America’s slip into the abyss of total police state started with sex offenders, and targeted individuals programs expanded after that. Now, gang stalking lawsuits have arrived!

The old adage “first they came for the ________” is the cautionary tale of how the deep state and its various ultra-right religious and secular elements began to covertly organize society around anti-democratic and para-judicial causes which have now exploded to target ever more groups of individuals.

Scapegoating has a long history in Jewish-christian societies, and the practice is religious in nature, always bizarre, ritualistic, and arguably primitive, and the targeting of sex offenders in the early 1990’s was just part of the larger “Satanic Panic” which used junk science, ever shifting goalposts and”plastic words” to define those who these elements wished to target.

In the narrative, a rabbi dressed as a medieval wizard casts all of human “sin” into a hapless goat named Azazel, and then chases it mercilessly over a cliff, and some other plainly bizarre stuff, and then remarks that he has liberated society from sin, because now, the goat is the sinner, and bears humanities sins. Purely bizarre reasoning, and plainly a bit cockamamie too. You can read more about it here.

Like the targeted individual programs across the USA that are starting to show up in court rooms, banning and shunning is weird and anti-social, against everything these fake christians claim , but right in line with racist and xenophobic rabbinical teachings, and the stated goal of these programs is to get them to move away, Or, in the words of the Pasco County, Fl program they seek to “harass you until you sue, or move away.”

And we also see the echoes of these cult practices in the No Notoriety campaign waged by public relations and “brand manager” Tom Teves too, where some seek to influence persons in media to actively “unname” people who go on mass shooting sprees, while overlooking the social dysfunction called gang stalking that led them to that place. So, first they came for the sex offenders, and now, finally these unconstitutional targeted individual programs have exploded ito many forms, ranging from the ever morphing term “terrorist,” to the nebulous other categories of “incel car crashers,” andany of the many ever expanding categories of domestic violence and family court related cases where individuals resist no-trial based kangaroo courts.

So, in the case studies of targeted individuals, we see that they fit a pattern too, and the recent lawsuit suing the Pasco County Sheriff Chis Nocco casts light upon how sex offenders have been treated for over forty years.

The Florida Action Committee fights against these abusive sex offender laws, and the anti-democratic targeted individual programs that they entail. Here is their take on that lawsuit, and here is more about the Florida Action Committee.

Florida Action Committee

Pasco Sheriff Sued for targeted harassment under “predictive policing program”.

Mar 11, 2021 | 23 comments

Several individuals filed a federal lawsuit yesterday against Paco County Sheriff, Chris Nocco for repeatedly harassing them, not because of what they did, but what they “predicted” a family member might do.

Essentially, what the Pasco Sheriff did was create a “list” and then send his deputies out to their homes to surveil them at all hours of the day and night looking for petty offenses to fine or arrest them for.

When you read through the lawsuit (which is linked below), you might get a tinge of PTSD from your own experience being monitored as a person required to register as a sex offender. No individual should be subjected to harassment like this.

Taylor v Nocco

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