Publix shooting, gang stalking, mental health, “they will turn your family against you,” as another DVIC mass shooting takes place in Florida

Hey, lady!

Sheriff Banal T. Banksterbux from Palm Beach Florida wants YOU to know that the recent Publix shooting was YOUR FAULT! Gang Stalk Harder!©

The Publix Shooting was a DVIC related shooting, a real estate related shooting, and a gang stalking event. Watch as the sheriff (that counties Chief Revenuer©–tries to blame the ex-wife of the shooter for not “gang stalking” hard enough, and trying to help him and his henchmen to frame the guy as “schizophrenic,” in “need” of even more “state and county services”–the EXACT same state and county services that had driven the guy into bankruptcy.

Hey, Sheriff–it seems Hey, Sheriff–it seems And a few questions for you: have you heard about the first amendment? It guarantees the right to free speech, as long as there is not an “imminent threat,” which there wasn’t. unless you count how you and thers monitor peoples social media as a way to harass and control what they say. that the gang stalking program in your county drives people a bit crazy. oAnd a few questions for you: have you heard about the first amendment? It guarantees the right to free speech, as long as there is not an “imminent threat,” which there wasn’t. unless you count how you and others monitor peoples social media as a way to harass and control what they say.

Ex-Wife Of Publix Shooter Timothy Wall Frustrated With PBSO Sheriff

Monica Wall’s statement, after Sheriff Banxsterbux accused her of not gang stalking hard enough: the statement takes exception with the sheriff’s comments, blaming her for not gang stalking hard enough, reading,

“Without knowledge of all the facts, the Sheriff specifically mentioned Mr. Wall’s Ex-Wife in a press conference and insinuated that she and her family should have done more to prevent this tragedy.”

Timothy Wall, pictured above, possibly targeted a gang stalking old lady. My guess is that the newspapers refuse to name his “victim” because she was a retired cop, social worker, or other DVIC operative. But we will never know, because the newspapers do not want to give gang stalkers “Notoriety”

Tim Wall, the Publix shooter in Palm Beach FL, lost everything he had to the divorce courts, and their octopus of “fees, services, assessments, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, and judges” and later he declared bankruptcy. But not before he gave his house away to his ex-wife. And even then, he still had to pay the mortgage for the house she lived in! Imagine that!

‘Merica so bizarrely “gendered,” that somehow, under the law, “men” have more “power” than “women” who are all hapless damsels in distress constantly in need of Sherif fGood Man to help her out. Except…apparently his ex-wife wasn’t asking him for help. Nor was Mr. Wall himself. The sheriff, then, as we see repeatedly in these cases, took it upon himself to push the envelope, inserting himself into this case, monitoring Mr. Wall’s speech on Facebook, and repeatedly trying to frame him as “mentally ill” as opposed to say “driven to bankruptcy by corrupt courts and pig-fat policing.

The Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) and its anti-democratic, strangely and unequally gendered policing and judiciary, along with its kangaroo courts–family courts, domestic violence courts, drug courts parole and community custody, adjudicative law– are all in conflict with many of the protections enshrined in the US constitution, yet they do their “work” largely in darkness, because the court system is not affordable, or accessible to ordinary people. Imagine: paying taxes so that we have fair courts, and then, paying twice to access them!

The US isn’t a “free country” by any definition, anywhere.

And these courts, the “predatory policing” that they are responsible for,are the direct cause of events like the recent Publix shooting in Florida. ANd the sheriff blames the guy’s ex-wife for not participating in gang stalking.

Gang Stalk Harder© Ladies!!

The Florida sheriff be needin’ his revenues! Two tiered justice system indeed, reaching deeply into the pockets of the middle classes, with no end in sight, as the bankster-o-pus eats into the lives of families.

The DVIC apparatus is the offshoot of America’s slavery system, that many educated persons indict as a cause of many social ills, and its gender-biased laws and false narratives of domestic violence, and family are at the root of many of today’s mass shootings.

States are complicit in illicit activity that does indeed resemble “human trafficking*” as they all derive capital from a variety of sources that infringe upon individual rights. This–along with its medical mafia’s as we saw with the Sackler family creating the opioid crisis and a host of other social diseases like this boy, a victim of a child abuse ring--is organized crime at an international scale, working with the lending apparatus and stae accounting practices.

It is a war against men and families, a way to ruin lives, as we see in the millions of cases that have hit divorce and family courts throughout the last four decades, as the tentacles of state governments inter-twine with the tentacles of international banksters. If Mr. Wall was “crazy” you can bet these state practices were a huge part of his “mental illness.”

*human trafficking is a code word in the online gang stalking dialectic, one way that state operatives talk to each other online about how states do exactly what I describe above, and derive federal dollars from these practices of “driving people crazy.”

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