Main Stream Journalists and gang stalking denialism: separating good journalism about gang stalking from disinformation: Ned Beauman, UK New Statesman

Throughout this blog, you will note that I, the author, am affiliated with, or frequently reference journalists who have won the coveted Pulitzer Prize. To whit, Carl Bernstein, the journalist who exposed President Nixon’s “black operations” has said that historically, the CIA has been quite active at every level of major media, gatekeeping and steering our perceptions. And certainly, by inference, we can extrapolate that many other spooks and agencies are active in this regard too.

But intelligence agencies are not the only major players infiltrating and manipulating willing puppets: let’s meet the psychiatric meta-narrative in gang stalking discourse, by contrasting one reputable journalist with several frauds and liars who work in main stream establishment journalism.

I like to call bullshit when I read it, and have followed this topic for over two decades. SO when the UK’s New Statesman went on record denying gang stalking in 2013, and mocking the claim that gang stalkers will “ruin peoples lives,”I was personally being stalked by named security contractors and others. So, as an early journalism casualty of the post-9/11 surveillance abuses, and as the western Five Eyes partners were being revealed in the press due to efforts of people like me; and just before whistle blower Edward Snowden exposed the deep state and fled to Russia, a “narrative” was being crafted in the press about gang stalking.

Related reading: The Coalition for Ethical Psychology(CEP) response to the American Psychological Association (APA) after that organization was complicit in mind control and torture during the Iraq war and at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, , ongoing. Aso see Dr. Seth Farber, Ph.D’s essay “The Psychiatric Metanarrative, Targeted Individuals and the Deep State” on the discrediting of TIs using a pseudo scientific psychiatric narrative which dismisses all of them as non-compliant “psychotics, and egregiously asserts the innocence of the deep state..”

No one has ever come forward as a perpetrator. But large numbers of people have come forward as victims

Ned Beauman, The New Statesman, 23 May 2013

That criminals seldom come forward and admit to crimes like stalking and worse should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, except enablers like Beauman, and the criminals themselves. Admitting to being a gang stalker would open up new avenues of investigation and prosecution. We see this in the recent cases of gang stalking that have been revealed in the press–like the eBay gang of stalkers where eBay executives, former police, and their associates were indicted for gang stalking; or the case of Rose McGowan, who was gang stalked across continents by the Israeli spy firm Black Cube-we see why these people do not come forward and admit to what they do.

Related Story: Actress Rose McGowan is suing Black Cube and Harvey Weinstein for gang stalking her

One of the main tenets of the psychological meta-narrative that is on full display in the state sponsored “official source” narrated media around this topic, is that people who claim they are gang stalked are “delusional” and might feel that people are mocking them. So I want to be on record, mocking those who mock others in this way. To whit, Ned Beauman has written about gang stalking in exactly that mocking tone (and note Mr. Beauman’s own syntax and spelling errors in his piece), :

these bloggers are part of an online community centred on a phenomenon called gang stalking. Gang stalking, according to one website:

.” . is a covert investigation that is opened on an individual. The individual is then placed under overt and covert forms of surveillance. The person is followed around 24/7. Foot patrols and vehicle patrols are used to follow the individual around, as part of the monitoring process . . . The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goal seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide.

Gang stalking has been linked with, but doesn’t necessarily involve, remote mind control. No one has ever come forward as a perpetrator. But large numbers of people have come forward as victims.”

Beauman then goes on to repeat all of the bizarre, psychobabbling, unsubstantiated claims that most state-source bloggers and pundits frequently fill the internet with, and claims which few actual targeted individuals ever make themselves. These bizarre narratives act as cover for the actual surveillance state that has been built up around every citizen by Big Tech, working with governments around the world to actually target every individual who uses a communications device or computer online “24-7.”

Like most of the crackpots gang stalking denialists online, Beauman goes on to quote some poorly sourced gibberish as he spins his narrative, but also admits to having an “addiction” to reading gang stalking stories onlie, as if it is fan fiction. Such is the mindset of gang stalking denialists:

Reading about gang stalking online can be dispiriting, because one has the sense that someone such as Tausk really ought to be intervening. But I confess I also find it addictive. For instance, consider one blogger who believes even birds and animals are his enemies:

Birds, pigeons and crows, that can be controlled to fly (screaming) over me, to land in my garden when I walk into my kitchen and look outside, to crash into my kitchen window and car front window while driving. Birds, pigeons, that come sit, walk, on the roof of my house when I am upstairs having sex. Cats walking by like being programmed. Barking of dogs, flying away ducks etc, not by mind control but by beaming these animals with laser beams (directed energy weapons).

To working journalists and especially investigative journalists who cover any stories of merit, its no secret that the CIA/FBI/DHS et alphabet agencies control–or attempts to control–major narratives in nation wide and international media. Carl Bernstein wrote that “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress

This claim, made in the 1970’s is as true today as it was then, but with even more media outlets to infiltrate and exploit. I myself was “handled” to a former CIA agent many years ago, as I studied the craft of writing for the theater. But I realized then what a farce journalism is if in fact, we all must become de facto agency rats, deceiving the public, rather than maintaining a balance between the public’s interest, and democratic processes.So lets take a look at how Bernstein grappled with the problem stated by Beauman above–that problem of “no gang stalkers have come forwards as a perpetrator.”

Bernstein said “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress. The general outlines of what happened are indisputable; the specifics are harder to come by. CIA sources hint that a particular journalist was trafficking all over Eastern Europe for the Agency; the journalist says no, he just had lunch with the station chief. CIA sources say flatly that a well‑known ABC correspondent worked for the Agency through 1973; they refuse to identify him. A high‑level CIA official with a prodigious memory says that the New York Times provided cover for about ten CIA operatives between 1950 and 1966; he does not know who they were, or who in the newspaper’s management made the arrangements.”

So, Bernstein encountered exactly what any journo will encounter with these cases, that certain lack of credible sources, because in gang stalking, in contrast to international spying, these gangs of stalkers are indeed committing criminal acts, and unlike the CIA, they do not always have plausible deniability. And that is their weakness. Start there, and use these free investigative tools to trace the webs of gang stalkers in your own life, or in a story you are writing.

But do not accept as “credible” articles and the writers who write them, because, sometimes, police who stalk others as if they are “gang members” do in fact come forwards, as we see here below, and the indict the exact same agencies and actual conspiracies that every actual targeted individual indicts too:

Malcolm X’s family releases letter alleging FBI, police role in his death

The letter, written by a deceased police officer, stated that the New York Police Department and FBI were behind the 1965 killing of the famed Black activist.

The letter released at a news conference on Saturday was attributed to a former undercover NYPD officer named Raymond Wood. His cousin Reggie Wood joined some of Malcolm X’s daughters at the news conference at the site where the Audubon Ballroom once stood to make the letter public.

Raymond Wood’s letter stated that he had been pressured by his NYPD supervisors to lure two members of Malcolm X’s security detail into committing crimes that resulted in their arrest just days before the fatal shooting. Those arrests kept the two men from managing door security at the ballroom and was part of conspiracy between the NYPD and FBI to have Malcolm X killed

Welcome to my new “follower” gerrera5150!

Hi gerrera5150! And thanks ( no thanks, really) for following me around the internet. Try to stay away from the target that you might one day find upon your own face. And, keep in mind the case of Officer Adrien Schoolcraft, who an NYPD “gang of police” (colloquially called gang stalkers) tried to “5150” for blowing the whistle on “gangs of police” who are “gang stalkers”. Trust me bro/sissy, I have been threatened before by others who use equally bizarre anonymous Gravatars.Feel free to comment if I am wrong about your creepy “nym.”

But I have discovered so many Anti Defamation League sponsored LatinX gangs who work in policing that your head would turn into a flat earth shaped Tijuana street tortilla, oozing chillaquilles with sour cream, if I disclosed all of their identities. But for now, lets stick with the “bastardized” versions of “Guerrero/ Guerra/Guernavaca” and its variants in Anglicized culture.

My recent and literal “follower”(you with your brand new account, to the casual observer) uses a “nym” that is subtle, yet threatening, an indicator of your impotence, to be sure. I mean, if you have a case for me to investigate or follow, please do tell. I promise you 100% whistle blower protections.

But as you know (and knew when you created your Gravatar, just the other day) anything with a “5150” is either a threat or a confession; it is how the modern police states of former “western democracies”subvert due process of law and civil liberties that are clearly, and irrevocably outlined in western constitutions.

Obviously (to these gangs of police and their associates) a “5150” is a threat at any level, the modern double jeopardy that pigs use to cover their pointy hoof prints in undemocratic and anti-democratic processes, and homicides that happen (murders) because pigs broke the law first, and tried to cover it over with “parallel investigations.”

It is the modern double jeopardy of prosecutors who cannot come clean on “evidentiary disclosure,” and its a bane to democracy: threatening journalists with cops framing a narrative, and trying to lock us up in a mental ward because we expose you. Whoever “you” are, Mr/Ms. 5150.

So either you, my recent “follower,” the bitch that you are, is either someone who has knowledge of the “5150” or is threatening me with that exact terminology, as documented here in a primer on the “gang stalking dialectic”.

ROGS Analysis urges the readers to decide, because, hey, I am just one dude online, tackling dirty pigs like a Chinese submarine tackles Taiwan’s incestuous, drug dealing, historical bandits. But who cares about civil rights, when gangs of police, funded by international finance and drug cartels influence how law is practiced in the west?

Here’s a little bit about that bastard name “gererra” most likely spelled by a Mormon, or white supremacist christian type of shitbag who never took the time to learn nuance in Latin culture, or, just another Jewishy-ADL, Israel trained “counter-terrorism dick sucker”:

Whitey says:

What does Guerro mean? Guerro refers to a blonde person of scandanavian decent, with yellow hair, blue eyes, yellow to very dark yellow skin. May have freckles on arm , body and face, thin eye brows and narrow head structure. This is a word used by White person of spanish decend to distinguish this type of person.

Brownie says:


  1. a state in southwestern central Mexico, on the Pacific coast; capital, Chilpancingo.

Meh. That’s not it….

Maybe, this idiot is searching for validation, via attempting to quote Saw Gerrera, in a Star Wars Trilogy/septilogy/sentilogy….

Your methods are soft, Jedi. We lost the last war because of you. I won’t lose this one… Our enemy shows no mercy. Neither can we.
Phuck, who knows? Maybe my recent “follower” that moron named above, is actually an acolyte of Chaldean Numerology, as most stooges are….

But, my guess is, its just “yet another stupid white person” trying to identify as a guerrero/a. And failing, at that, because the Guerra is waged by THEM against all of US, whoever “WE” are, bro bro/sis/sissy. See you in Valhalla, or at the bottom of the temple of Doom, there in Mexico City at the skull Temple, or, wherever you are. Because, I will find you….you cannot hide,.

See you at Ragnorak, Annwn, or in hell, they all work for me. Or maybe, your own 5150, courtesy of what you will shortly experience.

Qué pronto se olvida a las víctimas de una guerra….So soon do we forget the victims of a war


Gang Stalking Cases and Lawsuits: they are starting to happen, and the feds are indicting gang stalkers

Nearly 100% of gang stalking involves current and retired police, military, intelligence, and security personnel, violating the law. In my own case, I traced and tracked many of my personal stalkers, sued a few of them, shut down a security company, and won a settlement. These shitbags need to be in jail.

Most curiously, nearly 100% of my personal stalkers were current and retired police, military, intelligence agents and their flying monkeys in the community ranging from college professors to NGO’s from the right and left wing “save the whales, wimmin, and chillren!” foundations. All of them derive funding from the various “official narrative” schemes of western governments to socially engineer a “narrative of culture,” while hiding their crimes against humanity (the Iraq war, the prisons for profits scheme, the Total Surveillance state, etc. Silent Holocaust indeed.).

I have since spent two decades informing the public of the facts and intricacies of these cases, and have learned that the harassment, violence, stalking, and other completely bizarre activity is organized at a level beyond the reach of “the law,” although the recent Department of Justice brought a case against a “gang” of “stalkers” who are in fact current and former police, military, and intelligence related persons (spies)–and eBay executives. And, as can be expected–one of those executive level gang stalkers that has so far skated from prosecution, and gone forward to head the Boys and Girls Clubs of America in –of all places–Silicon Valley.

This uptick in prosecutions offers a bit of hope, as does the prosecution of the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery, who was murdered by a similar “gang” of police, and police affiliated stalkers–and nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking claims involve exactly that configuration–military, police, intelligence agents and their community assets.

All gang stalkers act with a sense of entitlement and impunity, imagining that they will never get caught or prosecuted, because of their “connections” in government and police. But that’s not the case, as more lawsuits are coming forwards every week now. Search my blog using the tag “gang stalking lawsuits.”

Here are a few more cases in the courts right now, some of them brought forwards by the Department of justice and others:

  • An IMDB gang stalker is indicted in California. She was indicted after she and her “unnamed” co-defendant, likely her daughter, harassed and stalked three boys. This is a typical left wing type of stalking, and that women’s friends and allies are also well known gang stalkers too.
  • the eBay Gang of Stalkers case is significant because it was led by executives from that company; and any personal injury attorney knows that eBay is a large target; but the feds indicted one case because it is a widespread practice on eBay. I am betting that it will be a flagship case.
  • a low level sex offender who was entrapped by the hidden practice of state police pornography distribution is suing several gang stalkers in northern Mississippi. Many state police, and state or federal investigative bureau’s,high level DHS employees, Pentagon employees, “war on terror” private contractors, and others regularly distribute child porn, while monitoring millions of internet users without a warrant, and there are many cases of other nations agencies doing this too, in an odd attempt to regulate morality, which is another topic entirely. But note the importance of the numerological display of the numbers 12 and 13 in these cases, which is quite striking This type of hidden distribution and its political implications is the very centerpiece of the “war on terror,” and speech taboos on the internet and other moral posturing in the west
  • Citizens including former police officers are suing the Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco over his spy racketeering, called “intelligence led predictive policing,” and he even targeted children in true pervert sheriff fashion. He claims that he is working for a “higher power” and that he is beyond the reach of the law itself–as gang stalking programs violate every single civil rights statute ever written, but because they do it in covert fashion under “color of law” and pseudo-law such as the judge created, never voted on, never challenged “qualified immunity” and “investigation privileged” claims. they anticipate they will not get caught, due to their “webs of connections, as we see below.
  • The case of Ahmaud Arbery is a 100% ROGS Bingo, and a validation of the utility of adopting ROGS Analysis of Gang Stalkers. He was murdered, and the local police and prosecutors literally conspired to NOT charge his murderers. But, his mother was persistent in using social media monitoring (SOCMINT) and open source intelligence (OSINT) to track down the connections between seemingly random stalkers, and she succeeded in finding a prosecutor to pursue the case, because she linked that gang together, with evidence.

So, little irony is lost in the stories reported in the nation’s narrative gatekeeper, the New York Times, are contradictory, as they have a long history as a CIA and FBI disinformation and black propaganda. That outlet is on record flip-flopping about the legitimacy of targeted individuals complaints, on one hand gas lighting them in an infamous article about the “United States of Paranoia,” and on the other, reporting cases such as those mentioned above, or the case of “electronic microwave weapons” causing brain damage to United States diplomats in Cuba, a case now being investigated by a congressional task force, and the CIA itself.

Likewise, the Ahmaud Arbery, Pasco County, and Demirovic cases highlighted above are contradictions of the bad journalism we see in most NYT reportage, and the “paranoia” piece written at that time by the now discredited “journalist” Mike McPhate too.

Bizarre activity by police and those in the related fields of intelligence, state security, the prisons and other similar and related fields is the norm, not the exception ; it is very well documented, and a vast body of evidence exists that these types of persons feel that they are beyond the law. A recent case of prison torture, where a mentally ill man died from being blasted with 109 degree heat in an isolation cell in Alabama provides a glimpse of the sadism inherent in the “police personality,”: and the deviant and bizarre nature of their gang stalking activity:

Montgomery, AL — Tommy Lee Rutledge, 44, spent the last moments of his life shoving his face as close as he could to the window of his cell gasping for cooler air. Heat was being pumped into his prison cell in the mental health ward and he had no way to escape it, causing his body temp to skyrocket to 109, killing him from hyperthermia.

The Alabama Department of Corrections has refused to answer any questions as to why Rutledge’s cell was so hot given the fact that on the night he died, the outside temperature was 31 degrees.

So, in these cases, tracing gangs of police and police affiliated stalkers online and off, it is important to connect linguistic and other clues that are easily found in the extant literature, news stories and other data. In the case of the tortured and murdered prisoner above, we can easily connect the actions of the torturers to many blogs where claims of “heating up skin,” and other similar claims are made, and often, we find those claimants are not in fact actual “targeted individuals” but in fact, are police and others masquerading as victims, and bragging about their crimes in a bizarre fashion. The case above with Mr. Rutledge is one case where an actual gang can be traced, tracked, and prosecuted.

And again–there is no irony in the sadism of these guards who killed Rutledge either, because we see the crime of the state mirroring the crime of the man: he had murdered some people and burned them in a fire afterwards. These gangs can be monitored, tracked, and prosecuted for their crimes, and any savvy prosecutor or personal injury attorney will see the value of ROGS Analysis in these cases.

Use my search feature to find other writing about “gang stalking lawsuits,” “gang stalking case study” “elements of gang stalking lawsuit” and so on. And get those briefs before the judges–but not before you also study the vast network of current and former intelligence agents, military trolls, political operatives and others who have polluted the internet with garbage and “psychobabble” about gang stalking, flat earth, demon sex and electronic weaponry. Start here and here, and here to see a few bad sources from those groups.

Then, follow the Pasco Cty sheriff cases, and especially the eBay gang–each of them is a ROGS Bingo.

UPDATE: Apparently Mrs. Demirovic’s– one of the indicted stalkers above, from the IMDB gang, is very popular, and many people read this post every day. Only the case of Everton Brown in Baltimore rivals the number of hits that posts about this “Diasporess” gets every day.

You can read more about her case here, where she ruthlessly and mercilessly stalked a few young boys. Weird, I know, right? But middle aged white women stalking pubescent boys is a “thing” in western countries.

If you are reading, Mrs. Demirovic, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear your side of the story. And be careful with those plea deals–the feds are going to try to have you entrap other people, and much of their current entrapment schemes involve “manufactured terrorism,” which is what mass shootings are.

I invite all of you who are concerned about Mrs. Demirovic’s to write or comment on this post, instead of just “stalking” here. What have you got to hide, right? Lol.

And, because you are affiliated with many of the Jewish groups via the Holocaust Industrial Complex, ranging from Hollywood billionaires to any of the many well known gang stalkers in their Octopus of nightmarish international cabals, please, try not to let them use you like a puppet with their hand up your….oh, never mind.

Please, Internationale’ Jewish gang stalking groups, leave me alone! DO NOT STALK ME!!! …This ain’t my first Purim, folks.

Meet the “eBay gang” of organized gang stalkers, recently indicted by the US Federal government

What is organized gang stalking? It ALWAYS involves police, retired police, and/or private investigators who are “allied with “community policing,” and their “community assets” aka “snitches, bullies, and rats”.

Gangs of police, ex-police, military and intelligence agents; corporate CEOs, and their “assets” in the “community” stalking citizens is EXTREMELY BIZARRE and creepy. To whit:

Former eBay Execs Sent Bloody Pig Mask, Stalked Blogger, and Attempted Electronic Harassment After Former CEO Devin Wenig Ordered His Staff to “Take her down.””

Citizens MUST get good, solid evidence of this type of online/offline gang stalking by agents of the security state, or “good” police will not believe you. These campaigns of personalized terror are that bizarre.

But, eventually, these “good cops” DID listen to the evidence that the victims had collected, after initially trying to dismiss it outright (after talking to their supervisors), as happens in most gang stalking cases:

eBay’s Alleged Stalkers Exposed After Boston Couple’s Sleuthing

Feds throw book at eBay execs who deny they had anything to do with cyberstalking of site’s critics

What is organized gang stalking? It is ALWAYS “gangs” comprised of police, retired police, military and intelligence agents, in nearly EVERY CASE of gang stalking. And, they are some bizarre mother fuckers, if ever the word bastard was extrapolated.

The police personality is indeed, a modern sociological dilemma, and a cause for social concern.