The attack dogs of the Ku Klux Klan: unique stories abide in targeted individuals. The intersection of TI Richard Moore and famed civil rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore is such a story

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Story below.

One of the prominent features of targeted individuals psychological make-up is that they are sitting on stories–we actual TI’s are essentially targeted for “what and who we know,” as external groups and social “forces”attempt to co-opt or outright steal our narratives, while causing actual harm. And many of those stories that we share are about conflict, in the western conflict based, forever war model of society, otherwise know as the Scam of the Trifecta of Abrahamic Religion, which is covered quite brilliantly by the authors of PostFlavania.

Related Story: The famed civil rights era photographer Charles Lee Moore, inspires gang stalking targets to take up photography, and photograph their stalkers–and a link to organized gang stalking

And those stories are also kept in the battered safe-houses of those of us who become targeted with this form of hidden brutality, and as we saw in the many hacking attempts at my old blog, and the other strange shenanigans perpetrated by these people, it is a constant attack.

Only through finding each other can we seek to overcome this hidden practice of gang stalking–which it is well known mirrors the EXACT methods of the Ku Klux Klan–but also the methods of Nazi’s, and STASI, and Fascists, and the Israeli IDF, all in one breath.


Bull Connor in preparation for the peaceful protest in Birmingham wanted to make sure that he could make a point! Uncle Fred’s dogs were trained to attack black people. I remember as a child seeing the dogs at uncle Fred and aunt Clair’s house and I was terrified of them. I remember Uncle Fred boasting about his ” nigger killers” when speaking about the dogs.


Richard Moore, Union County MS, 2021

Richard Moore, who I have written about variously, is suing the Union County Mississippi sheriffs department for gang stalking (deprivation of rights) and yet he has exactly that kind of story–sitting on the fact that his uncle trained the attack dogs of the Birmingham police department, as his cousin photographed the civil rights movement. Indeed–polar opposite narratives collide within families–and also right outside his front door as these stalkers stage rallies at the Alpine Volunteer Fire Department.

Not a good look for those gang stalking cockroaches, when cast into the light of worldwide attention, ay? Maybe call and write to these “volunteers” and let them know what you think about their KKK volunteer organization. Here’s their number and address below, and here is their website.

Mailing Address. Alpine Volunteer Fire Department. 1888 County RD 171. Blue Springs , MS 38828.

Phone: (662) 869-0779.

Its worth following along as Mr. Moore struggles through issues of identity, and his link to that dark past where a highly placed Ku Kluxian relative–Fred Moore, Jr. is the man who provided German shepherd attack dogs to the Birmingham police during the civil rights struggles of the sixties, as he and other members of the family were called “nigger lover’s”–such is the split in families.

Moore provides documentation of his link to both Charles Lee Moore, and then to his own father, a San Diego Chargers pro footballer. Indeed-gang stalking targets stories are unique, and strangely peopled. If only we targeted individuals could just go along with the racism programs handed down by the international bankster mafia’s*, the B’nai Brith and their soldiers and enablers in the Ku Klux Klan and elsewhere, everything might just get better…..

But let’s have Richard Moore tell it:

Charles told me to turn to the page in his book to this image. The ” police ” dogs used by the Birmingham Alabama police department were not the Birmingham police departments dogs. All German shepherds look alike and no one ever questioned why the dogs were so vicious only to black people. This is” wasn’t in the book” Charles Lee said for obvious reasons. He said the dogs were borrowed from my great uncle Fred Moore Jr. a high ranking Klansman in Bessemer Alabama. My dad was named after him as well as my brother, his name Fred Wallace Moore Jr. Then Governor George C. Wallace was a distance kin, his name carried over to my dad and brother. Bull Connor was best friends with uncle Fred.

Bull Connor in preparation for the peaceful protest in Birmingham wanted to make sure that he could make a point! Uncle Fred’s dogs were trained to attack black people. I remember as a child seeing the dogs at uncle Fred and aunt Clair’s house and I was terrified of them. I remember Uncle Fred boasting about his ” nigger killers” when speaking about the dogs. I was 4 or 5 years old.

It was the Journalist work of Charles Lee that split our family in two. At one of my aunt’s funerals Fred Jr. Made a big scene because Charles Lee and his family were there as well. Fred Jr. Said they were nothing but sorry nigger lovers and he didn’t want to be under the same roof with them.

Richard Moore, Union County Mississippi, 2021

Inter-generational targeting is a very real thing, and those who target us come from a surprising array of stalkers, as we see in the case of Martin Luther King, targeted by the B’nai Brith’s propaganda and domestic spying organization the ADL–alongside the Ku Klux Klan and its “empowered” Women’s Auxilliary waging slander and poison pen campaigs, the FBI, the CIA and stunningly, US Army intelligence. Politics make strange bedfellows—but white Jewish-christian racists always manage to work together, one generation after the next.

*international bankster mafia’s is a trigger word for many Jews and others who have that blood on their hands, but these oligarchies are not strictly Jewish run and controlled operations, as all of the christian churches, and their operatives in corporations share the label of “international banksters.”

It is also important to distinguish standard law enforcement practice from gang stalking–there are indeed very dangerous people out there, and actual gangs. Here is a story where a detective lost his life stalking a dangerous gang. Compare that to the stories above, and you will easily see the difference.

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