Gang Stalking Lawsuits: “Faces of Genocide” star Ramajana Hidic Demirovic’s federal indictment, and the claim that “the gang stalkers will make you move away.”

UPDATE:Ms. Demirovic’s popularity is impressive, as this posts and others about her case are increasingly the most popular posts on this blog. I have put her into the category of “Internet Movie Database Stalkers,” having encountered many stalkers who have an IMDB listing. More on that here, here, here, here, here, and especially this post, where we see a Hollywood writer slandered mercilessly by his psychotic ex-wife, and her Catholic-other religious fanatics. THe “IMDB gang” is a real thing.

Indeed, very little “theory” other than common “case theory,” and lots of “actual conspiracy” in these cases. You can download the indictment .pdf here:



INDICTMENT18 U.S.C. § 2261A(2) – Cyberstalking 18 U.S.C. § 371 – Conspiracy to Commit Cyberstalking

Beginning in 2016, and continuing until at least October 2019, Defendant RAMAJANAHIDIC DEMIROVIC, an adult resident of San Francisco during the period relevant to this indictment, and her co-conspirator (a minor during part of this period), and others known and unknown to the grand jury, engaged in acts of cyberstalking against multiple minor victims and those victims’ family members. The principal targets of the scheme were persons with whom the co-conspirator had or attempted to have romantic relationships. The cyberstalking and related conduct escalated with each victim and involved hundreds of malicious, deceptive, and abusive communications


DEMIROVIC became a member of the conspiracy knowing of at least one of its objects and intending to help accomplish it. One of the members of the conspiracy performed at least one overt act, beginning at a date unknown to the Grand Jury but no later than May 2016, for the purpose of carrying out the conspiracy, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2261A(2)(A) and (2)(B), 18 U.S.C. § 2, and 18 U.S.C. §

Ooooh! Wheeeehoooo!

Jewish NGO affiliated gang stalkers taste good in court, because the usual are of #fake white supremacists, and manufactured “white rampagers” is just so….milquetoast. Justice requires balance, and while white supremacy is a “thing,” so too is the Doctrine of the Chosen Superior People,enacted through racists and Zionism everywhere . You can read more about Jewish racism and “beliefs” about superiority and supremacy here

But they ALWAYS turn into RATS and informants.after the indictments. I predict as much in this case, as non-Jewish prosecutors target a Jewish-affiliated IMDB gang stalker.She will “cop a plea,” and then become an informant, as will her daughter. This is how the left operates, and collaborates with the anti-constitutional FBI. (Gee, I hope I don’t get targeted for saying that, out loud:….lol…

IMHO, since the fed’s became involved in a “women’s empowerment” narrative, and many prosecutors and their informants are now women, it’s easy to see how corrupt the judiciary is, as tribal sectarian elements fight it out in court. They are sort of amateur, but starting to get to the point. Feel free to contact me if you need advice tracing these shitbag gang stalkers, ladies.

These case dockets have become rather boring soap opera’s, channeling the worst elements of stereotypes about hystrionic and menopausal women trying to uphold white female privilege; and helpless damsels in distress from theirs and other ethnic/racial categories stopping real cases coming frwards because they are stuck like tampons in a deep blackhole of awareness about “high policing” and the FBI/DHS/DEA/etAlphabets’s own role as “secret police” agencies, those at every point, defying civil liberty.

.And the “empowered women’s FBI” is on record in many cases interfering in family courts, from behind the scenes, and using these petty venues and even moire niggling tactics silence and to wage war on American activists. We want our child support! Fuck the constitution! Fuck abortion “rights!!!” Give me some money, honey!!!

Read the story of Professor Julio Pino for one example, but there are many more, like Guerilla Mainframe’s Rakem Balogun and most of these white female/Jewish-christian conceived prosecutions are targeted at critics of zionism, banksterism, or the “due process free administrative law-based kangaroo court system” in the USA; and especially targeted at black men who simply want to “keep and bear arms,” or who want to speak online.

While the Women’s Auxilliary of the Ku Klux Klan and their poison squads in and outside of government may go by many different names now, they are every bit as powerful as they were in their last incarnation.We see their presence in nearly every mass shooting, as “white women” are allied with the Anti Defamation League EXACTLY as they were allied with that Jewish organization in the hey-day of the KKK against black heterosexual male activists like Martin Luther King; or during the Holodmor, described here by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn**which targeted primarily white,lower class christians.

Images of strong, handsome black men like Rakem Balogun have terrified white Jewish-christian women for centuries, as images of Shaka Zulu dance in their beds heads.

And now we see the war on men, and especially black men taking new turns, every time yet another black man is targeted because he upholds his rights. This is where we most keenly observe see the Hegelian Materialism emerge, in the split gap chasm dark space divide between America’s global-focused fascists and it’s global-focused socialists where these drama’s play out in courts of law, as family courts, domestic violence courts, etc. primarily serve as a way for both fascists and socialists to diminish male power.

But its not just black men who are dying as the IMDB gang and their associates in transnational gang stalking syndicates maraud through their lives, at all times virtually protected by the FBI itself. Indeed, DUNCAN LEMP was murdered in his own bedroom after extensive gang stalking by beanie wearing storm troopers who are trained in online PSYOPs stalked him online and off.

So: Who Is the IMDB Gang? A question for the prosecution.

Demirovic’s is affiliated with gang stalkers from the “IMDB gang” and on several occasions I was gang stalked in the USA by that exact group, ranging from retired Playboy Bunnies to Filipina single mothers, as bizarre as that sounds.

In one case, the young single mother was being exploited at many levels of the system, on one hand getting state aid for popping out pups, and on the other being used as part of the “narrative” of the downtrodden. And all of that while she had failed on three occasions to exercise her right to an abortion.Why is it that women have the abortion right, but don’t exercise that right? Its a pattern that has repeated itself across America since the Hegelian Dialectic came to roost on our shores.I suspect that money might be involved, lol.

Then, there was the “retired” Playboy bunny, a looker even at 60 plus years old who had a comfy piece of real estate in the Marina. These reformed/converted/covert Playboy Bunnies are documented over at this blog, Project Monarch by a college professor who is a “reformed fan of porn,” who is now also an anti-pornography crusader. He is unsurprisingly a “personal friend” of Dr. Katherine Horton; who believes that porn is a plot by the CIA (and the Jews!!The Illuminati!!!) to destabilize our society.

The facts on the ground are more simple: all government have weaponized pornography at different levels of operations. The CIA’s own “Wild Bill” Donovan* was among the first in modern times to seek to widely weaponize porn to demoralize German soldiers. He wanted to spread porn EVERYWHERE. Indeed, have a look at the CIA’s “demoralizing” pornography operations today (that little glimpse that journalists get in limited hangouts) and see here for more analysis.

And, so when you hear the hard-right Catholic’s, Jewish-christians and others decrying Walt Disney, it’s because Disney hired Donovan to help design Disney World. Read more about that from the fabulous science and practical mechanics site How Stuff Works: “Disney World and Its Tangled Web With CIA Ops.” And yeah, these people are indeed all Mason’s and Pilgrims Society members, as was Donovan and Disney–but there are many other secret societies involved too.

Read More: If you want to jump into the huge time sucking rabbit hole of current and former CIA/NSA/FBI/European/FVEYs intelligence agents and “psychobabblers” read Ramola D’s blog “Every Day Concerned Citizen” to watch the bizarre infighting of “fake targeted individuals.” The vast majority of online material about gang stalking is EXACTLY these same types of time sucking psychological operations.

And of these IMDB affiliated stalkers I suspect them to be part of what is colloquially called the “Hollywood mafia,” a second string bench warmer version of Hollywood. I mean–a simple look at the credits in the film mentioned above and we see total second stringer Peter Coyote in the film.

Despite the pettiness of their operations, they can have a powerful and destructive effect on their targets, and as such, we see in this indictment that entire families were forced to move away because of the harassment by her and her associates. Gang stalkers are powerful groups,wielding that power against others who challenge their ideological or financial narratives and social engineering schemes. I suspect that this case at hand is just the tip of the iceberg of IMDB prosecutions, and I urge the prosecutor to look a bit deeper into this link.

The irony cannot be overstated: a victim of genocide becomes a gang stalker in the USA, after her extensive training with well known political bullies and actual gangs. Ask the question “exactly who is it that is pushing the “victim narratives” in our culture,” and then note how it has backfired on that extremely wealthy beneficiaries of these narratives.

And, I urge the federal prosecutor to look into this case, and discover as I have that their network is quite extensive. These networks can be investigated, uncovered, and prosecuted much more efficiently if you adopt ROGS Analysis from the start. Contact me if you want further information. You have my email, right?


*Donovan actually formed the OSS, the precursor to the CIA

** I cited David Duke, a former KKK “Grand WIzard” because his scholarship is bullet proof. And, because constantly citing Jewish sources biases the narrative of how some Hegelian Jews are often implicated as sociopathic, homicidal maniacs. The case at hand demonstrates how Jews used this woman to tell their story, and how they weaponize others with “dindunuffin” ideology, which harms human lives.

Mental health, gang stalking, 5150, and the threat narrative of the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC)

Double jeopardy is specifically discussed and defined in the United States Constitution, and it is anti-constitutional to deploy it as a weapon of state control of individuals. Yet every day, year in and year out, states across America have legions of individuals under state control,”24/7″ via the practice of double jeopardy.

From Project Censored, we get a glimpse of this unconstitutional practice:

Civil Commitment: The New Double Jeopardy

January 26, 2021

Civil Commitment: The New Double Jeopardy

After completion of a prison sentence, individuals considered a danger to society can continue to be held indefinitely under what is called “civil commitment.” Civil commitment, which has been instituted in at least 20 states, is a legal process by which criminals convicted of sexual assaults, and shown to have a  mental illness, are legally declared a danger to society and confined indefinitely in treatment facilities following their release from prison.

After  prison, individuals who are considered a threat to society are presented before a judge who makes the final decision of whether there is enough probable evidence for a civil commitment trial. Additionally, individuals sometimes receive treatment while awaiting trial and the information disclosed in confidentiality during these sessions has been used against them in the trial.

Though the U.S. Constitution specifically outlaws double jeopardy, it is practiced in every state of the union, and that started in the VAWA era of 1993, with the sex offender laws and so-called domestic violence laws of the post-Porn Wars, where we saw so-called feminists united with ultra-conservatives to eradicate pornography, and even sex itself, outside of marriage.

Further and more despicably, we saw the re-enshrinement of highly gendered discourse that “protects women and children” from “male violence,” and excused women from culpability for crimes of the domestic arena. Despite the courts having ruled against double jeopardy for juvenile offenders many on the sex offenders lists are juveniles whose alleged crimes took place before the legal age of maturity, and the double jeopardy of lifetime listing creates the false appearance of harmful individuals and denies any second chances.

The net goal of these fake Porn Wars era feminists, and their religion afflicted neocon supporters was that they further enshrined the sexism, and gender bias of pre-porn wars era’s, and in their quest for power, they allied themselves with the exact institutional and structural elements built by religious conservatives and police powers that have historically maintained gender separation, and gender inequality for all of time.

Here is what the constitution says about double jeopardy:

“The constitutional prohibition against ‘double jeopardy’ was designed to protect an individual from being subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction more than once for an alleged offense. . . . The underlying idea, one that is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo-American system of jurisprudence, is that the State with all its resources and power should not be allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an individual for an alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to embarrassment, expense and ordeal and compelling him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing the possibility that even though innocent he may be found guilty.”39 A second “vitally important interest[ ]” embodied in the Double Jeopardy Clause “is the preservation of ‘the finality of judgments.’ ”

Beyond the unconstitutionality of this practice, what is revealed is the nature of how “third party punishment” is utilized to target individuals who have the misfortune of being caught up in this systemic abuse. And unsurprisingly, it is psychologists, social workers, parole officers and other state agents that act as de facto “Punishers” enacting post-VAWA and post-Clinton COPS era punishments that are termed as “community oriented policing,” but in fact act as a due process and civil liberty crushing mechanism in the hands of those who practice it.

All of that is documented in cases of “targeted individuals,” of “organized gang stalking,”that range from all of the well known complaints of being stalked by Citizens On Patrol, and other block club type of members as we saw in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, murdered in cold blood by one such gang; and daily harassment like garbage thrown in their yards, to the more heinous practices outlined in this article by Teri Webster, where we see the account of a so-called sex offender getting boxed in by semi-trailer trucks on the freeway, or as the local fire department records his house with a camera, “24/7.”

Related Story: Ahmaud Arbery was out jogging one day when a gang of stalkers murdered him in cold blood. That gang, like ALL gangs of stalkers, included a retired police detective, who was on the phone with police dispatch, and that detectives son. It also included a neighbor who tried to hit Arbery with a car, and a local prosecutor who had targeted Arbery for several years. That “bizarre” stalking included one attempt several years earlier to use an actual electronic weapon–a Taser–to assault Arbery without cause, which was captured on a horrifying video. His mother will be holding a vigil on February 23rd to mark the anniversary of his murder.

This practice of double jeopardy has expanded into other areas of law, particularly in cases that are settled with plea deals, and other administrative processes that cleverly avoid jury trials. And it has ballooned since 9-11 from merely targeting sex offenders to the wider social practice of what we see in the case of the eBay stalkers targeting writers and critics outside of the law. The practice is so widespread, that we see online search engines exploding with requests for data on “gang stalking” and its practitioners too, with hundreds of thousands of searches added each year.

Then, there is the complaint of complete gas lighting of this topic in main stream media too, though journalists are starting to see the light in pieces such as this, this, or this.

Again, from Project Censored:

Sarah Lazare of In These Times reports that after talking to numerous individuals with first-hand knowledge, including those held in civil commitment, this process does the opposite of what it has set forth to do. People confined under civil commitment statutes report enduring verbal abuse, inadequate care for their mental health, and an extension of the prison environments they came from with little rehabilitation. Moreover, the tests and evaluation tools used to assess whether an individual’s progress through their mental health treatment—such as polygraph “lie detectors” – are not “universally accepted as sound science.”

Those incarcerated as a result of civil commitment find themselves doing more time for the same crime. Lazare found that at one civil commitment treatment facility in Illinois, Rushville, 288 people – or half of the people being held in the institution—had been held for more than 10 years, including 76 people in custody at Rushville since it opened in 2006.

Here below is more about the Clinton COPS program, which was enacted in 1994 alongside the ultra pandering, incredibly paternalistic, sexist and religion tainted Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA: