Famed civil Rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore used a camera to document gangs of stalkers–and you can too

UPDATE: This blog you are reading now has a mirror site at http://www.gangstalkingresearch.Wordpress.com , where you can follow Mr. Richard Moore’s lawsuit, and new posts about gang stalking more closely

The civil rights era was the heyday of gang stalking by white supremacists in the Dirty South and elsewhere, and as targeted individuals are beginning to take up camera’s to document the absurd and insane behavior of gang stalkers, we tip our hats to the past–and photographers like Charles Lee Moore.

From CNN:

‘Unparalleled’: Charles Moore’s photos of the civil rights movement

The Stephen Kasher Gallery in New York labelled Moore “the single greatest civil rights photographer” of the civil rights era during its 2015 exhibition “Selma March 1965.”

Here is a photo from that exhibition–and notice the slouching, smirking cowardice of the slobs in the picture–while Moore was most famous for photos like Dr. King being booked into jail, or the incredible shot of a police dog tearing the pants off a non-violent, compliant black marcher as another dog leaps into the photographers face–it is this iconic photo of the slovenly, stupid, violent white men who do these violent things that is perhaps his finest.


And, Moore was kind of a badass as it were, allowing thugs to pummel him, pull his hair and even shove him to the ground as he struggled to get the right shot. Predictably, these thugs were the same thugs then as they are today–as nearly 100% of all gang stalking groups are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents working with their friends, relatives, “community assets, and others. These are who gag stalkers ARE.

The title “intelligence agents,” of course, only implies that they worked at an agency staffed by thousands of people–one big brain to compensate for their combined low-IQ’s-that these human beasts as individuals are not necessarily all that intelligent. Just look at those guys in the picture–that’s what gang stalkers look like; slack jawed low IQ morons for the most part–and that old guy with the stooped in shoulders! A Viagra IV couldn’t jolt life into that old coward with the club in his hand. Imagine their wives now–they all look like #fakeTI Midge Mathis no doubt–yikes.

Here’s a snapshot of Moore with a gas mask, taken by another civil rights era photographer

Moore believed that his photos would cause people to take political action. He was correct. And he wasn’t alone. His photo’s appearing on the front pages of newspapers and on television helped create the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to US Senator Jacob Javitz (source) Image of Moore from Middleweb.com

For those who do not understand the violence, and riot like atmosphere of the Black Lives Matter movement of the last decade, it is only through looking back into this era where we realize that non-violence was largely a failure–and that gang stalking has existed for many millennia. Martin Luther King was himself an inter-generational target of the US military, the CIA, the FBI, and NGO’s like the Jewish Anti Defamation League all spied on him together.

And the Jewish-christian white supremacy of that era did not go away–it merely took off its white robes, and dispersing itself into various forms of gang stalking programs, such as the Clinton COPS program, and today’s unconstitutional “intelligence led predictive policing“,and the equally fraudulent countering violent extremism programs”” (CVE) and its many spawn around the globe. Like the devil itself, these demons people keep shape-shifting into new terminology, phrasing themselves as a “new tactic, technique or technology, when it is just more of the same–from the same group of confabulists that has done this in one form or another since around 70 A.D.

Indeed–their spawn are everywhere now, and both the left and the right–Jews and christians, and Blacks, Asians and Latino’s all utilize gang stalking tactics. Perhaps one could argue that this is an improvement but its only another shape-shifting by well known hegemonic tribalists and other religious frauds(no, its not just “the Jews” doing this). Its alarming how many black cops, for example, are there on the scene shooting other black men these days, using the tactics of Israelification in daily, ordinary policing.

All of that said, there is a modern context to the story of Charles Lee Moore, and inter-generational targeting, and you can read more about it from photographer Moore’s own cousin, Richard Moore of Mississippi, writing here, and view a few gang stalking lawsuits currently working their way through the federal courts in Mississippi.Indeed–Richard Moore is likely an inter-generational target himself.

To be absolutely clear, I have stated often that many targeted individuals are not always the most well spoken; not always the best looking, or easily endearing of people–real targeted individuals are not polished authors or candidates for prom king, nor do they run slick internet search results clogging advertising campaigns as Targeted Justice is doing–indeed, real targets range from those who police are trying to turn as informants, to people with low education, or even lower opportunities to better themselves–people who have been marginalized–and they are easy targets of bullying of all kinds, and ready made scapegoats for institutional bullies.

Mr. Moore has started his path forward, and he writes:.

It’s been nearly 20 years of dealing with Corrupt law enforcement in North Mississippi. Organized community policing aka Gang Stalking is all the rage. This law enforcement ran Criminal organization is done under the guise of simply a neighborhood watch.

As I have said frequently–and in direct contradiction of the well know #fakeTI’s who populate most internet forums about gang stalking, rambling on about being zapped by satellites and worse (Targeted Justice, Ramola D, the United States Air Force’s own AF-OSI “OSI Informers” operation, TargetedOne, and many more.)

For the record, I too have some history with relatives who organized those 1960’s garbage strikes, and participated in some marches, and who organized a few unions too– so I know what gang stalking is from before I was born. Its in my genetic makeup–“my genetic memory” to call it out when I see it. And, I don know a thing or two about how to target them back too.

Related Story: The Tampa Bay Times wins its “13th Pulitzer Prize” for reporting on the Pasco County “targeted individual program. The series was titled “Targeted.”–but even that isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be is it? More about the 13’s here.

Say their names! The recent Baltimore triple homicide by Everton Brown took a future Democrat operative named Sagar Ghimire. Does his uncle Kaptan Ghimire know?

While my heart goes out to the families of the deceased in the recent Baltimore mass shooting by Everton Brown, I also have doubt that the gang stalkers deserve anything less than what they got, for having harassed an American black man for so long. After all: what goes around certainly does in fact come around. Or, as Malcolm X once said ” the chickens do indeedy come home to roost.”

Racism in America is very complicated, and we watch new immigrants struggle with who to point the finger at, as they try to outbid each other crying “racist!” But this confusion has a well known precedent: Anti Defamation League spying, and manipulation of race as a political tool. That organization infiltrated and manipulated every activist group in the early 1990’s, and like a horsehair worm in a crickets head, those organizations thus infiltrated became ineffective in their wider outreach.

So, no small surprise that Ghimire was affiliated with one of those exact infiltrated organizations, the United Negro College Fund, and that he also had political aspirations.To give you an idea how paradoxical this is, there are NO non Jews who head the boards of the ADL and its spawn, yet they managed to stack the deck of every black organization with people like Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who masqueraded as a black woman as she headed black organizations.

Related Story: the complicated trail of racism in America is not easy to sort out. See this, and this, and this. Even Martin Luther King was stalked by the FBI, the CIA, and the Jewish lobbyist group the toxic Anti Defamation League,–and US Army intelligence agents. They were even present on the day he was assassinated, and in a lawsuit much later, it was revealed that his own family stood behind the alleged shooter who was a “patsy.” This is who gang stalkers ARE exactly as Everton Brown described, and your relative was a victim of THEIR charade of social justice.

I wonder: do recent immigrants to America know that the Democratic political machine is currently run by the ADL, or that it recruits these young people as gang stalkers? Because it’s no small coincidence that Sagar Ghimire was murdered by a man who claimed that he was being gang stalked.

Its not even a secret that the man who murdered Sagar was being stalked by various agents in his community, and that he was so appalled and shocked by that activity that he sued the FBI for “gang stalking.” SO my question to Sagar’s relatives is this: was your nephew/son/brother ALSO part of that stalking?

His bio fits a few categories of gang stalkers, and gang stalker “recruits” for example. Let’s examine that, from Sagarje’s own website, and please notice how he was sucked into the United Negro College Fund and its Anti Defamation League coopted narrative–gang stalkers are most frequently affiliated with NGO’s and all of those are co-opted, as we see with the Black Lives Matter Movement, and all of the murdered social activists, as others in that “movement” buy multi-million dollar houses.

My Name is Sagar Ghimire

In summary: I want to support others to succeed. I am passionate to work on a meaningful and impactfull project and make a difference. I love to learn from others and I am open to new ideas.

In details: I am a junior studying computer science at the Claflin university. I have more than two years of experience of working as a undergraduate research intern. During my research, I have used different database tools such as MYSQL, Postgresql, and sqlite3. Similarly, I have utilized different python libraries such as Numpy and Pandas, and have interacted with databases using python programming language.
In addition, I have been working as Creative Research Intern at Career Pathway Initiatives, United Negro College Fund (UNCF) as a Blockchain Technology Researcher; I have been researching about having covert communication by embedding Steganographic technology in Blockchain technology. In addition to research, I also do full stack development. I have worked on web programming projects using Html, CSS, JavaScript, and Python . I am very passionate about technology and very enthusiastic to learn new technologies.

Related Story: The Walk of Death, America’s first mass shooting, also involved a neighborhood dispute–with Jewish neighbors.

What is “domestic spying” and “gang stalking” in the online dialectic? Meet Anti Defamation League sponsored Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a darling of the “disapora communities”–and the IMDB gang

Examining the gang stalking narratives online, and the cases that show up in court rooms ( here, here, here, here, here, and here too) we see patterns, clear as daylight. Racist gangs are just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s meet a few Internet Movie Database gangsters.

Here is a recurrent theme in gang stalking narratives: there is probably a good reason why some people meet bad fates, generation after generation. Online in social media, Twitter, Facebook groups, Youtube–there is an undercurrent in the gang stalking dialectic that frequently makes inferences that “gang stalking is a silent Holocaust,” or that “well, at least its not a holocaust,” or “gang stalking is slow kille eugenics!”

SO, let’s Meet “the silent genocide” and the “well at least its not the Holocaust” oriented stalkers of the left.

I have encountered many of them, ranging from former Playboy bunnies, to a strange little Filipina who stalked me through Hollywood one summer. Both of them had entries in the Internet Movie Database, the IMDB. THese are what are referred to in many cases as “the Hollywood mafia,” and they are political, and “cause stalking” based. And, the Hollywood mafia uses women to carry out many of their strange stalkings, as did the Ku Klux Klan women’s auxilliary. So now, that the federal authorities have indicted a stalker, and I will examine that case.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a recently indicted cyber stalker and offline actual stalker, was indicted because she targeted young boys, not just for stalking, cyber stalking, and harassment. In fact, in the USA some groups and their stalkers usually get a free pass for stalking and harassing people. For centuries, the Ku Klux Klan, and its female auxilliary, the Kamellias waged poison squad campaigns against others, as did various women’s groups allied with right wing feminism, most notoriously Nikki Craft’s call to arms.

And we see the echoes of this in today’s #MeToo movement, where every man’s actions are cast as malign, and every woman’s actions wholly unaccountable. Perhaps this is the last gasp of white female privilege, or something deeper, like ultra-conservative religious narrative hiding itself in cultural co-option.

This historical form of gang stalking has millions of new subscribers in the digital era, and the left has weaponized these tactics effectively since the early 1990’s, at the emergence of the modern police and surveillance state: and all of that was predicated on “rape!” Pedophiles!” and “domestic violence!” in the Violence Against Women Act of 1993–President Joe Biden’s crown jewel in an anti-constitutional, gendered narrative that benefits primarily white women.

That power grab, by neocon’s and other religionists who derive benefits from sex/gender divisions also had at its heart a famous spy scandal, which set the trend for the modern total surveillance and police state that AMerica has inarguably become. Familiarize yourself with the Anti Defamation League networks of spies and stalkers (also here, and here too) for a glimpse of what it is that has built the modern police state.

So, not surprisingly Demirovic is part of the “diaspora community,” which on one hand are sometimes actual victims. but also, actual perpetrators too. ROGS, the author you are reading now, has extensive experience with these types, as well as their enablers in domestic terrorism and spy rings that run rampant across America today. So let’s dive a bit deeper into her story, and addto the “holocaust and genocide” narratives that permeate the online gang stalking dialectic.

Demirovic’s basic story is this–a “diaspora community survivor, ” genocide film maker, and genocide theorist, she stalked and terrorized a few teenage boys. Then, her Hollywood connections could not or did not stop the federal government from prosecuting her for her insane bullying. Here is more about her film Faces of Genocide. In the dialectic online, many of those who cyber stalk and bully and harass use such terms to create a false equivalence, and rationalize that their actions are somehow better than genocide, or at least are not genocide, as they target and slander, and harass people into poverty and worse.

So, Demirovic no doubt feels that she has “righteous anger” and was enraged, She was “mad,” and also, she was enabled by a well known political machine. She was “empowered!” by them and:

was so angry at the boys — listed in court records as Victims A-C — she sent them death threats, made up false allegations accusing them of rape and other crimes, and cyberbullied them with insults like “pig” and “dwarf,” or by making light of their parents’ divorce. She is also accused of threatening or harassing some of the victims’ parents.

Her goal was “sabotaging their personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects,” the indictment alleges. And prosecutors say she succeeded; one of the victims, who was 14 at the time, became depressed and anxious after Demirovic allegedly arrived at his high school in 2016, asked where to find him, and screamed that she would “rip your f—ing heart out.”

So….patterns, yeah?

One of those patterns is that online, is that we see gang stalkers mentions of the “holocaust” or “silent genocide” fueling many gang stalking claims and narratives. But it is usually stated in passive aggressive, euphemistic terms, never directly or overtly. Lets take a look at that claim:

  • a search of the phrase “silent holocaust and gang stalking” in popular search engine returns 149,000 results
  • a search for the phrase “holocaust and gang stalking” returns almost 15.000 results

These results are significant for many reasons, not least of which is that they clearly provide evidence that there is a “false narrative” of genocide being built online, and that is clearly and definitively tied to the issue of gang stalking.

Here is one religion oriented* website/result for example, but there are thousands more that use such terminology, not surprisingly it includes right wing religionist’s like Ramola D and Targeted Justice.

The false equivalency as a narrative ploy allows those who spy on, or cyber-stalk, or offline stalk and harass people offline to cover their crimes with the idea that somehow, gang stalking is not worse than :”holocaust, and genocide”. As polarizing narratives go, it is pretty slim cover and rationalization for crimes, and a lie of great magnitude as well. And as we see in the outliers on the Bell curve, mass shooters are taking lives, so these are not harmless dialogues, and agents provocateurs proliferate in them, using military grade “influence operations,” tactics aka “mind control”.

So, let’s look at modern, ongoing genocides for clues about the subtlety of language expressed online. Lets search for the term “silent genocide,” for clues about who uses such terms, and why they do it:

  • The first hit in that search engine brings us to a post about genocide in West Papua, a silent genocide that “Australia doesn’t want you to know about.” It reads in part “

Estimations of over 500,000 indigenous West Papuans have been murdered over the last 54 years. This also includes reports of wide spread torture of women and children.

The United Nations, European Union, and associated governments have received ample evidence of atrocities, massacres, torture, and crimes against humanity and chose to remain silent and complicit.”

All of the above results are genuinely serious situations, and arguably are genocide. But then, a deeper dive into results starts to flesh out how easily this term is applied by political interests of both the right AND the left:

Right wing narrative:

Left wing narrative:

So, as we see above, “genocide scholars” and Hollywood affiliated film makers like Demirovic are highly active in the propaganda outlets waging battle over this term, but also, occasionally, we see them indicted as stalkers too.Sadly, the federal prosecutors have only taken an interest in cases where these conscienceless psychopaths target children, but other gang stalking lawsuits are starting to come forwards too, in local jurisdictions.

All of that, without irony, as one of my own followers at this blog is also part of the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) gang, which I briefly mentioned in other writing about Demirovic. So, yeah, the Hollywood mafia and all that is a real thing too.

*In case after case of these bloggers, we find either the christian or the Jewish narrative of “G-d” being frequently hinted at or outright exclaimed. Some are clearly Zionist fanatics and Mossad affilliated writers, and others are clearly and christians. Most are unashamed of that fact, and as I state repeatedly, and as ROGS Analysis of gang stalking proves, nearly 100% of all the people online in the community and also the “fake TI’s” are current and former police, military and intelligence agents and their relatives and associates.

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: When the USA Today covers “targeted individual programs” its time to reassess your own position about “organized gang stalking.”

News articles about organized gang stalking, lawsuits and “targeted individual programs” are gaining steam in the mainstream press, four years after I waged a one person public relations blitz against this form of “intelligence led predictive policing” which is really just junk science, and orthodox biased reporting combined with equally biased data.

Unlike the stories you will find using ROGS Analysis, main stream media is partisan, and biased, and always defaults to “official sources” in the narrative. Yet recently, even the USA Today covered “targeted individual programs,” and called them by their proper name, and even cited the movie “The Minority Report,” as many gang stalking targets have discussed online too. .

Unfortunately, the “official sources” in the gang stalking discourse are all police, forensic investigators, and pro-police psychologists who encouraged the racial profiling and rampant surveillance abuses of the last two decades. You can view these scurrilous persons here, most notoriously the internet famous “anonymous poll” created by Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, whose negligent commentary on that issue has unarguably led to homicides and suicides of targeted individuals.

The Pasco sheriff’s office, in its lengthier statement, said the program is modeled after one adopted in the United Kingdom in the 1990s and that the idea is not to target anyone for harassment.

“It is the goal of the Pasco Sheriff’s Office to have a positive impact on these individuals and our community,” the statement says.

The sheriff’s statement specifically mentions the 2002 film “Minority Report,” which starred Tom Cruise as chief of a “precrime” police bureau that arrests people before any crime is committed based on information provided by psychics.

The program, the sheriff’s office says in part, is not “in any way, shape or form the ideals or implementations projected in the film ‘Minority Report.'”

A central piece of that movie is the idea that some of the psychics disagree with the majority on whether a specific person will become a criminal.

Other jurisdictions have tackled similar issues. The Los Angeles Police Department, for example, last year scrapped for financial reasons a controversial program called “Pred-Pol” that sought to predict where property crimes would occur. Critics said it focused disproportionately on Black and Hispanic communities.

The Florida lawsuit contends the Pasco program violates constitutional amendments that protect rights of association and due process, and against unreasonable searches and seizures

So, when even the most pasty white piece of pabulum journalism on the planet earth–the USA Today— calls a targeted individual program a “targeted individual program,” you can bet that more is to come. Stay tuned.

Gang stalking lawsuits: Former K-9 officer joined lawsuit against Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, says supervisor threatened to kill his dog

Only sociopaths, cowards and psychopaths kill peoples pets. But when police do it, we call it “intelligence led predictive policing.”

Police routinely threaten dissenters and activists with child kidnapping and worse. In the Pasco County case, these cowards targeted children too

When psychologists study people who kill or torture animals, they label these people as sociopaths, and psychopaths, discussed here by Psychology Today. Jeffrey Dahmer is the notorious Wisconsin cannibal often held up as one such example, but there are many more. These cases give us a glimpse into what is known as “the police personality.”

But when “gang stalkers” like the Pasco County Florida’s Targeted Individual Program Chief Chris Nocco’s band of thugs threaten to torture a colleagues animal, the media is hesitant to call it what it is, as is the case with much of the police personality disorders that run rampant and amok, targeting citizens and even shamelessly targeting children.This story is from 2019, and now, more people are suing him and his thugs for gang stalking.

Related Story: Why are smear campaigns about “pedophiles” so popular with far right police and their flying monkeys? Targeting children is just one of the many things that gang stalkers do, but they do it from within state mechanisms. See here about how America’s child abuse rings are not exactly what you think they are.Also, see this case, where a purported sex offender was framed with child pornography is suing his stalkers, and here where we see a left wing stalker being prosecuted in the federal court for stalking teenage boys. And as always, revisit the case of a conservative judge literally selling children in the documentary “Kids for Cash”

Gradually, the narrative is changing, thanks to ROGS Analysis of gang stalking, and even major newspapers like the USA Today are starting to talk about “targeted individuals” using the correct terminology, and here below, we see some ADL darlings* finally taking on the issue, long after ROGS was spied on, targeted, and harassed by that hate group and their associates in policing:

A former Pasco County Sheriff’s Office K-9 deputy has joined the growing list of plaintiffs who filed a federal lawsuit against Sheriff Chris Nocco and several of his high-ranking commanders.

Former deputy Cliff Baltzer says his sergeant filed a false internal affairs complaint against him in 2018 and threatened to euthanize his canine partner and then go on social media and blame Baltzer for the dog’s death

The lawsuit was first filed against top Pasco sheriff’s officials on April 16 by three plaintiffs. They alleged that Nocco and agency leaders are “intoxicated with power and will physically abuse, intimidate, incarcerate, extort, and defame in order to ensure their absolute control.”

SLICE, and:

The civil lawsuit makes a claim under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, often called RICO. The suit accuses high-ranking members of the department of gender discrimination, falsifying internal affairs complaints and targeting people who spoke against the department.

WE also see many of the complaints of targeted individuals validated too, such as the following:

-gang stalkers will kill your pets

-gang stalkers will frame you for crimes or other indecent acts

-gang stalkers will isolate you

-gang stalkers cannot be stopped unless the RICO Act is applied

These are just a few of the examples that targeted individuals have long written about online, because as we see now, the narrative IS changing, and gang stalkers are being sued, and even prosecuted by the DoJ as we see in the case of the ebay Gang of stalkers.

So, some four years AFTER I wrote www.researchorganizedgangstalking.org , we now see that one voice can truly change the dialectic online. And, we now see that psychologists who have gone on record denying police initiated “gang stalking,” like Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi are total frauds and liars too.

*I say “ADL darlings” because the Anti Defamation League is about as far right, and racist as any other organization that uses race as a discriminator; and they use it solely for political expediency and financial benefit. It is this powerful lobbying group of racists that do in fact have a disproportionate effect on media. As a journalist I was myself stalked and harassed by that group because I refused to publish their divisive, racist lies and propaganda, many years ago.

They are well known stalkers, and contrary to popular belief, they are as far right as any other far right group, but manage to straddle both sides of the political spectrum, on one side as a powerful right wing force in politics (the recent bombardment of Palestinians is a good example of what they support )and yet manage to convince the world that they are Jewish, and hence “victims.” WE we can see this explained by “horseshoe theory,” but also in exploring the narrative of some of their Jewish victims too.

Also see this, and this and this about various spying scandals, and racist acts by that group.

Read it: The Kings of Garbage, by Mark Ames

Good Reads: Below, the classic story of how a race supremacist hate group known as the Anti Defamation League (ADL) spied on and sold out activists in the early 1990’s, setting the stage for today’s modern surveillance capitalism, and the modern western police state. In lawsuits, and other media narratives, we discovered that this organization spied on, stalked, and harassed over 12000 activists, then sold or leveraged their data to other spy agencies and police around the world. This was then a relatively small operation which pales in comparison to the surveillance state that we see today–and that this spy operation was merely the precursor of what these same bad actors had planned, and was soon to come post 911, as a total surveillance state was birthed upon previously democratic societies.

While many gang stalking targets flail to identify who their stalkers are, and cast blame at any of the many alphabet agencies (FBI/DEA/DHS/CIA/DIA/DOD/AFOSI/NCIS etc.), in a process of “Type 1 and 2 errors of reference,” some sketchy psychologists* and especially those who claim to be “authorities” in this area, use these simple “naming errors” as proof of “delusions in gang stalking.” But in fact, while counterintelligence stalking, police gang stalking, and community policing all fall under a spy agency created rubrik of “investigation,” know as intelligence led policing, its really just spying by another name.

And yes, it is agency affiliated most of the time, and because of the “hide the ball” nature of domestic spying, there are many non-governmental organizations that routinely spy on and harass targets too. Of these many other scumbag organizations that practice gang stalking, the Anti Defamation League and its hydra of related organizations (like the pure scumbag conceived and typical cowardly online smear site Canary Mission) –are noted by many Jews as a race supremacist group similar to the Ku Klux Klan but with different religion.

Mark Ames is one of many Jews who were spied on by these people, and I direct my reader to enjoy this piece of work, one of the better pieces about the ADL Spying Scandal out there that hasn’t been web-scrubbed or de-platformed yet at the request of these notorious cyber-stalkers. It was published in the now defunct Pacific Standard, now owned by Grist media.

I myself encountered their easy to recognize version** of stalking and attempts to recruit me to their form of hate many years ago, and will write more about that at a later date, but for now, I direct the readers to watch every case in the news where some seemingly random stranger perpetrates a mass shooting, and then, the ADL tries to run CYA in the media afterwards, because these cases are very likely precipitated by ADL harassment.

Is there a case in the news that claims a random shooter, or “radical Muslim,” or a butter knife wielding car crasher, or “incel” hates the Jews? Start here below to meet a hate that’s even older than that, because its very likely that those guys were stalked by these guys, long before they went crazy with a butter knife at an intersection:

The Kings of Garbage, or, The ADL Spied on Me and All I Got Was This Lousy Index Card

In 1993 the Anti-Defamation League was accused of espionage, illegal surveillance, theft, and the treasonous sale of classified information to a foreign government. I was one of their victims.Mark AmesUpdated:May 3, 2017Original:Mar 10, 2014

Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Anti-Defamation League and the B’nai B’rith. The theme of the celebration was “Imagine a World Without Hate.”

A Creative Definition of Anti-Semitism

2013 also marked the 20th anniversary of another key episode in ADL history, but it’s not the sort of milestone National Director Abe Foxman will want you to remember. In 1993 it was alleged that the League had been involved in a grotesque rap sheet of covert activities, including espionage, illegal surveillance, theft, and the treasonous sale of classified information to a foreign government. It’s a hell of a tale, and not just for its cartoonish cast of characters: a corrupt police officer, a bungling “fact finder,” and a McCarthyite from Indianapolis.

I have no choice but to remember the story. In 1993 I received a letter in the mail. It informed me that I was the victim of an illegal spy ring involving members of the ADL and a San Francisco Police Department intelligence detective called Tom Gerard. The letter came with an index card that included my full name, driver’s license, the license-plate number on my shitty old Subaru hatchback, and the Mission District addresses of my apartment and the leftie bookstore where I worked, near Guerrero and 20th Street. My file had been marked “Pinko,” one of five categories that the ADL spymaster used to flag the group’s targets….

The ADL spy ring also helped trigger the 1987 arrests of eight Los Angeles Muslims—seven Palestinian men and one Kenyan woman—who were falsely accused of supporting terrorism and ordered expelled from the United States. SWAT teams broke into the defendants’ homes, detained them without charge or trial, and subjected the group, known as the “Los Angeles Eight,” to an ordeal that only ended in 2007, when a Los Angeles judge finally dismissed all charges and denounced the case as “a festering wound on the body of respondents and an embarrassment to the rule of law.”

When the Los Angeles Eight were first arrested in 1987, the ADL proudly boasted to reporters of its role in passing intelligence on the group to the authorities. Later, when the case was widely seen as a travesty of justice, the ADL backtracked and claimed they had nothing to do with it.

*the most commonly cited sketchy psychologists who have gone on record claiming that gang stalking complainants are “delusional” are nearly all pro-police, pro-prosecution, and anti-democratic These range from forensic psychologists to cold case investigators, and others employed in the carceral systems of various nations. Here below is a short list of those who are “gang stalking denialists”:

Dr. Lorraine Sheridan notoriously went on record in the New York Times touting her internet famous online poll where she interviewed “the anonymous internet” for data about organized gang stalking, and denying that gang stalking is a social phenomenon, She attempted to discredit those who complain of OGS by stating that “they are likely delusional.” Quite ironically, the same NYT is on record documenting actual complaints of “microwave/noise/health attacks” on US diplomats. Sheridan’s work is not to be taken seriously by any researcher.

-Dr. David V. James of the North London Forensic Service is co-author to the Sheridan internet poll, and one of a long line of political psychologists whose work is used to prop up the police and surveillance state, notoriously a DVIC darling, authoring study after study about stalking. Here he is propping up the complaints of politicians.

Christine Sarteschi is an associate professor of social work and criminology who has a book to sell, she’s a pro-police voice, and gang stalking denialist. She leans right, and is in every way affiliated with actual “gang stalkers” of the type discussed in the Fort Worth Weekly piece called “Gangstalkers.” She is also affiliated with the women’s networks of “domestic violence and family court related gang stalkers,” and is on record with the Canadian Broadcast System(CBC) in a series of disinformation pieces about gang stalking.

Most despicably, she calls gang stalking a “belief system,” as if its some form of religion. Then, note her language here “Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to destroy the life of the TI , ” and compare that to this recent gang stalking lawsuit filed by the Institute for Justice against the Pasco County Sheriffs office where ACTUAL police and government officials were indeed seeking to destroy the lives of many people, using the bullshit junk science of “predictive policing” and whose victims are indeed discussed as “targeted persons”. Nice how these social workers provide cover for dirty policing, huh?

Domestic spying by the racist Anti Defamation League, the Ku Klux Klan, “diversity gangs,” NGOs and the US military is the “dirty little secret” of nearly ALL gang stalking events

Scratch the surface of any gang stalking complaint and this is the type of stuff you will find: Dr. Martin Luther King was spied on, stalked, and harassed by the Anti Defamation League, the FBI, US military intelligence, and yeah, the Klan too. But in main stream narratives, we are only told that “racist white people” were his arch enemies, and tormentors.

Why is that? It seems that the actual “racist white people” that hated King with what turned out to be a bloody vengeance weren’t just White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) mould, as the modern Pharisee sect of Jews in the Anti Defamation League, and the Jewish head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People hated him too:

The intelligence branch of the United States Army spied on the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for three generations. Top secret, often illegal, intrusions into the lives of black Americans began more than 75 years ago and often focused on black churches in the South and their ministers. The spying was born of a conviction by top Army intelligence officers that black Americans were ripe for subversion. …”

SO, as we stroll through the narrative of organized gang stalking, we see a new picture emerge, and it is one that paints an ugly picture of dueling Jewish-christian racism’s in America–but also of a very old hate that has tentacles outside of America, and around the world. Of these two great racist hatreds, one is less easy to spot than the other, because it is the very origin story of racist hate.

And, it sadly lends credence to many claims that (some extremely wealthy and influential)”Jews control the press,” and other media; or that some kind of globalist octopus actually DID come to squat on the shores of America in 1913.

Related Story: Was the famous “FBI Suicide Letter” to Martin Luther King actually written by members the Anti Defamation League, who are well known for their poison pen letters, and FBI-allied gangsterism and lawless targeting of civilian populations?

This is why its important as a centrist, a true liberal, or as a leftist to step outside of that media racketeering circus and read alternative sources to find information. I like to read the Final Call on occasion, because it is a bastion of factually correct alternative narrative. I also read the worlds most censored website in all of a history, Stormfront and even David Duke, and Sheldon Adelson’s Israel Hayom too, because the gang stalking dialectic is one of cloak and dagger information warfare, full of racist and tribal narratives. Racist narratives like these mentioned provide important background in every gang stalking story or event.

Related Story: Ex-felon and spy Jonathan Pollard gives interview with Israel Hayom, explaining his choices to spy on the US. He says America had “stabbed Israel in the back” by withholding intelligence from its ally.

From The Final Call, a story about the people and groups that spied on, blackmailed, and murdered Martin Luther King.

Like Farrakhan, Dr. King attracted Jewish opposition

By Demetric Muhammad, Guest Columnist – July 28, 2020

According to Jeffrey Steinberg in his ADL Caught In Spy Scandal, the organization had a fear and loathing of Dr. King.  Steinberg notes:
“Henry Schwartzschild waited a long time to go public with his personal horror story about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Today an employee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), he resigned from a high-ranking position in the ADL’s publicity office in the mid-1960s when he discovered, to his shock, that the ADL was spying on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on behalf of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. It was not until the spring of 1993—nearly 30 years after he quit the ADL—that Schwartzschild came forward and told about the League’s efforts against Dr. King. In an April 28, 1993 interview, Schwartzschild told San Francisco Weekly: “They [ADL] thought King was sort of a loose cannon. He was a Baptist preacher and nobody could be quite sure what he would do next. The ADL was very anxious about having an unguided missile out there.”