How the US-FVEYs targets citizens opinions, and targets the first amendment online

Targeted individuals seldom know who is targeting them, and disrupting their lives online, and off.

Here below, from the US Navy, we see how online speakers can be targeted if they voice opinions similar to those labeled as “the enemy” and their enemy troll farms. Indeed, your opinions are targeted by the US military at every online forum.

From The Navy Times:

Waging war against the troll farms

Joint Forces Quarterly also provides insight into how the US Cyber command operates.

Applying Irregular Warfare Principles to Cyber Warfare

As most Milne speakers who have provably been targeted by their own country have discovered, there is no true freedom of speech in the western FVEYs nations, and also, that these cyber wars waged on citizens are also frequently waged by Israeli spies.

Read more

Inside Israel’s million dollar troll army

So, stop kidding yourself about freedom of speech: our own military, and our little pal Israel are killing it, and targeting citizens.

