Proof of Gang stalking: the de-platforming of the Research Organized Gang Stalking blog on WordPress

“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail … This must stop.” US President Harry S. Truman

Nearly 100% of all gang stalking involves current and former military, police, intelligence agents and their associates, as well as the paid armies of corporations and non-governmental organizations, and we see this clearly in the few gang stalking lawsuits and other data that appear in the mainstream media, and in the extant literature, ranging from the case of city controller Bob Deis of Stockton, CA, who was stalked and harassed in many bizarre ways by the police and fire unions(see this recent post about that, where a hacker using the name “Stokton” attempts to hack my blog because I keep this topic alive), to the case of Rick and Cindy Krlich in their saga of “Small Town Terrorism” directed against them in Ohio, to the more recent eBay stalkers now indicted by the Department of Justice.

I traced, and researched a “web” of gang stalkers over a period of 13 years, from 2005-2018, many of whom had personally stalked me online and offline, and I provided proof that this was so* by analyzing their online and offline activity and identities. Anyone can trace their gang stalkers and the webs of relationships between them, using common, free online tools, listed below this post.

During that time, I used social media intelligence, and various other sources, ranging from information provided by a private investigators and retired police, to emails sent to me by various security contractors; and even a few religious crackpots, and others; and I documented all of this at my former blog

I also documented them with photography: people following me around and photographing me (I photographed them back), and other purely bizarre stuff, ike tracing the many many times they hacked my blog, and left evidence of their IP addresses and so on.

Best of all, when I requested that WordPress (the best blogging platform online) investigate “who is accessing my blog when I am not,” WordPress responded that “only you can access your blog from your dashboard.”

That was patently untrue, which I verified with screenshots of my logged out status, etc., and I requested that they investigate the IP addresses that had accessed my blog when I was not logged in. WordPress responded by de-platforming four years of research, photography, and other documentation into the various gangs of current and retired police, military, intelligence agents and their associates who I directly and definitively traced as FBI agents, police, military investigators, an actual Mossad agent, and others, some of whom lived at the same residence during that period, and some of whom mated and dated each other too.

Getting proof of gang stalking is relatively easy, once you adopt the paradigm shift that the police etc. are the “good guys and gals who uphold the law,” and face the reality that these people are quite often in fact anti-democratic sociopaths, as we see in case after case of organized gang stalking, such as the now-famous case of the eBay stalkers who were indicted by the feds, where we saw highly placed executives and their attack dogs in their black operations unit targeting eBay critics with bizarre activity.

That gang–like all of these gangs of stalkers– included retired police and military intelligence types,, working in corporate “black operations” to target citizens, and it is typical of this type of stalking, including bizarre conduct, and bizarre language.

Open source and free online tools and other resources to target, track, and trace gang stalkers online and off:

  • Kali: an open source, free operating system with a “forensics mode”which includes online social media tracing features. Here is an introduction to Kali Linux operating system (which can be used from a live, bootable USB stick.)
  • Global Online Investigative Journalism Network: free journalism investigation tools, tips and tricks
  • Geekware: free and payware forensic investigation tools to document state, and government actor related hacking of your computer and other devices
  • 50 Free or very cheap Online Tools for Investigators
  • that proof–most of it, after I was deplatformed by direct request from agency types to WordPress–exists here, at Since that time, various persons and entities have had that blog under attack, using the log in page and credential spoofing. The last was “ducphan-admin” from the UK, but there are many others who are trying. Gang stalking is a world wide operation, and I make no claims to know everything about it, other than that it is propelled by religious fundamentalists and their associates in big tech, FVEYs nations.

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