“An Open Letter to Dr. Mike Wood:  gang stalking denialist, or…?

During the run-up to the election cycle in 2016, where President Donald Trump was elected, the media and its pundits were very active attempting to mask the practice of “political gang stalking, and trying to call it a delusion. Most famously, favorite CIA news outlets like the New York Times, and others ran garbage stories like this….

UPDATE: I have tried repeatedly to contact Mr. Wood, to no avail. No reply. He simply will not talk about his irresponsible blog posts at www.conspiracytheorypsychology.com, where he and others seek to sell books by exploiting the stories of victims of gang stalking. I will soon add him to my “Source-watching in the gang stalking dialectic” list as yet another gang stalking denialist. These people are contributing to mass shootings across the west, and they are dangerous.

Buthis blog has many victims and whistle blowers presenting their cases, many of which are affirmed by the replies. People stalked by church groups; people stalked by state unemployment bureaus, military whistle blowers, “community policing” victims and others still are commenting there, and describing the bizarre behaviors and other antics of their stalkers, despite Mike Woods abandonment of that thread–it makes one wonder, what is the responsibility of the PhDs when it comes to gang stalking cases that make headlines?. Dr. Mike Wood, from this day forward, is truly a shitbag, and a shill, having abandoned his own forum, and ethical responsibility on this topic.

Then, later, the author of that piece, Mike McPhate, went on record much later discussing “gangs of police” who are indeed stalkers–and he placed that at number 13 in his newsletter–by “coincidence,” no doubt! The meaning of the numbers 12 and 13 in the gang stalking dialectic online..

Related Story: many doctors, paramedics, and others in the “health industries” and “health journalism” are actual gang stalkers and gas lighters. Here is just one of many examples, as Tiffany Fontenot targets a low level sex offender. But, once we weed their kind of hard-right garbage out, we find good solid medicine that actually uses “brain implants” to help people. The linked story is about how scientists created a “brain chip” to help a paralyzed man write, a major breakthrough in technology that will benefit many. We must separate these types of stories from other stories about actual “medical mafia’s” in order to analyze gang stalking narratives, and separate the junk science from the facts and evidence.

Hi, I want to start by apologizing for being kind of an asshole during your tenure at Conspiracytheorypsychology,biz. I was posting as Joe, and Joseph Blowseph, etc., and I realize that perhaps you think I was being a jerk.

It was intentional, TBH, but not directed at you per se, but rather the rhetoric and its divisive nature, and especially that you denied the experience of many targets of agency brutality.

For that I apologize, if I offended you in my zeal to provide validation for actual targeted individuals, as opposed to the “fake TI’s” online who are nearly 100% current and former police, military, and intelligence agents and their flying monkeys . They are the shitbags who ramble on about “electronic weapons, aliens, flat earth, lizard people and microchips.”

That said, are you following the cases of Ahmaud Arbery, the Pasco County FL gang stalking lawsuits, where the sheriff and his “gang” “targeted” children, or the eBay case being prosecuted by the US federal government?

Classic gang stalking.

And, now, the Tampa Bay Times has won Harvard University’s Nieman Center Taylor Award for “fairness in journalism,” because of that reportage in a series of articles called “Targeted.”

And the Fort Worth Weekly journalist Teri Webster has now covered gang stalking too in articles titled “Gangstalking,” and “Targeting Targeted Individuals,” by Teri Webster. In each story, she carefully brings to light the fact that gang stalkers are in fact current anf former military, police, county coroners, and others in their flying monkey orbit.

In other words–journalists are starting to win awards for writing about gang stalking. Does that surprise you? I have pushed this narrative for over four years among journalists, and now I am seeing results.

Are you ready to join the good guys on this topic yet? My Id initially believed that you could help turn this dialectic mire around, but my ego says I might have offended your ego; so my superego urges me to this apology, in order so that I can (hopefully) get you to take a second look at this topic.

Regardless, I will continue to write about this topic, influence journalists, and discuss you as either a gang stalking denialist, or a gang stalking realist. Your choice. I really want you to choose the facts, supported by the evidence I mentioned above.

This email will be published as ” An Open Letter to Dr. Mike Wood:  gang stalking denialist, or…?”

Best regards–

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