What is “domestic spying” and “gang stalking” in the online dialectic? Meet Anti Defamation League sponsored Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a darling of the “disapora communities”–and the IMDB gang

Examining the gang stalking narratives online, and the cases that show up in court rooms ( here, here, here, here, here, and here too) we see patterns, clear as daylight. Racist gangs are just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s meet a few Internet Movie Database gangsters.

Here is a recurrent theme in gang stalking narratives: there is probably a good reason why some people meet bad fates, generation after generation. Online in social media, Twitter, Facebook groups, Youtube–there is an undercurrent in the gang stalking dialectic that frequently makes inferences that “gang stalking is a silent Holocaust,” or that “well, at least its not a holocaust,” or “gang stalking is slow kille eugenics!”

SO, let’s Meet “the silent genocide” and the “well at least its not the Holocaust” oriented stalkers of the left.

I have encountered many of them, ranging from former Playboy bunnies, to a strange little Filipina who stalked me through Hollywood one summer. Both of them had entries in the Internet Movie Database, the IMDB. THese are what are referred to in many cases as “the Hollywood mafia,” and they are political, and “cause stalking” based. And, the Hollywood mafia uses women to carry out many of their strange stalkings, as did the Ku Klux Klan women’s auxilliary. So now, that the federal authorities have indicted a stalker, and I will examine that case.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, a recently indicted cyber stalker and offline actual stalker, was indicted because she targeted young boys, not just for stalking, cyber stalking, and harassment. In fact, in the USA some groups and their stalkers usually get a free pass for stalking and harassing people. For centuries, the Ku Klux Klan, and its female auxilliary, the Kamellias waged poison squad campaigns against others, as did various women’s groups allied with right wing feminism, most notoriously Nikki Craft’s call to arms.

And we see the echoes of this in today’s #MeToo movement, where every man’s actions are cast as malign, and every woman’s actions wholly unaccountable. Perhaps this is the last gasp of white female privilege, or something deeper, like ultra-conservative religious narrative hiding itself in cultural co-option.

This historical form of gang stalking has millions of new subscribers in the digital era, and the left has weaponized these tactics effectively since the early 1990’s, at the emergence of the modern police and surveillance state: and all of that was predicated on “rape!” Pedophiles!” and “domestic violence!” in the Violence Against Women Act of 1993–President Joe Biden’s crown jewel in an anti-constitutional, gendered narrative that benefits primarily white women.

That power grab, by neocon’s and other religionists who derive benefits from sex/gender divisions also had at its heart a famous spy scandal, which set the trend for the modern total surveillance and police state that AMerica has inarguably become. Familiarize yourself with the Anti Defamation League networks of spies and stalkers (also here, and here too) for a glimpse of what it is that has built the modern police state.

So, not surprisingly Demirovic is part of the “diaspora community,” which on one hand are sometimes actual victims. but also, actual perpetrators too. ROGS, the author you are reading now, has extensive experience with these types, as well as their enablers in domestic terrorism and spy rings that run rampant across America today. So let’s dive a bit deeper into her story, and addto the “holocaust and genocide” narratives that permeate the online gang stalking dialectic.

Demirovic’s basic story is this–a “diaspora community survivor, ” genocide film maker, and genocide theorist, she stalked and terrorized a few teenage boys. Then, her Hollywood connections could not or did not stop the federal government from prosecuting her for her insane bullying. Here is more about her film Faces of Genocide. In the dialectic online, many of those who cyber stalk and bully and harass use such terms to create a false equivalence, and rationalize that their actions are somehow better than genocide, or at least are not genocide, as they target and slander, and harass people into poverty and worse.

So, Demirovic no doubt feels that she has “righteous anger” and was enraged, She was “mad,” and also, she was enabled by a well known political machine. She was “empowered!” by them and:

was so angry at the boys — listed in court records as Victims A-C — she sent them death threats, made up false allegations accusing them of rape and other crimes, and cyberbullied them with insults like “pig” and “dwarf,” or by making light of their parents’ divorce. She is also accused of threatening or harassing some of the victims’ parents.

Her goal was “sabotaging their personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects,” the indictment alleges. And prosecutors say she succeeded; one of the victims, who was 14 at the time, became depressed and anxious after Demirovic allegedly arrived at his high school in 2016, asked where to find him, and screamed that she would “rip your f—ing heart out.”

So….patterns, yeah?

One of those patterns is that online, is that we see gang stalkers mentions of the “holocaust” or “silent genocide” fueling many gang stalking claims and narratives. But it is usually stated in passive aggressive, euphemistic terms, never directly or overtly. Lets take a look at that claim:

  • a search of the phrase “silent holocaust and gang stalking” in popular search engine returns 149,000 results
  • a search for the phrase “holocaust and gang stalking” returns almost 15.000 results

These results are significant for many reasons, not least of which is that they clearly provide evidence that there is a “false narrative” of genocide being built online, and that is clearly and definitively tied to the issue of gang stalking.

Here is one religion oriented* website/result for example, but there are thousands more that use such terminology, not surprisingly it includes right wing religionist’s like Ramola D and Targeted Justice.

The false equivalency as a narrative ploy allows those who spy on, or cyber-stalk, or offline stalk and harass people offline to cover their crimes with the idea that somehow, gang stalking is not worse than :”holocaust, and genocide”. As polarizing narratives go, it is pretty slim cover and rationalization for crimes, and a lie of great magnitude as well. And as we see in the outliers on the Bell curve, mass shooters are taking lives, so these are not harmless dialogues, and agents provocateurs proliferate in them, using military grade “influence operations,” tactics aka “mind control”.

So, let’s look at modern, ongoing genocides for clues about the subtlety of language expressed online. Lets search for the term “silent genocide,” for clues about who uses such terms, and why they do it:

  • The first hit in that search engine brings us to a post about genocide in West Papua, a silent genocide that “Australia doesn’t want you to know about.” It reads in part “

Estimations of over 500,000 indigenous West Papuans have been murdered over the last 54 years. This also includes reports of wide spread torture of women and children.

The United Nations, European Union, and associated governments have received ample evidence of atrocities, massacres, torture, and crimes against humanity and chose to remain silent and complicit.”

All of the above results are genuinely serious situations, and arguably are genocide. But then, a deeper dive into results starts to flesh out how easily this term is applied by political interests of both the right AND the left:

Right wing narrative:

Left wing narrative:

So, as we see above, “genocide scholars” and Hollywood affiliated film makers like Demirovic are highly active in the propaganda outlets waging battle over this term, but also, occasionally, we see them indicted as stalkers too.Sadly, the federal prosecutors have only taken an interest in cases where these conscienceless psychopaths target children, but other gang stalking lawsuits are starting to come forwards too, in local jurisdictions.

All of that, without irony, as one of my own followers at this blog is also part of the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) gang, which I briefly mentioned in other writing about Demirovic. So, yeah, the Hollywood mafia and all that is a real thing too.

*In case after case of these bloggers, we find either the christian or the Jewish narrative of “G-d” being frequently hinted at or outright exclaimed. Some are clearly Zionist fanatics and Mossad affilliated writers, and others are clearly and christians. Most are unashamed of that fact, and as I state repeatedly, and as ROGS Analysis of gang stalking proves, nearly 100% of all the people online in the community and also the “fake TI’s” are current and former police, military and intelligence agents and their relatives and associates.

CIA and gang stalking: former senior level agent John Sipher talks about “sonic weapons” attacks in Cuba and around the world, misses the boat on “third party punishment.”

Gang stalking for journalists, psychologists, sociologists, and criminologists

The most common mistake that any agent–from any agency anywhere–can make about the perpetration of strange or bizarre or illegal events is to approach data from political perspective, or to blame the “common enemies,” because in spook word, sometimes its “our common allies and friends” that could be the cause agents of said events.

During my time overseas, I have had personal experience with several of these “attacks.” In the 1980s and 1990s, the Soviet and then Russian intelligence services deployed doses of nitrophenyl pentaden (NPPD) against American diplomats whom they suspected of managing espionage operations against Russian interests. This so-called “spy dust” was an invisible electromagnetic powder with a customized chemical identifier. It was smeared onto door handles, furniture and cars of suspected American spy handlers. It was a tagging agent used by Russian security elements to covertly monitor their own community by revealing unreported (and potentially espionage related) contacts between Russian and American officials. It was somewhat ingenious.

John Sipher, former senior level CIA agent

SO when analyzing the Cuba Sonic Attacks, aka “health attacks,” one former CIA agent advises that we remain skeptical of the common narrative, while also talking us through the variety of purely bizarre activities that one encounters in the covert life. And equally, that exact agent reveals his own shortsightedness, or deliberate bias by sticking with the narrative that “Russia did it,” while skipping over other third parties who had and have many tactical reasons for why they would want to do these things, regardless of the US politics.

So, have a good read through some stuff from spook world, and note how the activity herein mirrors the claims of “targeted individuals” in every way.

Then, we follow that trail, we find equally interesting commentary on Pastebin (follow the link below, as I am having an Iframe problem right now):


From that Pastebin:

John Sipher, former CIA leaderhsip guy, says cuba attacks probably just malfunctioning survelliance equipment   

…There has been no shortage of theories as to the reasons for the attacks, some speculating that it was payback against specific individuals, a possible operation by third parties (the Russians?) to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Cuba,  

…Why don’t I believe this was an attack intended to harm diplomats?   First, I don’t think the timing or diplomatic atmosphere accords with such hostile action by the Cuban government. U.S. and Canadian diplomats reported their symptoms in the fall of 2016. At that time, the Obama Administration had relaxed diplomatic relations with Cuba   

a lapse in reasoning for Sipher? says in same article could be third party stirring shit, then cites as reason to not believe intended to harm diplomats since “diplomatic atmosphere” between Cuba and U.S. friendly at that time.  In most of his other writings, Sipher disposed to blame Russia for everything:  

 https://twitter.com/john_sipher/status/971003146570027008 John Sipher ‏Verified account @john_sipher Mar 6  

So, for psychologists who wish to protect their reputations, and journalists who seek to report on “gang stalking” keep in mind that most of it is straight out of spook world, and that the activity that your parient/source/other describes will indeed be “bizarre” at times. Keep an open mind, and test the validity of their claims, and you will see that gang stalking is not all that mysterious, once you know where to look, and how to interpret narratives.