2 Source Watching in the gang stalking dialectic: Mike McPhate, journalist, bio, contact, New York Times, California Sun

Many years after the New York Times ran a “hit piece” called “United States of Paranoia” and claimed that all targeted individuals are nutters, the following happened:

Mike McPhate, discredited journalist, and propagandist. Image from San Francisco State University Department of Journalism website

SO, we see the Department of Justice taking these cases seriously on every claim–targeted individuals are indeed a real thing, and the lawsuits are just starting.

What can you say about a guy who is on record denying the claims of people whose cases are taken seriously by the Department of Justice and Congress?

In the least, the guy is a hack–an irresponsible journalist, who does poor research, and at worst, Mike McPhate is an outright liar. His journalism cannot be trusted, and he is a liability to anyone who would hire him.

That said, there have been many mass shootings since McPhate wrote his piece, and while these shooters are the extreme outliers, irresponsible journalism like McPhate’s enables those who gang stalk individuals.He has enabled the practice, that other journalists have sought to bring to the public’s attention.

And, he is only one part of the problem, not the entirety of it as we see this other turd in the UK writing similar stuff around the same time. Indeed gang stalking is political.

McPhate acted on behalf of powerful interests, and he is certainly an arm of those who wage disinformation, and the NYT itself. While targeting retribution at these people like McPhate might seem like justice, the solution to these types is is to simply source them, and name them, and debunk them.

Mike McPhate, and others have directly contributed to the targeting of individuals long before the Tampa Bay Times won the Pulitzer for reporting on targeted individual programs. By writing poorly sourced, irresponsible smears about targeted individuals, and their brash disrespect of actual targeted individuals is noteworthy and cavalier–they are targeting the claims of homeless people who are being displaced by property developers; they target anti-apartheid activists and other dissidents who are under government surveillance; they target the working class poor, the black, and the “othered,” because the vast majority of targeted individuals fall into these categories. Those who target such people are beneath respect in any and every way.

And McPhate and his enablers conduct is noted.

Read More: Journalists must carefully vet their sources , and in gang stalking journalism, there is a tone deafness due to political pressure. Source watching is entirely critical in these cases. Here are a few more names to avoid, ranging from Dr’s Lorraine Sheridan, to David V. James, Christine Sarteschi, Mike Wood, Richard Lighthouse, Targeted Justice, Joe Pierre, M.D., and many others who were able to slip false narratives into MSM outlets, or otherwise masquerade as experts on this topic..

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother files one million dollar criminal conspiracy lawsuit: Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits”

Just after the US federal government filed hate crime charges against the “gang” of men who “stalked”, and murdered Ahmaud Arbery, his mother Wanda Cooper-Jones filed a one million dollar lawsuit alleging conspiracy and coverup. These gang stalking lawsuits are NOT about the money, they are about bringing this practice of “gangs of police” and other cockroaches into the light.

Regardless of anything–anything–at their heart, gang stalking cases are policing gone wrong, and all of it involves over-reach and illegal activity on the part of the police. In the Arbery case several prosecutors refused to prosecute it as a homicide, because it was in fact a case of illegal police gang stalking, and an actual coverup occured. other words, gang stalking IS actual conspiracy at each and every level, and this lawsuit seeks to prove that.

In every way, we see the full power of the state directed at the powerless, which is pretty bad, but accenting that are secret gangs of police and their associates who act as vigilante’s. In Ahmaud Arbery’s case, reports state that these police and prosecutors targeted and stalked him for many years before they finally murdered him. AT one point, two years before they killed him, they also tried to Taser him without any provocation whatsoever.

And–that was an actual conspiracy, not a “conspiracy theory” at all. To have irresponsible psychologists popping up in the media and calling gang stalking “delusional” helps exactly no one, and as we see with Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi running cover for illegal policing tactics only perpetuates these ACTUAL conspiracies, and psychologists are indeed “in on it” as they participate in this practice. Have a look at Dr. Mike Woods blog Conspiracytheorypsychology.com to see him gaslight and deny that cases like this exist, and gets his ass solidly handed to him too, by actual victims.

Forbes–the worlds premier money magazine– asked attorney Lee Merritt, who is representing Arbery’s mother Jackie Cooper, what does money have to do with the case? And the answer is quite surprising.

So, to answer the question “who finances the gang stalkers,” lets look closer at this case, and the money problem of policing.

The Money Story Behind Police Power: Civil Rights Attorney Lee Merritt Explains

Morgan Simon

In a country equally driven by its politics and its economy, there’s always a money story behind the story. So what does money have to do with effective policing and police accountability?

1 Source Watching 1 in the gang stalking dialectic Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, Christine Sarteschi and a few others–these psychologists are pro-surveillance state, and anti-democracy

The most commonly cited sketchy psychologists who have gone on record claiming that gang stalking complainants are “delusional” are nearly all pro-police, pro-prosecution, and anti-democratic These range from forensic psychologists to cold case investigators, and others employed in the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) and other for-profit carceral systems of various nations.

Here below is a short list of those who are “gang stalking denialists” that claim victims of gang stalking are likely “delusional.” By no means is this an exhaustive list, and many psychologists who seek to sell books and get press quotes can be found on this topic.

But first, the names of a few actual victims of “gangs of police stalkers” from the main stream media–decide for yourself!

Rick and Cindy Krlich bought a house next to the fire chief, in a little town in Ohio. Shortly thereafter, police, fire fighters, and their relatives and associates began to wage a ten year long “horn honking” campaign against the Krlich’s. They eventually obtained restraining orders against many of their stalkers, who were in fact, a “gang of police and their associates.” Read “Small Town Terrorism,” and meet an actual gang of gang stalkers.

The Feds are throwing the book at eBay executives for gang stalking. Inside eBay’s cockroach Cult is a story of malicious harassment of a couple writers by an actual gang of people from the corporate offices of eBay. Bizarre complaints. Ironically, the same New York Times (second linked article) is on record denying that gang stalking happens. That gang consisted of about 60% women, and included many retired cops, and “people with power,”, as predicted by ROGS Analysis.

Also, reported around the world is the notorious stalking and cold blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery by a gang of police, retired police, investigators, and their associate. The NYT is also on record covering that case, while denying that these “gangs” of “police” are who “gang stalkers” are. That case even saw Arbery stalked for many years in a policing scheme similar to the Pasco County Florida case of “intelligence led policing,” a gang stalking lawsuit which is now working its way through the courts. Arbery’s case also saw the unwarranted use of an “electronic weapon” aimed at him in the form of a Taser, and the state of Georgia overhauled its “citizens arrest” statutes because of that case.

And, his mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones used simple SOCMINT to tie that gang of stalkers together, using the ROGS method. ROGS Analysis states that “nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking involves current and retired police, military, military intelligence agents, and their associates in state systems, and the community.”

And, that’s EXACTLY who Ms. Cooper-Jones found, and connected together so that the case could be prosecuted. Arbery’s stalkers were a disgraced former police investigator, his son, a neighbor, and a few prosecutors who recused themselves from the case because they had stalked Arbery for many years.

Then, there is the recent gang stalking lawsuit filed against Pasco County FL Sheriff for “targeting children.” The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) writes about that in that exact language, saying “Pasco County’s Sheriff Must End Its Targeted Child Harassment Program.”

Source Watch The Following Psychologists, false narratives, and bad sources who claim that complaints of gang stalking are “delusional.”

There are indeed many more of these cases coming to light as the practice of “police gang stalking” aka “threat assessment informed, intelligence led, predictive policing,” slowly is revealed in the press. In the meantime, here below are a few of those who are quoted in media as “experts” about gang stalking, and all of them claim it is a ‘delusion.”

Here is the general smear that repeats itself in the press:

Mental health experts are troubled that a “delusional” belief system — which leads believers to fear they are constantly being watched or harassed and has even been linked to mass shootings — is now advertised on Vancouver’s public transit system.

The ads are about beliefs called “organized stalking” or “gang stalking”. It holds that conspirators, perhaps dozens of them, are stalking and harassing “targeted individuals” by damaging their personal property in subtle ways or spreading rumours about them.

Some targeted individuals also believe they are victims of “electronic assaults”: torture via weapons from sci-fi movies like microwave rays and body-implanted microchips often with mind-control powers.

However, researchers agree these beliefs are usually caused by some sort of mental disorder.

And here below are a few of the most prominent disinformation agents who are quoted as “experts” based on one single study where Dr. Lorraine Sheridan literally interviewed “the internet,” and used that commentary as her source. Laughably bad, junk science.

  • Dr. Lorraine Sheridan notoriously went on record in the New York Times touting her internet famous online poll where she interviewed “the anonymous internet” for data about organized gang stalking, and denying that gang stalking is a social phenomenon, She attempted to discredit those who complain of OGS by stating that “they are likely delusional.” Quite ironically, the same NYT is on record documenting actual complaints of “microwave/noise/health attacks” on US diplomats who most experts agree were targeted with some type of electronic weapon. Sheridan’s work is not to be taken seriously by any researcher, nor is the NYT a source to cite on this issue.
  • Dr. David V. James of the North London Forensic Service is co-author to the Sheridan internet poll, and one of a long line of political psychologists whose work is used to prop up the police and surveillance state, notoriously a DVIC darling, authoring study after study about stalking. Here he is propping up the complaints of politicians. It seems that just about every six seconds, the highly published Dr. James can crank out a new paper about how politicians, cops and state-friendly psychologists are all “victims of potential stalkers,” as justification for increasing spending on even MORE police. Go figure.
  • Christine Sarteschi is an associate professor of social work and criminology who has a book to sell, she’s a pro-police voice, and gang stalking denialist. She leans right, and is in every way affiliated with actual “gang stalkers” of the type discussed in the Fort Worth Weekly piece called “Gangstalkers.” She is also affiliated with the women’s networks of “domestic violence and family court related gang stalkers,” and is on record with the Canadian Broadcast System(CBC) in a series of disinformation pieces about gang stalking.

Most despicably, she calls gang stalking a “belief system,” as if its some form of religion. Then, note her language here “Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to destroy the life of the TI , ” and compare that to this recent gang stalking lawsuit filed by the Institute for Justice against the Pasco County Sheriffs office where ACTUAL police and government officials were indeed seeking to destroy the lives of many people, using the bullshit junk science of invasive, and harassing “predictive policing” and whose victims are indeed discussed as “targeted persons” exactly as we see in the lawsuits against the Pasco County FL sheriff in the courts today. The Tampa Bay Times won a Pulitzer Prize for their series about those cases–and none of the reporters used the people in this list as sources.

Nice how these social workers provide cover for dirty, unconstitutional policing, huh?

Here below is the piece that appeared in the CBC hit piece, which acted as cover for Canada’s “predictive policing” and targeting program, whose main propaganda persons are religious right wing “save the women” anti-porn, anti-prostitution types who are the same groups that stalk abortion clinics, and have co-opted feminism in every way.

“I have not seen any evidence, good, hard evidence, to suggest that this is an actual thing that happens to people,” said Christine Sarteschi”


  • Dr. Mike Wood is part of the trend in psychologists taking government funding to “combat conspiracy theories,” a vast majority of which have turned out to be true. And note that his Twitter handle is @disinfoagent–at least he is honest about that. Remember the good old days when they told us that people who believed the government was tracking us, and compiling vast databases of our lives? Yeah–conspiracy indeed: welcome to the FVEYs alliance, and the warehousing of our entire online, electronic lives at the Utah Data Center
  • Ella Free is a “woman of mystery” and there is no actual bio or photo of her anywhere online, though there are several named Ella Free in religiously conservative regions of the Deep South. Strange, considering that her website and online presence claims tentacles all over the world.There are also connections to “womens empowerment” pseudo-feminists from Texas See for yourself.

I reserve my opinion about Ms. Free until further research, but I do find her commentary and interviews with victims of Big Data, and security industries targeting and harassing homeless people, and collecting databases of their DNA, etc. Have a look at this podcast with Bryan Kofron where Kofron discusses how Amazon Corporation trains security guards for gang stalking operations, keeping in mind that Jeff Bezos is a descendant of Stalin era experiments.

I find that interesting because I was also once a security guard, aka a “bouncer” in an industry that was targeted by the deep state, and I sued a “police affiliated” security company that targeted me as well. That is documented at www.reseachorganizedgangstalking.org .

See the photo below which I shot from a Canon camera in Hollywood, CA back in 2016-17, for further information, as I was personally documenting how security companies are assisting large property developers targeting homeless people on Venice Beach, CA. so that real estate values rise.

Is gang stalking a delusion? Do gang stalkers follow people around, and snap photos of them? Indeed, they do.