Gang Stalking Case Study: Deb Matheny. Eau Claire WI “child abduction” facility and the family courts

A HUGE portion of online narratives of gang stalking involve the “school to prison pipeline,” an octopus of programs that incentivize states to use kids for profits, until those kids grow up and become prisoners in for profit prisons. All US states derive federal financial incentives to continue these practices, but other interests are indeed using children for cash all along the way, too.

Child exploitation–“its for the children” indeed.

Phrases like that above are a hot button topic, and like all “plastic words,” and phrases, is designed to polarize people’s opinion’s while never exactly defining a problem. What exactly is child exploitation? It depends upon who you ask.

Have a look here, at the case of little Christopher Bowen, reported in the main stream media. He was literally sliced open, and diced in many ways with knives, and abused in other ways that defy logic and law. His mother was his primary abuser, but she operated within a child abuse ring, which is a classic example of how actual for-profit child exploitation flies under the radar, because she did what she did in plain sight of “the authorities,” who were indeed “in on it.”

She derived multiple sources of revenue in the form of state and federal funds to abuse her child, with the full complicity of doctors and others in the medical community as they forced her eight-year-old son to have 13 completely unnecessary surgeries, and indeed, the boy endured a life of actual torture for many years because of it. He will likely suffer his entire life from the literal scars of this horrific abuse.

This is what is spoken of online as “torture”–most legitimate complaints of torture in the gang stalking dialectic use that word to describe: Fusion Center assisted computer and cell phone wiretaps; medically unnecessary surgeries that are performed on kids like Christopher Bowen; drug prescriptions that are forced upon people without their consent, and children taken into the custody of the system.

Related Story: How some Jewish immigrants like the Sackler family created the “opioid crisis” that has claimed well over 400, 000 lives in America alone. And, how they became the world’s premier public relations operatives in the medical mafia, before they plead guilty to federal criminal charges. But will they ever see a day in jail?

These “medical mafia’s” operate in every state across America, they operate with impunity, and states are truly complicit in every aspect, taking kickbacks one way or another. In the OxyContin case above, we see states set to gain either way: on one hand doctors prescribing the drug after having taken kickbacks; and on the other hand, states getting profits after the lawsuit was settled. Like the infamous cigarette settlements, the federal government and the states stepped in and effectively denied individual lawsuits, and co-opted the monetary gains in the “name of the people,” but not in fact, acting on behalf of the individuals harmed. So, the victims and the dead will not be financially compensated.

Many claims online about gang stalking are indeed related to “mental health,” if only because of the insanity of the western medical systems, and the complicity and actual conspiracy of others like that of child protection are all financially incentivized, politicized, and completely broken. They are systems designed to fail the children, but to benefit those who sell drugs, surgeries, and other products.And, at each and every preventable point along the pipeline, many of these kids, like little Christopher, are made mentally ill with “manufactured mental illness.”

Imagine that boys nightmares, as he faces a life where he will realize that his childhood was stolen. and actual memories of abuse were virtually handed to him by the child abuse ring that caused his pain? Well, at least he is not alone, right?

Gang stalking case study: What is “child abduction” and “child abuse rings,” in the gang stalking dialectic? Deb Matheny, Minnesota, Eau Claire Academy, child rape and drugging, and state fraud on the courts in foster care, and the affiliated DVIC

Deb Matheny is a mad mom, and she is all over online as a gang stalking target (search: Deb Matheny and gang stalking and Minnesota), and she does in fact provide many interesting pieces of evidence, and examples including screenshots of her devices as she is under “electronic attacks” from Fusion Center and other hackers. And she provides some evidence of how she has been cyber-stalked and harassed, by named police and others. What makes her case interesting though, is that she looks like a classic ALL CAPS COOCOO, until you dig down into it, and separate her more bizarre and colloquially expressed claims into the necessary interpretation, using ROGS Analysis.

Extra points for the fact that she is in regular contact with the FBI and its “human trafficking” narrators.

Related Story: Ma’Khia Bryant was shot dead by police in front of the foster home that was exploiting her. The “responsible guardians” were not home at the time.Child foster care in America and elsewhere is a racket, full of scumbags who exploit children for state dollars.

I have previously criticized Matheny and her group of similarly situated women who have had interactions with Child Protection Services, or with the many tentacles of state government that prey upon their children. I am not a fan of how they use language–their semantical flourishes and exaggeration do nothing to help people understand the issues, and in fact, make things worse. Examples include:

  • They are hitting me with electronic weapons! As we have consistently observed in the press and media since 9/11, and especially after Edward Snowdens revealing testimony, federal and state level actors are using an unimaginably huge arsenal of wiretap devices, internet routing schemes, and more types of “electronics” than most citizens know about. Its a huge “Catch Me if You Can” scheme of illegal, political, “investigation privileged” policing
  • They kidnapped my child! Many online claims of child kidnapping involve state “mafia’s” that work together to actually steal children. The Zappalla crime family, and the state of Pennsylvania was notoriously documented in the Kids for Cash scandal
  • The aliens have abducted my_____(fill in the blank.) This is a common claim in cases where the state steps in for guardianship of an elder, a child, or a spouse, and farms out the “health care” to sordid lots of contractors
  • Human trafficking! Child sex slavery! All of this has the ring of truth when we shift our paradigm to one where exploitation takes place in state systems.
  • Pedophiles!!! Satan!!! A huge portion of thee cases online stem from the Satanic Panic era, where the ultra-conservative factions of the FBI participated in a huge hoax, using carefully crafted media messaging, and infiltration at all levels of court rooms and social services. Here’s more about that from the Daily Beast, and their court room character assassin Kee McFarlane, and other key figures whose lives were destroyed by these sociopaths in government.
  • Who is your handler? In many narratives online, we see one or another fake TI ask another about a “handler.” In intelligence agency speak, a “handler” is someone who directs the actions of an “asset.” Matheny, and many other “targeted individuals”online are actually in frequent contact with the FBI, aka, they are “informants.” Here is evidence of that:
Source: My Story of Organized Crime, Organized Stalking, Public/Political Corruption and Domestic Terrorism on, image by Deb Matheny

Strong claims require strong evidence, and like most of the bizarre hyperbolic “conspiracy theories” online, the FBI isn’t exactly doing itself a great service to have these clowns ranting incessantly, using bizarre language. Unless….

Like all FBI and other countering violent extremism programs (CVE) online, for informant led operations, especially in the manufactured terrorism, bizarre is the order of the day, because these operations are based in “psychological operations,” aka military derived PSYOP, whose goal is to literally re-order the perceptions of the individuals they target with these “black operations.”

As such, these operations are part investigation, part “directed conversation,” i.e. a neverending interrogation of a persons narrative, and 100% illegal when brought into the disinfecting light of a court room. The lawsuits against these PSYOPs related online-offline stalkings are now coming into court rooms across the country, as we see in the Pasco county cases, and the eBay gang of stalkers, and a recent lawsuit by a so-called sex-offender who was entrapped in one of the nefarious and prolific child pornography operations run from all western nations–ALL of these cases involve “intelligence led predictive policing,” aka domestic spying under color of law, and other plainly bizarre :police investigation privilege” claims.

Do an internet search for the phrase “Eau Claire academy crime” and we begin to see parts of Matheny’s story from another angle; and this story linked, to many other peoples stories. And especially, read through this narrative where we see Satanic Panic era “child sexual abuse” claims too.

So, this case is interesting, and worthy of study for the reasons stated above, not least of which is the hyperbolic language used in her narrative.

Sarah is my 27 year old daughter, who in late 2010, early 2011, I reported as being kidnapped. A Fridley Minnesota police report exists (upon her release) as does a report to the Minneapolis FBI, prior to said release. In fact it was my acknowledgement to her (and them) that I had contacted the FBI that I believe led to the perpetrators releasing her. She was dropped off at the Menards in Fridley MN.

In her own words, read “The poet in my heart,” by Deb Matheny:

She texted me, sporadically, during this time. At first I believed her, that she sneaked these texts to me in secret, though it was my text to her that I had made a report of kidnapping to the FBI, and my belief that they read those texts that resulted in her release. I even at one point believed her to have colluded with these perps and still do, but believe it to have been fear driven. She did inform me threats to harm her family were made. The circumstances involved were strongly indicative to sex trafficking which upon our reunion, she confirmed to me. She was 23 when this nightmare began. To cut to the chase, I have always had my suspicions of people that were in her life. Older woman (40+), who were from out-state (North Dakota) as well as a random bunch of people I had little knowledge of. A person in common all these older woman had was Jodi L. Oborn Perrizo, also passed away suddenly last winter.

Gang stalking lawsuits: Former K-9 officer joined lawsuit against Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, says supervisor threatened to kill his dog

Only sociopaths, cowards and psychopaths kill peoples pets. But when police do it, we call it “intelligence led predictive policing.”

Police routinely threaten dissenters and activists with child kidnapping and worse. In the Pasco County case, these cowards targeted children too

When psychologists study people who kill or torture animals, they label these people as sociopaths, and psychopaths, discussed here by Psychology Today. Jeffrey Dahmer is the notorious Wisconsin cannibal often held up as one such example, but there are many more. These cases give us a glimpse into what is known as “the police personality.”

But when “gang stalkers” like the Pasco County Florida’s Targeted Individual Program Chief Chris Nocco’s band of thugs threaten to torture a colleagues animal, the media is hesitant to call it what it is, as is the case with much of the police personality disorders that run rampant and amok, targeting citizens and even shamelessly targeting children.This story is from 2019, and now, more people are suing him and his thugs for gang stalking.

Related Story: Why are smear campaigns about “pedophiles” so popular with far right police and their flying monkeys? Targeting children is just one of the many things that gang stalkers do, but they do it from within state mechanisms. See here about how America’s child abuse rings are not exactly what you think they are.Also, see this case, where a purported sex offender was framed with child pornography is suing his stalkers, and here where we see a left wing stalker being prosecuted in the federal court for stalking teenage boys. And as always, revisit the case of a conservative judge literally selling children in the documentary “Kids for Cash”

Gradually, the narrative is changing, thanks to ROGS Analysis of gang stalking, and even major newspapers like the USA Today are starting to talk about “targeted individuals” using the correct terminology, and here below, we see some ADL darlings* finally taking on the issue, long after ROGS was spied on, targeted, and harassed by that hate group and their associates in policing:

A former Pasco County Sheriff’s Office K-9 deputy has joined the growing list of plaintiffs who filed a federal lawsuit against Sheriff Chris Nocco and several of his high-ranking commanders.

Former deputy Cliff Baltzer says his sergeant filed a false internal affairs complaint against him in 2018 and threatened to euthanize his canine partner and then go on social media and blame Baltzer for the dog’s death

The lawsuit was first filed against top Pasco sheriff’s officials on April 16 by three plaintiffs. They alleged that Nocco and agency leaders are “intoxicated with power and will physically abuse, intimidate, incarcerate, extort, and defame in order to ensure their absolute control.”

SLICE, and:

The civil lawsuit makes a claim under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, often called RICO. The suit accuses high-ranking members of the department of gender discrimination, falsifying internal affairs complaints and targeting people who spoke against the department.

WE also see many of the complaints of targeted individuals validated too, such as the following:

-gang stalkers will kill your pets

-gang stalkers will frame you for crimes or other indecent acts

-gang stalkers will isolate you

-gang stalkers cannot be stopped unless the RICO Act is applied

These are just a few of the examples that targeted individuals have long written about online, because as we see now, the narrative IS changing, and gang stalkers are being sued, and even prosecuted by the DoJ as we see in the case of the ebay Gang of stalkers.

So, some four years AFTER I wrote , we now see that one voice can truly change the dialectic online. And, we now see that psychologists who have gone on record denying police initiated “gang stalking,” like Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi are total frauds and liars too.

*I say “ADL darlings” because the Anti Defamation League is about as far right, and racist as any other organization that uses race as a discriminator; and they use it solely for political expediency and financial benefit. It is this powerful lobbying group of racists that do in fact have a disproportionate effect on media. As a journalist I was myself stalked and harassed by that group because I refused to publish their divisive, racist lies and propaganda, many years ago.

They are well known stalkers, and contrary to popular belief, they are as far right as any other far right group, but manage to straddle both sides of the political spectrum, on one side as a powerful right wing force in politics (the recent bombardment of Palestinians is a good example of what they support )and yet manage to convince the world that they are Jewish, and hence “victims.” WE we can see this explained by “horseshoe theory,” but also in exploring the narrative of some of their Jewish victims too.

Also see this, and this and this about various spying scandals, and racist acts by that group.