Gangs of police and county coroners: when sheriff’s departments act as gang members, with the county coroner as the “coverup” artist.

Officials are quiet about the murder of former state Rep. Ashley Henley and sheriff Mark D. Fulco isn’t helping a bit, In fact he may be “obstructing.”I mean–just look at the guy, right?


Ashley Henley, 40, a former state representative from DeSoto County, was shot and killed June 13. Yalobusha County deputy sheriffs found her body around 10 p.m. outside a Patricia Drive address in the Water Valley Boat Landing area on the south side of Enid Lake.

According to reports, the Yalobusha County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the death, with the assistance of the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation and the District 17 District Attorney’s office. Sheriff Mark D. Fulco has not responded to a request for information from the Daily Journal.

And the murder six months earlier at the same location is also curious, as her sister-in-law Kristina Michelle Jones toxicology report showed no smoke in her airway, indicating the fact that her body was placed in a burning trailer rather than that she died in a fire.

But what makes this a “state-sponsored”gang stalking event is this, below from Dan Abrams Law and Crime blog:

The Henleys believed Jones died as the result of foul play and have been critical of Yalobusha County authorities, especially Fulco and coroner Ronnie Stark. After months of remaining silent, both Brandon and Ashley Henley took to Facebook in April.

“My sister was murdered and her body was burned. We know she was dead before the fire and that the fire was arson,” Brandon Henley wrote in an April 6 post. “And we didn’t find out any of that information from the Sheriff’s department.”

The same day, Ashley Henley wrote on her Facebook page that two deputies tried to intimidate them while they were attaching flowers to a makeshift memorial erected on the Patricia Drive property, which is privately owned by the Henley family. The memorial is a 4-by-8-foot sheet of plywood featuring pictures of Jones with the words “I WAS MURDERED” in nearly one-foot-tall letters.

IN the majority of police gang stalking events in the news, we see police disarming citizens before they are murdered, or meet other fates.

disabling security camera’s

disabling automobiles

-undermining lawsuits against the police that seek to discover evidence of gang stalking

-trying to take away guns before they murder you, as we see in this case

-they try to say that the target is “crazy” as we see repeatedly when gray area policing, aka gang stalking takes place and in the recent Publix shooting too

“We demand answers. We will not be intimidated. We are not going away. We will not back down. We will not be silent any longer,” Ashley Henley wrote on April 6.

0 thoughts on “Gangs of police and county coroners: when sheriff’s departments act as gang members, with the county coroner as the “coverup” artist.

  1. its a fire fighter.

    they know how to set delay timers for a fire drill

    saw it on TV

    this “guy wonder” killed some lady same exact way ( forensic files…its nightmare stuff

    well….i want to stuff people in barrels….hence the nightmares….the rest of them dont bother me )

    this one has a gun too?


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