Caselaw on gangstalking the elements behind it: its an emerging field of law

Gang stalking lawsuits are starting to happen. That’s a good thing. See here, where a Florida county sheriff is being sued by a national public interest group, the Institute for Justice. Here’s more about the elements of stalking, in one US state, and here is advice from the Crown Prosecution Service. As you can imagine, a “gang” of stalkers will be a similar set of procedures for establishing the elements of your case.

But why should personal injury attorney’s, criminal defense attorney’s, civil liberties groups, and other parties sue in these cases–what’s “in it” for you? I will tell you: these cases are the future of democracy, and yes, due to the way that we can trace these cases to HUGE parties who are liable, there is money to be made. But I hope that is not your only motivator for searching the internet for “Caselaw on gangstalking the elements behind it.”

Indeed, I can show you about two hundred more valuable search terms, use my contact feature and send an email. I have researched this for over 15 years, and have deployed ROGS Analysis in many cases, some of which are now in court rooms.

And the parties that can be sued range from local and state governments, to community organizations, townhome associations, police departments, corporations–as you see, these cases those who “do” the gang stalking are a wide range of groups, and often work together in these horrific events. But even federal prosecutors are willing to take up these cases if the injured party provides a baseline of proof, as we saw with the eBay gang of stalkers, that includes upper level executives, and many former police.

Yet most of these current cases fail, due to lack of evidence, and especially improper citation; and also that judges likely roll their eyes when they encounter the sort of gibberish online about these cases that is intentionally put there to Google bomb the results with bizarre claims of “aliens! directed energy weapons!! MKULTRA!!! FLAT EARTH!!! LIZARD PEOPLE!!!!”

That gibberish is littering the internet due to people like these, and the many other well funded organizations and individuals like Targeted Justice, or Dr. Tomo Shibata that use donor funds to perpetrate hoaxes. Their cases are designed to look foolish, and are frequently tied to one or another federal money pot, like “it’s for the children!” and “domestic vioence (highly gendered narratives)” and especially “human trafficking!!” which is just the same old anti-prostitution gang in modern context–these people do not give a single shit about Guatemalan/Ecuadoran/Peruvian/Columbian dish washers, toilet scrubbers, roofers, and ditch diggers who rode “north” in a tanker truck fuel tank, because many of them utilize those men as labor.

SO: where to look for case law, and decisions regarding gang stalking? Its best of you first know where NOT to look. DON’T search for cases where “gang stalking” is the claim, because these cases are almost ALWAYS found in “conspiracy of deprivation of civil rights” or “neighborhood disputes” or”deprivation under color of law,” or in civil settlements about dead men, like Eric Gardner, who was the first black man who famously uttered “I can’t breathe” as a police gang murdered him in cold blood as cameras rolled; and that which kicked off the riots and protests around the USA,about various forms of “torture” as used by modern policing.

These new forms of torture, and police brutality are informed by intelligence agency derived tactics, including psychological operations, and much of it is outsourced to “private contractors” like private investigators and other non-police groups (the Anti Defamation League, for example, is responsible for much of the mayhem that masquerades online as “fighting hate speech” but when litigated–if such can be proven–is in fact simple cyber stalking.)

SO, gang stalking lawsuits are that: framed differently within the known parameters of cases and court filings centered around case law of police brutality, because the dirty work is out sourced to others, who masquerade as “private interests” despite their very public, very government funded functions.

Look here, where Ahmaud Arbery’s mother sued a gang comprised of “police and prosecutors, retired police, his son, and a neighbor” for “conspiracy” to deprive her son of his rights, and eventually, his life. In all, they had stalked Arbery for several years, and at one point tried to brutalize him by shooting him with a Taser, totally unprovoked, and that, caught on film. Its tough to watch, as these cowards target an unarmed man with his hands in the air, but seasoned attorney’s will know exactly what this is. Watch the video, and see “gang stalking” in action, and that, before the courts now as a “conspiracy of deprivation” lawsuit.

And here, where a man named Everton Brown attempted–and failed–to sue the FBI for vague violations of his civil liberty. That case failed predictably, because while the FBI and its “Infragard” agents in the “community policing” schemes are indeed part of it, that is a hard sell to most judges. But: gang stalking litigation opens newdoors for discovery, and that is where the hard road to building caselaw begins.

Brown sued the wrong party in his initial pro se filing, because he should have sued his townhome association for records, and then sued the city to enforce noise ordinances, and worked up from there, but his initial claims were pretty absurd on their face, though not at all a false portrayal of what gang stalking is. Sadly, he went on a rampage, instead of collecting evidence, such as films, photo’s and other data.

Keep in mind, that sheriffs departments, local police, and others who are gang stalking citizens say that they will harass the individuals until the “sue or move away.” Justice is seldom possible in these cases because of the prohibitive cost of suing the state, and gangs of state stalkers know this, and use it to their advantage. They also target individuals who cannot show “loss” in these cases, as many individuals for example cannot claim they have lost income, because by the time they discover this mad scheme, they have been stalked out of a job, and in many cases, locked up under 5150/Baker Act/false psychological holds, as we saw in the case of police whistle blower Adrian Schoolcraft.

Read It: So, Who’s Crazy Now? The story of Adrian Schoolcraft, who settled for a gang stalking incident, and never took it to trial, leaving other victims without evidence of how gangs of police stalkers work their subterfuge.

Keith LaBella, Esq. writes, and was perhaps the first legitimate complainant to suggest that Federal RICO statutes be applied to these cases, and we now see prosecutors and other attorney’s doing exactly that too, in the Pasco County cases mentioned above, or the case of the eBay Gang of Stalkers; or the recent Department of Justice filing against Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a Democrat party operative who was stalking three teenage boys for many years.

But case law on this topic is scarce, because most gang stalking lawsuits are filed by relatives of the people murdered in these cases, or by parties like myself, who decided to settle a lawsuit, instead of proceed* because the stalking is exactly that intense, and destabilizing. I sued a security company that was working with the local vice squad and several other parties in what is called a “colliding parallel investigation,” aka “gang stalking.” Five others also sued that company and we put it out of business.

SO, gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because the victims of this sordid practice are merely using the terms of the stalkers themselves–as “gang stalking” is the term of the stalkers, which they flaunt online in bizarre ways. In the law, however, there are other names for it, and we see these cases more clearly.

One case to look at as a sort of primitive template that attempted to outline the elements of the various crimes that happen during gang stalking is the failed Jeffrey Kantor lawsuit, which, like many of these lawsuits, is stymied when it comes to using proper language and citing evidence. The claims Kantor made ring true to any targeted individual, but taken as a whole comes across any judges bench looking incomplete, and vague, in need of more proof and so on.

Another good example is how Rick and Cindy Krlich sued a gang of stalkers in Hubbard Ohio, in a case called “Small Town Terrorism” and obtained restraining orders against many, many local shitbags, one of which, Dick Wittenkugle, turned out to be a fraudster who was milking the town till, and calling in fake fires. Apparently, hero’s double dip AND steal from the town till. Don’t Be a Dick! Don’t Be a Dickwitt!

Now, a word of caution: the tribal-sectarian Southern Poverty Law Center has rolled out the the “PASCO” (People Against Surveillance of Children and Overpolicing) Coalition, and provides one narrowly tailored and reedy measure of legal remedy for gang stalking, but as almost anything that the SPLC is known for , its a bit late in the game, as they are known for race pandering, and punting on most difficult social matters, and even then, their effort panders to the lowest denominator by taking up the case “for the children” when in fact these programs mostly target adults.

Apparently the SPLC is “OK with that,” because they themselves have been implicated by some as political gang stalkers, as noted almost as early as the case where that organizations founder was alleged to have unethical relations with his step daughter or something–and then, like a cricket with a worm in its head, they went full zionist/racist/fake-justice crusader after that. In my dealings with that group, I seem to remember Morris Dee’s as a grand standing do-nothing, who had a HUGE political budget, but took NO real cases of merit.

….post in progress, check back later

Everton Brown Update: Say His Name, and the complexity of analyzing targeted black men is compounded by “othering” and typical racism in policing, augmented by “the other white people” from the Anti Defamation League.

When we as “the public” ask ourselves “why did Everton Brown go on a shooting rampage, after trying to use “normal channels of complaint”for 20 years–all of which failed him–we must also ask, then, who EXACTLY was Everton Brown?

As in all these cases, the media paints the picture of a “crazy person” on a rampage–and then they scrub these guys off of the internet, so that no one can ask important questions like: WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN, and why do some elements of media hang a white sheet over these guys heads after the event?

Related Story: The “Kamelia’s” of the Ku Klux Klan Women’s Auxilliary’ waged often fatal whisper campaigns to destroy peoples lives

We have a few other models of black men who were stalked and harassed until they went ballistic. Good examples to work from to gain insight into the “profile” of black men who were harassed in their workplace, for example, Anthony Ferrill the Molson Coors shooting, where a black man who was clearly “gang stalked” by that states workers comp investigators, and who had a noose hung in his locker shot up his toxic workplace, and stalkers within it, targeting those who had likely targeted him, including–unsurprisingly–a Ukrainian Jew, and also a military vet with a degree in –of all things–political science.

In fact, Mr. Ferrill mentioned to a neighbor how voracious state investigators were indeed stalking him and surveilling him at his home before he went ballistic. Read through his case for evidence. He had weird “Masonic” harassment in his workplace, which was described as “office pranks” by the perpetrator when interviewed in media.

So, its very important to “Say Their Names*,” in these cases, and view other evidence in order to understand why these events keep happening, and no one can seem to explain it. Its a no brainer for me–if organized groups of “community” members stalk, harass, and threaten people long enough, and THEN make their workplace toxic, wage a slander campaign, and mobilize the resources of a community against a person– well, yeah, the outliers might target their stalkers eventually.

I mean, a fact check: Molson-Coors has had a long history with racial tension, racially charges union disputes ( the majority of workplace shootings involve union harassment)and its brand is affiliated with many far right causes. Coors is in fact the beer of many far right wing extremists too.

Related Story: Is Molson-Coors a “Nazi owned company?”

And then, there was the case of DeWayne Antonio Craddock, who was watched closely by lesbian-like women who seemed to know everything about his personal life–including that he had camera’s watching his car; and they even “moved in next door” and gave interviews to the media after the shooting too. Yeah–gang stalking is really that bizarre.

Here is more about Mr. Craddocks case, from the New York Times, and notice the blurb at the end of the article. Here is the quote, with my emphasis added:

“news releases issued by the city this year about road closings because of utility work listed the suspect’s name as the contact person for further information. He was the man who took residents’ questions, whose name was a public point of reference.

But on Saturday, after identifying him once as the man who plunged the city into grief, officials said they would never again utter his name in public.

Not saying the name of a mass shooter has little to do with “social contagion” and everything to do with white supremacist, religious, or other fanatical groups who hide their presence in slick public relations campaigns. And we see that Mr. Craddock was an integral part of the narrative of a city.

These cases are eerily prescient and point us to an as yet named “war” on information, case after case. See the case of “No Notoriety” for evidence of that. This far right fringe movement seeks to influence media, and like so many “pseudo-science” or “police science” based claims, they use phony data that claim mass shooters seek notoriety, when in fact–and as we see in the Craddock case, and many others, he lived alone, and lived quietly as his life was infiltrated by these secret stalkers.

From Heavy, we see this: Craddock was “defined by what he didn’t have: No apparent criminal history, no obvious Facebook or other social media accounts, no manifesto or publicly stated ideology.

And this:Before the shooting, co-workers thought he was quiet, polite and a “nice guy” with no warning signs, according to the Associated Press. The creepiest detail to emerge about the suspect: Photos showing he’d erected cameras in the window of his condo.

Image below of the “creepy” camera’s in Craddock’s condo, from What kind of sane person could possibly find home security “creepy?” Yup–people who might get caught on film doing bad shit.

I dunno….

….one persons version of creepy is another persons multi-million dollar industry, as we see with Jeff Bezo’s Amazon Ring camera’s everywhere you look these days, and even those camera’s themselves hacking into peoples homes!

There is usually a reason people put camera’s up in their neighborhoods. I knew a Pakistani engineer who did that, and his camera’s were routinely destroyed by these neighborhood mobs in the early War on Terror era, as were my own when I tried to combat neighborhood gang stalkers/corporate spies/police/other agency shitbags, who I caught on film repeatedly..

Craddock wasn’t seeking anyone’s attentionhe wanted to be left alone, much like Andrew Engledinger, who instead, got camera’s pointed in his face and his mage blasted across PR newsletters before his rampage at Accent Signs in Minneapolis.

Indeed we see that this idea of people who are targeted and harassed are seeking notoriety is patently false in most of these cases, yet that their campaign works in some media outlets like the New York Times, long allied with racist causes.

And it cannot be missed that religious organizations ALWAYS manage to get “product placement” in these narratives after the fact. Here, below, we see white Lutherans put out in the press as “saviours” after the shooting. The “thank g-d” narrative is also a staple in these cases, in nearly every single news story.

Listen, people: the arguably mythical Jesus was NOT a stalker, and would not condone your stalking activity, even if he were real. In fact, your “savior’s” story is itself a story about stalking, as whacko religious fanatics–the Jewish sect called the Pharisees–had stalked him to death. In that light, your “Devil/Shatan/Satan” makes you “believers” look like bigger “demons,” or just frauds.

From the Milwaukee Molson-Coors case:

A group of Lutheran Church Charities comfort dogs visited the nearby Story Elementary School, where students went on lockdown during the shooting, and will remain in Milwaukee until next week, the charities said.

Comfort DOGS. Awwww, how cute. Has anyone except me noticed how these stalkers signal to each other at gang stalking blogs full of “#fakeTI’s?” Yup–many of them are heavily involved with animal rescue, and “comfort dogs.” That’s a separate essay entirely.

Apparently, the Germanic-Lutheran sects want to give murder victims families “dogs” for comfort. Imagine the irony, for “othered” peoples who find dogs repulsive (they walk in shit, eat shit, and lick these people, for example. How a=cute!)

THAT’s what is the topic here: how Germanic/Teutonic/Anglican/Lutheran/Baptist and Catholic/Orthodox societies form a narrative: in case none of them know, dogs are repulsive to most Islamic people, some Jews, and others–and one of the supreme insults to anyone from these cultures is to call them dogs, or to say that they sleep with dogs, as many western people actually DO.

Political PACs, NGO’s, church groups, and freemasonry styled organizations are all involved in stalking scenarios, like how the Knights of Columbus was spotted in the Sandy Hook/Newtown CT case: watch as one Manfredonia after another Manfredonia is arrested for some bizarre crime or another. Keep in mind that it was Chris Manfredonia who was arrested at Sandy Hook as Adam Lanza went inside and targeted his school psychologist, and that the grand-sire of this literal gang stalking clan, William Manfredonia, was the principal of Newtown’s High school too(read through that link for evidence of “who are the gang stalkers”). No theory there, but an actual conspiracy of some kind or other indeed.

Without any doubt,these religious groups, identifiable gang stalking families and their associates in government and policing, and the affilliated NGO’s and “community assets”–all of them are major gang stalkers in the mold of the “Whistling and Whittling Brigades of Nauvoo“, because they derive federal and private donations and other funds for gang stalking. This is what “community policing” is, and we can see it reflected in the tribal sectarianism of these events, with the debate about Democrat or Republican shooters online.

Related: Watch the tribal-sectarian narrative unfold in the recent shooting in Massachusetts, where a “normal guy” Nathan Allen,with zero mental health issues and zero criminal record suddenly flips a 180, and decides to steal a plumbing truck, and go on a shooting/crashing rampage, killing two people who fit the profile of gang stalkers: one retired state trooper, David Green, and one retired military IT person, Ramona Cooper. Anyone wanna guess why those two people–who fit the profile of gang stalkers were the ones targeted? And–hacking, anyone? I won’t hold my breath for an answer to my question: what were those two people doing at that spot, at that time–why were they there? Coincidence indeed.

Gang stalking, aka “community policing,” “targeted individual programs,” “colliding parallel investigations,” “intelligence led predictive policing,” that is now being litigated in court–call these programs whatever you like, but it’s an indisputable, and well documented fact that these hidden, obscured, and definitely occulted law “enfarcement” practices precede mass homicides and workplace shootings. Ask me for even more documentation, if you are a serious researcher that religion centered groups and their NGO’s derive federal funding for gang stalking programs.

Another case in point is the narrative of the newsroom influencer Anna Conkey, who was nearly herself framed as a mass shooter, after some weird online interactions between herself and her church:

And, we see the numbers 12 or 13 appearing too, in nearly every mass shooting, including Gabriel Wortman at Portapique, Nova Scotia, as in the cases described above.IN Wortman’s case, they ran that number very early in the press. Use your search engine to find the original articles that claimed he shot 13 people, such as this one at Scallywag and Vagabond, which was later changed to 18, and kept moving upwards.

If you want another eye opener, search Bing for the search result “Gail Watts 777.” She was one of the neighbors who said “Everton Brown was aggressive towards women.” Did you do the search? Intereting job title, um-hnhuh?

And you can see my recent fan-mail from some Nazi-other-insane-sociopathic person, which demonstrates the value of that number to these types of people. Note that persons opinion is that it is “me” ROGS who is a “psycho” because I document their activities, very publicly, and for the sake of others–not a trait of a psychopath in any sense. So, Freudian projection combined with constant attempts at “narcissistic injury” and PSYOP is ALL OVER THE PLACE in their narrative, and I ask researchers to investigate that link, which I have.

These are cultic, cloistered, and insane bullies–psychopaths, sociopaths, and criminals by definition. Numerology and mysticism such as the cult practice of “un-naming” a man, for them is power, and they use it to abuse their victims–who sometimes bully them in return, which are what these mass homicides are. All over online are people called “fake TIs” talking about gang stalking, utilizing “gematria,” psychobabble, and other occulted gibberish–and targeting real individuals.

So, asking the important questions in these cases is in fact the type of journalism is “in the public’s interest” already, we are an educated public, meaning that we approach media narrative with healthy skepticism and an awareness that media is a political tool of the political elite, and those who do their bidding in secret. WHO EXACTLY WAS EVERTON BROWN ?!

First and foremost–regardless of how he was “framed” in media narratives–Everton Brown was an activist against “community policing.”

He sued (perhaps) the wrong party to his stalking and harassment, as nearly all other claimants to this sort of harassment sue their town home association, or at least spend the time to research their stalkers. As ROGS Analysis states, case after case of claims of gang stalking nearly ALWAYS involve current and former military, police, intelligence agents, and others in their sphere of influence, such as psychologists, social workers, behavioral analysts, cold case investigators AS gang stalkers, and so on.

And, Brown had signs on his car, which were well within first amendment rights and protections–not an indicator of mental illness in ANY SENSE, but rather a mere type 1 or two error. As he blew up his own house, and shot his noisy, politically aspirational neighbors, two of whom shared a wall with his townhouse– and blasted kaoraoke EVERY SATURDAY; and he died next to his car, which had signs stating:

Black People Are the Tool Used to Maintain Racism,”


“For 3 Years the FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life———–Please no more!”

In journalism, skepticism is the most basic, foundational premise, even though modern journalists mostly forego the practice of “second sourcing”in its true form, opting instead to run “opinions” from interested parties. Why is that? It’s because other outside agencies and interests have co opted journalism itself, which is well documented. It’s not likely the FBI at all, but if you scratch that fools gold of a narrative, you WILL find state police and workers from the state system, and likely a slobbering real estate agent too, as we saw with Tom Taggart’s role in the Nova Scotia mass shooting.

Have a look at the story of Michael Hastings, too, whose car was blown up after his reporting on a powerful US Army general. Then have a look at the unrelated case of Martin Luther King being stalked by US Army intelligence agents who worked with the FBI, the Anti Defamation League, and the Ku Klux Klan too, who had also stalked his father, and HIS father before him.

This IS what gang stalking IS.

Its not a delusion in any way–it is what gang stalking IS. Talk about “strange bedfellows! The ADL and the Klan working together (!) and targeting a civil rights activist! It really doesn’t get more bizarre than that–two versions of racist haters, targeting a black family for three generations!! And not just one, but tens of thousands, including Malcolm X, and two generations of his lineage before him; one generation of his lineage after him, and one hundred percent in line with sociopathic Pharisees.

Surely, the definition of “white supremacy”takes on a new meaning when we see the Jews and the Protestants operating under an FBI framework to target a “black” man. These two groups, despite an apparent “race gap” are undoubtedly one and the same, as “horseshoe theory” predicts.When being confronted by a Jewish-christian narrative, every other narrative must necessarily utilize this theorem, becasue ATEoD, they really are the same. Jews are inseparable from christians, as they perpetuate Jewish-christian ideology across the world.A classic example of how their horseshoe works is the case of Howard Unruh, and America;s first “mass shooting”*

Comes now the case of Everton Brown, not the last case of a mass shooting by far, as just last night, yet another one in San Jose–predictably, that shooter targeted union members, who are well in the historical records acting as “organized crime.”.

*America had many mass shootings BEFORE Howard Unruh shot up his noisy neighbors, but because those mass shootings were state agents or mafia’s perpetrating genocide and homicide, we do not call them “mass shootings.” The Washita massacre, the Little Bighorn–and even the planned and calculated assault on a few sheep farmers by cowardly gunslingers at the O.K. Coral set a trend in the psychological makeup of gang stalkers in America.

Gang Stalking Cases and Lawsuits: they are starting to happen, and the feds are indicting gang stalkers

Nearly 100% of gang stalking involves current and retired police, military, intelligence, and security personnel, violating the law. In my own case, I traced and tracked many of my personal stalkers, sued a few of them, shut down a security company, and won a settlement. These shitbags need to be in jail.

Most curiously, nearly 100% of my personal stalkers were current and retired police, military, intelligence agents and their flying monkeys in the community ranging from college professors to NGO’s from the right and left wing “save the whales, wimmin, and chillren!” foundations. All of them derive funding from the various “official narrative” schemes of western governments to socially engineer a “narrative of culture,” while hiding their crimes against humanity (the Iraq war, the prisons for profits scheme, the Total Surveillance state, etc. Silent Holocaust indeed.).

I have since spent two decades informing the public of the facts and intricacies of these cases, and have learned that the harassment, violence, stalking, and other completely bizarre activity is organized at a level beyond the reach of “the law,” although the recent Department of Justice brought a case against a “gang” of “stalkers” who are in fact current and former police, military, and intelligence related persons (spies)–and eBay executives. And, as can be expected–one of those executive level gang stalkers that has so far skated from prosecution, and gone forward to head the Boys and Girls Clubs of America in –of all places–Silicon Valley.

This uptick in prosecutions offers a bit of hope, as does the prosecution of the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery, who was murdered by a similar “gang” of police, and police affiliated stalkers–and nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking claims involve exactly that configuration–military, police, intelligence agents and their community assets.

All gang stalkers act with a sense of entitlement and impunity, imagining that they will never get caught or prosecuted, because of their “connections” in government and police. But that’s not the case, as more lawsuits are coming forwards every week now. Search my blog using the tag “gang stalking lawsuits.”

Here are a few more cases in the courts right now, some of them brought forwards by the Department of justice and others:

  • An IMDB gang stalker is indicted in California. She was indicted after she and her “unnamed” co-defendant, likely her daughter, harassed and stalked three boys. This is a typical left wing type of stalking, and that women’s friends and allies are also well known gang stalkers too.
  • the eBay Gang of Stalkers case is significant because it was led by executives from that company; and any personal injury attorney knows that eBay is a large target; but the feds indicted one case because it is a widespread practice on eBay. I am betting that it will be a flagship case.
  • a low level sex offender who was entrapped by the hidden practice of state police pornography distribution is suing several gang stalkers in northern Mississippi. Many state police, and state or federal investigative bureau’s,high level DHS employees, Pentagon employees, “war on terror” private contractors, and others regularly distribute child porn, while monitoring millions of internet users without a warrant, and there are many cases of other nations agencies doing this too, in an odd attempt to regulate morality, which is another topic entirely. But note the importance of the numerological display of the numbers 12 and 13 in these cases, which is quite striking This type of hidden distribution and its political implications is the very centerpiece of the “war on terror,” and speech taboos on the internet and other moral posturing in the west
  • Citizens including former police officers are suing the Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco over his spy racketeering, called “intelligence led predictive policing,” and he even targeted children in true pervert sheriff fashion. He claims that he is working for a “higher power” and that he is beyond the reach of the law itself–as gang stalking programs violate every single civil rights statute ever written, but because they do it in covert fashion under “color of law” and pseudo-law such as the judge created, never voted on, never challenged “qualified immunity” and “investigation privileged” claims. they anticipate they will not get caught, due to their “webs of connections, as we see below.
  • The case of Ahmaud Arbery is a 100% ROGS Bingo, and a validation of the utility of adopting ROGS Analysis of Gang Stalkers. He was murdered, and the local police and prosecutors literally conspired to NOT charge his murderers. But, his mother was persistent in using social media monitoring (SOCMINT) and open source intelligence (OSINT) to track down the connections between seemingly random stalkers, and she succeeded in finding a prosecutor to pursue the case, because she linked that gang together, with evidence.

So, little irony is lost in the stories reported in the nation’s narrative gatekeeper, the New York Times, are contradictory, as they have a long history as a CIA and FBI disinformation and black propaganda. That outlet is on record flip-flopping about the legitimacy of targeted individuals complaints, on one hand gas lighting them in an infamous article about the “United States of Paranoia,” and on the other, reporting cases such as those mentioned above, or the case of “electronic microwave weapons” causing brain damage to United States diplomats in Cuba, a case now being investigated by a congressional task force, and the CIA itself.

Likewise, the Ahmaud Arbery, Pasco County, and Demirovic cases highlighted above are contradictions of the bad journalism we see in most NYT reportage, and the “paranoia” piece written at that time by the now discredited “journalist” Mike McPhate too.

Bizarre activity by police and those in the related fields of intelligence, state security, the prisons and other similar and related fields is the norm, not the exception ; it is very well documented, and a vast body of evidence exists that these types of persons feel that they are beyond the law. A recent case of prison torture, where a mentally ill man died from being blasted with 109 degree heat in an isolation cell in Alabama provides a glimpse of the sadism inherent in the “police personality,”: and the deviant and bizarre nature of their gang stalking activity:

Montgomery, AL — Tommy Lee Rutledge, 44, spent the last moments of his life shoving his face as close as he could to the window of his cell gasping for cooler air. Heat was being pumped into his prison cell in the mental health ward and he had no way to escape it, causing his body temp to skyrocket to 109, killing him from hyperthermia.

The Alabama Department of Corrections has refused to answer any questions as to why Rutledge’s cell was so hot given the fact that on the night he died, the outside temperature was 31 degrees.

So, in these cases, tracing gangs of police and police affiliated stalkers online and off, it is important to connect linguistic and other clues that are easily found in the extant literature, news stories and other data. In the case of the tortured and murdered prisoner above, we can easily connect the actions of the torturers to many blogs where claims of “heating up skin,” and other similar claims are made, and often, we find those claimants are not in fact actual “targeted individuals” but in fact, are police and others masquerading as victims, and bragging about their crimes in a bizarre fashion. The case above with Mr. Rutledge is one case where an actual gang can be traced, tracked, and prosecuted.

And again–there is no irony in the sadism of these guards who killed Rutledge either, because we see the crime of the state mirroring the crime of the man: he had murdered some people and burned them in a fire afterwards. These gangs can be monitored, tracked, and prosecuted for their crimes, and any savvy prosecutor or personal injury attorney will see the value of ROGS Analysis in these cases.

Use my search feature to find other writing about “gang stalking lawsuits,” “gang stalking case study” “elements of gang stalking lawsuit” and so on. And get those briefs before the judges–but not before you also study the vast network of current and former intelligence agents, military trolls, political operatives and others who have polluted the internet with garbage and “psychobabble” about gang stalking, flat earth, demon sex and electronic weaponry. Start here and here, and here to see a few bad sources from those groups.

Then, follow the Pasco Cty sheriff cases, and especially the eBay gang–each of them is a ROGS Bingo.

UPDATE: Apparently Mrs. Demirovic’s– one of the indicted stalkers above, from the IMDB gang, is very popular, and many people read this post every day. Only the case of Everton Brown in Baltimore rivals the number of hits that posts about this “Diasporess” gets every day.

You can read more about her case here, where she ruthlessly and mercilessly stalked a few young boys. Weird, I know, right? But middle aged white women stalking pubescent boys is a “thing” in western countries.

If you are reading, Mrs. Demirovic, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear your side of the story. And be careful with those plea deals–the feds are going to try to have you entrap other people, and much of their current entrapment schemes involve “manufactured terrorism,” which is what mass shootings are.

I invite all of you who are concerned about Mrs. Demirovic’s to write or comment on this post, instead of just “stalking” here. What have you got to hide, right? Lol.

And, because you are affiliated with many of the Jewish groups via the Holocaust Industrial Complex, ranging from Hollywood billionaires to any of the many well known gang stalkers in their Octopus of nightmarish international cabals, please, try not to let them use you like a puppet with their hand up your….oh, never mind.

Please, Internationale’ Jewish gang stalking groups, leave me alone! DO NOT STALK ME!!! …This ain’t my first Purim, folks.