Gang Stalking “conspiracy theory”: it does in fact involve conspiracies and collusion at many levels, as we saw in the eBay Cockroach Cult–and Ramola D.

One of the problems that I bumped into as I began changing the narrative of gang stalking was that many mainstream journalists that I talk to would say “oh, that’s a conspiracy theory!” And total shitbags like Glenn Greenwald’s former law partner Mona Hollande would always point to the RationalWiki listing for conspiracy theory too. This was enabled because many crackpot’s online, such as Ramola D., Karen Melton Stewart, Catherine Horton, and the general Targeted Justice crowd pollute the internet with gibberish on this topic.

But in order to properly frame this issue, I was forced to reveal personal details about myself to other journalists who would otherwise scoff it away, and in doing so, established a baseline credibility that gang stalkers could not destroy. Part of my story involves someone else’s story. and the fact that I knew a young teen mother, who claimed she was “being stalked by ” a gang” and that everywhere she went, they knew where she was.”

That young woman had a child, and had run from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, seeking to flee these mysterious gangs of people. At the time, I thought it was a nutty claim, but then one day she called me to meet her, because an old couple was trying to buy her baby. There, in a McDonald’s restaurant by El Centro Mercado, I observed the conversation where creepy old white people were trying to convince her that she was not a good mother (and she really wasn’t TBH) and so, she should just sell her baby Jennifer to them.

Of course, I intervened, and she did not sell her baby. But my eyes were opened in that very moment to how brutal the world is, and how gang stalkers are indeed real. I saw them with my own eyes. Creepy, religiously affiliated, wealthy and connected old white people trying to buy a single mothers baby. The very tip of the iceberg. And I have seen it ever since. Gang stalkers are very real, and most of it starts in family courts, divorce courts, and any of the many other kangaroo courts where ultra-conservatives and their helpers in neocon pseudo feminism have established a due process free anti-constitutional “legal system.”

As I say repeatedly: ALL gang stalkers are current and former police, military, and their associates, ranging from social workers to EMTs to hospital workers, forensic psychologists, etc. And those people are propped up by any of the many pseudo-feminist, neocon and religious groups that mask their presence in “leadership development” and “human resources,” capacities too.

But even they could not do what they do without the efforts of the fake targeted individuals that litter the internet with gibberish about electronic weapons, and other evidence free claims. Lets take a short dive into some of the “electronic harassment and lizard people” cesspools that pollute the internet, and specifically, Ramola D., Karen Stewart, Catherine Horton, Geral Sosbee, and others.

A well known “fake TI advocate” Ramola D, is the equivalent of an Alex Jones, and part of the online PSYOP crowd, having co-opted my narrative of Mona Hollande, which I started at the Intercepts own forum many years ago. Ramola D. is a neocon, and part of the crowd that harasses people who have been caught up in the family courts, or other kangaroo courts that have replaced jury trials in the USA. A lot of the psychobabble is a cover operation for women who are themselves gang stalkers.

Mona Hollande’s usual response to people claiming that they are TI’s on the Intercept forums was to casually and mockingly dismiss their claims–and rightfully so, most of the time, because as we see with “Ramola D.” she is a total liar and a crackpot. Here is her fake testimonial about that below:

Also ignored by so-called “adversarial journalists” as Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, and the entire Intercept operation–whose moderated community boards have been egregiously adversarial to “Targeted Individuals” including a targeted Time & Atlanta Journal journalist who reports cavalier responses there from Greenwald’s lawyer Mona Holland who has not merely been scathingly rude to being-physically-irradiated-and-neuro-tortured-TIs but who has set up a False-Reality-Construct page on Wikipedia or Rational Wiki abusively decrying, mocking, and ridiculing those reporting targeting–as delusional and paranoid– including myself, by name–a rare recognition indeed of Ramola D, but one made primarily for public denigration.

Now I ask my readers to compare that with the story of the eBay Cockroach cult, now being prosecuted by the Department of Justice, and also, have a look at the case of “targeted individuals” suing the Pasco County Sheriff (also here, and here too).

When we sort out the garbage online from the actual lawsuits starting to come forwards, we see that indeed these people target children, and that they litter the internet with garbage speech, designed to bury actual targets complaints.

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: Richard Moore is suing Union County, Mississippi sheriffs department and a few associated gang stalking cowards named Blake Smith, Keith Roberts, and Jimmy Edwards.

I am following the case of a man in Mississippi who has been gang stalked by the usual suspects in policing, and its tentacles in the community.

Via Justia, filed in the Northern District of Mississippi, comes now Richard Moore, suing a few “gang stalkers.”

Moore v. Edwards et al

Plaintiff:Richard Moore
Defendant:Blake Smith, Keith Roberts, Union County Sheriff’s Department and Jimmy Edwards
Case Number:3:2021cv00080

Richard Moore has been stalked and harassed by people who think they are above the law. And as we see in these cases, often they are “the law,” at least in their own minds. But the reality is that they are criminals, doing criminal things, and their is no one to “police” the police.

As we see in nearly every case of gang stalking, these gangs are comprised of nearly 100% current and former police, firefighters, investigators and others who cover over each others stalking and harassment crimes; and none of them believe in the rights enshrined in the US constitution, or the rule of law.

The cases of Rick and Cindy Krlich, which details “Small Town Terrorism,” and the case of the eBay “cockroach cult” currently being prosecuted by the Department of Justice, the case of the cold blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery, and most recently the case of the Pasco County Sheriff targeting children are all examples of gang stalking lawsuits (more on the latter here, and here, where one of that departments k-9 officers is suing too.).

For many decades, an under current of conversations regarding western social structure discussed “police gangs” in somewhat hesitant manner for the obvious reason that critics of law enforcement become targets themselves. This threat FROM law enforcement is very real, and claims actual victims, including homicides.

Here below is one example of how actual police actually threatened people, after an actual gang of now-indicted police “gang members” murdered two people in cold blood after lying on a no-knock warrant, and planting evidence-an unimaginably anti-democratic practice:

Joe Gamaldi, he president of the Houston Police Officers’ Union said:

We are sick and tired of having targets on our back,” Gamaldi said. “We are sick and tired of having dirtbags trying to take our lives when all we’re trying to do is protect this community and protect our families.”

Gamaldi said while we live in the greatest city in the world, there are some who are fostering resentment against police in Houston.

“Enough is enough. If you’re the ones out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, well just know we’ve all got your number now,” Gamaldi said. “We’re going to be keeping track on all of y’all, and we’re going to make sure to hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers.”

Police as targets? Since when? Since never. And as we see in the case above, Gamaldi was not just protecting “the narrative” by threatening anyone who looked deeper into it, but also, protecting an actual gang of actual criminals whose charges include two murders, lying to the authorities with malice, theft, drug possession, clock milking, and other typical criminal behaviors.

Keep in mind that this was an actual threat, and it was indeed directed at me, and others who write about these issues. My old blog was hacked and de-platformed shortly after I named these people online. And I even traced the hack to Texas. So what we have is a bunch of actual indicted criminals covered for by other criminals who issue threats, no different than any other organized mafia. How did we get here?

It started with scapegoats, and the ever present threat narrative promulgated by these exact same people, as we see in the example above. It’s unthinkable that police should be threatening people, but threaten they do. So the threat is very real.

But since the egregious abuses of the War on Drugs brought us scapegoats, and then, the War on Terror brought actual CIA designed and funded programs into our every day lives, laundered through many various state and federal agencies, these conversations have become louder, angrier, and more informed.

For example, mainstream media has covered various privacy invading CIA domestic projects ranging from Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) which track people across cities and states, to the more well known examples of Fusion Centers monitoring people’s home computers, and collecting dossiers of our activities.

None of it is within the scope of democratic practices, and all of it is completely in line with totalitarianism as discussed in our most basic school textbooks. Indeed, America and the west in general have become the exact bogeyman they feared from Russia, or China, or any banana republic ever.

Related Reading: As the USA disintegrates into a banana republic police state that we see above, China is set to lead the economic recovery of Asia, and the Pacific Rim region

Richard Moore is a so-called sex offender, and last time I checked, he is on the sex offender registry. Indeed he himself has written about it quite openly. His case is one of those deals where a guy gets caught up in one of the many entrapment schemes run by police.

These schemes are disguised under “investigation privileged” tactics and methods, and include all kinds of illegal activity BY the police and investigative agencies that it shocks the conscience of ordinary people once exposed. This includes what are colloquially called “frame jobs” and unethical practices that range from undocumented wiretaps of peoples homes and computers, to . Here below are just a few:

-Muslims are targeted with pop-up advertisements cajoling them to join jihadist movements. I myself have observed these in the presence of Muslim friends and allies.

-suspected “white supremacists” are targeted with “speech baiting”by the Anti Defamation League and other race-based groups who monitor social media and the internet

-sex offenders are targeted in so many types of bizarrely crafted schemes as to defy the imagination. Here’s more about that from the Florida Action Committee

-people who seek to buy marijuana pipes or seeds online are targeted with enticements to buy heroin, cocaine, and other drugs

Beyond the insanity of these registries, which is well documented, we find that they perpetuate the most hypocritical and worst examples of Jewish0christian culture, specifically the practice of “scapegoating,” which you can read about here

I encountered Mr. Moore’s case in this article from the Fort Worth Weekly, where a journalist explored “gangs” of “stalkers” and nearly 100% of those stalkers were and are current and former police, investigators, county coroners, and others associated with the massive US policing and privatized prison industries. Indeed, if you dig deep enough, you will find real cases of gang stalking.

But perhaps most strikingly is that the author, Teri Webster, who also writes for the Dallas Morning News, had asked to interview a notorious (and well funded) group called “Targeted Justice” who claim to “help” actual targeted individuals, but who are in fact, actual stalkers. They refused to be interviewed, but then, showed up in the article claiming otherwise. This is fairly typical for these groups, because in media terminology, they are called a “misinformation” and “disinfrmation” operation–a cover for this illegal police activity.

The leader of the group in that area is one Richard Lighthouse, and these people are well known frauds, all of them with one form or another of military and spy agency credentials.The entire operation is designed to discredit targets, and spread bad information, such as “electronic brain zappers! !mind reading locusts!! and aliens!! and GHOSTS!!! and talking to the dead!!!,” etc.

But its not as often that either of the following things happen:

-an actual main stream media outlet discusses gang stalking, and

-an actual psychobabbling moron appears in the comments section rambling about debunked pseudo science from the 1980’s era CIA “Satanic Panic” catalogue

I advise any journalist, researcher, or psychologist to read that story, to better understand gang stalking, and especially to note how disinformation is spread. In this case, we see one “Tifffany Fontenot” actually attempting to discredit Mr. Moore, and in doing so, clearly attempts what is colloquially called “mind control,” by inserting psychobabble straight out of the CIA. Note in the following exchange that she has reversed the idea that victims are in fact perpetrators–a staple ploy in their dialectic bag of tricks:

Here is her attempt:

There is a particular man in your article who literally appears to be a perp. Moore is a registered sex offender complete with tattooed tear drop coming out of his eye. How did you find that guy? He ran a smear campaign on a leading member in the TI community using very common perping tactics such as name calling (one thing he called her was a whore among many others) and claiming others were doing to him what he, himself was actually perpetrating, and yet that same guy showed up in your article? Interesting coincidence isn’t it? There are many people claiming to be TI’s who actually are not in order to attempt to keep this global torture and trafficking network from being discovered by the public. They attack TI’s and try to make TI’s look delusional in order to keep the torture/trafficking network going.

Teri, Did you get benefit for writing this article in any way from the defense or law enforcement, or medical industry, or through anyone at FWW in ANY way via an EMF targeting business making money off of people you are doing a hit piece on? I’m just wondering because these smear pieces are a regular occurrence against TI’s being used as medical guinea pigs in the Global Ai Arms Race to weaponize the brain nonconsensually and being slowly slaughtered unto their deaths.

In this example, we see many things at play that to an ordinary observer just looks like another rabbit hole full of strangely shaped bunnies, but to the keen observer we see that Ms. Fontenot’s entire dialectic is hard right, religion based, full of actual and provable lies, and more, including that she has indeed targeted someone online, and likely offline too. She is a proponent of “reverse speech analysis,” which was concieved as a way for hard-right religious nuts to analyze rock and roll music to find hidden messages, a sort of offshoot of other junk science that seeks to find “the devil” or the Virgin Mary in slices of toast, and tree bark. Here’s more about that total time waster, from her (time wasting) website.

These groups are massive, well funded, and dangerous, with actual homicides to their credit. Its is time we do indeed “target targeted individuals,” but this time by first identifying their actual victims, and then, suing those responsible, because the threat they pose is very real.