Here’s how to deal with extremist Israeli trolls on social media

Weaponized social media, Israeli spying, troll farms, ACT.IL, “who is radicalizing terrorists?”, or influence operations, what is mind control?

Here’s how to deal with extremist pro-Israeli trolls on social media

…We have known for a long time that the Israeli government funds intensive online attacks against people who criticise their policies or express support for the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel or actively support the Palestinian struggle for human rights.

A person attacked in this way will find messages posted online calling them a “Nazi”, “anti-Semite”, “Jew-hater” etc and will typically feel shocked and overwhelmed.

Now we know the details of how this works.

In many cases these attacks will be from a single person using multiple on-line identities on behalf of an Israeli government funded group called ACT.IL

A leaked report obtained by Electronic Intifada last week gives details of ACT.IL and how it works.

….follow the links! Connect the dots!

Famed civil Rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore used a camera to document gangs of stalkers–and you can too

UPDATE: This blog you are reading now has a mirror site at , where you can follow Mr. Richard Moore’s lawsuit, and new posts about gang stalking more closely

The civil rights era was the heyday of gang stalking by white supremacists in the Dirty South and elsewhere, and as targeted individuals are beginning to take up camera’s to document the absurd and insane behavior of gang stalkers, we tip our hats to the past–and photographers like Charles Lee Moore.

From CNN:

‘Unparalleled’: Charles Moore’s photos of the civil rights movement

The Stephen Kasher Gallery in New York labelled Moore “the single greatest civil rights photographer” of the civil rights era during its 2015 exhibition “Selma March 1965.”

Here is a photo from that exhibition–and notice the slouching, smirking cowardice of the slobs in the picture–while Moore was most famous for photos like Dr. King being booked into jail, or the incredible shot of a police dog tearing the pants off a non-violent, compliant black marcher as another dog leaps into the photographers face–it is this iconic photo of the slovenly, stupid, violent white men who do these violent things that is perhaps his finest.

And, Moore was kind of a badass as it were, allowing thugs to pummel him, pull his hair and even shove him to the ground as he struggled to get the right shot. Predictably, these thugs were the same thugs then as they are today–as nearly 100% of all gang stalking groups are comprised of current and former military, police, and intelligence agents working with their friends, relatives, “community assets, and others. These are who gag stalkers ARE.

The title “intelligence agents,” of course, only implies that they worked at an agency staffed by thousands of people–one big brain to compensate for their combined low-IQ’s-that these human beasts as individuals are not necessarily all that intelligent. Just look at those guys in the picture–that’s what gang stalkers look like; slack jawed low IQ morons for the most part–and that old guy with the stooped in shoulders! A Viagra IV couldn’t jolt life into that old coward with the club in his hand. Imagine their wives now–they all look like #fakeTI Midge Mathis no doubt–yikes.

Here’s a snapshot of Moore with a gas mask, taken by another civil rights era photographer

Moore believed that his photos would cause people to take political action. He was correct. And he wasn’t alone. His photo’s appearing on the front pages of newspapers and on television helped create the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to US Senator Jacob Javitz (source) Image of Moore from

For those who do not understand the violence, and riot like atmosphere of the Black Lives Matter movement of the last decade, it is only through looking back into this era where we realize that non-violence was largely a failure–and that gang stalking has existed for many millennia. Martin Luther King was himself an inter-generational target of the US military, the CIA, the FBI, and NGO’s like the Jewish Anti Defamation League all spied on him together.

And the Jewish-christian white supremacy of that era did not go away–it merely took off its white robes, and dispersing itself into various forms of gang stalking programs, such as the Clinton COPS program, and today’s unconstitutional “intelligence led predictive policing“,and the equally fraudulent countering violent extremism programs”” (CVE) and its many spawn around the globe. Like the devil itself, these demons people keep shape-shifting into new terminology, phrasing themselves as a “new tactic, technique or technology, when it is just more of the same–from the same group of confabulists that has done this in one form or another since around 70 A.D.

Indeed–their spawn are everywhere now, and both the left and the right–Jews and christians, and Blacks, Asians and Latino’s all utilize gang stalking tactics. Perhaps one could argue that this is an improvement but its only another shape-shifting by well known hegemonic tribalists and other religious frauds(no, its not just “the Jews” doing this). Its alarming how many black cops, for example, are there on the scene shooting other black men these days, using the tactics of Israelification in daily, ordinary policing.

All of that said, there is a modern context to the story of Charles Lee Moore, and inter-generational targeting, and you can read more about it from photographer Moore’s own cousin, Richard Moore of Mississippi, writing here, and view a few gang stalking lawsuits currently working their way through the federal courts in Mississippi.Indeed–Richard Moore is likely an inter-generational target himself.

To be absolutely clear, I have stated often that many targeted individuals are not always the most well spoken; not always the best looking, or easily endearing of people–real targeted individuals are not polished authors or candidates for prom king, nor do they run slick internet search results clogging advertising campaigns as Targeted Justice is doing–indeed, real targets range from those who police are trying to turn as informants, to people with low education, or even lower opportunities to better themselves–people who have been marginalized–and they are easy targets of bullying of all kinds, and ready made scapegoats for institutional bullies.

Mr. Moore has started his path forward, and he writes:.

It’s been nearly 20 years of dealing with Corrupt law enforcement in North Mississippi. Organized community policing aka Gang Stalking is all the rage. This law enforcement ran Criminal organization is done under the guise of simply a neighborhood watch.

As I have said frequently–and in direct contradiction of the well know #fakeTI’s who populate most internet forums about gang stalking, rambling on about being zapped by satellites and worse (Targeted Justice, Ramola D, the United States Air Force’s own AF-OSI “OSI Informers” operation, TargetedOne, and many more.)

For the record, I too have some history with relatives who organized those 1960’s garbage strikes, and participated in some marches, and who organized a few unions too– so I know what gang stalking is from before I was born. Its in my genetic makeup–“my genetic memory” to call it out when I see it. And, I don know a thing or two about how to target them back too.

Related Story: The Tampa Bay Times wins its “13th Pulitzer Prize” for reporting on the Pasco County “targeted individual program. The series was titled “Targeted.”–but even that isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be is it? More about the 13’s here.

Self defense, gang stalking cases and lawsuits: The case of Stephen Reichow, and the police informants

Before you reach for your S&W model 66 snub nosed .357 and blast a few caps into the faces or undersized scrotum’s (or Guernsey cattle sized labias) of the stalkers who have entered your home, thinking that you are not there, or otherwise catch them in a precarious situation where you might get a shot off at them with plausible deniability– keep this cautionary tale below of “The police informants, the baseball bat, and the rigged trial court system.”

Its worth a read.

Here is the news coverage of the story, where Stephen Reichow beat a “likely”police informant to death and got convicted of it despite a very clear self defense claim. The problem? The defense strategy of explicating the facts of that claim, and some clear evidentiary issues where his attorney was not prepared to handle a case with a subsidiary causal agent such as gang stalking.

Keep in mind that I am neither a fan of drugs (each to their own I say) nor a fan of murder–but seriously, who WGAF if some drug informant gets taken out? Certainly not me. Snitches get stitches if the world works right–and let the drug addicts kill themselves for the sake of Darwin (yes I am all for Darwinian eugenics)! But go after CIA/DEA/Hollywood mafia drug importers instead, because they are who are forcing the Darwinian hand–they are in fact the weakest of the weak–but strong because of the fascism of herd mentality and its partner in perimeter trolling, gang stalking.

Indict them–stalk THEM–stalk their children, and families, and relatives–but gang stalking victims seldom do, because it’s an intimidating project that can easily see the target(actual gang stalking victims) jailed, or worse. Indeed, people who get gang stalked often die in the process; or those who do uncover gang stalkers often get framed--as in the case below.

The basic story goes like this: a woman who has since reaped social rewards, and other benefits, Anne Tanninen, has a storage shed–and that woman as much a pawn in the gang stalking gang as her own associates– we see time and time and time again that these stories provide insight and a nexus for gang stalking as a social practice,informant creation schemes by the various agencies- red-lining in real estate, and more–and she invites two of her drug buddies into her little playhouse, whereupon she gets a phone call from a merry “prankster” who just happens to mention “gang stalking,” which not in-coincidentally is what local, state and federal law enforcement agents do.

Anne Tanninen(who is no heroine by any stretch, according to her arrest records online, and other data) then mentions this to her co-drug friends, Stephen Reichow and Brandon Maulding, and then, trouble ensues. Anne Tanninen’ s friend Brandon Maulding picks up an aluminum baseball bat and begins flipping it around in the face of Mr. Reichow, who, fearing for his safety, flees the storage shed and hides under a car.

Anne Tanninen with Brandon Maulding riding shotgun, then drives her car to the place where Mr. Reichow is hiding, likely fearing for his life! And, whereupon he attempts to once again flee from his pursuers, but is menaced–once again, by Brandon Maulding holding that industrial grade aluminum baseball bat–I myself have swung them; they are indeed deadly weapons.

A fight ensues, whereupon Mr. Reichow is able to take control of the weapon, and then soundly beats the man who menaced him with it to death. The judge in his case Judge Suzan Clark (in Clark County of all places) is a white woman who simply cannot fathom such a reaction, because why? Yup–shes a protected species! And her name matches her county! Yaaaaay for the Clark confabulation! Yaaaay for matching! Girl Power!

A white female who made it through law school and was able to find a peg on a judges bench to sit her fat, tighty-whitey hole until further election. Judge Clark sent him away for 24 years, because she cannot fathom why a guy who has been chased by two people wielding a baseball bat would react with such great violence! Make no mistake: many of these types of judges belong to sororal organizations like Eastern Star Fremasonry, and they have no allegiance to the rule of law whatsoever. I urge my readers to investigate her fully.

And because she is white, and female, and under zero threats whatsoever in white society, she just couldn’t wrap her tighty whitey head around the idea of the “amount of brutality” the man inflicted as he beat an acquaintance to death with a baseball bat.”

Sure–maybe Reichow should have thrown a tea party, invited a few of his favorite dollies, and worked it out girl-style, with lots of talk, some crying, a few hugs–and some second opinions from “The View.” But he couldn’t exactly do that, because some asshole and another white female was menacing his very life at the time–with a Louisville Slugger made out of industrial grade aluminum–listen lady–its that dog, or this dog in moments like that. No time for tea parties, ok?

“You didn’t stop; you kept hitting him,” she told Stephen Reichow. “The threat was so far gone, but you kept hitting him.”

Sure, whatever, lady. Oh, the violence of it all! (*Feinting now*)… (such a white female perspective.)

Listen Judge Suzan Clark: turn that vibrating ass peg under your judges seat down a notch, and try to put yourself in that situation–because you can’t. You are a white female! Violence to you is an Emma Sulcowicz rape meme on Twitter!

Yup–gang stalking is a mess, at all times. And so are you–I have seen your picture online, and refuse to post it, for fear that my readers might puke.

While gang stalking is a mess of a situation, with these protected species like Ms. Clark sitting on judges benches and failing to comprehend how one might react to some asshole waving an aluminum bat around in your face, and pursuing you with that bat– self defense law is NOT a mess--its very clear in most states around the US and in so-called civilized nations that if you are being threatened with deadly objects like guns, knives, and so on–you have a right to defend yourself.

And–who can say what form that defense might take–or how much force must be used to neutralize a threat to an unarmed citizen? Hell–cops shoot people every day–EVERY FUCKING DAY–and Mr. Reichow, after the point of fleeing not once but twice as his menacing attacker pursued him–you DO have a right to defend yourself; the only question is “how far can you go to neutralize a life-threat?”

When gang stalkers in police departments, and in the DEA, and who all know each other and sit on the judges benches too–apparently, targeted individuals should just stand down and take an “ass-whuppin’” because….well, because “gang stalking.”Because stupid pig judges like Ms. Clark cannot fathom violence–because protected species like her have never had it directed at them, but fear it in every rape meme on Twitter about women who invite ass-fucking (as Emma Sulcowicz did and continues to do)

I think this case could merit a Supreme court challenge on several grounds, but leave it to the lawyers who stumble upon this “gang stalking cases and lawsuits” post to write the explainers on what is wrong with this case.

Here is a bit from Mr. Reichow’s appeal in 2019, and note that the appeals court did NOT overturn his conviction, despite clear evidence and psychiatric testimony that he had a “belief” that he was being “gang stalked”–and that alongside Anne Tanninen’s vocalized statements about “being gang stalked.”I ask: who EXACTLY is Anne Tanninen, of Clark County Oregon? That seems important, ay?

It’s all an eyeball roller–but that’s what most gang stalking cases are, because this police/other agent “investigation privileged tactic” of organized gag stalking is EXACTLY that absurd and EXACTLY that bizarre.

From State Of Washington, Respondent V Stephen Mark Reichow, Appellant (Majority) (hard link here, because after WordPress’ in house spies manipulate my “free wordpress, links do not link correctly)

Hi Kenya Keenoo*!

On August 1, 2015, Reichow killed Brandon Maulding by beating him with a baseball bat. The State charged Reichow with first degree premeditated murder (Count I), second degree intentional murder (Count II), and second degree felony murder (Count III). All the charges included deadly weapon enhancements and aggravating circumstances. Before trial, Reichow was evaluated at Western State Hospital for competence and diminished capacity. The trial court found Reichow competent to stand trial. Then, the State filed a motion to exclude expert testimony regarding diminished capacity. Dr. Nicole Zenger, the forensic psychologist who completed Reichow’s diminished capacity evaluation,testified at the hearing on the motion to exclude. Dr. Zenger diagnosed Reichow with a psychotic disorder characterized by paranoid beliefs about being stalked. Dr. Zenger testified that she did not believe that Reichow acted with premeditation or intent. Dr. Zenger explained,And in ad—in addition when we’re talking about intent according to how my community—professional community would look at that, that’s a consideration of what the mental state was. Now what the act was. And any behavior—ninety-nine point nine percent of the time is going to have some kind of intention.But that does not speak to what the mental state—or for the court’s purposes—menserea (ph) is. That speaks to the act itself so Mr. Reichow—using a bat to strike the victim was inten—was a volitional act.That’s not what I’m asked to address. I’m asked to address what his mental state was and so I do need to consider the context within which this took. And I’m No. 50289-5-II/No. 51212-2-II3asked because of his mental illness and me as a profess—professional in the mental health field to look at how that would have affected the context of his mental state. And so when I’m looking at intent and from what I unde—what I understand outside of needing an attorney and of course I’m going to have some weaknesses there—that when I’m looking at intention I’m looking at the mental state of what someone intends.And that involves cognitive thinking—not a volitional act. And so—I mean—I’m just providing some context of I think there’s some confusion about simply the act of assault—meaning thathe did it with some—I—I don’t want to use the word intention because that’s not—he—it was a volitional act of striking someone—he knew he was striking someone.But that’s not what I’m being asked to address. I’m being asked to address what was the purpose or intention of it. Verbatim Report of Proceedings (VRP)(Jan. 6, 2017)at 63-64. Dr. Zenger also testified that at the time of the incident Reichow’s mental illness caused a state of “fear and believing he was in danger in the situation.” VRP(Jan. 6, 2017)at 66. The trial court also considered Dr. Zenger’s report which concluded,The available evidence is consistent with the conclusion that Mr. Reichow was suffering from a mental disorder at the time of the alleged offense. Although he knowingly struck the victim, his delusional beliefs were guiding his assessment of the situation and negatively affected his ability to make a rationally informed decision and respond with intentional behavior. There is no reasonable indication that he had the specific intention to commit a crime (unlawful assault), as his claim of self-defense—in response to paranoid delusions—is consistent with his lack of violent history and the behavior of immediately seeking emergency services for the victim. Clerk’sPapers (CP) at 69. The trial court granted the State’s motion to exclude Dr. Zenger’s testimony regarding diminished capacity. The trial court explained,No. 50289-5-II/No. 51212-2-II4This—our Supreme Court said to maintain a diminished capacity defense the Defendant must produceexpert testimony demonstrating that a mental disorder—not [amounting] to insanity—impaired the Defendant’s ability to form the culpable mental state to commit the crime charged.And I looked from that to the culpable mental state here as really set forth under RCW 9A.08.101(1)(a) which is the definition of acting with intent or intentionally. And that’s when a person acts with the objective or purpose to accomplish a result which constitutes a crime. And it is concerning reading Dr. Zenger’s report that the gist of this seems to be that this is justifiable homicide or self-defense which certain of those claims are valid but that does not rise to a—a diminished capacity defense on—on any of these facts.We have very much goal directed activity here and based on the totality of it I am going to exclude the evidence under ER 702.VRP(Jan. 6, 2017)at 105-06

Imagine that! A judge claiming that evidence of gang stalking–as a target is stalked by no less than three people–is a “delusion.”

Anyone want to help me write some case law into the records? Contact me for this one case, which can easily be overturned.

*Kenya Keenoo is an inside joke–one of WOrdpress’s associates goes by that name, and in fact is allied with gang stalkers. More on him can be found at search term “Keenoo”who is a developer and other things. He lives in Kenya, and his brother is in a similar situation.

Tree of Life Synagogue “manufactured mass shooter” Robert Bowers: lawyer asks court to show how government monitored and harassed him online before the shooting

Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him

Apr 01, 2021 · Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him Robert Bowers is accused of killing 11 people and injuring many more at the synagogue in Squirrel Hill

Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because they come in a variety of legal challenges.

Recently the Pasco County Fl cases (here, and here, and here, and here)against the county sheriff Chris Nocco have taken the spotlight because they targeted children, and actually invoke the RICO Act, which has long been floated as a way to attack these illegal policing practices.

In those cases, it is “intelligence led predictive policing (ILPP)” that is at the heart of the issue, and to give you an idea of what that means, it means this: ILPP is a massive set of tools and algorithms and on the ground practices that ALL derive directly from CIA and Big Tech programs designed for the battlefields of the middle east. And to give you an idea what that meas, it means that these programs use data from the FVEYs nations to target citizens of their own nations, so that at any given time, these programs could have access to a targets phone and computer, and send data to a squad car outside that persons house.

Or, this:

In the photo above, these cops were actually destroying their targets security camera, which is against the law. Imagine, police as destroyers of personal property? Yeah, gang stalking gets even more weird after that.

So, the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting is no doubt one of these manufactured terrorism events, where the shooter, Bowers, was likely monitored online from a Fusion Center, which is arguably a good thing. But the problem is, monitoring is passive activity, and that is not what these stories are about. Instead, it is very active, intrusive, and constant blatant surveillance and harassment-these operatives want their targets to know they are being watched.

Related Story: Coincidence, or construct? Former New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss was asked to leave the newsroom after her militant, rabid proselytizing zionism became too much for her colleagues to bear. Remember, it was the NYT that tried to deny claims of gang stalking back in 2016, and called it a “delusion.” So, little wonder that Bari Weiss was ALSO a Tree of Life congregant. The seed, in this case, fell right next to the tree.Who knew!?

Then, establishing that, these Fusion operatives tried to radicalize him by using psychological operations (PSYOP) that were designed by the CIA and DoD, for use in military settings. Fusion Centers actively staff such operators*.

Then, they tap into your computer in real time, and watch your computer screen as you type, as was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013, and do a range of bizarre things that sound like “crazy” to most observers, Their tactics range from placing spyware implants on your computer and phone, to email hacking, to any of a number of other tricks, like stealing a Twitter posting, or cutting your internet connection repeatedly. It has the overall affect of inducing “learned helplessness,” as your attempts to use your own devices is stopped by anonymous asshole working from any of a number of Fusion Centers or private contractors whose activity has 0% accountability.

But wait! There’s more….much more.

In case after case of mass shooters, what we see are two constants:

  1. their online accounts ranging from Facebook, to Instagram, and Twitter–are webscrubbed and disappeared from the internet, which begs the question “if the feds and their FVEYs have nothing to hide, then why erase the evidence that led to the shooting?” And the answer to that is this: because agents provocateurs harass these guys mercilessly online, saying things every bit as bad or worse than the shooter himself, and bait them to say things that can be construed as violent. Then, the offline, real world gang stalking begins. It is really just an attack on free speech at its core.

2. In these cases, they almost never go to trial, because SWAT sweeps in and kills the guy, or because of the stiff and enhanced penalties for :”hate crimes” and “terrorism,” which precludes any lawyer from obtaining the evidence that I describe at point number one. If these guys live through it as Bowers did, they often cop a plea deal. This way, these brutal PSYOP programs of online provocateurs harassing people on social media, and gang stalking them in the real world never see the disinfecting light of a court room, and the brutal “mind war” tactics** used escape news stories of these events. Far beyond mere persuasive discourse, these programs bring psychological brutality and constant threat narratives that were designed for theaters of war, and some of these tactics are in use at Guantanamo Bay today.

Its a huge hide the ball scheme, and wholly unnaccountable to any outside monitor. Worse, it fails any and every test of the US constitution on first, fourth, fifth, 14th and more amendment grounds. The problem is though–how to get one of these cases in court and have the government produce the evidence above? The Bowers case just might do that.

*Download this .pdf from the 2018 Annual Threat Assessment conference and note the bio’s of the Fusion Center Operatives. They ALL have psychology credentials and military PSYOPs training

**WE got a glimpse of the types of absurd behavior that these police gangs are using in the case of the eBay Cockroach Cult, where eBay’s executives used their in-house intelligence units to stalk and harass a few critics, including waging PSYOPs.

We also see the absurdity of this form of policing in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, whose stalking lasted for several years, and included a failed attempt to electrocute him with a Taser two years before they murdered him. Hos “gang” of “stalkers” included two prosecutors, and current and retired police their relatives, and a neighbor.

Gang Stalking Lawsuits: Richard Moore is suing Union County, Mississippi sheriffs department and a few associated gang stalking cowards named Blake Smith, Keith Roberts, and Jimmy Edwards.

I am following the case of a man in Mississippi who has been gang stalked by the usual suspects in policing, and its tentacles in the community.

Via Justia, filed in the Northern District of Mississippi, comes now Richard Moore, suing a few “gang stalkers.”

Moore v. Edwards et al

Plaintiff:Richard Moore
Defendant:Blake Smith, Keith Roberts, Union County Sheriff’s Department and Jimmy Edwards
Case Number:3:2021cv00080

Richard Moore has been stalked and harassed by people who think they are above the law. And as we see in these cases, often they are “the law,” at least in their own minds. But the reality is that they are criminals, doing criminal things, and their is no one to “police” the police.

As we see in nearly every case of gang stalking, these gangs are comprised of nearly 100% current and former police, firefighters, investigators and others who cover over each others stalking and harassment crimes; and none of them believe in the rights enshrined in the US constitution, or the rule of law.

The cases of Rick and Cindy Krlich, which details “Small Town Terrorism,” and the case of the eBay “cockroach cult” currently being prosecuted by the Department of Justice, the case of the cold blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery, and most recently the case of the Pasco County Sheriff targeting children are all examples of gang stalking lawsuits (more on the latter here, and here, where one of that departments k-9 officers is suing too.).

For many decades, an under current of conversations regarding western social structure discussed “police gangs” in somewhat hesitant manner for the obvious reason that critics of law enforcement become targets themselves. This threat FROM law enforcement is very real, and claims actual victims, including homicides.

Here below is one example of how actual police actually threatened people, after an actual gang of now-indicted police “gang members” murdered two people in cold blood after lying on a no-knock warrant, and planting evidence-an unimaginably anti-democratic practice:

Joe Gamaldi, he president of the Houston Police Officers’ Union said:

We are sick and tired of having targets on our back,” Gamaldi said. “We are sick and tired of having dirtbags trying to take our lives when all we’re trying to do is protect this community and protect our families.”

Gamaldi said while we live in the greatest city in the world, there are some who are fostering resentment against police in Houston.

“Enough is enough. If you’re the ones out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, well just know we’ve all got your number now,” Gamaldi said. “We’re going to be keeping track on all of y’all, and we’re going to make sure to hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers.”

Police as targets? Since when? Since never. And as we see in the case above, Gamaldi was not just protecting “the narrative” by threatening anyone who looked deeper into it, but also, protecting an actual gang of actual criminals whose charges include two murders, lying to the authorities with malice, theft, drug possession, clock milking, and other typical criminal behaviors.

Keep in mind that this was an actual threat, and it was indeed directed at me, and others who write about these issues. My old blog was hacked and de-platformed shortly after I named these people online. And I even traced the hack to Texas. So what we have is a bunch of actual indicted criminals covered for by other criminals who issue threats, no different than any other organized mafia. How did we get here?

It started with scapegoats, and the ever present threat narrative promulgated by these exact same people, as we see in the example above. It’s unthinkable that police should be threatening people, but threaten they do. So the threat is very real.

But since the egregious abuses of the War on Drugs brought us scapegoats, and then, the War on Terror brought actual CIA designed and funded programs into our every day lives, laundered through many various state and federal agencies, these conversations have become louder, angrier, and more informed.

For example, mainstream media has covered various privacy invading CIA domestic projects ranging from Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) which track people across cities and states, to the more well known examples of Fusion Centers monitoring people’s home computers, and collecting dossiers of our activities.

None of it is within the scope of democratic practices, and all of it is completely in line with totalitarianism as discussed in our most basic school textbooks. Indeed, America and the west in general have become the exact bogeyman they feared from Russia, or China, or any banana republic ever.

Related Reading: As the USA disintegrates into a banana republic police state that we see above, China is set to lead the economic recovery of Asia, and the Pacific Rim region

Richard Moore is a so-called sex offender, and last time I checked, he is on the sex offender registry. Indeed he himself has written about it quite openly. His case is one of those deals where a guy gets caught up in one of the many entrapment schemes run by police.

These schemes are disguised under “investigation privileged” tactics and methods, and include all kinds of illegal activity BY the police and investigative agencies that it shocks the conscience of ordinary people once exposed. This includes what are colloquially called “frame jobs” and unethical practices that range from undocumented wiretaps of peoples homes and computers, to . Here below are just a few:

-Muslims are targeted with pop-up advertisements cajoling them to join jihadist movements. I myself have observed these in the presence of Muslim friends and allies.

-suspected “white supremacists” are targeted with “speech baiting”by the Anti Defamation League and other race-based groups who monitor social media and the internet

-sex offenders are targeted in so many types of bizarrely crafted schemes as to defy the imagination. Here’s more about that from the Florida Action Committee

-people who seek to buy marijuana pipes or seeds online are targeted with enticements to buy heroin, cocaine, and other drugs

Beyond the insanity of these registries, which is well documented, we find that they perpetuate the most hypocritical and worst examples of Jewish0christian culture, specifically the practice of “scapegoating,” which you can read about here

I encountered Mr. Moore’s case in this article from the Fort Worth Weekly, where a journalist explored “gangs” of “stalkers” and nearly 100% of those stalkers were and are current and former police, investigators, county coroners, and others associated with the massive US policing and privatized prison industries. Indeed, if you dig deep enough, you will find real cases of gang stalking.

But perhaps most strikingly is that the author, Teri Webster, who also writes for the Dallas Morning News, had asked to interview a notorious (and well funded) group called “Targeted Justice” who claim to “help” actual targeted individuals, but who are in fact, actual stalkers. They refused to be interviewed, but then, showed up in the article claiming otherwise. This is fairly typical for these groups, because in media terminology, they are called a “misinformation” and “disinfrmation” operation–a cover for this illegal police activity.

The leader of the group in that area is one Richard Lighthouse, and these people are well known frauds, all of them with one form or another of military and spy agency credentials.The entire operation is designed to discredit targets, and spread bad information, such as “electronic brain zappers! !mind reading locusts!! and aliens!! and GHOSTS!!! and talking to the dead!!!,” etc.

But its not as often that either of the following things happen:

-an actual main stream media outlet discusses gang stalking, and

-an actual psychobabbling moron appears in the comments section rambling about debunked pseudo science from the 1980’s era CIA “Satanic Panic” catalogue

I advise any journalist, researcher, or psychologist to read that story, to better understand gang stalking, and especially to note how disinformation is spread. In this case, we see one “Tifffany Fontenot” actually attempting to discredit Mr. Moore, and in doing so, clearly attempts what is colloquially called “mind control,” by inserting psychobabble straight out of the CIA. Note in the following exchange that she has reversed the idea that victims are in fact perpetrators–a staple ploy in their dialectic bag of tricks:

Here is her attempt:

There is a particular man in your article who literally appears to be a perp. Moore is a registered sex offender complete with tattooed tear drop coming out of his eye. How did you find that guy? He ran a smear campaign on a leading member in the TI community using very common perping tactics such as name calling (one thing he called her was a whore among many others) and claiming others were doing to him what he, himself was actually perpetrating, and yet that same guy showed up in your article? Interesting coincidence isn’t it? There are many people claiming to be TI’s who actually are not in order to attempt to keep this global torture and trafficking network from being discovered by the public. They attack TI’s and try to make TI’s look delusional in order to keep the torture/trafficking network going.

Teri, Did you get benefit for writing this article in any way from the defense or law enforcement, or medical industry, or through anyone at FWW in ANY way via an EMF targeting business making money off of people you are doing a hit piece on? I’m just wondering because these smear pieces are a regular occurrence against TI’s being used as medical guinea pigs in the Global Ai Arms Race to weaponize the brain nonconsensually and being slowly slaughtered unto their deaths.

In this example, we see many things at play that to an ordinary observer just looks like another rabbit hole full of strangely shaped bunnies, but to the keen observer we see that Ms. Fontenot’s entire dialectic is hard right, religion based, full of actual and provable lies, and more, including that she has indeed targeted someone online, and likely offline too. She is a proponent of “reverse speech analysis,” which was concieved as a way for hard-right religious nuts to analyze rock and roll music to find hidden messages, a sort of offshoot of other junk science that seeks to find “the devil” or the Virgin Mary in slices of toast, and tree bark. Here’s more about that total time waster, from her (time wasting) website.

These groups are massive, well funded, and dangerous, with actual homicides to their credit. Its is time we do indeed “target targeted individuals,” but this time by first identifying their actual victims, and then, suing those responsible, because the threat they pose is very real.

What is a “targeted individual program,” and where is the proof it exists? There are many, and they go by different names. Here is how to “name them”

KW: Gang stalking lawsuits, targeted individuals, intelligence led policing, how to sue gang stalkers, Pasco County Sheriff sued , electronic harassment, predictive policing program lawsuit, targeted harassment program

In trying to change the narrative of organized gang stalking, we encounter the usual hurdle of the gatekeeping mechanism, which is a standard issue in all journalism, and media around the world as governments ranging from post-democracy western allies in the FVEYs alliance, to totalitarian, or authoritarian regimes everywhere all scramble to control our perception of world events. It is one cause under which ALL governments are strangely and perversely united.

Pasco’s program seems like it was ripped from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel and not a manual on effective police strategies,”

Here below, for example, is a letter I recently wrote to an extremely well known journalist who I have been attempting to encourage to write about gang stalking for many years, and he is indeed a hard sell as it were, and demands high standards of proof.

This journo has written about people who are actually and provably targeted, and uses that exact phrase at times, covering so-called national security cases; and tentatively agrees with me that a “targeted individual program” exists. But he– as I and others find– agree that there is very little by way of proof in these cases, and, what proof there is is hard to access because the western court systems are nearly impossible to access, costly, and anti-democratic.Throw in the well known and well documented problem of CIA control of media pundits and then, the psychobabble of disinformation specialists, and you have an uphill battle to change this narrative. But there is hope, indeed.

Dear (incredibly well known journalist):

Was the Pasco County Sheriff case enough to convince you? It meets your very high standards and other criterion:
-rigid journalistic standards

-solid evidence of an “organized government program”

-named victims-multiplesources/  news sources concurring

-the use of the phrase “targeted individuals”-actual proof of “electronic monitoring” 24/7

-a lawsuit which will reveal further evidence of the use of “electronic” methods to stalk and harass whole families, on discovery

And here is the headline of that story:

Pasco County parents sue sheriff’s office over ‘predictive policing’ program

The lawsuit claims the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office “punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit.”

“Pasco’s program seems like it was ripped from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel and not a manual on effective police strategies,” Institute for Justice Attorney Ari Bargil said. “This program isn’t just unethical, it’s patently unconstitutional to use a crude computer calculation to target, harass, fine, and even arrest citizens who have done nothing wrong.”

The lawsuit claims that the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office “punishes people for crimes they have not yet committed and may never commit.” 

Harassment claims in the lawsuit include “relentless visits to their homes at all hours of the day,” “unwarranted stops and seizures,” and “repeated citations for petty code violations.”

The program allegedly violates first, fourth, and fourteenth amendment rights, according to the Institute for Justice.

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office website refers to the program as “The Intelligence-Led Policing Section.” Analysts in the program identify problems in the community and work to “reduce crime, disrupt criminal networks, and prevent future crimes from occurring,” according to the sheriff’s office.

…..follow the links, connect the dots!©

Related links:

Welcome to my new “follower” gerrera5150!

Hi gerrera5150! And thanks ( no thanks, really) for following me around the internet. Try to stay away from the target that you might one day find upon your own face. And, keep in mind the case of Officer Adrien Schoolcraft, who an NYPD “gang of police” (colloquially called gang stalkers) tried to “5150” for blowing the whistle on “gangs of police” who are “gang stalkers”. Trust me bro/sissy, I have been threatened before by others who use equally bizarre anonymous Gravatars.Feel free to comment if I am wrong about your creepy “nym.”

But I have discovered so many Anti Defamation League sponsored LatinX gangs who work in policing that your head would turn into a flat earth shaped Tijuana street tortilla, oozing chillaquilles with sour cream, if I disclosed all of their identities. But for now, lets stick with the “bastardized” versions of “Guerrero/ Guerra/Guernavaca” and its variants in Anglicized culture.

My recent and literal “follower”(you with your brand new account, to the casual observer) uses a “nym” that is subtle, yet threatening, an indicator of your impotence, to be sure. I mean, if you have a case for me to investigate or follow, please do tell. I promise you 100% whistle blower protections.

But as you know (and knew when you created your Gravatar, just the other day) anything with a “5150” is either a threat or a confession; it is how the modern police states of former “western democracies”subvert due process of law and civil liberties that are clearly, and irrevocably outlined in western constitutions.

Obviously (to these gangs of police and their associates) a “5150” is a threat at any level, the modern double jeopardy that pigs use to cover their pointy hoof prints in undemocratic and anti-democratic processes, and homicides that happen (murders) because pigs broke the law first, and tried to cover it over with “parallel investigations.”

It is the modern double jeopardy of prosecutors who cannot come clean on “evidentiary disclosure,” and its a bane to democracy: threatening journalists with cops framing a narrative, and trying to lock us up in a mental ward because we expose you. Whoever “you” are, Mr/Ms. 5150.

So either you, my recent “follower,” the bitch that you are, is either someone who has knowledge of the “5150” or is threatening me with that exact terminology, as documented here in a primer on the “gang stalking dialectic”.

ROGS Analysis urges the readers to decide, because, hey, I am just one dude online, tackling dirty pigs like a Chinese submarine tackles Taiwan’s incestuous, drug dealing, historical bandits. But who cares about civil rights, when gangs of police, funded by international finance and drug cartels influence how law is practiced in the west?

Here’s a little bit about that bastard name “gererra” most likely spelled by a Mormon, or white supremacist christian type of shitbag who never took the time to learn nuance in Latin culture, or, just another Jewishy-ADL, Israel trained “counter-terrorism dick sucker”:

Whitey says:

What does Guerro mean? Guerro refers to a blonde person of scandanavian decent, with yellow hair, blue eyes, yellow to very dark yellow skin. May have freckles on arm , body and face, thin eye brows and narrow head structure. This is a word used by White person of spanish decend to distinguish this type of person.

Brownie says:


  1. a state in southwestern central Mexico, on the Pacific coast; capital, Chilpancingo.

Meh. That’s not it….

Maybe, this idiot is searching for validation, via attempting to quote Saw Gerrera, in a Star Wars Trilogy/septilogy/sentilogy….

Your methods are soft, Jedi. We lost the last war because of you. I won’t lose this one… Our enemy shows no mercy. Neither can we.
Phuck, who knows? Maybe my recent “follower” that moron named above, is actually an acolyte of Chaldean Numerology, as most stooges are….

But, my guess is, its just “yet another stupid white person” trying to identify as a guerrero/a. And failing, at that, because the Guerra is waged by THEM against all of US, whoever “WE” are, bro bro/sis/sissy. See you in Valhalla, or at the bottom of the temple of Doom, there in Mexico City at the skull Temple, or, wherever you are. Because, I will find you….you cannot hide,.

See you at Ragnorak, Annwn, or in hell, they all work for me. Or maybe, your own 5150, courtesy of what you will shortly experience.

Qué pronto se olvida a las víctimas de una guerra….So soon do we forget the victims of a war


The Forth Worth Weekly covers Gang Stalking, in “Targeting Targeted Individuals,” by Teri Webster And, its full of the the usual suspects “perpetrating” it

Do Targeted Individuals need more targeting? Teri Webster of the Fort Worth Weekly thinks so. Maybe that’s because nearly 100% of all cases of complaints of gang stalking online are the result of current and former military, police and their associates, targeting individuals, and targeting the narrative of “high policing” itself. And, most of the garbage, psychobabble, and other pollution online about this topic comes from law enforcement sources too.

As most are aware, the gang stalking dialectic contains only two kinds of people:

1- fact and evidence based claims of police corruption, colloquially called “gang stalking,” and such claims made by people who are targeted by the rampant and very corrupt surveillance industry full of ex-police and investigators. and

2-a squirrely, psychobabbling, vindictive and sadistic group of folks who ramble on incessantly about “directed energy weapons, aliens, talking to the dead, and UFOs*”

The former category includes whistle blowers, genuine activists, and dissidents, many of whom were targeted during the post-Patriot Act era with punitive political investigations waged by western religious jihadis, while the latter category is nearly and very exclusively police and military trained intelligence operators, with Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT) , and special investigators of all kinds ranging from coroners and crime scene investigators to forensic psychologists, and behavioral analysts, as well their friends and associates inside and outside of policing.

Webster tells us a story of these exact same types of people waging targeted harassment, aka “gang stalking” on individuals who challenged “official source narrative,” which, in journalism is a big deal, because all official sources, and the real “good stories” come from “officials,” which some say is counter-productive to the cause of journalism itself.

That other piece is correctly titled “Gangstalking” and also with little surprise, we see persons affiliated with a few county coroners offices and other “official source narrative” across the country engaging in a coverup of the murder (or manslaughter if you will) of a star college athlete.

I ask the reader to decide for themselves, and dig around a bit in the case of Tanner Barton, and have a look at the peculiar facts in that case, outlined at The Odyssey Online, in a piece titled Bad Medicine, by Kaci Dillingham:

The group arrived back at the Lindskoog house by 1:57 AM. Tanner spoke with his girlfriend on the phone from 2:07-2:11 AM. Sometime after this, for reasons unknown, Tanner collapsed.

It was reported that the children woke Jeff Lindskoog to let him know something was wrong with Tanner. By this point, Tanner had begun to foam at the mouth. Rather than calling 911, Jeff instead cleaned the expectorate from Tanner’s mouth and repositioned him. He instructed Michala to sleep near Tanner to keep an eye on him. Nothing more was done. In the morning, Tanner was obviously dead. Jeff compromised the scene by cleaning up the vomit that had pooled around Tanner’s head. At this point, he still did not call 911. Instead, he took photos of Tanner’s body and emailed them to Carol to ask what he should do.

Dr. Todd Cooney was called and consulted for his opinion before paramedics were contacted. Why? Why would Jeff Lindskoog call a veterinarian before he called for emergency services? Michele Barton has a theory. She believes her healthy son died after ingesting ketamine — a substance Cooney had a long and troubled history with. A substance that she believes was provided freely, along with alcohol, to minors in the Lindskoog home. No one called for help the night of Tanner’s death because they were never concerned for him or his well-being. They were only concerned with covering their tracks and protecting themselves.

….follow the links! Connect the dots! Its all there, in the stories above.

Related Links: In the case above we see links to all of the following:

-narrative control agents, including Dr. Phil, and other MSM “Hollywood mafia*” narrators

-many, many forensic and cold case analysts, current and retired police and investigators, as predicted by ROGS Analysis

-that those who have access to official sources “gang up” to control the narrative

-that many of the official sources also pitch “woo” meaning that they are all practitioners and supporters of junk science, ranging from Dr. Phil and psychology, to Oprah Winfrey’s other woo-puppet, Dr. Memet Oz, who has notoriously backed many junk cures and un-scientific studies

So, in these cases notice how the carefully filtered narrative asks all the wrong questions.

Notice that the carefully crafted narrative featured at Dr. Oz’s website avoids asking Dr. Todd Cooney”why didn’t any of you assholes call 911?” or “why did you assholes reposition the guys body, and wipe foam from his mouth as he died?”, and instead, here is the ketamine addict and homeopathic animal doctor Todd Cooney being asked all of the wrong questions by his ally in gang stalking.

What is your response to anyone who may believe you are directly or indirectly responsible for providing the drug Ketamine to Tanner Barton and others present at the home of ***** and **** ********* on April 21st-22nd 2012?


What would you like everyone to know about your connection to the case of Tanner Barton?

Also related here is Oprah Winfrey’s long and sordid history with woo and junk science, as discussed here at Vox media.

*The Hollywood Mafia, like all mafias, is not simply one allied group, but instead consists of many different mafia’s, with the Jewish mob being the most prominent. However, in this case, we see Oprah Winfrey’s gargantuan footprint and media empire active in this narrative.Hollywood narrative control is a feature of many gang stalking complaints and case studies online.

This narrative control even has a name in the public relations industry: brand monitoring

Brand Monitoring Explained: Tips and Tools

What is organized gang stalking? The data says it is military, police, and government affiliated activity, and that it is very real.

First and foremost, gang stalking as defined by police, military, and other surveillance state sources, including pro-prosecution psychologists and attorneys is quite different than how ordinary citizens, targeted activists, and western dissidents define gang stalking.

Related Stories: Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits” because the term gang stalking is used primarily by actual stalkers, nearly 100% are current and retired police, military, and intelligence agency affiliated. So what is the proper name? Look here as the DoJ prosecutes an actual “gang” of “stalkers” aka the eBay Cockroach Cult, and then, look here at how victims of Pasco County FL Sheriffs department stalking and harassment are now suing the sheriff over his gang stalking program of “predictive policing”

As such, it can be inferred that ordinary citizens, and those affiliated with the military industrial complex or security state funded sources define organized gang stalking differently because of a fundamental difference in purpose and perspective.

SO, nearly 100% of those who are provably current and former spies, police, firefighters, and community assets and their relatives who appear online and off as concerned citizens ALWAYS manage to use the bizarre terminology of “electronic weapons” and more gibberish that is associated with gang stalking, whereas actual persons who are targeted BY these people simply discuss their reactions to being followed, harassed, and so on.

As such, we can see that their are in fact, two distinct groups of people online who are involved in the discussion:

1- police, military, and state government affiliated people who yammer on about “electronic weapons, mind reading locusts, and aliens,” and then,

2- others who simply complain about bizarre activity directed at them by the groups above, ranging from what we see in the case of the eBay stalking lawsuit now being prosecuted by the US Department of Justice, to the well known case of Small Town Terrorism by Rick Krlich in Ohio, who was stalked by a small towns inner clique, ranging from firefighters to the police chief, and all of their friends and associates because he bought a house that the fire chief claimed as his own, without evidence.

Then, there are a few types of hybrid outliers that, when taken as a whole, comprise a substantial set of data indicating religious evangelism is also involved in the dialectic. Crackpots like Dr. Stella Immanuel who repeat bizarre claims of demon sex and electronic harassment by the forces of the devil.

This last group is in essence comprised of religious fanatics, and so on who also engage in the “electronic warfare” side of the dialogues, almost always with an evangelizing intention. Here is a link to, debunking Dr. Immanuel and her bizarre claims. UNsurprisingly, these outliers blur with the police/state factions of gibberish and psychobabble spewing crowd, as evidenced by Dr. Immanuels daughter Mima Fondong being cited in a Rotary Club newsletter *.

These various influences can easily be seen and deciphered in the many, many online blogs, videos, podcasts, and other media devoted to this topic online which is produced by current and former employees of the various US and British (and others known as the Five Eyes, FVEYs) intelligence services who comprise the gatekeeping mechanism surrounding this topic, in conjunction with various police and community assets.

Here is Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) whose founders are former NSA operatives; and who have been connected to several mass shooters, most notoriously Myron May and Aaron Alexis ( search results easily turn up nearly 42,000 results for the search language “freedom from covert harassment myron may” as of 02/04/2021).

Urban Dictionary–an online, democratic dictionary,* has tracked the evolution of the definition for over two decades, and the results indicate this bipolar narrative has taken on the following meanings:

Top definition

gang stalkingGang Stalking is really a covert government or police investigation. It’s similar to Cointelpro or red squads, and it’s being used on a lot of innocent people to ruin them and make them look crazy. Gang Stalking is all about government disinformation, and using civilian spies/snitches to help with stalking and monitoring innocent people.

Jim was placed under covert investigation by his employer because of his whistle-blowing. Mistakenly he termed it gang stalking, which made him sound crazy.”

by Cointelpro2 May 03, 2007

Urban Dictionary, accessed 2/4/2021

Urban Dictionary online uses a similar process as those who created the Oxford dictionary used, which is to accept definitions from the population at large, and as demonstrated in the brilliant Mel Gibson film “The Professor and the Madman.” As such, Urban Dictionary satisfies the academic requirements and rigor followed by other esteemed dictionaries in the crafting of of defininitions.

Similarly to the phrase gang stalking, the top ranked definition in Urban Dictionarty defines organized stalking as such:

organized stalking

Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or
commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.”

Urban Dictionary, accessed 2/04/2021

These definitions, submitted by anonymous individuals, and “upvoted” overan extensive period of time, indicate the validity and stability of this perspective over time, as well as satisfy the academic, and legal, court room standard of defining words, phrases and ideas from a layman’s perspective.

*The Rotary Clubs and many other fraternal/sorority organizations are heavily involved in gang stalking, and I have documented that in many ways across many online and offline narratives and sources, including in my own case, where I was gang stalked by identifiable Rotarians, Lions club members, and others who comprise a sort of international syndicate of stalkers, and who were also implicated in the Hong Kong riots of 2014-2020.

After the riots, mainland China sanctioned many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who were integral to causing the so-called “pro-democracy” riots. You can glimpse that here as China sanctions the CIA-backed National Endowment for Democracy (NED) affiliated NGOs, and here is an example of how powerful and interconnected these NGOs are.

The problem with the stance and posture by the NGOs is that they do not stand for actual democracy, but in fact, religious “freedom” which is in fact just religious-mob rule, as we see with the lawlessness of gang stalking. I documented that in real time as I was myself stalked by these various mobs. That work, evidence, and documentation can be seen at