalkers, and gang stalker “recruits” for example. Let’s examine that, from Sagarje’s own website, and please notice how he was sucked into the United Negro College Fund and its Anti Defamation League coopted narrative–gang stalkers are most frequently affiliated with NGO’s and all of those are co-opted, as we see with the Black Lives Matter Movement, and all of the murdered social activists, as others in that “movement” buy multi-million dollar houses.

My Name is Sagar Ghimire

In summary: I want to support others to succeed. I am passionate to work on a meaningful and impactfull project and make a difference. I love to learn from others and I am open to new ideas.

In details: I am a junior studying computer science at the Claflin university. I have more than two years of experience of working as a undergraduate research intern. During my research, I have used different database tools such as MYSQL, Postgresql, and sqlite3. Similarly, I have utilized different python libraries such as Numpy and Pandas, and have interacted with databases using python programming language.
In addition, I have been working as Creative Research Intern at Career Pathway Initiatives, United Negro College Fund (UNCF) as a Blockchain Technology Researcher; I have been researching about having covert communication by embedding Steganographic technology in Blockchain technology. In addition to research, I also do full stack development. I have worked on web programming projects using Html, CSS, JavaScript, and Python . I am very passionate about technology and very enthusiastic to learn new technologies.

Related Story: The Walk of Death, America’s first mass shooting, also involved a neighborhood dispute–with Jewish neighbors.

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