Mental health, gang stalking, 5150, and the threat narrative of the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC)

Double jeopardy is specifically discussed and defined in the United States Constitution, and it is anti-constitutional to deploy it as a weapon of state control of individuals. Yet every day, year in and year out, states across America have legions of individuals under state control,”24/7″ via the practice of double jeopardy.

From Project Censored, we get a glimpse of this unconstitutional practice:

Civil Commitment: The New Double Jeopardy

January 26, 2021

Civil Commitment: The New Double Jeopardy

After completion of a prison sentence, individuals considered a danger to society can continue to be held indefinitely under what is called “civil commitment.” Civil commitment, which has been instituted in at least 20 states, is a legal process by which criminals convicted of sexual assaults, and shown to have a  mental illness, are legally declared a danger to society and confined indefinitely in treatment facilities following their release from prison.

After  prison, individuals who are considered a threat to society are presented before a judge who makes the final decision of whether there is enough probable evidence for a civil commitment trial. Additionally, individuals sometimes receive treatment while awaiting trial and the information disclosed in confidentiality during these sessions has been used against them in the trial.

Though the U.S. Constitution specifically outlaws double jeopardy, it is practiced in every state of the union, and that started in the VAWA era of 1993, with the sex offender laws and so-called domestic violence laws of the post-Porn Wars, where we saw so-called feminists united with ultra-conservatives to eradicate pornography, and even sex itself, outside of marriage.

Further and more despicably, we saw the re-enshrinement of highly gendered discourse that “protects women and children” from “male violence,” and excused women from culpability for crimes of the domestic arena. Despite the courts having ruled against double jeopardy for juvenile offenders many on the sex offenders lists are juveniles whose alleged crimes took place before the legal age of maturity, and the double jeopardy of lifetime listing creates the false appearance of harmful individuals and denies any second chances.

The net goal of these fake Porn Wars era feminists, and their religion afflicted neocon supporters was that they further enshrined the sexism, and gender bias of pre-porn wars era’s, and in their quest for power, they allied themselves with the exact institutional and structural elements built by religious conservatives and police powers that have historically maintained gender separation, and gender inequality for all of time.

Here is what the constitution says about double jeopardy:

“The constitutional prohibition against ‘double jeopardy’ was designed to protect an individual from being subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction more than once for an alleged offense. . . . The underlying idea, one that is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo-American system of jurisprudence, is that the State with all its resources and power should not be allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an individual for an alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to embarrassment, expense and ordeal and compelling him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing the possibility that even though innocent he may be found guilty.”39 A second “vitally important interest[ ]” embodied in the Double Jeopardy Clause “is the preservation of ‘the finality of judgments.’ ”

Beyond the unconstitutionality of this practice, what is revealed is the nature of how “third party punishment” is utilized to target individuals who have the misfortune of being caught up in this systemic abuse. And unsurprisingly, it is psychologists, social workers, parole officers and other state agents that act as de facto “Punishers” enacting post-VAWA and post-Clinton COPS era punishments that are termed as “community oriented policing,” but in fact act as a due process and civil liberty crushing mechanism in the hands of those who practice it.

All of that is documented in cases of “targeted individuals,” of “organized gang stalking,”that range from all of the well known complaints of being stalked by Citizens On Patrol, and other block club type of members as we saw in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, murdered in cold blood by one such gang; and daily harassment like garbage thrown in their yards, to the more heinous practices outlined in this article by Teri Webster, where we see the account of a so-called sex offender getting boxed in by semi-trailer trucks on the freeway, or as the local fire department records his house with a camera, “24/7.”

Related Story: Ahmaud Arbery was out jogging one day when a gang of stalkers murdered him in cold blood. That gang, like ALL gangs of stalkers, included a retired police detective, who was on the phone with police dispatch, and that detectives son. It also included a neighbor who tried to hit Arbery with a car, and a local prosecutor who had targeted Arbery for several years. That “bizarre” stalking included one attempt several years earlier to use an actual electronic weapon–a Taser–to assault Arbery without cause, which was captured on a horrifying video. His mother will be holding a vigil on February 23rd to mark the anniversary of his murder.

This practice of double jeopardy has expanded into other areas of law, particularly in cases that are settled with plea deals, and other administrative processes that cleverly avoid jury trials. And it has ballooned since 9-11 from merely targeting sex offenders to the wider social practice of what we see in the case of the eBay stalkers targeting writers and critics outside of the law. The practice is so widespread, that we see online search engines exploding with requests for data on “gang stalking” and its practitioners too, with hundreds of thousands of searches added each year.

Then, there is the complaint of complete gas lighting of this topic in main stream media too, though journalists are starting to see the light in pieces such as this, this, or this.

Again, from Project Censored:

Sarah Lazare of In These Times reports that after talking to numerous individuals with first-hand knowledge, including those held in civil commitment, this process does the opposite of what it has set forth to do. People confined under civil commitment statutes report enduring verbal abuse, inadequate care for their mental health, and an extension of the prison environments they came from with little rehabilitation. Moreover, the tests and evaluation tools used to assess whether an individual’s progress through their mental health treatment—such as polygraph “lie detectors” – are not “universally accepted as sound science.”

Those incarcerated as a result of civil commitment find themselves doing more time for the same crime. Lazare found that at one civil commitment treatment facility in Illinois, Rushville, 288 people – or half of the people being held in the institution—had been held for more than 10 years, including 76 people in custody at Rushville since it opened in 2006.

Here below is more about the Clinton COPS program, which was enacted in 1994 alongside the ultra pandering, incredibly paternalistic, sexist and religion tainted Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA:

Welcome to my new “follower” gerrera5150!

Hi gerrera5150! And thanks ( no thanks, really) for following me around the internet. Try to stay away from the target that you might one day find upon your own face. And, keep in mind the case of Officer Adrien Schoolcraft, who an NYPD “gang of police” (colloquially called gang stalkers) tried to “5150” for blowing the whistle on “gangs of police” who are “gang stalkers”. Trust me bro/sissy, I have been threatened before by others who use equally bizarre anonymous Gravatars.Feel free to comment if I am wrong about your creepy “nym.”

But I have discovered so many Anti Defamation League sponsored LatinX gangs who work in policing that your head would turn into a flat earth shaped Tijuana street tortilla, oozing chillaquilles with sour cream, if I disclosed all of their identities. But for now, lets stick with the “bastardized” versions of “Guerrero/ Guerra/Guernavaca” and its variants in Anglicized culture.

My recent and literal “follower”(you with your brand new account, to the casual observer) uses a “nym” that is subtle, yet threatening, an indicator of your impotence, to be sure. I mean, if you have a case for me to investigate or follow, please do tell. I promise you 100% whistle blower protections.

But as you know (and knew when you created your Gravatar, just the other day) anything with a “5150” is either a threat or a confession; it is how the modern police states of former “western democracies”subvert due process of law and civil liberties that are clearly, and irrevocably outlined in western constitutions.

Obviously (to these gangs of police and their associates) a “5150” is a threat at any level, the modern double jeopardy that pigs use to cover their pointy hoof prints in undemocratic and anti-democratic processes, and homicides that happen (murders) because pigs broke the law first, and tried to cover it over with “parallel investigations.”

It is the modern double jeopardy of prosecutors who cannot come clean on “evidentiary disclosure,” and its a bane to democracy: threatening journalists with cops framing a narrative, and trying to lock us up in a mental ward because we expose you. Whoever “you” are, Mr/Ms. 5150.

So either you, my recent “follower,” the bitch that you are, is either someone who has knowledge of the “5150” or is threatening me with that exact terminology, as documented here in a primer on the “gang stalking dialectic”.

ROGS Analysis urges the readers to decide, because, hey, I am just one dude online, tackling dirty pigs like a Chinese submarine tackles Taiwan’s incestuous, drug dealing, historical bandits. But who cares about civil rights, when gangs of police, funded by international finance and drug cartels influence how law is practiced in the west?

Here’s a little bit about that bastard name “gererra” most likely spelled by a Mormon, or white supremacist christian type of shitbag who never took the time to learn nuance in Latin culture, or, just another Jewishy-ADL, Israel trained “counter-terrorism dick sucker”:

Whitey says:

What does Guerro mean? Guerro refers to a blonde person of scandanavian decent, with yellow hair, blue eyes, yellow to very dark yellow skin. May have freckles on arm , body and face, thin eye brows and narrow head structure. This is a word used by White person of spanish decend to distinguish this type of person.

Brownie says:


  1. a state in southwestern central Mexico, on the Pacific coast; capital, Chilpancingo.

Meh. That’s not it….

Maybe, this idiot is searching for validation, via attempting to quote Saw Gerrera, in a Star Wars Trilogy/septilogy/sentilogy….

Your methods are soft, Jedi. We lost the last war because of you. I won’t lose this one… Our enemy shows no mercy. Neither can we.
Phuck, who knows? Maybe my recent “follower” that moron named above, is actually an acolyte of Chaldean Numerology, as most stooges are….

But, my guess is, its just “yet another stupid white person” trying to identify as a guerrero/a. And failing, at that, because the Guerra is waged by THEM against all of US, whoever “WE” are, bro bro/sis/sissy. See you in Valhalla, or at the bottom of the temple of Doom, there in Mexico City at the skull Temple, or, wherever you are. Because, I will find you….you cannot hide,.

See you at Ragnorak, Annwn, or in hell, they all work for me. Or maybe, your own 5150, courtesy of what you will shortly experience.

Qué pronto se olvida a las víctimas de una guerra….So soon do we forget the victims of a war


The Forth Worth Weekly covers Gang Stalking, in “Targeting Targeted Individuals,” by Teri Webster And, its full of the the usual suspects “perpetrating” it

Do Targeted Individuals need more targeting? Teri Webster of the Fort Worth Weekly thinks so. Maybe that’s because nearly 100% of all cases of complaints of gang stalking online are the result of current and former military, police and their associates, targeting individuals, and targeting the narrative of “high policing” itself. And, most of the garbage, psychobabble, and other pollution online about this topic comes from law enforcement sources too.

As most are aware, the gang stalking dialectic contains only two kinds of people:

1- fact and evidence based claims of police corruption, colloquially called “gang stalking,” and such claims made by people who are targeted by the rampant and very corrupt surveillance industry full of ex-police and investigators. and

2-a squirrely, psychobabbling, vindictive and sadistic group of folks who ramble on incessantly about “directed energy weapons, aliens, talking to the dead, and UFOs*”

The former category includes whistle blowers, genuine activists, and dissidents, many of whom were targeted during the post-Patriot Act era with punitive political investigations waged by western religious jihadis, while the latter category is nearly and very exclusively police and military trained intelligence operators, with Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT) , and special investigators of all kinds ranging from coroners and crime scene investigators to forensic psychologists, and behavioral analysts, as well their friends and associates inside and outside of policing.

Webster tells us a story of these exact same types of people waging targeted harassment, aka “gang stalking” on individuals who challenged “official source narrative,” which, in journalism is a big deal, because all official sources, and the real “good stories” come from “officials,” which some say is counter-productive to the cause of journalism itself.

That other piece is correctly titled “Gangstalking” and also with little surprise, we see persons affiliated with a few county coroners offices and other “official source narrative” across the country engaging in a coverup of the murder (or manslaughter if you will) of a star college athlete.

I ask the reader to decide for themselves, and dig around a bit in the case of Tanner Barton, and have a look at the peculiar facts in that case, outlined at The Odyssey Online, in a piece titled Bad Medicine, by Kaci Dillingham:

The group arrived back at the Lindskoog house by 1:57 AM. Tanner spoke with his girlfriend on the phone from 2:07-2:11 AM. Sometime after this, for reasons unknown, Tanner collapsed.

It was reported that the children woke Jeff Lindskoog to let him know something was wrong with Tanner. By this point, Tanner had begun to foam at the mouth. Rather than calling 911, Jeff instead cleaned the expectorate from Tanner’s mouth and repositioned him. He instructed Michala to sleep near Tanner to keep an eye on him. Nothing more was done. In the morning, Tanner was obviously dead. Jeff compromised the scene by cleaning up the vomit that had pooled around Tanner’s head. At this point, he still did not call 911. Instead, he took photos of Tanner’s body and emailed them to Carol to ask what he should do.

Dr. Todd Cooney was called and consulted for his opinion before paramedics were contacted. Why? Why would Jeff Lindskoog call a veterinarian before he called for emergency services? Michele Barton has a theory. She believes her healthy son died after ingesting ketamine — a substance Cooney had a long and troubled history with. A substance that she believes was provided freely, along with alcohol, to minors in the Lindskoog home. No one called for help the night of Tanner’s death because they were never concerned for him or his well-being. They were only concerned with covering their tracks and protecting themselves.

….follow the links! Connect the dots! Its all there, in the stories above.

Related Links: In the case above we see links to all of the following:

-narrative control agents, including Dr. Phil, and other MSM “Hollywood mafia*” narrators

-many, many forensic and cold case analysts, current and retired police and investigators, as predicted by ROGS Analysis

-that those who have access to official sources “gang up” to control the narrative

-that many of the official sources also pitch “woo” meaning that they are all practitioners and supporters of junk science, ranging from Dr. Phil and psychology, to Oprah Winfrey’s other woo-puppet, Dr. Memet Oz, who has notoriously backed many junk cures and un-scientific studies

So, in these cases notice how the carefully filtered narrative asks all the wrong questions.

Notice that the carefully crafted narrative featured at Dr. Oz’s website avoids asking Dr. Todd Cooney”why didn’t any of you assholes call 911?” or “why did you assholes reposition the guys body, and wipe foam from his mouth as he died?”, and instead, here is the ketamine addict and homeopathic animal doctor Todd Cooney being asked all of the wrong questions by his ally in gang stalking.

What is your response to anyone who may believe you are directly or indirectly responsible for providing the drug Ketamine to Tanner Barton and others present at the home of ***** and **** ********* on April 21st-22nd 2012?


What would you like everyone to know about your connection to the case of Tanner Barton?

Also related here is Oprah Winfrey’s long and sordid history with woo and junk science, as discussed here at Vox media.

*The Hollywood Mafia, like all mafias, is not simply one allied group, but instead consists of many different mafia’s, with the Jewish mob being the most prominent. However, in this case, we see Oprah Winfrey’s gargantuan footprint and media empire active in this narrative.Hollywood narrative control is a feature of many gang stalking complaints and case studies online.

This narrative control even has a name in the public relations industry: brand monitoring

Brand Monitoring Explained: Tips and Tools

Gang Stalking for Journalists: Teri Webster gets gang stalked in Texas

A mother, loses a son, and so, I am re-opening the case of Tanner Barton, who died under suspicious circumstances, as follows, from Teri Webster of the Dallas Morning News:

Most people probably cannot fathom how online trolls or people on apparent power trips* could savagely attack Barton and other grieving families, but what these victims have experienced has a name. It’s called “gangstalking”: harassment that centers on a group effort to surveil, attack, discredit, and silence a target, sometimes to the point of destroying his or her life.

When Barton spoke out on Facebook and Twitter about her son’s death, she found something that surprised her. Other families came forward and told her they have experienced the same types of attacks. They, too, were stalked and discredited for disagreeing with the official theories and conclusions of police and other experts.

Some of the disputes and quests for truth have raged on for years, even decades. Barton and another woman seeking answers in the deaths of their family members were hit with protective orders for comments they wrote on social media. Court papers related to their cases listed no examples of severe, violent threats. Another associate of Barton’s claims she was harassed so relentlessly over her daughter’s death she had to move out of state.

But who are the real gangstalkers here? That depends on which side you ask….

….follow the links, connect the dots in a story entitled “ Gang Stalking” in the Fort Worth Weekly

*As predicted by ROGS Analysis, nearly 100% of gang stalkers in this case are current and former police, investigators, cold case specialists, and quite nefariously, people affiliated with the coroners office, allied with their legions of online bullies and harassers. This pattern repeats in nearly 100% of all gang stalking case studies too.

Journalists are changing the narrative: Targeting Targeted Individuals, by Teri Webster

Journalist Teri Webster, a freelancer who writes extensively in Texas news publications, is changing the narrative of organized gang stalking.

You can read her analysis Targeting Targeted Individuals, where we see good coverage of several of the crackpots and the villains in the dialectic specifically Targeted Justice, a christian intelligence cult that routinely shoots itself in the foot (specifically, here is their response to her article, where they further shoot off their toes on this topic), and many of the tropes of organized gangs of stalkers like “sex offender!” as well as her well sourced account of psychologist Michael Nuccitelli, who was targeted by a group of online harassers who tried to destroy his reputation online(they failed).

Here is my letter to Ms. Webster:

Dear Ms. Webster:

I was once an aspiring journalist, and I published what was likely the nations first article on “manufactured terrorism,” long before noted and award winning journalists like Matt Agorist, or Trevor Aaronson, or others picked that beat.

That article was published in the City College News in 2003, just after the alleged terrorist was arrested after offering himself to the FBI as an informant. My article was not flattering to that agency, its known COINTELPRO, or the emerging evidence that their “terrorist” was “manufactured; or friendly to the full blown and literal police state that was being birthed upon us just afterwards.

Shortly thereafter, I was gang stalked in force, and it did not let up until I left America, and allied myself with foreign persons who could help me “watch the watchers,” whereupon the gang stalking stopped, just like turning off a water faucet.
The only “electronic weapons” that I observed, and documented with evidence during that entire time were wiretaps of various kinds (verified with excellent freeware programs like Wireshark, and other tools that “read” our computers “minds”), obvious surveillance which I sometimes photographed, computer implants–yes, computer code embedded in the Intel and other processor chips of our computers.

I photographed some of the people who followed me around, those people who were photographing me. And, I kept still photos from my security cameras as “mystery people” destroyed them outside my residence, on many occasions. I photgraphed them with hidden cameras as they entered my house during a “black bag job.”

And, I sued a specific security company that had harassed me, and put them out of business too, which enabled several other lawsuits against that company, many of which were covered in the news.

When I read your article on gang stalking, I noted that you said “To borrow a line from The X-Files, let’s just say, “I want to believe,”. My goal is not to convince you, but rather, to “believe” that you actually want to believe. I sensed that in your writing.

SO, Ms. Webster if in fact you want to believe, I suggest that you avoid all of the NSA/CIA/etAlphabet agents, retired spooks, and current and former cops who proliferate in the online dialogues and pollute the internet with their crackpot claims, and ask actual targets of the modern and quite bizarre surveillance about their experiences. You will find those targets everywhere in the activist/dissident/Muslim/LGBT/right-left extremist/and whistle blower communities.

You will find that very few if any of us report bizarre experiences, mystery voices, or lizard people, while ALL of us report surveillance abuse, and bizarre harassment of varying degrees by nameable, traceable agents and agencies. In my own case, every person that I traced using simple SOCMINT and other investigative tools-the same tools that any journalist uses every day.

I have read through your various bio’s before I wrote to you, and also note that your journalism falls into the easy-peezy sort of “public interest” categories which are generally quite flattering to civic arena, and I wish that you take note that your reportage on this topic has performed a sort of disservice to real victims, while upholding a partisan narrative that masks bad behavior by these exact civic structural powers.

If you are interested in separating the wheat from the chaff, I suggest you start at “the strange and hard to grasp truth really is in front of your face, not in some distant galaxy far far away, with aliens, brain zappers, and lots of chat endlessly daring you to prove the negative.”

Best Regards-ROGS