The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway? The Plot sickens

As any target of intelligence agencies knows, there are two sets of laws: one for ordinary citizens, and none for agency operatives. Regardless of whether it is the CIA, the FBI, DHS, or any of the THOUSANDS of secret police agencies in the western FVEYs alliance, western governments have completely foregone the rule of law, as any targeted individual knows.

So little surprise then, that ROGS has started a trend AGAIN in analyzing official bullshit narratives from these exact same agencies. Look! Chris Roberts over at WhoWhatWhy is asking the question that ROGS asked a few weeks ago:

The Mysterious, Anonymous “Energy Weapon”: Whose Op Is It, Anyway?

What’s going on? One explanation, offered by researchers from the National Academies as well as by anonymous, off-record spooks, is that foreign adversaries have a superweapon, still unnamed and unexplained, capable of beaming microwave or electromagnetic energy with pinpoint accuracy. Other, more prosaic explanations include anxiety disorder, mass hysteria, competing ultrasonic devices in the embassy offices, a neurotoxin originating in bug spray, and, believe it or not, very loud crickets.

For now, at least officially, nobody knows what’s going on, though both new CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines say they’re taking it seriously. After the State Department bungled an initial investigation, as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both the CIA (which also initially dismissed the phenomenon, former acting defense secretary Chris Miller told CNN) and the Pentagon formed task forces to suss out the problem. 

Which means at least one thing is confirmed: “Havana Syndrome” is definitely an op. 

But whose? 

As I suggested here several weeks ago, and here again, it could be anyone within the mess that is the USA-Britain-Canada-Australia-New Zealand FVEYs, or even our little pal Israel. Seeing that the State Department flubbed the initial investigation and as a report posted by the National Security Archive earlier this year noted, both CIA and the Pentagon are now picking up the political football punted by the outgoing Trump administration, and opening an investigation of their own.

The debased morality on display since 9-11 in western nations, and particularly in their lawless black operations, is particularly odious in light of that they claim to be democracies, but few rational observers anywhere would call them that. Indeed, the factional and divided USA has devolved into an actual police state by the very definition of the term, and that, with a heavy dose of tribal sectarian warfare, expressed as “gang stalking.”

Related Story: Exactly WTH is happening in the Hong Kong-Cambodia-Australia-Peru-Canada-US undersea cable wiretap, who is enabling it, and why it matters for Asian Pacific security?

In “the narrative” the US sought to cast blame on other countries for the various electronic weapons assaults. Roberts writes that “Suspects include the Cubans, the Chinese, and the Russians, since symptoms have befallen victims posted in those three countries, all of whom are considered adversaries of the United States,”  and that “the timing of some of the attacks lines up with broader US interests

He then analyzes the three different blame narratives, but then, comes to the fourth suspect–the US and its lawless CIA, and then gets to the point:

At least one entity knows more than it’s letting on. The National Academies report that supported the directed energy weapon theory also admitted that it was denied access by American intelligence to classified material that might have provided more of an explanation. In this way, the real culprit may be a usual suspect: It’s a state secret.”

AS we see repeatedly, conventional law, conventional processes, and conventional thinking have been tossed out the window as the US, its FVEYs oligarchs, and their little pal plot the course of the next one thousand years, deploying invisible and unnaccountable asymmetrical warfare against their own people.

Directed energy weapons investigated inside the USA: Big news as senate, CIA investigating, say attacks are not isolated to CIA personnel

Every week now, the news brings us stories that validate the claims of targeted individuals in various and exciton ways, especially the gang stalking lawsuits that we are seeing lately (more here, and here, and here, and here too.).

This week’s news has a story about directed energy weapons. From MSN:

Mysterious Havana syndrome attacks are now documented in the US

Gabby Birenbaum 13 hrs ago

Leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed cases of the mysterious “Havana syndrome” — instances of neurological harm to US personnel from direct energy attacks — are on the rise, in a Friday hearing. Over the past two years, two attacks have occurred in the US — including one in close proximity to the White House.

And this, from The Hill:

Senate Intel vows to ‘get to the bottom’ of ‘Havana syndrome’ attacks

The suspected attacks, which first occurred in Havana, Cuba, in 2016, have since surfaced in a number of countries, leaving a number of U.S. diplomats and analysts with neurological symptoms ranging from vertigo to insomnia.ADVERTISEMENT

“For nearly five years, we have been aware of reports of mysterious attacks on United States Government personnel in Havana, Cuba and around the world. This pattern of attacking our fellow citizens serving our government appears to be increasing. The Senate Intelligence Committee intends to get to the bottom of this. We have already held fact finding hearings on these debilitating attacks, many of which result in medically confirmed cases of Traumatic Brain Injury, and will do more,” Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a joint statement.

Some 40 government officials have been hit by the attacks, which a government-funded report by the National Academy of Sciences determined were most likely caused by microwave radiation. The bulk of known cases have been State Department or CIA employees.

The lawmakers said they would seek “to better understand the technology behind the weapon responsible for these attacks.”

1 Source Watching 1 in the gang stalking dialectic Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, Christine Sarteschi and a few others–these psychologists are pro-surveillance state, and anti-democracy

The most commonly cited sketchy psychologists who have gone on record claiming that gang stalking complainants are “delusional” are nearly all pro-police, pro-prosecution, and anti-democratic These range from forensic psychologists to cold case investigators, and others employed in the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) and other for-profit carceral systems of various nations.

Here below is a short list of those who are “gang stalking denialists” that claim victims of gang stalking are likely “delusional.” By no means is this an exhaustive list, and many psychologists who seek to sell books and get press quotes can be found on this topic.

But first, the names of a few actual victims of “gangs of police stalkers” from the main stream media–decide for yourself!

Rick and Cindy Krlich bought a house next to the fire chief, in a little town in Ohio. Shortly thereafter, police, fire fighters, and their relatives and associates began to wage a ten year long “horn honking” campaign against the Krlich’s. They eventually obtained restraining orders against many of their stalkers, who were in fact, a “gang of police and their associates.” Read “Small Town Terrorism,” and meet an actual gang of gang stalkers.

The Feds are throwing the book at eBay executives for gang stalking. Inside eBay’s cockroach Cult is a story of malicious harassment of a couple writers by an actual gang of people from the corporate offices of eBay. Bizarre complaints. Ironically, the same New York Times (second linked article) is on record denying that gang stalking happens. That gang consisted of about 60% women, and included many retired cops, and “people with power,”, as predicted by ROGS Analysis.

Also, reported around the world is the notorious stalking and cold blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery by a gang of police, retired police, investigators, and their associate. The NYT is also on record covering that case, while denying that these “gangs” of “police” are who “gang stalkers” are. That case even saw Arbery stalked for many years in a policing scheme similar to the Pasco County Florida case of “intelligence led policing,” a gang stalking lawsuit which is now working its way through the courts. Arbery’s case also saw the unwarranted use of an “electronic weapon” aimed at him in the form of a Taser, and the state of Georgia overhauled its “citizens arrest” statutes because of that case.

And, his mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones used simple SOCMINT to tie that gang of stalkers together, using the ROGS method. ROGS Analysis states that “nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking involves current and retired police, military, military intelligence agents, and their associates in state systems, and the community.”

And, that’s EXACTLY who Ms. Cooper-Jones found, and connected together so that the case could be prosecuted. Arbery’s stalkers were a disgraced former police investigator, his son, a neighbor, and a few prosecutors who recused themselves from the case because they had stalked Arbery for many years.

Then, there is the recent gang stalking lawsuit filed against Pasco County FL Sheriff for “targeting children.” The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) writes about that in that exact language, saying “Pasco County’s Sheriff Must End Its Targeted Child Harassment Program.”

Source Watch The Following Psychologists, false narratives, and bad sources who claim that complaints of gang stalking are “delusional.”

There are indeed many more of these cases coming to light as the practice of “police gang stalking” aka “threat assessment informed, intelligence led, predictive policing,” slowly is revealed in the press. In the meantime, here below are a few of those who are quoted in media as “experts” about gang stalking, and all of them claim it is a ‘delusion.”

Here is the general smear that repeats itself in the press:

Mental health experts are troubled that a “delusional” belief system — which leads believers to fear they are constantly being watched or harassed and has even been linked to mass shootings — is now advertised on Vancouver’s public transit system.

The ads are about beliefs called “organized stalking” or “gang stalking”. It holds that conspirators, perhaps dozens of them, are stalking and harassing “targeted individuals” by damaging their personal property in subtle ways or spreading rumours about them.

Some targeted individuals also believe they are victims of “electronic assaults”: torture via weapons from sci-fi movies like microwave rays and body-implanted microchips often with mind-control powers.

However, researchers agree these beliefs are usually caused by some sort of mental disorder.

And here below are a few of the most prominent disinformation agents who are quoted as “experts” based on one single study where Dr. Lorraine Sheridan literally interviewed “the internet,” and used that commentary as her source. Laughably bad, junk science.

  • Dr. Lorraine Sheridan notoriously went on record in the New York Times touting her internet famous online poll where she interviewed “the anonymous internet” for data about organized gang stalking, and denying that gang stalking is a social phenomenon, She attempted to discredit those who complain of OGS by stating that “they are likely delusional.” Quite ironically, the same NYT is on record documenting actual complaints of “microwave/noise/health attacks” on US diplomats who most experts agree were targeted with some type of electronic weapon. Sheridan’s work is not to be taken seriously by any researcher, nor is the NYT a source to cite on this issue.
  • Dr. David V. James of the North London Forensic Service is co-author to the Sheridan internet poll, and one of a long line of political psychologists whose work is used to prop up the police and surveillance state, notoriously a DVIC darling, authoring study after study about stalking. Here he is propping up the complaints of politicians. It seems that just about every six seconds, the highly published Dr. James can crank out a new paper about how politicians, cops and state-friendly psychologists are all “victims of potential stalkers,” as justification for increasing spending on even MORE police. Go figure.
  • Christine Sarteschi is an associate professor of social work and criminology who has a book to sell, she’s a pro-police voice, and gang stalking denialist. She leans right, and is in every way affiliated with actual “gang stalkers” of the type discussed in the Fort Worth Weekly piece called “Gangstalkers.” She is also affiliated with the women’s networks of “domestic violence and family court related gang stalkers,” and is on record with the Canadian Broadcast System(CBC) in a series of disinformation pieces about gang stalking.

Most despicably, she calls gang stalking a “belief system,” as if its some form of religion. Then, note her language here “Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to destroy the life of the TI , ” and compare that to this recent gang stalking lawsuit filed by the Institute for Justice against the Pasco County Sheriffs office where ACTUAL police and government officials were indeed seeking to destroy the lives of many people, using the bullshit junk science of invasive, and harassing “predictive policing” and whose victims are indeed discussed as “targeted persons” exactly as we see in the lawsuits against the Pasco County FL sheriff in the courts today. The Tampa Bay Times won a Pulitzer Prize for their series about those cases–and none of the reporters used the people in this list as sources.

Nice how these social workers provide cover for dirty, unconstitutional policing, huh?

Here below is the piece that appeared in the CBC hit piece, which acted as cover for Canada’s “predictive policing” and targeting program, whose main propaganda persons are religious right wing “save the women” anti-porn, anti-prostitution types who are the same groups that stalk abortion clinics, and have co-opted feminism in every way.

“I have not seen any evidence, good, hard evidence, to suggest that this is an actual thing that happens to people,” said Christine Sarteschi”

  • Dr. Mike Wood is part of the trend in psychologists taking government funding to “combat conspiracy theories,” a vast majority of which have turned out to be true. And note that his Twitter handle is @disinfoagent–at least he is honest about that. Remember the good old days when they told us that people who believed the government was tracking us, and compiling vast databases of our lives? Yeah–conspiracy indeed: welcome to the FVEYs alliance, and the warehousing of our entire online, electronic lives at the Utah Data Center
  • Ella Free is a “woman of mystery” and there is no actual bio or photo of her anywhere online, though there are several named Ella Free in religiously conservative regions of the Deep South. Strange, considering that her website and online presence claims tentacles all over the world.There are also connections to “womens empowerment” pseudo-feminists from Texas See for yourself.

I reserve my opinion about Ms. Free until further research, but I do find her commentary and interviews with victims of Big Data, and security industries targeting and harassing homeless people, and collecting databases of their DNA, etc. Have a look at this podcast with Bryan Kofron where Kofron discusses how Amazon Corporation trains security guards for gang stalking operations, keeping in mind that Jeff Bezos is a descendant of Stalin era experiments.

I find that interesting because I was also once a security guard, aka a “bouncer” in an industry that was targeted by the deep state, and I sued a “police affiliated” security company that targeted me as well. That is documented at .

See the photo below which I shot from a Canon camera in Hollywood, CA back in 2016-17, for further information, as I was personally documenting how security companies are assisting large property developers targeting homeless people on Venice Beach, CA. so that real estate values rise.

Is gang stalking a delusion? Do gang stalkers follow people around, and snap photos of them? Indeed, they do.

CIA and gang stalking: former senior level agent John Sipher talks about “sonic weapons” attacks in Cuba and around the world, misses the boat on “third party punishment.”

Gang stalking for journalists, psychologists, sociologists, and criminologists

The most common mistake that any agent–from any agency anywhere–can make about the perpetration of strange or bizarre or illegal events is to approach data from political perspective, or to blame the “common enemies,” because in spook word, sometimes its “our common allies and friends” that could be the cause agents of said events.

During my time overseas, I have had personal experience with several of these “attacks.” In the 1980s and 1990s, the Soviet and then Russian intelligence services deployed doses of nitrophenyl pentaden (NPPD) against American diplomats whom they suspected of managing espionage operations against Russian interests. This so-called “spy dust” was an invisible electromagnetic powder with a customized chemical identifier. It was smeared onto door handles, furniture and cars of suspected American spy handlers. It was a tagging agent used by Russian security elements to covertly monitor their own community by revealing unreported (and potentially espionage related) contacts between Russian and American officials. It was somewhat ingenious.

John Sipher, former senior level CIA agent

SO when analyzing the Cuba Sonic Attacks, aka “health attacks,” one former CIA agent advises that we remain skeptical of the common narrative, while also talking us through the variety of purely bizarre activities that one encounters in the covert life. And equally, that exact agent reveals his own shortsightedness, or deliberate bias by sticking with the narrative that “Russia did it,” while skipping over other third parties who had and have many tactical reasons for why they would want to do these things, regardless of the US politics.

So, have a good read through some stuff from spook world, and note how the activity herein mirrors the claims of “targeted individuals” in every way.

Then, we follow that trail, we find equally interesting commentary on Pastebin (follow the link below, as I am having an Iframe problem right now):

From that Pastebin:

John Sipher, former CIA leaderhsip guy, says cuba attacks probably just malfunctioning survelliance equipment   

…There has been no shortage of theories as to the reasons for the attacks, some speculating that it was payback against specific individuals, a possible operation by third parties (the Russians?) to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Cuba,  

…Why don’t I believe this was an attack intended to harm diplomats?   First, I don’t think the timing or diplomatic atmosphere accords with such hostile action by the Cuban government. U.S. and Canadian diplomats reported their symptoms in the fall of 2016. At that time, the Obama Administration had relaxed diplomatic relations with Cuba   

a lapse in reasoning for Sipher? says in same article could be third party stirring shit, then cites as reason to not believe intended to harm diplomats since “diplomatic atmosphere” between Cuba and U.S. friendly at that time.  In most of his other writings, Sipher disposed to blame Russia for everything: John Sipher ‏Verified account @john_sipher Mar 6  

So, for psychologists who wish to protect their reputations, and journalists who seek to report on “gang stalking” keep in mind that most of it is straight out of spook world, and that the activity that your parient/source/other describes will indeed be “bizarre” at times. Keep an open mind, and test the validity of their claims, and you will see that gang stalking is not all that mysterious, once you know where to look, and how to interpret narratives.

The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion

Electronic Weapons, aka “Directed Energy Weapons” are a staple in the Gang stalking dialectic, and news outlets ranging from Forbes, to GQ Magazine have begun to discuss it out loud.

He was a senior CIA official tasked with getting tough on Russia. Then, one night in Moscow, Marc Polymeropoulos’s life changed forever. He says he was hit with a mysterious weapon, joining dozens of American diplomats and spies who believe they’ve been targeted with this secret device all over the world—and even at home, on U.S. soil. Now, as a CIA investigation points the blame at Russia, the victims are left wondering why so little is being done by the Trump administration.

By Julia IoffeOctober 19, 2020

Journalists must learn to sourcewatch and gatekeep those who put themselves forwards as professional pundits in the gang stalking dialectic.

I do not write about any electronic weapons related material in the gang stalking dialectic UNLESS there is science, and news reporting on that topic, because there are just too many crackpots and conspiracy nutters writing gibberish like this, and this on that topic. Or, when people like Dr. Eric Karlstrom writing as he does about wiretaps and speculating about how our networks all run through various CIA/FVEYs funded switched routers.

So, that said, electronic weapons are real, and I have personally encountered them on three occasions. The question is: how to document it, and how to report on these cases? The example above is one such case, and another excellent example can be found here, in the story of targeted diplomats, those diplomats likely are Jewish- neocon-christians who, in my opinion probably should be targeted with investigation, because they “pop up ” in the background of so any mass shootings across America these days.

This background work is evidenced by the narrative that runs in the media, and then, the web scrubbing of the shooters Facebook and other SOCMED immediately following the event, which deliberately hides evidence of what provocateurs were cyber stalking and harassing them on their pages. Behind hiding evidence and moving goal posts, the “un- naming” of people who become radicalized mass shooters smacks of cultist belief systems, and dark ritualistic religion. Here is one such cultist pseudo-scientific tome’ by Mona Charen demanding that media not name mass shooters, and incel butter knife wielding car crashers.

There are currently two competing theories about the nature of the electronic weapons that are reported to have been encountered by US spies and diplomats around the world:

1-that its possible some of the symptoms reported by various persons ranging from diplomats and covert CIA spooks to tourists could be related to pesticides, and “organophosphate poisoning” is the cause (consider the source of this theory)

2-yup, its an electronic weapon–but only the “bad guys” like Russia and China, and of course “terrorists” of ever morphing and nebulous “threat levels” would use them. Certainly the morally pure, baby-bombing, depleted uranium salting, child porn distributing Jewish-christian confabulation of the Five Eye’s Nations would never do such a thing, right?

The thing is, in spy-world, what comes around goes around. Its impossible to call a spade a spade on a rigged roulette table full of hidden players who do really bad things. Regardless of the politics involved (and if you read through the highlighted piece about senior CIA intelligence agent Mark Polymeropoulos on a self guided tour to Moscow (his rank was equivalent to a four star general)–we see that politics is front and center in these cases of who gets targeted.

So what we see in actuality is that the right/left wings of the Jewish-christian western narrative, and their Hydra’s and Medusa’s of related affiliates compete for both theoretical superiority, but also valuable newspaper inches and web clicks.The centrist position is to consult all of the online gibberish written between 911 and today, and seek clues as to the origins and political, corporate, and intelligence affiliations of the writers, and then, consult the verified science for comparison.

What you will find is that many of the early 2003-2013 era reports are actually current and former military, police, and a hodgepodge of military contractors, cold case investigators, and many others in those circles talking to each other , and trying to sound as nutty as they can possibly sound. These claims range from the totally bizarre “they’re zapping my vagina with directed energy weapons, forcing me to have orgasms all day!!”

Related Story: Electronic vagina zapping and the zappers that can do it is like, a real thing, but not in context to gang stalking. Read “The Orgasmatron: Strange tale of a pleasure implantfrom the BBC

The Orgasmatron is an actual electronic implant that can actually zap your junk at the flick of a button

Amongst those that I documented using simple OSINT and SOCMINT, I have discovered:

-US Security industry contractors ranging from helicopter leasing agents, to bridge builders and oil reserve exploration corporations involved, and those as direct beneficiaries of the federal or US military contracting apparatus.

-actual spooks and spies as we see with so much of the Targeted Justice crew

-lots and lots of police from local departments who are hosting military contractors who are trying to sell their various toys that target civilian populations

-curiously, lots of women who work in “leadership development” and other HR related fields, stacking the deck in Human Resources departments at all major corporations

-lots and lots of “cold case investigators” and more from related fields. In fact, the notorious New York Times hit piece “They See Gangs of Stalkers...” where Dr. Lorraine Sheridan of Curtin University quoted “anonymous poll respondents” flush with all of the same people named above is one such “cold case investigator” herself. And, like many sadists and other institutional bullies, she also works in her states prison system too. Junk science, and biased research is a hallmark in these cases where actual stalkers claim they are victims; or where they assist this illegal practice and its practitioners, as noted in the Fort Worth Weekly piece “Gang Stalkers” by Teri Webster.

Here is more about Source Watching the disinformation, junk science, and psychobabble from sources in the gang stalking dialectic.

Military “stack formations,” Oath Keepers, Jewish-christian extremism in the gang stalking dialectic-and MOLOCH!: the biblical meaning of the number 13/thirteen

gang stalking cases study, numerology and gang stalking, gang stalking and psychology, gang stalking and criminology

U.S. prosecutors are monitoring the various western extremist gangs of Jewish-christian domestic terrorists, most of which are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents.And some of those gangs use numerological signs and signifiers to recruit members, or stalk targets.

Related Story: From Business Insider, “Phrases Only People in the Military Know.”

As we see with headlines like the following, most “gangs” of “stalkers” are comprised of current, and former military trained personnel, with high levels of “intelligence” training; and that these gangs have high numbers of women in them, some 40-60% being female. ROGS Analysis (you can study the rough research here) predicts this exact configuration in all gang stalking cases too, whether its a standard “community policing” type of case, or a real estate related case, a church related stalking, workplace mobbing scenario, or any other form of this domestic terrorism called “gang stalking.” This configuration is the one true constant of ALL gang stalking.

9 Oath Keepers indicted for conspiracy, including 7 members of the tactical “stack” seen entering Capitol in combat gear

“As always, while conducting security operations, we will have some of our men out in ‘grey man’ mode, without identifiable Oath Keepers gear on. For every Oath Keeper you see, there are at least two you don’t see.”

As we sort through this story, we see that six out of nine of those indicted fit the ROGS Analysis framework completely, including this gem, North Carolina resident Laura Steele, 52, a female former SWAT team member who was working in private security before her indictment-and see if you can spot the number 13 in the article, as these intelligence cultists signal each other using non-coincidental numerology .

From CBS:

“Steele sent a five-page document that appeared to be an online application to the Oath Keepers of Florida on January 3, prosecutors said. In the document, she wrote, “I have 13 years of experience in Law Enforcement in North Carolina. I served as a K-9 Officer and a SWAT team member. I currently work Private Armed Security for [company name redacted]. I am a licensed PPS through the North Carolina Private Protective Services.”

I would like to point out that this blog you are reading has been “followed” by people who also use numerology in their online mayhem, cyber stalking, and then, in the offline stalking that frequently follows, as most recently, this person calling me a “pedo” amd “Mason,” while hiding behind a Knights Templar online presence. Beyond the blatant Freudian projection inherent in that commenters diatribe, this is exactly how strange these cases are.

Read that post, and note the update at the bottom of the page, where I screen capped their use of the number 13.

Strange talk about strange electronics is a staple of the gang stalking dialectic, as most “gang stalkers” are current and former military/intel/police and spies

Then, for comparison, the following day, that same person/group used that number AGAIN, as reflected by my statistics, but this time, sending the link to the US:

To the psychologist, journalist, or others interested in this topic, note the following three things so that you can understand why ROGS Analysis of gang stalking is a useful predictive model with which to analyze cases of gang stalking:

  1. this is a scientifically verifiable and falsifiable proof and evidence of gang stalking, seen across cases studies, which I have documented in cases of mass shootings, workplace mobbing, and “freemasonry” related violence, especially in the work place or military settings
  2. the number has multiple functions as a tool of intimidation, or terror in online PSYOPs, it validates the complaint that “people are following me” as well as validates the complaint that “occultists” are involved, as the numerology contains cultic meaning, specific to many occulted orders, and occult “gangs of police/intel/military” personnel
  3. the number 13-as well as 12–have certain, specific meanings to followers of Jewish-christian biblical narratives; and for the fanatics amongst them, even “deeper meaning” beyond bad luck/good luck.

So, from Chabad online, a primer in how the Moses myths and legends utilized “The 12 Spies” story to go surveying “the promised land,” in an early form of Jewish and white supremacist colonization in the middle east.

Then, have a look at the meaning of that number in biblical terms–it primarily means lawlessness, expressed in various ways that victims of gang stalking complain about, but has many other bible-specific meanings too. Here is just one “meaning” that rabid (lawless) Jewish-christians rally around:

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 13

The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. Nimrod, the mighty hunter who was ‘before the Lord’ (meaning he tried to take the place of God – Genesis 10:9), was the 13th in Ham’s line (Ham was one of Noah’s three sons who survived the flood). Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal.

The phrase ‘valley of Hinnom‘ (or variation thereof) occurs in 13 places in Scripture. The valley was the scene of the evil-inspired rites of the pagan god Moloch (or Molech). The practices related to this false deity received some credibility when they were knowingly allowed by King Solomon (1Kings 11:7) in order to please his non-Israelite wives.

One way Molech was appeased and worshipped was through the sacrifice of children who, placed on the red hot arms of the idol, were burned alive. The valley’s tie to fire made for an apt backdrop of the ultimate punishment unrepentant and rebellious sinners will receive in the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20, 20:9 – 10, 14 – 15).

Lastly, note its use in the story of Esther, where we see the propaganda and PSYOPs related value of that number explored in detail, as well as its meaning as “good luck,” as opposed to “bad luck” which is a classic and pivotal point between Jewish historical narrative and christian historical co-option of that narrative.

In fifteen years of studying this topic, I have found it three specific cults comprised of 13 members (and reported them to the proper authorities). I have also found this number linked to the MKULTRA era and US military social engineering, as well as these actual military intelligence cults whose work is now housed at the Brookings Institute, a Washington, D.C. think tank and a major contributor to the hidden, nefarious “Establishment” online influence operations.

With that in mind, many targeted individuals complain about being “mind controlled, and that claim has scientific validity here too, because “influence operations are that, by definition. But when we add threats, insults, and intimidation from people like my “followers,” we see that indeed,it is more than just an online buzzword campaign-that in fact, they do other things in meatspace too. In the case above, note that they literally operated from two continents, which is a significant “proof of gang stalking” to some degree.

Related Reading: The gang stalking dialectic online is full of talk about electronic weapons, and GQ magazine covers the curious case of a senior CIA official complaining of a “directed energy weapon,” while he had deployed himself to Moscow. Spies, and others related to military policing ad security industrial complex who have specific knowledge of specialized weapons are central to these discussions online. Most nefarious amongst them are the military contractors who appear in the dialectic advertising their wares, and using bizarre language. Related to this, we see America’s premier financial forecaster and Forbes Magazine how the “spin” about directed energy weapons has taken interesting turns when discussing the “health attacks” on US diplomats and especially CIA agents around the world.