Gang stalking lawsuits: Former K-9 officer joined lawsuit against Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, says supervisor threatened to kill his dog

Only sociopaths, cowards and psychopaths kill peoples pets. But when police do it, we call it “intelligence led predictive policing.”

Police routinely threaten dissenters and activists with child kidnapping and worse. In the Pasco County case, these cowards targeted children too

When psychologists study people who kill or torture animals, they label these people as sociopaths, and psychopaths, discussed here by Psychology Today. Jeffrey Dahmer is the notorious Wisconsin cannibal often held up as one such example, but there are many more. These cases give us a glimpse into what is known as “the police personality.”

But when “gang stalkers” like the Pasco County Florida’s Targeted Individual Program Chief Chris Nocco’s band of thugs threaten to torture a colleagues animal, the media is hesitant to call it what it is, as is the case with much of the police personality disorders that run rampant and amok, targeting citizens and even shamelessly targeting children.This story is from 2019, and now, more people are suing him and his thugs for gang stalking.

Related Story: Why are smear campaigns about “pedophiles” so popular with far right police and their flying monkeys? Targeting children is just one of the many things that gang stalkers do, but they do it from within state mechanisms. See here about how America’s child abuse rings are not exactly what you think they are.Also, see this case, where a purported sex offender was framed with child pornography is suing his stalkers, and here where we see a left wing stalker being prosecuted in the federal court for stalking teenage boys. And as always, revisit the case of a conservative judge literally selling children in the documentary “Kids for Cash”

Gradually, the narrative is changing, thanks to ROGS Analysis of gang stalking, and even major newspapers like the USA Today are starting to talk about “targeted individuals” using the correct terminology, and here below, we see some ADL darlings* finally taking on the issue, long after ROGS was spied on, targeted, and harassed by that hate group and their associates in policing:

A former Pasco County Sheriff’s Office K-9 deputy has joined the growing list of plaintiffs who filed a federal lawsuit against Sheriff Chris Nocco and several of his high-ranking commanders.

Former deputy Cliff Baltzer says his sergeant filed a false internal affairs complaint against him in 2018 and threatened to euthanize his canine partner and then go on social media and blame Baltzer for the dog’s death

The lawsuit was first filed against top Pasco sheriff’s officials on April 16 by three plaintiffs. They alleged that Nocco and agency leaders are “intoxicated with power and will physically abuse, intimidate, incarcerate, extort, and defame in order to ensure their absolute control.”

SLICE, and:

The civil lawsuit makes a claim under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, often called RICO. The suit accuses high-ranking members of the department of gender discrimination, falsifying internal affairs complaints and targeting people who spoke against the department.

WE also see many of the complaints of targeted individuals validated too, such as the following:

-gang stalkers will kill your pets

-gang stalkers will frame you for crimes or other indecent acts

-gang stalkers will isolate you

-gang stalkers cannot be stopped unless the RICO Act is applied

These are just a few of the examples that targeted individuals have long written about online, because as we see now, the narrative IS changing, and gang stalkers are being sued, and even prosecuted by the DoJ as we see in the case of the ebay Gang of stalkers.

So, some four years AFTER I wrote , we now see that one voice can truly change the dialectic online. And, we now see that psychologists who have gone on record denying police initiated “gang stalking,” like Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi are total frauds and liars too.

*I say “ADL darlings” because the Anti Defamation League is about as far right, and racist as any other organization that uses race as a discriminator; and they use it solely for political expediency and financial benefit. It is this powerful lobbying group of racists that do in fact have a disproportionate effect on media. As a journalist I was myself stalked and harassed by that group because I refused to publish their divisive, racist lies and propaganda, many years ago.

They are well known stalkers, and contrary to popular belief, they are as far right as any other far right group, but manage to straddle both sides of the political spectrum, on one side as a powerful right wing force in politics (the recent bombardment of Palestinians is a good example of what they support )and yet manage to convince the world that they are Jewish, and hence “victims.” WE we can see this explained by “horseshoe theory,” but also in exploring the narrative of some of their Jewish victims too.

Also see this, and this and this about various spying scandals, and racist acts by that group.