The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway? The Plot sickens

As any target of intelligence agencies knows, there are two sets of laws: one for ordinary citizens, and none for agency operatives. Regardless of whether it is the CIA, the FBI, DHS, or any of the THOUSANDS of secret police agencies in the western FVEYs alliance, western governments have completely foregone the rule of law, as any targeted individual knows.

So little surprise then, that ROGS has started a trend AGAIN in analyzing official bullshit narratives from these exact same agencies. Look! Chris Roberts over at WhoWhatWhy is asking the question that ROGS asked a few weeks ago:

The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway?

What’s going on? One explanation, offered by researchers from the National Academies as well as by anonymous, off-record spooks, is that foreign adversaries have a superweapon, still unnamed and unexplained, capable of beaming microwave or electromagnetic energy with pinpoint accuracy. Other, more prosaic explanations include anxiety disorder, mass hysteria, competing ultrasonic devices in the embassy offices, a neurotoxin originating in bug spray, and, believe it or not, very loud crickets.

For now, at least officially, nobody knows what’s going on, though both new CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines say they’re taking it seriously. After the State Department bungled an initial investigation, as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both the CIA (which also initially dismissed the phenomenon, former acting defense secretary Chris Miller told CNN) and the Pentagon formed task forces to suss out the problem. 

Which means at least one thing is confirmed: “Havana Syndrome” is definitely an op. 

But whose? 

As I suggested here several weeks ago, and here again, it could be anyone within the mess that is the USA-Britain-Canada-Australia-New Zealand FVEYs, or even our little pal Israel. Seeing that the State Department flubbed the initial investigation and as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both CIA and the Pentagon are now picking up the political football punted by the outgoing Trump administration, and opening an investigation of their own.

The debased morality on display since 9-11 in western nations, and particularly in their lawless black operations, is particularly odious in light of that they claim to be democracies, but few rational observers anywhere would call them that. Indeed, the factional and divided USA has devolved into an actual police state by the very definition of the term, and that, with a heavy dose of tribal sectarian warfare, expressed as “gang stalking.”

Related Story: Exactly WTH is happening in the Hong Kong-Cambodia-Australia-Peru-Canada-US undersea cable wiretap, who is enabling it, and why it matters for Asian Pacific security?

In “the narrative” the US sought to cast blame on other countries for the various electronic weapons assaults. Roberts writes that “Suspects include the Cubans, the Chinese, and the Russians, since symptoms have befallen victims posted in those three countries, all of whom are considered adversaries of the United States,”  and that “the timing of some of the attacks lines up with broader US interests

He then analyzes the three different blame narratives, but then, comes to the fourth suspect–the US and its lawless CIA, and then gets to the point:

At least one entity knows more than it’s letting on. The National Academies report that supported the directed energy weapon theory also admitted that it was denied access by American intelligence to classified material that might have provided more of an explanation. In this way, the real culprit may be a usual suspect: It’s a state secret.”

AS we see repeatedly, conventional law, conventional processes, and conventional thinking have been tossed out the window as the US, its FVEYs oligarchs, and their little pal plot the course of the next one thousand years, deploying invisible and unnaccountable asymmetrical warfare against their own people.

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