Gang Stalking “conspiracy theory”: it does in fact involve conspiracies and collusion at many levels, as we saw in the eBay Cockroach Cult–and Ramola D.

One of the problems that I bumped into as I began changing the narrative of gang stalking was that many mainstream journalists that I talk to would say “oh, that’s a conspiracy theory!” And total shitbags like Glenn Greenwald’s former law partner Mona Hollande would always point to the RationalWiki listing for conspiracy theory too. This was enabled because many crackpot’s online, such as Ramola D., Karen Melton Stewart, Catherine Horton, and the general Targeted Justice crowd pollute the internet with gibberish on this topic.

But in order to properly frame this issue, I was forced to reveal personal details about myself to other journalists who would otherwise scoff it away, and in doing so, established a baseline credibility that gang stalkers could not destroy. Part of my story involves someone else’s story. and the fact that I knew a young teen mother, who claimed she was “being stalked by ” a gang” and that everywhere she went, they knew where she was.”

That young woman had a child, and had run from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, seeking to flee these mysterious gangs of people. At the time, I thought it was a nutty claim, but then one day she called me to meet her, because an old couple was trying to buy her baby. There, in a McDonald’s restaurant by El Centro Mercado, I observed the conversation where creepy old white people were trying to convince her that she was not a good mother (and she really wasn’t TBH) and so, she should just sell her baby Jennifer to them.

Of course, I intervened, and she did not sell her baby. But my eyes were opened in that very moment to how brutal the world is, and how gang stalkers are indeed real. I saw them with my own eyes. Creepy, religiously affiliated, wealthy and connected old white people trying to buy a single mothers baby. The very tip of the iceberg. And I have seen it ever since. Gang stalkers are very real, and most of it starts in family courts, divorce courts, and any of the many other kangaroo courts where ultra-conservatives and their helpers in neocon pseudo feminism have established a due process free anti-constitutional “legal system.”

As I say repeatedly: ALL gang stalkers are current and former police, military, and their associates, ranging from social workers to EMTs to hospital workers, forensic psychologists, etc. And those people are propped up by any of the many pseudo-feminist, neocon and religious groups that mask their presence in “leadership development” and “human resources,” capacities too.

But even they could not do what they do without the efforts of the fake targeted individuals that litter the internet with gibberish about electronic weapons, and other evidence free claims. Lets take a short dive into some of the “electronic harassment and lizard people” cesspools that pollute the internet, and specifically, Ramola D., Karen Stewart, Catherine Horton, Geral Sosbee, and others.

A well known “fake TI advocate” Ramola D, is the equivalent of an Alex Jones, and part of the online PSYOP crowd, having co-opted my narrative of Mona Hollande, which I started at the Intercepts own forum many years ago. Ramola D. is a neocon, and part of the crowd that harasses people who have been caught up in the family courts, or other kangaroo courts that have replaced jury trials in the USA. A lot of the psychobabble is a cover operation for women who are themselves gang stalkers.

Mona Hollande’s usual response to people claiming that they are TI’s on the Intercept forums was to casually and mockingly dismiss their claims–and rightfully so, most of the time, because as we see with “Ramola D.” she is a total liar and a crackpot. Here is her fake testimonial about that below:

Also ignored by so-called “adversarial journalists” as Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, and the entire Intercept operation–whose moderated community boards have been egregiously adversarial to “Targeted Individuals” including a targeted Time & Atlanta Journal journalist who reports cavalier responses there from Greenwald’s lawyer Mona Holland who has not merely been scathingly rude to being-physically-irradiated-and-neuro-tortured-TIs but who has set up a False-Reality-Construct page on Wikipedia or Rational Wiki abusively decrying, mocking, and ridiculing those reporting targeting–as delusional and paranoid– including myself, by name–a rare recognition indeed of Ramola D, but one made primarily for public denigration.

Now I ask my readers to compare that with the story of the eBay Cockroach cult, now being prosecuted by the Department of Justice, and also, have a look at the case of “targeted individuals” suing the Pasco County Sheriff (also here, and here too).

When we sort out the garbage online from the actual lawsuits starting to come forwards, we see that indeed these people target children, and that they litter the internet with garbage speech, designed to bury actual targets complaints.

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: When the USA Today covers “targeted individual programs” its time to reassess your own position about “organized gang stalking.”

News articles about organized gang stalking, lawsuits and “targeted individual programs” are gaining steam in the mainstream press, four years after I waged a one person public relations blitz against this form of “intelligence led predictive policing” which is really just junk science, and orthodox biased reporting combined with equally biased data.

Unlike the stories you will find using ROGS Analysis, main stream media is partisan, and biased, and always defaults to “official sources” in the narrative. Yet recently, even the USA Today covered “targeted individual programs,” and called them by their proper name, and even cited the movie “The Minority Report,” as many gang stalking targets have discussed online too. .

Unfortunately, the “official sources” in the gang stalking discourse are all police, forensic investigators, and pro-police psychologists who encouraged the racial profiling and rampant surveillance abuses of the last two decades. You can view these scurrilous persons here, most notoriously the internet famous “anonymous poll” created by Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, whose negligent commentary on that issue has unarguably led to homicides and suicides of targeted individuals.

The Pasco sheriff’s office, in its lengthier statement, said the program is modeled after one adopted in the United Kingdom in the 1990s and that the idea is not to target anyone for harassment.

“It is the goal of the Pasco Sheriff’s Office to have a positive impact on these individuals and our community,” the statement says.

The sheriff’s statement specifically mentions the 2002 film “Minority Report,” which starred Tom Cruise as chief of a “precrime” police bureau that arrests people before any crime is committed based on information provided by psychics.

The program, the sheriff’s office says in part, is not “in any way, shape or form the ideals or implementations projected in the film ‘Minority Report.'”

A central piece of that movie is the idea that some of the psychics disagree with the majority on whether a specific person will become a criminal.

Other jurisdictions have tackled similar issues. The Los Angeles Police Department, for example, last year scrapped for financial reasons a controversial program called “Pred-Pol” that sought to predict where property crimes would occur. Critics said it focused disproportionately on Black and Hispanic communities.

The Florida lawsuit contends the Pasco program violates constitutional amendments that protect rights of association and due process, and against unreasonable searches and seizures

So, when even the most pasty white piece of pabulum journalism on the planet earth–the USA Today— calls a targeted individual program a “targeted individual program,” you can bet that more is to come. Stay tuned.