Nearly 100% of all gang stalking complaints involve corrupt cops at some level: the Pasco County sheriff Chris Nocco, et al

Since “intelligence led policing” is actually “illegal spying” crafted at the CIA/FBI level, we see gang stalking complaints and web searches for information on that topic steadily rising since 2001, and the “War On Terror (WOT).”

“I have a case where the Pasco Sheriff’s a criminal and ultimately should be removed,”

Of the “gangs” of “stalkers” that I have met, the ones that stick out to me are the SWAT team members who approached me with a story to tell. These were combat hardened veterans of the War on Drugs, and they were under seige from a new threat: disruptions in their ranks by the new forces of diversity. Whereas once policing was a field that only promoted white males, it was now a battleground where the “diversity gangs” of red, and yellow, and black and brown and gay people* fought for jobs too.

So, in my experience over two decades of documenting the absurdity of gang stalking, I know what I am talking about. Gang stalking is primarily a domestic police war, where factions within policing fight for resources, pensions and more. And all of that with a backdrop of military contractors invading our domestic spaces with “cool toys” to sell, and those toys often turned against police BY other police.

So to me, the double speak and euphemism inherent in the “plastic words” deployed in the WOT lexicon would be laughable if not for its many victims.An impressive list of plaintiffs in the Pasco County Fl gang stalking lawsuit includes many cops who were gang stalked by other cops, and nearly all of the claimants have suffered “bizarre” interactions with Sheriff Chris Nocco and his band of thugs.

As fraudsters and police pundits like Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan,David V. James, and and Christine Sarteschi go on record claiming that gang stalking victims are “delusional” keep in mind the Pasco County lawsuits that are moving forwards in the courts, and note the criminal behavior of that sheriff. Especially note the following bizarre claims, that psychologists would call delusional if ordinary citizens complain of them:

  • False arrests
  • helicopters being used to harass targeted individuals, hovering over their homes
  • targets moving away from their homes to avoid “noise harassment” and “electronic wiretaps”
  • threats to kill pets

All of the above are well documented in the online blogs about gang stalking, and all of those claims are well known.

So, what we see rolling out here is in fact, an actual case of gang stalking, and several lawsuits targeting gang stalkers–and those lawsuits are being waged by police, who are also often victims of corrupt policing known as “intelligence led predictive policing.”

The original plaintiffs included John Horning, a deputy who resigned in 2012; Anthony Pearn, an intelligence-led policing manager fired in 2018; and Christopher Squitieri, a training supervisor fired in May.

In addition to Baltzer, the other new plaintiffs include:

• James Steffens, a former captain who resigned in 2018, who the suit says was forced to donate $2,000 to Nocco’s reelection campaign or risk losing his command duties.

• Dean Mariani, a former lieutenant who resigned in 2018, who the suit says was told that if he left for another law enforcement agency, the Sheriff’s Office would produce a false internal affairs complaint against him.

• Cheryl Hazelton, a former K-9 deputy and school resource officer who resigned in 2017, who the suit says was subjected to gender and sexual discrimination by her supervisors. She said she moved out of state for fear of retaliation from the Sheriff’s Office.

“I have a case where the Pasco Sheriff’s a criminal and ultimately should be removed,” McGuire said. “It’s the most corrupt county in the state.”

*I abhor racial descriptive terms such as this, because I just see people, having been surrounded from birth by those who descend from multi-ethnic and different tribal identities. Those who use such racializing terms are less than people, in my opinion, yet these terms are necessary now in our dialectic for that reason. These terms are useful to some, known as the One Percent, and are are weaponized by well known racists within the Anti Defamation League (ADL) and its octopus tentacles around the globe, in order so that they control narratives and also as we see with their cozy relationships with the FBI, they control policing too.

It was this group of extremely wealthy Jews who also created the terms “white privilege” and “white supremacy,” in order so that they could control cultures around them, while masking their own race supremacy while passing as “white” (whatever that is). And, many mass shootings are in fact traceable to that organization and the FBI’s manufactured terrorism. See here for the cozy relationship between tribal-sectarian FBI and the ADL, both organizations united in domestic spying and harassment of activists, and here for how that organization is affiliated with the Mossad, which is Israel’s CIA.

Here’s more on the ADL and their affiliated groups, as a group of domestic spies and Jewish supremacists, and here is a mass shooting at a synagogue where the shooter likely targeted Mossad agents inside who had harassed him online and likely offline too,

0 thoughts on “Nearly 100% of all gang stalking complaints involve corrupt cops at some level: the Pasco County sheriff Chris Nocco, et al

  1. Hey I’m just trying to get in contact with somebody that is willing to help me out with the constant and invasive harassment that is happening to me every day that I have woke up for about two years now and I don’t know what I have done to deserve this but I’m sorry for whatever it was …. I’m praying for the lord to help me out and get these people to leave me alone for good….
    My name is Joseph Scott watson, I live in Andalusia, Alabama. I moved down here from Prattville , Al in order to help my mother with every day living expenses and help her with the bills and stuff around the house, she has been down in a few different ways battling depression and anxiety , dementia and she doesn’t receive enough money to even pay her bills each month . When I came to see her she had a small piece of her cabinet in her kitchen that had a few cans of tuna and a box of crackers beside them .
    That’s what she was living on .
    So hell no I’m not going to leave my mama in the shape I saw her in so I moved down to help her after she mentioned that it would be nice to have me around to help her with things .

    Please help me with this situation please

    1. Hi, SCott. It sounds like you are dealing with a “neighborhood watch” type of stalking. Don’t freak out yet, but get prepared to document your situation.

      Then, go to the neighborhood watch meeting, and meet the block captain, and get a look at the faces that show up there. Take license plate numbers if you can.

      Get a camera, get a tape recorder and write down key events afterwards.

      If that doesn’t stop them, then get evidence of stalking, and file a police report.

  2. Hey I’m just trying to get in contact with somebody that is willing to help me out with the constant and invasive harassment that is happening to me every day that I have woke up for about two years now and I don’t know what I have done to deserve this but I’m sorry for whatever it was …. I’m praying for the lord to help me out and get these people to leave me alone for good….
    My name is Scott I live in Andalusia, Alabama. I moved down here from Prattville , Al in order to help my mother with every day living expenses and help her with the bills and stuff around the house, she has been down in a few different ways battling depression and anxiety , dementia and she doesn’t receive enough money to even pay her bills each month . When I came to see her she had a small piece of her cabinet in her kitchen that had a few cans of tuna and a box of crackers beside them .
    That’s what she was living on .
    So hell no I’m not going to leave my mama in the shape I saw her in so I moved down to help her after she mentioned that it would be nice to have me around to help her with things .

    Please help me with this situation please

    1. Hi–I am returning to your comment, to inform you that what you describe is a fairly common scenario.

      These small towns, and impoverished counties prey upon elderly people, and especially older single women in the hopes to institutionalize them, and take their home and other property.

      You re a threat to that enterprise.

      Get a lawyer, and establish a clear legal documentation of the ownership of her property, and solidify other legal matters.

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