Gangs of police and county coroners: when sheriff’s departments act as gang members, with the county coroner as the “coverup” artist.

Officials are quiet about the murder of former state Rep. Ashley Henley and sheriff Mark D. Fulco isn’t helping a bit, In fact he may be “obstructing.”I mean–just look at the guy, right?


Ashley Henley, 40, a former state representative from DeSoto County, was shot and killed June 13. Yalobusha County deputy sheriffs found her body around 10 p.m. outside a Patricia Drive address in the Water Valley Boat Landing area on the south side of Enid Lake.

According to reports, the Yalobusha County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the death, with the assistance of the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation and the District 17 District Attorney’s office. Sheriff Mark D. Fulco has not responded to a request for information from the Daily Journal.

And the murder six months earlier at the same location is also curious, as her sister-in-law Kristina Michelle Jones toxicology report showed no smoke in her airway, indicating the fact that her body was placed in a burning trailer rather than that she died in a fire.

But what makes this a “state-sponsored”gang stalking event is this, below from Dan Abrams Law and Crime blog:

The Henleys believed Jones died as the result of foul play and have been critical of Yalobusha County authorities, especially Fulco and coroner Ronnie Stark. After months of remaining silent, both Brandon and Ashley Henley took to Facebook in April.

“My sister was murdered and her body was burned. We know she was dead before the fire and that the fire was arson,” Brandon Henley wrote in an April 6 post. “And we didn’t find out any of that information from the Sheriff’s department.”

The same day, Ashley Henley wrote on her Facebook page that two deputies tried to intimidate them while they were attaching flowers to a makeshift memorial erected on the Patricia Drive property, which is privately owned by the Henley family. The memorial is a 4-by-8-foot sheet of plywood featuring pictures of Jones with the words “I WAS MURDERED” in nearly one-foot-tall letters.

IN the majority of police gang stalking events in the news, we see police disarming citizens before they are murdered, or meet other fates.

disabling security camera’s

disabling automobiles

-undermining lawsuits against the police that seek to discover evidence of gang stalking

-trying to take away guns before they murder you, as we see in this case

-they try to say that the target is “crazy” as we see repeatedly when gray area policing, aka gang stalking takes place and in the recent Publix shooting too

“We demand answers. We will not be intimidated. We are not going away. We will not back down. We will not be silent any longer,” Ashley Henley wrote on April 6.

Hellooooo Hong Kong! And thanks for “following” ROGS. I hope that you can restore yourself to sanity, after reading this post.

As I mention repeatedly, I get trolls, most of whom operate from within the framework of ” current and former intelligence agents, police, military, and their related factions.” In other words, I am PLAGUED by spooks.

That said, a hearty ROGS welcome to “radiated247″ who seems to have a ” well you know, I was indoctrinated by CIA funded National Endowment for Democracy” spies problem.

Yeah–my heart goes out to you, lol. (Not really.)

Lets take a look at how the “democratic dialogues” have been co opted and stolen, and manipulated by highly placed USA/ FVEYs government officials, and then, we can talk later, ok?

You, there reading your own post, are named ” radiated247″ right? And your entire web presence aside from your useless garbage language strewn blog is this here, right? Yeah, I thought so. To any Occidental, or Oriental observer, you look like a moron. A complete amateur, doing “whatever it is” that you are doing, ok?

So, please “do this.”

Look at how black Americans who advocated for gun ownership are doing politically in America right now, ok? Yeah–speech must be backed by weaponry. Without weapons, speech itself is just, like, Buddhist monks setting themselves on fire.
Jia You!

SO, that in mind, let me tell you: Hong Kong–whether you like it or not, belongs to the Chinese Mainland National Governemt. ANd before you start on about how Britain made some kind of deal or other, and guaranteed some kind of “freedom” or other–keep in mind that the British were forcing people to become drug addicts, and manipulating their lives, long before 33 Jews showed up in Shanghai, and financed Mao.

Really–Hong Kongs strange version of ” free speech” begins and ends with ” are international NGOs affilliated with organized religions, and western occult societies (Freemasons, Opus Dei, CFR, Rothschilds,etc?)” and “foreign state powers?”

Um…yeah. And, maybe, get some solar blocking window film to keep light out of your apartment there in the eastern district of HK. And/or realize that the hey day of NED operations is long gone in Hong Kong.

WTF is wrong in Northern Mississippi? Former state Representative Ashley Henley gunned down in Yalobusha County, after questioning sheriffs departments sloppy investigation into her sisters homicide.

From the Mississippi Free Press:

,Former Rep. Ashley Henley ‘Murdered’ By Gunshot Outside Trailer Where Sister-In-Law Died, Officials Say

Authorities are investigating the murder of former Mississippi House Rep. Ashley Henley, seen here with husband Brandon Henley in 2019. Her body was found outside the remains of a trailer where her sister-in-law was found dead after a December fire. Photo credit: Ashley Henley/Facebook

Northern Mississippi is a hotbed of incestuous political ties, and “state-crime” syndicates, as we see in the case of Richard Moore, who runs the North Mississippi Anti-Gang Stalking Facebook, and his lawsuit against corrupt “high policing” which is gang activity at the state level.

And, Rep. Henley was gunned down shortly after police in that area had tried to take her lawfully owned and registered firearms.

Former GOP State Rep Who Once Said ‘People Disappear Down Here’ Found Shot and Killed at Same Home Where Sister-in-Law Died

sheriff’s deputies had “attempted to intimidate” and “threatened to arrest” her for carrying a concealed firearm when she visited the home to leave flowers at a memorial that she and Brandon had built.

“I know the law, and I also know how quick people disappear down here,” Henley said in a subsequent comment to the April 6 post. “I’ve known Michelle since she was 9 years old. She was truly like my little sister. I will not give up on her. We will find out who did this, with or without help from Yalobusha County. She’s not the first to die like this down there, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure she’s the last. Her death will not be in vain.”

On May 24, Henley posted what appeared to be a photo of a certificate listing the cause of Jones’ death as “unknown” and the manner of death “undetermined.”

“ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE,” Henley said in the post. “To those Granted #PublicTrust and Responsibility for Ensuring #Justice For All – You may think this is over and your job is done, but you are mistaken. This is only the beginning. I will leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of truth.”

From WREG:

Publix shooting, gang stalking, mental health, “they will turn your family against you,” as another DVIC mass shooting takes place in Florida

Hey, lady!

Sheriff Banal T. Banksterbux from Palm Beach Florida wants YOU to know that the recent Publix shooting was YOUR FAULT! Gang Stalk Harder!©

The Publix Shooting was a DVIC related shooting, a real estate related shooting, and a gang stalking event. Watch as the sheriff (that counties Chief Revenuer©–tries to blame the ex-wife of the shooter for not “gang stalking” hard enough, and trying to help him and his henchmen to frame the guy as “schizophrenic,” in “need” of even more “state and county services”–the EXACT same state and county services that had driven the guy into bankruptcy.

Hey, Sheriff–it seems Hey, Sheriff–it seems And a few questions for you: have you heard about the first amendment? It guarantees the right to free speech, as long as there is not an “imminent threat,” which there wasn’t. unless you count how you and thers monitor peoples social media as a way to harass and control what they say. that the gang stalking program in your county drives people a bit crazy. oAnd a few questions for you: have you heard about the first amendment? It guarantees the right to free speech, as long as there is not an “imminent threat,” which there wasn’t. unless you count how you and others monitor peoples social media as a way to harass and control what they say.

Ex-Wife Of Publix Shooter Timothy Wall Frustrated With PBSO Sheriff

Monica Wall’s statement, after Sheriff Banxsterbux accused her of not gang stalking hard enough: the statement takes exception with the sheriff’s comments, blaming her for not gang stalking hard enough, reading,

“Without knowledge of all the facts, the Sheriff specifically mentioned Mr. Wall’s Ex-Wife in a press conference and insinuated that she and her family should have done more to prevent this tragedy.”

Timothy Wall, pictured above, possibly targeted a gang stalking old lady. My guess is that the newspapers refuse to name his “victim” because she was a retired cop, social worker, or other DVIC operative. But we will never know, because the newspapers do not want to give gang stalkers “Notoriety”

Tim Wall, the Publix shooter in Palm Beach FL, lost everything he had to the divorce courts, and their octopus of “fees, services, assessments, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, and judges” and later he declared bankruptcy. But not before he gave his house away to his ex-wife. And even then, he still had to pay the mortgage for the house she lived in! Imagine that!

‘Merica so bizarrely “gendered,” that somehow, under the law, “men” have more “power” than “women” who are all hapless damsels in distress constantly in need of Sherif fGood Man to help her out. Except…apparently his ex-wife wasn’t asking him for help. Nor was Mr. Wall himself. The sheriff, then, as we see repeatedly in these cases, took it upon himself to push the envelope, inserting himself into this case, monitoring Mr. Wall’s speech on Facebook, and repeatedly trying to frame him as “mentally ill” as opposed to say “driven to bankruptcy by corrupt courts and pig-fat policing.

The Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) and its anti-democratic, strangely and unequally gendered policing and judiciary, along with its kangaroo courts–family courts, domestic violence courts, drug courts parole and community custody, adjudicative law– are all in conflict with many of the protections enshrined in the US constitution, yet they do their “work” largely in darkness, because the court system is not affordable, or accessible to ordinary people. Imagine: paying taxes so that we have fair courts, and then, paying twice to access them!

The US isn’t a “free country” by any definition, anywhere.

And these courts, the “predatory policing” that they are responsible for,are the direct cause of events like the recent Publix shooting in Florida. ANd the sheriff blames the guy’s ex-wife for not participating in gang stalking.

Gang Stalk Harder© Ladies!!

The Florida sheriff be needin’ his revenues! Two tiered justice system indeed, reaching deeply into the pockets of the middle classes, with no end in sight, as the bankster-o-pus eats into the lives of families.

The DVIC apparatus is the offshoot of America’s slavery system, that many educated persons indict as a cause of many social ills, and its gender-biased laws and false narratives of domestic violence, and family are at the root of many of today’s mass shootings.

States are complicit in illicit activity that does indeed resemble “human trafficking*” as they all derive capital from a variety of sources that infringe upon individual rights. This–along with its medical mafia’s as we saw with the Sackler family creating the opioid crisis and a host of other social diseases like this boy, a victim of a child abuse ring--is organized crime at an international scale, working with the lending apparatus and stae accounting practices.

It is a war against men and families, a way to ruin lives, as we see in the millions of cases that have hit divorce and family courts throughout the last four decades, as the tentacles of state governments inter-twine with the tentacles of international banksters. If Mr. Wall was “crazy” you can bet these state practices were a huge part of his “mental illness.”

*human trafficking is a code word in the online gang stalking dialectic, one way that state operatives talk to each other online about how states do exactly what I describe above, and derive federal dollars from these practices of “driving people crazy.”

Christopher Sign: when white people first experience “gang stalking”by highly organized mobs of “cultural” stalkers and trolls–a WTF moment turns to “forced suicide,” and remembrance of the FBI’s target, Jean Seberg

When the white, Protestant/Mormon FBI and their helpers in the “Hollywood mafia* “stalked actress Jean Seberg to death, they did it across continents, and they did it with precise inter-agency, CIA informed malice.

A brief look at the case of Martin Luther King Jr. provides ample examples of what a “gang” of “stalkers” looks like, as we see that US Army intelligence stalked him–and his father, and his father before him. Imagine that: US Army intelligence, stalking activists outside of the scope of the legal due process and warranted “investigation.”

But the New York Times merely said that Seberg ” suffered a crack-up,” as if she had “lost her mind” when in fact she was targeted with the FBI-CIA derived COINTELPRO, because she ws a progressive, and backed the Black Panther Party..

Here is the NYT piece, “memorializing” her “crack-up,” and here below at All That’s Interesting, we see the other side of the coin, as the FBI hounding her to death is widely cited as the exact reason she killed herself:

How Iconic Movie Star And Activist Jean Seberg Was Driven To Suicide By A Covert FBI Program

The white, Mormon, Protestant (WASP) and Catholic FBI hounded Jean Seberg to death because she had “black friends.” The modern FBI is similar, but with different racial categories doing the “hounding.” So, the FBI–America’s political police– now has a dueling and bi-polar type of infighting going on, as we see with the case of Rakem Balogun.

From ATI:

After ascending to the heights of Hollywood, Seberg used her influence to promote progressive social reforms. Her support of the Black Panther Party, however, would be her undoing. The FBI smeared her legacy. Hollywood chewed her up. She was viciously harassed by her own government.

While large swaths of people likely do not know Seberg’s full story or even her name, they will soon be introduced to her by way of the upcoming film starring Kristen Stewart as the ill-fated actress.

So journalist Christopher Sign killed himself, after he was stalked by “trolls” according to the Sun. And he left behind a wife and three children too. I can’t imagine “whodunnit,” but I can indeed imagine the politics behind it.

Here, look at the case of Martin Luther King, or Malcolm X who were stalked by US Army intelligence agents for THREE GENERATIONS, under the ever watchful eyes of the FBI, and their racist enablers and assistants in the Anti Defamation League. IN order to understand how black/brown/other men were gang stalked, with FBI agents and their racist affiliates in the Ku Klux Klan, or ADL sending these guys hate mail, and telling them to kill themselves, stalking them across the country, and actually plotting to destroy them in many ways, compare that to what might have been going on behind the scenes in Mr. Sign’s life, in the days/weeks/months/years before he killed himself. And he was no Malcolm X, we know that with certainty.

It probably wasn’t a case where Hillary Clinton was sitting behind her crystal ball and sending flying monkey’s after Sign, but likely other political operatives working completely independently after Sign published his book. And many of those operatives exactly what are described as “gangs” of “stalkers,” comprised of current and former police, firefighters, intelligence agents, NGOs, community policing elements, Infragard agents, and others in their webs of influence, such as we see here, and here, and here.

You can also glimpse the mind of a cyber stalker here, as Ramajana Hidic Demirovic is indicted by the feds. She was a progressive-holocaust studies political operative who stalked young boys, threatening to “destroy their lives.” Gang stalkers are indeed politically motivated but ATEOTD are all merely useful idiots for the 1% (you can guess who “they” are.)

And I too have endured the kind of blackmail, harassment, and vicious trolling that he likely endured too. I mean–why would a guy just up and kill himself, only to be found at the hour his kids start school? What kind of pressure was he under? If you guessed ” the same kind as the rest of “us”,” you would be correct. He was likely stalked, blackmailed, harassed, and targeted by these psychopaths; and he was cornered into a Catch 22 situation, because otherwise, his life was pure roses–no indications that he had trouble until AFTER he began recieving death threats, and was forced to create code words so that his children knew what is real, and what isn’t–to identify the messengers of doom from the messengers of truth.

Because gang stalking is exactly that weird. WHile I do not often venture into “conspiracy theroy,” I will right here and now:

-he was being blackmailed due to porn/gay sex/or girlfriends

-he was being blackmailed via the internet and in real life

-he was being leveraged with information that could cast him in an ill light, or cause his wife to seek a divorce.

Because otherwise, his life–an Emmy Award winning journalist–was truly one that anyone would be proud of.

As they say, right? Only the “good” die young. And, it validates the oft-repeated phrase “the gang stalkers will try to get you to kill yourself,” and provides insight into the term of art expressed by these psychopaths in the gang stalking dialectic online “forced suicide.”

Because failing that? “They” will assassinate you.

Related Story: Former state legislator and college professor from MI, Ashley Henley brutally murdered, while trimming her lawn this week after police interactions that focused on taking away her guns. Who is murdering Republican’s in the USA?

*I encountered the “Hollywood Mafia” many times, in many ways over the last several decades, and they are a “real thing.” Search my posts about the IMDB gang of stalkers or “IMDB Gang” and note the Ramajana Demirovic case being prosecuted by the feds as I write this. Most notoriously, I encountered these CIA affiliated “stalkers” and their actual victims through a friend who was integral in opening the case of the “Wonderland Murders,” which involved a porn star. No small surprise that the IMDB has that listed, lol.

Welcome to my new “follower” AromaOfWanderlust! Can I ask you a simple question? Why are YOU following ME?

At my last blog,, I was de-platformed BY WordPress, , because I named a few police, FBI agents, and their associates who had “followed” me and many others over a period of several decades. Gang stalkers are nearly ALWAYS 100% current and former police, intelligence agents, spies, and others caught up in their “webs.” I have IP addresses and more over at, if anyone is interested in that data, to answer the question “who are the gang stalkers.”

And I traced them using what is colloquially called “honeytraps,” and other methods, including Social Media Monitoring (SOCMINT) and open source intelligence (OSINT). You can see the results by clicking the latter-linked text above.

Well, anyways–a hearty ROGS welcome! to this person Aroma, whoever they/you are, and note the non-descript (devoid of personal information) blog format that indicates three things to any observer:

1-They travel a lot, which costs a lot of money

2- They deliberately do not disclose who “they” are. That seems important, eh?

3-their blog is also likely a honeytrap, waiting for people like me to click into it. This is an extremely common method of identifying stalkers, and others.

I had this problem at my last blog, when “” (Caitlin Lam who speaks both Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese, apparently) and her spawn were actively trying to use my blog to collect data ( Hi WordPress! You know that IC does this, right?)

Then her spawn, which included Marie Frye, Brody Gross, and a host of other fake-blogs with zero personal data included tried to use my blog to roost much like a squid would horn over a nest of shrimp eggs, a pack of wolves over a moose carcass, or leering apes hanging dolefully on their cage bars might do, staring out at “real people” and so on.

Needless to say, I called them out quite early, and later, was de-platformed for doing so.

Bad ROGS!! Exposing intel agency and their “community policing” assets! Anyways–WELCOME, Aroma, smell this!

UPDATE: jst after I wrote this piece above, yet another of these non-descript spook blogs signed on. You can observe that yourself, by looking at my “followers*”

Seriously, get a life. This blog has nothing to do with food, or travel, yet these types use it to roost. What a brood. I bet there will be thirteen of them, by the time this is done.;

Targeted reporters: Christopher Sign, Emmy Award winner who broke the Hillary Clinton secret email server story, dies by suicide at 45 years old

As a former journalist, I know that targeting and gang stalking is very real, and so do many other journalists who have been targeted. See this post about journalists who have sued for relief and won settlements and injunctions against these international mafia’s that stalk and harass us.

“My family received significant death threats shortly after breaking this story,” he said.

“Credit cards hacked. My children, we have codewords, we have secret codewords that they know what to do.

Christopher Sign, quoted in the

Alabama news anchor Christopher Sign, who broke news of Clinton tarmac meeting dead from apparent suicide at 45

A TV reporter in Alabama who broke the story about the 2016 meeting between former President Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found dead from an apparent suicide Saturday morning.

He was 45.

Christopher Sign ….broke the news of Clinton and Lynch’s meeting, which came amid the investigation into then-candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. Barely a week after the meeting, Lynch announced that the probe would be closed.

In 2019, Sign published a book about his scoop, “Secret on the Tarmac,” which he said made targets out of his family.

Targeted Individuals do indeed commit suicide sometimes. While psychologists question whether or nor gang stalking is real, or a delusion, and then seek to cast the issue as one of “mental health,” the reality is that it isn’t that simple.

SO, what happens to targeted individuals of gang stalking? Below I will describe just a few of the things that happened to me after I was the first person in the nation to publish a story about a manufactured terrorist*:

-my internet became a sort of pop-corn machine of results when I searched online. A simple search for “Palestinian’s murdered in Gaza” would return neo-Nazi websites, and pop-up spam; a search for “Somalia politics” would return jihadist pop-up spam

-Department of Homeland Security agents popped up in my classrooms

-while spending time with a friend, women with butch haircuts and huge telephoto lenses attached to their camera’s would pop up down the block leveling those huge (phallic) lenses at us. He himself became an FBI informant, and was a source on my story; and later, he became a published “Ethologist” who writes about women’s postures (of all the absurd fields to study)

-my dwellings were repeatedly broken into and my reporters notes stolen–and oddly, replaced many years later

-I was followed by people with “sniffer dogs” at times, deep into the forest, and the same dog handler and his dog popped up in multiple locations over a period of time spanning years

-many anonymous internet trolls seemed to have personal information about “me” and leveraged it, often with a tone of “blackmail”

And these things above are just a few of the “bizarre things” that happened, witnessed by others including the FBI informant above, and documented in various ways.

SO, yeah–targeting is very real, and very political. But tanks to the internet, is now seeing some exposure.

*that “manufactured terrorist” is Canadian citizen, librarian, English teacher and father Mohammed Warsame, a man that the FBI tried to coerce into fingering Zacarias Moussaoui as a 9/11 plotter in typical fabricated fashion.


Dear “the Chinese”: Please stop targeting Mr. Higgins!

Gang Stalking Fact: Organized gang stalking ALWAYS involves current and retired intelligence agents, military, police, and community “assets, and many of those highly placed in government, or intelligence fields, targeting individuals.

Meet the new gay mafia, at the threshold of the Las Vegas Harvest Festival/Mandalay Bay mass shooting, and a few retired senior level spooks–and China PuhLeeeeaaaase stop picking on poor Mr. Rich Higgins!!!*

A tale of two targets, as a gay, Australian, progressive political operative meets “The Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory,” by Politico online, and the story of “conspiracy theorist” Mr. Higgins.

Brad Johnson, a retired CIA officer, and Rich Higgins, a former Pentagon official who served for a few months in the White House as director of strategic planning for the National Security Council, meets a dweeb from Australia with dirt on “the Chinese” and all of that as the bullets fly in Las Vegas, and scapegoats are cast into hellish deserts, wearing red flags on their necks!

Targeted Individuals, and the “deep state” here, below, as high level former spooks target a guy associated with the “concert and event and promotions” dark side of gang stalking, which is scientifically linked to mass shootings:

Brian Hodge knows this all too well. He told me he has hired a lawyer to help him figure out a way forward, and that experts he has consulted have told him, “This is never going away.” He feels that the FBI hung him out to dry, and the whole ordeal has made him distrusting and fearful. “I look over my shoulders all the time now,” he says. He believes his phone is being tapped.

The paranoia that has overtaken him is, oddly enough, a trait I also detected in his two accusers. At one point during our lunch, Johnson said, “I get death threats all the time,” and talked about being “targeted by the Chinese.” Higgins likewise believes his phone is being monitored.

Spy v Spy indeed/s, as the “entertainment industry mafia” meets “retired spooks and spies.”

Related Reading: The New Indian Express covers the story of mystery man Brian Hodge, and how Las Vegas security is (cleverly and deliberately) absent, EXCEPT when they are targeting individuals, aka the old “mob shakedown racket, revamped with internet and Fusion Centers,” and the same armies of corrupt cops that Los Angeles is known for as Al Capone rides the rail out of LA.

*Rich, you know how to get ahold of me, via WC Wash DC

Who is stalking America’s doormen? Concert and event promotions, police, private security, and mass shootings– Houston, we have a problem

Gang stalking fact: Gang stalking takes place at the gate–anywhere there is a gate, or an opening to control entry and exit; or to control the “narrative of culture,” and its creation

We see repeatedly that there is a “war on security” being waged in the west, as private contractors, police, and others compete for lucrative security and surveillance contracts, and social spaces where people congregate. And this war plays out at any “gate” or “door” where the “in-group” negotiates the social spaces and social opportunities of the “out-group.”

Culture is complex. Add to that the concept of “culture complexes” and culture gets even more complicated. And then throw in some guns, a few dirty security contractors or corrupt policing practices called “high policing,” aka “intelligence led predictive policing,” derived directly from CIA/Mi5/RCMP aka “gang stalking” and it gets outright messy.

Cultural complexes contain cultural traits, which are the smallest units that create a culture. The building blocks of culture then are these traits, and while the term culture cannot have and does not have any agreed upon, definite, or finite meaning, there are highly organized groups that seek to perpetrate the falsehood that American culture does in fact contain some kind of finite and absolute”truth,” and both right and left wing elements from within that culture complex are are at war with each other over that same idea, but with each side pushing extreme versions of it.

We saw this widely in the right wing narrative as they waged a modern Satanic Panic hoax, ala “Pizzagate,” claiming that alternative cultures are all “devil worshipers” who abuse children in the basement of restaurants.

I first encountered that narrative in the early aughts just before 9/11, and as a former “doorman*”I was constantly approached–indeed what turned out as organized gang stalking–approached in many ways, by many people from many organizations. These ranged from local police, to state police, and task force members, to international agents of various “intelligence and policing” capacities from many nations.

The ridiculousness of that claim about basements comes primarily from hard right elements, many of whom are Catholic, Baptist/other Protestant, Jewish neocons, or other extremists, whose own religious leaders, and their subsidiary “DVIC” apparatus are deeply involved in such things. And eventually, that rhetoric caused a shooting at a pizza place–because that is what this rhetoric is: a call and a catalyst to homicides.

And these mass homicides are the results. As such, their tactics resembled what is known as “jumping” a member into a gang, similar to how prison gangs operate, but in “freedom,” as these hidden para-military elements of western society try to force individuals to choose a side, as if there are only two sides.You can read more about that here.

George Floyd was also a nightclub security contractor, as was his murderer, Derek Chauvin, and they were co-workers in the same bar, in one of the most highlighted “wars for the door” in Minneapolis, which, like most cities, has a long history of these internecine battles between police and non-police doormen, who are frequently being pressured to be police informants.

The homicide of George Floyd was no accident, as we see with the recent guilty verdict. Also unsurprisingly, one of the other cops involved in that homicide, Thomas Lane, was recruited from within the restaurant culture of that area too. So, of those involved with the homicide, we see at least two cops involved with restaurant and bars, as door security previous to the homicide; and we see men like Thomas Lane descending from scores of ther relatives who are themselves current and former police.

We also see the recent homicides in California of “security guard” Andre’s Guardado, who was shot in the back five times by some cowards who worked in a gang called the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department*. Those guys are now fired, and likely taking other criminal paths, as the family of murdered Guardado wages a lawsuit.

And we glimpse it again in another highly public “police gang” homicide, as Air Force sergeant Steven Carrillo killed a Federal Protective Service officer, and later Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller, 38, and wounding two other officers.

I for one ask: did Carillo trace a gang of stalkers, or take revenge for something related to his beautiful and talented wife, who–for some odd reason, apparently killed herself in a motel room. CErtainly, asking that question is warranted, because she was in the top 1% of her class at the academy, at the launch pad of a career in USAF “electronic warfare,” and she left behind two young children.

Unsurprisingly, the USAF “OSI Informers” were involved in that investigation, and remember the link between them and “gang stalking,” which is all over the internet.

The racial undertones of the Stephen Carillo shooting cannot be missed, as white men hold up images of other white men and ask about whose lives matter. Extra points if you noticed the hints at an anti-abortion subtext in the image. Image from NJSonline

Everywhere you look in these stories, its a war between different factions of law enforcement, and how those factions target non-conforming or non-police affiliated security companies; and then the narrative that runs in the papers and online, which plays itself out in coverage of mass shootings, and other odd events. And, as I say repeatedly, we need to write about it that way.

Then, we should take a closer look at the webs of relations behind the “concert and event promotions” and mass shootings too:

Anthony Quinn Warner allegedly blew himself up in Nashville playing a song from the 1960’s on a loud speaker, long after he erected fences to keep people off of his property. And, he gave away his homes to a woman who goes by many names, with Michelle L. Swing, a Catholic “single mother” and a “concert promotions event coordinator” (this is a frequent occurrence as we saw in the Stephen Paddock Las Vegas shooting, the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the Parkland shooting, etc., etc., etc.

So, there is a scientific link between concert and event promotions, promoters, and mass shootings.

*I use the term doorman because my job was indeed to provide access to spaces, not merely thumping on people’s heads as the stereotype of a “bouncer” goes.

Good Afternoon, Ecuador-Peru. Don’t take my “IMDB Gang” posts too seriously, ok? It’s just contact chaining after all–contact chaining “event promoters and gang stalking.”

Gang stalking Fact: many mass homicides are linked to concert and event promoters, and promotions companies.

Anthony Quinn Warner allegedly blew himself up in Nashville, long after he erected fences to keep people off of his property. And, he gave away his homes to a woman who goes by many names, with Michelle L. Swing, a Catholic, a “concert promotions event coordinator” (this is a frequent occurrence as we saw in the Stephen Paddock Las Vegas shooting, the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the Parkland shooting.

These mass shootings…including the bizarre case of Cesar Sayoc, and Omar Mateen, and the Minneapolis Accent Signage shooting by Andrew Engledinger, and…and…and…

They all share one thing in common: concert and event promotions operatives, and people who work in public relations, –people who derive financial benefits, governments contracts, and public relations media “placements” of exponential value are present before, during, and after at the site of many mass homicides, aka mass shootings. All of these are affiliated with religious and cultic narratives, and none would be wiser in the era BEFORE the internet, where facts travel faster than lies.

And contrary to crackpot Tom Tevas and his public relations firm “No Notoriety” his anti-scientific claims, and other radicalized, militant, Zionist narratives of culture, have targeted individuals whom DO NOT seek Notoriety, most notably the Virginia Beach mass shooter DeWayne Craddock, discussed here, who specifically DID NOT USE SOCIAL MEDIA, or otherwise interact in the cyber-sphere in any way beyond his job requirements, which is likely where he ran into some trouble with “deep state operatives.”

Yet that connection–scientifically valid, falsifiable evidence that even the IMDB gang of stalkers is, like, a real thing. Stay safe out there, Ecuador! And–if you would like to discuss, feel free to contact me, not Spain.