Targeted reporters: Christopher Sign, Emmy Award winner who broke the Hillary Clinton secret email server story, dies by suicide at 45 years old

As a former journalist, I know that targeting and gang stalking is very real, and so do many other journalists who have been targeted. See this post about journalists who have sued for relief and won settlements and injunctions against these international mafia’s that stalk and harass us.

“My family received significant death threats shortly after breaking this story,” he said.

“Credit cards hacked. My children, we have codewords, we have secret codewords that they know what to do.

Christopher Sign, quoted in the

Alabama news anchor Christopher Sign, who broke news of Clinton tarmac meeting dead from apparent suicide at 45

A TV reporter in Alabama who broke the story about the 2016 meeting between former President Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found dead from an apparent suicide Saturday morning.

He was 45.

Christopher Sign ….broke the news of Clinton and Lynch’s meeting, which came amid the investigation into then-candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. Barely a week after the meeting, Lynch announced that the probe would be closed.

In 2019, Sign published a book about his scoop, “Secret on the Tarmac,” which he said made targets out of his family.

Targeted Individuals do indeed commit suicide sometimes. While psychologists question whether or nor gang stalking is real, or a delusion, and then seek to cast the issue as one of “mental health,” the reality is that it isn’t that simple.

SO, what happens to targeted individuals of gang stalking? Below I will describe just a few of the things that happened to me after I was the first person in the nation to publish a story about a manufactured terrorist*:

-my internet became a sort of pop-corn machine of results when I searched online. A simple search for “Palestinian’s murdered in Gaza” would return neo-Nazi websites, and pop-up spam; a search for “Somalia politics” would return jihadist pop-up spam

-Department of Homeland Security agents popped up in my classrooms

-while spending time with a friend, women with butch haircuts and huge telephoto lenses attached to their camera’s would pop up down the block leveling those huge (phallic) lenses at us. He himself became an FBI informant, and was a source on my story; and later, he became a published “Ethologist” who writes about women’s postures (of all the absurd fields to study)

-my dwellings were repeatedly broken into and my reporters notes stolen–and oddly, replaced many years later

-I was followed by people with “sniffer dogs” at times, deep into the forest, and the same dog handler and his dog popped up in multiple locations over a period of time spanning years

-many anonymous internet trolls seemed to have personal information about “me” and leveraged it, often with a tone of “blackmail”

And these things above are just a few of the “bizarre things” that happened, witnessed by others including the FBI informant above, and documented in various ways.

SO, yeah–targeting is very real, and very political. But tanks to the internet, is now seeing some exposure.

*that “manufactured terrorist” is Canadian citizen, librarian, English teacher and father Mohammed Warsame, a man that the FBI tried to coerce into fingering Zacarias Moussaoui as a 9/11 plotter in typical fabricated fashion.


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