Friends in “high places”: Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco flaunted access to power, highlighting the problem of “the Jesus” and sheriffs department gang stalking

In the Tampa Bay Times series “Targeted” we get a glimpse of how sheriffs departments are using gang stalking to “harass targeted individuals until they move away or sue.” These departments are all over the USA and they act with brutal impunity–until now.

This has been enabled across the country because Jewish-christian’s –or those who have co-opted that label–do not believe in law, or civil rights, or due process. Using a system called “intelligence led predictive policing” these people have placed CIA and other intelligence agency designed and engineered technology at every internet switch, and every street camera.

A system which is so nefarious, invasive and bizarre that only window ledge slobbering voyeuristic deviants could have designed it. And now, they have invaded the public schools, and are in fact, using these technologies to track our children. What kind of deviants target and harass children? The same great minds that distribute child pornography to every corner of the globe with an urgency that belies ullterior motives. We must ask ” why–and WHO is doing such dirty deeds in order yto achieve WHAT purpose? The Multi-Alphabet agencies and their Hydra’s and Medusa’s of psychological operators in the FVEYs scheme are doing it, with little doubt, that’s who.

So, when we examine who targets children–and why they do it–we discover entire hidden industries that exploit children inn a variety of sickly, creative ways. There was the Kids For Cash scandal, and the movie that documented it; and every day across western nations we see this kind of child exploitation, which causes any rational observer to wonder : why do naked kids on film produce more outrage than ” sliced, and diced and medicated, and deliberately made-dyysfunctional kids, who have been used and abused by international medical mafias?”

Well, lets peek at the hypocrisy in the wizards of spin, in an otherworldly Oz, for one example of a “gang stalking lawsuit” from Pasco County Florida, USA. These people are exploiting children at the most vulnerable level–in their own homes:

The man behind the machine

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco built a controversial data-driven approach to policing. He also built a wide circle of powerful friends who don’t question his tactics.

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco was once asked under oath how he had landed two high-level posts in state government.

“It was the connections that I had made,” he said bluntly.

“I mean, you didn’t have to like go and interview along with a hundred other people to get the job or anything?” an attorney pressed.

“No, ma’am,” he said.

Later that month, he told a reporter: “I’m very blessed to have friends that are in high offices.”

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: Dalanea Taylor, Tammy Heilman, Darlene Deegan, and Robert A. Jones III are Suing Pasco County Sheriff for “Gang Stalking.”

What is a gang stalking lawsuit called, and how can you identify actual gang stalking programs? In Pasco County Florida, its called “the Program.

Lawsuits begin by identifying jurisdictions that utilize or have utilized “intelligence led policing,” or “predictive policing,” and it truly was the invention of the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies. And–what the hell is the CIA doing operating in the US domestic theater anyways?

Under the Program, the PCSO uses questionable criteria ( such as whether one is a bystander in other people’s police reports) to compile a list of individuals who, it believes, are likely to commit crimes in the future. The [Pasco County Sheriffs Office] PCSO then subjects these individuals—referred to in the Complaint as Targeted Persons—as well as their families to “relentless pursuit, arrest, and prosecution” to, in the words of Sheriff Chris Nocco, “take them out.”….

Plaintiffs Dalanea Taylor, Tammy Heilman, Darlene Deegan, and Robert A. Jones III (“Plaintiffs”) bring this civil rights lawsuit pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for violations of the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution stemming from Defendant’s authorization and implementation of the PCSO’s Intelligence-Led Policing Program

And then, these lawsuits aren’t called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because there are so many “predictive policing programs” in place in various jurisdictions, and they all have different names, just like Fusion Centers. By design, these illegal programs and the hydra of related “programs” are ambiguously named, and hard to identify as actual programs, and cloaked in “police investigation privileged” narrative, or “national security” and “threat assessment” language.

But in Pasco County FL, the sheriffs department called their gang stalking program “The Intelligence-Led Policing Program,” making it easier for its victims to name it, and sue the “gang stalkers” who are stalking them using an actual program. Online, many victims have complained that they are indeed part of some program, but could not name it, as their stalkers online mocked them.

The language used in the suit echoes the complaints of targeted individuals too. Below, as you read through the court filing, keep your eyes open for the following words and phrases that are frequently used in blogs and other online material relating to gang stalking:

-“punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit”

-“future crimes”

-“it harasses these people”

-“unwarranted stops and seizures”

-is meant to “[m]ake their lives miserable until they move or sue.”

-“Intelligence-Led Policing Program,”

And all of that is from the first page of the lawsuit! Read on to see what a “gang stalking lawsuit” is and how to wage one. But as ROGS Analysis predicts, gang stalkers are in fact, nearly 100% current and former police, intelligence agents, investigators, their relatives and associates, and others in their secret cabals, targeting citizens with “illegal policing” tactics.

What is a “targeted individual program,” and where is the proof it exists? There are many, and they go by different names. Here is how to “name them”

KW: Gang stalking lawsuits, targeted individuals, intelligence led policing, how to sue gang stalkers, Pasco County Sheriff sued , electronic harassment, predictive policing program lawsuit, targeted harassment program

In trying to change the narrative of organized gang stalking, we encounter the usual hurdle of the gatekeeping mechanism, which is a standard issue in all journalism, and media around the world as governments ranging from post-democracy western allies in the FVEYs alliance, to totalitarian, or authoritarian regimes everywhere all scramble to control our perception of world events. It is one cause under which ALL governments are strangely and perversely united.

Pasco’s program seems like it was ripped from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel and not a manual on effective police strategies,”

Here below, for example, is a letter I recently wrote to an extremely well known journalist who I have been attempting to encourage to write about gang stalking for many years, and he is indeed a hard sell as it were, and demands high standards of proof.

This journo has written about people who are actually and provably targeted, and uses that exact phrase at times, covering so-called national security cases; and tentatively agrees with me that a “targeted individual program” exists. But he– as I and others find– agree that there is very little by way of proof in these cases, and, what proof there is is hard to access because the western court systems are nearly impossible to access, costly, and anti-democratic.Throw in the well known and well documented problem of CIA control of media pundits and then, the psychobabble of disinformation specialists, and you have an uphill battle to change this narrative. But there is hope, indeed.

Dear (incredibly well known journalist):

Was the Pasco County Sheriff case enough to convince you? It meets your very high standards and other criterion:
-rigid journalistic standards

-solid evidence of an “organized government program”

-named victims-multiplesources/  news sources concurring

-the use of the phrase “targeted individuals”-actual proof of “electronic monitoring” 24/7

-a lawsuit which will reveal further evidence of the use of “electronic” methods to stalk and harass whole families, on discovery

And here is the headline of that story:

Pasco County parents sue sheriff’s office over ‘predictive policing’ program

The lawsuit claims the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office “punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit.”

“Pasco’s program seems like it was ripped from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel and not a manual on effective police strategies,” Institute for Justice Attorney Ari Bargil said. “This program isn’t just unethical, it’s patently unconstitutional to use a crude computer calculation to target, harass, fine, and even arrest citizens who have done nothing wrong.”

The lawsuit claims that the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office “punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit.” 

Harassment claims in the lawsuit include “relentless visits to their homes at all hours of the day,” “unwarranted stops and seizures,” and “repeated citations for petty code violations.”

The program allegedly violates first, fourth, and fourteenth amendment rights, according to the Institute for Justice.

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office website refers to the program as “The Intelligence-Led Policing Section.” Analysts in the program identify problems in the community and work to “reduce crime, disrupt criminal networks, and prevent future crimes from occurring,” according to the sheriff’s office.

…..follow the links, connect the dots!©

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