The recent Pasco County Florida gang stalking lawsuit where cops targeted children had a predecessor: Squitieri et al v. Nocco et al, which invokes civil applications of the RICO Act

Police and sheriff’s departments across the country that use “intelligence led predictive policing” are using a model designed by the CIA and other spy agencies to target terrorists. Now, these programs target political adversaries, low level offenders, and little children–in their schools!

When I first experienced gang stalking, I was inundated with calls from the various police and firefighter benevolent associations in an area of the country where defunding a corrupt police force is on the ballot this November, as the “Yes4Minneapolis” initiative gathers steam. And so, my commentary is not ordinary commentary either, as I was in contact with Derek Chauvin and his gang of MPD on many occasions, long before George Floyd was murdered there.

In fact, I know many members of that police department inside and outside of their “gangs,” for reasons that I discussed here on many occasions. Indeed, the police union head in that area is an associate and beer buddy of the Hell’s Angel’s, and many other “bike clubs.” So I know what police gangs are too.

All that aside, a couple years before the Pasco County sheriff was sued for gang stalking children, there was another lawsuit, and it also invoked the RICO Act to try to curb corrupt police. RICO can be applied in either a criminal or civil context. The filing that came to that gang stalking sheriffs department before others sued is Squitieri et al v. Nocco et al, and it reads like a story written in the last century in a dystopian totalitarian eastern bloc nation. But it’s not an ancient tale of Stalinist repression: it’s modern gang stalking in the USA.

Police harassing residents, and failing in their harassment, locking them up under the “Baker Act” aka a 5150, or mental health evaluation. Using helicopters to hover over peoples houses all day and night, or hovering those same copters over a “body farm” to terrorize students; and many more bizarre claims, that until just a couple short decades ago were unthinkable in any civilized democracy, but that are now common news stories. These cases are indeed bizarre, and just describing them can make a listener wonder which is crazier–the story teller or the cops doing these things.

Its not a small list of plaintiffs either, as it invokes the civil RICO Act against memmbers of that sheriffs department “gang.” From


alleges upon facts and belief as follows: I. SUMMARY OF CLAIMS This is a Civil RICO claim which requires Plaintiffs to demonstrate that the Defendants have engaged in a “pattern” of misconduct (called “racketeering” under the RICO statutes). A Page 4 of 228 27 PageID 619 “Pattern of racketeering activity” requires that at least two acts of racketeering activity are committed within ten (10) years of each other. The Civil Action for RICO is defined in 18 U.S.C.A. § 1964 (c): “Any person injured in his business or property by reason of a violation of section 1962 of this chapter may. . . recover threefold the damages he sustains and the cost of the suit, including a reasonable attorney’s fee. . . .” Section 1962 has four (4) subparts and generally prohibits the use of income obtained from a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of an unlawful debt to purchase, establish, operate, or participate in the affairs of any enterprise in interstate or foreign commerce. Florida’s RICO Act mirrors the Federal RICO Act.

Read more from the docket here:

Friends in “high places”: Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco flaunted access to power, highlighting the problem of “the Jesus” and sheriffs department gang stalking

In the Tampa Bay Times series “Targeted” we get a glimpse of how sheriffs departments are using gang stalking to “harass targeted individuals until they move away or sue.” These departments are all over the USA and they act with brutal impunity–until now.

This has been enabled across the country because Jewish-christian’s –or those who have co-opted that label–do not believe in law, or civil rights, or due process. Using a system called “intelligence led predictive policing” these people have placed CIA and other intelligence agency designed and engineered technology at every internet switch, and every street camera.

A system which is so nefarious, invasive and bizarre that only window ledge slobbering voyeuristic deviants could have designed it. And now, they have invaded the public schools, and are in fact, using these technologies to track our children. What kind of deviants target and harass children? The same great minds that distribute child pornography to every corner of the globe with an urgency that belies ullterior motives. We must ask ” why–and WHO is doing such dirty deeds in order yto achieve WHAT purpose? The Multi-Alphabet agencies and their Hydra’s and Medusa’s of psychological operators in the FVEYs scheme are doing it, with little doubt, that’s who.

So, when we examine who targets children–and why they do it–we discover entire hidden industries that exploit children inn a variety of sickly, creative ways. There was the Kids For Cash scandal, and the movie that documented it; and every day across western nations we see this kind of child exploitation, which causes any rational observer to wonder : why do naked kids on film produce more outrage than ” sliced, and diced and medicated, and deliberately made-dyysfunctional kids, who have been used and abused by international medical mafias?”

Well, lets peek at the hypocrisy in the wizards of spin, in an otherworldly Oz, for one example of a “gang stalking lawsuit” from Pasco County Florida, USA. These people are exploiting children at the most vulnerable level–in their own homes:

The man behind the machine

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco built a controversial data-driven approach to policing. He also built a wide circle of powerful friends who don’t question his tactics.

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco was once asked under oath how he had landed two high-level posts in state government.

“It was the connections that I had made,” he said bluntly.

“I mean, you didn’t have to like go and interview along with a hundred other people to get the job or anything?” an attorney pressed.

“No, ma’am,” he said.

Later that month, he told a reporter: “I’m very blessed to have friends that are in high offices.”

Gang stalking lawsuits: Former K-9 officer joined lawsuit against Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, says supervisor threatened to kill his dog

Only sociopaths, cowards and psychopaths kill peoples pets. But when police do it, we call it “intelligence led predictive policing.”

Police routinely threaten dissenters and activists with child kidnapping and worse. In the Pasco County case, these cowards targeted children too

When psychologists study people who kill or torture animals, they label these people as sociopaths, and psychopaths, discussed here by Psychology Today. Jeffrey Dahmer is the notorious Wisconsin cannibal often held up as one such example, but there are many more. These cases give us a glimpse into what is known as “the police personality.”

But when “gang stalkers” like the Pasco County Florida’s Targeted Individual Program Chief Chris Nocco’s band of thugs threaten to torture a colleagues animal, the media is hesitant to call it what it is, as is the case with much of the police personality disorders that run rampant and amok, targeting citizens and even shamelessly targeting children.This story is from 2019, and now, more people are suing him and his thugs for gang stalking.

Related Story: Why are smear campaigns about “pedophiles” so popular with far right police and their flying monkeys? Targeting children is just one of the many things that gang stalkers do, but they do it from within state mechanisms. See here about how America’s child abuse rings are not exactly what you think they are.Also, see this case, where a purported sex offender was framed with child pornography is suing his stalkers, and here where we see a left wing stalker being prosecuted in the federal court for stalking teenage boys. And as always, revisit the case of a conservative judge literally selling children in the documentary “Kids for Cash”

Gradually, the narrative is changing, thanks to ROGS Analysis of gang stalking, and even major newspapers like the USA Today are starting to talk about “targeted individuals” using the correct terminology, and here below, we see some ADL darlings* finally taking on the issue, long after ROGS was spied on, targeted, and harassed by that hate group and their associates in policing:

A former Pasco County Sheriff’s Office K-9 deputy has joined the growing list of plaintiffs who filed a federal lawsuit against Sheriff Chris Nocco and several of his high-ranking commanders.

Former deputy Cliff Baltzer says his sergeant filed a false internal affairs complaint against him in 2018 and threatened to euthanize his canine partner and then go on social media and blame Baltzer for the dog’s death

The lawsuit was first filed against top Pasco sheriff’s officials on April 16 by three plaintiffs. They alleged that Nocco and agency leaders are “intoxicated with power and will physically abuse, intimidate, incarcerate, extort, and defame in order to ensure their absolute control.”

SLICE, and:

The civil lawsuit makes a claim under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, often called RICO. The suit accuses high-ranking members of the department of gender discrimination, falsifying internal affairs complaints and targeting people who spoke against the department.

WE also see many of the complaints of targeted individuals validated too, such as the following:

-gang stalkers will kill your pets

-gang stalkers will frame you for crimes or other indecent acts

-gang stalkers will isolate you

-gang stalkers cannot be stopped unless the RICO Act is applied

These are just a few of the examples that targeted individuals have long written about online, because as we see now, the narrative IS changing, and gang stalkers are being sued, and even prosecuted by the DoJ as we see in the case of the ebay Gang of stalkers.

So, some four years AFTER I wrote , we now see that one voice can truly change the dialectic online. And, we now see that psychologists who have gone on record denying police initiated “gang stalking,” like Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi are total frauds and liars too.

*I say “ADL darlings” because the Anti Defamation League is about as far right, and racist as any other organization that uses race as a discriminator; and they use it solely for political expediency and financial benefit. It is this powerful lobbying group of racists that do in fact have a disproportionate effect on media. As a journalist I was myself stalked and harassed by that group because I refused to publish their divisive, racist lies and propaganda, many years ago.

They are well known stalkers, and contrary to popular belief, they are as far right as any other far right group, but manage to straddle both sides of the political spectrum, on one side as a powerful right wing force in politics (the recent bombardment of Palestinians is a good example of what they support )and yet manage to convince the world that they are Jewish, and hence “victims.” WE we can see this explained by “horseshoe theory,” but also in exploring the narrative of some of their Jewish victims too.

Also see this, and this and this about various spying scandals, and racist acts by that group.

What is organized gang stalking? The data says it is military, police, and government affiliated activity, and that it is very real.

First and foremost, gang stalking as defined by police, military, and other surveillance state sources, including pro-prosecution psychologists and attorneys is quite different than how ordinary citizens, targeted activists, and western dissidents define gang stalking.

Related Stories: Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits” because the term gang stalking is used primarily by actual stalkers, nearly 100% are current and retired police, military, and intelligence agency affiliated. So what is the proper name? Look here as the DoJ prosecutes an actual “gang” of “stalkers” aka the eBay Cockroach Cult, and then, look here at how victims of Pasco County FL Sheriffs department stalking and harassment are now suing the sheriff over his gang stalking program of “predictive policing”

As such, it can be inferred that ordinary citizens, and those affiliated with the military industrial complex or security state funded sources define organized gang stalking differently because of a fundamental difference in purpose and perspective.

SO, nearly 100% of those who are provably current and former spies, police, firefighters, and community assets and their relatives who appear online and off as concerned citizens ALWAYS manage to use the bizarre terminology of “electronic weapons” and more gibberish that is associated with gang stalking, whereas actual persons who are targeted BY these people simply discuss their reactions to being followed, harassed, and so on.

As such, we can see that their are in fact, two distinct groups of people online who are involved in the discussion:

1- police, military, and state government affiliated people who yammer on about “electronic weapons, mind reading locusts, and aliens,” and then,

2- others who simply complain about bizarre activity directed at them by the groups above, ranging from what we see in the case of the eBay stalking lawsuit now being prosecuted by the US Department of Justice, to the well known case of Small Town Terrorism by Rick Krlich in Ohio, who was stalked by a small towns inner clique, ranging from firefighters to the police chief, and all of their friends and associates because he bought a house that the fire chief claimed as his own, without evidence.

Then, there are a few types of hybrid outliers that, when taken as a whole, comprise a substantial set of data indicating religious evangelism is also involved in the dialectic. Crackpots like Dr. Stella Immanuel who repeat bizarre claims of demon sex and electronic harassment by the forces of the devil.

This last group is in essence comprised of religious fanatics, and so on who also engage in the “electronic warfare” side of the dialogues, almost always with an evangelizing intention. Here is a link to, debunking Dr. Immanuel and her bizarre claims. UNsurprisingly, these outliers blur with the police/state factions of gibberish and psychobabble spewing crowd, as evidenced by Dr. Immanuels daughter Mima Fondong being cited in a Rotary Club newsletter *.

These various influences can easily be seen and deciphered in the many, many online blogs, videos, podcasts, and other media devoted to this topic online which is produced by current and former employees of the various US and British (and others known as the Five Eyes, FVEYs) intelligence services who comprise the gatekeeping mechanism surrounding this topic, in conjunction with various police and community assets.

Here is Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) whose founders are former NSA operatives; and who have been connected to several mass shooters, most notoriously Myron May and Aaron Alexis ( search results easily turn up nearly 42,000 results for the search language “freedom from covert harassment myron may” as of 02/04/2021).

Urban Dictionary–an online, democratic dictionary,* has tracked the evolution of the definition for over two decades, and the results indicate this bipolar narrative has taken on the following meanings:

Top definition

gang stalkingGang Stalking is really a covert government or police investigation. It’s similar to Cointelpro or red squads, and it’s being used on a lot of innocent people to ruin them and make them look crazy. Gang Stalking is all about government disinformation, and using civilian spies/snitches to help with stalking and monitoring innocent people.

Jim was placed under covert investigation by his employer because of his whistle-blowing. Mistakenly he termed it gang stalking, which made him sound crazy.”

by Cointelpro2 May 03, 2007

Urban Dictionary, accessed 2/4/2021

Urban Dictionary online uses a similar process as those who created the Oxford dictionary used, which is to accept definitions from the population at large, and as demonstrated in the brilliant Mel Gibson film “The Professor and the Madman.” As such, Urban Dictionary satisfies the academic requirements and rigor followed by other esteemed dictionaries in the crafting of of defininitions.

Similarly to the phrase gang stalking, the top ranked definition in Urban Dictionarty defines organized stalking as such:

organized stalking

Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or
commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.”

Urban Dictionary, accessed 2/04/2021

These definitions, submitted by anonymous individuals, and “upvoted” overan extensive period of time, indicate the validity and stability of this perspective over time, as well as satisfy the academic, and legal, court room standard of defining words, phrases and ideas from a layman’s perspective.

*The Rotary Clubs and many other fraternal/sorority organizations are heavily involved in gang stalking, and I have documented that in many ways across many online and offline narratives and sources, including in my own case, where I was gang stalked by identifiable Rotarians, Lions club members, and others who comprise a sort of international syndicate of stalkers, and who were also implicated in the Hong Kong riots of 2014-2020.

After the riots, mainland China sanctioned many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who were integral to causing the so-called “pro-democracy” riots. You can glimpse that here as China sanctions the CIA-backed National Endowment for Democracy (NED) affiliated NGOs, and here is an example of how powerful and interconnected these NGOs are.

The problem with the stance and posture by the NGOs is that they do not stand for actual democracy, but in fact, religious “freedom” which is in fact just religious-mob rule, as we see with the lawlessness of gang stalking. I documented that in real time as I was myself stalked by these various mobs. That work, evidence, and documentation can be seen at