Military stack formations, gang stalking, “gangs of police” and Israel as training ground for “domestic terrorists.”

I know two of my readers will just love this post, because it doesn’t play dress up with facts, or evidence of the “gangs” of military and police, aka “gang stalkers” who stormed the US Capitol last month–and that group of persons configured n the exact ways that ROGS Analysis PREDICTED, many years ago. The deck is simply STACKED by occultists on all sides of the gang stalking dialectic.

Stack formations, privacy breaches and catching spies online: online activity mirrors offline tactical operations in every way. Evidence of gang stalking can be found by recognizing that the deck is “stacked,” as in this example, where we see how X and Y take on more meaning than chromosomes in a DVIC charged dialectic, or in the next example, from Police1, where we see a “stack formation in a breach operation,” with the famous flying V formation compared to the wedge attack (Bronco Nagursky would probably NOT be too proud of these testosterone charged militants who wage war in domestic spaces.)

You can read more about ROGS Analysis as a scientifically falsifiable and useful predictive tool of assessment of “gangs of police” and many other features of these gangs here, at

But among many things, ROGS Analysis predicted events, and configurations of persons that exactly mirror the group of people who stormed the US Capitol, as we see evidenced in this story about Kelly Meggs, and other tactical trained team members. We also see another key ROGS Analysis talking point too: many of these people are related to each other, as we see in this glad handing news story too.

Then, when we analyze these stories further, we also see the following ROGS points:

1- gang stalkers have an unusually high number of women in their contingents/cells

2- most gang stalking ring leaders (or cult leaders depending on how you view them)are military/police/intelligence agency trained, working with others

3-occulted intelligence numerology will be a feature of these gangs

4- you can track and trace these gangs of stalkers using simple online OSINT and SOCMINT,, but especially that “police and military jargon” is a key feature of identifying them

5- there will be references to “higher powers,” named secret societies, and other religion toned jargon, as we see in this example here. In that example, note the accusations of pedophilia, one of the worst slanders that the Jewish-christian society can use to target an individuals credibility. In the post-religion era, we see this as the last gasp of the devout to somehow distract away from the mass murder that they wage upon children all over the world, as if to say “sure, we killed some folks,” but you (hypothetical pedophile) are worse than us by very fuckin’ far!!!!! Cuz we said so! (without evidence, of course. OF COURSE! Because that’s what they do)

6- many of these stalkers will use terms like “silent holocaust” and/or false equivocations that somehow, today’s religion charged fanaticism is somehow “not as bad as” the Holocaust, or Holodmor (periods of history where we saw similar equivocating dialectics)

7- many gang stalkers use “counterterrorism terminology” mixed with “psychobabble” to mask their presence online

8-many/most are trained in counter-terrorism tactical assaults on civilian populations as we see in US police training in Gaza, and elsewhere in the world

9- both Hegelian materialism AND Horseshoe Theory create false and distracting dialectic divergences in those who themselves are “gang stalking denialists” and pseudo-rationalists*, as we see evident in the pseudo Rationalist “RationalWiki” discussion of Horseshoe Theory

I mean–I could go on, but prolly, just read through, using keywords “Thirteen, 13, training in Israel, SWAT, women’s empowerment, pseudo-feminism, etc.”

Then, have another look at what you were looking at earlier today, to whit.

So, ROGS Analysis predicts the use of the number 13 in gang stalking related events, whether it is mass shootings, workplace stalkings, or local “community policing initiatives” where atheists, dissidents, activists, and journalists are targeted by their radicalized narratives, and online/offline activity. Again, see my earlier research in that area.

Now, here is a scientific claim that I make about “gang stalkers”: they use the number 13 as both a sign, and a signifier of their activity, and also, others adopt that in their overt and covert operations. And here is the evidence of that (and I have provided that evidence elsewhere too.)

Moving forwards, a little bit more about this sign: even mainstream “theorists” like the Smiley Face Killers detectives have noted this number in their research, which I have covered previously. They, like myself, have found evidence of a “5/7” configuration of stalkers, which (unsurprisingly) was also found in the narratives that appeared online about the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock. All of that evidence can be reviewed at my other sites, and, unsurprisingly, many of these narratives also point to a covert child pornography operation/arms dealing racket run from Israel.

So, in totality, there is evidence of the number 13 used in these operations to signal across the internet, and I have documented that, and turned my research over to responsible authorities, while also allowing others to view my web presence in raw form. This is how you “fight” gang stalkers, but also, as we saw in the case study of the eBay gang of stalkers, collecting other evidence is useful to gain convictions of gang stalkers.

And remember: nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking complaints involves current and former military, police. intelligence agents and their associates, all of whom can be tracked and traced like scummy little weasels who steal chicken eggs in the dark of night–and even in broad daylight, unless you know how to trap them, skin them, and sell their pelts to those interested in weasel fur.

Related Story: NEVER FORGET! That Hamas is a creation of the Mossad. When analyzing gangs of stalkers, its important to note how intelligence agencies create, and incite both religions, and religious fanatics; and then “military industrialists”capitalize on the public’s stupidity on these issues in order to sell armaments.

*pseudo-rationalists are a “deep state” type of religious/corporate propaganda operation, conceived at the Standford Research Institute, Harvard University and other institutions in the Tavistock Institutes hydra of think tanks (and RAND corporation, et al.) in the gap between 1993-and the early aughts as a way to combat anti-vaccination proponents, Young Earth Creationists, and “woo” believers, etc. They use “skepticism” and “rational arguments” to argue for or against many causes and belief systems, but inevitably their entire argument is to claim that all evidence is not evidence, regardless of facts. This is because pseudo-rationalism IS merely a statement of dialogic and institutional power, meaning that they are all financed–more or less–by other institutions hat practice “mind control and perception management” activity, aka “mind control” in the gang stalking dialectic. Its a hundreds-of-billions dollar industry

How to report clandestine activity to intelligence services: start with “cellular data,”work your way to “evidence laundering.”

Modern terror cells masquerade as “see something say something” types, both online and off. The reality however is much darker than mere charades and cloaked purpose, as we see time and again that “gangs” of “stalkers” aka gang stalkers are ALL intelligence agency affiliated, operating in domestic spaces, targeting civilian populations.

So, who do you call when its the cop-callers and “informers” doing the dirt?

One of the primary concerns within the gang stalking dialectic is that law enforcement and other “responsible report taking outlets” mask the clandestine activity* of intelligence agencies operating on civilian populations. There are thousands of ways to report terror related activity, simply by searching “report terror/illegal activity” and filling in your favorite agency name after that term. The only problem though, is that gang stalking IS our own people doing it, to others of our own people, which is against the law of all western nations, and even the UN Human Rights Declaration.

Related Reading: Hiding the Ball– Lawfare reports on the international Five Eyes Surveillance State

This voyeurism based “hiding the ball” scheme is particularly rampant in the former democracies of the west, known today as the “Five Eyes,” “Nine Eyes,”or the “Fourteen Eyes” nations, and while some forms of it it take place in every developed country, never before has the world seen the international exploitation of entire communications networks on such a scale. This form of monitoring, and then, pursuing so-called legal channels of prosecution is known as “evidence laundering” and it looks like this below:

Evidence Laundering and Intelligence Agencies 101

The Five Eyes pundits yammer on about how “the communists” of Russia want to close off their internet to foreign voyeurism, and nations like “communist” China struggle with simple “fair play” in an era of rampant spying by “democratic” nations via international fiber optic cables, going so far to call this last gasp of western Jewish-christian nations the ” axis of white supremacy,” a claim that has merit, as we see echoed in the Fort Worth Weekly article about targeted individuals, people like Tiffany Fontenot, who peddle junk science and unscientific garbage like “reverse speech.*”

Tiffany Fontenot peddles the junk science of reverse speech. I listened to a recording she made and it said “I believe in reverse speech,” but when I played it backwards, is said “Herp derp I’maperp.” These crackpots hard right liars and frauds are who gang stalkers are.

Read More: Wired takes on the junk science of Hceeps Esrever, and here’s more about the “police science” of lie detection, another notoriously garbage pseudo science. All gang stalking is utilizes psychobabble, pseudo-science, bullying, and harassment by current and former police and their associates

These crackpots and pundits appear in force in that article to defend the practices of gang stalkers, including extra-judicial monitoring of human beings(read that article). All of this derives from police narratives, and all of it is based in pseudo-science, lies, and deceptions. Here is David Oates peddling his junk science, and here is crackpot Tiffany Fontenot peddling it too. This is important, because we also see her virulently attacking someone in the comments section of the article after her and her cyber-bullies refused to comment in that article.

The problem has been particularly highlighted since the western governments scrapped their constitutional protections in favor of totalitarian measures of a “capitalist surveillance state.”

Where once (some) people in democracies could (sort of) rely on civil liberties like free speech, due process and privacy protections–all of that was erased after 911. And what was put in its place was an intercontinental surveillance network that eradicated these protections for all citizens, backed by smear campaigns and harassment by these groups. And in turn, that put ordinary people in immediate and direct contact with intelligence agents and agencies who had weaponized the citizenry as little more than the mobs we read about in history books, but this time, armed with Fusion Centers and internet. The cat was out of the meme, and it was no longer just a joke on the internet-it was now a matter of the cat coming and crapping on your door.

Recently, I explored a few different “social engineering exploits” that were targeted at me by people in the USA and Britain, and I did some social engineering of my own, in order to prove my claims. Here is part of that here, where we see “linguistics”exploits, and social engineering exploits in action, as I gained a few (literally three followers) here at this blog, all of whom are intelligence community (IC )affiliated. I wont name them here yet, but you can look at my followers yourself.

Well, part of social exploits requires tracking and tracing gangs of stalkers, and one of the best ways to get them to reveal themselves is to start a free WordPress blog, where you talk about who they are, rather than blather on about “electronic weapons/aliens/flat earth!/LIZARD PEEPLE/ or PIZZAGATE!!!!

Having done that, many times, I have learned a few things:

-the Gemalto hack was an exploit whose ripple effect is still being felt today, unlike the “Nokia” chipset exploit( a UK/British operation).

-they all use the number 12 or 13 symbolically, for a variety of purposes, especially derived from Jewish and christian mysticism; but also these numbers are used in other pagan, neo-pagan and so-called Satanic practices too.And, it appears in military and police practices too, where we see teams of IC agents and other secretive groups organizing around this number.

-they are all Mi5/JTRIG/CIA/NSA/DoD/Mossad affiliated (in the west). Examples can be found here, by searching “number thirteen; 13,” etc.

-they ALL talk a hard right game online (see the flat earth/PIZZAGATE reference above)

-they all have contacts in the IC, and form networks of current and former spies, primarily working in clandestine domestic theater, disguising that activity as “counterintelligence and terrorism.”

-they all use masking software/IP spoofing/online repositories to gather intel against their targets. Exploits as simple as using comment forums to collect IP addresses, to more complicated exploits like the NSA hack of Gemalto chipsets, which I will cover below.

*see the CIA Glossary of Intelligence Agency Terms at this link for terminology explanations.

**I am currently mapping an undersea cable network that goes from certain Asian nations to South America (with a few curious stops in between) and for some strange reason, onward to Britain and Israel, via the NSA. Feel free to write, and vindicate yourselves,and your activity on those cables, lol. But ALL gang stalking dialogues, no matter how bizarre they seem are actually intel operatives and spies talking in what I call “dialectic para-language” to each other. The old school intel agency right wing version of that christian dialectic of “reverse speech,” is where we see christian superstition extrapolating that coincidence is in fact “Satan, talking backwards,” or some other “mind control” and influence operation.The entire western narrative depends from exactly these forms of ignorant gibberish.

WELCOME to my new “follower”- 13 Witches control the Illuminati, and meets eight times annually on the “Witches’ Sabbaths”….ooops….wrong follower. I meant @TheArchitect009!

I meant to say WELCOME to “Christos Essene Knight” @TheArchitect009, whose work can be found at that link and at this one too, the main link to the Essene network of hard right political conspiracy theories, and elsewhere online ( I recommend you do the SOCMINT on that one) and to my new follower: maybe you would like to contribute your thoughts on Masonic Gang Stalking and conspiracy theories? My readers would appreciate it.

And: why are you “following” me? I ask that on all of my blogs when I get followers with Masonic type nym’s like yours. And, because it helps the fact finders out there to validate the ROGS Analytical framework of tracing webs of gang stalkers too, and prove “who are the gang stalkers.”.

But a word of caution, @TheArchitecht–this blog you are reading only deals with facts and evidence, while I note that you deal in conspiracy theories. Maybe put your efforts into solving the puzzle of “current and former police, military, intelligence agents” are who gang stalkers are. That would be enlightening to the general population, and many journalists too.Some of us are working towards a Pulitzer in this exact area, so feel free to contribute what you know.

For now, I only know you as an “Essenic Knight” of some kind or other, according to your online presence.Like this little ditty about Truth Gnosis. Hey-have you ever noticed that your pal Jesus wasn’t himself a stalker? Interesting huh….exactly why do so many “religion confused” persons mis-attribute so many bizarre behaviors to that quasi-mythical desert priest sooper hero?.

There’s this-I would like to see the evidence, please:

Well BoJo Is A 33rd Degree Mason And Its Very Common For There Wives To Be There Handlers Its The Whole Matriarchal BS At Its Finest— CHRISTOS ESSENE KNIGHT (@TheArchitect009) November 20, 2020

Wives as handlers? LOL, that would encompass some 90% of all western marriages.Does that make every hen=pecked hubby a Mason? Their wives are deep state conspirators? Lulz.And, its “their” wives, not “there wives.” In order for that to work you would need a comma.

And then, this no starter too:

Who The Heck Are Buying Body Parts In The First Place ? It Must Of Been A BIG Market Too… They Must Be Cannibals Or Something ….— CHRISTOS ESSENE KNIGHT (@TheArchitect009) December 4, 2020

Obviously war in all its gruesome forms provides lots of hearts, eyeballs and kidney’s for the medical mafia. No one is arguing that war isn’t an abomination. So what’s your point exactly? Proof or GTFO.

I myself am a fact and evidence type of person, a rejected stone, making my furtive appeal as a widows son, hoping that Ken Kesey’s excellent work can get a revisit from Hollywood in this generation. I am certain that I am just the person who should write it too, having spent seven years researching, and six years writing on this topic, and so on.

That said–I address the bulk of this post to the reader and researcher of gang stalking and its related themes; and especially to the journalists who seek to cover this topic. As you see with my new followers nym, Masonic symbolism, and linguistic clues litter the dialectic. So, do the SOCMINT, and and don’t forget all of those free investigative tools from the Society of Professional Journalists.

And of course, don’t forget to report on these cases ethically, because there are real victims that are being abused by all of those “fake TI’s” too. Seek Truth and Report It!

UPDATE 3/6/2021: Have a look at ROGS Analysis, which predicts that these “gangs” of “stalkers” and their cyber activity, and real life activity utilizes the numbers 12 and 13 in their “craft.” Then, look at this image, and play “spot the 12 and the hidden 13!”….and then note the concordance between ROGS Analysis, and the comments section below this post.