The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway? The Plot sickens

As any target of intelligence agencies knows, there are two sets of laws: one for ordinary citizens, and none for agency operatives. Regardless of whether it is the CIA, the FBI, DHS, or any of the THOUSANDS of secret police agencies in the western FVEYs alliance, western governments have completely foregone the rule of law, as any targeted individual knows.

So little surprise then, that ROGS has started a trend AGAIN in analyzing official bullshit narratives from these exact same agencies. Look! Chris Roberts over at WhoWhatWhy is asking the question that ROGS asked a few weeks ago:

The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway?

What’s going on? One explanation, offered by researchers from the National Academies as well as by anonymous, off-record spooks, is that foreign adversaries have a superweapon, still unnamed and unexplained, capable of beaming microwave or electromagnetic energy with pinpoint accuracy. Other, more prosaic explanations include anxiety disorder, mass hysteria, competing ultrasonic devices in the embassy offices, a neurotoxin originating in bug spray, and, believe it or not, very loud crickets.

For now, at least officially, nobody knows what’s going on, though both new CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines say they’re taking it seriously. After the State Department bungled an initial investigation, as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both the CIA (which also initially dismissed the phenomenon, former acting defense secretary Chris Miller told CNN) and the Pentagon formed task forces to suss out the problem. 

Which means at least one thing is confirmed: “Havana Syndrome” is definitely an op. 

But whose? 

As I suggested here several weeks ago, and here again, it could be anyone within the mess that is the USA-Britain-Canada-Australia-New Zealand FVEYs, or even our little pal Israel. Seeing that the State Department flubbed the initial investigation and as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both CIA and the Pentagon are now picking up the political football punted by the outgoing Trump administration, and opening an investigation of their own.

The debased morality on display since 9-11 in western nations, and particularly in their lawless black operations, is particularly odious in light of that they claim to be democracies, but few rational observers anywhere would call them that. Indeed, the factional and divided USA has devolved into an actual police state by the very definition of the term, and that, with a heavy dose of tribal sectarian warfare, expressed as “gang stalking.”

Related Story: Exactly WTH is happening in the Hong Kong-Cambodia-Australia-Peru-Canada-US undersea cable wiretap, who is enabling it, and why it matters for Asian Pacific security?

In “the narrative” the US sought to cast blame on other countries for the various electronic weapons assaults. Roberts writes that “Suspects include the Cubans, the Chinese, and the Russians, since symptoms have befallen victims posted in those three countries, all of whom are considered adversaries of the United States,”  and that “the timing of some of the attacks lines up with broader US interests

He then analyzes the three different blame narratives, but then, comes to the fourth suspect–the US and its lawless CIA, and then gets to the point:

At least one entity knows more than it’s letting on. The National Academies report that supported the directed energy weapon theory also admitted that it was denied access by American intelligence to classified material that might have provided more of an explanation. In this way, the real culprit may be a usual suspect: It’s a state secret.”

AS we see repeatedly, conventional law, conventional processes, and conventional thinking have been tossed out the window as the US, its FVEYs oligarchs, and their little pal plot the course of the next one thousand years, deploying invisible and unnaccountable asymmetrical warfare against their own people.

Keith LaBella Esq. was the first to suggest applying the RICO act to “organized gang stalking.” Now, a trend in which we see the Pasco County lawsuits invoking RICO, and a host of other constitutional violations

Keith La Bella Esq., writes over at www.gangstalkingismurder,, and he was the first person to ask that we apply “RICO” statutes to gang stalking cases. Unlike “do-nothing”ultra-right organizations–and likely stalkers– like, LaBella’s efforts are now paying off. The statute designed to police “mobsters”, “mafia’s” an other “gangs” is now applicable to “police gangs” who use intelligence led, predictive policing to harass people.

Keith La Bella is well known amongst genuine targeted individuals, because he is one himself, unlike these liars and frauds listed here, and here, who ramble on incessantly about “directed energy weapons, cell phone tower brain zappers!! aliens, and ghosts!!!” and who threaten lawsuits like Targeted Justice, but never sue anyone. These frauds all share the commonality of being retired spies, cops, and others associated with those fields, and manage to squash all that electronic brain zapper crap into the first paragraph of every so-called lawsuit they file, guaranteeing that they will not be taken seriously by any court anywhere. These groups are an offshoot in every way of President Ronald Reagan’s morality crusades–the war on drugs, the war on porn, etc.

Related Story: arch conservatives are known for double talk ad gibberish. Have a look back into the dark ages at Reagan’s War on Porn

But here below is one of the first lawsuits targeting sheriff’s departments and others who targeted children, brought forward by the Institute for Justice. These lawsuits invoke the RICO Act statutes, and a handful of other civil rights violations , and, none of these actual gang stalking lawsuits mention brain eating aliens, or mind reading locusts–go figure.ANd none of these lawsuits have yet targeted these other forms of child abuse, but those are coming soon.

From the Tampa Bay Times, the series Targeted chronicles these first of their kind lawsuits:The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether the Pasco school district broke federal law by sharing student data with the Sheriff’s Office. [April 19, 2021]

While these are the first of their kind to reach main stream news coverage, many have come before them, and LaBella’s lawsuit was the first to discuss these abuses and invoke RICO statutes. Here is the docket filing from 2011 for his lawsuit against the FBI, and here is a bit more about his request, and its results, and LaBella himself writes here. Note that his Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI and other organizations netted an interesting result: of the cases of stalking reported, some 13% included three or more perpetrators, a statistic that is substantial, and widely circulated in the TI community.

My problem is documenting “gangs of police, and their affiliated stalkers,” not merely sorting out the garbage blogs and videos from the real cases of gang stalking. If ever we saw how democracy is undermined, it is BY these retired police, and their agencies. So, because organizations like Targeted Justice are big budget, their form of gibberish gets higher rankings in Google, et al.

They even feature the same ultra-right wing “mind control” psychobabbling suspects such as failed James Randi JREF Dr. Colin Ross who claims he can shoot laser beams out of his eye, and Dr. Robert Duncan, former CIA. It is these crackpots with agency connections that have stopped any progress on this issue since the height of the Satanic Panic era of the Moral Majority.

The FBI created Infragard, a secret and secretive group of over 80.000 people who work in strategic positions like IT, and corporate leadership management, etc, spying on citizens, and creating secret dossiers which they pass around, in order to skirt the rule of law. This type of activity is routine in nations that have foregone the rule of law, and to have this secretive group doing this at the bidding of the FBI reveals that no one in that organization believe in the rule of law, due process, or civil liberty, no different that so called totalitarian police states or”communist nations.”

So, we see that police in the west are in fact, no better than communists by practice, and definition, and we see that clams of democratic rule of law are hollow, having been gutted and cooked by these same persons. But it isn’t communists that did this in the west–it is religious fascists whose apparently incredibly insecure and not-quite-all-knowing God demands a police and surveillance state. Faith indeed.

Even communist nations abide by the rule of law. And that is a significant statement, considering that western governments have co-opted the meaning of freedom as “religious freedom” while destroying every right and civil liberty enshrined in western constitutions. They have enshrined hatred of communism as their catalyst for world domination, which has now been turned inwards on their own people. The FVEYs spy apparatus, augmented by constant threat narrative PSYOP (and its black operations) is what underlies all of these claims, and the fake TI’s who endlessly spew disinformation surrounding them are just layers of fat.

Its time to cut it out.

Also read Where’s the Intelligence at the CIA,” as torture pornography produced during for the global elite’s 1% war in Iraq is dubiously shuffled around between agencies, hiding the ball from Congressional oversight.

The tale of the C.I.A.’s torture tapes grows longer, more twisted and interlaced. The list of question grows apace, too.

What part did members of Congress play? When were these tapes showing C.I.A. agents inflicting pain on their captives destroyed? Who destroyed them? On whose orders? What were the motives for doing so? Or is this yet one more C.I.A. ruse? We are dealing here with an institution of habitual mendacity.

The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion

Electronic Weapons, aka “Directed Energy Weapons” are a staple in the Gang stalking dialectic, and news outlets ranging from Forbes, to GQ Magazine have begun to discuss it out loud.

He was a senior CIA official tasked with getting tough on Russia. Then, one night in Moscow, Marc Polymeropoulos’s life changed forever. He says he was hit with a mysterious weapon, joining dozens of American diplomats and spies who believe they’ve been targeted with this secret device all over the world—and even at home, on U.S. soil. Now, as a CIA investigation points the blame at Russia, the victims are left wondering why so little is being done by the Trump administration.

By Julia IoffeOctober 19, 2020

Journalists must learn to sourcewatch and gatekeep those who put themselves forwards as professional pundits in the gang stalking dialectic.

I do not write about any electronic weapons related material in the gang stalking dialectic UNLESS there is science, and news reporting on that topic, because there are just too many crackpots and conspiracy nutters writing gibberish like this, and this on that topic. Or, when people like Dr. Eric Karlstrom writing as he does about wiretaps and speculating about how our networks all run through various CIA/FVEYs funded switched routers.

So, that said, electronic weapons are real, and I have personally encountered them on three occasions. The question is: how to document it, and how to report on these cases? The example above is one such case, and another excellent example can be found here, in the story of targeted diplomats, those diplomats likely are Jewish- neocon-christians who, in my opinion probably should be targeted with investigation, because they “pop up ” in the background of so any mass shootings across America these days.

This background work is evidenced by the narrative that runs in the media, and then, the web scrubbing of the shooters Facebook and other SOCMED immediately following the event, which deliberately hides evidence of what provocateurs were cyber stalking and harassing them on their pages. Behind hiding evidence and moving goal posts, the “un- naming” of people who become radicalized mass shooters smacks of cultist belief systems, and dark ritualistic religion. Here is one such cultist pseudo-scientific tome’ by Mona Charen demanding that media not name mass shooters, and incel butter knife wielding car crashers.

There are currently two competing theories about the nature of the electronic weapons that are reported to have been encountered by US spies and diplomats around the world:

1-that its possible some of the symptoms reported by various persons ranging from diplomats and covert CIA spooks to tourists could be related to pesticides, and “organophosphate poisoning” is the cause (consider the source of this theory)

2-yup, its an electronic weapon–but only the “bad guys” like Russia and China, and of course “terrorists” of ever morphing and nebulous “threat levels” would use them. Certainly the morally pure, baby-bombing, depleted uranium salting, child porn distributing Jewish-christian confabulation of the Five Eye’s Nations would never do such a thing, right?

The thing is, in spy-world, what comes around goes around. Its impossible to call a spade a spade on a rigged roulette table full of hidden players who do really bad things. Regardless of the politics involved (and if you read through the highlighted piece about senior CIA intelligence agent Mark Polymeropoulos on a self guided tour to Moscow (his rank was equivalent to a four star general)–we see that politics is front and center in these cases of who gets targeted.

So what we see in actuality is that the right/left wings of the Jewish-christian western narrative, and their Hydra’s and Medusa’s of related affiliates compete for both theoretical superiority, but also valuable newspaper inches and web clicks.The centrist position is to consult all of the online gibberish written between 911 and today, and seek clues as to the origins and political, corporate, and intelligence affiliations of the writers, and then, consult the verified science for comparison.

What you will find is that many of the early 2003-2013 era reports are actually current and former military, police, and a hodgepodge of military contractors, cold case investigators, and many others in those circles talking to each other , and trying to sound as nutty as they can possibly sound. These claims range from the totally bizarre “they’re zapping my vagina with directed energy weapons, forcing me to have orgasms all day!!”

Related Story: Electronic vagina zapping and the zappers that can do it is like, a real thing, but not in context to gang stalking. Read “The Orgasmatron: Strange tale of a pleasure implantfrom the BBC

The Orgasmatron is an actual electronic implant that can actually zap your junk at the flick of a button

Amongst those that I documented using simple OSINT and SOCMINT, I have discovered:

-US Security industry contractors ranging from helicopter leasing agents, to bridge builders and oil reserve exploration corporations involved, and those as direct beneficiaries of the federal or US military contracting apparatus.

-actual spooks and spies as we see with so much of the Targeted Justice crew

-lots and lots of police from local departments who are hosting military contractors who are trying to sell their various toys that target civilian populations

-curiously, lots of women who work in “leadership development” and other HR related fields, stacking the deck in Human Resources departments at all major corporations

-lots and lots of “cold case investigators” and more from related fields. In fact, the notorious New York Times hit piece “They See Gangs of Stalkers...” where Dr. Lorraine Sheridan of Curtin University quoted “anonymous poll respondents” flush with all of the same people named above is one such “cold case investigator” herself. And, like many sadists and other institutional bullies, she also works in her states prison system too. Junk science, and biased research is a hallmark in these cases where actual stalkers claim they are victims; or where they assist this illegal practice and its practitioners, as noted in the Fort Worth Weekly piece “Gang Stalkers” by Teri Webster.

Here is more about Source Watching the disinformation, junk science, and psychobabble from sources in the gang stalking dialectic.

How to report clandestine activity to intelligence services: start with “cellular data,”work your way to “evidence laundering.”

Modern terror cells masquerade as “see something say something” types, both online and off. The reality however is much darker than mere charades and cloaked purpose, as we see time and again that “gangs” of “stalkers” aka gang stalkers are ALL intelligence agency affiliated, operating in domestic spaces, targeting civilian populations.

So, who do you call when its the cop-callers and “informers” doing the dirt?

One of the primary concerns within the gang stalking dialectic is that law enforcement and other “responsible report taking outlets” mask the clandestine activity* of intelligence agencies operating on civilian populations. There are thousands of ways to report terror related activity, simply by searching “report terror/illegal activity” and filling in your favorite agency name after that term. The only problem though, is that gang stalking IS our own people doing it, to others of our own people, which is against the law of all western nations, and even the UN Human Rights Declaration.

Related Reading: Hiding the Ball– Lawfare reports on the international Five Eyes Surveillance State

This voyeurism based “hiding the ball” scheme is particularly rampant in the former democracies of the west, known today as the “Five Eyes,” “Nine Eyes,”or the “Fourteen Eyes” nations, and while some forms of it it take place in every developed country, never before has the world seen the international exploitation of entire communications networks on such a scale. This form of monitoring, and then, pursuing so-called legal channels of prosecution is known as “evidence laundering” and it looks like this below:

Evidence Laundering and Intelligence Agencies 101

The Five Eyes pundits yammer on about how “the communists” of Russia want to close off their internet to foreign voyeurism, and nations like “communist” China struggle with simple “fair play” in an era of rampant spying by “democratic” nations via international fiber optic cables, going so far to call this last gasp of western Jewish-christian nations the ” axis of white supremacy,” a claim that has merit, as we see echoed in the Fort Worth Weekly article about targeted individuals, people like Tiffany Fontenot, who peddle junk science and unscientific garbage like “reverse speech.*”

Tiffany Fontenot peddles the junk science of reverse speech. I listened to a recording she made and it said “I believe in reverse speech,” but when I played it backwards, is said “Herp derp I’maperp.” These crackpots hard right liars and frauds are who gang stalkers are.

Read More: Wired takes on the junk science of Hceeps Esrever, and here’s more about the “police science” of lie detection, another notoriously garbage pseudo science. All gang stalking is utilizes psychobabble, pseudo-science, bullying, and harassment by current and former police and their associates

These crackpots and pundits appear in force in that article to defend the practices of gang stalkers, including extra-judicial monitoring of human beings(read that article). All of this derives from police narratives, and all of it is based in pseudo-science, lies, and deceptions. Here is David Oates peddling his junk science, and here is crackpot Tiffany Fontenot peddling it too. This is important, because we also see her virulently attacking someone in the comments section of the article after her and her cyber-bullies refused to comment in that article.

The problem has been particularly highlighted since the western governments scrapped their constitutional protections in favor of totalitarian measures of a “capitalist surveillance state.”

Where once (some) people in democracies could (sort of) rely on civil liberties like free speech, due process and privacy protections–all of that was erased after 911. And what was put in its place was an intercontinental surveillance network that eradicated these protections for all citizens, backed by smear campaigns and harassment by these groups. And in turn, that put ordinary people in immediate and direct contact with intelligence agents and agencies who had weaponized the citizenry as little more than the mobs we read about in history books, but this time, armed with Fusion Centers and internet. The cat was out of the meme, and it was no longer just a joke on the internet-it was now a matter of the cat coming and crapping on your door.

Recently, I explored a few different “social engineering exploits” that were targeted at me by people in the USA and Britain, and I did some social engineering of my own, in order to prove my claims. Here is part of that here, where we see “linguistics”exploits, and social engineering exploits in action, as I gained a few (literally three followers) here at this blog, all of whom are intelligence community (IC )affiliated. I wont name them here yet, but you can look at my followers yourself.

Well, part of social exploits requires tracking and tracing gangs of stalkers, and one of the best ways to get them to reveal themselves is to start a free WordPress blog, where you talk about who they are, rather than blather on about “electronic weapons/aliens/flat earth!/LIZARD PEEPLE/ or PIZZAGATE!!!!

Having done that, many times, I have learned a few things:

-the Gemalto hack was an exploit whose ripple effect is still being felt today, unlike the “Nokia” chipset exploit( a UK/British operation).

-they all use the number 12 or 13 symbolically, for a variety of purposes, especially derived from Jewish and christian mysticism; but also these numbers are used in other pagan, neo-pagan and so-called Satanic practices too.And, it appears in military and police practices too, where we see teams of IC agents and other secretive groups organizing around this number.

-they are all Mi5/JTRIG/CIA/NSA/DoD/Mossad affiliated (in the west). Examples can be found here, by searching “number thirteen; 13,” etc.

-they ALL talk a hard right game online (see the flat earth/PIZZAGATE reference above)

-they all have contacts in the IC, and form networks of current and former spies, primarily working in clandestine domestic theater, disguising that activity as “counterintelligence and terrorism.”

-they all use masking software/IP spoofing/online repositories to gather intel against their targets. Exploits as simple as using comment forums to collect IP addresses, to more complicated exploits like the NSA hack of Gemalto chipsets, which I will cover below.

*see the CIA Glossary of Intelligence Agency Terms at this link for terminology explanations.

**I am currently mapping an undersea cable network that goes from certain Asian nations to South America (with a few curious stops in between) and for some strange reason, onward to Britain and Israel, via the NSA. Feel free to write, and vindicate yourselves,and your activity on those cables, lol. But ALL gang stalking dialogues, no matter how bizarre they seem are actually intel operatives and spies talking in what I call “dialectic para-language” to each other. The old school intel agency right wing version of that christian dialectic of “reverse speech,” is where we see christian superstition extrapolating that coincidence is in fact “Satan, talking backwards,” or some other “mind control” and influence operation.The entire western narrative depends from exactly these forms of ignorant gibberish.

A world of police informants, rats and snitches: a peek at the sordid practice of entrapment, harassment, and police/agency informants in the gang stalking dialectic

“Judas and the Black Messiah,” a story of rats, snitches, and FBI black ops tells the story of Fred Hampton, a black activists who was not only stalked, by “gangs of police” but murdered in outrageous circumstances. My own father saw the actual door where official narratives said Hampton was firing rounds out of that door, when in fact, my fathers testimony, and that of many others confirmed over the years that not a single bullet was being fired out of that door, and every bullet was going in to that door.

Talk about a great and actual “gang stalking” story, and this is it. Literally, we see the gangs of notoriously racist, corrupt Chicago cops, “bizarre” directed conversations, lots of stalking, and the FBI pulling strings and orchestrating actual assassinations( yeah, I know, tell me again how ‘my time is up’…).

Watching this film wouldn’t be complete without reading the incredible story “The Last Hours of William O’Neal,” from the Chicago Reader. Its the counter-narrative to many gang stalking stories, that of Bill O’Neal, who ratted out Black Panthers Fred Hampton’s and Mark Clark; a snitch on a “police string,” who spent his final hours in my hometown, the first integrated suburb of Chicago, contemplating his own suicide in a bathroom.

From that excellent piece, we can also trace the phony claims of mental illness in a “targeted individual” who had become entrapped between corrupt police on one hand, and a social movement on the other. And we see how the “bizzarre and constant Catch-22s of a targeted individuals life are often misconstrued as “mental illness” or “suicidal ideation,” and so on. We see also, the state patrol of that jurisdiction “coincidentally” right there on the scene as the snitch kills himself. They are never there when you need them, right?

Another Catch-22-by-design, or as CIA financed brain scrubber and doper Gregory Bateson would have us contemplate, maybe “targeted individuals” of “gang stalking” are just in a double bind, like a stupid dolphin. Learned helplessness, and despair, the combined impotence of a two tiered society; the ever-replicating lizard people-like victory of the corruption of American policing meeting CIA ideology at the starting gate of “justice” where everyone is an intelligence “asset” or worse, a disposable like Bill O’Neal.

This is how they do it, generation after generation.

Very few people in truly democratic societies are likely to say that cooperating with law enforcement is a bad thing. The problem is though, that western democracies bear little resemblance to democracies in any way whatsoever, and the “laws” that are “enforced” are not based in anything resembling constitutional due process, or civil rights. There’s lots of enforcing, and what is called “high policing,” and lots of “law,” but little of those rights are enforceable to or for the average person, which some scholars note has created a two tiered justice system in the “democratic” USA.

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute noted this curious modern paradox in 2013, but it has been going on longer than that:

We now live in a two-tiered system of justice and governance. There are two sets of laws: one set for the government and the corporations, and another set for you and me.

The laws which apply to the majority of the population allow the government to do things like rectally probe you during a roadside stop, or listen in on your phone calls and read all of your email messages, or indefinitely detain you in a military holding cell. These are the laws which are executed every single day against a population which has up until now been blissfully ignorant of the radical shift taking place in American government.”

Calling modern western democracies either “liberal,” or “democratic” is a total misnomer in every way, which is all established fact, getting worse by the hour, and as such, there cannot be democracy in such a situation. Regardless of whether we decide to call the current system a Plutocracy, Oligarchy, a surveillance capitalist sytem, or a police state, regardless, it is a system designed solely to obstruct those who insist upon equality before the law, and constitutional democracy, yet who do not have social power or connection to enforce such a system.

Must Read on Background: Freemasonry and Black Nationalism, by Fred Milliken is a stunningly well documented examination of the roots of Black Nationalism, and the intellectual base of the earliest black freemasons who eventually established in modern Liberia “The United States is a dizzying kaleidoscope of religious belief and practice, a situation rooted in the country’s originsin part, anywayas a haven for religious dissidentsBut not all of these strangers arrived by choice. African slaves first arrived in Jamestown in 1607, the same year the colony was founded.”

In fact, western democracies appear to the outsider to be little more than localized gangs of police, working within a secret surveillance capitalist system, whose main tools of social engineering are exploiting religion, race, gender and privilege; who work at the behest of wealthy, privileged persons who are primarily of white, European and Jewish descent*; and whose funding derives from institutional and corporate power with the sole goal of vigorously policing the mutual protection societies of the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, and the immigrant.

This is such a “truism” that entire portions of our national narrative now regularly highlight these facts, and the re-establishment of one or another form of peonage, debt bondage, or slavery, regardless of what our constitution grants us, and as you yourself can watch in the PBS documentary “Slavery by Another Name.”

I recall learning firsthand that modern policing of the individual (which historically derives from the wealthy classes containing and policing peons and slaves, throughout all of history) begins when those individuals attempt to aid their communities outside the structures and purview of the “higher powers” such as state and local governments that have failed their people (which American blacks notoriously suffered from), and the various “charities” and related NGOs that do the bidding of eugenicists and other mayhem; that community aid given freely and deliberately without certificate or approval of the local community authorities is itself a threat to such societies.

That is what a “threat narrative” is in such societies-organized or self sufficient communities that do not take top down orders from the echelons of local power that takes its orders from hidden “high police” who have other agendas. And, that community organizing and self-policing is somehow a threat to institutional policing, because it subverts the anti-democratic nature of policing itself. The case of the missing and murdered Ferguson activists, and that some point the finger to the Ford Foundation (not-ironically founded by Henry Ford, a Nazi sympathizer; even less ironically headed by a gay black man who will never procreate) clearly demonstrates that this problem has not disappeared.

Image result for Black Panthers Food Drive. Size: 313 x 160. Source:

For example, the Black Panthers started policing their communities exactly as ghetto dwellers had done for centuries, because in fact, it was the police from outside their communities, coming into their communities who were waging racially charged cultural war on them, and targeting the little resources they had, starting the most basic civil rights, like freedom of association, and even the right to maintain basic family units. Then, extending to issues much larger, like food security.

Infamously, while the mainstream media fed my generation image after image of the BPP holding weapons as they policed their neighborhoods, and highlighted only the imagery of black people who had been gang stalked by the police and the Klan–it was something far more innocuous that the Panthers did, and became highly targeted for: they tried to feed people in those communities, highlighting the link between food security and self-sustenance as a “threat” to those who did not reside in those communities, but who policed them relentlessly.

But the BPP weren’t the first to be declared enemies of the state for trying to feed people in the US, which is now and has always been a bastion of anti-democratic forces that hide their pseudo-religion in leveraging food against freedom. The Great Depression revealed that America was under the influence of the forever war, which came to that shore in 1913, and by 1929 had busted its banking system wide open. At that time, the rally cry of “the communists are feeding people!” was deployed at every soup kitchen and work camp supper table. Indeed, communism was filling a need that capitalism was not in that era.

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Pure capitalism has always failed at feeding the masses, much less allowing them to create their own food gardens in "public" spaces. And it is a failure– if for no other reason– than that its multi headed hydra of racialized, genderized peonage, oriented to guiding or coercing the masses towards one or another <em>mystery religion</em>, upheld by <em>mystery policing</em>, all of which stem from Freemason origins. This form of society deliberately refuses to allow the poor to exist outside of their peonage systems, believing as they do that its their sacred duty to chisel away at "ruffians" and unhewn stone in order to use persons as tools and as sustenance to feed its own sense of order–to hammer each person until they become a building block to be cemented somewhere.Pure capitalism has always failed at feeding the masses, much less allowing them to create their own food gardens in “public” spaces. And it is a failure– if for no other reason– than that its multi headed hydra of racialized, genderized peonage, oriented to guiding or coercing the masses towards one or another mystery religion, upheld by mystery policing, all of which stem from Freemason origins. This form of society deliberately refuses to allow the poor to exist outside of their peonage systems, believing as they do that its their sacred duty to chisel away at “ruffians” and unhewn stone in order to use persons as tools and as sustenance to feed its own sense of order–to hammer each person until they become a building block to be cemented somewhere.

While discussing Fremasonry in terms of gang stalking often invokes charges of “conspiracy theory” from the heathens and the ignorant (and unsurprisingly, lots of Freemasons), it is well established fact that this is what western social structures are built upon, though its difficult to explain to the uninitiated. Far more easy to understand this then, is to observe the modern sense of order that has arisen in the years since slavery, and to observe Freemasonry in action within other societies. LIberia is a good example of that, but there are many more.

Further Reading: Mind Controlled Black Assassins is one of my favorite blogs on these topics

*no unbiased, rational person, or evidence based historical narrative disputes or denies this, though we now see wealthy Asian and Middle Eastern power establishing itself in the US too.