Plastic words and manufactured “terrorism,” “radicalization” and lots of incessant “hate!!!” from the usual suspects.

Like all garbage, toxic waste, and floating islands of plastic garbage, and other forms of pollution, we see that linguistic scientists demonstrate that even words can be litter.

Winter Watch has a great piece on the linguistics of plastic words, such as “terrorist” and “radical” and “hate” which are spewed incessantly online in a form of trance formation not seen since the Third Reich, and all of which are used by media–and its subscribers and corporate sponsors– as “product placements,” in a grand advertisement campaign for the Military Industrial Complex and related influence operators.

After 2001, language was developed to include “extremism” (both violent and non-violent). The concept of “radicalization” has been developed to facilitate internet censorship.

The German linguist Uwe Pörksen in his 1988 Plastikwörter: Die Sprache einer internationalen Diktatur (literal translation into English: Plastic words: The language of an international dictatorship)  describes the emergence and steady expansion during the latter half of the 20th century of selected words that are incredibly malleable yet empty when it comes to their actual meaning. Plastic words have surreptitiously seeped into our everyday language and dictate how we think….

“Counter-terrorism” is the modern element of justifying the military-industrial-surveillance terrorism-congressional (MISCC) complex. After September 11, 2001 governments and commercially-controlled media promoted the concept of the “war on terror”, causing a boom for the MISCC in general, in particular for manufacturers of weapons and mass surveillance equipment.

The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) was the name for this industry pre-2001, but because western democracies have now devolved into actual police and surveillance states the term above, MISCC is working towards a more appropriate acronym, and while the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex(DVIC), the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) are but a few of the subsidiary industries related to anti-democratic policing in the western FVEYs nations, and that, augmented by the radical zionism of race supremacists like these, and their partners in “Horseshoe Theory” collusions. Here’s more on Horseshoe Theory, and a bit from that article:

Horseshoe theory argues that the political spectrum isn’t a line. Instead, it’s a horseshoe shape. The rounded part of the horseshoe is the center. The ends of the horseshoe are the extreme left and right. This theory argues that rather than being opposites, the extremes actually closely resemble one another.

A common example used is that of communism and fascism….

….The extreme right demonizes nonwhite people. In their view, it’s hard for white people to succeed because affirmative action allows minorities to succeed at the expense of white people. The extreme left demonizes all white people. In their view, it’s hard for minorities to succeed because mediocre white people are given opportunities that only minorities who are the best of the best can get. On the surface, these may seem like diametrically opposed views, but both are in fact arguing the same thing. It’s harder for group X to succeed because group Y receives many ‘undeserved’ opportunities. Both the alt-right/white supremacists and Social Justice Warriors (SJWs)/woke activists are accused of inciting racial hatred. All that differs is the targets of their hate.

I find this description accurate, but lacking in direct examination of the main forces driving this conflict, which are tribal religionists on both–and either–side, much as the Rockefeller Foundation allied with Jewish Oligarchs et al. attacked Russia in 1917-ongoing, with Protestant and Jewish interests and their corporate and NGO allies benefiting either way. This is simplistic but in line with my thinking on that issue, but to the targeted individual, or the walk-on pundit, its a good starting point to understand the issue.

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