Ahmaud Arbery’s mother files one million dollar criminal conspiracy lawsuit: Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits”

Just after the US federal government filed hate crime charges against the “gang” of men who “stalked”, and murdered Ahmaud Arbery, his mother Wanda Cooper-Jones filed a one million dollar lawsuit alleging conspiracy and coverup. These gang stalking lawsuits are NOT about the money, they are about bringing this practice of “gangs of police” and other cockroaches into the light.

Regardless of anything–anything–at their heart, gang stalking cases are policing gone wrong, and all of it involves over-reach and illegal activity on the part of the police. In the Arbery case several prosecutors refused to prosecute it as a homicide, because it was in fact a case of illegal police gang stalking, and an actual coverup occured. other words, gang stalking IS actual conspiracy at each and every level, and this lawsuit seeks to prove that.

In every way, we see the full power of the state directed at the powerless, which is pretty bad, but accenting that are secret gangs of police and their associates who act as vigilante’s. In Ahmaud Arbery’s case, reports state that these police and prosecutors targeted and stalked him for many years before they finally murdered him. AT one point, two years before they killed him, they also tried to Taser him without any provocation whatsoever.

And–that was an actual conspiracy, not a “conspiracy theory” at all. To have irresponsible psychologists popping up in the media and calling gang stalking “delusional” helps exactly no one, and as we see with Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi running cover for illegal policing tactics only perpetuates these ACTUAL conspiracies, and psychologists are indeed “in on it” as they participate in this practice. Have a look at Dr. Mike Woods blog Conspiracytheorypsychology.com to see him gaslight and deny that cases like this exist, and gets his ass solidly handed to him too, by actual victims.

Forbes–the worlds premier money magazine– asked attorney Lee Merritt, who is representing Arbery’s mother Jackie Cooper, what does money have to do with the case? And the answer is quite surprising.

So, to answer the question “who finances the gang stalkers,” lets look closer at this case, and the money problem of policing.

The Money Story Behind Police Power: Civil Rights Attorney Lee Merritt Explains

Morgan Simon

In a country equally driven by its politics and its economy, there’s always a money story behind the story. So what does money have to do with effective policing and police accountability?

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