2 Source Watching in the gang stalking dialectic: Mike McPhate, journalist, bio, contact, New York Times, California Sun

Many years after the New York Times ran a “hit piece” called “United States of Paranoia” and claimed that all targeted individuals are nutters, the following happened:

Mike McPhate, discredited journalist, and propagandist. Image from San Francisco State University Department of Journalism website

SO, we see the Department of Justice taking these cases seriously on every claim–targeted individuals are indeed a real thing, and the lawsuits are just starting.

What can you say about a guy who is on record denying the claims of people whose cases are taken seriously by the Department of Justice and Congress?

In the least, the guy is a hack–an irresponsible journalist, who does poor research, and at worst, Mike McPhate is an outright liar. His journalism cannot be trusted, and he is a liability to anyone who would hire him.

That said, there have been many mass shootings since McPhate wrote his piece, and while these shooters are the extreme outliers, irresponsible journalism like McPhate’s enables those who gang stalk individuals.He has enabled the practice, that other journalists have sought to bring to the public’s attention.

And, he is only one part of the problem, not the entirety of it as we see this other turd in the UK writing similar stuff around the same time. Indeed gang stalking is political.

McPhate acted on behalf of powerful interests, and he is certainly an arm of those who wage disinformation, and the NYT itself. While targeting retribution at these people like McPhate might seem like justice, the solution to these types is is to simply source them, and name them, and debunk them.

Mike McPhate, and others have directly contributed to the targeting of individuals long before the Tampa Bay Times won the Pulitzer for reporting on targeted individual programs. By writing poorly sourced, irresponsible smears about targeted individuals, and their brash disrespect of actual targeted individuals is noteworthy and cavalier–they are targeting the claims of homeless people who are being displaced by property developers; they target anti-apartheid activists and other dissidents who are under government surveillance; they target the working class poor, the black, and the “othered,” because the vast majority of targeted individuals fall into these categories. Those who target such people are beneath respect in any and every way.

And McPhate and his enablers conduct is noted.

Read More: Journalists must carefully vet their sources , and in gang stalking journalism, there is a tone deafness due to political pressure. Source watching is entirely critical in these cases. Here are a few more names to avoid, ranging from Dr’s Lorraine Sheridan, to David V. James, Christine Sarteschi, Mike Wood, Richard Lighthouse, Targeted Justice, Joe Pierre, M.D., and many others who were able to slip false narratives into MSM outlets, or otherwise masquerade as experts on this topic..

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