Correction: It’s “carpet munchers” not “carpet mushers”

Dear K: We can talk here, in the comments section.

But what your friends are doing is Not a virus attack- it’s an oEmbed redirection, RFI  hack And, it will have little effect on the bigger picture.

Dear everyone else: I have been informed by a concerted party that my blogs are being attacked by named persons and groups. I have submitted that information to the proper authorities. For the record, this is typical Israeli troll farm activity.

It basically looks like this:

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Military contractors: the ultimate “hide the ball” scheme of CIA/FBI/DHS/DoD/police gang stalking

How can we track, trace, and name gang stalkers (click this blue link)and do it ethically? The problem is, as journalists, we are simply out-gunned, because we practice with words, while they practice with weapons–and weaponized dialectic space intimidation tactics too.

We saw the head of the police union threatening those of us who called for an investigation into  the case of the Harding Street No-Knock raid in Houston where two people were murdered in their house by an actual “gang” of police, who are now under indictment. This intimidation is standard procedure in corrupt police departments everywhere.

Our investigation found these deputies are allegedly encouraged to shoot people as part of their initiation…. They operate as a gang. They commit crimes. They assault people.

Of those who I have previously identified as actual gang stalkers, who indeed had stalked me, many were from the “police class” in America, a separate class that exists above the law, in some states even, protected from the public’s right to know, such as California, which unsurprisingly has special laws that stop the public from knowing who there public servants are. And that is a problem, because police gang members are frequently who the “gang stalkers are.”

Week after week the MSM is now finding what targeted individuals have long known: that corrupt police form gangs, and act like gangs, and  harass and murder people. Here below, from the complicit MSM, we see the tip of a very large iceberg:


Deputies say gangs exist within Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

Our investigation found these deputies are allegedly encouraged to shoot people as part of their initiation…. They operate as a gang. They commit crimes. They assault people.

Or Georgia, which passed an Anti Defamation League sponsored bill to give police extra rights that are nowhere in the US Constitution–and in fact the Constitution forbids such measures. And these are just two examples where we see state workers and police and intelligence agents as a “protected class,” within a class system.

So, ethically, we must see that one group of people pops up on both sides of the debate and who has created this conundrum of ethics in reporting on “gang stalking”: the toxic Anti Defamation League,  which has been spying on and harassing both left wing and right wing activists since their inception, and whose tactics often mirror a gang itself.

On one hand, that organization falsely claims to stand for fairness and pushes the various anti-hate ordinances, but on the other, backs the blue into the bizarre depths of organized brutality, and merely re-positions its own hate while stacking the deck in the police departments. Its a win win for them, but as we see historically, both right and left wing activists are targeted by this group.

Related Reading: Get it while its hot! Web repository at webshells, of criticism of the ADL, written by both right and left leaning media outlets

It is these “privacy for cops” and other public servants laws that have created a clear and distinct demarcation between classes of citizens: state workers, and police, etc on one side, and “common citizens” on the other. This is because well heeled lobbyists from police unions are active all over the states, using extensive funds to lobby for these laws. Here is Privacy for Cops, which is just one example.So, the two tiered society reveals itself in this way also.

Yet I was also stalked by military, military contractors, and actual intelligence agents (both current and former spooks–go here, and search “former USAF OSID, retired police, private contractors, Department of Defense, etc )who are affiliated with such organizations; and unsurprisingly, members of NGO’s. A large part of my gang stalking included regular phone calls from the police and firefighters groups, or their pet causes like animal rescue, Boys and Girls Clubs, Domestic Violence Industrial Complex affiliates, etc asking for donations.

From Privacy for Cops, below are states that have created a separate “class protection” for police and affiliated state workers.

State Codes

Weaponized dialectic spaces; weaponized women; weaponized social dissent, and weaponized non governmental organizations (NGOs) like the Anti Defamation League are real things. And its hard to compete with billion dollar dialectic spaces, when billionaires and their associates in media and especially in the NGOs disrupt us, aided by US intelligence and “FVEYs” budgets, and police on the ground. The game is to sell weapons, and I only have words.

Oh, my! But what words I have! ROGS Analysis of gang stalking has changed the entire online discourse in that area.