Tree of Life Synagogue “manufactured mass shooter” Robert Bowers: lawyer asks court to show how government monitored and harassed him online before the shooting

Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him

Apr 01, 2021 · Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him Robert Bowers is accused of killing 11 people and injuring many more at the synagogue in Squirrel Hill

Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because they come in a variety of legal challenges.

Recently the Pasco County Fl cases (here, and here, and here, and here)against the county sheriff Chris Nocco have taken the spotlight because they targeted children, and actually invoke the RICO Act, which has long been floated as a way to attack these illegal policing practices.

In those cases, it is “intelligence led predictive policing (ILPP)” that is at the heart of the issue, and to give you an idea of what that means, it means this: ILPP is a massive set of tools and algorithms and on the ground practices that ALL derive directly from CIA and Big Tech programs designed for the battlefields of the middle east. And to give you an idea what that meas, it means that these programs use data from the FVEYs nations to target citizens of their own nations, so that at any given time, these programs could have access to a targets phone and computer, and send data to a squad car outside that persons house.

Or, this:

In the photo above, these cops were actually destroying their targets security camera, which is against the law. Imagine, police as destroyers of personal property? Yeah, gang stalking gets even more weird after that.

So, the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting is no doubt one of these manufactured terrorism events, where the shooter, Bowers, was likely monitored online from a Fusion Center, which is arguably a good thing. But the problem is, monitoring is passive activity, and that is not what these stories are about. Instead, it is very active, intrusive, and constant blatant surveillance and harassment-these operatives want their targets to know they are being watched.

Related Story: Coincidence, or construct? Former New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss was asked to leave the newsroom after her militant, rabid proselytizing zionism became too much for her colleagues to bear. Remember, it was the NYT that tried to deny claims of gang stalking back in 2016, and called it a “delusion.” So, little wonder that Bari Weiss was ALSO a Tree of Life congregant. The seed, in this case, fell right next to the tree.Who knew!?

Then, establishing that, these Fusion operatives tried to radicalize him by using psychological operations (PSYOP) that were designed by the CIA and DoD, for use in military settings. Fusion Centers actively staff such operators*.

Then, they tap into your computer in real time, and watch your computer screen as you type, as was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013, and do a range of bizarre things that sound like “crazy” to most observers, Their tactics range from placing spyware implants on your computer and phone, to email hacking, to any of a number of other tricks, like stealing a Twitter posting, or cutting your internet connection repeatedly. It has the overall affect of inducing “learned helplessness,” as your attempts to use your own devices is stopped by anonymous asshole working from any of a number of Fusion Centers or private contractors whose activity has 0% accountability.

But wait! There’s more….much more.

In case after case of mass shooters, what we see are two constants:

  1. their online accounts ranging from Facebook, to Instagram, and Twitter–are webscrubbed and disappeared from the internet, which begs the question “if the feds and their FVEYs have nothing to hide, then why erase the evidence that led to the shooting?” And the answer to that is this: because agents provocateurs harass these guys mercilessly online, saying things every bit as bad or worse than the shooter himself, and bait them to say things that can be construed as violent. Then, the offline, real world gang stalking begins. It is really just an attack on free speech at its core.

2. In these cases, they almost never go to trial, because SWAT sweeps in and kills the guy, or because of the stiff and enhanced penalties for :”hate crimes” and “terrorism,” which precludes any lawyer from obtaining the evidence that I describe at point number one. If these guys live through it as Bowers did, they often cop a plea deal. This way, these brutal PSYOP programs of online provocateurs harassing people on social media, and gang stalking them in the real world never see the disinfecting light of a court room, and the brutal “mind war” tactics** used escape news stories of these events. Far beyond mere persuasive discourse, these programs bring psychological brutality and constant threat narratives that were designed for theaters of war, and some of these tactics are in use at Guantanamo Bay today.

Its a huge hide the ball scheme, and wholly unnaccountable to any outside monitor. Worse, it fails any and every test of the US constitution on first, fourth, fifth, 14th and more amendment grounds. The problem is though–how to get one of these cases in court and have the government produce the evidence above? The Bowers case just might do that.

*Download this .pdf from the 2018 Annual Threat Assessment conference and note the bio’s of the Fusion Center Operatives. They ALL have psychology credentials and military PSYOPs training

**WE got a glimpse of the types of absurd behavior that these police gangs are using in the case of the eBay Cockroach Cult, where eBay’s executives used their in-house intelligence units to stalk and harass a few critics, including waging PSYOPs.

We also see the absurdity of this form of policing in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, whose stalking lasted for several years, and included a failed attempt to electrocute him with a Taser two years before they murdered him. Hos “gang” of “stalkers” included two prosecutors, and current and retired police their relatives, and a neighbor.

Noah Ricardo Green, Capitol car crasher: Yet another crazy “SITE Intelligence” related homicide

It has been said that the definition of “crazy” is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. But that is also, peculiarly, part of the scientific method too. The Capitol car crashing by Noah Green fits a pattern–he identified as a black Muslim.

Noah Green, above, killed by Capitol Police in yet another “mysterious counterintelligence related homicide,” which was preceded by cyber-stalking by anti-Muslim extremists. Rabid, racist zionist scum hate black men in ties.

RELATED STORIES: Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther Kings were targeted by the US Army intelligence, FBI, and “community policing” in the form of the Ku Klux Klan and the Jewish Anti Defamation League(ADL). But did you know that they were inter-generational targets of Army Intelligence? Read more about Malcolm X’s father and family targeted here, and here too, as these same targeted his only male heir(fair disclosure: I met Qubillah Shabazz when she was on the run from gang stalkers in Minneapolis, and my father met MLK). Then, read about how MLK’s own family were inter-generational targets of Army Intelligence services.

In case studies of gang stalking, we find repeatedly, that various hate groups and anti-Muslim Rita Katz and her SITE Intelligence agency* are actively cyber-stalking people who then eventually go on mass shooting spree’s, car crashing rampages, or create other mayhem. Katz is reported as a dubious source of intel at Sourcewatch, and other places, and according to the scientific method and solid sociological analyses, there is a scientific link between being “followed by” SITE Intelligence cyber-stalkers, and the creation of eventual mayhem. In other words, SITE Intelligence–and other so called “threat assessment” organizations are active causal agents in these cases.

Then, there is scientific evidence that an after-death smear and slander campaign of SITE Intelligence’s victims will occur. Look at this headline:

Suspect in Capitol attack suffered “Delusions,”source says

The man who rammed a car into two officers at a barricade outside the U.S. Capitol, killing one of them before he was shot to death by police, had been suffering from delusions, paranoia and suicidal thoughts, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday. Investigators believe it was an isolated incident from a disturbed young man.

Some of the messages were captured by the group SITE, which tracks online activity.

Then, here goes the smear engine:

“Green’s social media posts last month described searching for “a spiritual journey” within the Nation of Islam”


To rational people, this means that he was NOT a fan of the dominant Jewish-christianity in his country, and that he likely had figured out that the Horshoe Theory is in fact a correct analyses in assessing the situation in ALL American domestic politics–that all American issues have been perverted into radical zionist fanaticism, regardless of ones “beliefs.” For Noah Green, he was struggling with ideology-but because he clearly rejected Jewish-christianity, he was an easy target for “threat assessment” which is based in both religious and racial profiling

Then we get through a few more articles, and we see that his “delusions” mirror gang stalking EXACTLY, including:

-claims of being followed/stalked

-claims that he had been involuntarily drugged by football team mates

-claims that outside forces had ruined his life

-loss of work

-his “beliefs” are called into question by “threat assessment professionals” all of whom are tribal Jewish-christians

These are not random crazy people doing these things: these mass shooters, car crashers, etc. are nearly all actual gang stalking targets. Myron May, Aaron Alexis, Mohammed al-Shamrani (the Pensacola Navy base shooter), Scott Bierele (Hot Yoga shooter), Ian Long (Ten Thousand Oaks shooter)–all of these men were provably stalked, and provably targeted until they went ballistic. So, something just ain’t right about CVE programs and the crazed people who are stalking and harassing these men online.

From another random AP news article, a snippet below that includes the mental health smear, but ZERO discussion about “the mental health effects of being stalked by counterintelligence religious fanatics,” like Rita Katz and SITE Group Intelligence. Without a doubt, CVE stalking and harassment is brutal, and neverending, similar to what we see in a related story about a gang stalking lawsuit in Pasco County Florida, where the sheriffs department targets entire families for many years BEFORE they ever commit a crime:

In two lengthy March 17 posts on Green’s Facebook profile, which was taken down shortly after the incident, Green wrote about losing his job and being unwittingly drugged. He said it was a “major goal” to meet Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

There was no immediate indication that Friday’s attack was religiously motivated, and the Nation of Islam’s Virginia branch and D.C. headquarters did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Green wrote about suffering unspecified setbacks in his life recently.

“To be honest these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher,” he wrote in the March 17 post. “I have been tried with some of the biggest, unimaginable tests in my life. I am currently now unemployed after I left my job partly due to afflictions, but ultimately, in search of a spiritual journey.”

Despite the lack of a job, he posted an image of a certificate that said he’d donated $1,085 to the Nation of Islam as a “Saviours’ Day 2021” gift.

Green’s brother, Brendan, told the Post that Noah had become paranoid in 2019 and accused football teammates of drugging him with Xanax. He moved out to his own apartment and then abruptly moved to Indianapolis, where he believed there were intruders getting into his apartment. It was around that time that Brendan said he flew out to see his brother and realized his “mind didn’t seem right.”

More recently, his brother said, Green up and moved to Botswana and suggested he had tried to take his own life by jumping in front of a car.

After he returned home, Noah Green appeared to view the Nation of Islam as a way to keep himself anchored.

In his most recent social media posts, Green wrote that he had been faced with “fear, hunger, loss of wealth, and diminution of fruit” in recent months, and was being sustained by faith “centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah.”

He posted that he had graduated with distinction, landed a good job out of college, and pursued a graduate degree “despite not growing up in the best of circumstances.” He said he was on track to go into business, but his path was “thwarted.”

Green wrote that he partially blamed his setbacks on the “array of concerning symptoms” he suffered as “side effects of drugs I was intaking unknowingly”—perhaps alluding to the alleged incident in 2019.

So, we also see repeatedly, the webpages and Facebook postings of these mass shooters, car crashers, and butter knife wielding “manufactured terrorists” are web-scrubbed after the fact of their rampages, but what is less studied, and much evident, is that this web-scrubbing hides the presence of “whoever” is cyber-stalking the eventual “bad guy,”and that needs to change.

In case after case after case of these mass shootings, “incel” related car crashings, wild subway butter knife attackings, and other strange events, we see patterns. Here are just a few more:

-Anti-Muslim hate group Rita Katz and SITE Intelligence pop up in almost every media narrative that involves an Muslim, and the fact is that they were “monitoring” the suspect, sometimes for many years.

-the “suspect’s” Facebook profile is deleted immediately after the event, and Katz, et al. always have a copy of it to feed the media

-very frequently, police–especially undercover or plainclothes–are on the scene before, during, and after the shooters. This was most prominent in the Ten Thousand Oaks shooting where many officers were on scene as the shooter arrived.

-The ADL, or the Southern Poverty Law Center–a huge PAC established by Morris Dees, appears in the media narrative shortly after these events, talking about how anyone but them or their partners in these smear campaigns are a “hate group.” These two groups alone both operate clandestine spying operations, and the race supremacist B’Nai Brith’s media puppet, the ADL notoriously normalized domestic spying when it was caught spying on activist groups across America and beyond.

*Every single mass shooting can be traced directly to one or another of the many “threat assessment” industry profiteers, private contractors, and others with their dirty hands in the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) money pot. Katz’s however is unique in that hers is an actual hate group, much like the ADL, or other anti-Muslim organizations.

What is a “targeted individual program,” and where is the proof it exists? There are many, and they go by different names. Here is how to “name them”

KW: Gang stalking lawsuits, targeted individuals, intelligence led policing, how to sue gang stalkers, Pasco County Sheriff sued , electronic harassment, predictive policing program lawsuit, targeted harassment program

In trying to change the narrative of organized gang stalking, we encounter the usual hurdle of the gatekeeping mechanism, which is a standard issue in all journalism, and media around the world as governments ranging from post-democracy western allies in the FVEYs alliance, to totalitarian, or authoritarian regimes everywhere all scramble to control our perception of world events. It is one cause under which ALL governments are strangely and perversely united.

Pasco’s program seems like it was ripped from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel and not a manual on effective police strategies,”

Here below, for example, is a letter I recently wrote to an extremely well known journalist who I have been attempting to encourage to write about gang stalking for many years, and he is indeed a hard sell as it were, and demands high standards of proof.

This journo has written about people who are actually and provably targeted, and uses that exact phrase at times, covering so-called national security cases; and tentatively agrees with me that a “targeted individual program” exists. But he– as I and others find– agree that there is very little by way of proof in these cases, and, what proof there is is hard to access because the western court systems are nearly impossible to access, costly, and anti-democratic.Throw in the well known and well documented problem of CIA control of media pundits and then, the psychobabble of disinformation specialists, and you have an uphill battle to change this narrative. But there is hope, indeed.

Dear (incredibly well known journalist):

Was the Pasco County Sheriff case enough to convince you? It meets your very high standards and other criterion:
-rigid journalistic standards

-solid evidence of an “organized government program”

-named victims-multiplesources/  news sources concurring

-the use of the phrase “targeted individuals”-actual proof of “electronic monitoring” 24/7

-a lawsuit which will reveal further evidence of the use of “electronic” methods to stalk and harass whole families, on discovery

And here is the headline of that story:

Pasco County parents sue sheriff’s office over ‘predictive policing’ program

The lawsuit claims the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office “punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit.”

“Pasco’s program seems like it was ripped from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel and not a manual on effective police strategies,” Institute for Justice Attorney Ari Bargil said. “This program isn’t just unethical, it’s patently unconstitutional to use a crude computer calculation to target, harass, fine, and even arrest citizens who have done nothing wrong.”

The lawsuit claims that the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office “punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit.” 

Harassment claims in the lawsuit include “relentless visits to their homes at all hours of the day,” “unwarranted stops and seizures,” and “repeated citations for petty code violations.”

The program allegedly violates first, fourth, and fourteenth amendment rights, according to the Institute for Justice.

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office website refers to the program as “The Intelligence-Led Policing Section.” Analysts in the program identify problems in the community and work to “reduce crime, disrupt criminal networks, and prevent future crimes from occurring,” according to the sheriff’s office.

…..follow the links, connect the dots!©

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