“An Open Letter to Dr. Mike Wood:  gang stalking denialist, or…?

During the run-up to the election cycle in 2016, where President Donald Trump was elected, the media and its pundits were very active attempting to mask the practice of “political gang stalking, and trying to call it a delusion. Most famously, favorite CIA news outlets like the New York Times, and others ran garbage stories like this….

UPDATE: I have tried repeatedly to contact Mr. Wood, to no avail. No reply. He simply will not talk about his irresponsible blog posts at www.conspiracytheorypsychology.com, where he and others seek to sell books by exploiting the stories of victims of gang stalking. I will soon add him to my “Source-watching in the gang stalking dialectic” list as yet another gang stalking denialist. These people are contributing to mass shootings across the west, and they are dangerous.

Buthis blog has many victims and whistle blowers presenting their cases, many of which are affirmed by the replies. People stalked by church groups; people stalked by state unemployment bureaus, military whistle blowers, “community policing” victims and others still are commenting there, and describing the bizarre behaviors and other antics of their stalkers, despite Mike Woods abandonment of that thread–it makes one wonder, what is the responsibility of the PhDs when it comes to gang stalking cases that make headlines?. Dr. Mike Wood, from this day forward, is truly a shitbag, and a shill, having abandoned his own forum, and ethical responsibility on this topic.

Then, later, the author of that piece, Mike McPhate, went on record much later discussing “gangs of police” who are indeed stalkers–and he placed that at number 13 in his newsletter–by “coincidence,” no doubt! The meaning of the numbers 12 and 13 in the gang stalking dialectic online..

Related Story: many doctors, paramedics, and others in the “health industries” and “health journalism” are actual gang stalkers and gas lighters. Here is just one of many examples, as Tiffany Fontenot targets a low level sex offender. But, once we weed their kind of hard-right garbage out, we find good solid medicine that actually uses “brain implants” to help people. The linked story is about how scientists created a “brain chip” to help a paralyzed man write, a major breakthrough in technology that will benefit many. We must separate these types of stories from other stories about actual “medical mafia’s” in order to analyze gang stalking narratives, and separate the junk science from the facts and evidence.

Hi, I want to start by apologizing for being kind of an asshole during your tenure at Conspiracytheorypsychology,biz. I was posting as Joe, and Joseph Blowseph, etc., and I realize that perhaps you think I was being a jerk.

It was intentional, TBH, but not directed at you per se, but rather the rhetoric and its divisive nature, and especially that you denied the experience of many targets of agency brutality.

For that I apologize, if I offended you in my zeal to provide validation for actual targeted individuals, as opposed to the “fake TI’s” online who are nearly 100% current and former police, military, and intelligence agents and their flying monkeys . They are the shitbags who ramble on about “electronic weapons, aliens, flat earth, lizard people and microchips.”

That said, are you following the cases of Ahmaud Arbery, the Pasco County FL gang stalking lawsuits, where the sheriff and his “gang” “targeted” children, or the eBay case being prosecuted by the US federal government?

Classic gang stalking.

And, now, the Tampa Bay Times has won Harvard University’s Nieman Center Taylor Award for “fairness in journalism,” because of that reportage in a series of articles called “Targeted.”

And the Fort Worth Weekly journalist Teri Webster has now covered gang stalking too in articles titled “Gangstalking,” and “Targeting Targeted Individuals,” by Teri Webster. In each story, she carefully brings to light the fact that gang stalkers are in fact current anf former military, police, county coroners, and others in their flying monkey orbit.

In other words–journalists are starting to win awards for writing about gang stalking. Does that surprise you? I have pushed this narrative for over four years among journalists, and now I am seeing results.

Are you ready to join the good guys on this topic yet? My Id initially believed that you could help turn this dialectic mire around, but my ego says I might have offended your ego; so my superego urges me to this apology, in order so that I can (hopefully) get you to take a second look at this topic.

Regardless, I will continue to write about this topic, influence journalists, and discuss you as either a gang stalking denialist, or a gang stalking realist. Your choice. I really want you to choose the facts, supported by the evidence I mentioned above.

This email will be published as ” An Open Letter to Dr. Mike Wood:  gang stalking denialist, or…?”

Best regards–

Everton Brown Update: Say His Name, and the complexity of analyzing targeted black men is compounded by “othering” and typical racism in policing, augmented by “the other white people” from the Anti Defamation League.

When we as “the public” ask ourselves “why did Everton Brown go on a shooting rampage, after trying to use “normal channels of complaint”for 20 years–all of which failed him–we must also ask, then, who EXACTLY was Everton Brown?

As in all these cases, the media paints the picture of a “crazy person” on a rampage–and then they scrub these guys off of the internet, so that no one can ask important questions like: WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN, and why do some elements of media hang a white sheet over these guys heads after the event?

Related Story: The “Kamelia’s” of the Ku Klux Klan Women’s Auxilliary’ waged often fatal whisper campaigns to destroy peoples lives

We have a few other models of black men who were stalked and harassed until they went ballistic. Good examples to work from to gain insight into the “profile” of black men who were harassed in their workplace, for example, Anthony Ferrill the Molson Coors shooting, where a black man who was clearly “gang stalked” by that states workers comp investigators, and who had a noose hung in his locker shot up his toxic workplace, and stalkers within it, targeting those who had likely targeted him, including–unsurprisingly–a Ukrainian Jew, and also a military vet with a degree in –of all things–political science.

In fact, Mr. Ferrill mentioned to a neighbor how voracious state investigators were indeed stalking him and surveilling him at his home before he went ballistic. Read through his case for evidence. He had weird “Masonic” harassment in his workplace, which was described as “office pranks” by the perpetrator when interviewed in media.

So, its very important to “Say Their Names*,” in these cases, and view other evidence in order to understand why these events keep happening, and no one can seem to explain it. Its a no brainer for me–if organized groups of “community” members stalk, harass, and threaten people long enough, and THEN make their workplace toxic, wage a slander campaign, and mobilize the resources of a community against a person– well, yeah, the outliers might target their stalkers eventually.

I mean, a fact check: Molson-Coors has had a long history with racial tension, racially charges union disputes ( the majority of workplace shootings involve union harassment)and its brand is affiliated with many far right causes. Coors is in fact the beer of many far right wing extremists too.

Related Story: Is Molson-Coors a “Nazi owned company?”

And then, there was the case of DeWayne Antonio Craddock, who was watched closely by lesbian-like women who seemed to know everything about his personal life–including that he had camera’s watching his car; and they even “moved in next door” and gave interviews to the media after the shooting too. Yeah–gang stalking is really that bizarre.

Here is more about Mr. Craddocks case, from the New York Times, and notice the blurb at the end of the article. Here is the quote, with my emphasis added:

“news releases issued by the city this year about road closings because of utility work listed the suspect’s name as the contact person for further information. He was the man who took residents’ questions, whose name was a public point of reference.

But on Saturday, after identifying him once as the man who plunged the city into grief, officials said they would never again utter his name in public.

Not saying the name of a mass shooter has little to do with “social contagion” and everything to do with white supremacist, religious, or other fanatical groups who hide their presence in slick public relations campaigns. And we see that Mr. Craddock was an integral part of the narrative of a city.

These cases are eerily prescient and point us to an as yet named “war” on information, case after case. See the case of “No Notoriety” for evidence of that. This far right fringe movement seeks to influence media, and like so many “pseudo-science” or “police science” based claims, they use phony data that claim mass shooters seek notoriety, when in fact–and as we see in the Craddock case, and many others, he lived alone, and lived quietly as his life was infiltrated by these secret stalkers.

From Heavy, we see this: Craddock was “defined by what he didn’t have: No apparent criminal history, no obvious Facebook or other social media accounts, no manifesto or publicly stated ideology.

And this:Before the shooting, co-workers thought he was quiet, polite and a “nice guy” with no warning signs, according to the Associated Press. The creepiest detail to emerge about the suspect: Photos showing he’d erected cameras in the window of his condo.

Image below of the “creepy” camera’s in Craddock’s condo, from Heavy.com What kind of sane person could possibly find home security “creepy?” Yup–people who might get caught on film doing bad shit.

I dunno….

….one persons version of creepy is another persons multi-million dollar industry, as we see with Jeff Bezo’s Amazon Ring camera’s everywhere you look these days, and even those camera’s themselves hacking into peoples homes!

There is usually a reason people put camera’s up in their neighborhoods. I knew a Pakistani engineer who did that, and his camera’s were routinely destroyed by these neighborhood mobs in the early War on Terror era, as were my own when I tried to combat neighborhood gang stalkers/corporate spies/police/other agency shitbags, who I caught on film repeatedly..

Craddock wasn’t seeking anyone’s attentionhe wanted to be left alone, much like Andrew Engledinger, who instead, got camera’s pointed in his face and his mage blasted across PR newsletters before his rampage at Accent Signs in Minneapolis.

Indeed we see that this idea of people who are targeted and harassed are seeking notoriety is patently false in most of these cases, yet that their campaign works in some media outlets like the New York Times, long allied with racist causes.

And it cannot be missed that religious organizations ALWAYS manage to get “product placement” in these narratives after the fact. Here, below, we see white Lutherans put out in the press as “saviours” after the shooting. The “thank g-d” narrative is also a staple in these cases, in nearly every single news story.

Listen, people: the arguably mythical Jesus was NOT a stalker, and would not condone your stalking activity, even if he were real. In fact, your “savior’s” story is itself a story about stalking, as whacko religious fanatics–the Jewish sect called the Pharisees–had stalked him to death. In that light, your “Devil/Shatan/Satan” makes you “believers” look like bigger “demons,” or just frauds.

From the Milwaukee Molson-Coors case:

A group of Lutheran Church Charities comfort dogs visited the nearby Story Elementary School, where students went on lockdown during the shooting, and will remain in Milwaukee until next week, the charities said.

Comfort DOGS. Awwww, how cute. Has anyone except me noticed how these stalkers signal to each other at gang stalking blogs full of “#fakeTI’s?” Yup–many of them are heavily involved with animal rescue, and “comfort dogs.” That’s a separate essay entirely.

Apparently, the Germanic-Lutheran sects want to give murder victims families “dogs” for comfort. Imagine the irony, for “othered” peoples who find dogs repulsive (they walk in shit, eat shit, and lick these people, for example. How a=cute!)

THAT’s what is the topic here: how Germanic/Teutonic/Anglican/Lutheran/Baptist and Catholic/Orthodox societies form a narrative: in case none of them know, dogs are repulsive to most Islamic people, some Jews, and others–and one of the supreme insults to anyone from these cultures is to call them dogs, or to say that they sleep with dogs, as many western people actually DO.

Political PACs, NGO’s, church groups, and freemasonry styled organizations are all involved in stalking scenarios, like how the Knights of Columbus was spotted in the Sandy Hook/Newtown CT case: watch as one Manfredonia after another Manfredonia is arrested for some bizarre crime or another. Keep in mind that it was Chris Manfredonia who was arrested at Sandy Hook as Adam Lanza went inside and targeted his school psychologist, and that the grand-sire of this literal gang stalking clan, William Manfredonia, was the principal of Newtown’s High school too(read through that link for evidence of “who are the gang stalkers”). No theory there, but an actual conspiracy of some kind or other indeed.

Without any doubt,these religious groups, identifiable gang stalking families and their associates in government and policing, and the affilliated NGO’s and “community assets”–all of them are major gang stalkers in the mold of the “Whistling and Whittling Brigades of Nauvoo“, because they derive federal and private donations and other funds for gang stalking. This is what “community policing” is, and we can see it reflected in the tribal sectarianism of these events, with the debate about Democrat or Republican shooters online.

Related: Watch the tribal-sectarian narrative unfold in the recent shooting in Massachusetts, where a “normal guy” Nathan Allen,with zero mental health issues and zero criminal record suddenly flips a 180, and decides to steal a plumbing truck, and go on a shooting/crashing rampage, killing two people who fit the profile of gang stalkers: one retired state trooper, David Green, and one retired military IT person, Ramona Cooper. Anyone wanna guess why those two people–who fit the profile of gang stalkers were the ones targeted? And–hacking, anyone? I won’t hold my breath for an answer to my question: what were those two people doing at that spot, at that time–why were they there? Coincidence indeed.

Gang stalking, aka “community policing,” “targeted individual programs,” “colliding parallel investigations,” “intelligence led predictive policing,” that is now being litigated in court–call these programs whatever you like, but it’s an indisputable, and well documented fact that these hidden, obscured, and definitely occulted law “enfarcement” practices precede mass homicides and workplace shootings. Ask me for even more documentation, if you are a serious researcher that religion centered groups and their NGO’s derive federal funding for gang stalking programs.

Another case in point is the narrative of the newsroom influencer Anna Conkey, who was nearly herself framed as a mass shooter, after some weird online interactions between herself and her church:


And, we see the numbers 12 or 13 appearing too, in nearly every mass shooting, including Gabriel Wortman at Portapique, Nova Scotia, as in the cases described above.IN Wortman’s case, they ran that number very early in the press. Use your search engine to find the original articles that claimed he shot 13 people, such as this one at Scallywag and Vagabond, which was later changed to 18, and kept moving upwards.

If you want another eye opener, search Bing for the search result “Gail Watts 777.” She was one of the neighbors who said “Everton Brown was aggressive towards women.” Did you do the search? Intereting job title, um-hnhuh?

And you can see my recent fan-mail from some Nazi-other-insane-sociopathic person, which demonstrates the value of that number to these types of people. Note that persons opinion is that it is “me” ROGS who is a “psycho” because I document their activities, very publicly, and for the sake of others–not a trait of a psychopath in any sense. So, Freudian projection combined with constant attempts at “narcissistic injury” and PSYOP is ALL OVER THE PLACE in their narrative, and I ask researchers to investigate that link, which I have.

These are cultic, cloistered, and insane bullies–psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals by definition. Numerology and mysticism such as the cult practice of “un-naming” a man, for them is power, and they use it to abuse their victims–who sometimes bully them in return, which are what these mass homicides are. All over online are people called “fake TIs” talking about gang stalking, utilizing “gematria,” psychobabble, and other occulted gibberish–and targeting real individuals.

So, asking the important questions in these cases is in fact the type of journalism is “in the public’s interest” already, we are an educated public, meaning that we approach media narrative with healthy skepticism and an awareness that media is a political tool of the political elite, and those who do their bidding in secret. WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN ?!

First and foremost–regardless of how he was “framed” in media narratives–Everton Brown was an activist against “community policing.”

He sued (perhaps) the wrong party to his stalking and harassment, as nearly all other claimants to this sort of harassment sue their town home association, or at least spend the time to research their stalkers. As ROGS Analysis states, case after case of claims of gang stalking nearly ALWAYS involve current and former military, police, intelligence agents, and others in their sphere of influence, such as psychologists, social workers, behavioral analysts, cold case investigators AS gang stalkers, and so on.

And, Brown had signs on his car, which were well within first amendment rights and protections–not an indicator of mental illness in ANY SENSE, but rather a mere type 1 or two error. As he blew up his own house, and shot his noisy, politically aspirational neighbors, two of whom shared a wall with his townhouse– and blasted kaoraoke EVERY SATURDAY; and he died next to his car, which had signs stating:

Black People Are the Tool Used to Maintain Racism,”


“For 3 Years the FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life———–Please no more!”

In journalism, skepticism is the most basic, foundational premise, even though modern journalists mostly forego the practice of “second sourcing”in its true form, opting instead to run “opinions” from interested parties. Why is that? It’s because other outside agencies and interests have co opted journalism itself, which is well documented. It’s not likely the FBI at all, but if you scratch that fools gold of a narrative, you WILL find state police and workers from the state system, and likely a slobbering real estate agent too, as we saw with Tom Taggart’s role in the Nova Scotia mass shooting.

Have a look at the story of Michael Hastings, too, whose car was blown up after his reporting on a powerful US Army general. Then have a look at the unrelated case of Martin Luther King being stalked by US Army intelligence agents who worked with the FBI, the Anti Defamation League, and the Ku Klux Klan too, who had also stalked his father, and HIS father before him.

This IS what gang stalking IS.

Its not a delusion in any way–it is what gang stalking IS. Talk about “strange bedfellows! The ADL and the Klan working together (!) and targeting a civil rights activist! It really doesn’t get more bizarre than that–two versions of racist haters, targeting a black family for three generations!! And not just one, but tens of thousands, including Malcolm X, and two generations of his lineage before him; one generation of his lineage after him, and one hundred percent in line with sociopathic Pharisees.

Surely, the definition of “white supremacy”takes on a new meaning when we see the Jews and the Protestants operating under an FBI framework to target a “black” man. These two groups, despite an apparent “race gap” are undoubtedly one and the same, as “horseshoe theory” predicts.When being confronted by a Jewish-christian narrative, every other narrative must necessarily utilize this theorem, becasue ATEoD, they really are the same. Jews are inseparable from christians, as they perpetuate Jewish-christian ideology across the world.A classic example of how their horseshoe works is the case of Howard Unruh, and America;s first “mass shooting”*

Comes now the case of Everton Brown, not the last case of a mass shooting by far, as just last night, yet another one in San Jose–predictably, that shooter targeted union members, who are well in the historical records acting as “organized crime.”.

*America had many mass shootings BEFORE Howard Unruh shot up his noisy neighbors, but because those mass shootings were state agents or mafia’s perpetrating genocide and homicide, we do not call them “mass shootings.” The Washita massacre, the Little Bighorn–and even the planned and calculated assault on a few sheep farmers by cowardly gunslingers at the O.K. Coral set a trend in the psychological makeup of gang stalkers in America.

Gang stalking case study: Everton Brown, WOODLAWN, Md mass shooting, neighborhood disputes: how police use the community, black ops, and racism to target activists

Everton Brown was first and foremost, an activist, regardless of how later news reports covered the story of his burning and shooting rampage. Even as he was shot by police, he was standing next to his own vehicle which had a sign on it, reading

“Black people are the tool used to maintain racism.

Everton Brown

That is an extremely profound insight, considering that it was likely a black cop who shot him to death, that cop completely aware of Mr. Browns history with that police department, because modern policing utilizes CIA derived technology and methodology to target people in the “domestic” theater, this technological assault called “predictive policing“when approaching events.

These cases do NOT happen randomly, or without prior police interactions, sometimes spanning decades, as we saw for Mr. Browns many “calls for help” alongside his activism about police brutality coincide with many police interactions where they followed him, stopped him, detained him, over e thirty year period. The question is: why did they stop Mr. Brown over a period of 30 years–but NEVER charged him with any crime? This is what “state stalking” is–endless “investigations” and stops, designed to cause the target to consider moving away, just as we saw stated in the Pasco County cases..

So, they turned Mr. Brown into a “permanent suspect” of some kind, despite having no criminal record. His calls to police for many years ABOUT his neighbors finally resulted in his neighbors obtaining “peace orders” against HIM, despite the fact that he had been very vocal about being targeted long before his neighbors complained–a complete inversion of one man’s personal narrative.

But the press surely didn’t miss a beat with the slander campaign, as they ran footage of him excercising his first amendment right in protest against state sponsored spying and stalking, for which he eventually sued. Here’s one video.

Update: This post is wildly popular. So maybe read the latest update, or these companion pieces, here, and here, and here, or use search feature “Everton Brown.”.

IN these cases, here is what happens: the police work with “community policing” assets, including their police cadets–who are frequently implicated as gang stalkers–and when they are called by the target, they consult an “intelligence dossier,”and basically decide of they like you or not; if your records at their department are “friendly” towards police; if you have any “run-ins” with them in the past, and especially if you have asserted your rights, or challenged any of the many unconstitutional policing methods in use today in all jurisdictions, and kangaroo courts ranging from any of the hydra of family court, child support court, drug court, etc that carefully eradicate due process and civil rights issues.

Then the responding officers take sides. It doesn’t matter if you have ever been found guilty of any crime, what matters in “intelligence led predictive policing” is whether or not you are on board with police agenda’s, many of which are anti-constitutional. Any challenge to those bankster funded police agendas that defy constitutional due process is noted in those records.

Then, they push the envelope, and wage a whisper campaign about your mental health, your “history” as it exists in endemically flawed and biased police databases, etc. They turn neighbors against neighbors.Then, they sit back ad munch popcorn as the fireworks begin.

“Oh this guy is bad news! He was accused of being a criminal/ prostitute/tax dodger/drug dealer/wife beater/pedophile,” etc.They spread that around the community until they have completely toxified an individuals life. And, they do indeed use their police cadets, and recruits to do things like break into peoples homes too.

Further, we see how the African American police officers are merely what was called “uncle Tom’s” in earlier rhetoric of black power, and in fact their methods merely mirror those used by white supremacist policing of earlier era’s. Even the case of George Floyd revealed this flaw in policing ideology–his murderers were two “white” guys, and two “ethnic” profiles, one Hmong, one sort of racially ambiguous black/brown man. All of whom acted as a gang and killed a guy, and their “ethnic” makeup cannot be missed as the entire thing was caught on film.

Indeed, we see this in case after case of mass shootings and other bizarre policing activity like the Houston No-Knock raid that saw two white people murdered in their home by a now indicted “gang” of police led by a black man, Gerald Goines, operating closely with Hispanics. Eventually six more “ethnic” cops were indicted in that case alone Racism as THE hot potato being tossed around between police and institutional forces, and the targeting of their victims.

SO, the Everton Brown case then, becomes a war on narrative–another “black operation” for who gets to tell the truth, and decide the facts, and explain the circumstances, and so far, we see in nearly 75% of these cases, the ADL running the media narratives. It is not a coincidence that a guy from Nepal–who coincidentally had mad computer skills, and who was a member of the “United Negro College Fund” was killed, because “fundies” are all over the place in mass shootings and other mayhem, because NGO’s are weaponized.Use my search feature and search “NGOs and gang stalking.”

This conflict of interest–a race supremacist group like the ADL running media narratives about mass shootings–is directly equivalent to how the FBI worked with the Ku Klux Klan to run narratives of lynchings–and how the women’s auxilliary of the KKK waged whisper campaigns. The faces and the races have changed, but the old masonic KKK order utilized in policing is still in place.

As a “buzzword,” the word racism has long legs, as we see Peruvians activating along those lines too, and the story was even featured in the Kabul Times. So what we see in fact, is an international effort to frame America’s race problem as a world problem–which it is–but also that it denies black males agency as agents of change. How many black men have died here so that other brown, yellow, and “othered” men can immigrate? That is the real issue behind this narrative.

Related Story: The “mysterious deaths” of Ferguson Activists, all of whom were heterosexual, black males get a “makeover” after “woke females” attached to media interact with the narrative.

And, much like the Portapique killings where Gabriel Wortman murdered a few folks after his common law wife was in contact with US agents and spies, and a hornets nest of “domestic violence advocates” while Wortman was suspiciously and likely working with the RCMP; or the first mass shooting in modern history, by a half Jewish man, Howard Unruh, who was also involved in a dispute with his noisy Jewish neighbors*, we see the police and their well known, toxic spies at all times central to these narratives, in covert roles.

We see this come to light in the famous 1998 lawsuit that proved Martin Luther King was the target of multiple agencies–oddly including Army intelligence which had spied domestically on his family for three generations(WTF!!!), and exactly as we saw with the Malcolm X story; and using race to exploit vulnerabilities in the communities that they “serve,”as they perpetuate a “good black people v bad black people” narrative. And certainly Sagar Ghimire, a victim of the shooting, affiliated with the United Negro College Fund too–was a “good negroe,” to be sure, as Brown played the role of the “bad negroe” to the music of that toxic organizations tune.

Keep in mind that since the so-called War on Terror is at its heart a western jihad or holy war, the goal of which is to “cleanse” the world–and the guiding narrative of the world–so that it is a Jewish-christian-zionist safe haven, and other narratives that contradict that version of reality are being trampled at furious rates, as we see in the murders/deaths/strange suicide of primarily heterosexual male activists, and especially black men.

Related Story: Who is the international “archaeological mafia” and why do they work so hard to suppress evidence that contradicts Torah teaching and biblical narratives? Read about the explosive facts of an “underground city” that made the news and then disappeared when the evidence found contradicted all of modern western religious teachings: the hidden chambers of the Annunaki underneath the Sphinx of Giza, meeting a “gatekeeper” named Zahi Hawass.

So, Brown’s case is a case of that–narrative control, and he definitely implicated the “FBI, the US military, and the community” in his gang stalking lawsuit, and only then after many years of exasperating isolation in his calls for help. That virtually describes “community policing” to the letter.

But who can possibly name all of the stalkers by name in a lawsuit where actual spies are actually spying on citizens? In the US, besides the 17 agencies that are tasked with illegal spying, there are thousands of “private contractors,” who target individuals, and few laws reign these groups in, or enforce prosecuting these spies either. Then, there is the most likely suspects: the townhome association that wanted him gone. Real estate and gang stalking are linked repeatedly all across the country.

Have a read through the post below to understand the “hidden forces”that were organized against one individual black man, who for all intents and purposes was indeed paranoid, and with good reason, as mobs of actual spies and harassers from many named organizations marauded through his life as he tried to simply campaign for his civil rights and the rights of others. Then, compare it to the case at hand.

In the earlier incarnation of the FBI’s COINTELPRO, we saw similar things, but today’s incarnation of that program uses tracking by cell phones, and internet too, a confusingly powerful weapon against individuals who do not conform to the “profiles” that are being imposed upon our Jewish-christian society by international powers.This, augmented with PSYOP run from Fusion Centers (all of which go by different names) makes suing gangs of institutionally sanctioned stalkers nearly impossible–by design.

Yes, sometimes, even “the paranoids” are right, and doubly so in the case of black men who do not back down while trying to enforce their simple civil liberties. Everton Brown was indeed a case of that, and his victims, were victims of illegal “community policing” programs where racist change agents manipulate one race against another to form a social narrative. And while they may have participated in the types of activities that Mr. Brown complained about, they did so with the complete and tacit encouragement of law enforcement in the “community policing” scheme.

The case below outlines the sordid business of “parallel colluding investigations” of Martin Luther King, for reference:

*There is an entire sub-story of non-conforming Jewish men being targeted in CIA operations stemming from the MKULTRA era. Most famously, the half-Jewish J.D. Salinger, and his book Catcher in the Rye, popped up in many assasinations ranging from John F. Kennedy to actress Rebecca Schaefer, to Ronald Reagan, to John Lennon’s murder, a calling card of some sort, much as we see the number 13 in these cases too. Also commedian Lenny Bruce quite famously was stalked relentlessly by the FBI and its flying monkey’s in the ADL and other “community assets”until he died.

…..post in progress, check back later.

Gang stalking lawsuits: Everton Brown seeks relief from the wrong party, later goes on shooting rampage. The gang stalking program seems to drive people crazy

Everton Brown tried for many years to end his “community sponsored gang stalking,” and failing that, he went ballistic, and killed a few noisy neighbors who “liked to sing kaoraoke on Saturday’s” and worked on their house all the time.

Examining the claims that “the gang stalkers will move in next door to you,” and “wage a noise harassment campaign,” in context to a mass shooting: main stream news is now adopting the ROGS Analysis of gang stalking cases, and some are asking “Crazy or a target?“in the case of Everton Brown, whose very public campaign to end his gang stalking ended badly for a few likely gang stalkers: his very noisy neighbors from Peru. Note that I have had a bit of experience with gangs of stalkers from Peru too.

He sued for relief and lost, and lost again on appeal, for failure to show subject matter jurisdiction, or to properly “name and target” his harassers (Infragard, community policing agents, town home association members, et al.)

If you want to sue gang stalkers, you have to start at the local level, like the Pasco county FL cases, and work your way up, not the other way around. And, try not to make your claim sound so crazy that a judge dismisses it–start by using facts, and naming names, and citing evidence like wireless environment captures from free wireless signal and internet monitoring software programs like Wireshark, and inSSIDer, or “Who Is On My Wifi” that show who is on your internet connection, a frequent occurence with gang stalking situations. And, these programs provide court room worthy evidence too.

Then, other things like hidden cameras, or using dash camera footage, and other photographic evidence of your claims help legitimate law enforcement see that your case is not the type of “fake targeted individual” cases that we see so often online, perpetrated by current and former police, military, intelligence agents and their associates in the “community policing” schemes online.

Mr. Brown did the opposite of collecting solid evidence–and his claim in his filing, while getting at the heart of America’s obscure secret policing methods and legitimately asking for records under FOIA requests, his filing in fact sounds like the rambling of an uninformed individualnot a crazy or delusional person. And the government even acknowledged that some of what Brown sought to discover did indeed exist, but as in most of these bizarre cases, the evidence “could not be located,” which is another way these agencies hide the ball in these cases. Official source gas lighting. So he is clearly swatting at phantoms in his filing, and the filing mentions that exact word.

He also goes on to name the exact groups of people who do this stuff, as documented by ROGS Analysis, and ample evidence that gang stalkers are ALWAYS “the FBI and its agents, the general public, Military and ex-military,” etc. Have a look at the case of the stalking and eventual murder of Ahmaud Arbery to see a gang stalking in action by those EXACT types of people, and also the Pasco county cases, and the infamous case of eBay executives using their “intelligence black ops” wing to harass and stalk a couple of writers too.

Gang stalking is really, really bizarre, and the people who do it are indeed criminals. Here is another link to Brown’s filing:


Then, Everton Brown called 911 some 120 times over several decades, and claimed that the FBI was stalking and harassing him. The problem though, is that while the FBI is very likely to be involved at some level as we see in each and every case of manufactured terrorism and mass shooters, where the after shooting narrative ALWAYS mentions that the FBI was following these guys, , it is not the sole party invested in these bizarre stalkings by far.

Because what gang stalking is is “parallel colliding investigations,” or “intelligence led predictive policing,” in any number of gang stalking programs that pass for “community policing.” These are designed as neverending harassment of people and they are hard to litigate, because they hide behind the catch me if you can police tactic of “police investigation privileged” information, and other loopholes in constitutional law, created by judges to shield criminal police gangs and their associates that utilize “targeted individual programs” in coordination with occulted communty policing tactics, and “intelligence agency led predictive policing” which is derived dirctly from actual spy agencies and their PSYOP related methodology.

Here’s more about Brown seeking relief through “normal” channels:

Woodlawn man who police say fatally shot 3 neighbors called 911 more than 120 times, records show

In these cases, police work covertly to wage dossier driven whisper campaign about the mental health, or police history of the targeted individual, and as the Pasco County cases demonstrate, they explicitly stated that they try to make your life a living hell, until the target” sues or moves away.” Purely psychopathic policing if ever there was such a thing.

And for my money? I am willing to bet that religious proselytization, and domestic violence, or criminal slanders and smears were behind it too. Stay tuned.

Read it: The Kings of Garbage, by Mark Ames

Good Reads: Below, the classic story of how a race supremacist hate group known as the Anti Defamation League (ADL) spied on and sold out activists in the early 1990’s, setting the stage for today’s modern surveillance capitalism, and the modern western police state. In lawsuits, and other media narratives, we discovered that this organization spied on, stalked, and harassed over 12000 activists, then sold or leveraged their data to other spy agencies and police around the world. This was then a relatively small operation which pales in comparison to the surveillance state that we see today–and that this spy operation was merely the precursor of what these same bad actors had planned, and was soon to come post 911, as a total surveillance state was birthed upon previously democratic societies.

While many gang stalking targets flail to identify who their stalkers are, and cast blame at any of the many alphabet agencies (FBI/DEA/DHS/CIA/DIA/DOD/AFOSI/NCIS etc.), in a process of “Type 1 and 2 errors of reference,” some sketchy psychologists* and especially those who claim to be “authorities” in this area, use these simple “naming errors” as proof of “delusions in gang stalking.” But in fact, while counterintelligence stalking, police gang stalking, and community policing all fall under a spy agency created rubrik of “investigation,” know as intelligence led policing, its really just spying by another name.

And yes, it is agency affiliated most of the time, and because of the “hide the ball” nature of domestic spying, there are many non-governmental organizations that routinely spy on and harass targets too. Of these many other scumbag organizations that practice gang stalking, the Anti Defamation League and its hydra of related organizations (like the pure scumbag conceived and typical cowardly online smear site Canary Mission) –are noted by many Jews as a race supremacist group similar to the Ku Klux Klan but with different religion.

Mark Ames is one of many Jews who were spied on by these people, and I direct my reader to enjoy this piece of work, one of the better pieces about the ADL Spying Scandal out there that hasn’t been web-scrubbed or de-platformed yet at the request of these notorious cyber-stalkers. It was published in the now defunct Pacific Standard, now owned by Grist media.

I myself encountered their easy to recognize version** of stalking and attempts to recruit me to their form of hate many years ago, and will write more about that at a later date, but for now, I direct the readers to watch every case in the news where some seemingly random stranger perpetrates a mass shooting, and then, the ADL tries to run CYA in the media afterwards, because these cases are very likely precipitated by ADL harassment.

Is there a case in the news that claims a random shooter, or “radical Muslim,” or a butter knife wielding car crasher, or “incel” hates the Jews? Start here below to meet a hate that’s even older than that, because its very likely that those guys were stalked by these guys, long before they went crazy with a butter knife at an intersection:

The Kings of Garbage, or, The ADL Spied on Me and All I Got Was This Lousy Index Card

In 1993 the Anti-Defamation League was accused of espionage, illegal surveillance, theft, and the treasonous sale of classified information to a foreign government. I was one of their victims.Mark AmesUpdated:May 3, 2017Original:Mar 10, 2014

Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Anti-Defamation League and the B’nai B’rith. The theme of the celebration was “Imagine a World Without Hate.”

A Creative Definition of Anti-Semitism

2013 also marked the 20th anniversary of another key episode in ADL history, but it’s not the sort of milestone National Director Abe Foxman will want you to remember. In 1993 it was alleged that the League had been involved in a grotesque rap sheet of covert activities, including espionage, illegal surveillance, theft, and the treasonous sale of classified information to a foreign government. It’s a hell of a tale, and not just for its cartoonish cast of characters: a corrupt police officer, a bungling “fact finder,” and a McCarthyite from Indianapolis.

I have no choice but to remember the story. In 1993 I received a letter in the mail. It informed me that I was the victim of an illegal spy ring involving members of the ADL and a San Francisco Police Department intelligence detective called Tom Gerard. The letter came with an index card that included my full name, driver’s license, the license-plate number on my shitty old Subaru hatchback, and the Mission District addresses of my apartment and the leftie bookstore where I worked, near Guerrero and 20th Street. My file had been marked “Pinko,” one of five categories that the ADL spymaster used to flag the group’s targets….

The ADL spy ring also helped trigger the 1987 arrests of eight Los Angeles Muslims—seven Palestinian men and one Kenyan woman—who were falsely accused of supporting terrorism and ordered expelled from the United States. SWAT teams broke into the defendants’ homes, detained them without charge or trial, and subjected the group, known as the “Los Angeles Eight,” to an ordeal that only ended in 2007, when a Los Angeles judge finally dismissed all charges and denounced the case as “a festering wound on the body of respondents and an embarrassment to the rule of law.”

When the Los Angeles Eight were first arrested in 1987, the ADL proudly boasted to reporters of its role in passing intelligence on the group to the authorities. Later, when the case was widely seen as a travesty of justice, the ADL backtracked and claimed they had nothing to do with it.

*the most commonly cited sketchy psychologists who have gone on record claiming that gang stalking complainants are “delusional” are nearly all pro-police, pro-prosecution, and anti-democratic These range from forensic psychologists to cold case investigators, and others employed in the carceral systems of various nations. Here below is a short list of those who are “gang stalking denialists”:

Dr. Lorraine Sheridan notoriously went on record in the New York Times touting her internet famous online poll where she interviewed “the anonymous internet” for data about organized gang stalking, and denying that gang stalking is a social phenomenon, She attempted to discredit those who complain of OGS by stating that “they are likely delusional.” Quite ironically, the same NYT is on record documenting actual complaints of “microwave/noise/health attacks” on US diplomats. Sheridan’s work is not to be taken seriously by any researcher.

-Dr. David V. James of the North London Forensic Service is co-author to the Sheridan internet poll, and one of a long line of political psychologists whose work is used to prop up the police and surveillance state, notoriously a DVIC darling, authoring study after study about stalking. Here he is propping up the complaints of politicians.

Christine Sarteschi is an associate professor of social work and criminology who has a book to sell, she’s a pro-police voice, and gang stalking denialist. She leans right, and is in every way affiliated with actual “gang stalkers” of the type discussed in the Fort Worth Weekly piece called “Gangstalkers.” She is also affiliated with the women’s networks of “domestic violence and family court related gang stalkers,” and is on record with the Canadian Broadcast System(CBC) in a series of disinformation pieces about gang stalking.

Most despicably, she calls gang stalking a “belief system,” as if its some form of religion. Then, note her language here “Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to destroy the life of the TI , ” and compare that to this recent gang stalking lawsuit filed by the Institute for Justice against the Pasco County Sheriffs office where ACTUAL police and government officials were indeed seeking to destroy the lives of many people, using the bullshit junk science of “predictive policing” and whose victims are indeed discussed as “targeted persons”. Nice how these social workers provide cover for dirty policing, huh?

Main Stream Journalists and gang stalking denialism: separating good journalism about gang stalking from disinformation: Ned Beauman, UK New Statesman

Throughout this blog, you will note that I, the author, am affiliated with, or frequently reference journalists who have won the coveted Pulitzer Prize. To whit, Carl Bernstein, the journalist who exposed President Nixon’s “black operations” has said that historically, the CIA has been quite active at every level of major media, gatekeeping and steering our perceptions. And certainly, by inference, we can extrapolate that many other spooks and agencies are active in this regard too.

But intelligence agencies are not the only major players infiltrating and manipulating willing puppets: let’s meet the psychiatric meta-narrative in gang stalking discourse, by contrasting one reputable journalist with several frauds and liars who work in main stream establishment journalism.

I like to call bullshit when I read it, and have followed this topic for over two decades. SO when the UK’s New Statesman went on record denying gang stalking in 2013, and mocking the claim that gang stalkers will “ruin peoples lives,”I was personally being stalked by named security contractors and others. So, as an early journalism casualty of the post-9/11 surveillance abuses, and as the western Five Eyes partners were being revealed in the press due to efforts of people like me; and just before whistle blower Edward Snowden exposed the deep state and fled to Russia, a “narrative” was being crafted in the press about gang stalking.

Related reading: The Coalition for Ethical Psychology(CEP) response to the American Psychological Association (APA) after that organization was complicit in mind control and torture during the Iraq war and at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, , ongoing. Aso see Dr. Seth Farber, Ph.D’s essay “The Psychiatric Metanarrative, Targeted Individuals and the Deep State” on the discrediting of TIs using a pseudo scientific psychiatric narrative which dismisses all of them as non-compliant “psychotics, and egregiously asserts the innocence of the deep state..”

No one has ever come forward as a perpetrator. But large numbers of people have come forward as victims

Ned Beauman, The New Statesman, 23 May 2013

That criminals seldom come forward and admit to crimes like stalking and worse should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, except enablers like Beauman, and the criminals themselves. Admitting to being a gang stalker would open up new avenues of investigation and prosecution. We see this in the recent cases of gang stalking that have been revealed in the press–like the eBay gang of stalkers where eBay executives, former police, and their associates were indicted for gang stalking; or the case of Rose McGowan, who was gang stalked across continents by the Israeli spy firm Black Cube-we see why these people do not come forward and admit to what they do.

Related Story: Actress Rose McGowan is suing Black Cube and Harvey Weinstein for gang stalking her

One of the main tenets of the psychological meta-narrative that is on full display in the state sponsored “official source” narrated media around this topic, is that people who claim they are gang stalked are “delusional” and might feel that people are mocking them. So I want to be on record, mocking those who mock others in this way. To whit, Ned Beauman has written about gang stalking in exactly that mocking tone (and note Mr. Beauman’s own syntax and spelling errors in his piece), :

these bloggers are part of an online community centred on a phenomenon called gang stalking. Gang stalking, according to one website:

.” . is a covert investigation that is opened on an individual. The individual is then placed under overt and covert forms of surveillance. The person is followed around 24/7. Foot patrols and vehicle patrols are used to follow the individual around, as part of the monitoring process . . . The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goal seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide.

Gang stalking has been linked with, but doesn’t necessarily involve, remote mind control. No one has ever come forward as a perpetrator. But large numbers of people have come forward as victims.”

Beauman then goes on to repeat all of the bizarre, psychobabbling, unsubstantiated claims that most state-source bloggers and pundits frequently fill the internet with, and claims which few actual targeted individuals ever make themselves. These bizarre narratives act as cover for the actual surveillance state that has been built up around every citizen by Big Tech, working with governments around the world to actually target every individual who uses a communications device or computer online “24-7.”

Like most of the crackpots gang stalking denialists online, Beauman goes on to quote some poorly sourced gibberish as he spins his narrative, but also admits to having an “addiction” to reading gang stalking stories onlie, as if it is fan fiction. Such is the mindset of gang stalking denialists:

Reading about gang stalking online can be dispiriting, because one has the sense that someone such as Tausk really ought to be intervening. But I confess I also find it addictive. For instance, consider one blogger who believes even birds and animals are his enemies:

Birds, pigeons and crows, that can be controlled to fly (screaming) over me, to land in my garden when I walk into my kitchen and look outside, to crash into my kitchen window and car front window while driving. Birds, pigeons, that come sit, walk, on the roof of my house when I am upstairs having sex. Cats walking by like being programmed. Barking of dogs, flying away ducks etc, not by mind control but by beaming these animals with laser beams (directed energy weapons).

To working journalists and especially investigative journalists who cover any stories of merit, its no secret that the CIA/FBI/DHS et alphabet agencies control–or attempts to control–major narratives in nation wide and international media. Carl Bernstein wrote that “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress

This claim, made in the 1970’s is as true today as it was then, but with even more media outlets to infiltrate and exploit. I myself was “handled” to a former CIA agent many years ago, as I studied the craft of writing for the theater. But I realized then what a farce journalism is if in fact, we all must become de facto agency rats, deceiving the public, rather than maintaining a balance between the public’s interest, and democratic processes.So lets take a look at how Bernstein grappled with the problem stated by Beauman above–that problem of “no gang stalkers have come forwards as a perpetrator.”

Bernstein said “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress. The general outlines of what happened are indisputable; the specifics are harder to come by. CIA sources hint that a particular journalist was trafficking all over Eastern Europe for the Agency; the journalist says no, he just had lunch with the station chief. CIA sources say flatly that a well‑known ABC correspondent worked for the Agency through 1973; they refuse to identify him. A high‑level CIA official with a prodigious memory says that the New York Times provided cover for about ten CIA operatives between 1950 and 1966; he does not know who they were, or who in the newspaper’s management made the arrangements.”

So, Bernstein encountered exactly what any journo will encounter with these cases, that certain lack of credible sources, because in gang stalking, in contrast to international spying, these gangs of stalkers are indeed committing criminal acts, and unlike the CIA, they do not always have plausible deniability. And that is their weakness. Start there, and use these free investigative tools to trace the webs of gang stalkers in your own life, or in a story you are writing.

But do not accept as “credible” articles and the writers who write them, because, sometimes, police who stalk others as if they are “gang members” do in fact come forwards, as we see here below, and the indict the exact same agencies and actual conspiracies that every actual targeted individual indicts too:

Malcolm X’s family releases letter alleging FBI, police role in his death

The letter, written by a deceased police officer, stated that the New York Police Department and FBI were behind the 1965 killing of the famed Black activist.

The letter released at a news conference on Saturday was attributed to a former undercover NYPD officer named Raymond Wood. His cousin Reggie Wood joined some of Malcolm X’s daughters at the news conference at the site where the Audubon Ballroom once stood to make the letter public.

Raymond Wood’s letter stated that he had been pressured by his NYPD supervisors to lure two members of Malcolm X’s security detail into committing crimes that resulted in their arrest just days before the fatal shooting. Those arrests kept the two men from managing door security at the ballroom and was part of conspiracy between the NYPD and FBI to have Malcolm X killed

Mental health, gang stalking, 5150, and the threat narrative of the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC)

Double jeopardy is specifically discussed and defined in the United States Constitution, and it is anti-constitutional to deploy it as a weapon of state control of individuals. Yet every day, year in and year out, states across America have legions of individuals under state control,”24/7″ via the practice of double jeopardy.

From Project Censored, we get a glimpse of this unconstitutional practice:

Civil Commitment: The New Double Jeopardy

January 26, 2021

Civil Commitment: The New Double Jeopardy

After completion of a prison sentence, individuals considered a danger to society can continue to be held indefinitely under what is called “civil commitment.” Civil commitment, which has been instituted in at least 20 states, is a legal process by which criminals convicted of sexual assaults, and shown to have a  mental illness, are legally declared a danger to society and confined indefinitely in treatment facilities following their release from prison.

After  prison, individuals who are considered a threat to society are presented before a judge who makes the final decision of whether there is enough probable evidence for a civil commitment trial. Additionally, individuals sometimes receive treatment while awaiting trial and the information disclosed in confidentiality during these sessions has been used against them in the trial.

Though the U.S. Constitution specifically outlaws double jeopardy, it is practiced in every state of the union, and that started in the VAWA era of 1993, with the sex offender laws and so-called domestic violence laws of the post-Porn Wars, where we saw so-called feminists united with ultra-conservatives to eradicate pornography, and even sex itself, outside of marriage.

Further and more despicably, we saw the re-enshrinement of highly gendered discourse that “protects women and children” from “male violence,” and excused women from culpability for crimes of the domestic arena. Despite the courts having ruled against double jeopardy for juvenile offenders many on the sex offenders lists are juveniles whose alleged crimes took place before the legal age of maturity, and the double jeopardy of lifetime listing creates the false appearance of harmful individuals and denies any second chances.

The net goal of these fake Porn Wars era feminists, and their religion afflicted neocon supporters was that they further enshrined the sexism, and gender bias of pre-porn wars era’s, and in their quest for power, they allied themselves with the exact institutional and structural elements built by religious conservatives and police powers that have historically maintained gender separation, and gender inequality for all of time.

Here is what the constitution says about double jeopardy:

“The constitutional prohibition against ‘double jeopardy’ was designed to protect an individual from being subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction more than once for an alleged offense. . . . The underlying idea, one that is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo-American system of jurisprudence, is that the State with all its resources and power should not be allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an individual for an alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to embarrassment, expense and ordeal and compelling him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing the possibility that even though innocent he may be found guilty.”39 A second “vitally important interest[ ]” embodied in the Double Jeopardy Clause “is the preservation of ‘the finality of judgments.’ ”

Beyond the unconstitutionality of this practice, what is revealed is the nature of how “third party punishment” is utilized to target individuals who have the misfortune of being caught up in this systemic abuse. And unsurprisingly, it is psychologists, social workers, parole officers and other state agents that act as de facto “Punishers” enacting post-VAWA and post-Clinton COPS era punishments that are termed as “community oriented policing,” but in fact act as a due process and civil liberty crushing mechanism in the hands of those who practice it.

All of that is documented in cases of “targeted individuals,” of “organized gang stalking,”that range from all of the well known complaints of being stalked by Citizens On Patrol, and other block club type of members as we saw in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, murdered in cold blood by one such gang; and daily harassment like garbage thrown in their yards, to the more heinous practices outlined in this article by Teri Webster, where we see the account of a so-called sex offender getting boxed in by semi-trailer trucks on the freeway, or as the local fire department records his house with a camera, “24/7.”

Related Story: Ahmaud Arbery was out jogging one day when a gang of stalkers murdered him in cold blood. That gang, like ALL gangs of stalkers, included a retired police detective, who was on the phone with police dispatch, and that detectives son. It also included a neighbor who tried to hit Arbery with a car, and a local prosecutor who had targeted Arbery for several years. That “bizarre” stalking included one attempt several years earlier to use an actual electronic weapon–a Taser–to assault Arbery without cause, which was captured on a horrifying video. His mother will be holding a vigil on February 23rd to mark the anniversary of his murder.

This practice of double jeopardy has expanded into other areas of law, particularly in cases that are settled with plea deals, and other administrative processes that cleverly avoid jury trials. And it has ballooned since 9-11 from merely targeting sex offenders to the wider social practice of what we see in the case of the eBay stalkers targeting writers and critics outside of the law. The practice is so widespread, that we see online search engines exploding with requests for data on “gang stalking” and its practitioners too, with hundreds of thousands of searches added each year.

Then, there is the complaint of complete gas lighting of this topic in main stream media too, though journalists are starting to see the light in pieces such as this, this, or this.

Again, from Project Censored:

Sarah Lazare of In These Times reports that after talking to numerous individuals with first-hand knowledge, including those held in civil commitment, this process does the opposite of what it has set forth to do. People confined under civil commitment statutes report enduring verbal abuse, inadequate care for their mental health, and an extension of the prison environments they came from with little rehabilitation. Moreover, the tests and evaluation tools used to assess whether an individual’s progress through their mental health treatment—such as polygraph “lie detectors” – are not “universally accepted as sound science.”

Those incarcerated as a result of civil commitment find themselves doing more time for the same crime. Lazare found that at one civil commitment treatment facility in Illinois, Rushville, 288 people – or half of the people being held in the institution—had been held for more than 10 years, including 76 people in custody at Rushville since it opened in 2006.

Here below is more about the Clinton COPS program, which was enacted in 1994 alongside the ultra pandering, incredibly paternalistic, sexist and religion tainted Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA:
