Latest update Gabrielle “Gabby” Petito, Brian Laundrie: media attempting to counter “battered boyfriend syndrome” narrative

As the FBI searches the home of Brian Laundrie,  I reported that this homicide was likely initiated by “battered boyfriend syndrome,”- and a few “mystery people,” were interestingly close to, and even filming the couple, if not actually following them—the counter-narrative emerges that Laundrie initiated the violence that police documented in Moab, UT, on body cam, as police contemplated locking Gabby Petito in jail for domestic violence.

Here’s that counter-narrative, that some random caller saw Laundrie “slapping” Petito.

Related Story: Meet Alana Boltwood, the lesbian who founded the “Incel Terrorist Movement.” Why isn’t this woman in jail? For starters, she has some powerful cronies on the board of the Canadian Mental Health Association, and they are historic pill pushers too.

Its important to point out that ONLY that caller described HIM hitting HER. In fact Laundrie himself, two police officers, police reports, and even Ms. Petito herself acknowledged being the aggressor, and that, as she acknowledged an obsessive compulsive mental disorder!

Guys: when you find yourself in such situations LOCK HER UP IF YOU CAN. Get it into the legal record that she “started it.” GET HER THE HELP SHE NEEDS, though it’s not your responsibility to do that-and these chronically immature types of women will seldom if ever see themselves as the problem anyways, because western society rewards them for being this way.

And, get active bringing these facts to light, before women’s structural and institutional violence escalates, because privileged, gendered, western Jewish-Christian herds are ALL defective this exact way.

And, get the message out there that women who initiate domestic violence seldom get the help they need, because western society depends upon them to rack up male bodies in heaps, getting privilege points along the way.

My goal is not to relegislate the highly suspect, racist, ethnocentric Violence Against Women Act, (VAWA) or to minimize the impact of murders of people who die in DV related incidents, but to simply once again ask: when will men and the courts start taking female initiated violence seriously?

As we see since 1993 when the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) was foisted into the lives of the second tier of the western justice system, one thing remains fairly constant: this multi-billion dollar industry has replaced a normal economy where goods are bought, sold, and traded, with an economy where opinions, narratives, “assessments” and opinions are traded instead, in a unusual form of barter-and it is a quite profitable industry.

The other constant is this: in heterosexual relationships, women initiate most violence, and men seldom report the abuse, but are often blamed as the initiators of that violence- that men are saddled with the responsibility for women’s violence!

Such is the power of propaganda, as we see in this case too,

Here is the science behind this, which has only been validated, and revalidated one decade after the next, after the next- that women initiate violence more often, with often bad results.

And yet somehow, it is written into policy that men should just “ UCB up and take it like a man” which has eerie overtones of the Abrahamic Trifecta of bad religions—it is the very origin story of Adam, and his Eve, and it’s written into policy- not law.And it gets people hurt, and worse.

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