Say His Name: Everton Brown, garbage man, was denied unemployment insurance six years before his rampage, and he was smeared in MD court records

Community policing, aka “intelligence led predictive policing,” aka “colliding parallel investigations,” aka “gang stalking” is a sham upon the civil rights of any targeted citizen.The evidence indicates that Everton Brown was also a victim, before he went on a shooting and burning rampage. Police were indeed following him around and stopped him many times over a thirty year period, never charging him with anything. Odd, right?

Read It: Everton Brown had 30 year history of “r with the law.” WTF is that exactly–and why were no criminal charges ever brought in that 30 year period of “police harassment?”

Community policing, aka “organized gang stalking” by its very nature is a beyond a refusal by the state to address core problems of culture, a deliberate “skirting of the law” by those beholden to enforce laws, and is instead a “narrative driven” lie that state, and provincial governments local police agents and their affiliated community resources (assets) tell as they target an individual with “high policing” which is in fact, unconstitutional political policing.

What is “high policing?”High policing .pdf here

And that lie is intended to assist the narratives that drive our cultural myths; but also, as Hitler and his Jewish mentors like Sigmund Freud’s nephew the public relations Svengali Edward Bernay’s once said–“a lie will travel the world 1000 times before the truth wakes up and gets its pants on” or something similar. Lots of similar in these cases.

Look! A crazy black man murdered people! Social contagion! Mayhem! or….just more slander of black men who simply expect respect, for the same civil rights that whites have lauded over them for centuries.

White, Jewish-christian society is terrified of images like this above, for several reasons. One, it is a black man teaching a woman, two it is black people with weapons to defend themselves against the Jewish-christian murders and slavers, and three, it shows a man and a woman united in a cause. Both fascist christians and Bolshevik Jewish groups worked to destroy the black family, and family unity. Rob WIlliam’s wrote the book “Negroes With Guns” after being gang stalked by the fed’s and the Klan and the ADL Image from LibTV

SO, in this case, the stereotype story of the “hard working LatinX married couple, meets the “other stereotype shiftless, crazy(gun owner) black man, that no one can figure out what is HIS problem.” The hard working Latino married couple meets the unhinged black man at the site of family unity–the black man’s family having been destroyed by Jewish-christian plotting long before it was ever out of a womb.

See the case of the Moors Colson shooter, and the Virginia beach shooter for examples of this stereotype, and note who was stalking these men.

Yup: white people, lesbians, Jews, and Freemasons who were quoted in news articles stating that they liked to play “pranks” on people. One prank, such as putting nooses in their lockers at work, or breaking into their houses, aka “workplace harassment with a twist of freemasonry,” didn’t sit well with these two targeted men.

Craddock even kept camera’s looking out his window to catch people tampering with his cars, and there was an undercurrent of he-said/she-said “divorce slander” hinting at a domestic violence narrative too, as his former wife was said to strut in front of his house with a dog. In those cases, women’s “empowerment” groups stalk and harass these men endlessly.

Related Story: It is well known that the FBI spied on notable black activists throughout their lives, and that FBI provocateurs were implicated in their assassinations. Both Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King were spied on by US Army intelligence, the NSA, and many other “gangs” of “stalkers”including BOTH the Ku Klux Klan AND the Anti Defamation League–before they were even born. White Supremacy indeed! Read the story of the bizarre “gangs” who followed these men, and their families and forebears from cradle to grave. Link here to the Snopes analysis of the MLK lawsuit *which revealed these facts, and another to the MLK story here

US Army Intelligence Spied on King Family for 3 Generations. The FBI, the Ku Klux Klan, the Anti Defamation League, and several other groups of well known stalkers did too. That’s what “gang stalking” is.


In Brown’s case, the media was curiously positioned for several years before the rampage materialized, with the Baltimore Sun framing his protest against dpomestic spying as “crazy,” asking “Crazy, or Target,” Why on earth would an MSM outlet find time to wage an official smear of Everton Brown?

So no surprise is that journalist Peter Hermann, now with the Washington Post wrote that story. Its interesting that historic Baltimore has twice the percentage of Jews per capita than most US cities–which is a good thing, until we meet these types of racist Jews, who position black men as targets, and inferior, racially “impure” intellectually stupid, or “crazy.” Even more bizarre is that Washington Post is a Jeff Bezo’s product, and that Amazon’s Ring doorbells are spying on people all over the USA, as yet another black man who uses non-Amazon camera’s is called “creepy,” by some white lesbians.

Hermann covers topics like the Black Guerilla Family, a prison gang based in brotherhood of race, no different than the ADL, and he wrote other official source smears, and MSM oriented political hit jobs pre-emptive of Mr. Browns rampage.

Many of these types of journalists target black men who are political, and calling those men “gangs,” but also he targets white activists, labeling them all “white supremacists.” Herman is part of a well organized group of Jewish people in the USA who specifically target black men with defamation, and scaremongering language designed to impugn their character, long before those men go on homicidal rampages.

In order to understand how this works, we must look at other authors who also targets black men(and their efforts are not limited to black men), and LOOK! always another number 13 in the story! No surprise to regular ROGS readers, as we see this pattern of the use of the number 13 repeats frequently in cases of mass shootings. Use my search feature “number 13, mass shootings, number 12, etc.” It would be a “crazy claim” if I didn’t have solid evidence, which repeats itself in the narrative most every case. In Browns case, he went ballistic exactly 13 years after he encountered targeting by these sociopaths. I double dick-dog dare you to prove me wrong..

Related Story: Prominent American “Anti-Racist” Jews Are Funding Racist Gangs Attacking Arabs In Israel

These journalists and other pundits use this number 13 as a way to signal to each other across the internet, much as other journalists always manage to slip in “Thank G-D!–Hopes and prayers!!” at the end of every article about a mass shooting, quite notably the Portapique mass shooting by Gabriel Wortman where real estate was the target of international mafia’s, and so many other cases that its a separate novel.

That Baltimore Sun smear utilized well known stereotypes about black men, and later, positioned Mr. Brown against an ethnic stereotype of “hard working” LatinX community members,” furthering the racism of the ruling classes, which is not apparent at first glance in this case–I had to research it a bit. Read any story and it will describe the “crazy black man targeting hard working immigrants (who may, or may not be DEA informants; and who may or maybe not are legal immigrants….I haven’t researched that yet).

And in the story, it was Mr. Brown’s first amendment protected speech, his “signs” decrying harassment and posted on his car that were an issue–the journalist alluded to the fact that property values were dropping and people were moving away because of Mr. Browns acrivism.

SO, exactly as ROGS Analysis predicts, it was a real estate dispute, and a property management company dispute; and likely involved others harassing him tooch as private investigators hire by the “banksters”.

His signs said things like “The FBI has violated my home, vehicle, and manipulated my life—-Please no more!” and most nefariously : ” Black people are the tool that maintains racism.” Wow…what a bad guy! Speaking truth to the power of the FBI-ADL and its bankster mafia!

Speaking truth to the state/local police Fusion Centers that provably target black men!. What a bad guy, indeed–he tried and failed to prove that the FBI was flying planes over Baltimore Maryland, exactly as described by myself and others, before stories like Brown’smade waves. and targeting activists with airplanes loaded with Stingray cell phone capture devices, and through the wall thermal radiation driven technology, EXACTLY as described by the fake-left UK rag the Guardian UK! Bad, bad, bad……

Related Story:

So, what was offensive to the neighborhood was that Brown was “aware,” and that he used primitive media to describe it–signs written on his czar, and his house. He used words, and first amendment protected speech to try to explain in his limited way what was happening to him. He accused the wrong party, because most gang stalking at that level is usually the townhome association working with private investigators, or community policing elements, As we saw in the Pasco County FL cases, the stated goal of targeted individual programs is to force the target to “move away or sue.”

So Everton Brown was then later involved in an attempt to gain unemployment benefits, from a garbage colllection company, AES and a smear campaign was indeed waged in the court records, claiming he had a gross violation of company conduct when in fact it was a simple misconduct; and in the subtle way that all police and state court related matters function as little more than smear campaigns, one word goes a long way in the narrative. And that narrative says that gang stalkers will “ruin your life and follow behind you at jobs waging a smear campaign.”

Have a read through the short unpublished opinion issued in his case, and the appeal of that case, and note that it is an unreported opinion–ROGS Analysis predicts these kinds of official-unofficial smears in cases of state sponsored gang stalking, many of which start in administrative law courts, family courts, and domestic violence or probation related courts.

Indeed–states have a vested interest in these mass shootings, so while it is unlikely that the FBI was directly responsible, their policy of placing Infragard agents everywhere you look, including real estate firms could be partially in play here:




No. 0844September Term, 2015


In order to understand the remnants and scars of slavery that a black man might feel as he watches his neighbors from other countries succeeding in his own backyar–as he is being gang stalked by at least one journalists opinion, and the city and state where that opinion was written–we must examine the narrative of racism in this case. SO, we start by looking at the narrative itself: what created the man that Brown became that day?

With zero doubt, state level actions, and media narrators were part of that event too, and I provide my research for evidence of that. Here is the fat tub of lard named Peter Hermann at an art opening, associated with restaurants. Imagine this “privileged Jew” having anything legitimate to say about the case of Everton Brown, of Baltimore? Yeah, exactly–this fucker never once faced any actual drama or harassment from the state, or even “Nazi’s” yet he managed in 2008 to smear and harass a single black man who had a grudge with “community policing.”

Uber-fat journalist Peter Hermann at an event of some kind, with a future “narrator” of events, unnamed–for now. Doesn’t he lok like the kind of guy who would film underage porn in Moldova? I mean….yeah…Joe Biden and all that….

SO this is one major aspect of “gang stalking” for anyone who studies these topics. Gangs of journalist/spies/provocateurs. Its a “thing.”

In an unrelated case, in Canada, we see clearly the contrast of narratives–how media will indeed cover stories of abused black men named Everton Brown, but only if they are :victims: rather than “politically active constituents, aware of the forces that oppress them.”

Here’s one of the many Everton Browns I found while researching this case:

Again–narrative, and Jewish-christian subversives working within a white racist supremacist narrative, to defeat black men who try to simply enforce their civil rights. It seems media only covers these cases when black men are apolitical, and not aware of the deeper roots of the racist narrative directed against them. This is why reparations need to be considered: because Jews and whites and christians–and their multi-billion dollar propaganda machines, and NGO’s keep importing “new” model minorities” to replace discussions about how black men have been harmed, long before they harm anyone.

….post in progress, check back later!

*The website is purportedly a “fact checking”” site, but in reality is an establishment journalism outlet that seeds political “plastic words” into its discourse, and in every issue that implicates Jewish racism, inserts the word “conspiracy theory” into the dialogue. In fact, Snopes is in fact a Jewish-ADL affiliated mouthpiece, as Coffeeshop Rabbi alludes to here. These plastic words are themselves defamatory, and predictably target and demean black people of note, and particularly in this case, the use of “conspiracy theory” is introduced to diminish the stature of MLK, and the actual conspiracy that took place, and that conspiracy involving the Israeli intelligence affilliated ADL, resulting in KIng’s homicide.

What happens in gang stalking? The game has changed but the players are the same: Meet Jennifer Dohrn, gang stalking victim

From Democracy Now, we see the targeting of a person who had committed no crime:

AMY GOODMAN: Just before we go to investigative journalist, David Wise, with Jennifer Dohrn still in our studio, I think there was one last story we wanted to hear from you, and that was a trophy that the burglars got when they broke into your apartment.

JENNIFER DOHRN: Right. Apparently on one of the break-ins, they took a pair of my underwear and put it in a glass case and gave it as a trophy gift to Mark Felt….This was discovered — it was actually leaked to me by someone in the press years later who had gone over my F.O.I.A. files.

Break-ins to her home, targeting bizarre items that have nothing to do with crime, constant surveillance by car and foot patrols, and a raft of other activities that sound bizarre to any onserver are standard in gang stalking cases.

COINTELPRO, which Mark Felt is responsible for really implementing was much wider than we ever have come to really understand.

-Jennifer Dohrn

This probably belongs in my “Hero’s and heroines”file, but I will get to that later. For now, meet Jennifer Dohrn, and read about how an FBI director, Mark Felt, kept a pair of her soiled underwear in a glass case as a trophy. So, when psychologists and others seek to discredit the bizarre tales that that targeted individuals have after these “disruption”campaigns waged by domestic terrorists that work in any of many organizations.

So–are gang stalking stories bizarre? You bet they are.

Keep this story in mind when you listen to those who have been gang stalked at any level: the FBI DIRECTOR STOLE A PAIR OF WOMENS UNDERWEAR,and kept them in a glass case. And it wasn’t the famous cross-dressing J. Edgar Hoover who did that: it was Ämerican Folk Hero” MARK FELT, less famous as the FBI Director, and more famous as “Deep Throat,”the guy who gave Woodward and Bernstein the scoop about Watergate,another “weird”break-in by government agents on President Richard M. Nixon’s watch as criminal in chief.

From Democracy Now, more about weird FBI break-ins, and perhaps the weirdest part is that the agency used former FBI agents to do the illegal activity, exactly as ROGS Analysis predicts:

JUAN GONZALEZ: It became clear, I guess in the early 1980s, the extent of this — of the illegal break-ins and illegal activities. Wesley Swearingen, a former F.B.I. agent, actually testified that he had conducted — he was basically a full-time burglar for many years.

JENNIFER DOHRN: Like 238, or at least, he recorded.

JUAN GONZALEZ: At least 238 burglaries in Chicago and Los Angeles, and that New York there was a special squad of the F.B.I., Squad 47

Do gang stalking programs target children? You bet they do.

JENNIFER DOHRN: I lived in New York primarily. I was based in New York. I was very, very active in the anti-war movement and in support of the Black Freedom Movement and the Puerto Rican liberation struggle, and I was followed night and day by the F.B.I. I had my apartments, several apartments, wiretapped. Apartments next to me were rented by F.B.I. agents who kept continuous 24-hour surveillance of every sound made in my apartment. I was followed up and down the streets. I would get a job, the F.B.I. would go in after me, and I would then be fired from the job. It was around-the-clock harassment.

AMY GOODMAN: Were you aware of it at the time?

JENNIFER DOHRN: I was aware of a lot of it. I was certainly aware of being followed a lot. I was —- assumed that perhaps my phones were tapped, and I had no idea of the level of extent under which I was being surveilled. I had no idea that break-ins were repeatedly happening into my apartments. I remember when I was pregnant with my first born feeling extremely vulnerable because I was being followed a great deal of the time, and then it was revealed when I received my Freedom of Information Act papers, over 200,000 documents, that there actually had been developed by Felt a plan to kidnap my son after I birthed in hopes of getting my sister to surrender. So, my imagination -—

AMY GOODMAN: The F.B.I. plans?


AMY GOODMAN: To kidnap your son?


At the level of “counterintelligence”gang stalking, apparently anything goes. SO, America is not now, nor it ever will be again an actual Democracy. It is in fact a police and intelligence state by definition, which is why I write things like this, about diaper peelers, which is a real thing with these insane people.

Gang Stalking Case Study: Deb Matheny. Eau Claire WI “child abduction” facility and the family courts

A HUGE portion of online narratives of gang stalking involve the “school to prison pipeline,” an octopus of programs that incentivize states to use kids for profits, until those kids grow up and become prisoners in for profit prisons. All US states derive federal financial incentives to continue these practices, but other interests are indeed using children for cash all along the way, too.

Child exploitation–“its for the children” indeed.

Phrases like that above are a hot button topic, and like all “plastic words,” and phrases, is designed to polarize people’s opinion’s while never exactly defining a problem. What exactly is child exploitation? It depends upon who you ask.

Have a look here, at the case of little Christopher Bowen, reported in the main stream media. He was literally sliced open, and diced in many ways with knives, and abused in other ways that defy logic and law. His mother was his primary abuser, but she operated within a child abuse ring, which is a classic example of how actual for-profit child exploitation flies under the radar, because she did what she did in plain sight of “the authorities,” who were indeed “in on it.”

She derived multiple sources of revenue in the form of state and federal funds to abuse her child, with the full complicity of doctors and others in the medical community as they forced her eight-year-old son to have 13 completely unnecessary surgeries, and indeed, the boy endured a life of actual torture for many years because of it. He will likely suffer his entire life from the literal scars of this horrific abuse.

This is what is spoken of online as “torture”–most legitimate complaints of torture in the gang stalking dialectic use that word to describe: Fusion Center assisted computer and cell phone wiretaps; medically unnecessary surgeries that are performed on kids like Christopher Bowen; drug prescriptions that are forced upon people without their consent, and children taken into the custody of the system.

Related Story: How some Jewish immigrants like the Sackler family created the “opioid crisis” that has claimed well over 400, 000 lives in America alone. And, how they became the world’s premier public relations operatives in the medical mafia, before they plead guilty to federal criminal charges. But will they ever see a day in jail?

These “medical mafia’s” operate in every state across America, they operate with impunity, and states are truly complicit in every aspect, taking kickbacks one way or another. In the OxyContin case above, we see states set to gain either way: on one hand doctors prescribing the drug after having taken kickbacks; and on the other hand, states getting profits after the lawsuit was settled. Like the infamous cigarette settlements, the federal government and the states stepped in and effectively denied individual lawsuits, and co-opted the monetary gains in the “name of the people,” but not in fact, acting on behalf of the individuals harmed. So, the victims and the dead will not be financially compensated.

Many claims online about gang stalking are indeed related to “mental health,” if only because of the insanity of the western medical systems, and the complicity and actual conspiracy of others like that of child protection are all financially incentivized, politicized, and completely broken. They are systems designed to fail the children, but to benefit those who sell drugs, surgeries, and other products.And, at each and every preventable point along the pipeline, many of these kids, like little Christopher, are made mentally ill with “manufactured mental illness.”

Imagine that boys nightmares, as he faces a life where he will realize that his childhood was stolen. and actual memories of abuse were virtually handed to him by the child abuse ring that caused his pain? Well, at least he is not alone, right?

Gang stalking case study: What is “child abduction” and “child abuse rings,” in the gang stalking dialectic? Deb Matheny, Minnesota, Eau Claire Academy, child rape and drugging, and state fraud on the courts in foster care, and the affiliated DVIC

Deb Matheny is a mad mom, and she is all over online as a gang stalking target (search: Deb Matheny and gang stalking and Minnesota), and she does in fact provide many interesting pieces of evidence, and examples including screenshots of her devices as she is under “electronic attacks” from Fusion Center and other hackers. And she provides some evidence of how she has been cyber-stalked and harassed, by named police and others. What makes her case interesting though, is that she looks like a classic ALL CAPS COOCOO, until you dig down into it, and separate her more bizarre and colloquially expressed claims into the necessary interpretation, using ROGS Analysis.

Extra points for the fact that she is in regular contact with the FBI and its “human trafficking” narrators.

Related Story: Ma’Khia Bryant was shot dead by police in front of the foster home that was exploiting her. The “responsible guardians” were not home at the time.Child foster care in America and elsewhere is a racket, full of scumbags who exploit children for state dollars.

I have previously criticized Matheny and her group of similarly situated women who have had interactions with Child Protection Services, or with the many tentacles of state government that prey upon their children. I am not a fan of how they use language–their semantical flourishes and exaggeration do nothing to help people understand the issues, and in fact, make things worse. Examples include:

  • They are hitting me with electronic weapons! As we have consistently observed in the press and media since 9/11, and especially after Edward Snowdens revealing testimony, federal and state level actors are using an unimaginably huge arsenal of wiretap devices, internet routing schemes, and more types of “electronics” than most citizens know about. Its a huge “Catch Me if You Can” scheme of illegal, political, “investigation privileged” policing
  • They kidnapped my child! Many online claims of child kidnapping involve state “mafia’s” that work together to actually steal children. The Zappalla crime family, and the state of Pennsylvania was notoriously documented in the Kids for Cash scandal
  • The aliens have abducted my_____(fill in the blank.) This is a common claim in cases where the state steps in for guardianship of an elder, a child, or a spouse, and farms out the “health care” to sordid lots of contractors
  • Human trafficking! Child sex slavery! All of this has the ring of truth when we shift our paradigm to one where exploitation takes place in state systems.
  • Pedophiles!!! Satan!!! A huge portion of thee cases online stem from the Satanic Panic era, where the ultra-conservative factions of the FBI participated in a huge hoax, using carefully crafted media messaging, and infiltration at all levels of court rooms and social services. Here’s more about that from the Daily Beast, and their court room character assassin Kee McFarlane, and other key figures whose lives were destroyed by these sociopaths in government.
  • Who is your handler? In many narratives online, we see one or another fake TI ask another about a “handler.” In intelligence agency speak, a “handler” is someone who directs the actions of an “asset.” Matheny, and many other “targeted individuals”online are actually in frequent contact with the FBI, aka, they are “informants.” Here is evidence of that:
Source: My Story of Organized Crime, Organized Stalking, Public/Political Corruption and Domestic Terrorism on, image by Deb Matheny

Strong claims require strong evidence, and like most of the bizarre hyperbolic “conspiracy theories” online, the FBI isn’t exactly doing itself a great service to have these clowns ranting incessantly, using bizarre language. Unless….

Like all FBI and other countering violent extremism programs (CVE) online, for informant led operations, especially in the manufactured terrorism, bizarre is the order of the day, because these operations are based in “psychological operations,” aka military derived PSYOP, whose goal is to literally re-order the perceptions of the individuals they target with these “black operations.”

As such, these operations are part investigation, part “directed conversation,” i.e. a neverending interrogation of a persons narrative, and 100% illegal when brought into the disinfecting light of a court room. The lawsuits against these PSYOPs related online-offline stalkings are now coming into court rooms across the country, as we see in the Pasco county cases, and the eBay gang of stalkers, and a recent lawsuit by a so-called sex-offender who was entrapped in one of the nefarious and prolific child pornography operations run from all western nations–ALL of these cases involve “intelligence led predictive policing,” aka domestic spying under color of law, and other plainly bizarre :police investigation privilege” claims.

Do an internet search for the phrase “Eau Claire academy crime” and we begin to see parts of Matheny’s story from another angle; and this story linked, to many other peoples stories. And especially, read through this narrative where we see Satanic Panic era “child sexual abuse” claims too.

So, this case is interesting, and worthy of study for the reasons stated above, not least of which is the hyperbolic language used in her narrative.

Sarah is my 27 year old daughter, who in late 2010, early 2011, I reported as being kidnapped. A Fridley Minnesota police report exists (upon her release) as does a report to the Minneapolis FBI, prior to said release. In fact it was my acknowledgement to her (and them) that I had contacted the FBI that I believe led to the perpetrators releasing her. She was dropped off at the Menards in Fridley MN.

In her own words, read “The poet in my heart,” by Deb Matheny:

She texted me, sporadically, during this time. At first I believed her, that she sneaked these texts to me in secret, though it was my text to her that I had made a report of kidnapping to the FBI, and my belief that they read those texts that resulted in her release. I even at one point believed her to have colluded with these perps and still do, but believe it to have been fear driven. She did inform me threats to harm her family were made. The circumstances involved were strongly indicative to sex trafficking which upon our reunion, she confirmed to me. She was 23 when this nightmare began. To cut to the chase, I have always had my suspicions of people that were in her life. Older woman (40+), who were from out-state (North Dakota) as well as a random bunch of people I had little knowledge of. A person in common all these older woman had was Jodi L. Oborn Perrizo, also passed away suddenly last winter.

Noah Ricardo Green, Capitol car crasher: Yet another crazy “SITE Intelligence” related homicide

It has been said that the definition of “crazy” is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. But that is also, peculiarly, part of the scientific method too. The Capitol car crashing by Noah Green fits a pattern–he identified as a black Muslim.

Noah Green, above, killed by Capitol Police in yet another “mysterious counterintelligence related homicide,” which was preceded by cyber-stalking by anti-Muslim extremists. Rabid, racist zionist scum hate black men in ties.

RELATED STORIES: Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther Kings were targeted by the US Army intelligence, FBI, and “community policing” in the form of the Ku Klux Klan and the Jewish Anti Defamation League(ADL). But did you know that they were inter-generational targets of Army Intelligence? Read more about Malcolm X’s father and family targeted here, and here too, as these same targeted his only male heir(fair disclosure: I met Qubillah Shabazz when she was on the run from gang stalkers in Minneapolis, and my father met MLK). Then, read about how MLK’s own family were inter-generational targets of Army Intelligence services.

In case studies of gang stalking, we find repeatedly, that various hate groups and anti-Muslim Rita Katz and her SITE Intelligence agency* are actively cyber-stalking people who then eventually go on mass shooting spree’s, car crashing rampages, or create other mayhem. Katz is reported as a dubious source of intel at Sourcewatch, and other places, and according to the scientific method and solid sociological analyses, there is a scientific link between being “followed by” SITE Intelligence cyber-stalkers, and the creation of eventual mayhem. In other words, SITE Intelligence–and other so called “threat assessment” organizations are active causal agents in these cases.

Then, there is scientific evidence that an after-death smear and slander campaign of SITE Intelligence’s victims will occur. Look at this headline:

Suspect in Capitol attack suffered “Delusions,”source says

The man who rammed a car into two officers at a barricade outside the U.S. Capitol, killing one of them before he was shot to death by police, had been suffering from delusions, paranoia and suicidal thoughts, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday. Investigators believe it was an isolated incident from a disturbed young man.

Some of the messages were captured by the group SITE, which tracks online activity.

Then, here goes the smear engine:

“Green’s social media posts last month described searching for “a spiritual journey” within the Nation of Islam”


To rational people, this means that he was NOT a fan of the dominant Jewish-christianity in his country, and that he likely had figured out that the Horshoe Theory is in fact a correct analyses in assessing the situation in ALL American domestic politics–that all American issues have been perverted into radical zionist fanaticism, regardless of ones “beliefs.” For Noah Green, he was struggling with ideology-but because he clearly rejected Jewish-christianity, he was an easy target for “threat assessment” which is based in both religious and racial profiling

Then we get through a few more articles, and we see that his “delusions” mirror gang stalking EXACTLY, including:

-claims of being followed/stalked

-claims that he had been involuntarily drugged by football team mates

-claims that outside forces had ruined his life

-loss of work

-his “beliefs” are called into question by “threat assessment professionals” all of whom are tribal Jewish-christians

These are not random crazy people doing these things: these mass shooters, car crashers, etc. are nearly all actual gang stalking targets. Myron May, Aaron Alexis, Mohammed al-Shamrani (the Pensacola Navy base shooter), Scott Bierele (Hot Yoga shooter), Ian Long (Ten Thousand Oaks shooter)–all of these men were provably stalked, and provably targeted until they went ballistic. So, something just ain’t right about CVE programs and the crazed people who are stalking and harassing these men online.

From another random AP news article, a snippet below that includes the mental health smear, but ZERO discussion about “the mental health effects of being stalked by counterintelligence religious fanatics,” like Rita Katz and SITE Group Intelligence. Without a doubt, CVE stalking and harassment is brutal, and neverending, similar to what we see in a related story about a gang stalking lawsuit in Pasco County Florida, where the sheriffs department targets entire families for many years BEFORE they ever commit a crime:

In two lengthy March 17 posts on Green’s Facebook profile, which was taken down shortly after the incident, Green wrote about losing his job and being unwittingly drugged. He said it was a “major goal” to meet Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

There was no immediate indication that Friday’s attack was religiously motivated, and the Nation of Islam’s Virginia branch and D.C. headquarters did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Green wrote about suffering unspecified setbacks in his life recently.

“To be honest these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher,” he wrote in the March 17 post. “I have been tried with some of the biggest, unimaginable tests in my life. I am currently now unemployed after I left my job partly due to afflictions, but ultimately, in search of a spiritual journey.”

Despite the lack of a job, he posted an image of a certificate that said he’d donated $1,085 to the Nation of Islam as a “Saviours’ Day 2021” gift.

Green’s brother, Brendan, told the Post that Noah had become paranoid in 2019 and accused football teammates of drugging him with Xanax. He moved out to his own apartment and then abruptly moved to Indianapolis, where he believed there were intruders getting into his apartment. It was around that time that Brendan said he flew out to see his brother and realized his “mind didn’t seem right.”

More recently, his brother said, Green up and moved to Botswana and suggested he had tried to take his own life by jumping in front of a car.

After he returned home, Noah Green appeared to view the Nation of Islam as a way to keep himself anchored.

In his most recent social media posts, Green wrote that he had been faced with “fear, hunger, loss of wealth, and diminution of fruit” in recent months, and was being sustained by faith “centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah.”

He posted that he had graduated with distinction, landed a good job out of college, and pursued a graduate degree “despite not growing up in the best of circumstances.” He said he was on track to go into business, but his path was “thwarted.”

Green wrote that he partially blamed his setbacks on the “array of concerning symptoms” he suffered as “side effects of drugs I was intaking unknowingly”—perhaps alluding to the alleged incident in 2019.

So, we also see repeatedly, the webpages and Facebook postings of these mass shooters, car crashers, and butter knife wielding “manufactured terrorists” are web-scrubbed after the fact of their rampages, but what is less studied, and much evident, is that this web-scrubbing hides the presence of “whoever” is cyber-stalking the eventual “bad guy,”and that needs to change.

In case after case after case of these mass shootings, “incel” related car crashings, wild subway butter knife attackings, and other strange events, we see patterns. Here are just a few more:

-Anti-Muslim hate group Rita Katz and SITE Intelligence pop up in almost every media narrative that involves an Muslim, and the fact is that they were “monitoring” the suspect, sometimes for many years.

-the “suspect’s” Facebook profile is deleted immediately after the event, and Katz, et al. always have a copy of it to feed the media

-very frequently, police–especially undercover or plainclothes–are on the scene before, during, and after the shooters. This was most prominent in the Ten Thousand Oaks shooting where many officers were on scene as the shooter arrived.

-The ADL, or the Southern Poverty Law Center–a huge PAC established by Morris Dees, appears in the media narrative shortly after these events, talking about how anyone but them or their partners in these smear campaigns are a “hate group.” These two groups alone both operate clandestine spying operations, and the race supremacist B’Nai Brith’s media puppet, the ADL notoriously normalized domestic spying when it was caught spying on activist groups across America and beyond.

*Every single mass shooting can be traced directly to one or another of the many “threat assessment” industry profiteers, private contractors, and others with their dirty hands in the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) money pot. Katz’s however is unique in that hers is an actual hate group, much like the ADL, or other anti-Muslim organizations.

Targeted Individuals in an international context, and the “TI” narrative in a proper iteration: “FBI warns state, local police about China targeting people on U.S. soil”

The FBI is warning local law-enforcement agencies to beware of cooperating with a Chinese government campaign to coerce U.S. residents to return to China to face criminal charges, according to a counterintelligence bulletin obtained by Yahoo News.

The United States has a long and sordid history of targeting individuals inside the US, and all around the world with investigations that derive from due-process and civil rights-free intelligence agency spying. Yet we see time and time again, other nations that seek to prosecute US individuals, and especially war criminals, are impotent to enforce the law, even of they do follow due process.

Worse, we see time and time and time again that “targeted individuals” are targeted by the US agencies in record numbers, and every year sees hundreds of thousand of internet search engine requests for information about that targeting.

Here from Esquire Magazine, we see US presidents and other officials tried and convicted of war crimes, yet no possibility of prosecution exists. Here, even from the notoriously co-opted media channel, Vice magazine, we see George Bush and Tony Blair being indicted of war crimes–yet no prosecutions ensue.

So, in “targeting operations” what matters is not so much how targeted individuals describe themselves, but rather, that the source of the complaint has a counter-narrative attached to it; a narrative of power v not powerful, and that is one indicator of the veracity of actual complaints. I mean, when was the last time you heard any of those war criminals complain of being “targeted?” It simply did not happen, because their targeting is impotent.

Contrast that with those who these same war criminals and sociopaths have targeted (and it is less than surprising how many of the recent MSM articles about Targeted Individuals come from Texas), and we are able to see the reality of the term “targets”.

In the headline above, we see this same paradox, as the FBI casts its slander and defamation machine onto Chinese scholars and others. This is how the term is used in the dialectic of gang stalking. We see gangs of white power FBI agents framing a narrative one way, and that narrative competing against “brown/black/other” narrative sources in that same FBI, which by tactic and tenor, is in fact what can be described by the dictionary definition of a “secret police” that has no respect for law, or civil rights.

SO, in media narratives, it is important to note how the term “target” is used, and who uses it.


Last month, the Justice Department announced charges against eight people for acting as illegal agents of the government in Beijing in connection with their attempt to surveil and coerce U.S. residents to return to China. In one case, according to the FBI, a U.S. resident targeted by the Chinese government was given the option of returning to China or committing suicide. In another, a note was left for a victim: “If you are willing to go back to mainland and spend 10 years in prison, your wife and children will be all right. That’s the end of this matter!”

Compare that with the case of Jabar Ali Refaie, which documents brutal psychological warfare aimed at a person that the DHS etAlphabet wanted to recruit as an informant. The Intercept’s Trevor Aaronson reported at the time that these recruitment tactics were indeed brutal, and included a staged car accident, which is very common in these cases.

The Peter Collins Show later interviewed Aaronson, and noted:

Jabar Ali Refaie is an American-born Muslim who lives near Tampa, and he shared videos and other evidence with Aaronson to back up his claims of a 2-year campaign aimed at pressuring him to become an FBI informant.  First, ICE agents visited him at work with a dubious claim the Refaie was a victim of identity theft.  This was followed by surveillance, and Refaie says he found GPS monitors on his cars, surveillance tools hidden in the electrical outlets in his home, and he noted that he was often tailed by people he thought were agents.

When Homeland Security agents told him his house was being searched, he drove home using back roads, and was in an accident with a minivan registered to the FBI.

So, apparently, one countries target is another countries asset, or something like that, according to the twisted logic of counter-terrorism programs. You can’t have your target and eat your asset too, or something like that, as the US had long criticized Communist nations for lack of due process, and things that the Americans were taught “only happen in totalitarian countries” are now every day occurrences in the FVEYs nations–that’s what gang stalking is (Hi, Australia! I really like that clever cable tap that runs to Peru).

“The Chinese government’s brazen attempts to surveil, threaten, and harass our own citizens and lawful permanent residents, while on American soil, are part of China’s diverse campaign of theft and malign influence in our country and around the world,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement following the arrests. “The FBI will use all of its tools to investigate and defeat these outrageous actions by the Chinese government, which are an affront to America’s ideals of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.”

While the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with China, the FBI bulletin states that two years ago, the U.S. gave China protocols for seeking assistance from U.S. law enforcement agencies, which involved first contacting the FBI’s legal attaché in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing or working through the FBI’s international operations division. The bureau warns that Chinese officials cannot enter into any kind of cooperative agreement with local law enforcement without first contacting the FBI.

The FBI declined to comment on the warning to law enforcement, but the bureau has been pointed in its previous criticism of Fox Hunt, even offering to help those targeted by it. “If you believe the Chinese government is targeting you — that you’re a potential Fox Hunt victim — please reach out to your local FBI field office,” Wray said during a press conference announcing the recent indictments.